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    The Full of Crap Files


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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:22 am

    Floyd wrote:wasnt it some american geezer back in the 50s Brook

    Milktoast warm.....

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Floyd Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:29 am

    Gabriel Green?

    Or Van Tassel

    I remember reading abouth this once but cant remember where

    There was also the British guy George King who did a fair bit of Alien channeling back in the 60's too.

    Some odd characters about in the 50s and 60's lol.

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:35 am

    Getting warmer...but no...he was a latecomer to the GF..who was channeled much earlier.....

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Floyd Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:38 am

    Brook wrote:Getting warmer...but no...he was a latecomer to the GF..who was channeled much earlier.....

    Hmm getting a bit rusty,, go on then,, put us out of our misery,,cant be bothered with any serious googling!

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:39 am

    Fortunately I have this buried in my thread down below...LOL so give me a minute to gather's really quite amusing in many respects.

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Floyd Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:40 am

    Brook wrote:Fortunately I have this buried in my thread down below...LOL so give me a minute to gather's really quite amusing in many respects.

    Im sure it is!

    Posts : 3469
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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:49 am

    Channeled material.....

    Anybody remember "the nine"??....

    I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the emissary. But the original time I was on the Planet Earth was 34,000 of your years ago. I am the balance. And when I say "I" - I mean because I am an emissary for The Nine. It is not I , but it is the group.We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one.
    The declaration above is typical of the channeled pronouncements of the Council of Nine - or just 'The Nine'. They contain all the usual New Age ingredients of grandiose statements, shaky grammar and unprovable predictions. But unlike all the other channeling cults, that of The Nine has serious clout.

    Now...what dose this have to do with the GF and exactly were and how it started? Prepare for a rather long explanation post.

    Part of this reminds me of the "law of one" The Ra material and such
    Rolling Eyes

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Floyd Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:53 am

    Ahh the famous 9

    do continue.....

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:55 am

    Now....back to where it came from...this is rather long and exhaustive but when you get to the bottom'll see where the GF the nine and a girl named Jenny, Uri Geller, and a whole slew of psychic research was evolved and "toyed with".....but it's serious and documented. but some very famous Physicists...who work in the area of on....coming next


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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:07 am

    Okay last year a woman came out of the woodwork who was quite controversial and gained lots of attention.....that would be Colleen Thomas I'm going to put some pictures up of her here.....I believe the man in these pictures is her "handler"

    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Scaled.php?server=15&filename=jackandcolleen21The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Scaled.php?server=155&filename=jackandcolleen1

    So who is the guy in the picture?

    Dr. Jack Sarfatti is one of the leaders of the New Physics movement.However, his research into E.S.P., time, future causality and his VALIS-type experience has provoked dissent in the mainstream physics community.

    The Non-Lethal Warfare Imperative......

    The major testing ground for this morality may well be the current non-lethal psychic-warfare research being conducted by the military intelligence community in search of a ‘Manchurian Candidate.’

    “Non-lethal psychic warfare using the distant manipulation of the consciousness of the ‘enemy’ will be an important factor in the 21stcentury,” Sarfatti believes. “But it is preferable to the old means of war. The potential for these techniques of mind-control to be used in the field on unsuspecting naive populations in ‘non-lethal warfare’ are awesome to behold and contemplate. They can be and will be easily misused by authoritarian immoral power structures. These techniques not only involve manipulation by drugs and ordinary electromagnetic, sound and kin aesthetic signals – as in subliminal television broadcasting and virtual reality transmission via the Web – but also purport to involve quantum action at a distance in the reports on psychokinesis, telepathy and remote viewing.”

    Despite the SRI controversies during the 1970s, Sarfatti believes that“there is still great interest,” which is proven, he feels, by the gathering of such heavyweight physicists, neuro-psychologists, and cognitive-science researchers as Paul Davies, Roger Penrose, David Chalmers, Michael Lockwood, Brian Josephson, Henry Stapp, Daniel C.Dennett, and Sarfatti himself at the Tucson II Conference on Consciousness held in April 1996, in Tucson, Arizona.
    “Most of the funding can be traced to spooks. If I were head of CIA or DIA I would put a few billion dollars into consciousness research.”

