Last edited by Carol on Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Carol- Admin
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The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Last edited by Carol on Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:05 am; edited 2 times in total
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
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Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
New Cobra Interview with Rob Potter for February 2016 [transcript]
Date: Thursday, 3-Mar-2016 03:25:07
Rob – Cobra, welcome to the show. Thank you, again, for coming on the show and I appreciate you taking the time every month to work with me here on the Victory of Light radio show. It’s an honor to have you once again.
COBRA – It’s a pleasure for me and I enjoy those interviews very much.
Rob – Thank you, very much. I’d like to go right into your post that you just made this morning before we get to the guest questions. I’m going to ask a few questions here and a lot of these questions people have might be answered in some of these things you just released. It’s an important situation update as of today actually.
You talk about very soon we’ll be able to remove all the plasma and strangelet bombs. There’s going to be a similar technique to remove them and once these are removed once and for all, it looks like we can really move forward with the Event, is that correct?
COBRA – Yes, absolutely, as soon as these are removed, we’re very close to the Event. There are some other technologies, but I don’t think they’ll be much of a problem.
Rob – Yes. That’s really good news. You mentioned some fairy-type energies are returning to the surface of the planet. They pretty much retreated into the Inner Earth, a little physical and lower astral plane fairies, because of the energies. Some of them are returning and some of them in beautiful nature spots around the planet, correct?
COBRA – Yes, that’s correct.
Rob – Can you elaborate a little bit on fairies, sylphs and angels and things like that for people who are unaware. Are some of these physical or are they strictly only visible to those with sensitive sight in the plasma, etheric or astral planes?
COBRA – They are not physical beings. They are beings that can be visible on the plasma, etheric and astral planes, but everybody who has at least a little bit of energy sensitivity can feel them. You can not see them. You can feel their presence. And if you go to the most beautiful spots in nature away from human populations, you would most likely be able to feel their presence.
Rob – OK. Thank you. You had mentioned in your thing, it says: “The dark are quite bold in their actions lately and the Resistance took some action on the physical plane.” Can you talk a little bit about the bold actions of . . . To us everything they do is bold and in our face and negative but can you speak specifically what some of these actions were?
COBRA – Yes, there are quite a few of those situations. The first one is the situation in Syria where you can see that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are challenging . . . actually, they are playing with fire, I would say. This is one of those situations.
Rob – Right. They have been kind of doing some war games on the border it looks like. I saw that they actually had bombed a hospital, I think it’s Syria, that is responsible for 40,000 people. Can you talk about that?
COBRA – Yes, I would say the negative alliance forces have attacked that hospital. They have framed it like the Russians did it, but the Russians did not do it. The Russian military is ___ strictly forbids attacking civilians and they are like 100% dedicated to removing the so-called “terrorists”, which are actually mercenaries backed by the Jesuits, because all of this is Jesuit creation. The negative military faction in US, the Saudi Arabian, the Turkish people, all of them are puppets in the hands of the Jesuits, and the Jesuits want to create as much suffering as possible in the Syrian area because it’s a very important energy vortex.
Rob – Yea, I would agree. Obviously that’s a very major vortex. All of our historical prophesies kind of center around that area. One of the things that the Resistance responded to in your article here today is that they’ve actually put some criminal evidence against the Cabal into the computer system of major news agencies around the world and into the computers of private individuals. Now this is all done on the back end and no one really knows about it?
COBRA – Yes, it’s in the computer system. It is very hard to find it. You will need a really good computer expert that would need to check the computer to find it, but it’s there.
Rob – So it will actually just be automatically triggered and flash cross the screens like a news feed. That’s very exciting.
COBRA – It will be like a pop-up window, which will have a very attractive title, and people will click on this and they will see all kinds of evidence there. If the Cabal goes too far, this will be activated. This is in many computers around the world right now.
Rob – Eventually this will be activated anyway, but certain actions by the Cabal could activate it before.
COBRA – Yes. At the time of the Event of course all this will be active, but I’m speaking about time before the event. It can actually happen today or tomorrow if they go too far.
Rob – A little bit about evidences. Are these in general or are these some name, dates, facts and figures on individuals?
COBRA – It is very specific, very much to the point. It’s evidence about the Cabal’s crimes. It is disclosure related evidence with totals, with dates, with names, with everything. Secret space programs, ET contacts, all that.
Rob – Wow, that’s excellent. I know Chip Tatum has evidence of, for years, on the Bushes. Videos, films in his possession of George Bush Sr. and his boys snorting cocaine and running drugs, so this will be real hard evidence to fill in the evidence gaps. This is really cool. And it says now, the 2nd major action that “certain armed Resistance agents are now on the surface and will interfere in many cases when innocent civilians are being attacked, preventing violence and abuse.” I presume this would be Syria-type of places or in other places as well?
COBRA – It can be anywhere on the planet. It will not be expected. Those Resistance agents will be in plain clothes. They will be anonymous and nobody will be able to identify them. So if people, if the dark people intend to do any of their dark actions of violence against people, they can expect somebody to stop them. But first they will not be able to stop everything, but they will start stopping things. This has never happened before.
Rob – Will this be the type of stopping things with the power of the super luminal beings and the Ascended Masters where the negative forces are literally frozen, unable to move and a non-violent process takes place or will this be a high technology of weaponry of the Resistance that will actually stop negative forces but not kill them?
COBRA – OK. I will not go into details here because otherwise the dark ones will start defending themselves. But it will be unexpected.
Rob – Very good. I hope that happens quickly. I have a question here. A lot of people have been researching the cintamani stone, and they are saying that it’s an emerald green, so people are wondering about columbianite and moldavite. Are these cintamani stones? And why is the cintamani stone. . . (I’ve noticed that it’s gone from kind of a gray transparent. It has a dark opaque. If you hold it to the light, sometimes it’s even lavender.) Can you explain the different colors if it’s from the same source? Is this from the different locations? Talk about that please.
COBRA – OK. Moldavite has green color and it’s coming from the Pleiades and it’s not the cintamani stone. The cintamani stone is coming from the Sirius star system and it has a beautiful lavender sometimes grey, sometimes brownish pink color if it’s transparent.
Rob – OK. A lot of the historical documents of the Buddhist and some of the Middle Eastern ages the picture’s depicted as being green. Is there a reason for that?
COBRA – Actually, they’re speaking about two different stones. One of them is cintamani stone and the second one of them is animati stone. The animati stone is a so-called fire stone or fire crystals that is moldavite.
Rob – OK. So some of the text and pictures are not explained. Okay. Thank you for that clarification, and there has been another batch of cintamani stones. Those will be up now. I will have some of the larger pieces, and pieces as well I’m sure will be coming out through other sources in the near future here.
Here’s a question: “I’m an Ethiopian. The so-called Ethiopian government, which has been in power for the past 25 years is controlled by psychopaths, sociopaths of the Nigerian people. TPLF is destroying me and other people from day one. Their main targets are the Christians and the Amhara ethic group. Government is committing genocide, ethnic cleansing of monasteries churches and the livelihood of Amhara’s. This guy thinks that millions have been murdered with no end in site. Can you ask Cobra why it is happening, who really those people in power are and when is it going to end?”
COBRA – OK, the situation is not only limited to a Ethiopia. The whole sub-Saharan Africa has a big problem of a lot of reptilian presence and a lot of Archon presence that have infiltrated those governments, and this has gotten worse since the Archon invasion in 1996, and only very recently there are some changes and some improvement in this area, and there is still a long way to go.
Rob – OK. Thank you. This is in response to your description of the absolute, and I’m going to quote this person directly, folks. “In the Course of Miracles it is stated that this world does not exist. It is a dream or illusion of separation from source and only the absolute exists. The outburst of the random function, the anomaly was corrected immediately by the absolute when it occurred, but we think we separated ourselves from the absolute in time and space. We think we live in this universe in separate bodies because we had the thought of separation and we feel fear and guilt. We are unaware that time is over and the anomaly was corrected. The Course in Miracles teaches that we exist only in the absolute as an extension of the absolute. With God and us as his only son of the Christ principle. We are not guilty. We are innocent in perpetuity as we were created. We see this world as a result of having a split mind and the holy spirit higher self for the divine within carries the memory of the absolute and assists us to heal this split mind. A Course in Miracles was said to be channeled by Yeshua.” Cobra, can you comment on this as being correct or what your information is about that?
COBRA – OK. I will not completely agree with that perspective. If you look from a certain higher perspective, the world can appear to be an illusion but only because you are not identified with this lower planes of creation, but those lower planes of creation like the physical plane, astral plane, mental plane still exist, because they are a dynamic interaction between the absolute and the random function, the contingency. So it’s a matter of perspective. So the Course in Miracles just describes a certain perspective of certain beings who have reached a certain level of spiritual development, and it is just that, a perspective.
Rob – OK. As is everything a perspective, I guess. Another question, it says: “Simon Parks, if you are familiar with him, he has indicated that the Adam and Eve story is true and not a myth. I would say, from my perspective of the Urantia book, it appears to be true, but needs explaining. Can you talk about the Adam and Eve myth or the reality of Simon Parks saying that there really were two beings that came here?”
COBRA – Actually, the humanity once created through spiritual engineering and genetic engineering and this creation myth is a reflection of a distant memory of that event. So as most myths are, they are actually a reflection or memories of things that actually happened, but because of the time distance from when it happened, they get twisted and distorted to a certain degree.
Rob – OK. Thank you. Then a friend of mine asked a question that required a little bit of homework. I looked at the video and I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it, but off the coast of British Columbia Canada, there was a smaller earthquake and a loud kind of sonic boom. According to one person, it was allegedly the destruction of a reptilian ship by the Andromedans. Do you have any intel if that is correct or possible?
COBRA – From my sources this is not correct.
Rob – Thank you. Next question. Are Near Death Experiences (NDE) people describing an authentic experience of what existence is like after death or is this another layer of the matrix-controlled system, another layer of the veil? People describe intense joy and love, beautiful music and also God or Jesus or past family members that tell them they want to go back to the body. Is that real?
COBRA – Yes, actually those experiences are genuine. People are experiencing bright light and loving beings around them. The only thing here is that the guides who are loving and are suggesting them to come back or are giving them any kind of suggestion are sometimes manipulated themselves. They are well intentioned. They are good beings but they have been manipulated on the astral plane. The guidance that you received from the guides are sometimes correct and sometimes not. The ultimate source of guidance is ultimately within.
Rob – Thank you. Is it possible the event will occur if there are 144K people doing the meditation? In other words, before the removal of strangelet bombs, if 144K do the Event meditation, is it possible the Event can occur?
COBRA – Yes, it’s possible.
Rob – The next question is: “Can the Event occur without 144K people doing the Event meditation and the time is right?”
COBRA – The Event will occur regardless of what we do. We are just doing whatever we can to speed up the process and make it easier for everybody. But the Event does not depend on what I do or what you do.
Rob – OK. “Ben Fulford was talking about the Illuminati group and that they worship the black sun. Can you ask Cobra what is the black sun?”
COBRA – Certain circles within the Cabal structure have the black sun as the symbol of the galactic center. They worship it, they are afraid of it and they respect it. And this is their final destination very soon.
Rob – Haha. OK. Very good. Ben Fulford also said that the human had to be revamped because of the corruption of their agendas. That’s an understatement. The person has mentioned that they are taking classes at a local college and the college is actually offering an Agenda 21 sustainability degree. Do you have any comment on that?
COBRA – No. It just reflects the state of the current educational system on the planet.
Rob – And for those that don’t know folks, Agenda 21 is a carry over from Global 2000. As Cobra has stated they had an agenda to depopulate and have complete world domination by 2000. And now Agenda 21 is an on-going depopulation agenda with different activities including foods to lower our potency for children to depopulate the planet. Next question. And I had quite a few people asking this. Someone posted it on my blog and about 10 people want to know the answer. “Could you ask Cobra about the cannabis and the endocannabinoid system in the human and the animal body?” I’ve never ever heard of that. What is the true role of this ubiquitous and essential system?
