Part 9
Daniel - Part 2In the cab on the way to the Heathrow, Daniel Kealani Pronunciation: (KEH a LA nee) tried calling his brother on his cell phone but with no luck. He left message after message but there was still was no response. He had also tried the landline at the ranch house in Waimea but it was always busy. The flight to San Francisco was thirteen hours long and 5,371 miles (8645 km) away. In San Francisco he could pick up his connecting flight to Kona, which was only 4 ½ hours long and another 2,388 miles (3,843 kilometers) away. That was a total of 7,759 miles or almost 18 hours in the air if he was lucky and if his planes didn’t run into any headwinds. He would be exhausted by the time he reach his destination and lord only knows what he would find when he arrived.
Veritas - Marks & Jonah’s Skype Chat - 3rd draft
After Sara left and while musing over the information his cousin Mathew Kealani in Australia sent him, Mark heard a Skype ping on his computer – Jonah, another friend in New Zealand stationed at an intelligence agency at the Waihopai Valley Government Communications Security Bureau base was chat skyping him. What a coincidence? Or was it?
The functions of the GCSB include signals intelligence, communications security, anti-bugging measures, and computer security. For the purposes of its signals intelligence activities, the GCSB maintains two "listening stations"; a satellite communications interception station at Waihopai and a radio communications interception station at Tangimoana.
Hmmm, was someone already monitoring Mathew’s and his emails? He thought himself too low on the totem pole to be of any consequence and then wondered - what on earth was Mathew up too?
[10/10/10 3:55:36 PM] Jonah: hi Mark - how r u?
[10/10/10 3:56:01 PM] Mark: busy sorting out if these pictures Sara brought in to me are photo shopped, fake or real. And you?
[10/10/10 3:56:15 PM] Jonah: oh cool - just busy at work
[10/10/10 4:01:33 PM] Mark: I was just reading an email from Grace about the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. Finally figured it out.. who is who.
[10/10/10 4:01:50 PM] Jonah: sounds interesting
[10/10/10 4:01:54 PM] Mark: Starseeds…
[10/10/10 4:01:59 PM] Jonah: ok - so who is who?
[10/10/10 4:02:01 PM] Mark: PSI abilities
[10/10/10 4:02:07 PM] Jonah: yes
[10/10/10 4:03:24 PM] Mark: ahhh, have you read James Casbolt? [10/10/10 4:03:38 PM] Jonah: never heard of him
[10/10/10 4:03:43 PM] Mark: but the good guys for the most part are Pleiadians
[10/10/10 4:03:51 PM] Jonah: yes that i did know
[10/10/10 4:03:56 PM] Mark: they have half-human hybrid off spring. I just read where ‘The Tribe of Dan traveled from Dan just below Mt. Hermon and went up into Greece around the time of the Exodus. In Greece, they were known as the Spartans. From Greece they traveled to France where they were the Merovingian Priest-Kings and other French Royal lines.’
Also learned that this is a very holy bloodline with powerful PSI abilities. “Archangel Michael is named as a physical watcher in the Middle East in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The battle between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’ still rages today.
The reality was these ‘Star seed’ descendents had special PSI abilities. These abilities were still in the person’s genetic memory from their star ancestors and included ‘the ability to project their consciousness out of the body and perform an ancient form of advanced remote viewing.’ Information from:[10/10/10 4:06:01 PM] Jonah: very interesting - I’ll have a look at that link
[10/10/10 4:06:18 PM] Mark: It's an eye-opener and I suspect accurate. It is consistent with my cousin’s other research over the years from a variety of sources
[10/10/10 4:06:50 PM] Jonah: I wonder how much of modern corrupt religion came out of that lot
[10/10/10 4:06:59 PM] Mark: most, but it goes way back
[10/10/10 4:07:19 PM] Jonah: yes - 25,000 years?
