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    The Search for Truth


    Posts : 23317
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    The Search for Truth Empty The Search for Truth

    Post  mudra Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:54 pm

    "It is important that we can develop our intuition so we can determine our own truth and stop living our lives by somebody else's truth. We accept so much today because 'that's the way it has always been'. Is it now time to open our minds and our hearts a little more and begin to question some of the 'accepted truths' and 'inverted truths' we are surrounded with? We hope to bring a balanced viewpoint, explaining and dispelling many of the doubts and fears we may have due to the confusion created by the plethora of information which is now openly accessible to many people. Information, which we trust will allow us to develop our own individuality and our own truths so we can encourage the growth of our intuitive side and come to our own realisations of what is true and what is not. Instead of having to rely on others all of the time. Some of whom, may not even be telling the truth or the whole truth.

    Steve Gamble"

    I am sharing Steve Gamble's work here as I am finding it interesting .
    I am not putting this here in opposition to anyone's beliefs .
    As Steve would say himself we all carry our own truth .
    When we start to look for the truth outside of ourselves this is where conflict , opposing ideas and confusion will arise.
    His analysis may be disturbing to some . The subjects covered range from religion, Spiritual teachings , New age movement , history , Aids, pharmacology ...
    I appreciate however his invite to look at the world from a new angle .. his reminder that our most precious gift is our core divine self and that this is where it all begins .

    Love Always

    The Search for Truth Shop1a

    Part 1:[/b[b]]: Excerpt a

    Physicists tell us that life comes from the space inside an atom and even from the ‘space’ within the space within an atom. Everything comes from within, not from without. Life itself is created and sustained from that which resides within. We only need to look at how a seed sprouts and transforms itself into a beautiful plant with leaves, buds, flowers and fruit, or into a giant oak tree, to appreciate this. Creation works from in, to out, from its centre, expanding forever outwards. All higher vibrations come from our higher vibratory selves and ultimately from the source of all there is - the infinite seed within. The Ahnu, the source of all life (see later) feeds itself energy from within. Ahnu’s are everywhere and probably no more beautifully represented than they are in Nature and in Man. When we channel energy without using the intellect, the energies come from that purity, which lies within each and every one of us, from that eternal and infinite space inside. The more we look inside anything, the more space, the more ‘life’ we will find. Others have been telling us the same story for thousands of years that everything comes from this ‘internal source’. For those of you who have sat in this space and wondered and exalted at the immensity of it all, the peace, the beauty, the serenity and the overall magnitude of everything; you will all know that although one feels so small, yet safe and secure in this expanse of space, one also experiences the incredible feeling and emotion of being one with everything at the same time.

    What comes from this experience is the understanding that the outside universe is merely a reflection of that which exists inside us, each and every one of us; reflected so we can experience it with our physical senses – with one major difference. The major difference is that the inner reality is reflected but distorted by the mind. We create in our own image and we create by thought; thought being energy. Therefore, the outside world is merely a distorted version of what lies within, distorted by the mind/intellect/ego energy, which in the time scale of the evolution of Mankind is relatively young and immature. Whatever we experience inwardly we project outwardly through the process of thought and it is manifested. There are only two emotions, fear and love. Anger, jealousy, embarrassment, hate, revenge etc., are all emotions of fear. Is it any wonder that in the world we live in the thoughts of 5 billion plus people on this planet are generally based on fear? Can we appreciate and understand how our mind and our emotional fears can alter this inner truth and purity, and reflect a distorted version of this purity into the outside world? Could these unbalanced energies and thought forms have formulated the world as we currently know it and continue to do so with the conditioning and controlling influences of Man’s ego/intellect, which is still so prevalent and prominent in the world today? This man-made world is full of chaotic energies, fears, thought-forms, false gods, false angels and so much more – otherwise this world would be a better place in which to live and I’m sure we would notice.

    We are like goldfish swimming in a goldfish bowl; swimming around in ever continuing circles and at every turn believing we are seeing something new, something different, which attracts our fancy each and every time. But just like the goldfish, when we come across Man’s duplicity again we have forgotten that we have ever come across it in the first place. Or, would it be more appropriate to say we have not been allowed to remember? The illusion has cleverly recreated exactly the same scenario it has always created, with its conditioning and controlling factors in place ready to capture, ensnare and erode the spiritual search of Man. The only difference is they are using models that have had face-lifts, sport new hairstyles and new clothes. That’s all. So like the goldfish we fail to recognise we have ever experienced anything like it before.

