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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:58 pm

    This is a message to the Elites of Planet Earth on this day July 17th, 2012. Whatever insidious plans are in the Minds of the ones looking to Create Harm of Any Kind this is a "Warning" that you are seen and are officially put "On Notice". If you choose to create harm of any kind it will come back to you. If you continue to go ahead with your insidious plans "At the striking of the hour" you yourselves will be in the midst of your very own creations be it Decay or Growth.. You choose based on your "Intentions".

    "Hear" "Hear".. This bell is ringing.

    In dedication and to the rise in Compassion, Love and Spirit with the powers of 11, 13 and 10 doubled may the energy of Diana Frances Spencer be ever present as one of many watchful eyes in the Universe to assist in thwarting any insidious plans..

    Diana Frances Spencer / 13 (Divine Feminine) this day 7/17/2012 / 7+17+5 (29 = 11) 7/17/2012 / 7+8+5 (20 / 10+10)

    The Royal Channel


    Where is the wedding of Diana Frances Spencer on the Royal Channel?

    Maybe some funeral footage?

    Nope.. It's as if Diana Frances Spencer did not even exist.. In fact, I could not find one video footage at all of Diana Frances Spencer on the Royal Channel..

    Diana is very much alive and well in the Hearts and Minds of many of us here living today on Mother Earth and Justice is at hand.

    Long Live Dancing Diana

    I intend for healings now... for all.. No more fighting, no more power trips... There is enough for everyone... Love to Reign

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:46 am

    The thought that continues to scare me is the possibility that the Human Race might be an Unapproved Creation of a Pre-Human Race -- and that we are being punished and taxed -- and that we will ultimately be exterminated to purify the universe of sin. Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed?? I'm sort of a nut-case, aren't I?? Please say 'no' and make me feel better. Actually, say 'yes' and make me feel better!!!

    Posts : 148
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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  sabina Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:52 am

    hi ox,
    long time i didnt write as you know i dont believe you are a nut case not more than myself
    I never liked this diana her laugh and her eyes she seemed playing all the time with an attetude poor me.
    anyway long time gone
    what do you think about the newest blog from kerry cassedy....
    shifting big equipment denver airport.....
    coming some rift out of the kuiperbelt which is with a black hole ....
    the elite is afraid hu of an world quake....
    we know its 2012
    if i look at the olympics full of symbols anyway iam not interest in sport even football pardon soccer not my world
    all the best
    sabina I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Floyd Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:39 am

    kerry Cassidy along with Bill Ryan are responsible for putting the spotlight on what can only be described as the largest collection of frauds and misinformants known to mankind.

    So we cant really listen to them now can we.

    They must do better tut tut

    I m really looking forward to the Olympics. Especially the 100 m and javelin.
    Will be marvelous.
    Oooyeah 1

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:12 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:The thought that continues to scare me is the possibility that the Human Race might be an Unapproved Creation of a Pre-Human Race -- and that we are being punished and taxed -- and that we will ultimately be exterminated to purify the universe of sin. Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed?? I'm sort of a nut-case, aren't I?? Please say 'no' and make me feel better. Actually, say 'yes' and make me feel better!!!

    If they were playing "God" in assisting in the creation of our "Biology" without "responsibility" then let it be a lesson learned to them. They did not create the Divine Spark within this biology. We chose to play here and now it is up to us to live and create responsibly, managing the energy wisely. Most are watching now in anticipation to see our next moves. Many of the Gods who created us are actually relying on us now... we are the key they need now in creating a new timeline for them to continue. Our future which is their past, which lies in this NOW is full of tyranny. Who are they? They are Us... The Creator Gods have forgotten who their Gods are.. Let this Universe come to completion.. Hear Hear.

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:39 pm

    I don't listen to Bill and Kerry much anymore -- yet both of them and their guests made me think -- regardless of any alleged disinformation. I doubt that very many REAL insiders would dare cross their handlers -- and if they do reveal information, I suspect that they are authorized to do so, at the highest levels -- and told specifically what to say, and what not to say. This is all a Big and Most-Dangerous Game. What continues to bother me, is that all of this seems to be a big joke to some, and that they don't give a damn about misery and suffering. The more, the better -- right??? I am presently very disillusioned by both Divinity and Humanity. I am NOT a happy-camper.

