2012 - Pole Shift, UFO's,Ophiuchus and Dying Birds - It's Happening.
I just heard about Ophiuchus today...going to do some more research into that soon as i get some time...i have a few other things distracting me for a couple days so please do post any more info if ya got it.
Peace JT!
Earth's frequency is rising for first time in known history: http://www.apfn.net/Messageboard/3-04...
It is happening, but it doesn't have to be horrible. Keep your heart straight. For more free vids and info on frequencies and 2012 go to my website
Seismic Activity through the roof world wide:
Terence McKenna - Modern Genuis - must see-
Greg Braden on 2012
The Van Allen Belt is down great explanation by new yt ;
Some say this thirteenth sign is the opening of a wormhole-
Lost Books of Nostradamus 2012 and Ophiuchus
I just heard about Ophiuchus today...going to do some more research into that soon as i get some time...i have a few other things distracting me for a couple days so please do post any more info if ya got it.
Peace JT!