"It is important that we can develop our intuition so we can determine our own truth and stop living our lives by somebody else's truth. We accept so much today because 'that's the way it has always been'. Is it now time to open our minds and our hearts a little more and begin to question some of the 'accepted truths' and 'inverted truths' we are surrounded with? We hope to bring a balanced viewpoint, explaining and dispelling many of the doubts and fears we may have due to the confusion created by the plethora of information which is now openly accessible to many people. Information, which we trust will allow us to develop our own individuality and our own truths so we can encourage the growth of our intuitive side and come to our own realisations of what is true and what is not. Instead of having to rely on others all of the time. Some of whom, may not even be telling the truth or the whole truth.
Steve Gamble"
I am sharing Steve Gamble's work here as I am finding it interesting .
I am not putting this here in opposition to anyone's beliefs .
As Steve would say himself we all carry our own truth .
When we start to look for the truth outside of ourselves this is where conflict , opposing ideas and confusion will arise.
His analysis may be disturbing to some . The subjects covered range from religion, Spiritual teachings , New age movement , history , Aids, pharmacology ...
I appreciate however his invite to look at the world from a new angle .. his reminder that our most precious gift is our core divine self and that this is where it all begins .
Love Always
Part 1:[/b[b]]: Excerpt a
Physicists tell us that life comes from the space inside an atom and even from the ‘space’ within the space within an atom. Everything comes from within, not from without. Life itself is created and sustained from that which resides within. We only need to look at how a seed sprouts and transforms itself into a beautiful plant with leaves, buds, flowers and fruit, or into a giant oak tree, to appreciate this. Creation works from in, to out, from its centre, expanding forever outwards. All higher vibrations come from our higher vibratory selves and ultimately from the source of all there is - the infinite seed within. The Ahnu, the source of all life (see later) feeds itself energy from within. Ahnu’s are everywhere and probably no more beautifully represented than they are in Nature and in Man. When we channel energy without using the intellect, the energies come from that purity, which lies within each and every one of us, from that eternal and infinite space inside. The more we look inside anything, the more space, the more ‘life’ we will find. Others have been telling us the same story for thousands of years that everything comes from this ‘internal source’. For those of you who have sat in this space and wondered and exalted at the immensity of it all, the peace, the beauty, the serenity and the overall magnitude of everything; you will all know that although one feels so small, yet safe and secure in this expanse of space, one also experiences the incredible feeling and emotion of being one with everything at the same time.
What comes from this experience is the understanding that the outside universe is merely a reflection of that which exists inside us, each and every one of us; reflected so we can experience it with our physical senses – with one major difference. The major difference is that the inner reality is reflected but distorted by the mind. We create in our own image and we create by thought; thought being energy. Therefore, the outside world is merely a distorted version of what lies within, distorted by the mind/intellect/ego energy, which in the time scale of the evolution of Mankind is relatively young and immature. Whatever we experience inwardly we project outwardly through the process of thought and it is manifested. There are only two emotions, fear and love. Anger, jealousy, embarrassment, hate, revenge etc., are all emotions of fear. Is it any wonder that in the world we live in the thoughts of 5 billion plus people on this planet are generally based on fear? Can we appreciate and understand how our mind and our emotional fears can alter this inner truth and purity, and reflect a distorted version of this purity into the outside world? Could these unbalanced energies and thought forms have formulated the world as we currently know it and continue to do so with the conditioning and controlling influences of Man’s ego/intellect, which is still so prevalent and prominent in the world today? This man-made world is full of chaotic energies, fears, thought-forms, false gods, false angels and so much more – otherwise this world would be a better place in which to live and I’m sure we would notice.
We are like goldfish swimming in a goldfish bowl; swimming around in ever continuing circles and at every turn believing we are seeing something new, something different, which attracts our fancy each and every time. But just like the goldfish, when we come across Man’s duplicity again we have forgotten that we have ever come across it in the first place. Or, would it be more appropriate to say we have not been allowed to remember? The illusion has cleverly recreated exactly the same scenario it has always created, with its conditioning and controlling factors in place ready to capture, ensnare and erode the spiritual search of Man. The only difference is they are using models that have had face-lifts, sport new hairstyles and new clothes. That’s all. So like the goldfish we fail to recognise we have ever experienced anything like it before.
