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    Happy Birthday Deborah


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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  Owlsden Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:57 pm

    Dear Deborah,

    Although I did not meet you in the physical, I have seen your beautiful face and I know your Essence still lives.

    "I saw the Sun rise in your eyes and the Moon and the Stars were the gifts you gave to the Dark and the endless skies, my Love"

    Happy Birthday.

    Last edited by Owlsden on Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 1050
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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  shiloh Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:37 pm

    Happy Birthday Deborah Debbie0_001

    The Land of the Dead


    I am Tony B. and I am sharing this because of an incident which shall become apparent later in the story line.

    The heatwave of the new year transition 2005/2006 wrought havoc to my already tortured body; struck with a disability of motory balance, rendering walking extremely difficult.

    I developed symptoms of pneumonia in my left lung and found breathing exceedingly difficult.

    Then the lung infection migrated from the left lung tissue to its right counterpart, rendering me bedridden again. The slightest movement caused chestpains and then parts of my hands and legs developed numb spots, often cramping up and adding to the pain.

    Now whatever one might call ones innermost identity in ones life, I shall call it soul. And my soul decided to escape this torturous situation and I experienced a form of OBE or Out-of-Body-Experience.

    Lucid Dreaming

    I am a lucid dreamer; meaning that I know when I am dreaming. So I remember my dreams in knowing that I am bilocated in the dreamstate.

    I have often dreamt about the past, my working life, adventures and activities and peoples fully aware that I would wake up and find myself in my wretched physical circumstances once again.

    The intensity of my dreams relates to the easiness I walk, run and jump about in my dreams. This could be of course a compensation given to me by my soul, freed from the physical impairements during those occasions.

    As I was in the military (Air Force), once I dreamt of the marching drills and my going to the pub afterwards with my friends. Now I would often say to my friends in my dreams that I was dreaming this and that I would not know when I would simply disappear from Dreamland, corresponding with my awakening from the dreamstate.

    Yet there is a graduation of those dreamstates; say one's working life and memories, one's physical remembrances of a healthy body, one's family and friends and so on.

    The following is different and another reason why I am choosing to share this. There is normally a graduation of dreamstates into OBEs into comatosis into death. This graduation engages the OBE in a more aprupt manner, say the white tunnel of light and the magnetic attractions experienced by the souls written about.

    Now I am not trying to be presumptious here; but somehow I know that the following is what comes after the white tunnel. The transcension of the vortex of the magnetic source would actually transport the dying person into the Land of the Dead.

    The Land of the Dead

    I found myself in a natural setting of luscious trees, characterised by the shadow giving properties of the former. There were people lazying about everywhere, either strolling about or sitting in groups doing nothing in particular.

    Now it must be said that I was located in a specific area, and a setting which so should not be generalised; but there were no cars or traffic, but there were cottages nested amongst the ubiquitous majestic trees. Also whilst the place was swarming with peoples, those people were not eating, smoking or consuming anything. I saw no young children or old people either, the ages seemingly ranging from about 20 to 50.

    Ah another one of those dreams I said to myself; lets explore the environment. My body was perfect once again and I could effortlessly move about.

    But something felt rather different from my previous experiences; I somehow knew that this place was a transition point, like a airport terminal and that I should ask some pertinent questions.

    There was one guy leaning against a post or something and I approached him.

    "Is this the Land of the Dead?", I asked.

    "Yes", he replied in a manner of matter of fact.

    "I had to ask", I said, "because I do not know how long I will be able to be here. I might suddenly disappear, because I am still alive on earth."

    He shook his head in disbelief and I felt that his understanding was that one either is alive on earth or dead there and not at two places at once.

    "Oh, I am so happy!", I exclaimed loudly moving on; knowing that I could now put my scientific mind into gear and explore the so called afterlife.

    First I went to a post and checked its solidity; it was solid with resistance just as on earth. I continued to stroll about observing the grouped people and approached a group of about 10 sitting and standing about a certain spot.