COBRA – I can not answer this question.
Rob – OK. Is that because you don’t know what an endocannabinoid system is?
COBRA – Can you say this very slowly?
Rob – It’s about marijuana. “Can you ask Cobra about the endocannabinoid system in the human and animal body?” I think what they’re referring to is when people. . . there have been results showing that the body creates neuro hormones very similar to cannabis which can remove pain and other things like this.
COBRA – Yes, that part is correct. That part is correct.
Rob – Yea, I wanted to clarify that. I wanted to ask it as the person asked it and then I felt I had to do that. They said that this is an essential communication system for all other body systems, and the nervous system. They said it seems to effect and interface between the light bodies and the physical bodies. Do you have any other information about cannabis and the interaction with the body?
COBRA – Actually cannabis does interfere with connection between the physical brain and the etheric brain, but that connection actually dissolves the membrane between the physical brain and the etheric brain and sometimes this is good and sometimes not. Because usually when people have this membrane dissolve, they get very good contact with the astral reptilians and other etheric reptilians.
Rob – Yea.
COBRA – Sometimes it’s risky, so if you approach this properly, it can have a very beneficial effect, otherwise it can actually increase your connection with the lower dimensional entities on the etheric and lower astral planes.
Rob – Double-edge sword there. They also said this plant is clearly of galactic origin. Do you now which civilization gifted us with this plant?
COBRA – This plant has been imported from certain planets which are closer to the center of the galaxy.
Rob – Yes, I understand that this plant obviously has tremendous potential and usage in industry and other things as opposed to the, I guess I would call it, false sense of peace that we get from it. For some people it can be useful. Next question. (A little background here.) “There’s a story by some gentlemen that gives us an article that tells us the administration of Obama in convening it’s first earthquake resiliency summit and talk of the California-Oregon-Washington state on the front lines of a potential devastating earthquake. They talk about the Cascadia subduction zone and also Obama has by executive order established a Federal earthquake management standard. Do they know something that we don’t know?”
COBRA – Actually, they know many things that the general population does not know, but I would say that this fear of a California Earthquake is exaggerated. People have been predicting a mega earthquake in California since the 1960’s. And there are very strong light forces, the Galactic Confederation, the Ashtar Command, that are stabilizing the tectonic plates, especially in that area. And the light forces are not expecting any major catastrophic earthquake in that region.
Rob – Good. Anything a government does is always suspect from us, but you know, having a plan of action if something happens is not a bad thing. Next question: “As the Cabal are soon to be defeated, what prevents them from detonating a strangelet or toplet bomb, because they’ll end up in the central sun anyway? What is to keep them from thinking, ‘We’ve lost anyway so let’s take down as much as possible?’”
COBRA – Those that have access to strangelet bombs, they are not many and they are not so emotionally polarized, they are more mentally polarized and they plan. They do not react. This is how they were able to maintain this quarantine for 25k years.
Rob – OK, according to Dr. Salla’s secret space program book, an insider said that tachyon can be used in space travel. I’m going to add a little comment here, people don’t like it. Dr. Bell’s contact, the Pleiadian I met once named James, his ship was run on a tachyon drive. So Cobra the question is: “Would you know how it would be done at a high level to use tachyons in space travel?”
COBRA – Tachyons are very interesting particles because they have a very strong connection with the Source and they do not interact with most matter directly. They interact only with strong nuclear force and because of certain physical characteristics of tachyons, they are very good in combating entropy. And they are widely used with various advanced civilizations as propulsion systems for their space craft, and tachyons have also the ability to merge subluminal travel with super luminal travel. It means seamless transition through a stargate. So if a spaceship is using this propulsion to travel through ordinary space-time continuum, and then enter through a stargate, you will not experience anything. It will be a smooth peaceful travel, for example, from here to the Sirius star system that will only take a few moments.
Rob – OK. Thank you. In the Pleiadian ships, Dr. Bell was always talking that they’re powered by sound and you mentioned that the tachyons actually couldn’t really be detected so much on the physical plane. Does this have to do with the kind of the eternal nature of the living sound current in the universe as they call it, the word of creation that they’re tuning into? Is a tachyon associated…
COBRA – No, no no. Tachyons cannot be detected because I would say science on this planet at this stage can only detect anything with a few basic interactions – interactions with electromagnetic force. You see most detectors are using protons. They are using electricity and magnetism, and tachyons do not interact with those forces, so you can not see them. They do not produce electricity, and they do not interact with a magnetic field. It’s not easy to detect them. They can be detected by their influence on subatomic particles. If scientists would know where to look, they could detect them easily even now.
Rob – Thank you. Next question is about bees. I think you talked about this before. Obviously there’s tremendous evidence that they’re being decimated. Can you talk about the bee situation now and how critical that is and what that means for pollination of plants? Are there plans by the Resistance to help this problem? What’s going on with the bees?
COBRA – Actually, the Resistance is already doing something and the situation has been steadily improving for the last year or so.
Rob – Very good. “Are the dimensions splitting now as part of the process of cleaning up earth and the baddies being removed, people being sent to different dimensions?”
Rob – I didn’t think so. “How can we be sure of that and can these people living on different parallel realities still access the main reality or are they locked up from us?”
COBRA – The whole idea of parallel reality is actually the idea of different dimensions. Of course we have the physical plane, we have the etheric plane, astral plane, mental plane and these are in a way parallel realities but they all are connected with the unified field. We could say that they are all aspect or facet of the same reality that comes from the source and interacts with the contingency and all that the direction has manifested. They all obey the same spiritual and physical principles.
Rob – Yes. You are familiar with Corey Goode’s latest interview in which he reveals that Zecharia Sitchin’s information was for the most part contrived.
COBRA – I’m aware of this and this is exactly what I have stated in interviews with you 1 or 2 years ago.
Rob – Yes, and that is exactly what Dr. Frank Stranges said, and it kind of puts the story of the Anunnaki in question. Is there any truth to the story of Enlil and Enki? Is that representing any type of interference from certain galactic forces despite that tale being woven in falsely by the Illuminati?
COBRA – I would suggest everybody just discard the whole Zecharia Sitchin story completely.
Rob – I’ve always wondered if there’s any aspect of truth around that. Thank you for that. So here’s another question some people have from an older couple. “If our money is in mutual funds and we will possibly loose all of it, what can we do with our money now to protect what we have? Silver and gold coins were mentioned. Is that what we should be buying and where should we buy them?”
COBRA – Yes, having gold or silver or real estate or anything tangible is a good idea. And you can find trusted dealers. I can send Rob some links and he can post them somewhere. I don’t know. We can do something like this.
Rob – OK. Thank you. I want . . . money situation is very sensitive and we’re not financial experts, but people have to use their own discernment and what they’re going to do with their finances. Be very careful if you take your cash out of the banks that it’s protected in your home in fireproof safes – extremely well hidden. Someone wants to know how widespread, we won’t call it A.I., that’s a word they use, but how strong is the, I guess, what we call the plasma scalar field mind control network in the US? Is it coming down a little bit, or what’s the story there?
COBRA – It is coming down a little bit, but it’s still very strong as you can probably experience on a daily basis, directing with people.
Rob – Can you talk a little bit about how Bill Gates became one of these people because he had information? Was he in from the beginning and was he murdered? What’s this story with Bill Gates?
COBRA – He was just a computer programmer who got very rich, and after he got rich, he was contacted by the Illuminati. He got tempted with power, and he got drunk with it, and his soul got distorted. Unfortunately, he made some wrong choices in life, and now he will have to pay the consequences.
Rob – OK. “Ben Fulford and Corey Goode are saying that partial disclosure is what may be happening vs full disclosure that we really need. Could you ask Cobra to expand on the situation and how we can get the full disclosure on track?”
COBRA – OK. I am not aware that Benjamin Fulford was stating that partial disclosure is in the game. I know that Corey Goode was saying those things, but this is not an option. The plan of the light forces has not changed. The only option is full and complete disclosure and the light forces will continue pressing with their plans until that happens. There might be factions of the Cabal or some other interest groups that would like to push for partial disclosure or spin it or twist it, but this is simply not acceptable, and it will not happen.
Rob – I would like to make a comment. The comment person may have paraphrased what they thought Ben Fulford says. Ladies and gentlemen, pages of disclosure are turning day by day and they are being met by the dark forces. At a certain point and time, eventually the entire book just gets flipped and it’s over. Full disclosure. The rest of the book will be dumped freely and openly at the time of the Event. Here’s another question. Question’s about Shambhala. “Is everything about that classified or can a little bit about the mystery of Shambhala be disclosed?”
COBRA – Shambhala is an underground kingdom of light that has been anchoring, stabilizing the light frequency under the planet for millions and millions of years and especially the last 25k years when we had full quarantine status on this planet. They have been preventing the destruction of the planet and they have been successful.
Rob – Yes, another question about the Inner Earth interview with Corey Goode, which I found interesting. Corey got to go into this record room of this one Agarthan group and I’m sure many of these groups have Agarthan works. They said that beneath them was called the Hall of Records. Now to me that was a little bit . . . I’m kind of curious what you think your comments on the Hall of Records. Because we know that there is a very advanced Akashic Hall of Records that is accessed. Could you talk a little bit . . . it kind of made it seem like this group that Corey was working with had admitted to not being good stewards of the Earth surface population were guarding the Hall of Records. Can you comment on that?
COBRA – First, I would need to say that my sources still have not have confirmed that Corey Goode is actually having those visits underground. Also, his intel does not match with what I have with the situation underground. His description of the library underground matches with a description that was published in a book by Diane Robbins a few years ago. And there are many libraries in underground cities in various locations. The Hall of Records is a generic name, which can mean many things. One of them is to have mentioned the Akashic records and there are also many crystal libraries that were called the Hall of Records from Atlantis. One of them was located under the Sphinx in Egypt and there were many more located under the Himalayas in certain locations in South America and other locations. And they are not physical books. They are actually crystals with encoded information, which can be read with certain advanced technology, and some of the Agarthan network people have access to those locations.
Rob – Yes. I’ve spoken about that many times, Dr. Frank Strange’s as well has reinforced Cobra’s information. At a certain point in time these crystals will be made available to the public and the technology will be released. That will share our true history of the Earth and people will actually be able to see it and observe it and these are being withheld for the future populous that is ready and available after the Event. Would you agree with that Cobra?
COBRA – This will be available after the Event, but not immediately after the Event, but when humanity has reached a certain level of understanding and development, when they will be able to handle that type of technology, which requires quite a pure state of consciousness.
Rob – OK. Thank you. Here’s a question, another long one, folks. “To what extent will the result of the SSP petition can really impact the timing of the event?”
COBRA – This petition will not influence the timing of the Event itself, but it can speed up the pre-Event disclosure process quite much. And this is why the dark forces have been messing with the petition and interfering with the petition quite much.
Rob – OK. Here’s another one I get from a lot of people who simply don’t have faith, and not all of them kind of have a distrust of you, but I want to continue this reading: “Since the date of the Event has been delayed for such a long time, I’ve noticed that some of the lightworkers and light warriors are beginning to doubt that anything is going to happen now. Technically there should be more people that would actively participate in the petition. I’ve personally received verbal attacks from some what I would consider quite awakened individuals on the Earth. A few of them distrust Cobra’s expertise in delivering authentic content from the RM as they feel the information on Cobra’s website is too ungrounding. Probably because nothing really major has really happened so far (at least what they can see.) This was a concern to me as there’s almost no solid evidence. More people will start to loose faith despite the promises of the outcome.”
COBRA – I have stated many times that nothing-significant will happen until very shortly before the Event. It will appear as nothing is happening because the control of the mass media is still in the hand of the Cabal and will continue to be in the hands of the Cabal right until the very moment of the Event. So this illusion that everything is business as usual will continue until the moment of the Event. So if anybody is searching for 100% poof of evidence, they will not find it before things actually happen, and it’s quite logical things will not happen until they happen.