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:06 pm


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:21 pm


    Article 24 - Day of Redemption

    Day of Divine Redemption (link)
    By this most Sacred and Supreme Covenant, the Day known as the Day of Divine Redemption, also known as the Day of Redemption, also known as Redemption Day, also known as the Day of the 4th Divine Post and Notice, also known as the Day of the 4th Horseman upon Pegasus as the color (pale) green, it shall forever be known that Divine Notice was duly served and notarized by the Divine Creator to each and every man, woman and higher order spirit, living and deceased concerning the offer of Divine Remedy by this sacred Covenant.

    The One, True and only Official Day of Divine Redemption shall be UCA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1 also known as [Fri, 21 Dec 2012] . This shall be the Day upon which it shall forever be known that Notice of Divine Redemption was served and witnessed.

    Furthermore, from UCA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1 until UCA E1:Y2:A1:S1:M30:D1 also known as [Sat, 21 Dec 2013] shall be known as the Year of Divine Redemption represented as year 1.

    Notice of Divine Redemption (link)
    The Notice of Divine Redemption served upon the Day of Redemption shall be this most sacred Covenant combined with all the other Ucadian Covenants and all Codes of Law and Patents as One (1) Complete Perfected Notice in all the Universe, Heavens and upon the Earth.

    The Task of ensuring all spirits of all Heavens and Hells receive fair Notice that Redemption has now been fully ratified and executed as the highest of all law, the most supreme of all supreme laws by Perfect Notorial Procedure shall be appointed the 4th and final Divine Horseman to bear witness to the supreme truth of the Divine Notice.

    By the absolute power and authority vested in this Sacred Covenant, no force in the Universe, Heaven or on Earth may prevent the appearance of the 4th Divine Horseman upon the Day of Divine Redemption.

    Witnesses to Notice of Divine Redemption (link)
    By this most sacred Covenant, all Living members who have undertaken the Act of Redemption shall represent the 1st living witnesses to the truth and validity of the Notice of Divine Redemption.

    Remedy by Special Qualification may not be offered after Day of Redemption (link)
    The less senior of officials of all alternate societies given fair notice by due process of the Day of Judgment and Remedy have until UCA E8:Y3210:A0:S1:M27:D6 also known as [Wed, 21 Dec 2011] also known as the Only True Day of Judgment to agree or provide superior remedy to the Divine Creator.

    The Offer of Remedy by Extraordinary Qualification is not permitted to be extended beyond the Day of Judgment.

    Therefore the Day of Judgment is so named as it represents the last Day appointed by the Divine Creator to offer those in power across planet Earth Extraordinary Remedy. Their choice shall be their Judgment including if they remain silent, as their silence shall legally represent their full and unconditional consent to this and all associated Original law.

    One and Only True Day of Redemption (link)
    By this most sacred Covenant the Day of Redemption of UCA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1 also known as [Fri, 21 Dec 2012] shall be the one and only true Day of Redemption. All other claimed dates are hereby rendered null and void through absence of any Covenant greater then hereby demonstrated.

    Year of Redemption and corporations (link)
    From the first day of the year of Redemption being UCA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1 until UCA E1:Y2:A1:S1:M30:D1 also known as [Sat, 21 Dec 2013] all corporations have fifty two weeks in which to register and redeem themselves with the Society of One Heaven and its associated Societies. Thereafter:

    (i) No “for profit” non-registered corporation may be registered at any point in the future, even if they confess to their mistakes and seek recognition; and

    (ii) All non-registered “for profit” corporations shall be considered unlawful entities, possessing no rights, nor property, nor legitimacy; and

    (iii) Members shall not be permitted with engaging in business or transactions other than by necessity with non-registered “for profit” corporations; and

    (iv) It shall be a primary goal of the society to see the winding up, closure, arrest, seizure and cessation of each and every non-registered “for profit” corporation to be replaced by legitimate and registered companies.