    There was a girl of about 20, whom I went to and took her hand and tried to pinch the skin on her wrist.

    "Does this hurt?", I asked her. She did not answer but I felt a kind of ignobility as having offended her. This changed suddenly however as our eyes met and we kissed spontaneously.

    "Ah so you liked that", I said. The group of about 10 also included what seemed to be two twin brothers in their 30's sitting on a bench about 2 metres apart. They had long protruding noses and their personal demeanor and attire induced me to ask them:


    "Rafka(?) and this is our sister", they replied, pointing to the girl I had just interacted with.

    "How did you die?", I continued.

    "Ah, we were sitting in our house when a bomb hit".

    I wandered on now forming more concrete ideas as what to do or look for. I also began to think that I might have died on earth and that I now could stay here in the Land of the Dead without continuing my sufferings.

    Stool 408

    I strolled on and came onto another group of mostly youngish women.

    "You know about continents?", I enquired from them;

    "you know Africa, the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia on earth. What is the geography here?"

    They mumbled a number of complicated names like zigibfilis, figoz.., ? Anyway I got the impression that this place was huge. I went on and asked a bypasser:

    "How do I meet my daughter Deborah, who committed suicide on earth?"

    "Go to a receptionist desk", he replied, pointing to a pulpit-like wooden construction nearby. I went there and met a say 50 year old man.

    "Can you give me an express way to meet my daughter Debbie, please".

    "Sure wait for my call", he answered and I noticed that a number of peoples were gathered waiting for their names to be called.

    But what a confused and chaotic setup I thought, it should be organised.They did not even ask me for my name.

    Yet, after only a short while I did not hear an audible, but a mental or holographic image voice:


    This was my name and I had not conveyed this name to the receptionist. So I went to the receptionist and he said to me:

    "She's working - Stool 408, not 48 but 4-0-8".

    "Thanking You", I said and continuing,

    "you know that I could just disappear from here. I am unsure if I am really dead or not on earth; but if I am alive on earth than this information about the Land of the Dead can help a lot of people down there."

    He looked at me and simply nodded approvingly,


    He continued, addressing his motivation of being a receptionist:

    "Here I can talk to the doctor after leaving the consultancy room and I am appreciated, whilst before noone really cared".

    I left the receptionist and asked someone what a stool number was. The someone pointed at little wooden pegs, like street markers associated with the cottages in the Land of the Dead.

    So I went to one of those markers and it read 22. Now where do I go from here I pondered, when a most dreaded feeling invaded my soul space.

    I was still alive on earth and just about to wake up, before I could meet Debbie and further investigate the Land of the Dead.

    Tony Bermanseder, authenticated January 6/7th, 2006.

    PS.: Personal Analysis

    The reader should know, that normal social etiquette and conformities do not generally apply in either dreamstates or OBEs.

    Neither does logic as generally applied in the context of space and time. One must learn to think logically in a learning curve, rather similar to any good educational processes.

    My understanding of the subject matter from both the scientific, and the philosophical or spiritual perspective is that I found myself indeed at a junction point in the Land of the Dead.

    All people were very friendly where I found myself, characterised by a common consciousness, say the seeming lazying about.

    My daughter Debbie 'was working' and at a different location which I experienced; say the stool numbers at my location were around 22, whilst Debbie was at 408.

    The Bulgarians seemingly had not moved on from their sudden death when their earthly house was bombed. They were still sitting about, just being themselves.

    The groups of young women reminded me of earthly drug abusers and their respective peer groups.

    So I can see interwoven and graduating vibration levels without sickness, disability and a complete freedom of choice.

    All endeavour is completely left to the individual; subject to the individual's mental awareness and inquisitivity.

    If one has a question, one simply asks at a receptionist desk, where the receptionist knows whereto one should be directed to satisfy one's requests.