Rob – Yes, and we’ve stated that many times. A lot of times we have new people coming in who cannot go through all the information. I just wanted to just kind of get that down and clarify to people. Thank you for that. So was the war in Atlantis era between different dark factions or between the dark and the light forces?
COBRA – Both
Rob – Were there giants in those days?
COBRA – Yes.
Rob – Some survived, correct?
COBRA – They survived, but they were driven underground. Until very recently there were, I would say, a few decades ago, there were quite substantial giant colonies below the surface of the Earth.
Rob – Yes. Have they been removed now or some of the giants were good, I assume.
COBRA – Most of the giants were good, and they have chosen to relocate to a more friendly existence when this option was given to them.
Rob – OK. Were any of those who survived, would they still be alive today or be their successors?
COBRA – I would say the average lifespan for giants were in the scope of maybe 1,000 years and the original Atlantean giants with very, very few exceptions, were not alive any more.
Rob – Here’s an interesting question for someone from China. It was kind of difficult to translate, but basically they gave me a statement that said, “You know, problems come with 7 disguises. In other words, sometimes problems are gifts for people to learn from and to transcend. And they didn’t want to interfere with someone. What should we do if another person is in trouble? I would say help them. Would you agree?”
COBRA – Yes, of course. Yes, of course.
Rob – OK. And here’s a real basic question they asked, and, of course, this is a loaded one, I imagine: “What is good and what is bad?”
COBRA – OK. This is so obvious. Every child can answer this question. I would suggest that if somebody doesn’t know what is good and what is bad, you can ask the nearest child, and he will answer this question very clear. It’s very simple.
Rob – Yea, I would agree. Here’s another one here I’m going to ask. “Have you ever heard this story behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident in 1959 in the Ural Mountains?”
COBRA – Ah, yes, yes.
Rob – Can you please talk about what this was? There was a recent RT article about it. They would like to hear your perspective on that incident.
COBRA – Some people apparently disappeared in strange circumstances, and there was some interference with negative beings that were not of a human nature.
Rob – OK. Thank you. Can you please . . they asked you to make a post about monatomic gold. There’s lots of stuff out there – people allegedly selling it. Can you talk about monatomic gold? Does it extend the lifespan? This is part of the Sitchin thing that ET’s came here to mine gold for that purpose. Can you talk about monatomic gold? And, of course, this relates to the story in the Bucegi Mountains.
COBRA – The elixir of life is not made of monatomic gold. This is number one. So the major purpose of monatomic gold is not to extend life, but monatomic gold is actually a ___? particles that if our connection with higher dimensions so it does accelerate the spiritual evolution quite much. The gold in the Bucegi Mountains is not related to monatomic gold. It is simply gold which has been positioned in that mountain complex by forces of nature, millions of years ago, and, yes, there is substantial gold reserves in Romania, which have been suppressed allegedly because of national security.
Rob – OK. “Can we use our thoughts to override the current programming on a global scale, and if so, how?”
COBRA – Yes, the power of thoughts is one of the most important instruments of free will, and if a critical mass of people harmonize in their intent and use their mind, their thoughts, to manifest that intent, they can change the world. And this is exactly what we are doing.
Rob – OK. A question about . . . (Everyone sees a conspiracy everywhere.) Who knows? We’re asking you the question: “About the Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia’s death. It was in Texas near the Bushes. Can you talk about his death? Was it natural? Was it contrived?”
COBRA – He was murdered. (OK) This is one of the actions of the Cabal which has. . . They have crossed the line here.
Rob – OK.
COBRA – And this is one of the reasons the Resistance has decided to infiltrate some of their agents to protect certain people.
Rob – So that’s good. So certain people who are in and are ready to turn the tide and tell the truth and kind of absolve themselves of any sins they may have been involved with in these programs, are now being offed and it’s having a drastic effect of the Resistance stepping in now. Is that correct?
COBRA – I would say the Resistance will start protecting physically some key people who can influence the Event in a positive way or prevent certain things from happening. And on the other side, they will also . . . The Resistance agents have infiltrated security around the Cabal personnel – Cabal people – and they are not as safe as they were before.
Rob – Good. “Could you ask Cobra if he knows anything about the planet in the Pleiades called Theauba and their people? Have you ever heard of that?”
COBRA – There was a book that came out a few decades ago about a certain prophecy from those people. I would say that most of the books that describe ET contact they have some aspect which are close to the truth and there is a lot of other things involved. Sometimes manipulation, sometimes imagination, sometimes certain agendas. So you need to read those things with a grain of salt.
Rob – Very good. There’s another question from an elderly couple here on finance. We kind of asked that. So be very careful folks with your money is all I’ll say on that one. Here’s another question about Lithuania. They say they have the highest suicide rate in the world. The people are being poisoned. I’m going to read this preamble here so people have an idea. “Recently things got more excessive, for example in 2009 they had a conscript collection nullified, but last year it was reinstated, renewed because of new challenges in the geopolitical situation. They call it Russian aggression. Last year we got one Russian TV channel banned. Yes, banned in the 21st century free speech country because like they say, warmongering. Some people who actively express political views other than the governments get trolled on the Internet, are being threatened and some people got fired from. . . One person got fired from their job at a university for a different opinion on what happened in Ukraine. This person’s cousin was fired from his job because he expressed other views about vicious stories. In other words it seems like the old kind of Russian style if you talk against us, we’ll tap you in Lithuania.” They’re really depressed and they would like to know if you can talk about the situation in Lithuania. They said that the people there retired working for 40 years are getting less money than the Syrian refugees who are coming in are getting like twice per month what they are getting and it’s causing a lot of freak out tension in Lithuania which is very poor and oppressed. Could you talk about these people there?
COBRA – OK. This situation is actually a very good description of what is happening across Europe and most of the European countries, so it’s not just limited to Lithuania. It is a coordinated, I would say, not just European, but the global attempt of the Cabal to tighten the control to increase the suppression and censorship, because they are afraid they will lose, and that’s why they are tightening their grip. So it is happening everywhere.
Rob – Right. We always say that . . .
COBRA – The strategy with refugees receiving twice the money than workers who have spent their life for their country, it is happening in most countries in Europe right now.
Rob – This is to actually create the tension and frustration and to have the people take it out on the refugees and destabilize. Correct?
COBRA – Yes, this was part of the plan, yes.
Rob – OK. Here’s another question here. “Can Rudolf Steiner be trusted as a teacher and are his teachings and the path as outlined in Anthroposophy valid today?” A follow-up question: “Is that society in good standing with the spiritual world and can they be tested on the whole? What is our take here?”
COBRA – OK. He was a good person who brought some good teaching, but they’re not 100% aligned with the truth. And you, of course, need to listen to your own inner guidance and discernment about all of his information. But he works for the light forces and he’s dedicated to the light and he’s still part of the light forces. So this is a perspective about Rudolf Steiner.
Rob – OK. I want to read a question which may seem kind of silly because it’s obviously, if it’s true for us, it’s so far away it doesn’t really matter. I’m kind of curious it says: “Why do some galaxies merge?”
COBRA – Galaxies merge because it’s an actual process of merger of twin souls on the galactic level or it is also a process of merger of various advanced galactic beings that are not twin souls in some other locations. It is in a way far away from us, but those energies of galactic mergers are very intense and they influence the whole universe in a positive way.
Rob – Yes. I’m kind of curious on the physical plane, we’re talking about the assets here. I guess we would call them Logos of galaxies merging with each other as you said there, twin flames or others. But I’m kind of curious on the physical plane, I mean, is this merger, no planets are destroyed? What happened to life in there, do they all achieve a different level of consciousness or is there . . what happens on the physical plane to those worlds there?
COBRA – You see galaxies are mostly empty space. The distances between stars are huge so when two galaxies merge, the stars do not collide except in a very, very rare occasions. Sometimes stars get close and they disrupt certain solar systems, but for the vast majority of the solar systems it is just . . . There is no influence on the lifestreams in most of the solar systems in emerging galaxies, so there is no worry.
Rob – OK. “Is there such thing as ascended dragons”?
COBRA – Are you speaking about the Draco population or are you speaking about dragons as animals?
Rob – I would have to say, the sentient dragons of Draco consciousness, like the White Winged dragons, or those type of beings?
COBRA – There were certain entities of the Draco population that are working on their ascension and are quite close to this. They haven’t reached that yet, but when the Event happens, this will be a great spiritual impulse and some of the Draco population will reach their ascension.
Rob – Very good. Is it true beneath Germany there was a city called New Berlin that was built beneath Germany (probably closed now), but was that ever true?
COBRA – There was a network of quite extensive network of underground locations under Germany. This is one thing, and the other thing is there were cities of German travelers to travel to South America who went underground and founded their colonies there and there were also cities, of course, in Antarctica – Nazi bases underground. And there was a certain Nazi underground base called New Berlin, called New Schwabbenland in Antarctica.
Rob – OK. Thank you. The next question is, some person would like to know what he thinks is the explanation for asexuality. And they say, according to them there’s 1-2% of the population who think of themselves as asexual. Is there an energetic explanation?
COBRA – I would say in the majority of cases it is suppressed sexual energy. I would say complete denial. Some people do not feel any emotions. Some people do not feel sexual energy. Not all cases, but I would say a majority of the cases, yes.
Rob – OK. You’ve talked about the pole shift. A lot of people . . . Things, of course, have changed with timelines and stuff. At some point in the future, and I know it’s kind of classified, but at some point in the future, Florida is very low, people in Florida were wondering, “At some point there may be some flooding of Florida, but will the people be given a notice of this?” Would this, I mean a small earthquake of a not so drastic nature could submerge Florida. I think the highest mountain in Florida is like 900 feet.
COBRA – Yes, people don’t need to worry about Florida. If some flooding would occur, people would be warned long in advance, especially for the real, more I would say, if a certain event would be about to happen that would influence the whole Florida people would be warned and it is not going to happen before the Event.
Rob – OK. That’s really good news. Cobra, with a lot of things in the mainstream media, the propaganda machines still running full speed, and all this stuff going on with the elections, could you please tell us, do you have any information? Will something strong occur to prevent the elections in the America? It really seems pretty frightening if we have a Clinton or a Trump or any one of the Republicans running for president. Do you think the elections are going to take place this year, or is it unknown?
COBRA – OK, regarding elections, in a way it is not important who is the President because the President always, I would say since Eisenhower days, he is just the puppet of the Cabal. So it doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat or Republican or who gets to be elected, because what is important is that those who are behind who control the game, need to be removed, and that would influence the actions of the current President, whoever that will be.
Rob – OK. All right, thank you. We’re coming to the end of our hour. I would like to thank you again, and, folks, I know some of the questions are long, but those are read word for word. I didn’t insert too much of my stuff there. As you understand, that’s why I kind of paraphrase some of the questions and give a little background on occasion on some questions. Thank you very much, Cobra. Do you have any message for the world at this point of time – anything hopeful or something for the future for our audience to go home with today?
COBRA – Yes, people are quite tired, but we just need to insist, and we are getting closer and closer every day and in spite of that you don’t see any tangible changes outside you can see many signs if you just know where to look. You can see the progress of the Eastern alliance on the financial front, on the political front. Little by little every day there is more and more self-disclosure things coming out. And if you see a larger perspective, it’s all part of a greater picture, and if you know how to look, you would see that it all leads to the Event. It is part of a greater plan, so you can see a small aspect of that plan being carried out every day and this is also for the first time in human history coming into the mainstream media. This was not happening before, so we just need to continue just a little bit longer. For some people it’s quite much longer, because some people would like the Event to happen today or tomorrow or next week. Most likely this will not happen, but we have gone a long way and we are getting closer and closer and we have been born in this lifetime with the purpose of making it happen. This is why we are here. And we will not give up.