    Year of Redemption and conversion of fiat currencies to true currency (link)
    From the first day of the year of Redemption being UCA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1 until UCA E1:Y2:A1:S1:M30:D1 also known as [Sat, 21 Dec 2013] all registered living men, women and corporations shall have fifty two weeks in which to redeem all fiat currency and register assets beyond their domicile.

    The maximum limit for redemption of both currency as well as legitimate assets to one man, or woman or company shall continue to decline over the Year of Redemption, being:

    Week Maximum Amount

    1 unlimited
    2 unlimited
    3 unlimited
    4 unlimited
    5 10,000,000,000
    6 9,700,000,000
    7 9,300,000,000
    8 9,000,000,000
    9 8,500,000,000
    10 8,200,000,000
    11 7,800,000,000
    12 7,500,000,000
    13 7,000,000,000
    14 6,500,000,000
    15 6,000,000,000
    16 5,500,000,000
    17 5,000,000,000
    18 4,500,000,000
    19 4,000,000,000
    20 3,500,000,000
    21 3,000,000,000
    22 2,500,000,000
    23 2,000,000,000
    24 1,500,000,000
    25 1,000,000,000
    26 500,000,000
    27 400,000,000
    28 300,000,000
    29 200,000,000
    30 100,000,000
    31 90,000,000
    32 80,000,000
    33 70,000,000
    34 60,000,000
    35 50,000,000
    36 40,000,000
    37 30,000,000
    38 20,000,000
    39 10,000,000
    40 9,000,000
    41 8,000,000
    42 7,000,000
    43 6,000,000
    44 5,000,000
    45 4,000,000
    46 3,000,000
    47 2,000,000
    48 1,000,000
    49 500,000
    50 250,000
    51 100,000
    52 50,000


    (i) No fiat currency or old assets may be redeemed or registered at any point in the future, even if they confess to their mistakes and seek recognition, unless inherited; and

    (ii) Excluding primary domiciles and small self-owned businesses, all non-registered assets shall be considered abandoned property legally and rightfully the property of the Society of One Heaven and its associated societies; and

    (iii) All non-registered fiat currencies shall be considered worthless; and

    (iv) It shall be a primary goal of the society to see the recovery of all abandoned property and for its fair distribution to members by campus, province, university and union.

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:17 am

    This one is for you Diana..


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty God Sees Everything

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Aug 04, 2012 6:52 pm

    Heath Ledger died at the age of 28.. looking like the joker in one of his movies AND Brandon Lee died at the age of 28 looking like joker in his final movie.. The Crow..

    Do what you want but create no harm for what you do will come back to you. This is Cosmic Law


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:05 pm

    1.Dream is.
    2.Dream exists.
    3.I am dream
    4.ALL is dream.
    5.Dream IS Awareness in motion.
    6.Awareness in motion IS Dream.
    7.Dream is a system of awareness in motion.
    8.Rules and constraints
    9.Laws and science.
    10.Dream IS Existence.
    11.Existence IS Dream.
    12.The rules of existence in motion.
    13.Dream IS a matter of degree.
    14.Matter of degree IS Dream.
    15.Dream is argument of perception.
    16.The dreamer and the dream.
    17.The real and the unreal.
    18.Within the dream looking out.
    19.Outside the dream looking in.
    20.Dream IS Life.
    21.Life IS Dream.
    22.Dream is life of mind, perspective of mind.
    23.Mind is immortal, yet body within the dream is mortal.
    24.Within the dream, everything is real.
    25.Within mind, everything is awareness.
    26.Belief is the boundaries; the bedrock and limits of awareness.

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:59 pm

    Nelson Rockefeller Dies in the Saddle during the Act of Adultery!!

    His mistress failed to call 911 in time!!

    Unfortunately, longevity seems to run in the Rockefeller crime family. The founder, John D., lived to be 95, and Nelson's brother David is still alive at 95!

    Would be King Nelson might have lived to see the demolition of his Twin Towers if his mistress had called 911 in time.

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Megan-marshak

    Megan Marshak—mistress of Nelson Rockefeller.

