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    The End of the Twins Cycle


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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:56 pm

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Roma1010

    To the Senate!

    Discipline is logical precision by self-abduction.

    As if I had entered the arena as weak flesh.

    I was not the one who underestimated her enemy, I only came to conclusions.

    I always had two prenames but I had the underline name removed. I somehow scented huge trouble approaching. They were not only after my titles. But truly have still another name too, a Roman one. This was not unusual at all in Saxonia: a tribal and a Roman name. And since I was born midst October by nuns they named me Aurelia Octavia.

    Surely I argue genetically from the tribal perspective and interpret many things different as the official historiology. Why Tacitus found skeletons in Roman uniforms in 80AD? Because they were remains of the war 9AD? To me this is highly implausible, especially in regard of Caesar*s ethnography. Did he describe a different people? No, the pressure from the East increased; and the Völuspá describes that too. Who died there in Roman uniforms not far from the Limes?

    I am convinced of the S.P.Q.R idea, and to make Germany, France, and maybe also Italy, provinces again - and to accept the Roman Province Saxonia, that existed 12-9BC informally.

    The person that the manually perverted Google algorithm - probably also based on social Facebook gossip - construed, simply does not exist! It only reflects what I experienced in my childhood and what traumatized me. The official data that I updated since 2003 are far more reliable! I did not trigger the later witch hunt and even refuse "minimal guilt" - I do not believe in the original sin.

    Google is like a cancer. One only can hope that Corona is faster.

    Untenable assertions, based on consensual witnessing, no proofs. We do not need a second Jesus, and also not a witch hunt!
    - Aurelia Octavia, S.P.Q.R!

    Quae vide, Quaere verum

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Ferrar11
    No question that I will drive it myself, and I say who perhaps could accompany me some pasangs

    Last edited by Ashera on Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:49 am; edited 7 times in total

    Posts : 4201
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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:07 am

    An alevile Völva is also hagazussa

    Mean are the dvargas
    They crossed the line
    Of ancient time
    (Radical Völuspá, transduced by Alienne Laval, August 2020)

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 The_tr10

    Once in a while they want me to go into hospital. What for? Their childish social crap or the things that I suppose that needed semiotically to be done? They do not like it that I attempt to leave this plastic bucket with toads: the rim I reached already: hagazussa!

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:20 am

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Snapsh38

    I am totally independent but I also have the memory, I do not deny anything; it is my consciousness.

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:52 pm

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Octobe10

    The most Roman of all Gorean cities probably was Imperial Ar. The main Gorean calendar is based on the Contasta Ar (C.A.). The main road to the city was the "Viktel Aria" (Victory of Ar) and factually represents the "Via Appia". The calendar itself is a variance of the Julian but the equivalent of the month July is called Haesius, this is Jupiter in Gorean.

    Prague 1582...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 John-d10
    Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:18 am

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Ragimb10

    At Freistatt they refused my bow, even blocked its delivery several times. The postal secrecy was massively violated and mail intercepted. But this gave me a first impression of what they aimed at and proved me right.

    My policy is not to get socially caved in but pow, right in the kisser!

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Flying10

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:56 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sun Aug 30, 2020 6:25 am

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Cognit10

    I need my cognitive capacities (all three Boscovich Covariances and the Peirce Vectors) and this also means car driving and bow shooting...

    Not everything is bargaining chips...

    Once in a while one should read Baudrillard...

    The forseeable future is regressive, a heap of retards.

    Even in social context.

    Factually hardly anything is understood anymore.

    Blade Runner 2079? Maybe I need to wait until then...

    The recent sociability develops to a substanceless simulation...

    ...and the steady state is negotiation.

    How did this occur? With the rise of the mass media the real and the virtual started to exchange values and finally the virtual submitted the real as its imaginary part...

    Internet could have been the way out but finally it was increasingly modelled along the mass media...

    I was lonesome but much faster!