    The 1996 U.S. defense authorization bill earmarked $37.2 million to further investigate non-lethal technologies. Colonel John B. Alexander of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Major Edward A. Dames of PSI TECH Inc, Willis Harman of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, and other 'spooks' maintain links between military intelligence, physics researchers and the New Age community, claims Sarfatti.
    "We have had a few talks on PSI [ESP] topics at the Cavendish," says Brian Josephson. "They are very well attended and in the very short term people were impressed, but they very quickly forgot about the talks, which might just as well not have been given. However, attitudes are not as negative as they once were. "I gather the evidence is that precognitive remote viewing tests work," says Josephson. "Not with 100% reliability but with more accuracy than standard CIA guess work. I gather that the CIA research was stopped for sociopolitical reasons rather than because it was discredited - or maybe they just felt it had been tested enough."
    Edwin May of The Laboratories for Fundamental Research recalls: "The company that conducted anomalous-cognition research for DIA was Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Since I was the director of the contractor effort in the government's activity in PSI research since 1985, I have some understanding of what they did. At SAIC we did not conduct a single precognition experiment. In fact, except for two studies, one of which Puthoff and Targ published in their Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers article, we have not been studying precognition since 1972." Sarfatti could well still be one of the greatest physicists alive. Alternatively, he would be a great candidate as scriptwriter for "The X-Files".

    And this...............

    Future causality also plays an important part in Sarfatti’s Destiny Matrix,a conceptual synchronicity time line describing Sarfatti’s family history. He traces his Hebrew title back to the Rabbi, Rashi de Troyes(1040-1105), an adviser to Godfrey de Bouillon, who led the First Crusade to Jerusalem and who experienced a precognitive vision. Another ancestor, Samuel Sarfatti, was physician to Pope Julius II, and was crucial in getting Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling(the esoteric meaning of the painting, says Sarfatti, is God reaching backwards in time to create himself through mankind). This cosmology closely links with the Cabbalistic Great Work of manifesting the unconsciousness, which is probably why Sarfatti was anointed by occultist Carlos Suares as ‘Heir to the Tradition’ and given the task of “smashing the wall of light.” Sarfatti also bears the name of Rashides Troyes and, like the Tibetan Tulkus, “I may well be a reincarnation not only of Past Rash is but more importantly of Future Rashis.”

    These Rash’s, he says, are part of the Elect or Illuminati that have decoded quantum messages from the future throughout history,transmitting the information via objective art. Sarfatti cites his contact experience, Fred Hoyle’s cosmology, as postulated in Evolution from Space (London: Dent, 1981), The Intelligent Universe(New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1983) and Cosmic Lifeforce(London: Dent, 1988), and the Anthropic Principle as evidence that strongly suggests an intelligent yet ‘limited’ God intervened in the primordial moment after the Big Bang when the universe was smaller than an electron, to create the conditions required for carbon-based life.This superluminal being (a kind of benevolent VALIS) is implicit in the Sufi/Hermetic ‘subjective conscious evolution’ traditions, and Sarfatti suggests that this goal is what mankind is evolving towards; the true secret behind the world’s religious traditions. The pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) work of I.J Good (who helped develop the Enigma Machine in World War II to crack Nazi ciphers) and other writers such as Freeman Dyson and Roger Penrose supports the theoretical possibility of such an entity.

    I will let you read the whole article here......

    and here are more links of interest.......

    and this............"mind war Techniques"

    In 1975, Sarfatti co-founded the legendary Physics-Consciousness Research Group with Esalen Institute's Michael Murphy, funded by EST guru Werner Erhard. Murphy was investigating revelations of the USSR's intensive para psychological research projects, later setting up the Soviet-American Exchange Program at Esalen in the 1980s, which attracted the likes of Boris Yeltsin during his 1989 U.S. visit.

