#Julybooks K. H. Schnee & Kurt Mahr: Enterprise Stardust (Perry Rhodan) #books
The Vision
Sommer 2036: Mitten in der Wüste Gobi, fern von den Zentren der Zivilisation, entsteht Terrania - Perry Rhodan...
PM Imran Khan and the Pakistan Army
Luther: "By hook or by crook!"
Lucifa: "And I cut your balls off!"
Main thing is that Imran Khan can rely on the Pakistan Army to keep the oh so democratic Shahist ISIS-K subversion in check
Augustus and the "we"-people (the later democracy) killed Jesus, it was not the still in the saddle S.P.Q.R prosecution that mainly Gaius Julius Caesar established (Party of the Populares; today one would say he was "republican" with a strong Spartan accentuation)
Today I say that East-Elbia is an EU matter, this means anything beyond the former Limes Saxonicus. NATO line would be Elbia, retreat line the Rhine. Quite an inversion but finally the republic might have to fight the wolfing down democracy...
Canon Boat at the Yangtse-Kiang -https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanonenboot_am_Yangtse-Kiang
Rhodan means Rhine, and this originally meant all the river from the Rhone delta to the North Sea with the mainly by Egyptian settlers cultivated land at both sides of the stream, the last river crossing was at Schaffhausen, todays Switzerland
After the Romans came most of the "Gypsians" finally lived between Rhine and Elbia, Phoenicians (Frisians) at the coast. They heavily refused to become part of the Augustus Empire in the making. Finally the Romans built The Limes and the Rhine became a Yangtze Kiang
It cannot be that your multiplication madness dominates all and everything, earthlings!
Thora von Xanten was my first alter ego name
The Empress of Therm Cycle - for your pleasure - Murdoc & Co - http://perryrhodan.us/php/displaySummary.php?start=800&end=867
In the Catacombs of the Body Eaters...
The Perry Rhodan authors and the editors are incorrigable metaphysicists, they refuse to get the entanglement order and therefore responsibilty; they hide behind common sense media laws and define their scriptures as leisure pursuit
856 - Treffpunkt Totenwelt
Meeting on a Dead World
H.G. Ewers
Lavallal was transfered from another universe (Gor), colliding with Eternity. Pan-Thau-Ra that must be restored in its original role, or numerous galaxies will sink into chaos and millions of people die
Yet unburn
The pharaonic world view - the central projection - the earth is a plate - spectres settle in the twilight at the rim - it nevertheless functioned, even for long distance travels
CAT - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/egypt/cairo
11:56 CET/CAT
The Saturnalists in the succession of Gregor A. Gregorius (Eugen Grosche, cp. Gerogrosch, cf. Perry Rhodan 804 - Der Zeithammer, The Time Hammer,
Kurt Mahr ) developed the "BreSys" (Bremer System) to finally evoke their "Egregor" to immantisize the Eschaton...
I will execute an Aztec two-step caste culture in accordance with the Quran, if needed by force!
The Dominion of Corcyrus - http://asheraxonline.tumblr.com/post/150587634413/sunrise-in-a-bremen-spd-local-division
If they need me as Isais, the so-called Isis of Sais (cp. von Schiller), I do not care this
Satan Peter, Apostle Paul, Antiochia, Theozoology, and the Hunt for Zero Point @JackSarfatti @TheUriGeller
In the State of Bremen I will not acceppt any judicial genderism as sufficient to justify "sex change"
They are after my boots because they are real and not serial, maybe the only truth far and wide because of their singularity
You mass media morons are too stupid to be true!