    Physicists will also tell us that matter (the human body for example) is inert. Matter can only ‘come alive’ or become animated when it is infused with the Ether – space/energy. For those of you who have read some of my other articles you may remember the mention of an atom being 99.999% space and as we and everything else are made up of atoms, then we consist of 99.999% space, only it doesn’t appear that way. Let us take this a step further. An atom is also, therefore, made up of 0.0001% matter; therefore we are made up of 0.0001% matter too. The human body consists of 0.0001% matter and 99.999% space (Ether/light/energy - Spirit). Yet taking this into account we focus 99. 999% of our attention on the 0.0001% of what our human existence consists of, the inert part, matter: and we further consider this to be the only reality that can possibly exist – the physical, materialistic world, which we live in. I repeat, we spend 99% of our time concentrating on the 1% of who and what we are. Is this not wholly disproportionate to the true reality of what is? Why do we continue to do this? Why do we continue to ignore the 99.999% of who and what we are? We all have this wonderful space inside us; a space consisting of light and truth and a great expansive realm of possibilities to explore and enjoy. Can we possibly imagine what we are missing out on? Yet we continue to allow ourselves to be attracted and deceived by the false light and labels of the mind/ego/intellect, which are designed to attract light seekers and encourage them to look outside themselves for the answers. We see the red light in the window, enter the door and begin to give our power and control away to lower vibrational energies. The outside illusionary world created by our thoughts is merely prostitution of our spirituality, put to an unworthy use.

    We have, for so long now been deceived by the Hierarchy, (the ego consciousness) that we have forgotten what vibration the truth resonates at and how we can resonate with it. This is why, when we begin this wonderful inner journey, this exploration of our own space through meditation, we tend to become disillusioned too easily. What do we generally experience first? We experience the great darkness and the ceaseless chatter of everyday life and nothing seems to happen. This mind/ego/intellect combination has been so readied and primed by the conditioning and programming it has been subjected to over the years, that it will try at all costs to stop us from discovering our true reality. So much so that in our meditations nothing spectacular seems to happen at all and we become annoyed with the incessant chatter and become even more disillusioned and enter our spiritual search mode, once again recommencing that same old journey of looking externally for the answers. Yet those who have persevered with this marvellous journey have been justly rewarded.

    Eventually the chatter slows down and then disappears, the darkness lifts and is replaced with improving light and colour and the voice of the inner self; the intuitive voice which we rarely hear becomes stronger and begins to sing the song of truth and light. We can then truly begin to explore this wonderful reality that exists in each and every one of us. We can shop in our own Shopping Mall for whatever we need, to our hearts content. When we are adjusted to this vibration of truth and light, we can see that within us lie the most exquisite treasures and wonders one could possibly behold. Amongst this immense and enchanting beauty of the many different worlds, which we can experience, we are also able to teach ourselves through the process of inner tuition. This is where the word ‘intuition’ comes from, and we can teach ourselves in a personal and symbolic way, all the knowledge and wisdom we need to know from time to time. We then wonder why we ever allowed ourselves to be tempted by the red light into looking externally for the answers at all. Meditation (stillness) helps to slow and stop the chatter of the conscious mind, but to go further is more like an inner journey using the stillness as a door to enter this realm of inner possibilities, which exists in each of us.

    However, the false light of the illusion remains much easier to see because of its lower vibrations and many people without the virtue of patience, dedication and perseverance to stay with their inner journey will naturally and innocently be attracted by this light, though not knowing what it is, or what feeds it. Christ warned us 2000 years ago that we were making a mistake by placing our faith in the wrong God. Christ warned us there were two Gods and that we were following the false god and his false angels and their false truths. The true God, the Creator; was a God from above the Heavens who we could not see, not a false god created by Man who we can meet in the mountains and who rules with fear, control, belligerence, anger, fire and brimstone, jealousy, war, death, sacrifice, hypocrisy and downright deceit. Is this an uncanny description of how the world is run today? The ‘intelligence’ initially responsible for the creation and development of the ego consciousness and the ‘people’ who are responsible for enforcing its bewitching powers today, keep our search for the truth external by working through the weakness and gullibility of our intellect/mind/ego consciousness.