    God's judgment finally caught up with this would be king on January 26, 1979, while fornicating with his mistress. No matter how much money or power you have, one day you will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to gave an account of EVEYTHING you did in this life.

    St. Paul said:

    For we shall ALL stand before the judgment seat of Christ. (Romans 14:10).

    Where was Megan Marshak when Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller Died?
    In recounting old news stories similar to the Monica Lewinsky case, the press has often invoked the name of 27-year-old Megan Marshak, whom, they say, was at the side of former Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller when he died on January 26, 1979.
    However, that is a damn lie and everybody familiar with the case knows it. Megan Marshak was not "at his side" when Nelson Rockefeller died of a heart attack.

    Megan Marshak

    Where then was she?

    The official coroner’s report, issued by the competent New York State authority, states that Nelson Rockefeller died of a heart attack while he was having sexual intercourse. You can look it up in the archives at 28th Street and First Avenue (provided they let you look at this one).

    Megan Marshak was, in fact, underneath Nelson Rockefeller when he died.

    The tragedy, which was recounted daily in the press at the time, was that had there not been political considerations, his life might have been saved.

    Nelson Rockefeller was a big, heavy man. When he collapsed of a heart attack, Megan Marshak was pinned underneath him. She had to struggle to get out. He was naked. It was not known that he had a mistress. For these reasons, she was reluctant to call the ambulance. Instead, Megan Marshak called her girlfriend, who lived nearby.

    The girlfriend walked over, arrived, saw the naked former Vice-President sprawled on the floor, and then she and Megan Marshak had a discussion about what to do about this.

    Finally, fully one hour after Nelson Rockefeller had collapsed, the girlfriend called the ambulance. Megan Marshak did not make the call.

    When the ambulance arrived, Nelson Rockefeller was still barely alive. However, he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

    These circumstances caused an investigation. Megan Marshak, whose existence was totally unknown prior to this incident, holed up in her town house, a gift she received from Nelson Rockefeller, while photographers maintained a vigil outside. She did not appear for weeks.

    When the will was read, Nelson Rockefeller left Megan Marshak the deed to the townhouse at 13 West 54th Street plus $50,000 cash, a generous gift for a previously unknown mistress.

    The newspapers of that time were more careful with their wording than they are today. Every New Yorker following the story knew exactly that Megan Marshak was his mistress and that he had died while having sexual intercourse with her. Yet, the newspapers never used those exact words.

    What I thought was the greatest irony about this was that the Rockefeller family was so anxious to cover up this story that they had his body cremated almost before it got cold. Nelson Rockefeller’s body was cremated only 18 hours after he was pronounced dead, because Happy Rockefeller, his proper wife, did not want the Medical Examiner’s Office to examine his body for evidence for sexual ejaculation.

    Here was one of the most powerful and famous men in the world, a multi-millionaire, a grandson of John D. Rockefeller and a former Vice-President of the United States and Governor of New York State, a man who had everything, and only 18 hours later he was ashes, because of the need to keep secret the fact that he had been having sex with a woman who was not his wife.

    What happened to Nelson Rockefeller was not unusual or surprising. Medical studies say that one of the most common causes of death of men his age is a heart attack while having sexual intercourse with a woman not his wife (the reason being that when a man has sex with his own wife, he is used to her and is less likely to be under stress or excited or aroused).

    Although Megan Marshak was once one of the most sought after women, I cannot find a photograph of her on the web. Apparently, the only published photograph of her is the one recently in the New York Post and elsewhere for the past few days. That was the photograph taken when Megan Marshak finally walked out of the townhouse where she had been holed up for weeks after the death of Nelson Rockefeller.

    Here is the only photo I have ever seen of Megan Marshak. I scanned it myself. I believe this photo was taken when she finally emerged from the townhouse after being holed up for weeks there.

    Megan Marshak could have sold her story for a million dollars easily. Instead, she kept quite and has not spoken about the incident from that day to this.

    There are no reports of the current whereabouts of Megan Marshak.

    Editor's Note

    Rockefeller's wife, HAPPY, wasn't too happy when the old lecher was caught in the act so she had him burned to a crisp—cremated—before you could say "Rockefeller for President."