[10/10/10 4:07:31 PM] Mark: sons of light and sons of darkness have been at war for a very long time - almost over, I hope
[10/10/10 4:07:52 PM] Jonah: I agree. I think we will see tangible changes soon ...just looking at the link now
[10/10/10 4:16:39 PM] Mark: have you heard anything from the Auckland and Wellington Observatories about a strange light in Orion’s belt? Looks like an extra star. Or anything about a Planet X? Supposedly bi-nary star to the sun? Or how about any super big mother UFO ships?
[10/10/10 4:18:34 PM] Jonah: yes - like the ones near the sun?
[10/10/10 4:23:20 PM] Mark: see this?[10/10/10 4:24:13 PM] Jonah: yes saw that - i actually have some images from the NASA site
[10/10/10 4:24:21 PM] Mark: oh?
[10/10/10 4:24:25 PM] Jonah: I’ll get you the google co-ordinates
[10/10/10 4:24:28 PM] Mark: want to pass them on? That would be great
[10/10/10 4:26:26 PM] Jonah: looking now...
[10/10/10 4:26:33 PM] Mark: ok
[10/10/10 4:26:55 PM] Jonah: there is this to start with: (blacked out for security reasons)
[10/10/10 4:27:18 PM] Mark: they have them? …ty
[10/10/10 4:28:57 PM] Mark: I think ET was working with the sun
[10/10/10 4:29:26 PM] Jonah: hmm doing what?
[10/10/10 4:29:32 PM] Mark: I had heard reports from inside sources how they were trying to prevent massive CMEs and solar flares. They are working towards altering the timeline again and the future with respect to the sun's activity. ET is helping.
[10/10/10 4:31:47 PM] Jonah: which ET?
[10/10/10 4:32:05 PM] Mark: that I don't know but I do know who it isn't... grays and reppies. Maybe I'm wrong. It could be them if they didn't want to see X-rays and gamma rays from the Sun help humankind make a genetic leap of species. After all it is now becoming more known that periods of radiation cause people to become more intelligent and make great advances in society.
[10/10/10 4:32:43 PM] Jonah: I hear a lot about the Galactic Federation of Light - wonder where they feature in all this?
[10/10/10 4:33:02 PM] Mark: they want the major earth disaster as does J-rod from the future because that is what happens in their timeline - otherwise they may not exist if earth escapes its predicted catastrophes.. but if the Reptilians are in control of what is happening with the sun and prevent the increased gamma rays and X-rays from reaching the earth they could stay in control of the governments of earth. And I just had another bazaar thought. What if the chem-trails from airplanes are also an shadow government attempt (controlled by the Son's of Darkness) to prevent these X-rays and gamma rays from reaching human kind with all those chemical cloud covers they create?
[10/10/10 4:33:55 PM] Jonah: hang on - I thought these ET's were supposed to be from 4th plus density and operating outside time
[10/10/10 4:34:18 PM] Mark: future ETs, 46,000 years - not sure how this all plays out as it is very complicated. Burish worked with a J-rod. I think that is what the J-rod told him
[10/10/10 4:35:21 PM] Jonah: yes P+46 and P+52
[10/10/10 4:35:39 PM] Mark: correct
[10/10/10 4:35:54 PM] Jonah: the 52's are supposed to be the good guys
[10/10/10 4:35:59 PM] Mark: yes
[10/10/10 4:36:21 PM] Mark: well who knows... the grays want to populate earth with their gray/human hybrids - the reppies want us for dinner, neither seems attenable
[10/10/10 4:37:01 PM] Jonah: I just don't know what to believe!!!
[10/10/10 4:37:16 PM] Mark: understood – it’s very confusing.
[10/10/10 4:39:41 PM] Mark: just being a human being is a big enough job
[10/10/10 4:39:50 PM] Jonah: BTW here are the co-ordinates for the spy base: -41.576389, 173.738889 where the other info is located at in New Zealand.
