Gor is not a planet... it is a hovering Venus (central fire) continent, ca. 56km above the surface, driven by strange Priest-King technology, it is artificial, @weserkurier
I am not an actor who studied a role, or a cose player, @weserkurier, I am a role player, and my role developed emergent since my birth at Whitewater Creek in the year 10.123 C.A.
I role played En-Gor, @weserkurier. "English Gor", and this meant Gor GE, "Gor Evolved". I never had anything to do with Ger-Gor, "German Gor", and their Lutherist letter fixation
That Yoga must be of Egyptian origin is hardly to doubt, @weserkurier, only there psycho-techniques were far enough developed millennia ago... and from there all the developed sit positions came - and the Jews, Radhanites, Alani, Qaswarah...
My Gorean family is of Alar descent, the Wagon People of the north. Today no consistent tribe exists anymore, @weserkurier. I studied loads in the libraries. I assume that Iscah Haran was the great mother, abducted in Tibet, known as the Spring Queen
You are too stupid to help me, @gewoba and Minim freemason fellows!
When I said that I do not accept your Lutherist social @gewoba control then I do not accept your Lutherist @gewoba control. No means No! I did not change
I did not know all the names of the Wagon Peoples when I travelled. I thought Kataii, and maybe they said it not to frighten me, But they gave me furry boots, so I semt to have no value. Were they factually Kassar as others later assumed, @weserkurier?
I am totally innocent, I never did anything bad or for base motives, @weserkurier
I do not know how high I am in the Gorean Green Caste hierarchy, @weserkurier, and factually I do not care. Nominally I am still Apprentice of Silver, probably it will stay this way, but nevertheless I was Chief Green of Imperial Ar
It is not without risk and I must be cautious nevertheless, but I have a certain protection because my Gorean role play mother is Lady Yesica, and my last mentor was Lady Athena, @weserkurier
It is totally BtB that Kurii agents and commandos operate on earth, @weserkurier...
First I could at all not imagine that the @SecondLife @gor_sl Confederation PCOG Kurii mutilation role play was realistic and literally meant, @weserkurier, even their mainly White and Blue Caste vivisection lessons. My GGC position was very different @RathausHB_news
And I ass kick you into the dark valley, @weserkurier @gewoba, until you stand in front of the gate of hell...
The only female truth category for Lutherists is pregnancy. Why should I accept to get sacrificed for such madness, @weserkurier? Because Lord @gewoba wants it, this great successor of Hernando Cortés and propagtor of terror kids and cannibalism? 1973!
I hate it if middle mass idiots treat me as if I was nuts, @weserkurier, I dream of bombs as ploughshares!
I am a Child of the Encalve, @weserkurier, not of the Federal Republic. And eyed awry I get punished for this since childhood
If you destroy my small state democratically with the help of federal migrants and their fellahs do not expect that I liked that, @weserkurier!
Why should the State of Bremen get ruled from Hannover, @weserkurier? I insist in Bremen State Law. If this should be refused I want to leave Germany: this is officially known since 2013, 2015 the latest
I am not the wheel chair psycho in the center of your schizo parasite barnacle crap society! Start to think and work. you lazy fools
The pensions are sure!
The caring! The caring!
- Norbert Blühm
Nightingale I hear you... kiss my ass!
Good to hear, @weserkurier, in Bremen police torture is usual; and the Greens are so eager to ratify the anti-torture convention before some junkers get arrested next year. I am not interested to become the last victim of your social hinderance agenda @RathausHB_news
You can put your Xxxxxx up and bigot Lutherist moral into your KZ-warden asses!
I do not stand for idocies and pervert adult phantasies
I am not to come for, I want a car!
Democratize yourselves to homoeostasis!
The Social is a Phantasm
Greed, jealousy, democracy, and the will to consume!
P.S.: Doc speaks? PCOG or GGC? PCOG? Piss off!
I do not accept deductive social medicine based on definitions and statistics as scientific, @weserkurier
What the @gewoba did should never had happened, it was illegal and should get seriously punished.