    Not a very HAPPY ending for the first potential KING of the United States!.


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:03 pm

    From Dr. Peter David Beter's Audio Letter 43 for Feb. 28, 1979:


    ...On February 7 [1979], two days after the disappearance of the [Henry] Kissinger jet over the North Atlantic [resulting in the death of the real Henry Kissinger], Megan Marshack emerged out of hiding. She was seen briefly in New York and was photographed wearing a raccoon coat. [The photo appeared in Newsweek for the following week.] That was the last time she was seen in public. That night she and David Rockefeller boarded one of David Rockefeller's private jets and took off for London. Arriving in London the morning of February 8, local time, they headed for separate destinations. She went to a location in the western end of London, while he had business in the Seven Oaks section of South London. Early the following morning David Rockefeller received an urgent message to go to Megan's location in the west end of London. There had been some trouble. Arriving there he saw for himself. Megan Ruth Marshack, the only known witness to the actual murder of Nelson Rockefeller [on January 26, 1979], was dead. She had died as Rockefeller had, with a single bullet in the forehead. Megan Marshack was far less well known in England than she had become here in America, but the psychological profile of David Rockefeller would show that his reaction in this new crisis would be much the same as it had been when his brother had been murdered. David Rockefeller would insist upon overseeing arrangements to make sure that the public did not learn that Megan Marshack had been shot to death. And so, he stayed on the scene just long enough to become a target himself. Within a few hours the body of Megan Marshack was on its way to a morgue in northeast London without identification of any kind. But then, David Rockefeller died in the same way--a single bullet to the head. Early that afternoon, February 9, David Rockefeller's body was placed aboard the private jet that had brought him and Megan Marshack to London the previous day. The jet took off for the United States. Just as the Kissinger jet had done four days earlier, it was running a gauntlet of surveillance by Russian Cosmospheres; and apparently the Russians did not know that David Rockefeller was already dead as his jet streaked westward across the North Atlantic. At a point within 100 miles of the last known location of the Kissinger jet, all contact was abruptly lost with the jet carrying David Rockefeller's body; and the jet never arrived at its destination...


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:35 pm

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters 426
    Blue Roses for a Blue Lady

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters 426

    8/31/1997 to 8/31/2012
    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters 426

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:08 pm

    Tribute to Marilyn Monroe, Anna Nicole Smith & Princess Diana


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:48 am

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Besettes

    Carolyn and Lauren Bessette

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:21 pm

    Very interesting.. As this is the eighth day of the eighth month.. my consciousness is now directing me to the Lockerbie, Scotland crash that took place in the year '88'. I was just 19 years of age then, living and working in Aberdeen, Scotland where I grew up.

    and I find it very interesting that I find all these 11's popping up.. I highlight them in red for you.. add them or see them for the number 11...

    On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 people on board as well as 11 on the ground. Though it was almost immediately evident that a bomb had caused the disaster, it took more than eleven years to bring anyone to trial. What happened to the plane? Why would someone plant a bomb on Flight 103? (1+111) Why did it take eleven years to have a trial?

    The Explosion

    Pan Am Flight 103 taxied out of the gate at Heathrow Airport in London at 6:04 p.m. on December 21, 1988 - four days before Christmas. The 243 passengers and 16 crew members were preparing themselves for a relatively long flight to New York. After taxying for a few minutes, Flight 103, on a Boeing 747, (my ex-home phone number, still active happens to be 747-8877.. 7+4 4+7 (1111) took off at 6:25 p.m. They had no idea that they only had 38 more minutes to live.

    By 6:56 p.m., the plane had reached 31,000 feet. At 7:03 p.m., the plane exploded. Control had just been issuing Flight 103's clearance to start its oceanic segment of their journey to New York, when Flight 103's blip went off their radar. Seconds later the one large blip was replaced with multiple blips traveling downwind.

    For the residents of Lockerbie, Scotland, their nightmare was just about to begin. "It was like meteors falling from the sky," described resident Ann McPhail (Newsweek, Jan. 2, 1989, pg. 17). Flight 103 was over Lockerbie when it exploded. Many residents described the sky lighting up and a large, deafening roar.