[10/10/10 4:40:23 PM] Mark: wow! …ty
I look at it like this... these star beings are our ancestors - and unfortunately the recent human hybrids have bugs (hive-mind) and lizards as their ancestors. I wonder if they all have PSI abilities…? One would think so. All of life is created by god... even star beings - and the battle between light and dark is throughout galaxies, meaning the lessons must be learned whoever it is; choices must be made. Life is about learning and growing and expanding to include the impossible.
[10/10/10 4:41:50 PM] Jonah: so that still begs the question: What happens to us at the end of the cycle?
[10/10/10 4:45:07 PM] Mark: no one knows. The future is not written in cement. We still have a say and have an affect on what is to be. A conscious collective consciousness is a verra, verra powerful thing.
[10/10/10 4:46:43 PM] Jonah: yes
[10/10/10 4:46:45 PM] Mark: I do think the galactic super wave will come and it will wake those asleep up. Then it's anybody’s guess, but to be honest - wonder about the wave too.
[10/10/10 4:48:34 PM] Jonah: yes i agree with that much - the blue light of the wave that has been on its way for 25,000+ years
[10/10/10 4:49:00 PM] Mark: some think 2012 will be just like any other day and it will be and others are convinced the galactic wave is heading our way now
[10/10/10 4:49:15 PM] Jonah: well i guess time will tell!
[10/10/10 4:49:25 PM] Mark: yup - in the meantime, chop wood and carry water (smile)
[10/10/10 4:50:31 PM] Jonah: indeed - just live life as we are meant to and whatever will be, will be
[10/10/10 4:50:31 PM] Mark: meaning the only thing we need to worry about is our daily lie
[10/10/10 4:50:33 PM] Mark: lie
[10/10/10 4:50:35 PM] Mark: life
[10/10/10 4:50:39 PM] Mark: f is sticking
[10/10/10 4:50:46 PM] Jonah: yup - that too
[10/10/10 4:51:39 PM] Mark: so what do you plan to do next?
[10/10/10 4:51:50 PM] Jonah: next?
[10/10/10 4:52:50 PM] Mark: I don't know about the GFL
[10/10/10 4:53:11 PM] Jonah: well they feature in a LOT of changelings
[10/10/10 4:53:15 PM] Mark: I really don't go along with channeling - some believe and others not
[10/10/10 4:53:28 PM] Jonah: hmm
[10/10/10 4:53:36 PM] Mark: been there, done that, am over it
[10/10/10 4:53:46 PM] Jonah: (smirk)
[10/10/10 4:53:52 PM] Mark: I prefer direct ET contact – hopefully from the human looking aliens
[10/10/10 4:54:04 PM] Jonah: yup - that would be the ultimate
[10/10/10 4:54:16 PM] Mark: if they have something to say do it in person
[10/10/10 4:54:25 PM] Jonah: if they are out there i wish they would just get the hell on with it!
[10/10/10 4:54:34 PM] Mark: they are and they do - there are over 114 different types
[10/10/10 4:54:55 PM] Jonah: i need to see tangible evidence at the end of the day
[10/10/10 4:54:59 PM] Mark: but they are talking with others
[10/10/10 4:55:05 PM] Jonah: i.e. CONTACT
[10/10/10 4:55:08 PM] Mark: Billie Miers was on target, a contactee.
[10/10/10 4:55:10 PM] Jonah: yes, yes - i believe he is
[10/10/10 4:55:37 PM] Mark: so there are authentic contactees who share what they know
[10/10/10 4:56:02 PM] Jonah: what do u think of Sheldon Nidle?
[10/10/10 4:56:08 PM] Mark: not sure about Nidle. I think it’s about humankind waking up
[10/10/10 4:56:15 PM] Jonah: yes definitely
[10/10/10 4:56:20 PM] Mark: what is your take on him
[10/10/10 4:56:32 PM] Jonah: I "feel" he is credible
[10/10/10 4:56:54 PM] Mark: link?
[10/10/10 4:57:00 PM] Jonah: standby..