    I shall end here with the simple statement that many mourners and distressed people may find solace with respect to this shared experience.

    The reality of the soul is beyond question in my experience and the transient earthly body has a shadow counterpart, but DNA perfected - in the Land of the Dead.

    Love and Insights to All.

    Tony B.

    Happy Birthday Deborah Debbie1_001

    {Deborah Martina Bermanseder * January 8th, 1982 (1.32 am, Brisbane, Australia) - December 8th, 2004}

    Eulogy to Deborah Martina Bermanseder !

    To Our Darling GrandDaughter, Daughter, Sister and Friend!

    Nanna Sylvia's GreatGrandDaughter and Nanna Cynthia's GrandDaughter


    Now you find yourself where you said you wished to be;

    with Bob and Mary and your baby you now suddenly can see.

    So pretty and demure, a tender butterfly you've now become;

    your past sorrows and pains vanished, forgotten, all but done.

    Allow the love of your surroundings to give you mind of peace;

    like a snowhite dove, you have crossed the troubled seas.

    We are always with you dearest Debbie, time cannot hold;

    across the worlds of separation, we travel on ever so bold.

    To be in a body is not all there is for the spirit to know;

    the soul remembers its home, where it longs to be without a foe.

    The Living are Dead and the Dead are Alive, as Jesus said;

    so we all bid you Hello and not Farewell as words instead.


    Hello darling Debbie; we all love you and try to share your peace and joy!


    Dad, Mum, Richard, Christine, David, Adam, Cassie, Lynell, Gordon, Sandy and friends!

    {Composed by Dad Tony; December 19th, 2004

    and iterated by Sister Cassie December 20th, 2004}

    Remembrance Day of the Dead Alive Ones in the Logos of all the Worlds of the Living Dead Ones
    Good Friday, April 22nd, 2011 warping Monday, March 28th, 2011 and warping a 1980th anniversary in Wednesday, March 28th, 31 AD</STRONG>


    {Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead}

    Out in the graveyard;
    inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away;
    like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay.
    Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them
    and not just in photoalbums or on the special days.

    Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget!
    They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away.
    The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die.
    Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive.

    They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far;
    yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do?
    To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest.
    They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest.

    A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell.
    But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their lovehearts tell?
    The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one.
    But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone!

    The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallise again in two.
    To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!'
    Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request.
    But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest.

    {Thus passes away the glory of the world}

    Happy Birthday Deborah Asabovesobelowdeb

    Last edited by shiloh on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 459
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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  Owlsden Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:30 pm

    Happy Birthday to E as well...

    Posted Jan 8th, 2012 3.30pm (Florida time)

    Last edited by Owlsden on Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added time of entry)

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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  SuiGeneris Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:31 pm

    Hi Debbie Happy Birthday!!

    Happy Birthday Deborah Roses-n-glitter-beautiful


    Sui Hadriel

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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  Owlsden Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:23 pm

    Owlsden wrote:Dear Deborah,

    Although I did not meet you in the physical, I have seen your beautiful face and I know your Essence still lives.

    "I saw the Sun rise in your eyes and the Moon and the Stars were the gifts you gave to the Dark and the endless skies, my Love"

    Happy Birthday.


    Posts : 1050
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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  shiloh Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:26 pm

    Owlsden wrote:
    Owlsden wrote:Dear Deborah,

    Although I did not meet you in the physical, I have seen your beautiful face and I know your Essence still lives.

    "I saw the Sun rise in your eyes and the Moon and the Stars were the gifts you gave to the Dark and the endless skies, my Love"

    Happy Birthday.

    The Womb of Wombs of Wombs!

    Happy Birthday Deborah Wombofwombs

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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  HigherLove Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:32 pm

    Happy Birthday Deborah!

    I almost forgot to say that after I got stuck on a certain image.

    Nothing implied other than appreciation.


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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  shiloh Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:13 pm

    HigherLove wrote:Happy Birthday Deborah!