    They soon saw pieces of the plane as well as pieces of bodies landing in fields, in backyards, on fences, and on rooftops. Fuel from the plane was already on fire before it hit the ground; some of it landed on houses, making the houses explode.

    One of the plane's wings hit the ground in the southern area of Lockerbie. It hit the ground with such impact that it created a crater 155 feet long, displacing approximately 1500 tons of dirt. The nose of the airplane landed mostly intact in a field about four miles from the town of Lockerbie. Many said the nose reminded them of a fish's head cut off from its body.

    Wreckage was strewn over 50 square miles. Twenty-one of Lockerbie's houses were completely destroyed and eleven of its residents were dead. Thus, the total death toll was 270 (the 259 aboard the plane plus the 11 on the ground).

    Why Was Flight 103 Bombed?

    Though the flight held passengers from 21 countries, the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 hit the United States especially hard. Not only because 179 of the 259 people on board were Americans, but because the bombing shattered America's sense of safety and security. Americans in general felt trodden upon by the unknown danger of terrorism.

    Though there is no doubt of the horror of this crash, this bomb and its aftermath was just the most recent in a string of similar events.

    As revenge for the bombing of a Berlin nightclub where two U.S. personnel were killed, President Ronald Reagan ordered the bombing of Libya's capital Tripoli and the Libyan city of Benghazi in 1986. Some people think that bombing Pan Am Flight 103 was in retaliation for these bombings.

    In 1988, the USS Vincennes (a U.S. guided missile cruiser) shot down an Iranian passenger jet, killing all 290 people on board. There is little doubt that this caused as much horror and sorrow as the explosion on Flight 103. The U.S. government claims that the USS Vincennes mistakenly identified the passenger plane as an F-14 fighter jet. Other people believe that the bombing over Lockerbie was in retaliation for this disaster.

    Right after the crash, an article in Newsweek stated, "It would be up to George Bush to decide whether, and how, to retaliate" (Jan. 2, 1989, pg. 14). Does the United States have any more right to "retaliate" than do the Arab countries?

    The Bomb

    After investigators had interviewed over 15,000 people, examined 180,000 pieces of evidence, and researched in more than 40 countries, there is some understanding as to what blew up Pan Am Flight 103.

    The bomb was made out of the plastic explosive Semtex and was activated by a timer. The bomb was hidden in a Toshiba radio-cassette player which in turn, was inside a brown Samsonite suitcase. But the real problem for investigators has been who put the bomb in the suitcase and how did the bomb get on the plane?

    The investigators believe they received a "big break" when a man and his dog were walking in a forest about 80 miles from Lockerbie. While walking, the man found a T-shirt which turned out to have pieces of the timer in it. Tracing the T-shirt as well as the maker of the timer, investigators felt confident they knew who bombed Flight 103 - Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah.

    11 Years of Waiting

    The two men whom investigators believe are the bombers were in Libya. The United States and the United Kingdom wanted the men tried in an American or British court, but Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi refused to extradite them.

    The U.S. and the U.K. were angry that Qaddafi would not turn over the wanted men, so they approached the United Nation's Security Council for help. To pressure Libya into turning over the two men, the Security Council imposed sanctions over Libya. Though hurting financially from the sanctions, Libya continually refused to turn over the men.

    In 1994, Libya agreed to a proposal that would have the trial held in a neutral country with international judges. The U.S. and the U.K. refused the proposal.

    In 1998, the U.S. and the U.K. offered a similar proposal but with Scottish judges rather than international ones. Libya accepted the new proposal in April 1999.

    Though the investigators were once confident that these two men were the bombers, there proved to be many holes in the evidence.

    On January 31, 2001, Megrahi was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Fhimah was acquitted.

    On August 20, 2009, the UK gave Megrahi, who suffered from terminal prostate cancer, a compassionate release from prison so that he could go back to Libya to die amongst his family. Nearly three years later, on May 20, 2012, Megrahi died in Libya.