[10/10/10 4:57:06 PM] Mark: ok
[10/10/10 4:57:24 PM] Jonah:[10/10/10 4:58:06 PM] Mark: is he a channeler?
[10/10/10 4:58:15 PM] Jonah: contactee - there is also:[10/10/10 4:58:30 PM] Jonah: all very similar messages, and of course,[10/10/10 4:59:36 PM] Mark: Blossom does not do it for me at all. I’ve read some of Mathew messages – similar. I'm just practical.
[10/10/10 5:01:32 PM] Jonah: i go on my instinct - gut feel. It has always served me well
[10/10/10 5:01:55 PM] Mark: indeed - so what does your gut tell you?
[10/10/10 5:02:28 PM] Jonah: that something big is about to happen - late this year or early next
[10/10/10 5:02:43 PM] Mark: ahhh - well I fully expect a major financial meltdown after the elections in Nov
[10/10/10 5:03:20 PM] Jonah: yes i agree - it will go global
[10/10/10 5:04:06 PM] Mark: global... hmm, don't suppose they are going to try to introduce a new currency or the global standard? - for the global standard?
[10/10/10 5:04:53 PM] Mark: I would love to see free energy get out into the Market. ET’s are very involved with China. Do you think it might be ET related or some more earth changes?
[10/10/10 5:05:38 PM] Jonah: yes i get that too
[10/10/10 5:05:59 PM] Mark: They really want to take down the US
[10/10/10 5:06:05 PM] Jonah: both - out with the old - in with the new. End of the Illuminati helped by the ET's
[10/10/10 5:06:44 PM] Mark: hmmm, what a shock to America - only their money will be good in the US, not elsewhere. Well we only have 26 months left until 2013
[10/10/10 5:07:56 PM] Jonah: yup - 802 days until 21 Dec 2012
[10/10/10 5:08:16 PM] Mark: Astralwaker was saying the sun would do major stuff in 2013, expand and then slough off it's exterior like taking off a coat
[10/10/10 5:08:37 PM] Jonah: well i suspect we won't be here in this Density then
[10/10/10 5:08:38 PM] Mark: See the moving ‘The Knowing’...? That is what he thinks will happen.
I'm so confused Jonah. I listened to Andrew Basiago talking about time traveling to the future - 2047 (?) in New Mexico and things looked great. Now how is that if we all go off to another density... unless he went there?
[10/10/10 5:10:35 PM] Jonah: did he report any animals or people?
[10/10/10 5:11:00 PM] Mark: people on those scooter mobiles
[10/10/10 5:11:42 PM] Jonah: perhaps time travel doesn't take into account density shift. Also timelines vary from moment to moment - like Quantum realities.
[10/10/10 5:12:04 PM] Mark: I listened to over 15 hours of different interviews with him. I think he is telling the truth
[10/10/10 5:12:20 PM] Jonah: yes and that is just it - his truth. Events and timelines are what we create for ourselves - we have the power of creation by thought - law of attraction
[10/10/10 5:13:12 PM] Mark: in fact I recall reading about quantum physics and just how advanced our secret gov scientists really are. That’s why their very advanced quantum physics research in on Mars in the future
[10/10/10 5:13:43 PM] Jonah: you talking about jump room technology?
[10/10/10 5:13:54 PM] Mark: that and other stuff
[10/10/10 5:14:31 PM] Jonah: yes - i think the negative ET's gave us (well them) a lot of advanced technology before they bugged out in 1995
[10/10/10 5:16:31 PM] Mark: who bugged out?
[10/10/10 5:17:03 PM] Jonah: the negative ET's that were working with the US Govt, not sure which group - the group controlling the Greys
[10/10/10 5:17:48 PM] Mark: the grays and reppies are still here - the group controlling the greys are the reptilians
[10/10/10 5:18:12 PM] Jonah: yes well you see i thought the planet had been quarantined
[10/10/10 5:18:42 PM] Mark: some left, not all.. in fact according to what I read they were coming back for an invasion in 2012
[10/10/10 5:18:58 PM] Jonah: were?