    Materialistic beliefs and desires easily drive these lower intellectual vibrations of consciousness and so over the years it has become easy to erode the memory of who we are, where we come from and where our true spirituality lies. Why should we choose to invoke these false gods and false angels with their false truths and false energies? There are wonderful and exquisite energies here all the time, more so when we do healing work. They come without the need to invoke Man’s tainted creation, so why should we make their task more difficult by bringing in man-made predatory equivalents through the use of invocations and unbalanced symbols?

    Read more here:

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 23317
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 70
    Location : belgium

    The Search for Truth Empty Re: The Search for Truth

    Post  mudra Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:15 pm

    The Search for Truth
    By Steve Gamble

    Part 1: excerpt b

    We cannot climb a mountain by camping at the base and hoping to be at the top when we wake up in the morning. As with ascending a mountain, spirituality too should be taken one step at a time. When we begin searching for our spiritual selves we have two places where we can shop. We can shop in our inner Shopping Mall, the Shopping Mall for Truth and Light or we can shop in the Illusionary Shopping Mall. The difference being, our inner Mall is at the top of the mountain and is difficult to see and reach, whereas the illusionary Mall is always in front of us and is lit up like Blackpool Illuminations so we cannot fail to see it, or reach it. Too many people want the spiritual path to be quick and easy because there are so many methods out there which offer the same easy fix. People become a ‘Master’ in a weekend and so others want it too. Others may offer a longer solution at more cost but with the same outcome. As long as we look for the easy fix there will always be modalities out there offering a fast solution. We are our own Master if we can just access that aspect of ourselves. When we start this incredible journey the illusionary light will always appear brighter to attract us and ensnare us, just as it has over thousands of years through religion.

    The illusionary Shopping Mall is more modernised these days with its Reiki shops, Sekhem shops, Karuna shops and a whole range more, the list is endless. Only we don’t buy our goods from these places with credit cards, we pay with our spirituality and our health and the well being of not only ourselves, but of the whole of humanity and Mother Earth. If our jug is constantly empty because we keep giving our power away, we are not able to quench our own thirst let alone the thirst of other people.

    We are all from the same source and we are all equal. Nobody is better than we are and likewise we are no better than anybody else is. We are, after all, all one and the same. Most people who call themselves a Master are a master of nothing, least of all themselves. A true Master will never call themselves a Master or tell you what they can do and what abilities they have. Only somebody living in his or her ego will do this. A true Master will become known as a Master by his followers or disciples over time because of the energy, warmth, light and truth they radiate and the sheer pleasure one gains from being in their presence.

    There are so many self-styled Masters and Gurus out there today that tell us they have amazing abilities and talents. To the vast majority of us there is just no way of determining whether what they are saying is true or not. Their stories are impossible sometimes to corroborate because they are so fantastic. In fact, the stories are so fantastic and wonderful at times that we naturally want to believe them because we want the stories to be true and we want to be part of this ‘incredible’ adventure. And so we start to give our power away again. These type of people feed on our power. Our power feeds their over inflated ego’s. They may even tell us what star system we originate from, or what part of the Solar System we first incarnated on. They may even tell us about some of our past lives, although my experience has shown they say many of the same things to many different people. I know of a number of people who were told by the same ‘guru’ that they all had the same past life. Now that must have been one crowded body. These people love to emphasise their own self importance and may even tell us of some of their own alleged past lives; always important people though, such as Merlin, Nostradamus, Tesla, Einstein or even Christ.

    I know of one person who actually said he had had all of the aforementioned past lives, even though Tesla and Einstein lived at the same time. Some may even change their own names calling themselves after so-called ‘Gods’ and ‘Angels’ to impress us, such is their ego. I know one guy who firmly believes his son is God reborn and named him after one of his so-called past lives. These so-called Gurus/Masters gain their information and knowledge from reading many many books, listening to stories related by other people and from other peoples meditations. Some of these people are very clever and their façade can be at times difficult to see through, although if we tread the central path and look hard and long enough we will start to see the face behind the mask. Most of these people have a very shallow energy field too and can also appear to be very cold, emotionless people. When questioned about their abilities and their stories, which at times just don’t’ add up, their energy fields turn very black as the emotional/ego body kicks in. In India where spirituality is a way of life, bad breath is classed as a dead give away for somebody who has something to hide.