    My android I destroyed in 2017... I use a laptop and a speedstick... and a classic mobile phone...

    I entered the internet in 1997...

    When they came 2018 to get me they came too late.

    I factually was about avatar development... this kept me busy from so 2003 - 2013. The idea was based on considerations of my doctoral supervisors.

    My LinkedIn user pic factually is my first avatar in final stage.

    The pic is of 2005.

    This factually is the "real part".

    Last edited by Ashera on Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:01 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:17 am

    Concerning the "Assyrians"... What does it mean, a "different culture"? I stand with the people of Ninive... Do not expect me to side with the evil Marduk and the Babylonian Talmud! Get thee behind me, Satan!

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Merkel10

    The Spartan faction of the Roman Empire against the Democrats... They always were mercenary and once they stole the federal state coffer from the Island of Delos...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Erdoga10

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:02 am

    Ullyssis Doller - Neurologist

    Too stupid to tell substance from his imaginations (did he never read Jung?) and miserably failed to describe a simple stair case scene. And further lied and cheated about whose door bell he rang!

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 3-2_ne10

    For decades I fight Neuroscience, Sociobiology & Co. Nothing changed my attitude, they delivered no arguments; fact is that the social fascist power play inclined and a possible seizure. I have a brain that functions - and this will stay this way!

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Neuros10

    Sent: Sunday, March 3, 2019, 10:02:28 AM GMT+1
    Subject: Psychiatric Expertise - first associations

    It was not so easy to get out at what these strange faculty "reforms" at the @FU_Berlin aimed at in the Wall Fall forefield, and why a Lutherist from Bielefeld was installed as ethnology director... Germany...

    I will not move to anywhere in Germany or "Germania" (Greater Poland)! If I have to give up the State of Bremen constitutionally I go directly to Israel

    That Democracy is a Cul-de-Sac was clear in the 1980s but then those clever Lutherist strategists opened the fence... Germany - Prussian Great-Numbsville - Prussian Lutherist Social Stalinism - and Poland's democratic junker fellahs applauded...

    Germany = Greater Palestine

    Germany is ruled by a common sense in corruption

    Germany is a society of criminals

    The Barnacles

    The social sector is easily to corrupt, even by LORDists, because it lacks any epistemology

    Opinions have nothing to do with science - finally the dilemma and fate of social work

    Sone un sonne - a Lower Saxon Mingelsh Saying - Es gibt solche und solche

    The Fire from Within. It was not the sun that ignited the first camp fire of humankind, sciences are to see in this heritage, not only the hearth fire, sometimes also called the Central Fire. I was called Flame of Allah and am of Pythia-Gorean breed

    The Shadow Psychiatry

    The KJV distinguishes Sunne and Sonne, the latter understood as the Sonne of man. This is what the Quran means as The Light. It is a quality within, not the outer sun (sunne). The shadow is not a quality of the Blessed Olive Tree, it is accidental and has to submit

    You simply have no idea

    I rebelled, my core they never reached, it was just the surface. So my consciousness is continous. And with psychology I started at high school. Not systematically

    Batgirl I was called because of my ears

    Gotham City is not really New York, it is a synthesis of New York and the American Enclave - some steampunk utopia. And Lloyd is a typical Gotham name - North German Lloyd - Bremen - New York

    "But then there is Harley...", Joker said. First I did not really understand what he meant... I had to remember... I got that huge ape that was named Charley... the name was not right, I said Laley... this was Harley

    Originally I was Batgirl Ruby Lambretta AE Harley Kin Fiederallala Hoppsassa

    She writes that I am so and so old, knows my academic qualifications vaguely because she repressed the central part (could not get it) and treats me as if I was so 16 years old...

    In some cases "twin phenomenon" is rather a metaphor, used to signify more or less recent "social double-slit experiments". Taking the idea of the observer created universe into consideration also the objectivity of the physically measured is to question...