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:12 pm

    This is what happens to all those that consciously and deliberately look to deceive and lie to the masses: Vitality Loss and Decrepidness, Loss of Beauty and Health, Delusion.. Beware:

    Still able to sleep at night?

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters 9k=

    What secrets still to be learned about Iraq?

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdXCZ3G8qOXrwpX6bXcbC7TNk4IKMmfQM_UbVt_Lx2C3juMwWBtQ

    Walks like a duck, looks like a duck, becomes a duck

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRO6nriEhSQZv3XU114tq2oEkoOzBa9E03yDa_NOc5wy6-CnehBvg

    True Love?

    Italian retailer Benetton is again pushing the boundaries of advertising with a provocative campaign. The ads portray global figures, including President Obama, shown kissing their nemeses. But the prickliest of the pics has the Pope smooching an Egyptian Imam.

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Li-pope-kiss

    Smile, you are on Candid Camera

    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJ1JSEYy_1_rHbXUgsTsgF02rOD1QHbnMcrLyYx-us3eFIZSRO

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:53 pm

    I found this wonderful youtube channel just now by happenstance.. That's usually how I operate.. Spirit moves me sometimes in beautiful ways, even on the "net".. so please enjoy and feel free to browse his other uploaded videos.



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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:57 pm


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:19 am

    We Are You

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  We Are You Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:09 am


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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  Eartheart Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:16 pm

    We have come around this battlefield telepathy in nonlocal fashion, Malletzky
    have told your MF to stand aside & "decist", now you're down & emptyed,
    infiltrations cleared, Mars & DUMBS gone awry, funds/transvers locked,
    greys imploded, reptor bases raided, all of 3Dim fearless now and we united,
    your inner and outer domains virtualy are beyond duration date, timeout!!!
    Argh Oooyeah 1 Oooyeah 1 Oooyeah 1
    While some see the prophecied ID-Split this week, which would leave you
    to your own nightmares, i hereby agree with our omnidim consensus de facto,
    leaving your darkly enteties not even that mercy seats, no further ID, no realm
    to spook on, no lifeforces to feed your loops of reverse coded oscillations,
    as your Mpires made from objectable thoughts and memory-layers will be poofed
    beyond your wildest imagery. We're uncreating your realms. As side effect...
    Lmao Whistle

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Notice of Divine Redemption - Article 24

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:18 pm

    Article 24 - Day and Year of Redemption

    Day of Divine Redemption (link)
    The One, True and only Official Day of Day of Divine Redemption, also known as the Day of Redemption, also known as Redemption Day, also known as the Day of the 4th Divine Post and Notice, also known as GAIA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1, also known as [Fri, 21 Dec 2012].

    Henceforth, it shall hereby be known to all forever that there be only one (1) true Day of Divine Redemption as GAIA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1, also known as [Fri, 21 Dec 2012].

    No other day shall be permitted to be known as the Day of Redemption. Furthermore, any claimed alternate day of Redemption or variation shall be rendered null and void from the beginning.

    Let it be known to all who come that this is the Day upon which Final Notice of Divine Forgiveness was duly served on behalf of the one (1) true Divine Creator of all existence and witnessed by the united spirits of Heaven to all who respect rule of law and Final Notice of Divine Foreclosure and Liquidation of those entities, bodies, associations, corporations, offices and agents already bonded and under lien for their repeated transgressions and refusal to cease evil and insanity.

    Year of Divine Redemption (link)
    Let it be known that from the one (1) true Day of Divine Redemption being GAIA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1, also known as [Fri, 21 Dec 2012] until UCA E1:Y2:A1:S1:M30:D1, also known as [Sat, 21 Dec 2013], shall be known as the Year of Divine Redemption represented as year 1.

    Divine Redemption (link)
    In contrast to the false claims and presumptions of a Divine Creator absent from office or harsh in judgment, Divine Redemption is a historic and unprecedented miracle of the direct intervention of the Divine Creator and united Heaven in the restoration and rebalance of life upon planet Earth and the Solar System for the survival and prosperity of all life.