    However, because these people have bought into the lower vibration of ego they cannot exist in the light of truth and we have nothing to fear from them. When we realise this and realise who and what these people truly are, we stop feeding their ego and their power is weakened and ultimately taken away. We then see them for what they truly are, sad, lonely and insecure people, who need to create a fantasy world in which they can live to avoid dealing with the issues they have buried deep within themselves. Some of these people become pathological liars and begin to firmly believe that they do live in this illusionary world they have created around themselves and which they expect everybody else to live in too. If we can dispel the ego of an individual by refusing to give them our power to feed on, then we can do like-wise with the combined ego of this man-made illusion, which surrounds us all. If more of us were to do just this, then surely we would help to purify the consciousness of Mother Earth, which nurtures us all? If we stop feeding anything it will eventually die!

    The simple answer to healing work in particular, is to ALLOW, no symbols, no invocations, in fact no mind input at all because all it does is distort or limit the energies being channelled and further blocks the intuitive side from coming through. [However, sometimes it is valid to ask for help from aspects of oneself when doing inner journeys and distant healing]. We keep giving our power away to other people, to invocations and to the use of symbols, believing they all play a more important part in the healing process and life itself. By giving our power away and focusing on unbalanced energies outside of us we are feeding the predatory consciousness and it becomes increasingly more difficult to remain balanced and centred, at one with ALL THAT IS within us. By doing this we are blocking our intuitive side and stopping ourselves from moving further along this wonderful path. The answer and truth of everything lies within each of us. It is only by going within that we will find our centre, our balance, connect more consciously with our spirit and connect with our true being, which in turn enables us to channel the most purest energies of all, because they come from the balanced source within. All we need to do is to say thank you when we have finished.

    Balance is a state of being, a state of calmness and extreme stillness amidst the chaos and turmoil that passes itself off as being the ‘true’ reality in which we live. Like a tornado, which weaves its chaotic magic by creating destruction, devastation and imbalance with and within everything it touches, so too does man. Like a tornado has its inner peace - the eye of the storm - so too has Man. The centre of every storm is absolute peace, pure stillness and utter calm - complete balance amongst all the surrounding chaos. The centre of Man is no different. We need to find this inner centre, this inner balance, our own area of absolute stillness to avoid living in our own and everybody else’s chaos. A storm is only one example of how Nature shows us where and how we can find this balance, this space and inner peace of pure tranquillity.

    There is no greater force than that of equilibrium. Everything, every energy, every vibration ultimately strives to reach its own perfect state of balance. We are no different. If we continue to look and focus our attention outside of us, all we will see and experience is the chaos of the storm and we will never find our inner self, our true being, who and what we really are. In attempting to reach this calm equalised state of being, it is only natural that everything including ourselves will tend to begin by swinging wildly from one extreme of chaos to another, just as a pendulum swings. We are constantly traversing the chaotic aspect of the storm if you like, passing fleetingly through that perfect balance somewhere along the way without consciously recognising or acknowledging it for what it truly is, except just enough perhaps, for our inner self, our intuitive side to register there is more to this life than we presently understand. This may explain why many of us keep searching for this something, this ‘more to life’, yet remain unsure of just what it is we are actually searching for.

    Just as the universe may eventually cease to expand and begin to flow back towards its source, we too are beginning to stop searching forever outwards to find truth and balance. Through realisation, some may say awakening, we are beginning that opposite swing of the pendulum back towards our true inner selves and searching inwards, back towards balance, towards the centre away from the chaos and finally towards the peace and understanding of Oneness itself. Somewhere between that outer ‘reality’ of this chaotic physical world and the inner truth of everything that is, lies our own perfect balance, our own perfect space, which will allow us to exist as a Spiritual Being enjoying a physical experience. Not a Human Being striving and struggling to achieve a Spiritual experience in this Land of Illusion.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 23317
    Join date : 2010-04-09
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    The Search for Truth Empty Re: The Search for Truth