Thank you for listening and Victory of the Light.
Rob – Victory of the Light, Cobra. And folks, when we had that PFC ( group start, I actually voted for the Gandhi quote “Be the change you want to see in the world” and if you want to be the change and you want to make a difference, I suggest you look at that video of Christopher Kala. I’m not putting too much this month up on the introduction.
I would like you to view a grainy video. The gentleman, Christopher Kala, is real. There are 23 children there who don’t have enough to eat every day and I’d like to use the might of the Cobra interview to support Hope-Girl, Brenda and of course this gentleman, Christopher Khala. Can you give $5 or $10 dollars right now to that support to help this man feed these children? This is not a fake. Watch the video. See the children and look what he’s doing. God bless you all.
Victory to the Light. Thank you so much, Cobra, and we’ll see you next month.
Victory to the Light, folks.
COBRA – Thank you, and see you next month.
Date: Thursday, 3-Mar-2016 03:25:07
Rob – Cobra, welcome to the show. Thank you, again, for coming on the show and I appreciate you taking the time every month to work with me here on the Victory of Light radio show. It’s an honor to have you once again.
COBRA – It’s a pleasure for me and I enjoy those interviews very much.
Rob – Thank you, very much. I’d like to go right into your post that you just made this morning before we get to the guest questions. I’m going to ask a few questions here and a lot of these questions people have might be answered in some of these things you just released. It’s an important situation update as of today actually.
You talk about very soon we’ll be able to remove all the plasma and strangelet bombs. There’s going to be a similar technique to remove them and once these are removed once and for all, it looks like we can really move forward with the Event, is that correct?
COBRA – Yes, absolutely, as soon as these are removed, we’re very close to the Event. There are some other technologies, but I don’t think they’ll be much of a problem.
Rob – Yes. That’s really good news. You mentioned some fairy-type energies are returning to the surface of the planet. They pretty much retreated into the Inner Earth, a little physical and lower astral plane fairies, because of the energies. Some of them are returning and some of them in beautiful nature spots around the planet, correct?
COBRA – Yes, that’s correct.
Rob – Can you elaborate a little bit on fairies, sylphs and angels and things like that for people who are unaware. Are some of these physical or are they strictly only visible to those with sensitive sight in the plasma, etheric or astral planes?
COBRA – They are not physical beings. They are beings that can be visible on the plasma, etheric and astral planes, but everybody who has at least a little bit of energy sensitivity can feel them. You can not see them. You can feel their presence. And if you go to the most beautiful spots in nature away from human populations, you would most likely be able to feel their presence.
Rob – OK. Thank you. You had mentioned in your thing, it says: “The dark are quite bold in their actions lately and the Resistance took some action on the physical plane.” Can you talk a little bit about the bold actions of . . . To us everything they do is bold and in our face and negative but can you speak specifically what some of these actions were?
COBRA – Yes, there are quite a few of those situations. The first one is the situation in Syria where you can see that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are challenging . . . actually, they are playing with fire, I would say. This is one of those situations.
Rob – Right. They have been kind of doing some war games on the border it looks like. I saw that they actually had bombed a hospital, I think it’s Syria, that is responsible for 40,000 people. Can you talk about that?
COBRA – Yes, I would say the negative alliance forces have attacked that hospital. They have framed it like the Russians did it, but the Russians did not do it. The Russian military is ___ strictly forbids attacking civilians and they are like 100% dedicated to removing the so-called “terrorists”, which are actually mercenaries backed by the Jesuits, because all of this is Jesuit creation. The negative military faction in US, the Saudi Arabian, the Turkish people, all of them are puppets in the hands of the Jesuits, and the Jesuits want to create as much suffering as possible in the Syrian area because it’s a very important energy vortex.
Rob – Yea, I would agree. Obviously that’s a very major vortex. All of our historical prophesies kind of center around that area. One of the things that the Resistance responded to in your article here today is that they’ve actually put some criminal evidence against the Cabal into the computer system of major news agencies around the world and into the computers of private individuals. Now this is all done on the back end and no one really knows about it?
COBRA – Yes, it’s in the computer system. It is very hard to find it. You will need a really good computer expert that would need to check the computer to find it, but it’s there.
Rob – So it will actually just be automatically triggered and flash cross the screens like a news feed. That’s very exciting.
COBRA – It will be like a pop-up window, which will have a very attractive title, and people will click on this and they will see all kinds of evidence there. If the Cabal goes too far, this will be activated. This is in many computers around the world right now.
Rob – Eventually this will be activated anyway, but certain actions by the Cabal could activate it before.
COBRA – Yes. At the time of the Event of course all this will be active, but I’m speaking about time before the event. It can actually happen today or tomorrow if they go too far.
Rob – A little bit about evidences. Are these in general or are these some name, dates, facts and figures on individuals?
COBRA – It is very specific, very much to the point. It’s evidence about the Cabal’s crimes. It is disclosure related evidence with totals, with dates, with names, with everything. Secret space programs, ET contacts, all that.
Rob – Wow, that’s excellent. I know Chip Tatum has evidence of, for years, on the Bushes. Videos, films in his possession of George Bush Sr. and his boys snorting cocaine and running drugs, so this will be real hard evidence to fill in the evidence gaps. This is really cool. And it says now, the 2nd major action that “certain armed Resistance agents are now on the surface and will interfere in many cases when innocent civilians are being attacked, preventing violence and abuse.” I presume this would be Syria-type of places or in other places as well?
COBRA – It can be anywhere on the planet. It will not be expected. Those Resistance agents will be in plain clothes. They will be anonymous and nobody will be able to identify them. So if people, if the dark people intend to do any of their dark actions of violence against people, they can expect somebody to stop them. But first they will not be able to stop everything, but they will start stopping things. This has never happened before.
Rob – Will this be the type of stopping things with the power of the super luminal beings and the Ascended Masters where the negative forces are literally frozen, unable to move and a non-violent process takes place or will this be a high technology of weaponry of the Resistance that will actually stop negative forces but not kill them?
COBRA – OK. I will not go into details here because otherwise the dark ones will start defending themselves. But it will be unexpected.
Rob – Very good. I hope that happens quickly. I have a question here. A lot of people have been researching the cintamani stone, and they are saying that it’s an emerald green, so people are wondering about columbianite and moldavite. Are these cintamani stones? And why is the cintamani stone. . . (I’ve noticed that it’s gone from kind of a gray transparent. It has a dark opaque. If you hold it to the light, sometimes it’s even lavender.) Can you explain the different colors if it’s from the same source? Is this from the different locations? Talk about that please.
COBRA – OK. Moldavite has green color and it’s coming from the Pleiades and it’s not the cintamani stone. The cintamani stone is coming from the Sirius star system and it has a beautiful lavender sometimes grey, sometimes brownish pink color if it’s transparent.
Rob – OK. A lot of the historical documents of the Buddhist and some of the Middle Eastern ages the picture’s depicted as being green. Is there a reason for that?
COBRA – Actually, they’re speaking about two different stones. One of them is cintamani stone and the second one of them is animati stone. The animati stone is a so-called fire stone or fire crystals that is moldavite.
Rob – OK. So some of the text and pictures are not explained. Okay. Thank you for that clarification, and there has been another batch of cintamani stones. Those will be up now. I will have some of the larger pieces, and pieces as well I’m sure will be coming out through other sources in the near future here.
Here’s a question: “I’m an Ethiopian. The so-called Ethiopian government, which has been in power for the past 25 years is controlled by psychopaths, sociopaths of the Nigerian people. TPLF is destroying me and other people from day one. Their main targets are the Christians and the Amhara ethic group. Government is committing genocide, ethnic cleansing of monasteries churches and the livelihood of Amhara’s. This guy thinks that millions have been murdered with no end in site. Can you ask Cobra why it is happening, who really those people in power are and when is it going to end?”
COBRA – OK, the situation is not only limited to a Ethiopia. The whole sub-Saharan Africa has a big problem of a lot of reptilian presence and a lot of Archon presence that have infiltrated those governments, and this has gotten worse since the Archon invasion in 1996, and only very recently there are some changes and some improvement in this area, and there is still a long way to go.
Rob – OK. Thank you. This is in response to your description of the absolute, and I’m going to quote this person directly, folks. “In the Course of Miracles it is stated that this world does not exist. It is a dream or illusion of separation from source and only the absolute exists. The outburst of the random function, the anomaly was corrected immediately by the absolute when it occurred, but we think we separated ourselves from the absolute in time and space. We think we live in this universe in separate bodies because we had the thought of separation and we feel fear and guilt. We are unaware that time is over and the anomaly was corrected. The Course in Miracles teaches that we exist only in the absolute as an extension of the absolute. With God and us as his only son of the Christ principle. We are not guilty. We are innocent in perpetuity as we were created. We see this world as a result of having a split mind and the holy spirit higher self for the divine within carries the memory of the absolute and assists us to heal this split mind. A Course in Miracles was said to be channeled by Yeshua.” Cobra, can you comment on this as being correct or what your information is about that?
COBRA – OK. I will not completely agree with that perspective. If you look from a certain higher perspective, the world can appear to be an illusion but only because you are not identified with this lower planes of creation, but those lower planes of creation like the physical plane, astral plane, mental plane still exist, because they are a dynamic interaction between the absolute and the random function, the contingency. So it’s a matter of perspective. So the Course in Miracles just describes a certain perspective of certain beings who have reached a certain level of spiritual development, and it is just that, a perspective.
Rob – OK. As is everything a perspective, I guess. Another question, it says: “Simon Parks, if you are familiar with him, he has indicated that the Adam and Eve story is true and not a myth. I would say, from my perspective of the Urantia book, it appears to be true, but needs explaining. Can you talk about the Adam and Eve myth or the reality of Simon Parks saying that there really were two beings that came here?”
COBRA – Actually, the humanity once created through spiritual engineering and genetic engineering and this creation myth is a reflection of a distant memory of that event. So as most myths are, they are actually a reflection or memories of things that actually happened, but because of the time distance from when it happened, they get twisted and distorted to a certain degree.
Rob – OK. Thank you. Then a friend of mine asked a question that required a little bit of homework. I looked at the video and I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it, but off the coast of British Columbia Canada, there was a smaller earthquake and a loud kind of sonic boom. According to one person, it was allegedly the destruction of a reptilian ship by the Andromedans. Do you have any intel if that is correct or possible?
COBRA – From my sources this is not correct.
Rob – Thank you. Next question. Are Near Death Experiences (NDE) people describing an authentic experience of what existence is like after death or is this another layer of the matrix-controlled system, another layer of the veil? People describe intense joy and love, beautiful music and also God or Jesus or past family members that tell them they want to go back to the body. Is that real?
COBRA – Yes, actually those experiences are genuine. People are experiencing bright light and loving beings around them. The only thing here is that the guides who are loving and are suggesting them to come back or are giving them any kind of suggestion are sometimes manipulated themselves. They are well intentioned. They are good beings but they have been manipulated on the astral plane. The guidance that you received from the guides are sometimes correct and sometimes not. The ultimate source of guidance is ultimately within.
Rob – Thank you. Is it possible the event will occur if there are 144K people doing the meditation? In other words, before the removal of strangelet bombs, if 144K do the Event meditation, is it possible the Event can occur?
COBRA – Yes, it’s possible.
Rob – The next question is: “Can the Event occur without 144K people doing the Event meditation and the time is right?”
COBRA – The Event will occur regardless of what we do. We are just doing whatever we can to speed up the process and make it easier for everybody. But the Event does not depend on what I do or what you do.
Rob – OK. “Ben Fulford was talking about the Illuminati group and that they worship the black sun. Can you ask Cobra what is the black sun?”
COBRA – Certain circles within the Cabal structure have the black sun as the symbol of the galactic center. They worship it, they are afraid of it and they respect it. And this is their final destination very soon.