    Furthermore, Divine Redemption is the settlement of all previous claims, curses, bindings, transgressions and injuries. To recover what was unlawfully seized, taken or sold. To salvage and restore what was lost. To rescue what was kidnapped and ransomed. To bring to life what was considered without life.

    Divine Redemption is therefore the final act of an extraordinary intervention of Divine Foreclosure against those Level 6 Life Forms crippled with mind virus and mental illness claiming power and authority that have continued to threaten the existence and well being of life on planet Earth, yet at the same time have claimed to be its rightful trustees, stewards, executors or administrators.

    The Year of Divine Redemption is the last chance, the last opportunity for those claiming wealth and resources to redeem their position against the absolute authority and legitimacy of those societies and trusts formed through the present Covenant.

    Divine Redemption is therefore the final act of restoring the true Rule of Law and the end of false and piracy law, of corrupt edicts and commands masquerading as original and true law.

    Upon the expiry of the Year of Divine Redemption, all money, claims and title of the old world not redeemed shall be worthless. Upon the expiry of the Year of Divine Redemption, all corporations that have not redeemed themselves and registered in accord with the present Covenant and associated instruments of Authority shall cease to possess any rights or recognition in any legitimate form of law. Those that choose to ignore, repudiate this last chance shall have no excuse or recourse beyond this period after Perfect Divine Notice has been duly served since the Day of Divine Agreement and Understanding.

    Remedy by Special Qualification may not be offered after Day of Redemption (link)
    The less senior of officials of all alternate societies, given fair notice by due process of the Day of Judgment and Remedy, have until VENUS E8:Y3210:A0:S1:M27:D6, also known as [Wed, 21 Dec 2011], also known as the Only True Day of Judgment, to agree or provide superior remedy to the Divine Creator.

    The Offer of Remedy by Extraordinary Qualification is not permitted to be extended beyond the Day of Judgment.

    Therefore, the Day of Judgment is so named as it represents the last Day appointed by the Divine Creator to offer those in power across planet Earth Extraordinary Remedy. Their choice shall be their Judgment, including if they remain silent, as their silence shall legally represent their full and unconditional consent to this and all associated original law.

    Notice of Divine Redemption (link)
    The Notice of Divine Redemption served upon the Day of Redemption shall be this most sacred Covenant combined with all the other Ucadian Covenants and all Codes of Law and Patents as One (1) Complete Perfected Notice in all the Universe, Heavens and upon the Earth.

    The Task of ensuring all spirits of all Heavens and Hells receive fair Notice that Redemption has now been fully ratified and executed as the highest of all law, the most supreme of all supreme laws by Perfect Notarial Procedure shall be appointed the 4th and final Divine Horseman to bear witness to the supreme truth of the Divine Notice.

    By the absolute power and authority vested in this sacred Covenant, no force in the Universe, Heaven or on Earth may prevent the appearance of the 4th Divine Horseman upon Pegasus as the color (pale) green upon the Day of Divine Redemption.

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    A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters Empty Re: A Message To The Elites who Intend to Create Harm of Any Kind, Anywhere on our Brothers and Sisters

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:07 am

    I continue to be extremely apprehensive regarding Ancient Doctrines, Covenants, Treaties, Wars, Realms, Races, etc and et al. I maintain that LAW is at the center of EVERYTHING -- but I continue to sense deception, nastiness, and spiritual-wickedness in the heavenlies. I've taken a break from Frank O'Collins' material. That 'Reverencing Demons' bit sort of got my goat. Again, definitions and qualifying terms are exceedingly important. I'd be interested to see what sort of verdict a Dream-Team of Lawyers and Theologians would render regarding Frank's work. I like the general idea -- but I'm VERY wary regarding the implications and ramifications of what Frank has created. I've been told that I don't want to know about the treaties, covenants, agreements, etc. which this solar system operates under. I once heard a pastor say that very few people know how much it really costs to keep light on the Earth. I just keep assuming that things have been VERY bad for a VERY long time -- and that they will continue to be VERY bad for a VERY long time. I'm not expecting any 'quick-fixes'.

      Current date/time is Thu Oct 17, 2024 11:57 pm