    I never gave up the original idea of the "dual drive fate" that Sigmund Freud originally had because the anthropological data supported that. This what is sometimes diagnosed as "schizophrenia" is in certain cases factually the by socialization repressed personality

    As I explained it sometimes already - the schizogenic super-ego... this expertise reveals the syndrome clearly. One can mostly reduce it to this simple sentence: I love you but I do not like you... this is a typical parental double-bind to produce obedience

    Ich schulde euch Drecksbande gar nichts - wohlpatzierte Gewehrkugeln vielleicht

    Heult doch, ihr Arschlöcher! Ich knall euch noch eine, dummes Pack! Ich habe jahrelang geweint

    My situation is exactly the same as the State of Israel - and Lord Humungus and his gang vis-a-vis

    You idiots are simply too pampered to realize that someone could answer your social sadism with cruelty and recklessness

    Humbug, Mülleimer... aber ich soll ja dazu was schreiben... ohne Bezahlung! Deutschland, das Ausbeuterland der Junkerschweine

    You are off the window, Frau Dr...

    I answer social justice with justice

    Naziland! Ärzte ohne Hirn ohne Hirn und Verstand!

    Ich habe keinen Bock mehr auf diese ganze Scheiße hier

    Ihr seid so saudumm Deutschland!


    Finally we will riddle you down until you kneel and accept a two-step caste culture - or we will perish and the shadow prevails. And then all is lost from here to eternity. I know that you do not get that, but it is has nothing to do with paranoia you naive fool

    You side with terrorists, Germany, and call that democracy, integration and social justice. You will pay dearly for that, realm of the shadow!

    Germany is a fake, hardly anything authentic anymore, all is media pre-chewed. The performative act refers to nothing, it is a washout, a show effect like the former DDR-fairs. No reality proof exists because it is never confronted with the immediacy of substance

    Germans are big babblers and produce nothing but s**t based on opinions and and the respective media crap

    I truly wanted nothing else than working according to my qualifications and sexual possibilities - this was refused

    One of them...

    Embassy of Israel
    Verified account

    Did you know that Israel is one of just a handful of countries where women serve equally with men in the military? Women have always served in the @IDF, and since 2002, can hold virtually any role and rank.

    I refused to become adult and I do not see any reason to become it now, I am a mature being

    Morse signals from the global cucumaria state of mankind...

    A pervert adult parental super-ego...

    I am a friendly and open being but you permanently misuse this... Are you not right in the garret? I think it is about personality destruction and breaking me... I blow your blubber bulb up!

    I will leave alone...

    Germany is too stupid to be true!

    The sides need to get shuffled a few before the hell opens - I belong to Israel

    Here I am nothing but a hostage without any chance, put under social fascist control, discriminated, denunced, and cheated for the fruits of my academic merits: anti-Semitism!

    Never again peace!

    You chose eternal war, and you will get it

    I never forgive and I have a good memory

    I will await you WWZ a**holes with a semi-automatic rifle behind the Israeli fence!

    My answer to the recent expertise will be annihilation

    I want to leave this not curable nazi country!

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Wed Sep 02, 2020 1:45 am

    What did they wonder about the decline of the unversity niveau after I was so miserably treated? A people of egotists and puppy breeders!

    Everywhere this stupid people meddles in, following a social media parole, "get involved!". Constitutionally seen this is a fatal strategy that finally cripples any statecraft.

    Alienne came to earth in an egg of Nemesis, hidden in a ball of fire...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Nemesi10

    Alienne Atreides

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Helen10

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Sparta11

    Once they arrested me on the threshold of a guest house when I was in Athens for negotiations...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Helen_10

    At no point of time they were interested in my personality and possibilities. I am not Athenean, I am Spartan.

    I am not emancipated and I do not want!

    As if I was interested in what they want from me...

    If minimal guilt is anyway imputed the only way out is spreading legs.