Rob – Haha. OK. Very good. Ben Fulford also said that the human had to be revamped because of the corruption of their agendas. That’s an understatement. The person has mentioned that they are taking classes at a local college and the college is actually offering an Agenda 21 sustainability degree. Do you have any comment on that?
COBRA – No. It just reflects the state of the current educational system on the planet.
Rob – And for those that don’t know folks, Agenda 21 is a carry over from Global 2000. As Cobra has stated they had an agenda to depopulate and have complete world domination by 2000. And now Agenda 21 is an on-going depopulation agenda with different activities including foods to lower our potency for children to depopulate the planet. Next question. And I had quite a few people asking this. Someone posted it on my blog and about 10 people want to know the answer. “Could you ask Cobra about the cannabis and the endocannabinoid system in the human and the animal body?” I’ve never ever heard of that. What is the true role of this ubiquitous and essential system?
COBRA – I can not answer this question.
Rob – OK. Is that because you don’t know what an endocannabinoid system is?
COBRA – Can you say this very slowly?
Rob – It’s about marijuana. “Can you ask Cobra about the endocannabinoid system in the human and animal body?” I think what they’re referring to is when people. . . there have been results showing that the body creates neuro hormones very similar to cannabis which can remove pain and other things like this.
COBRA – Yes, that part is correct. That part is correct.
Rob – Yea, I wanted to clarify that. I wanted to ask it as the person asked it and then I felt I had to do that. They said that this is an essential communication system for all other body systems, and the nervous system. They said it seems to effect and interface between the light bodies and the physical bodies. Do you have any other information about cannabis and the interaction with the body?
COBRA – Actually cannabis does interfere with connection between the physical brain and the etheric brain, but that connection actually dissolves the membrane between the physical brain and the etheric brain and sometimes this is good and sometimes not. Because usually when people have this membrane dissolve, they get very good contact with the astral reptilians and other etheric reptilians.
Rob – Yea.
COBRA – Sometimes it’s risky, so if you approach this properly, it can have a very beneficial effect, otherwise it can actually increase your connection with the lower dimensional entities on the etheric and lower astral planes.
Rob – Double-edge sword there. They also said this plant is clearly of galactic origin. Do you now which civilization gifted us with this plant?
COBRA – This plant has been imported from certain planets which are closer to the center of the galaxy.
Rob – Yes, I understand that this plant obviously has tremendous potential and usage in industry and other things as opposed to the, I guess I would call it, false sense of peace that we get from it. For some people it can be useful. Next question. (A little background here.) “There’s a story by some gentlemen that gives us an article that tells us the administration of Obama in convening it’s first earthquake resiliency summit and talk of the California-Oregon-Washington state on the front lines of a potential devastating earthquake. They talk about the Cascadia subduction zone and also Obama has by executive order established a Federal earthquake management standard. Do they know something that we don’t know?”
COBRA – Actually, they know many things that the general population does not know, but I would say that this fear of a California Earthquake is exaggerated. People have been predicting a mega earthquake in California since the 1960’s. And there are very strong light forces, the Galactic Confederation, the Ashtar Command, that are stabilizing the tectonic plates, especially in that area. And the light forces are not expecting any major catastrophic earthquake in that region.
Rob – Good. Anything a government does is always suspect from us, but you know, having a plan of action if something happens is not a bad thing. Next question: “As the Cabal are soon to be defeated, what prevents them from detonating a strangelet or toplet bomb, because they’ll end up in the central sun anyway? What is to keep them from thinking, ‘We’ve lost anyway so let’s take down as much as possible?’”
COBRA – Those that have access to strangelet bombs, they are not many and they are not so emotionally polarized, they are more mentally polarized and they plan. They do not react. This is how they were able to maintain this quarantine for 25k years.
Rob – OK, according to Dr. Salla’s secret space program book, an insider said that tachyon can be used in space travel. I’m going to add a little comment here, people don’t like it. Dr. Bell’s contact, the Pleiadian I met once named James, his ship was run on a tachyon drive. So Cobra the question is: “Would you know how it would be done at a high level to use tachyons in space travel?”
COBRA – Tachyons are very interesting particles because they have a very strong connection with the Source and they do not interact with most matter directly. They interact only with strong nuclear force and because of certain physical characteristics of tachyons, they are very good in combating entropy. And they are widely used with various advanced civilizations as propulsion systems for their space craft, and tachyons have also the ability to merge subluminal travel with super luminal travel. It means seamless transition through a stargate. So if a spaceship is using this propulsion to travel through ordinary space-time continuum, and then enter through a stargate, you will not experience anything. It will be a smooth peaceful travel, for example, from here to the Sirius star system that will only take a few moments.
Rob – OK. Thank you. In the Pleiadian ships, Dr. Bell was always talking that they’re powered by sound and you mentioned that the tachyons actually couldn’t really be detected so much on the physical plane. Does this have to do with the kind of the eternal nature of the living sound current in the universe as they call it, the word of creation that they’re tuning into? Is a tachyon associated…
COBRA – No, no no. Tachyons cannot be detected because I would say science on this planet at this stage can only detect anything with a few basic interactions – interactions with electromagnetic force. You see most detectors are using protons. They are using electricity and magnetism, and tachyons do not interact with those forces, so you can not see them. They do not produce electricity, and they do not interact with a magnetic field. It’s not easy to detect them. They can be detected by their influence on subatomic particles. If scientists would know where to look, they could detect them easily even now.
Rob – Thank you. Next question is about bees. I think you talked about this before. Obviously there’s tremendous evidence that they’re being decimated. Can you talk about the bee situation now and how critical that is and what that means for pollination of plants? Are there plans by the Resistance to help this problem? What’s going on with the bees?
COBRA – Actually, the Resistance is already doing something and the situation has been steadily improving for the last year or so.
Rob – Very good. “Are the dimensions splitting now as part of the process of cleaning up earth and the baddies being removed, people being sent to different dimensions?”
Rob – I didn’t think so. “How can we be sure of that and can these people living on different parallel realities still access the main reality or are they locked up from us?”
COBRA – The whole idea of parallel reality is actually the idea of different dimensions. Of course we have the physical plane, we have the etheric plane, astral plane, mental plane and these are in a way parallel realities but they all are connected with the unified field. We could say that they are all aspect or facet of the same reality that comes from the source and interacts with the contingency and all that the direction has manifested. They all obey the same spiritual and physical principles.
Rob – Yes. You are familiar with Corey Goode’s latest interview in which he reveals that Zecharia Sitchin’s information was for the most part contrived.
COBRA – I’m aware of this and this is exactly what I have stated in interviews with you 1 or 2 years ago.
Rob – Yes, and that is exactly what Dr. Frank Stranges said, and it kind of puts the story of the Anunnaki in question. Is there any truth to the story of Enlil and Enki? Is that representing any type of interference from certain galactic forces despite that tale being woven in falsely by the Illuminati?
COBRA – I would suggest everybody just discard the whole Zecharia Sitchin story completely.
Rob – I’ve always wondered if there’s any aspect of truth around that. Thank you for that. So here’s another question some people have from an older couple. “If our money is in mutual funds and we will possibly loose all of it, what can we do with our money now to protect what we have? Silver and gold coins were mentioned. Is that what we should be buying and where should we buy them?”
COBRA – Yes, having gold or silver or real estate or anything tangible is a good idea. And you can find trusted dealers. I can send Rob some links and he can post them somewhere. I don’t know. We can do something like this.
Rob – OK. Thank you. I want . . . money situation is very sensitive and we’re not financial experts, but people have to use their own discernment and what they’re going to do with their finances. Be very careful if you take your cash out of the banks that it’s protected in your home in fireproof safes – extremely well hidden. Someone wants to know how widespread, we won’t call it A.I., that’s a word they use, but how strong is the, I guess, what we call the plasma scalar field mind control network in the US? Is it coming down a little bit, or what’s the story there?
COBRA – It is coming down a little bit, but it’s still very strong as you can probably experience on a daily basis, directing with people.
Rob – Can you talk a little bit about how Bill Gates became one of these people because he had information? Was he in from the beginning and was he murdered? What’s this story with Bill Gates?
COBRA – He was just a computer programmer who got very rich, and after he got rich, he was contacted by the Illuminati. He got tempted with power, and he got drunk with it, and his soul got distorted. Unfortunately, he made some wrong choices in life, and now he will have to pay the consequences.
Rob – OK. “Ben Fulford and Corey Goode are saying that partial disclosure is what may be happening vs full disclosure that we really need. Could you ask Cobra to expand on the situation and how we can get the full disclosure on track?”
COBRA – OK. I am not aware that Benjamin Fulford was stating that partial disclosure is in the game. I know that Corey Goode was saying those things, but this is not an option. The plan of the light forces has not changed. The only option is full and complete disclosure and the light forces will continue pressing with their plans until that happens. There might be factions of the Cabal or some other interest groups that would like to push for partial disclosure or spin it or twist it, but this is simply not acceptable, and it will not happen.
Rob – I would like to make a comment. The comment person may have paraphrased what they thought Ben Fulford says. Ladies and gentlemen, pages of disclosure are turning day by day and they are being met by the dark forces. At a certain point and time, eventually the entire book just gets flipped and it’s over. Full disclosure. The rest of the book will be dumped freely and openly at the time of the Event. Here’s another question. Question’s about Shambhala. “Is everything about that classified or can a little bit about the mystery of Shambhala be disclosed?”
COBRA – Shambhala is an underground kingdom of light that has been anchoring, stabilizing the light frequency under the planet for millions and millions of years and especially the last 25k years when we had full quarantine status on this planet. They have been preventing the destruction of the planet and they have been successful.
Rob – Yes, another question about the Inner Earth interview with Corey Goode, which I found interesting. Corey got to go into this record room of this one Agarthan group and I’m sure many of these groups have Agarthan works. They said that beneath them was called the Hall of Records. Now to me that was a little bit . . . I’m kind of curious what you think your comments on the Hall of Records. Because we know that there is a very advanced Akashic Hall of Records that is accessed. Could you talk a little bit . . . it kind of made it seem like this group that Corey was working with had admitted to not being good stewards of the Earth surface population were guarding the Hall of Records. Can you comment on that?
COBRA – First, I would need to say that my sources still have not have confirmed that Corey Goode is actually having those visits underground. Also, his intel does not match with what I have with the situation underground. His description of the library underground matches with a description that was published in a book by Diane Robbins a few years ago. And there are many libraries in underground cities in various locations. The Hall of Records is a generic name, which can mean many things. One of them is to have mentioned the Akashic records and there are also many crystal libraries that were called the Hall of Records from Atlantis. One of them was located under the Sphinx in Egypt and there were many more located under the Himalayas in certain locations in South America and other locations. And they are not physical books. They are actually crystals with encoded information, which can be read with certain advanced technology, and some of the Agarthan network people have access to those locations.
Rob – Yes. I’ve spoken about that many times, Dr. Frank Strange’s as well has reinforced Cobra’s information. At a certain point in time these crystals will be made available to the public and the technology will be released. That will share our true history of the Earth and people will actually be able to see it and observe it and these are being withheld for the future populous that is ready and available after the Event. Would you agree with that Cobra?
COBRA – This will be available after the Event, but not immediately after the Event, but when humanity has reached a certain level of understanding and development, when they will be able to handle that type of technology, which requires quite a pure state of consciousness.
Rob – OK. Thank you. Here’s a question, another long one, folks. “To what extent will the result of the SSP petition can really impact the timing of the event?”
COBRA – This petition will not influence the timing of the Event itself, but it can speed up the pre-Event disclosure process quite much. And this is why the dark forces have been messing with the petition and interfering with the petition quite much.