Physicists will also tell us that matter (the human body for example) is inert. Matter can only ‘come alive’ or become animated when it is infused with the Ether – space/energy. For those of you who have read some of my other articles you may remember the mention of an atom being 99.999% space and as we and everything else are made up of atoms, then we consist of 99.999% space, only it doesn’t appear that way. Let us take this a step further. An atom is also, therefore, made up of 0.0001% matter; therefore we are made up of 0.0001% matter too. The human body consists of 0.0001% matter and 99.999% space (Ether/light/energy - Spirit). Yet taking this into account we focus 99. 999% of our attention on the 0.0001% of what our human existence consists of, the inert part, matter: and we further consider this to be the only reality that can possibly exist – the physical, materialistic world, which we live in. I repeat, we spend 99% of our time concentrating on the 1% of who and what we are. Is this not wholly disproportionate to the true reality of what is? Why do we continue to do this? Why do we continue to ignore the 99.999% of who and what we are? We all have this wonderful space inside us; a space consisting of light and truth and a great expansive realm of possibilities to explore and enjoy. Can we possibly imagine what we are missing out on? Yet we continue to allow ourselves to be attracted and deceived by the false light and labels of the mind/ego/intellect, which are designed to attract light seekers and encourage them to look outside themselves for the answers. We see the red light in the window, enter the door and begin to give our power and control away to lower vibrational energies. The outside illusionary world created by our thoughts is merely prostitution of our spirituality, put to an unworthy use.
We have, for so long now been deceived by the Hierarchy, (the ego consciousness) that we have forgotten what vibration the truth resonates at and how we can resonate with it. This is why, when we begin this wonderful inner journey, this exploration of our own space through meditation, we tend to become disillusioned too easily. What do we generally experience first? We experience the great darkness and the ceaseless chatter of everyday life and nothing seems to happen. This mind/ego/intellect combination has been so readied and primed by the conditioning and programming it has been subjected to over the years, that it will try at all costs to stop us from discovering our true reality. So much so that in our meditations nothing spectacular seems to happen at all and we become annoyed with the incessant chatter and become even more disillusioned and enter our spiritual search mode, once again recommencing that same old journey of looking externally for the answers. Yet those who have persevered with this marvellous journey have been justly rewarded.
Eventually the chatter slows down and then disappears, the darkness lifts and is replaced with improving light and colour and the voice of the inner self; the intuitive voice which we rarely hear becomes stronger and begins to sing the song of truth and light. We can then truly begin to explore this wonderful reality that exists in each and every one of us. We can shop in our own Shopping Mall for whatever we need, to our hearts content. When we are adjusted to this vibration of truth and light, we can see that within us lie the most exquisite treasures and wonders one could possibly behold. Amongst this immense and enchanting beauty of the many different worlds, which we can experience, we are also able to teach ourselves through the process of inner tuition. This is where the word ‘intuition’ comes from, and we can teach ourselves in a personal and symbolic way, all the knowledge and wisdom we need to know from time to time. We then wonder why we ever allowed ourselves to be tempted by the red light into looking externally for the answers at all. Meditation (stillness) helps to slow and stop the chatter of the conscious mind, but to go further is more like an inner journey using the stillness as a door to enter this realm of inner possibilities, which exists in each of us.
However, the false light of the illusion remains much easier to see because of its lower vibrations and many people without the virtue of patience, dedication and perseverance to stay with their inner journey will naturally and innocently be attracted by this light, though not knowing what it is, or what feeds it. Christ warned us 2000 years ago that we were making a mistake by placing our faith in the wrong God. Christ warned us there were two Gods and that we were following the false god and his false angels and their false truths. The true God, the Creator; was a God from above the Heavens who we could not see, not a false god created by Man who we can meet in the mountains and who rules with fear, control, belligerence, anger, fire and brimstone, jealousy, war, death, sacrifice, hypocrisy and downright deceit. Is this an uncanny description of how the world is run today? The ‘intelligence’ initially responsible for the creation and development of the ego consciousness and the ‘people’ who are responsible for enforcing its bewitching powers today, keep our search for the truth external by working through the weakness and gullibility of our intellect/mind/ego consciousness.