    I almost forgot to say that after I got stuck on a certain image.

    Nothing implied other than appreciation.


    Thank You for all the well wishers; it is appreciated by the misted family in the Cave of the Shadows!

    And for Troy's recovery, the following 'images' might prove inducive in their qualities of the recuperances.

    Troy, the dragonomy is by nature universally bisexual and harmonised in a cosmic androgyny.

    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin):

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    The following charts are so presented for your present biological age encoding as 46=BODY in the Dove and Dovra (Hebrew Bee) of the Shaloma!

    Happy Birthday Deborah Iam

    Happy Birthday Deborah Dragonomyandrogyny

    Happy Birthday Deborah Agapekeysmall

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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  HigherLove Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:38 pm


    Its da Wave


    I am going to study this, tomorrow. First some sleep.



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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  Owlsden Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:47 am

    Happy Birthday Dad. You physically departed this planet on February 4th, 2004. Today is "your Birthday" January 10th and you are with us in "our Hearts" this year of 2012. Taylor was born on January 26th less than 2 weeks prior to your passing and he sees you often, although the two of you did not not meet in the physical, he carries you with him as you carry him with you. "We Love You Dad".

    Last edited by Owlsden on Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  shiloh Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:47 am

    Jonah wrote:After 15 years my brothers shunt hes had since birth has malfunctioned. He will have surgery tommorow morning to attempt removing the shunt from his brain...Loving thoughts r welcome for my dearest brother

    Dear Jonah!

    The present warptime allows for especially potent visualisations with regards to 'Cosmic Man' aka Vitruvius.

    Contemplating the following images so particularises the interdimensional 'stargates', say the third eye and the crown chakra (thousand petaled lotus - pituitary and pineal glands). Visualising energy flows for healing modalities, both constructive and destructive, depending on the aims and purposes of the 'energy interference' so can become 'mapped' in the love frequency of precisely 3 thousand million billion trillion cycles per cosmic second.

    The energy is that of the 'Cosmic Twinserpent' allowing the Top-Down 'White Magic Serpent' into a harmonisation and entwinement with the Bottom-Up 'Black Magic Serpent'. This has allowed a certain neutrality between a prior 'dualism' between the red (sexual or physical kundalini of release) chakra of the malkuth and the purple (antisexual or mental kundalini of containment) chakra of the kether in the esoteric labelings of the Sefiroth in the Quabalah of Ein Sof (aka Abba). Iow the Ein Sof has transformed into Zwei Sof in White Abba reflecting in Black Baab. One might term it the Knowledge (of the forbidden path) of the 11th Sefiroth or DAATH manifested.

    Notice the 15 years number in: 6+9=15=9+6
    TIFERETH/Beauty/Sekhem + YESOD/Foundation/Khaibit = YESOD*/Image/Shadow + DAATH/Unity in Fire

    Happy Birthday Deborah Carhathor+Happy Birthday Deborah Caranubis=Happy Birthday Deborah Carsirius+Happy Birthday Deborah Carfire

    Happy Birthday Deborah BlackholedonutillusHappy Birthday Deborah Blackholesm87illus062911Happy Birthday Deborah 397Happy Birthday Deborah 102Happy Birthday Deborah 58

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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  Ashera Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:32 am

    Happy Birthday Deborah 401132_10150463309496752_90924711751_8913394_1793230678_n

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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  shiloh Tue May 08, 2012 9:22 pm

    Brook wrote:

    Posts: 1806
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    Post n°65 Re: Why so quiet here lately?
    Brook on Sat May 05, 2012 5:38 pm

    Look here folks......about 7 hours ago I got the news my oldest son got killed in a motorcycle accident..........

    Happy Birthday Deborah 534298_10150722651448469_612043468_9380655_1454789890_n

    Happy Birthday Deborah 297_19607308468_612043468_621692_852_n

    Death waits for NO ONE

    I'm never going to gaze into those eyes again......but yesterday morning at 7:30 I was given a sign.....a song came on my computer that I had not played....all by itself....and I posted it somewhere else that it gave me the willies.....