    Sarfatti gave seminars at Esalen, serving as a guiding influence behind Fritjoff Capra, Gary Zukav and other proponents of the 1970s "New Physics" movement, which explored links between quantum physics and Eastern mysticism. Sarfatti brought Zukav to the Esalen Institute, where he conducted the research for his bestselling The Dancing Wu Li Masters (New York: Morrow, 1979), a book which captured worldwide attention. Sarfatti ghost-wrote major parts of the book, but a bitter feud eventuated when Zukav reneged on promised royalty payments. A notable 'para physicist' (physicists who investigate ESP phenomena), Sarfatti co-authored the lurid paperback Space-Time & Beyond with Bob Toben and Fred Wolf, later withdrawing his name from the updated edition. Sarfatti also contributed material to futurist Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (Berkeley: And/Or Press, 1977), and Jeffrey Mishlove's The Roots of Consciousness: The Classic Encyclopedia of Consciousness Studies (Council Oak Distribution, 1993). Current editions of both Zukav and Mishlove's books have deleted much of the original material, which he wrote for the first editions. "Not a very smart move on the part of the authors!" replies Sarfatti.
    The deployment of Psychological Operations (PSYOP) warfare during the Vietnam War led the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defence Intelligence Agency and Office of Naval Intelligence to explore similar 'mindwar' techniques during the 1970s, through facilities like the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg. The CIA funded Project Scanate was set up to explore the use of precognitive remote viewing techniques to probe Soviet military installations from a distance. Psychics including the Scientologist Ingo Swann were employed to gather intelligence data.

    More links of interest.......

    This being from his own forum...and now very interesting search for ET and UFO's, and Physics.....this list of contributors are like the who's who in ground breaking innovations. He very own website, and he claims to no longer be Avairy.....however he is sure making a lot of money funding source I will supply in a few more links.....but overall this is most interesting stuff....he is very wrapped up into mind control technology. I'm of the opinion that he has used Colleen as a voice box of distraction first, and to see how well she plays out in the public. Mind you there are many out there who are under mind control, however not that many are becoming public speakers....

    This is a very important link, as this is in his very own words of his affiliation to the mind control programs of the CIA

    I highlight from the last link....

    Werner then outlined his plan for me to set up a sort of Ghost
    Busters team of physicists to research psychic phenomena and in
    his words "the physics of consciousness." Werner said that he was
    very interested in physics and that he wanted me and Fred Wolf to
    tutor him and his "trainers."

    and this.....

    . I was sitting
    with Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who was having a severe kidney
    problem. Werner got all confused when he tried to talk about the
    new physics. He let me explain to the group in ordinary language
    what he was trying to say in his hypnotic _estspeak_.

    The trick of est is to seduce your consciousness by subverting
    the English language with dominating psycho-babble. It was right
    out of George Orwell's 1984. The est-training did get every one
    high. It must have been how the SS officers felt after being
    indoctrinated as leaders of the Master Race.

    And finally this.....

    In view of the present-day Esalen-Erhard-Yeltsin-Gorbachev
    connections , the 1979 Esalen-UFO connection is significant.
    Even though I had split with Werner Erhard by late 1977, EST's
    Raz Ingrasci phoned me and asked me to meet with Jenny O Conner.
    Raz said that Jenny had been sent to Werner by Sir John Whitmore
    who had funded Andrija Puharich's collaborations with Uri Geller
    back in 1973. Jenny claimed to be channeling messages from "The
    Nine" -- the same extra-terrestrials that Puharich wrote about.
    In view of my own contact in 1952 I should have been more
    diplomatic with Jenny when she came to my apartment at 2 Whiting
    Place -- the apartment that Michael Murphy had given me. Jenny
    impressed me as total fraud, and I practically kicked her out. I
    was verbally very rude. Jenny and The Nine was promptly
    installed at Esalen for quite some timeoverlapping with visits
    by the late physicist Heinz Pagels, Congressman Charlie Rose,
    Ira Einhorn, and high ranking Russians from Georgy Arbatov's
    Moscow Institute of US and Canada, which was influential during
    Gorbachev's watch.