Rob – OK. Here’s another one I get from a lot of people who simply don’t have faith, and not all of them kind of have a distrust of you, but I want to continue this reading: “Since the date of the Event has been delayed for such a long time, I’ve noticed that some of the lightworkers and light warriors are beginning to doubt that anything is going to happen now. Technically there should be more people that would actively participate in the petition. I’ve personally received verbal attacks from some what I would consider quite awakened individuals on the Earth. A few of them distrust Cobra’s expertise in delivering authentic content from the RM as they feel the information on Cobra’s website is too ungrounding. Probably because nothing really major has really happened so far (at least what they can see.) This was a concern to me as there’s almost no solid evidence. More people will start to loose faith despite the promises of the outcome.”
COBRA – I have stated many times that nothing-significant will happen until very shortly before the Event. It will appear as nothing is happening because the control of the mass media is still in the hand of the Cabal and will continue to be in the hands of the Cabal right until the very moment of the Event. So this illusion that everything is business as usual will continue until the moment of the Event. So if anybody is searching for 100% poof of evidence, they will not find it before things actually happen, and it’s quite logical things will not happen until they happen.
Rob – Yes, and we’ve stated that many times. A lot of times we have new people coming in who cannot go through all the information. I just wanted to just kind of get that down and clarify to people. Thank you for that. So was the war in Atlantis era between different dark factions or between the dark and the light forces?
COBRA – Both
Rob – Were there giants in those days?
COBRA – Yes.
Rob – Some survived, correct?
COBRA – They survived, but they were driven underground. Until very recently there were, I would say, a few decades ago, there were quite substantial giant colonies below the surface of the Earth.
Rob – Yes. Have they been removed now or some of the giants were good, I assume.
COBRA – Most of the giants were good, and they have chosen to relocate to a more friendly existence when this option was given to them.
Rob – OK. Were any of those who survived, would they still be alive today or be their successors?
COBRA – I would say the average lifespan for giants were in the scope of maybe 1,000 years and the original Atlantean giants with very, very few exceptions, were not alive any more.
Rob – Here’s an interesting question for someone from China. It was kind of difficult to translate, but basically they gave me a statement that said, “You know, problems come with 7 disguises. In other words, sometimes problems are gifts for people to learn from and to transcend. And they didn’t want to interfere with someone. What should we do if another person is in trouble? I would say help them. Would you agree?”
COBRA – Yes, of course. Yes, of course.
Rob – OK. And here’s a real basic question they asked, and, of course, this is a loaded one, I imagine: “What is good and what is bad?”
COBRA – OK. This is so obvious. Every child can answer this question. I would suggest that if somebody doesn’t know what is good and what is bad, you can ask the nearest child, and he will answer this question very clear. It’s very simple.
Rob – Yea, I would agree. Here’s another one here I’m going to ask. “Have you ever heard this story behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident in 1959 in the Ural Mountains?”
COBRA – Ah, yes, yes.
Rob – Can you please talk about what this was? There was a recent RT article about it. They would like to hear your perspective on that incident.
COBRA – Some people apparently disappeared in strange circumstances, and there was some interference with negative beings that were not of a human nature.
Rob – OK. Thank you. Can you please . . they asked you to make a post about monatomic gold. There’s lots of stuff out there – people allegedly selling it. Can you talk about monatomic gold? Does it extend the lifespan? This is part of the Sitchin thing that ET’s came here to mine gold for that purpose. Can you talk about monatomic gold? And, of course, this relates to the story in the Bucegi Mountains.
COBRA – The elixir of life is not made of monatomic gold. This is number one. So the major purpose of monatomic gold is not to extend life, but monatomic gold is actually a ___? particles that if our connection with higher dimensions so it does accelerate the spiritual evolution quite much. The gold in the Bucegi Mountains is not related to monatomic gold. It is simply gold which has been positioned in that mountain complex by forces of nature, millions of years ago, and, yes, there is substantial gold reserves in Romania, which have been suppressed allegedly because of national security.
Rob – OK. “Can we use our thoughts to override the current programming on a global scale, and if so, how?”
COBRA – Yes, the power of thoughts is one of the most important instruments of free will, and if a critical mass of people harmonize in their intent and use their mind, their thoughts, to manifest that intent, they can change the world. And this is exactly what we are doing.
Rob – OK. A question about . . . (Everyone sees a conspiracy everywhere.) Who knows? We’re asking you the question: “About the Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia’s death. It was in Texas near the Bushes. Can you talk about his death? Was it natural? Was it contrived?”
COBRA – He was murdered. (OK) This is one of the actions of the Cabal which has. . . They have crossed the line here.
Rob – OK.
COBRA – And this is one of the reasons the Resistance has decided to infiltrate some of their agents to protect certain people.
Rob – So that’s good. So certain people who are in and are ready to turn the tide and tell the truth and kind of absolve themselves of any sins they may have been involved with in these programs, are now being offed and it’s having a drastic effect of the Resistance stepping in now. Is that correct?
COBRA – I would say the Resistance will start protecting physically some key people who can influence the Event in a positive way or prevent certain things from happening. And on the other side, they will also . . . The Resistance agents have infiltrated security around the Cabal personnel – Cabal people – and they are not as safe as they were before.
Rob – Good. “Could you ask Cobra if he knows anything about the planet in the Pleiades called Theauba and their people? Have you ever heard of that?”
COBRA – There was a book that came out a few decades ago about a certain prophecy from those people. I would say that most of the books that describe ET contact they have some aspect which are close to the truth and there is a lot of other things involved. Sometimes manipulation, sometimes imagination, sometimes certain agendas. So you need to read those things with a grain of salt.
Rob – Very good. There’s another question from an elderly couple here on finance. We kind of asked that. So be very careful folks with your money is all I’ll say on that one. Here’s another question about Lithuania. They say they have the highest suicide rate in the world. The people are being poisoned. I’m going to read this preamble here so people have an idea. “Recently things got more excessive, for example in 2009 they had a conscript collection nullified, but last year it was reinstated, renewed because of new challenges in the geopolitical situation. They call it Russian aggression. Last year we got one Russian TV channel banned. Yes, banned in the 21st century free speech country because like they say, warmongering. Some people who actively express political views other than the governments get trolled on the Internet, are being threatened and some people got fired from. . . One person got fired from their job at a university for a different opinion on what happened in Ukraine. This person’s cousin was fired from his job because he expressed other views about vicious stories. In other words it seems like the old kind of Russian style if you talk against us, we’ll tap you in Lithuania.” They’re really depressed and they would like to know if you can talk about the situation in Lithuania. They said that the people there retired working for 40 years are getting less money than the Syrian refugees who are coming in are getting like twice per month what they are getting and it’s causing a lot of freak out tension in Lithuania which is very poor and oppressed. Could you talk about these people there?
COBRA – OK. This situation is actually a very good description of what is happening across Europe and most of the European countries, so it’s not just limited to Lithuania. It is a coordinated, I would say, not just European, but the global attempt of the Cabal to tighten the control to increase the suppression and censorship, because they are afraid they will lose, and that’s why they are tightening their grip. So it is happening everywhere.
Rob – Right. We always say that . . .
COBRA – The strategy with refugees receiving twice the money than workers who have spent their life for their country, it is happening in most countries in Europe right now.
Rob – This is to actually create the tension and frustration and to have the people take it out on the refugees and destabilize. Correct?
COBRA – Yes, this was part of the plan, yes.
Rob – OK. Here’s another question here. “Can Rudolf Steiner be trusted as a teacher and are his teachings and the path as outlined in Anthroposophy valid today?” A follow-up question: “Is that society in good standing with the spiritual world and can they be tested on the whole? What is our take here?”
COBRA – OK. He was a good person who brought some good teaching, but they’re not 100% aligned with the truth. And you, of course, need to listen to your own inner guidance and discernment about all of his information. But he works for the light forces and he’s dedicated to the light and he’s still part of the light forces. So this is a perspective about Rudolf Steiner.
Rob – OK. I want to read a question which may seem kind of silly because it’s obviously, if it’s true for us, it’s so far away it doesn’t really matter. I’m kind of curious it says: “Why do some galaxies merge?”
COBRA – Galaxies merge because it’s an actual process of merger of twin souls on the galactic level or it is also a process of merger of various advanced galactic beings that are not twin souls in some other locations. It is in a way far away from us, but those energies of galactic mergers are very intense and they influence the whole universe in a positive way.
Rob – Yes. I’m kind of curious on the physical plane, we’re talking about the assets here. I guess we would call them Logos of galaxies merging with each other as you said there, twin flames or others. But I’m kind of curious on the physical plane, I mean, is this merger, no planets are destroyed? What happened to life in there, do they all achieve a different level of consciousness or is there . . what happens on the physical plane to those worlds there?
COBRA – You see galaxies are mostly empty space. The distances between stars are huge so when two galaxies merge, the stars do not collide except in a very, very rare occasions. Sometimes stars get close and they disrupt certain solar systems, but for the vast majority of the solar systems it is just . . . There is no influence on the lifestreams in most of the solar systems in emerging galaxies, so there is no worry.
Rob – OK. “Is there such thing as ascended dragons”?
COBRA – Are you speaking about the Draco population or are you speaking about dragons as animals?
Rob – I would have to say, the sentient dragons of Draco consciousness, like the White Winged dragons, or those type of beings?
COBRA – There were certain entities of the Draco population that are working on their ascension and are quite close to this. They haven’t reached that yet, but when the Event happens, this will be a great spiritual impulse and some of the Draco population will reach their ascension.
Rob – Very good. Is it true beneath Germany there was a city called New Berlin that was built beneath Germany (probably closed now), but was that ever true?
COBRA – There was a network of quite extensive network of underground locations under Germany. This is one thing, and the other thing is there were cities of German travelers to travel to South America who went underground and founded their colonies there and there were also cities, of course, in Antarctica – Nazi bases underground. And there was a certain Nazi underground base called New Berlin, called New Schwabbenland in Antarctica.
Rob – OK. Thank you. The next question is, some person would like to know what he thinks is the explanation for asexuality. And they say, according to them there’s 1-2% of the population who think of themselves as asexual. Is there an energetic explanation?
COBRA – I would say in the majority of cases it is suppressed sexual energy. I would say complete denial. Some people do not feel any emotions. Some people do not feel sexual energy. Not all cases, but I would say a majority of the cases, yes.
Rob – OK. You’ve talked about the pole shift. A lot of people . . . Things, of course, have changed with timelines and stuff. At some point in the future, and I know it’s kind of classified, but at some point in the future, Florida is very low, people in Florida were wondering, “At some point there may be some flooding of Florida, but will the people be given a notice of this?” Would this, I mean a small earthquake of a not so drastic nature could submerge Florida. I think the highest mountain in Florida is like 900 feet.
COBRA – Yes, people don’t need to worry about Florida. If some flooding would occur, people would be warned long in advance, especially for the real, more I would say, if a certain event would be about to happen that would influence the whole Florida people would be warned and it is not going to happen before the Event.
Rob – OK. That’s really good news. Cobra, with a lot of things in the mainstream media, the propaganda machines still running full speed, and all this stuff going on with the elections, could you please tell us, do you have any information? Will something strong occur to prevent the elections in the America? It really seems pretty frightening if we have a Clinton or a Trump or any one of the Republicans running for president. Do you think the elections are going to take place this year, or is it unknown?
COBRA – OK, regarding elections, in a way it is not important who is the President because the President always, I would say since Eisenhower days, he is just the puppet of the Cabal. So it doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat or Republican or who gets to be elected, because what is important is that those who are behind who control the game, need to be removed, and that would influence the actions of the current President, whoever that will be.
Rob – OK. All right, thank you. We’re coming to the end of our hour. I would like to thank you again, and, folks, I know some of the questions are long, but those are read word for word. I didn’t insert too much of my stuff there. As you understand, that’s why I kind of paraphrase some of the questions and give a little background on occasion on some questions. Thank you very much, Cobra. Do you have any message for the world at this point of time – anything hopeful or something for the future for our audience to go home with today?