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Wed Sep 02, 2020 3:52 am

    I followed a certain archetype through the millennia, the "Ashera Archetype" that described me best

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Bifiur10

    Alienne (Ashera, Harut, Magdalene) and Cassandra (Aphrodite, Marut, Salome) - the Tantalides (Atlantides), House Atreides, the Pleiades... the doves...

    Menelaus and Agamemnon

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Menela11

    To cross the Jordan was a risky adventure at the times of Jesus, and that he survived alone in the desert several days was more than luck. It was a suicide command, probably to proof himself after he fell in love with Magdalene (and Salome). And considering his "shamanic" visions in the desert... Three in one bed and Peter at the door... He could have been a happy man, but there was the Holy Spirit.

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:40 am

    Several times I insisted that the nutrition lacks Vitamine C, no one listened. For myself I got ascorbic acid from the drugstore. And because this petty game is so funny it repeats and repeats... Sometimes you must refuse to eat, every afternoon a huge cake and you slowly lose any discipline, you need food like a hog.

    Oh LORD, we are sinners! Please forgive me that my blood sugar almost exploded yesterday! I repent!

    Monsieur Panier was really fat meanwhile.

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Bild_010

    It was not really Mann or Dürrenmatt but some scenes resembled it

    Other than me Dr. Spritzer quitted his Dr.-title, no question that he was educated... He was a Porsche V8 expert. At this point I would have been satisfied with a Mustang V6 but now it is a Ferrari Roma...

    And then those Christian fellows buy flatware for the institution that make most look hindered when they eat with it... And some are not used to good silverware... they do not even notice the reason of their handicap in eating... And soon they will be caring cases after some weeks of observation... I went to the drawer and got an old fork...

    The best was I voted for my death! But a self-conscious being cannot do so!

    Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant and as such a stabilizator. It keeps for example a fruit fresh for a while. Putrefaction is a process of oxidation in which the level of ascorbic acid decreases - something similar causes the scurvy disease. Some even like to look to like zombies. So? Infectious it is not.

    Without self-discipline you anyway start to rot some day at the rim of "civilization"... soup kitchens do not prevent this...

    Some way Christians anyway like decay and vinegar cures... not to call it corruption.

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:02 am

    There is no cure for the "shamanic disease", Völvas included. The only help is separation and strange means.

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Shaman11

    I was a full success, alas there were the socialists...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Social10

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:29 am

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Emeral10
    Emerald Dragonette

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:51 pm

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Roman_10

    I have no fun with this ignorance! My father was different, and I am not one with him! They totally miscalculated, and I strike out! I tolerated democracy as long as it did not harm me. And now the barrel ran over! And f**k their swine priests!

    Rubico erat finis Galliae.
    - Caesar

    Caesar was of Celtic descent, not Etruscan. His expedition vs Gallia had various aims. One was to free the region from the terror of the druids. Like his name patron Pontifex Gaius he was female-friendly. And this also was the reason why he left the tribes east of the Rhine, who forbade druidism, unraided. Doing "seidr" was forbidden to men. Thus spoke the Völva.


    Why do I know certain things? I do not know... I always had dreams and visions, as small child already. At Hammershus, Bornholm, Dragonstone. Ultima Thule. Regio Romanum. The Gryphon gave me to think.

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Daener21

    Dispecta est et Thule, quia hactenus iussum, et hiems adpetebat
    - Tacitus

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Thule_10

    What was the shape of the Empire? Factually no one had a concrete idea, and to transfer the historical data to a modern spheric world projection does not change this emic fact, no matter that Ovid structurally speculated on the globosity of the earth.

    Most erred because they did not understand Roman geo- and topography, among them Magister Caulis who travelled Norway, the Orkneys and Hebrides. The Romans had no compass and north was not what we think of today. To a great deal they referred to the ancient Egyptian orientation, and there Heligoland was North, known as "Tat", the north-pillar.