    Now what the heck was this guy Jack doing with this woman? Then I found this. "Destiny Matrix"...keeping in mind....Colleen Thomas was "Destiny" in many of her channeling's....It's in her videos!

    Title|DESTINY MATRIX} Part 1 by {Author|Jack Sarfatti} We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. - Oscar Wilde The ultimate object of magic in all ages was and is to obtain control of the sources of life. - W. B. Yeats OPERATION MAJESTIC-12 is a TOP SECRET Research and Development/Intelligence Operation responsible directly and only to the President of the United States. Operations of the project are carried out under the control of Majestic-12 (MAJIC-12) Group - Howard Blum, Out There,(p.234) Such life will often be ultra-intelligent, or it might have been supplanted by ultra-intelligent machines or bio machines or disembodied fields of some kind. ... The entities will have perfected telepathy if telepathy is possible at all, and, if telepathic signals can be propagated with infinite speed, the whole society of ultra-intelligent entities can be in continual instantaneous communication and so the individuals can act as cells of a vast brain, or integrated immortal consciousness." - I. J. Good Overture "Ah sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you. Now at last I know the meaning of it all!"

    This book is the libretto of my Quixotic Quest to understand the meaning of existence and all our lives in terms of the astounding breakthroughs in new physics. I present a new theory of history that involves time travel. I sing true songs1 of my involvement with famous people, sex, drugs, murder, karma, cloak and dagger intrigue, betrayal by friends and lovers. Like the Scarlet Pimpernel, I reveal my real role in the covert PSI WARS intelligence operations in San Francisco and at Esalen in Big Sur that contributed to the destruction of the Soviet Union. The title "Destiny Matrix" is a play on "Density Matrix". The density matrix in quantum mechanics describes the web of quantum connections that can not only spread across all of space but also all of time from the moment of creation to the future Omega Point2. The mind is a complex web of quantum connections within quantum connections spanning many levels of organization of matter from quarks to galaxies. The quantum connection4 is a communication channel that exists above and beyond space-time. The "telepathic" intuitive messages transmitted on the quantum connection do not require direct propagation of energy within space-time. The meaning of this idea will be developed in this book. After almost a half century of thinking about the meaning of existence I have come to the following hypotheses which can be tested by experiments in physics laboratories. The universe did not come into being randomly by chance. The universe is created by intelligent design. There is a God, but that God evolves from us. That is the deep meaning of the Bible's story of Abraham's Covenant with God. God travels back in time6 to engineer the Big Bang explosion creating time in an amazingly precise way that ensures that we and God will evolve. Man's role in the universe is vital. We are part of the quantum process that brings the universe into being. We are about to develop an advanced super-technology of powerful energy sources8, ultra-intelligent artificial life forms and time traveling star ships. This book will explain some of the basic ideas of the coming super-technology Causes and effects are not like points on a line of time with causes always before effects. Causes and effects lie on circles of time. If you look on a small piece of the circle, causes can be in the future of their effects. When a cause is in the future of its effect we have meaning, purpose and destiny. Indeed the structure of cause and effect is similar to Ezekial's "wheels within wheels". Imagine a circle. Imagine another circle within that circle. Keep on going. This is a fractal structure. If I am right, it will be possible to make precognition machines that will be able to receive messages transmitted from the future. Psychic researchers suggest that precognition is an innate property of the human mind. If these machines work, they are right. If you receive a true message from the future you are caught in the web of the destiny matrix. Feel the kiss of the Spider Goddess. You cannot change the future of that universe. Other parallel universes also exist in which there are copies of yourself. A successful attempt to change the future or the past will split the universe into parallel universes.