COBRA – Yes, people are quite tired, but we just need to insist, and we are getting closer and closer every day and in spite of that you don’t see any tangible changes outside you can see many signs if you just know where to look. You can see the progress of the Eastern alliance on the financial front, on the political front. Little by little every day there is more and more self-disclosure things coming out. And if you see a larger perspective, it’s all part of a greater picture, and if you know how to look, you would see that it all leads to the Event. It is part of a greater plan, so you can see a small aspect of that plan being carried out every day and this is also for the first time in human history coming into the mainstream media. This was not happening before, so we just need to continue just a little bit longer. For some people it’s quite much longer, because some people would like the Event to happen today or tomorrow or next week. Most likely this will not happen, but we have gone a long way and we are getting closer and closer and we have been born in this lifetime with the purpose of making it happen. This is why we are here. And we will not give up.
Thank you for listening and Victory of the Light.
Rob – Victory of the Light, Cobra. And folks, when we had that PFC ( group start, I actually voted for the Gandhi quote “Be the change you want to see in the world” and if you want to be the change and you want to make a difference, I suggest you look at that video of Christopher Kala. I’m not putting too much this month up on the introduction.
I would like you to view a grainy video. The gentleman, Christopher Kala, is real. There are 23 children there who don’t have enough to eat every day and I’d like to use the might of the Cobra interview to support Hope-Girl, Brenda and of course this gentleman, Christopher Khala. Can you give $5 or $10 dollars right now to that support to help this man feed these children? This is not a fake. Watch the video. See the children and look what he’s doing. God bless you all.
Victory to the Light. Thank you so much, Cobra, and we’ll see you next month.
Victory to the Light, folks.
COBRA – Thank you, and see you next month.
Last edited by Carol on Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
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Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Cobra Update 3-7-16… “The Ascension Plan”
Cobra Update 3-7-16… “The Ascension Plan”
Posted on 2016/03/07
by kauilapele
This is a pretty major posting by Cobra. I feel it resonates very strongly with what is truly going to happen (of course, some alterations, I’m sure, can be made).
Okay, tonnes of highlights are below, and after that, a link to an audio that Cobra mentioned.
“The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change. This time window has its basis in the scientific fact that solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator within the 1975-2021 timeframe, and this alignment is perfect within the 1980-2016 timeframe:
“…the Galactic superwave we are awaiting is the mid-cycle one, and will be significantly milder that the previous one that has caused the Gothenburg geomagnetic reversal… Yet it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and trigger the Event.
“The Pleiadians have communicated to me that the exact date [of the solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment] was May 17th, 1998. This is the day when the destiny of this planet was decided and when the Light forces knew for sure that the Ascension plan will be successful.
“Before 1999, Earth humanity consisted of about 70 billion souls on etheric and astral plane and about 6 billion incarnated humans. The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Commnad and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades star cluster where they started receiving much needed healing.
“The real Ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event. The incoming energies from the Galactic pulse will start to flow through the energy field of all human beings on the planet. They will be loving energies straight from the Galactic heart and will start bringing much needed healing to humanity… With many people going through the same process at the same time, this will reinforce the Light field around the planet and open the door for many that otherwise could not make it. The length of the complete Ascension process is expected to be a few years for the most advanced individuals, and more for others. The actual Ascension happens when we release all blockages to the energy flow and reach superconductivity of our mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies.
“At the moment of the Event, the Light forces will contact humanity only indirectly with intel releases through the mass media. After the completion of the Cabal arrest process and after the majority of humanity overcomes the initial shock, the Light forces will begin to contact certain individuals directly. This will most likely start a few weeks to a few months after the Event. At that time, contact zones will be created. Contact zones are areas on private property where the owners will dedicate part of their land for the contact experience.
“After the First Contact, the positive ET races will begin to distribute their advanced technologies that will quickly bring the Earth humanity into the fifthdimensional golden age. At the same time, many awakened individuals will start to relocate to create intentional communities, so called areas of Light… Areas of Light will grow and evolve, their vibrational frequency will lift and in a few years they will connect with the motherships of the Ashtar Command with columns of Light. These columns will accelerate the group Ascension process.”
For those who would like an alternative way to listen to the Alexandra Meadors interview of Michael El Legion, I’ve placed an audio of the 2-hour show below. Otherwise, here is the original Kp blog link which Cobra cites. That link also has a YouTube video which may also be used.
Audio Player
The Ascension Plan
Time has come to release a great portion of the Ascension Plan for this planet.
The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change.
This time window has its basis in the scientific fact that solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator within the 1975-2021 timeframe, and this alignment is perfect within the 1980-2016 timeframe:
Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of 26,000 years. Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart, which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years. So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave, either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000 years after each large one:
Luckily for us, the Galactic superwave we are awaiting is the mid-cycle one, and will be significantly milder that the previous one that has caused the Gothenburg geomagnetic reversal, the terminal Pleistocene mass species extinction 13,000 years ago and consequently the deluge of Atlantis.
Yet it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and trigger the Event.
The central point of this cosmic transformation was already determined 26,000 years ago and was set around the date of the fixed cross total Solar eclipse on August 11th, 1999.
That central point is remarkably close to the exact date of the solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment. Astronomer Jean Meeus has calculated that this alignment occurred in May 1998. Smelyakov has refined that date to May 7th, 1998:
The Pleiadians have communicated to me that the exact date was May 17th, 1998. This is the day when the destiny of this planet was decided and when the Light forces knew for sure that the Ascension plan will be successful.
After the opening of the Ascension window in 1975, a lot of Light from higher dimensions began streaming in towards the surface population and that triggered the mass awakening of the genuine New Age movement in 1980s. Alas, the Ascended beings were not aware of the full extent of the power of primary anomaly and could not stop the dark forces operating in the shadows. The dark ones have infiltrated the New Age movement, infiltrated the Solar Warden space program and finally took over the planet and the Solar System in early 1996.
Between 1996 and 1998, the Light forces were overshocked and had to regroup, and the Ascension plan had to be upgraded. The Pleiadian fleet began to re-enter the Solar System in 1998 and on May 17th, 1998 received parts of the new Ascension plan from „higher sources“. The Ashtar Command began to re-enter the Solar System in early 1999 and has evacuated the majority of Earth humanity to Pleiades in August 1999.
Before 1999, Earth humanity consisted of about 70 billion souls on etheric and astral plane and about 6 billion incarnated humans.
The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Commnad and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades star cluster where they started receiving much needed healing.
The only souls remaining on etheric and astral plane were those who were direct hostages of the non-physical Archons, those with strong attachment to the physical plane and those who decided to stay to help the physical humans as spiritual guides.
Between 1998 and 2016, the Light forces have kept the Ascension plan strictly confidential to prevent the dark ones from interfering with it. Many channels and intuitives tried to access the Ascension plan but did not receive any signal.
I have now received the green light to reveal one part of the Ascension plan to the surface population.
The real Ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event. The incoming energies from the Galactic pulse will start to flow through the energy field of all human beings on the planet. They will be loving energies straight from the Galactic heart and will start bringing much needed healing to humanity.
Ascension is both an individual and a group process. Each individual will go through his own inner experience, going through healing, release of the past and inner transformation. With many people going through the same process at the same time, this will reinforce the Light field around the planet and open the door for many that otherwise could not make it. The length of the complete Ascension process is expected to be a few years for the most advanced individuals, and more for others.
The actual Ascension happens when we release all blockages to the energy flow and reach superconductivity of our mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies.
There is much more to this and I will release more when I receive the clearance to do so.
At the moment of the Event, the Light forces will contact humanity only indirectly with intel releases through the mass media. After the completion of the Cabal arrest process and after the majority of humanity overcomes the initial shock, the Light forces will begin to contact certain individuals directly. This will most likely start a few weeks to a few months after the Event.
At that time, contact zones will be created. Contact zones are areas on private property where the owners will dedicate part of their land for the contact experience. These owners will then experience a physical contact with the Pleiadians that will land on their land in a small beamship. Those individuals will go to the mass media and report their experience, therefore preparing humanity for the reality of the Contact. These contact zones will become more and more numerous until a certain critical mass will be reached for the First Contact. First Contact is the beginning of official diplomatic relations between Earth humanity and positive ET races. This is planned to occur roughly a year after the Event at the United Nations and will be broadcast through the mass media worldwide.
After the First Contact, the positive ET races will begin to distribute their advanced technologies that will quickly bring the Earth humanity into the fifth-dimensional golden age.
At the same time, many awakened individuals will start to relocate to create intentional communities, so called areas of Light. With non-physical Archon influence removed, they will learn in those communities to finally live together in harmony, with each individual following his higher purpose and together creating a beautiful mandala of Light. Areas of Light will grow and evolve, their vibrational frequency will lift and in a few years they will connect with the motherships of the Ashtar Command with columns of Light. These columns will accelerate the group Ascension process.
Ascension chambers are a very advanced positive organic technology that lifts our vibrational frequency and is a great tool to help in our Ascension process. They will be used after the First Contact to speed up the Ascension process for those that are ready.
After the First Contact, the ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation will be more and more visible as they will decloak at their positions throughout the Solar System.
This is the best description of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation that I could find on the surface of the planet:
And a quite reliable, visually beautiful description here which will help you visualize our life after the Event:
Until then, you can ask the positive ET beings for help in your daily life and here is an example:
The Light forces of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation are sending signs that victory is near.
Like this V (victory) sign that appeared exactly at the midpoint between my two past conferences in Laguna Beach and Irvine:
And this enclouded Pleiaidan lightship which appeared near San Jose, Costa Rica, a major Pleiadian energy vortex:
Mysterious Iridescent Cloud Phenomenon Spotted over Skies in Escazú, Costa Rica
Cobra Update 3-7-16… “The Ascension Plan”
Posted on 2016/03/07
by kauilapele
This is a pretty major posting by Cobra. I feel it resonates very strongly with what is truly going to happen (of course, some alterations, I’m sure, can be made).
Okay, tonnes of highlights are below, and after that, a link to an audio that Cobra mentioned.
“The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change. This time window has its basis in the scientific fact that solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator within the 1975-2021 timeframe, and this alignment is perfect within the 1980-2016 timeframe:
“…the Galactic superwave we are awaiting is the mid-cycle one, and will be significantly milder that the previous one that has caused the Gothenburg geomagnetic reversal… Yet it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and trigger the Event.
“The Pleiadians have communicated to me that the exact date [of the solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment] was May 17th, 1998. This is the day when the destiny of this planet was decided and when the Light forces knew for sure that the Ascension plan will be successful.
“Before 1999, Earth humanity consisted of about 70 billion souls on etheric and astral plane and about 6 billion incarnated humans. The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Commnad and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades star cluster where they started receiving much needed healing.
“The real Ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event. The incoming energies from the Galactic pulse will start to flow through the energy field of all human beings on the planet. They will be loving energies straight from the Galactic heart and will start bringing much needed healing to humanity… With many people going through the same process at the same time, this will reinforce the Light field around the planet and open the door for many that otherwise could not make it. The length of the complete Ascension process is expected to be a few years for the most advanced individuals, and more for others. The actual Ascension happens when we release all blockages to the energy flow and reach superconductivity of our mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies.
“At the moment of the Event, the Light forces will contact humanity only indirectly with intel releases through the mass media. After the completion of the Cabal arrest process and after the majority of humanity overcomes the initial shock, the Light forces will begin to contact certain individuals directly. This will most likely start a few weeks to a few months after the Event. At that time, contact zones will be created. Contact zones are areas on private property where the owners will dedicate part of their land for the contact experience.
“After the First Contact, the positive ET races will begin to distribute their advanced technologies that will quickly bring the Earth humanity into the fifthdimensional golden age. At the same time, many awakened individuals will start to relocate to create intentional communities, so called areas of Light… Areas of Light will grow and evolve, their vibrational frequency will lift and in a few years they will connect with the motherships of the Ashtar Command with columns of Light. These columns will accelerate the group Ascension process.”