    Saxonian oral lore told that Brunhild resided at Thule. So it was transmitted by my grandfather who was known to be a spökenkieker. And it also was common conviction that Thule was Bornholm. That Arminius was no other than Siegfried of Xanten was no question. And so we have a concrete time frame. Bornholm was the northernmost point of the Empire.

    Proto-indogermanic "telu", cp. lat. tellus, proto-celtic "telǝ-mō"

    Thule was known, it had not to be named, and it was Bornholm where the expedition hibernated - north of the north pillar - Hyperborea, Ultima Thule.

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Arnage10

    From Hammershus (Vang) one can see South-Sweden if the weather is fine. The three dark spot monster at the first map symbolizes the three Swedish crowns, and "Balena" means the Balticum...

    Last edited by Ashera on Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:37 am; edited 6 times in total

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:19 am

    They be a collective. And I was damned to be part of that only because I lived there by chance and enstranging circumstances of aggravation? I did not have much contact and never frequented their collective sandpit. And above all, I deny the principle of the collective!

    I am not against that people reproduce but this multiplication rage and social egotism are truly sick, and in the end plain terror! Thus breeding slavery is to me totally unethical, and in no way Gorean.

    That I am a high rank Gorean Green Caste is totally justified. Only that I am not a surgeon or amputation freak does not disqualify me! I am semiotician and rather a herbalist: the alchymistry of being. Paracelsus, Erich Neumann etc. - the Matrix revealed.

    Never ever anyone will get through they way I did it, this people messed it!

    Do I like Ptomaine?

    Lepton was here...

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:35 am

    Those from Hamburg...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Second10

    The Verden Prosecution has to apply Bremen State Law in my case because my being in Free State was a job-creation measure of the Bremen Social Service.

    I tried to avoid this confrontation with any means. I said I go to Free State and start anew, but no they sent me to Osnabrück. I wanted to stay. They said you have to go back to Bremen. I said I could settle in the City of Syke, but no, I had to go to Bremen. And now the Dothraki are at the gate...

    And there was wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Bremen administrative and juridical middle level!

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:25 am

    They did not expect that I was that far in 2007 already when I had own land and property. They came too late when they banned me from it in 2008 by police force to submit me to the public landlord.

    I could explain dozens of times what it is up, it did not change their idiotic attitude!

    Iron Sights

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Iron_s10

    No, I am not willing to cooperate, but I am open for arguments.

    My position came into existence via negationes and zero probability. Brownian motions of inertial masses played no role. Long enough they dominated my nave aisle!


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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:59 am

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Blah_b10

    Flo and Flame; photo by Jane Goodall. I knew what was up, and with my mum and me it is exactly the same! I am the wrath of God!

    Partly the social behaves like a cancer... and it can suck you to exitus...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Bomb_e10

    I earned the Nobel Prize for the Art of War

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 R169_410


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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:59 am

    They cause an unbearable situation and define it as my property? Factually it is an attribution! Socialism is enstrangement!

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 V-wie-10

    Yes, I opened the V II file again with my letter. I did not aim to do that. If I had wanted I could have done this in 2010 already. But finally there was no other solution, They drove the cat into the corner and poked her...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Img_0118

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:25 am

    It is true that the Islamic legal discourse often lacks a certain niveau, and also that certain punishments are too hard. But how should this change if the West refuses to at least partly intellectually to islamize and to join the discourse? The State of Bremen ratified the Quran in 2013 according to its own state constitution - and what happened after? Stupid social LORDism and parish therapy prevailed!

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Martin10

    As long as justice is meant, and not social justice...

    Uma Soona Panthers - Nation of Islam

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Angery10

    Master Mike: I see social justice as being a part of justice

    Ashera: No, it is illogical in its core because it violates the principle of truth finding for the sake of social interests.