Materialistic beliefs and desires easily drive these lower intellectual vibrations of consciousness and so over the years it has become easy to erode the memory of who we are, where we come from and where our true spirituality lies. Why should we choose to invoke these false gods and false angels with their false truths and false energies? There are wonderful and exquisite energies here all the time, more so when we do healing work. They come without the need to invoke Man’s tainted creation, so why should we make their task more difficult by bringing in man-made predatory equivalents through the use of invocations and unbalanced symbols?
Read more here: http://www.equilibrauk.com/shop1.shtml
Steve Gamble"
I am sharing Steve Gamble's work here as I am finding it interesting .
I am not putting this here in opposition to anyone's beliefs .
As Steve would say himself we all carry our own truth .
When we start to look for the truth outside of ourselves this is where conflict , opposing ideas and confusion will arise.
His analysis may be disturbing to some . The subjects covered range from religion, Spiritual teachings , New age movement , history , Aids, pharmacology ...
I appreciate however his invite to look at the world from a new angle .. his reminder that our most precious gift is our core divine self and that this is where it all begins .
Love Always
Part 1:[/b[b]]: Excerpt a
Physicists tell us that life comes from the space inside an atom and even from the ‘space’ within the space within an atom. Everything comes from within, not from without. Life itself is created and sustained from that which resides within. We only need to look at how a seed sprouts and transforms itself into a beautiful plant with leaves, buds, flowers and fruit, or into a giant oak tree, to appreciate this. Creation works from in, to out, from its centre, expanding forever outwards. All higher vibrations come from our higher vibratory selves and ultimately from the source of all there is - the infinite seed within. The Ahnu, the source of all life (see later) feeds itself energy from within. Ahnu’s are everywhere and probably no more beautifully represented than they are in Nature and in Man. When we channel energy without using the intellect, the energies come from that purity, which lies within each and every one of us, from that eternal and infinite space inside. The more we look inside anything, the more space, the more ‘life’ we will find. Others have been telling us the same story for thousands of years that everything comes from this ‘internal source’. For those of you who have sat in this space and wondered and exalted at the immensity of it all, the peace, the beauty, the serenity and the overall magnitude of everything; you will all know that although one feels so small, yet safe and secure in this expanse of space, one also experiences the incredible feeling and emotion of being one with everything at the same time.
What comes from this experience is the understanding that the outside universe is merely a reflection of that which exists inside us, each and every one of us; reflected so we can experience it with our physical senses – with one major difference. The major difference is that the inner reality is reflected but distorted by the mind. We create in our own image and we create by thought; thought being energy. Therefore, the outside world is merely a distorted version of what lies within, distorted by the mind/intellect/ego energy, which in the time scale of the evolution of Mankind is relatively young and immature. Whatever we experience inwardly we project outwardly through the process of thought and it is manifested. There are only two emotions, fear and love. Anger, jealousy, embarrassment, hate, revenge etc., are all emotions of fear. Is it any wonder that in the world we live in the thoughts of 5 billion plus people on this planet are generally based on fear? Can we appreciate and understand how our mind and our emotional fears can alter this inner truth and purity, and reflect a distorted version of this purity into the outside world? Could these unbalanced energies and thought forms have formulated the world as we currently know it and continue to do so with the conditioning and controlling influences of Man’s ego/intellect, which is still so prevalent and prominent in the world today? This man-made world is full of chaotic energies, fears, thought-forms, false gods, false angels and so much more – otherwise this world would be a better place in which to live and I’m sure we would notice.
We are like goldfish swimming in a goldfish bowl; swimming around in ever continuing circles and at every turn believing we are seeing something new, something different, which attracts our fancy each and every time. But just like the goldfish, when we come across Man’s duplicity again we have forgotten that we have ever come across it in the first place. Or, would it be more appropriate to say we have not been allowed to remember? The illusion has cleverly recreated exactly the same scenario it has always created, with its conditioning and controlling factors in place ready to capture, ensnare and erode the spiritual search of Man. The only difference is they are using models that have had face-lifts, sport new hairstyles and new clothes. That’s all. So like the goldfish we fail to recognise we have ever experienced anything like it before.