    Post  mudra Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:30 pm

    The Search for Truth
    By Steve Gamble

    Part 1 : excerpt c

    Why do some of us search for excitement and danger? Why do some of us always feel the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? Why do we never feel complete, as if something is missing? Simply because something is missing. It is US. WE are missing. We have left our home, our inner home and our inner self to search and journey the land of illusion for who we really are, little realising the very place we have stepped out from houses all the answers we are looking for. While we continue to search this land of twisted truths, this land of our own creation, we continue to feel as though something is missing even more - and so we intensify our search. Yet, the enigma of it all is we continue to search this land. There are many possibilities, which could attract and hold us to this mysterious land of no answers; for it has a resonance, which can bewitch the very best of us at times. And so we continue with our search. Off we go again, travelling out into the badlands and beyond with hope and maybe a touch of desperation in our minds, while we begin to feel more than ever this aching chasm within. An ever increasing and widening chasm, creating a space we feel so urged to fill – and so we continue with this journey until we reach the autumn of our life. We then wonder what life was all about and possibly regret we didn’t search further and harder. We then leave this land of confusion and we reach a place where there are no illusionary shops, and we remember what it was we came here to shop for in the first place. And so we come back?

    We should all listen to our intuition more, but first we need to help it to develop and find its voice. We can then begin to learn to live our lives by our own truth and to gradually stop living our lives by somebody else’s truth. This does not mean we should stop reading or taking advice from others, it just means the truth will gradually resonate better with each of us and we will be able to recognise it better through feeling and knowing from within, rather than relying on intellect and logic. When we start to look within, our vibrations rise quickly and soon we begin to see through the illusion and the various shops it uses to ply its trade. We are then able to replenish our jug, quench our thirst and quench the thirst of thousands of people.

    If we can light our inner flame, nurture it and encourage it to grow until we become a beacon of light, we can then light up the darkness for others to safely tread their path.

    Love Always

    Posts : 23317
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 70
    Location : belgium

    The Search for Truth Empty Re: The Search for Truth

    Post  mudra Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:35 pm

    The Search for Truth
    by Steve Gamble

    Part Two : excerpt a

    There are many ways we keep giving our power away through religion, conventional medicine etc., but others we find in the New Age forum are through various forms of divination, numerology/symbolism and healing modalities such as Reiki, Tera Mai and so forth. We will start with divination and how divination fits into the illusionary world we live in.

    DIVINATION – practice of attempting to acquire hidden knowledge and insight into events – past, present and future – through the direct or indirect contact of human intelligence with the supernatural. The practise was closely related with religion among Hebrew, pagan and early Christian people.1

    The reliance on the use of divination derives from the very fear of Man himself. Through ego and the need for power and control, which derive from fear, in past times rulers such as kings, queens and emperors needed to know when it would be beneficial to attack, invade, counter-attack and most importantly of all, what the outcome of their action would be. Though it was not only for the purpose of warfare that man sought advice from the supernatural, but on issues of love, money and health and so on. Mankind is fearful because he has kept his search for the truth external and has repeatedly connected with and drawn in energies external to himself and has, therefore, been constantly fed by the ego/intellect fear based energy, which surrounds us. Our collective fears have resulted in an external search for power and the supernatural means by which we can predetermine the outcome of our intended conquests. From this very fear of Man himself, dependence upon seers, soothsayers, priests, augurs and so forth gradually increased. At one time, no Roman would embark upon a major undertaking unless the augurs (people who practised divination) decided the auspices (omens) were favourable. Augurs or priests performed their divination in complicated ceremonies, called auguries, by reading omens or auspices. These augurs exercised enormous power and were members of a college that existed in Rome from its conception until the late 4th century AD. In the Shang dynasty (China), shoulder blades of oxen and the bottom of shells of tortoises were inscribed and heated. A message was derived from the pattern of cracks formed across the inscription after heat was applied. The founder of the Zhou dynasty is said to have established the traditional patterns of lines and added the judgements of their significance. His son is said to have composed the commentaries. The collective judgements are known as Teuan and the commentaries as Tao. This bizarre search for answers eventually resulted in the I Ching and Taoism, the foundation of modern day Chinese philosophy.