    Start paying attention to the damned SIGNS!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had!!!!!!!!!! And stop the BS ...... Merc is right! Get it! Life is too flipping short!

    The candles blew and then disappeared

    The curtains flew and then he appeared
    Saying don't be afraid

    RIP my Sweet Darling.......

    Happy Birthday Deborah 543611

    the song that came on.......

    My heart is broken in two

    Dear Brook!

    Having lost my 'super creative' daughter Deborah Martina at her tender age of 22 to the ignorance of this present mental realm called 'Human Civilisation upon planet Earth' in 2004; I can indeed share your heartfelt distress and sense of losing part of yourself.
    This is a suffering from the soul, which remains in your beingness until you meet again and understand the whyfores and the therefores.

    Now the 'transfer' and metamorphosis of John synchronised with the manifestation of the following code and the fulfilment of a certain timeline in the Logos of the Liontwin.
    This was known as the supermoon of Saturday/Sunday May 5th/6th 2012 in the human annals and calendars.

    So I share this further information with you and whoever reads this.
    This code completes 3 weeks after this super full moon on Sunday, May 27th, 2012 and with respect to the decoding of the timeline below; you as the mother of John will be able to 'meet again' provided certain cosmic resonances allow you to communicate.

    The Cosmic affinity and love of the Dragon family is with you and shares your discomforts, which shall be realised by many to have been a temporary requirement.
    John knows, what I am sharing here - Starlotus from the New Alexandria.

    Revelation 14

    King James Version (KJV)

    13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

    Happy Birthday Deborah Alphaomegas

    Tonyblue The Karen

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    Happy Birthday Deborah Empty Re: Happy Birthday Deborah

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:01 pm

    shiloh wrote:
    Happy Birthday Deborah Debbie0_001

    The Land of the Dead


    I am Tony B. and I am sharing this because of an incident which shall become apparent later in the story line.

    The heatwave of the new year transition 2005/2006 wrought havoc to my already tortured body; struck with a disability of motory balance, rendering walking extremely difficult.

    I developed symptoms of pneumonia in my left lung and found breathing exceedingly difficult.

    Then the lung infection migrated from the left lung tissue to its right counterpart, rendering me bedridden again. The slightest movement caused chestpains and then parts of my hands and legs developed numb spots, often cramping up and adding to the pain.

    Now whatever one might call ones innermost identity in ones life, I shall call it soul. And my soul decided to escape this torturous situation and I experienced a form of OBE or Out-of-Body-Experience.

    Lucid Dreaming

    I am a lucid dreamer; meaning that I know when I am dreaming. So I remember my dreams in knowing that I am bilocated in the dreamstate.

    I have often dreamt about the past, my working life, adventures and activities and peoples fully aware that I would wake up and find myself in my wretched physical circumstances once again.

    The intensity of my dreams relates to the easiness I walk, run and jump about in my dreams. This could be of course a compensation given to me by my soul, freed from the physical impairements during those occasions.

    As I was in the military (Air Force), once I dreamt of the marching drills and my going to the pub afterwards with my friends. Now I would often say to my friends in my dreams that I was dreaming this and that I would not know when I would simply disappear from Dreamland, corresponding with my awakening from the dreamstate.

    Yet there is a graduation of those dreamstates; say one's working life and memories, one's physical remembrances of a healthy body, one's family and friends and so on.

    The following is different and another reason why I am choosing to share this. There is normally a graduation of dreamstates into OBEs into comatosis into death. This graduation engages the OBE in a more aprupt manner, say the white tunnel of light and the magnetic attractions experienced by the souls written about.

    Now I am not trying to be presumptious here; but somehow I know that the following is what comes after the white tunnel. The transcension of the vortex of the magnetic source would actually transport the dying person into the Land of the Dead.