    Our consciousness is quantum computer software. Our bodies are hardware. The physics of consciousness is the study of the mind-matter interaction. Once we understand that interaction we will be able to move from body to body. The problem is similar to loading a computer program on to a hard disc. You will be able to experience other people's thoughts and feelings as if they were your own. For example, the Rabbi Yeshua known to the world as Jesus Christ's physical body was born from Mary but His Divine Mind came from the Once and Future God through the quantum connection. The quantum connection (i.e., the Holy Ghost) is a communication channel beyond space-time. In this precise technical sense God incarnated into a man.

    And Star wars projects.....

    Contact with Lawrence Chickering of the policy think tank Institute for Contemporary Studies (ICS) led to Sarfatti acting as a consultant for the Reagan Administration's fledgling Strategic Defence Initiative (or Star Wars project). This brought Sarfatti into the twilight world of half-truths, where the obsessive apparatus of State security interlocks with sinister forces from big business.
    "I spent a lot of time with Marshall Naify in the late 1970s and early 1980s. He is a billionaire and was Chairman of United Artists back then. He was a Hollywood mogul and certainly knew Reagan. Naify, Lawrence Chickering and I had lunch at Enrico's maybe in 1981, where Naify spent at least half an hour describing in detail what would later be Star Wars SDI. Chickering worked directly with Ed Meese. [In the early 1980s Meese was a confidante of Reagan. Meese's Institute for Contemporary Studies think-tank was admired by Reagan, Caspar Weinberger, and Chickering. He became U.S. Attorney General under Reagan but was caught up in the Iran-Contra scandal.] He asked me to write a memo based on this lunch and some of my own ideas. Around this time, I I had a correspondence with Igor Akchurin of the Soviet Academy of Sciences on all of this - so the Soviet Intelligence were getting from us that SDI would really work!

    Building now?

    Strange Loops and God-Phones

    During the 1980s, Sarfatti concentrated on investigating superluminal, or faster than light (FTL) communication. Jung's synchronicity meme ("meaningful coincidences", or John Lilly's 'Cosmic Coincidence Control') challenges causality and suggests that quantum-mechanics theory is incomplete. Taking a step further, he designing and obtained a patent disclosure for a 'God Phone' - a machines designed to decode such messages. In Science: Good, Bad & Bogus, Martin Gardner stated with tongue-in-cheek irony: "I know of no other physicist who thinks it will work. If it does, Sarfatti will become one of the greatest physicists of all time." None of them could work because he was missing the key idea of 'back action.'

    god phone?!? Say what!!!!

    do you all think it quite a coincidence that this guy is a friend of
    Colleen Thomas who is channeling AA Michael and the Pleadians?

    Okay....a statement of origin.......

    So......sorry for the grossly long post. I will leave you with this
    quote from the above post to where I stand on Channeled material.......

    The 1996 U.S. defence authorisation bill
    earmarked $37.2 million to further investigate non-lethal technologies.
    Colonel John B. Alexander of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Major Edward A. Dames of PSI TECH Inc, Willis Harman of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, and other 'spooks' maintain links between military intelligence, physics researchers and the New Age community, claims Sarfatti.

    Keeping in mind this quote from Mr Sarfatti.....

    In view of the present-day Esalen-Erhard-Yeltsin-Gorbachev
    connections , the 1979 Esalen-UFO connection is significant.
    Even though I had split with Werner Erhard by late 1977, EST's
    Raz Ingrasci phoned me and asked me to meet with Jenny O Conner.
    Raz said that Jenny had been sent to Werner by Sir John Whitmore
    who had funded Andrija Puharich's collaborations with Uri Geller
    back in 1973. Jenny claimed to be channeling messages from "The
    Nine" -- the same extra-terrestrials that Puharich wrote about.
    In view of my own contact in 1952 I should have been more
    diplomatic with Jenny when she came to my apartment at 2 Whiting
    Place -- the apartment that Michael Murphy had given me. Jenny
    impressed me as total fraud, and I practically kicked her out. I
    was verbally very rude. Jenny and The Nine was promptly
    installed at Esalen for quite some timeoverlapping with visits
    by the late physicist Heinz Pagels, Congressman Charlie Rose,
    Ira Einhorn, and high ranking Russians from Georgy Arbatov's
    Moscow Institute of US and Canada, which was influential during
    Gorbachev's watch.