[10/10/10 5:19:09 PM] Mark: but the son's of light will stop them or so I read
[10/10/10 5:19:16 PM] Mark: earth
[10/10/10 5:19:21 PM] Jonah: ok, so who are the SOL?
[10/10/10 5:19:28 PM] Mark: everyone likes earth for its resources
[10/10/10 5:19:42 PM] Mark: the good ETs and ancestors of the human race
[10/10/10 5:20:01 PM] Jonah: Interesting acronym - SOL because that is the name of our Sun
[10/10/10 5:20:12 PM] Mark: ahhh, yes
[10/10/10 5:21:04 PM] Jonah: so - do they come from a higher Density???
[10/10/10 5:21:17 PM] Mark: off-world
[10/10/10 5:21:25 PM] Jonah: yesssss
[10/10/10 5:21:46 PM] Mark: not sure about the inter-dimensional
[10/10/10 5:21:52 PM] Jonah: ahh
[10/10/10 5:21:57 PM] Mark: those in human form yes
[10/10/10 5:22:13 PM] Mark: we can all travel inter-dimensionally
[10/10/10 5:22:17 PM] Jonah: then they may well reside in/on the sun in a higher Density
[10/10/10 5:22:22 PM] Mark: we have the ability - there is that
[10/10/10 5:22:34 PM] Jonah: we have just forgotten - the veil
[10/10/10 5:23:13 PM] Mark: I've heard reference to that in the past... head for the sun and not the tunnel of light - then Pane said head or the center of the Milky Way - it gets confusing when the information is conflicting and then Pane has a mark against him with respect to the grays - meaning the grays can be deceitful little buggers and out for themselves so who knows if the info they share is accurate - is Pane getting is info from the grays is what I wonder about
[10/10/10 5:26:05 PM] Jonah: i would say head for the centre of the universe - meet the incoming wave ...but the sun would be a good starting point
[10/10/10 5:27:02 PM] Mark: center of Milky Way... now there we are, without our body trying to figure out where the hell is the center of the Milky Way
[10/10/10 5:27:36 PM] Jonah: i think at that point it would be more intuitive
[10/10/10 5:28:01 PM] Mark: hah!
[10/10/10 5:28:08 PM] Jonah: hmmm - who knows?
[10/10/10 5:28:22 PM] Mark: just use intention - that should do it, right? Say... first I would like to go to the center of the sun - I think
[10/10/10 5:29:03 PM] Jonah: no idea - just cos you no longer have a body doesn't put u in a higher Density - so that might be a problem
[10/10/10 5:29:16 PM] Mark: Is the Sun a portal and if so to where?
[10/10/10 5:29:43 PM] Jonah: i believe the energy emanating from the galaxy goes through the Sun - then the Earth - to us
[10/10/10 5:29:59 PM] Mark: That is the thing about portals... where do they end up?
[10/10/10 5:30:09 PM] Jonah: now that IS the question
[10/10/10 5:30:21 PM] Mark: hmm, now that is an interesting concept and one I've not thought of before
[10/10/10 5:31:20 PM] Jonah: and i know that there is higher energy coming from "out there" - I have felt it. I was at home not too long ago... I felt nauseous all of a sudden for no reason...
[10/10/10 5:31:49 PM] Mark: Stargates, I understand, but dimensional portals is another ball of wax
[10/10/10 5:32:09 PM] Jonah: next day I read in a channel that there was an increased energy wave ...and that was one of the consequences
[10/10/10 5:32:40 PM] Mark: hmmm, no wonder you believe channeling. Who was the channeler?
[10/10/10 5:32:55 PM] Jonah: trying to think who it was...sorry cannot remember
[10/10/10 5:33:11 PM] Mark: ok
[10/10/10 5:36:10 PM] Jonah: I have to say my life has been altered and save too many times for there not to be an intelligent universe
[10/10/10 5:36:36 PM] Mark: I absolutely concur. Too many close calls and still here means something bigger is going on.