    This is the same old story of looking outside ourselves again; believing almost everything else holds the answers but us. Can we really believe the shoulder blades of an ox and the shell of a tortoise can reveal our past and predict our future destiny? It would appear some of us do believe this is so.

    Today, some of us continue to give our power away to a new hybrid of prophetic modalities we find in the New Age movement. Cartomancy has led to tarot cards and other special cards for predicting the future; necromancy has led to mediums and psychics who communicate with the spirits of the dead. We now find adepts of astrology, tarot, psychic readings, runes, and palmistry, fortune telling, mediums and the I Ching plying their trade in an illusionary shopping mall derived from our fear, fuelling our openness to give our power away. If the augurs held so much power in Rome (and this is only one example of what went on world-wide), can we not see that our fears and our external search for answers have seeded, watered and then been constantly fed throughout time by the very consciousness from which we are now trying to free ourselves? If we lived without fear we would realise that conflict was purposeless. If we listened to our intuition we would have no need to consult seers, prophets, psychics, tarot cards and the like because we would already know the answers. We would already know we and we alone, were responsible for our own futures and that our future did not lie in the hands of tortoise shells or any other form of divination.

    This does not mean we cannot use these methods. If we do not take them too seriously we can use them as a means to help develop our intuition. It is only when we place our belief in somebody else’s interpretation of events that we are guilty of giving our power away and this is something we must learn and take on board. We should stop giving our power away to such outside influences, which block our natural flow of energy.

    Recently, the attention of many people has been upon the numerous false prophecies of doom, of Y2K take-over plots, extraterrestrial manipulation and imminent catastrophic earth changes given by so-called seers and prophets. Unfortunately, by allowing others to think for us we are in danger of actually shifting our focus from the creative potential we all have for positive change, towards fear-based scenarios which can profoundly affect the psyche. It is possible that scare-stories are deliberately manufactured at periods of great spiritual alignment - such as during the May astrological alignment - in order to throw people out of balance, making it harder to gain the true benefits available from synchronising internally and spiritually with the natural order of the universal energies. The result will then be that more fear and chaos is created by these external influences during what should be a re-harmonising and uplifting experience. Time and again, experience tells us to listen to the inner voice and go with the natural flow of energy as and when it occurs, with love, rather than to prepare in fear for what may never happen, and what is in danger of actually manifesting if enough people focus their fears upon it. We create in our own image and we create by thought - thought being energy. Whatever we experience inwardly we project outwardly through the process of thought and it is manifested.

    Throughout the years we have had to keep hidden the secrets of this inner journey, this inner knowledge and wisdom of how Nature and the Cosmos worked, for fear of being found out and subsequently burned, stoned, drowned or literally murdered. And why? For doing no more than working with Nature and Her energies, to assist us spiritually and physically, helping others and Mother Earth too. This process of the religious authorities wiping out the ‘truth’ and those who deemed to hold it, or practise it, led to this ‘knowledge’ being driven underground. This caused such knowledge to be confined to Secret Societies which passed on this information through initiation and used symbolism to teach initiates. Their understanding of the secrets and the way of communicating it was kept alive by transferring and identifying this understanding in the form of paintings, buildings, monuments, occult inscriptions on grave stones and so forth. These people used trigonometry and mathematics to represent a symbolic and secret portrayal of this understanding, which was hidden in these designs. This would indicate to others that a person held the deeper knowledge and understanding of how Nature and things in general truly worked.

    We seem to have made the mistake of identifying with and misinterpreting these initiatic symbols by assuming they are magical or hold other divine powers, when all they have ever been and remain is a form of symbolic representation of something more profound. They are meant to represent one’s understanding of the deeper workings of Nature and are used as a signature, a sign, a form of identification and communication between people who know of these deeper workings, without the fear of being discovered. This identification process is still evident today with the so-called secret handshake of the Masonic Lodge.

    Could this be where we have been going wrong and could our fascination with these ‘secret symbols’, mathematics and geometry be partially responsible for locking us into this physical reality - the 0.0001% of who and what we are: the inert part, matter? Is this because their true meaning has never been openly revealed, or has been overlooked; possibly even misinterpreted, misunderstood or manipulated intentionally or unintentionally and therefore their true integrity and meaning essentially lost?

    Love Always

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