Hi Dominic,
Thank you for posing the question. I've never really thought about this subject before, but this is what came to my mind when reading your post...
There are many, many colors. We take these numerous different colors and put them into smaller groups (maroon and burgundy would both be considered red, for example). I won't try to go into why we tend to simplify things, but it's something we do constantly in all areas of our lives.
I think that sometimes in our attempts to simplify things, we actually make them more complex...
Perhaps we began by using a different word for each different color, but there were too many different colors to remember so we started to call many similar looking colors by the same name. Makes sense for various reasons.... The problem is that we now have to try to come up with some criteria to separate the colors (what makes one color red, while another is pink, for example? Or are red and pink actually the same, and if they're the same, do we call them red or do we call them pink, or do we come up with an entirely new name for them?) So, as I said, in our attempt to make things simpler, we actually make them more complex.
What makes one color different from another? The obvious answer is...they look different.
What causes one color to look different from another? The eye/brain perceives differences according to vibration.
So then, what is color? It is vibration (simple, right?)
What point am I trying to make? We tend to TRY to simplify things by separating them, thinking that if we can isolate something we can better understand it. The result is that we actually make things more complex and more difficult to understand. The way to simplify things so that we can better understand them is to unite them. My brief discussion about color clearly illustrates this.
Dimensions and colors are one. They are vibration.
I cannot see infrared or ultraviolet. Does this mean they don't exist?
I can see red and violet. Does this mean they exist?
Does something exists according to our ability to perceive it?
What is 'existence'? Is it a relative term, as opposed to something which doesn't exist? Wouldn't that mean that 'non existence' exists...
My personal assessment... One vibration is not separate from another.
There are not separate vibrations. There is vibration.
In attempting to separate vibration into vibrations (Why would we do that? But we do...), everything becomes nonsensical...and the more we try to make sense of it by dissecting it, the less sense it makes.