    Let me repeat.............

    Jenny and The Nine was promptly installed at Esalen for quite some time overlapping with visits by the late physicist Heinz Pagels, Congressman Charlie Rose,
    Ira Einhorn, and high ranking Russians from Georgy Arbatov's Moscow Institute of US and Canada, which was influential during Gorbachev's watch.

    Is this guy for real? You better believe It!

    There you have it!.....1952! When they were implanting the nine and off shoot of the Galactic Federation! I found it quite interesting that Charles Manson was a visitor the day before his murder he has been playing with his band at Esalen Institute the day before the murders ........

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Micjer Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:23 am

    Nice research Brook.

    Colleen Thomas! Charles Manson link! Weird or what?

    Our list of full of crap files seems to be getting fairly large. Certainly a trend forming here.

    Ok so what does everyone think of the following?

    Alex Collier


    Law of One series

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Floyd Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:32 am


    Will have to go over that again.

    I posted on Camelot a while back that she ( Collen Thomas) is now some kind of born again Christian and has recanted all her channeling claims believing that they are satanic.

    There is a another 'Council of 9' that goes way way back much further in history.

    during my studies at uni whilst researching cults I did find a couple of esoteric websites connected to some notion of 9 Masters. It is not connected to the one you mentioned above I doth think. I cant find the websites now but they were heavy duty.
    Cant be arsed to look for them but there is a version of 9 sufi masters controlling an occult council somewhere too.

    The Nine Unknown Men of ashoka a secret society of India dating back to two millennium is the greatest Mystery in India which is believed to be the indian version of Atlantis dating back to 273 BC to the regime of the ashoka indian emperor the grandson of Chandragupta who was the first person attempted to unify India...

    Each of the Nine is supposedly responsible for guarding and improving a single book. These books each deal with a different branch of potentially hazardous knowledge. Traditionally, the books are said to cover the following subjects:

    Propaganda and Psychological warfare.
    Physiology, including instructions on how to perform the "touch of death." One account has Judo being a product of material leaked from this book.
    Microbiology, and, according to more recent speculation, Biotechnology. In some versions of the myth, the waters of the Ganges are purified with special microbes designed by the Nine and released into the river at a secret base in the Himalayas.
    Alchemy, including the transmutation of metals....
    more here..

    with all these nines going round maybe old charlie boy nicked his idea for the 18 from them. lol

    Any way 9 is the number of completion so I will finish.

    Cheers for the info Brook.


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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:35 am

    Well...this is where it gets sticky.....if indeed they have the ability to induce "thought patters" through 'suggestion" I have just produced by again a very famous and very RICH physicist....who btw was actually shopping for an Aston Martin the day of that picture with "Jacks Angels"......what is real and what is not? Hard to determine eh?

    Because let me let you in on something...I found this guy Sarfatti.....doing a 'SESSION" the area that is now termed...."Subjective reality". Hmmm?????

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Floyd Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:36 am

    ah yes another video for the full of crap files. Excellent


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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:39 am

    The Nine Unknown Men of ashoka a secret society of India dating back
    to two millennium is the greatest Mystery in India which is believed to
    be the indian version of Atlantis dating back to 273 BC to the regime of
    the ashoka indian emperor the grandson of Chandragupta who was the
    first person attempted to unify India...

    Each of the Nine is
    supposedly responsible for guarding and improving a single book. These
    books each deal with a different branch of potentially hazardous
    knowledge. Traditionally, the books are said to cover the following

    Believe it or not...much of the nine comes from the Ennead as well.......which if you use the 'aspects" of the Jungian theory....will in fact equal NINE (Geb and Nut were aspect and sky)


    his children Shu and Tefnut, their children Geb and Nut and their children Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set and Nephthys. NINE CHILDREN in the ennead....under RA...The Sun god

    Last edited by Brook on Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:49 am; edited 4 times in total

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Carol Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:45 am

    Micjer wrote:Nice research Brook.