    The Land of the Dead

    I found myself in a natural setting of luscious trees, characterised by the shadow giving properties of the former. There were people lazying about everywhere, either strolling about or sitting in groups doing nothing in particular.

    Now it must be said that I was located in a specific area, and a setting which so should not be generalised; but there were no cars or traffic, but there were cottages nested amongst the ubiquitous majestic trees. Also whilst the place was swarming with peoples, those people were not eating, smoking or consuming anything. I saw no young children or old people either, the ages seemingly ranging from about 20 to 50.

    Ah another one of those dreams I said to myself; lets explore the environment. My body was perfect once again and I could effortlessly move about.

    But something felt rather different from my previous experiences; I somehow knew that this place was a transition point, like a airport terminal and that I should ask some pertinent questions.

    There was one guy leaning against a post or something and I approached him.

    "Is this the Land of the Dead?", I asked.

    "Yes", he replied in a manner of matter of fact.

    "I had to ask", I said, "because I do not know how long I will be able to be here. I might suddenly disappear, because I am still alive on earth."

    He shook his head in disbelief and I felt that his understanding was that one either is alive on earth or dead there and not at two places at once.

    "Oh, I am so happy!", I exclaimed loudly moving on; knowing that I could now put my scientific mind into gear and explore the so called afterlife.

    First I went to a post and checked its solidity; it was solid with resistance just as on earth. I continued to stroll about observing the grouped people and approached a group of about 10 sitting and standing about a certain spot.

    There was a girl of about 20, whom I went to and took her hand and tried to pinch the skin on her wrist.

    "Does this hurt?", I asked her. She did not answer but I felt a kind of ignobility as having offended her. This changed suddenly however as our eyes met and we kissed spontaneously.

    "Ah so you liked that", I said. The group of about 10 also included what seemed to be two twin brothers in their 30's sitting on a bench about 2 metres apart. They had long protruding noses and their personal demeanor and attire induced me to ask them:


    "Rafka(?) and this is our sister", they replied, pointing to the girl I had just interacted with.

    "How did you die?", I continued.

    "Ah, we were sitting in our house when a bomb hit".

    I wandered on now forming more concrete ideas as what to do or look for. I also began to think that I might have died on earth and that I now could stay here in the Land of the Dead without continuing my sufferings.

    Stool 408

    I strolled on and came onto another group of mostly youngish women.

    "You know about continents?", I enquired from them;

    "you know Africa, the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia on earth. What is the geography here?"

    They mumbled a number of complicated names like zigibfilis, figoz.., ? Anyway I got the impression that this place was huge. I went on and asked a bypasser:

    "How do I meet my daughter Deborah, who committed suicide on earth?"

    "Go to a receptionist desk", he replied, pointing to a pulpit-like wooden construction nearby. I went there and met a say 50 year old man.

    "Can you give me an express way to meet my daughter Debbie, please".

    "Sure wait for my call", he answered and I noticed that a number of peoples were gathered waiting for their names to be called.

    But what a confused and chaotic setup I thought, it should be organised.They did not even ask me for my name.

    Yet, after only a short while I did not hear an audible, but a mental or holographic image voice:


    This was my name and I had not conveyed this name to the receptionist. So I went to the receptionist and he said to me:

    "She's working - Stool 408, not 48 but 4-0-8".

    "Thanking You", I said and continuing,

    "you know that I could just disappear from here. I am unsure if I am really dead or not on earth; but if I am alive on earth than this information about the Land of the Dead can help a lot of people down there."

    He looked at me and simply nodded approvingly,


    He continued, addressing his motivation of being a receptionist:

    "Here I can talk to the doctor after leaving the consultancy room and I am appreciated, whilst before noone really cared".

    I left the receptionist and asked someone what a stool number was. The someone pointed at little wooden pegs, like street markers associated with the cottages in the Land of the Dead.