[10/10/10 5:37:32 PM] Jonah: yes - we were meant to be here for the end of times - I am utterly convinced
[10/10/10 5:37:35 PM] Mark: How did you almost bite the dust in the past?
[10/10/10 5:37:56 PM] Jonah: Fell asleep whilst driving on a windy road at 100kph - was woken by someone grabbing my upper left arm and shaking me awake - twice - and I was the only person in the car!
[10/10/10 5:38:40 PM] Mark: omg!
[10/10/10 5:38:44 PM] Jonah: i would have died for sure
[10/10/10 5:39:14 PM] Mark: that would have made a believer out of me for sure!
[10/10/10 5:39:43 PM] Jonah: well it did me - I didn't put it together until much later in life when i became involved with all this
[10/10/10 5:40:12 PM] Mark: anything else?
[10/10/10 5:40:11 PM] Jonah: THAT is how I know
[10/10/10 5:41:08 PM] Mark: ahhh
[10/10/10 5:41:30 PM] Mark: What do you think of the PX stuff... fact or fiction?
[10/10/10 5:41:40 PM] Jonah: PX - no idea what that is
[10/10/10 5:41:52 PM] Mark: Planet X – Nibiru
[10/10/10 5:42:03 PM] Jonah: Ahh - hmm don't know - 50/50 on that
[10/10/10 5:42:18 PM] Mark: - in 1976 Zecharia Sitchin published The Twelfth Planet -Nibiru, “a planet is approaching our Solar System and is the cause of great concern for those who know about such cosmic phenomena. These facts are duly related through all the “Universal Floods” of different religions and cultures. The consequence of the very close proximity of Nibiru will be great upheaval in all corners of our planet. The internal fire will bring about innumerable volcanoes and earthquakes. When Nibiru is very close, a complete revolution of the Earth’s axis will take place. Throughout all the ages, great sages have thoroughly investigated the return of the “Red planet” and have alerted us about this cosmic phenomenon”
I just remembered… duh! My cousin Luke was at the Vatican Observatory here in Arizona five years ago and claimed to have seen PX. Said it was red/brown and difficult to spot. I just dismissed it and forgot he said he’d spotted it.
[10/10/10 5:42:23 PM] Jonah: I don't feel anything on that
[10/10/10 5:42:47 PM] Mark: could be another mother ship disguised as a planet
[10/10/10 5:43:02 PM] Jonah: maybe
[10/10/10 5:43:08 PM] Jonah: ...other things...
[10/10/10 5:43:21 PM] Mark: heck, the ship in front of the sun in the NASA photos is the size of earth
[10/10/10 5:43:34 PM] Jonah: how about i have known each building I eventually was going to work in - except the one i am in now!
[10/10/10 5:43:50 PM] Mark: some think it is a binary star to the sun
[10/10/10 5:43:55 PM] Jonah: nah
[10/10/10 5:44:17 PM] Mark: Now that is good. You have precognition abilities
[10/10/10 5:44:27 PM] Jonah: oh yes - it happens a lot
[10/10/10 5:44:41 PM] Mark: hmm, tell me more?