    Master Mike: I disagree because justice is only just if it is inclusive of all forms

    Ashera: The Complete Jewish Bible Mark 15:15 - So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the mob, set Bar-Abba free for them; but he had Yeshua whipped and then handed him over to be executed on the stake... And the people prefers a dubious individual because of a positive social prognosis and consensual false witness? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!

    Master Mike: The quote does not alter my view an iota

    Ashera: Are you an expert in epistemology and legal theory? Or just a democrat? Idiota? 20 lashes!

    Master Mike: Lol. I am not an expert at all and do not claim to be. Neither am I rude to those who have a different opinion to myself. I wish to learn more through informed debate but will discuss it with someone else instead.

    Ashera: And off you go!

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Court_12

    Master Mike: Indeed. Goodbye


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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:21 am

    Via negationes* functions like a diagnosis of exclusion. To increase the probabilities a posterio does not change the facts! Stupid worker and peasant state! Middle mass and delusion! Alone their administrative occupation with a diagnostic theme over years is at least neurotic and only theological to explain! The pastor at Free State was not the problem...

    Der eine ein saurer Gurkenkönig, der andere ein feuchter Elendslappen: Flip und Flop.

    Your peccadillos sum up and finally they get you - and the remaining freedom is to become some spectre chasing through the corridors of a closed institution. Best friend?

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Bgh21610

    * Cp. Nathan Söderblom, "On The Reality Of God"; George Bataille, various writings.
    Principially Islam is Catholic...

    Last edited by Ashera on Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:36 am

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Bremen12

    The Socialists... similar in Hamburg...

    The ICC is informed since 2015 of my case and did not care. In any way they, the UN, and also the EU, execute no state power. Since also the State of Bremen failed the Federal Interior Ministry had to involve the BGH (Federal Court)...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Icc_jf10

    State Craft is art, not necessarily juristery, but maybe even more scientific.

    There was a time the State of Bremen was big enough to fight the Swedish and the English. This does not mean that Bremen could defeat them, only could stop them. A strong sea but also a weak land power - and this was the doom of the Bremen-Sweden-war.

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Bremen13

    In the last phase of WWII the principially freed the State of Bremen from the English who had bombed the city ground zero. Bremen became American Enclave but was not big enough to execute sufficient power, neither alone nor as member of the Federal Republic - Verden was lacking. In any case House Herderstr became American HQ. My grandma cooked.

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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:46 am

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Cister11

    Aye.. Cistercians... Cisterciensian Sisters are even more radical... Paracelsus and Alchymy...

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Cister12

    Since 2010 there is also a branch of Anglican Cistercians in England, and in Wales since 2017. This is a dispersed and uncloistered order of single, celibate, and married men officially recognized by the Church of England. The Order enjoys an ecumenical link with the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance.

    There are also Cistercians of the Lutheran church residing in Amelungsborn Abbey and Loccum Abbey.
    Also the Lippstadt Nunnery... Abbess Odilia... 1360
    Benninghausen Abbey or Priory (Kloster Benninghausen), Benninghausen, Lippstadt: Cistercian nuns 1240–1804

    Neuenwalde Convent!

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    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Thu Sep 10, 2020 5:53 pm

    Was plague really the reason to burn the first nunnery building down as was told? I seriously doubt that. I assume that it was the fire of a stake outside the nunnery wall that spread to the interior buildings. I further assume that the one who was burnt there was Abbess Odilia whose grave outside the nunnery wall and surroundings I explored. I still remember her smiling skeleton... and the shoes I found in the remnants of a fire semt to fit...

    Was it her ptomaine in the loam that caused an itchy hand back and made me see?

    Sometimes I feel as if I alighted from a grave!

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Maria_10

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    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 Empty Re: The End of the Twins Cycle

    Post  Ashera Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:57 am

    Ashera wrote:That Corona was/is a fraud I do not think but I can imagine that it coincided to manifest in corrupt people. The first wave was not enough to ground all of them.

    The End of the Twins Cycle - Page 39 91110

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