    So I went to one of those markers and it read 22. Now where do I go from here I pondered, when a most dreaded feeling invaded my soul space.

    I was still alive on earth and just about to wake up, before I could meet Debbie and further investigate the Land of the Dead.

    Tony Bermanseder, authenticated January 6/7th, 2006.

    PS.: Personal Analysis

    The reader should know, that normal social etiquette and conformities do not generally apply in either dreamstates or OBEs.

    Neither does logic as generally applied in the context of space and time. One must learn to think logically in a learning curve, rather similar to any good educational processes.

    My understanding of the subject matter from both the scientific, and the philosophical or spiritual perspective is that I found myself indeed at a junction point in the Land of the Dead.

    All people were very friendly where I found myself, characterised by a common consciousness, say the seeming lazying about.

    My daughter Debbie 'was working' and at a different location which I experienced; say the stool numbers at my location were around 22, whilst Debbie was at 408.

    The Bulgarians seemingly had not moved on from their sudden death when their earthly house was bombed. They were still sitting about, just being themselves.

    The groups of young women reminded me of earthly drug abusers and their respective peer groups.

    So I can see interwoven and graduating vibration levels without sickness, disability and a complete freedom of choice.

    All endeavour is completely left to the individual; subject to the individual's mental awareness and inquisitivity.

    If one has a question, one simply asks at a receptionist desk, where the receptionist knows whereto one should be directed to satisfy one's requests.

    I shall end here with the simple statement that many mourners and distressed people may find solace with respect to this shared experience.

    The reality of the soul is beyond question in my experience and the transient earthly body has a shadow counterpart, but DNA perfected - in the Land of the Dead.

    Love and Insights to All.

    Tony B.

    Happy Birthday Deborah Debbie1_001

    {Deborah Martina Bermanseder * January 8th, 1982 (1.32 am, Brisbane, Australia) - December 8th, 2004}

    Eulogy to Deborah Martina Bermanseder !

    To Our Darling GrandDaughter, Daughter, Sister and Friend!

    Nanna Sylvia's GreatGrandDaughter and Nanna Cynthia's GrandDaughter


    Now you find yourself where you said you wished to be;

    with Bob and Mary and your baby you now suddenly can see.

    So pretty and demure, a tender butterfly you've now become;

    your past sorrows and pains vanished, forgotten, all but done.

    Allow the love of your surroundings to give you mind of peace;

    like a snowhite dove, you have crossed the troubled seas.

    We are always with you dearest Debbie, time cannot hold;

    across the worlds of separation, we travel on ever so bold.

    To be in a body is not all there is for the spirit to know;

    the soul remembers its home, where it longs to be without a foe.

    The Living are Dead and the Dead are Alive, as Jesus said;

    so we all bid you Hello and not Farewell as words instead.


    Hello darling Debbie; we all love you and try to share your peace and joy!


    Dad, Mum, Richard, Christine, David, Adam, Cassie, Lynell, Gordon, Sandy and friends!

    {Composed by Dad Tony; December 19th, 2004

    and iterated by Sister Cassie December 20th, 2004}

    Remembrance Day of the Dead Alive Ones in the Logos of all the Worlds of the Living Dead Ones
    Good Friday, April 22nd, 2011 warping Monday, March 28th, 2011 and warping a 1980th anniversary in Wednesday, March 28th, 31 AD</STRONG>


    {Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead}

    Out in the graveyard;
    inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away;
    like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay.
    Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them
    and not just in photoalbums or on the special days.

    Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget!
    They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away.
    The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die.
    Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive.

    They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far;
    yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do?
    To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest.
    They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest.

    A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell.
    But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their lovehearts tell?
    The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one.
    But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone!

    The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallise again in two.
    To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!'
    Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request.
    But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest.

    {Thus passes away the glory of the world}

    Happy Birthday Deborah Asabovesobelowdeb

      Current date/time is Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:11 pm