    Colleen Thomas! Charles Manson link! Weird or what?

    Our list of full of crap files seems to be getting fairly large. Certainly a trend forming here.

    Ok so what does everyone think of the following?

    Alex Collier


    Law of One series

    Alex Collier's experience was the real deal but he has not had any contact in years since. I asked him point blank.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:46 am

    Carol wrote:
    Micjer wrote:Nice research Brook.

    Colleen Thomas! Charles Manson link! Weird or what?

    Our list of full of crap files seems to be getting fairly large. Certainly a trend forming here.

    Ok so what does everyone think of the following?

    Alex Collier


    Law of One series

    Alex Collier's experience was the real deal but he has not had any contact in years since. I asked him point blank.

    Yes...I believe it was real also.....

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:55 am

    Micjer wrote:Nice research Brook.

    Colleen Thomas! Charles Manson link! Weird or what?

    Our list of full of crap files seems to be getting fairly large. Certainly a trend forming here.

    Ok so what does everyone think of the following?

    Alex Collier


    Law of One series

    Yep...the Manson thing is interesting but so is the Ira Einhorn thing.....if you're not familiar....he was HEAVILY involved with Esalen Institute and this crew...and he ended up convicted of murdering his girlfriend and stuffing her in body in a this day he claims he was set up in a very interesting tale. And he was a channeler as well I recall....

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:59 am

    Brook wrote:
    Micjer wrote:Nice research Brook.

    Colleen Thomas! Charles Manson link! Weird or what?

    Our list of full of crap files seems to be getting fairly large. Certainly a trend forming here.

    Ok so what does everyone think of the following?

    Alex Collier


    Law of One series

    Yep...the Manson thing is interesting but so is the Ira Einhorn thing.....if you're not familiar....he was HEAVILY involved with Esalen Institute and this crew...and he ended up convicted of murdering his girlfriend and stuffing her in body in a this day he claims he was set up in a very interesting tale. And he was a channeler as well I recall....


    Taking the stand in his own defense, Einhorn claimed that Maddux was murdered by CIA agents who attempted to frame Einhorn for the crime due to Einhorn's investigations on the Cold War and "psychotronics". However, after only two hours of deliberation, the jury did not find his testimony credible and affirmed his conviction on October 17, 2002.[

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:09 am

    Oh yeah...adding this from Jack Sarfatti himself...........

    Jack: No, let me clarify that. Had Ira not run away 20 years ago he
    definitely would have beat the rap. His case then was stronger than O J
    There was definitely reasonable doubt. There was motivation and opportunity
    for several of Ira's powerful enemies to do this - not to kill him, but to
    discredit everything he was promoting - especially me since I had a war
    going with Werner Erhard at the time, i.e. KGB according to Stephen
    Schwartz. This came about because of cocaine sabotage at Esalen in Big Sur
    with the suspiciously late great George Koopman who was an "ex-Army spook"
    case officer for Tim Leary after Leary was let out of prison and came
    directly to us in Big Sur at the Big Pow Wow that became Gary Zukav's
    multi-million dollar best seller "Dancing Wu Li Masters" that I wrote, and
    edited closely with Gary, the physics content of. Jagdish Mann describes
    this in my book Destiny Matrix -- visit

    Now, Ira has been abandoned by his close Philly friends who knew him and
    Holly intimately at the time. I did not. I only saw them both together
    briefly in 1974 when we shared a nude hot tub (I was with my girl friend at
    the time) in Philadelphia. My communications with Ira 1974 - 81 were by mail
    with me in San Francisco the whole time. I briefly saw Ira in Bolinas after
    the murder indictment after he spent a few weeks at Esalen in Big Sur with a
    girl Jennifer.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: David Crockett Williams [mailto:gear2000@...]
    Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 12:50 PM
    To: Dr. Jack Sarfatti
    Subject: are you testifying at Ira's trial?

    Just wondering if you have been contacted by Ira's attorney to testify in
    some capacity at his trial?