Physicists will also tell us that matter (the human body for example) is inert. Matter can only ‘come alive’ or become animated when it is infused with the Ether – space/energy. For those of you who have read some of my other articles you may remember the mention of an atom being 99.999% space and as we and everything else are made up of atoms, then we consist of 99.999% space, only it doesn’t appear that way. Let us take this a step further. An atom is also, therefore, made up of 0.0001% matter; therefore we are made up of 0.0001% matter too. The human body consists of 0.0001% matter and 99.999% space (Ether/light/energy - Spirit). Yet taking this into account we focus 99. 999% of our attention on the 0.0001% of what our human existence consists of, the inert part, matter: and we further consider this to be the only reality that can possibly exist – the physical, materialistic world, which we live in. I repeat, we spend 99% of our time concentrating on the 1% of who and what we are. Is this not wholly disproportionate to the true reality of what is? Why do we continue to do this? Why do we continue to ignore the 99.999% of who and what we are? We all have this wonderful space inside us; a space consisting of light and truth and a great expansive realm of possibilities to explore and enjoy. Can we possibly imagine what we are missing out on? Yet we continue to allow ourselves to be attracted and deceived by the false light and labels of the mind/ego/intellect, which are designed to attract light seekers and encourage them to look outside themselves for the answers. We see the red light in the window, enter the door and begin to give our power and control away to lower vibrational energies. The outside illusionary world created by our thoughts is merely prostitution of our spirituality, put to an unworthy use.
We have, for so long now been deceived by the Hierarchy, (the ego consciousness) that we have forgotten what vibration the truth resonates at and how we can resonate with it. This is why, when we begin this wonderful inner journey, this exploration of our own space through meditation, we tend to become disillusioned too easily. What do we generally experience first? We experience the great darkness and the ceaseless chatter of everyday life and nothing seems to happen. This mind/ego/intellect combination has been so readied and primed by the conditioning and programming it has been subjected to over the years, that it will try at all costs to stop us from discovering our true reality. So much so that in our meditations nothing spectacular seems to happen at all and we become annoyed with the incessant chatter and become even more disillusioned and enter our spiritual search mode, once again recommencing that same old journey of looking externally for the answers. Yet those who have persevered with this marvellous journey have been justly rewarded.
Eventually the chatter slows down and then disappears, the darkness lifts and is replaced with improving light and colour and the voice of the inner self; the intuitive voice which we rarely hear becomes stronger and begins to sing the song of truth and light. We can then truly begin to explore this wonderful reality that exists in each and every one of us. We can shop in our own Shopping Mall for whatever we need, to our hearts content. When we are adjusted to this vibration of truth and light, we can see that within us lie the most exquisite treasures and wonders one could possibly behold. Amongst this immense and enchanting beauty of the many different worlds, which we can experience, we are also able to teach ourselves through the process of inner tuition. This is where the word ‘intuition’ comes from, and we can teach ourselves in a personal and symbolic way, all the knowledge and wisdom we need to know from time to time. We then wonder why we ever allowed ourselves to be tempted by the red light into looking externally for the answers at all. Meditation (stillness) helps to slow and stop the chatter of the conscious mind, but to go further is more like an inner journey using the stillness as a door to enter this realm of inner possibilities, which exists in each of us.
However, the false light of the illusion remains much easier to see because of its lower vibrations and many people without the virtue of patience, dedication and perseverance to stay with their inner journey will naturally and innocently be attracted by this light, though not knowing what it is, or what feeds it. Christ warned us 2000 years ago that we were making a mistake by placing our faith in the wrong God. Christ warned us there were two Gods and that we were following the false god and his false angels and their false truths. The true God, the Creator; was a God from above the Heavens who we could not see, not a false god created by Man who we can meet in the mountains and who rules with fear, control, belligerence, anger, fire and brimstone, jealousy, war, death, sacrifice, hypocrisy and downright deceit. Is this an uncanny description of how the world is run today? The ‘intelligence’ initially responsible for the creation and development of the ego consciousness and the ‘people’ who are responsible for enforcing its bewitching powers today, keep our search for the truth external by working through the weakness and gullibility of our intellect/mind/ego consciousness.
Materialistic beliefs and desires easily drive these lower intellectual vibrations of consciousness and so over the years it has become easy to erode the memory of who we are, where we come from and where our true spirituality lies. Why should we choose to invoke these false gods and false angels with their false truths and false energies? There are wonderful and exquisite energies here all the time, more so when we do healing work. They come without the need to invoke Man’s tainted creation, so why should we make their task more difficult by bringing in man-made predatory equivalents through the use of invocations and unbalanced symbols?
Read more here: http://www.equilibrauk.com/shop1.shtml
Last edited by mudra on Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total