Carol wrote:UJ, your stance surprises me because it appears that you assume we are not being helped by other alien civilizations.
Thank you so much Carol for responding to my post and thus helping me explain my views further. I'm the only human that has express these opinions that I know of. These are only my opinions and I realize I could be wrong about these things.
I believe that the offworlders are orchestrating human society and humans individually. I consider the offworlder's inputs to be in many instances positive and thus I agree with you that we are being helped by other alien civilizations.
UncleJohn wrote:This network is two way. Humans receive messages through the imagination,
dreams and memory. Any offworlder group could send messages to humans to inform them of their situation, but they refuse to do so.
Carol wrote:Humans also receive messages from E.T.s all the time through imagination, dreams and past life recall. They also get the message direct through electronic communications and face-to-face communications. The Tall Whites use electronics to pass on telepathic communication. The W56s/CTR even use the telephone. Physical contact has happened and is happening so your assumption is basically false. What proof do you have that this is not going on? My proof that it is going on is the taped conversations between off-worlders and humans that has been shared by contactees.
It is also my opinion that humans receive messages from E.T.s all the time. These messages are largely unknown and unrecognized by the vast majority of humans. "Any" offworlder group could inform all humans that they are subject to these messages and control by various other offworlder groups and they all chose not to. I understand that this is a rather bold statement.
UncleJohn wrote: We are dumbed down with STS and STO designations. STA (service to all) is the only enlightened way to go. Thus all these offworlders in the universe are not very enlightened. Humans have a great opportunity to educate them about this.
Carol wrote:Okay. Indeed there are both aliens and humans who work at keeping the human population dumbed down as a means to control and manipulate them. Your assessment that ALL offworlders in the universe are not very enlightened is a bit misleading. Yes, it is true that some offworlders are not very spiritually evolved... and yes, the vast majority of offworlders are just as if not more spiritually evolved than humans. And yes, some humans are not very spiritually evolved ~ just as other humans are very spiritually evolved. What I'm curious about is how did you come about your conclusions and shut the door to other possibilities that you may yet be unaware of?
I'm not shutting the door to the fact that I could be wrong by virtue of being unaware or many other reasons.
What I'm stating is when I consider "my" assessment of Christ consciousness, I conclude that all the offworlder groups in the universe don't measure up to this. I think is is very reasonable to consider that individual offworlders in each group would have reached the level of Christ consciousness. But consider what human society has done with the story and messages of Christ. They have twisted it to gain control over they majority of humans.
It is my opinion that every offworlder and human group is not following the spirit of the teachings of Christ. I don't think that Christ would keep any sentient beings in the dark about the possibilities of their well being and spiritual growth.
UncleJohn wrote: The consciousness of Christ is the awareness and caring for all. Google "bodhisattva vows" to get another perspective on this.
Carol wrote:Indeed, there are various alien cultures who have expressed this same Christ consciousness compassion toward humans as Alex Collier has expressed along with Steven Greer, Joan Ocean and many, many other contactees. As I have personally had conversations with a number of contactees what stood out was the variety of different experiences and perceptions... yet the vast majority of contactee (as compared to milab abductee) experiences were of a spiritual nature where the contactee was spiritually uplifted.
I'm not saying that many offworlder contacts are not of a spiritual nature, because I believe that is true.
I have been blessed to experience many humans of high spiritual nature. Their was a great variance among them. IMO, none reached the level of Christ consciousness.
What I'm saying is that no offworlder or human groups consider and act upon the well being of "all" sentient beings.