[10/10/10 5:44:42 PM] Jonah: I just know that I am meant to be where I am right now. The directions my life has taken has led me to where i am now
[10/10/10 5:45:35 PM] Mark: okay.. understood
[10/10/10 5:45:57 PM] Jonah: It is like a life contract - led and directed but with free-will still playing a part Every time i have gotten off track - i have been put back on
[10/10/10 5:46:23 PM] Mark: understand that one too - my BIGGY was when Christ appeared before me. Made me a confirmed believer
[10/10/10 5:47:15 PM] Jonah: It has been frustrating at times - when I have wanted to head in one direction everything has conspired to stop it and send me where I am meant to go
[10/10/10 5:47:49 PM] Mark: omg, I can't tell you how many times that has happened on this end too
[10/10/10 5:48:04 PM] Jonah: There you go - put it all together now
[10/10/10 5:48:04 PM] Mark: Roadblocks
[10/10/10 5:48:08 PM] Jonah: yup
[10/10/10 5:48:22 PM] Mark: career wise... a very narrow path to follow
[10/10/10 5:48:28 PM] Jonah: yup
[10/10/10 5:48:36 PM] Jonah: always the same "theme"
[10/10/10 5:49:02 PM] Mark: There is one road I would have like to taken and my life would have been so different
[10/10/10 5:49:17 PM] Jonah: bet you wouldn't have been able to do it. I believe everything happens for a reason, as do the people we have contact with - just like us right now - as i said everything happens for a reason
[10/10/10 5:55:14 PM] Mark: some lessons can be very painful
[10/10/10 5:55:26 PM] Jonah: yes - but that is agreed before incarnation - then you are born and the veil of forgetting drops in
[10/10/10 5:55:47 PM] Mark: true, I did remember some
[10/10/10 5:56:05 PM] Jonah: your guides do their best to help you along and remember what you came here for - they step in at the right moment - as in my case with the car - i was not meant to die. I am meant to be here for the end times
[10/10/10 5:57:00 PM] Mark: it seems so much easier in between with no veil and then kaboom
[10/10/10 5:57:22 PM] Jonah: yup - and that is what the higher Densities are all about. They too have life lessons. They are just aware of them and we are not - it also means that lessons take much longer in higher Densities. much would you learn from a Poker game where the hand is known? There would be no chance involved, as the outcome is already known.
[10/10/10 5:59:57 PM] Mark: well I certainly never thought of it like that before
[10/10/10 6:00:16 PM] Jonah: 3rd Density or Duality is literally Light and Dark
[10/10/10 6:00:37 PM] Mark: BTW, Sara skyped me about something she and you were going to do?
[10/10/10 6:00:39 PM] Jonah: we have to descend into the Dark in order to learn the lesson and find the Light. …yes
[10/10/10 6:00:52 PM] Mark: I like that
[10/10/10 6:01:08 PM] Jonah: we are now "in the Light" at the very end of the cycle
[10/10/10 6:01:23 PM] Mark: what are you two planning on doing?
[10/10/10 6:01:35 PM] Jonah: set up a lightworkers website
[10/10/10 6:02:10 PM] Mark: and what will you do?
[10/10/10 6:02:15 PM] Jonah: it will have just the sort of things we have talked about today
[10/10/10 6:02:34 PM] Mark: ahh
[10/10/10 6:02:36 PM] Jonah: I'm really just facilitating - but I might contribute
[10/10/10 6:02:58 PM] Mark: hmm
[10/10/10 6:03:13 PM] Jonah: today was co-incidental BTW - just saw u online ...mind you there really is no such thing as co-incidence
[10/10/10 6:03:59 PM] Mark: agreed
[10/10/10 6:04:04 PM] Jonah: Anyway Grasshopper - what have we learned today?
[10/10/10 6:04:09 PM] Mark: I usually don't spend time skyping anymore. We have learned you don't think PX is out there but that the blue wave is.
[10/10/10 6:04:54 PM] Jonah: yes
[10/10/10 6:05:09 PM] Mark: and you?
[10/10/10 6:05:26 PM] Jonah: we have also learned that we are here for a life purpose and guided along the way
[10/10/10 6:05:58 PM] Mark: this is true
[10/10/10 6:06:40 PM] Jonah: and now I must go - take care - might try to get you online from home next week
[10/10/10 6:07:16 PM] Mark: me too... thank you for the time friend
[10/10/10 6:07:25 PM] Jonah: anytime
[10/10/10 6:07:51 PM] Mark: I'll me here working on this new data... enjoy the links and thank you or the other links too
[10/10/10 6:08:00 PM] Jonah: no probs - c u
[10/10/10 6:08:11 PM] Mark: (wave)