    Jack: Yes, but
    1. Nothing I could say could help him with the Jury.
    2. I cannot afford the time (especially the time to sit on an airplane to
    shlep in the cold and a strange town my time is too valuable to waste on
    certain defeat - it's a big deal for me to shlep a few blocks to my health
    club, to the Café etc - major journey in spacetime since I am beyond
    spacetime mostly) and expense to go to Philadelphia since nothing I could
    say would make any difference.
    3. Ira lost all his close Philly friends who could have helped him when he
    skipped bail. He would have beat it easily first time. Now he has to pay The
    Devil His Due after 20 years just like Faustus, just like Don Giovanni in
    Mozart's Opera.
    4. I told the investigator that my book Destiny Matrix might have
    information he could use but unlikely -- visit

    David: and also has information to
    support this position based on personal experiences in 1970's as director of
    the physics and consciousness study group at Esalen which he claims was
    infiltrated by KGB intel types as well as "managed" by CIA types (unknown to
    him then when he says he and Einhorn were duped) during this time of concern
    about military applications of remote viewing, psychotronic weaponry
    development, etc. Dr. Sarfatti has posted numerous emails to which info in some way he
    apparently feels relates to the Einhorn case saga, among which are some of
    his posts forwarded to that list by me detailing Sarfatti's "inside scoop"
    on why he thinks Einhorn was framed for the murder of Holly Maddux to shut
    him up about sensitive matters of great concern to both sides in the "Cold

    About Jack Sarfatti, author of:
    Destiny Matrix

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Brook Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:24 am

    Taking this all into consideration and the advent of the New Age movement happening around the same era....If you listen closely to the messages they will tell you all kinds of things to lull you into a false security of hope that "someone" out there has our backs. And we should just have 'faith" in that message. Lot's of them project a "new dawn or new age"....developed by the fact that again..they have our backs. some project bits and pieces of "Revelations" in the Bible. Colleen was a great one for that. The Destiny Matrix of Sarfatti and the "Michael" who will be the new Christ.....piloting her space ship as it were. Who goes back to the Merovingian's in retrospect and that message of Christ Michael becoming our next savior. Again....savior to lead us into a "new dawn or new age". opinion which probably means nothing.....we need to get off our backsides and get out there and change this world for the betterment of mankind Period. There is no one going to do that for us.....if anything they are waiting for us to prevail.

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  burgundia Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:48 am

    Brook wrote:

    .we need to get off our backsides and get out there and change this world for the betterment of mankind Period. There is no one going to do that for us.....if anything they are waiting for us to prevail.

    Ditto. The change will come only if WE take the action.We have the power, they know it and want us sleeping...or...waiting...

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Floyd Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:11 am

    If we were to collate the predictions of Channelers since say the 1970's and put them into some sort of statistic displaying what the messages have or do not have in common the results would be quite interesting. For example, not all them giving messages about 2012 say the same thing about 2012.

    Not all channels are saying the same thing, not all of them agree with one another.
    Do we paint them all with the same brush?
    Channeling has been going on long before government programs.
    If it is being used as some sort a weapon then the majority of humanity pay no attention.

    Either way it doesnt frighten me. (the experiments with mind.)

    The zionist controllers also detest the new age movement for it's (according to them) anti semitic and anti zionist agenda as well their claims that Alice baiely's work calls for the abandonment of Judaism. (actually its a little bit more complicated than that.)

    That is way the Zionists instigated a propaganda behemoth against the so called 'new age' religions and orientalist religious philosophies.

    Its not as cut and dry as you make think but Burgundia is quite correct when she says it is only humanity that can make the difference. That can only come about through a massive change in collective consciousness that no Galactic Federation can help bring about. Even if they did exist lol.

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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:15 am

    Brook wrote:Channeled material.....

    Anybody remember "the nine"??....


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    The Full of Crap Files - Page 3 Empty Re: The Full of Crap Files

    Post  Floyd Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:19 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Brook wrote:Channeled material.....

    Anybody remember "the nine"??....



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