For those who would like an alternative way to listen to the Alexandra Meadors interview of Michael El Legion, I’ve placed an audio of the 2-hour show below. Otherwise, here is the original Kp blog link which Cobra cites. That link also has a YouTube video which may also be used.
Audio Player
The Ascension Plan
Time has come to release a great portion of the Ascension Plan for this planet.
The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change.
This time window has its basis in the scientific fact that solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator within the 1975-2021 timeframe, and this alignment is perfect within the 1980-2016 timeframe:
Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of 26,000 years. Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart, which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years. So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave, either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000 years after each large one:
Luckily for us, the Galactic superwave we are awaiting is the mid-cycle one, and will be significantly milder that the previous one that has caused the Gothenburg geomagnetic reversal, the terminal Pleistocene mass species extinction 13,000 years ago and consequently the deluge of Atlantis.
Yet it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and trigger the Event.
The central point of this cosmic transformation was already determined 26,000 years ago and was set around the date of the fixed cross total Solar eclipse on August 11th, 1999.
That central point is remarkably close to the exact date of the solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment. Astronomer Jean Meeus has calculated that this alignment occurred in May 1998. Smelyakov has refined that date to May 7th, 1998:
The Pleiadians have communicated to me that the exact date was May 17th, 1998. This is the day when the destiny of this planet was decided and when the Light forces knew for sure that the Ascension plan will be successful.
After the opening of the Ascension window in 1975, a lot of Light from higher dimensions began streaming in towards the surface population and that triggered the mass awakening of the genuine New Age movement in 1980s. Alas, the Ascended beings were not aware of the full extent of the power of primary anomaly and could not stop the dark forces operating in the shadows. The dark ones have infiltrated the New Age movement, infiltrated the Solar Warden space program and finally took over the planet and the Solar System in early 1996.
Between 1996 and 1998, the Light forces were overshocked and had to regroup, and the Ascension plan had to be upgraded. The Pleiadian fleet began to re-enter the Solar System in 1998 and on May 17th, 1998 received parts of the new Ascension plan from „higher sources“. The Ashtar Command began to re-enter the Solar System in early 1999 and has evacuated the majority of Earth humanity to Pleiades in August 1999.
Before 1999, Earth humanity consisted of about 70 billion souls on etheric and astral plane and about 6 billion incarnated humans.
The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Commnad and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades star cluster where they started receiving much needed healing.
The only souls remaining on etheric and astral plane were those who were direct hostages of the non-physical Archons, those with strong attachment to the physical plane and those who decided to stay to help the physical humans as spiritual guides.
Between 1998 and 2016, the Light forces have kept the Ascension plan strictly confidential to prevent the dark ones from interfering with it. Many channels and intuitives tried to access the Ascension plan but did not receive any signal.
I have now received the green light to reveal one part of the Ascension plan to the surface population.
The real Ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event. The incoming energies from the Galactic pulse will start to flow through the energy field of all human beings on the planet. They will be loving energies straight from the Galactic heart and will start bringing much needed healing to humanity.
Ascension is both an individual and a group process. Each individual will go through his own inner experience, going through healing, release of the past and inner transformation. With many people going through the same process at the same time, this will reinforce the Light field around the planet and open the door for many that otherwise could not make it. The length of the complete Ascension process is expected to be a few years for the most advanced individuals, and more for others.
The actual Ascension happens when we release all blockages to the energy flow and reach superconductivity of our mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies.
There is much more to this and I will release more when I receive the clearance to do so.
At the moment of the Event, the Light forces will contact humanity only indirectly with intel releases through the mass media. After the completion of the Cabal arrest process and after the majority of humanity overcomes the initial shock, the Light forces will begin to contact certain individuals directly. This will most likely start a few weeks to a few months after the Event.
At that time, contact zones will be created. Contact zones are areas on private property where the owners will dedicate part of their land for the contact experience. These owners will then experience a physical contact with the Pleiadians that will land on their land in a small beamship. Those individuals will go to the mass media and report their experience, therefore preparing humanity for the reality of the Contact. These contact zones will become more and more numerous until a certain critical mass will be reached for the First Contact. First Contact is the beginning of official diplomatic relations between Earth humanity and positive ET races. This is planned to occur roughly a year after the Event at the United Nations and will be broadcast through the mass media worldwide.
After the First Contact, the positive ET races will begin to distribute their advanced technologies that will quickly bring the Earth humanity into the fifth-dimensional golden age.
At the same time, many awakened individuals will start to relocate to create intentional communities, so called areas of Light. With non-physical Archon influence removed, they will learn in those communities to finally live together in harmony, with each individual following his higher purpose and together creating a beautiful mandala of Light. Areas of Light will grow and evolve, their vibrational frequency will lift and in a few years they will connect with the motherships of the Ashtar Command with columns of Light. These columns will accelerate the group Ascension process.
Ascension chambers are a very advanced positive organic technology that lifts our vibrational frequency and is a great tool to help in our Ascension process. They will be used after the First Contact to speed up the Ascension process for those that are ready.
After the First Contact, the ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation will be more and more visible as they will decloak at their positions throughout the Solar System.
This is the best description of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation that I could find on the surface of the planet:
And a quite reliable, visually beautiful description here which will help you visualize our life after the Event:
Until then, you can ask the positive ET beings for help in your daily life and here is an example:
The Light forces of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation are sending signs that victory is near.
Like this V (victory) sign that appeared exactly at the midpoint between my two past conferences in Laguna Beach and Irvine:
And this enclouded Pleiaidan lightship which appeared near San Jose, Costa Rica, a major Pleiadian energy vortex:
Mysterious Iridescent Cloud Phenomenon Spotted over Skies in Escazú, Costa Rica
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
- Post n°4
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
Dratzo! Several indicators show us that the initial humanitarian funds have been distributed to the appropriate accounts in Europe and North America. These funds are the first bellwether to be presented to us. They demonstrate that the ability to pass large amounts of funds across these templates does in fact exist. We fully expect that these funds are to prove that the gauntlet of the dark cabal is successfully breached. The next thing to occur is the final distribution to a number of individual accounts. This is to be a signal to our allies to initiate the complex process of completing the prosperity fundings. These are to initiate the rise of NESARA, first in the USA, and eventually the implementation of GESARA globally. In Asia and Africa, a number of vital infrastructure projects are then to be funded and begun. This is to mark the start of a vast global set of projects to end concerns about pure water and proper sanitation in many rural areas. Your world needs moreover to set up the means to oversee these large financial projects. A network of smaller “community-grown” operators is to be fully utilized.
This “small is beautiful” approach is one that was proven effective over the past half decade in Africa and Asia as well as the Americas. This operation is to be expanded once the new financial system is fully operational. Our earthly allies have developed a means to easily distribute these vital projects throughout the so-called third world. It is this space, containing the majority of humanity, which requires the most attention. Thus, the major dilemma was how to begin to successfully transform what was a most neglected part of your globe. In addition, this region has traditionally been the place where a majority of the abuses of Gaia occurs. Once we are free to travel in your skies, we intend to correct this natural resources abuse with our technology. This combined region is the prime area for natural disasters that occur daily around your beautiful living world. Once these are corrected, the current extinction cycle can be formally corrected. At that time, the decreasing energies of your electrogravitic field can be redirected!
As you begin to emerge from literally millennia of debt slavery, Gaia can emerge as well from millennia of being exploited. Gaia, over a long period of time, has been a globe split between its inner and outer selves. Gaia wishes to accelerate the process of a great reunion between these two halves. Saint Germain and Quan Yin have provided the means for conscious growth with Heaven’s help. This inner growth has been combined with a series of modifications to your chakras and to your many nervous systems. These have been combined with a series of alterations to your reality. These numerous changes in turn are mirrored by what Gaia is now doing to this surface realm. In fact, the inner realm of Agartha expands beyond this surface realm. What is required is a vast upgrade in the frequencies of your realm. So as you grow in consciousness, Gaia simultaneously increases the vibrational rate of your reality. This has permitted you to grow and to accept things that previously were greatly discounted by this surface population. It has also allowed you to accept that we exist and that the Ascended Masters are indeed real.
All of these elements are the core of reality shifts that are to alter your world by bringing you abundance and new financial and governing alliances. These events are to forge the new reality, which is to create a new "You,” and are to position you within this new reality. Your Agarthan family representatives and our liaisons are working diligently to assure that all happens as swiftly as possible. This joint operation is now coming to a head as the ancient families and concerned royals work closely with their Ascended Master advisors. This sacred coalition has to battle a dark oligarchy that cannot truly visualize a world without power, wealth or prestige. Their dilemma has only slowed the inevitable. Thus, there was a series of initial delays, which compounded some worry and dread by the ancient families as new procedures were used to ensure that the large amount of funding is successfully carried out. Nevertheless, these elements of a new reality are now being put into place.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Many of you do not look much beyond aging and death. We Masters have lived beyond these facts for millennia. Our primary task is simply to oversee humanity by the use of mercy and grace. This divine set of tasks keeps us constantly advising you on how your life is to be best lived. At present, Heaven and your many guardian angels also are altering you. This is readying you for your living ascension into again being physical Angels. Thus, our mission is to supervise these changes as well. You are doing well. Nevertheless these events are giving you some difficult moments. We ease this by intervening when necessary with the use of divine grace. Each of you possesses a number of ways by which your life can best work itself out. We take these prescribed alternatives and weave them into the heart of this life. By doing this, you are moving with minimum difficulty onto the verge of your promised return to physical Angelhood.
As you know by now, every Ascended Master is transitioned by use of a special ceremony presided over by Heaven. In fact, you are moving toward the same. Only in this case, it is to be a special Crystal Light Chamber. This is finally to reverse what the Atlanteans did to you nearly 13 millennia ago when you were cast forth from the labs that then secured you safely. This abrupt act left you open to severe manipulations by the Anunnaki. All of this madness is now being slowly reversed. We Ascended Masters are watching over these changes and assuring that the proper outcome, when so implied by your life contracts, can be successfully reached. You are to learn numerous facts and accomplish miracles as you near the sacred point in time for this grand transformation. Our Space families are ready to accept your full return to the Light and have new duties for you to accomplish!
These sacred tasks set up by these Space families and by Heaven are first to take you through an unraveling of your money and wealth paradigm and then to watch you return to a fully accomplished land guardianship. This divine process is to take place in many stages as it is a far cry from what you know. The purpose of this and other coming stages is to alter your inner core perceptions. What Heaven is doing is to move you away from limited consciousness and to prepare you to gladly receive a number of new mantles. So far, this operation is successful and you are beginning to take on a number of new conscious responsibilities. As you grow into these you are accepting a revised realm. This is part of your conversion ceremony. Each year brings you closer to those events that are destined to permit you to literally wear new and magnificent cloaks. You are progressing wondrously! Much Love and a grand Hallelujah to you all!!!
Today, much can be told and rejoiced over. As a people, you are moving toward your grand ascension in style. Those things that have created some last minute delays are done and gone. Our allies in Inner Earth, in space and Heaven are with us. This is the start of a most glorious time for all humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Dratzo! Several indicators show us that the initial humanitarian funds have been distributed to the appropriate accounts in Europe and North America. These funds are the first bellwether to be presented to us. They demonstrate that the ability to pass large amounts of funds across these templates does in fact exist. We fully expect that these funds are to prove that the gauntlet of the dark cabal is successfully breached. The next thing to occur is the final distribution to a number of individual accounts. This is to be a signal to our allies to initiate the complex process of completing the prosperity fundings. These are to initiate the rise of NESARA, first in the USA, and eventually the implementation of GESARA globally. In Asia and Africa, a number of vital infrastructure projects are then to be funded and begun. This is to mark the start of a vast global set of projects to end concerns about pure water and proper sanitation in many rural areas. Your world needs moreover to set up the means to oversee these large financial projects. A network of smaller “community-grown” operators is to be fully utilized.
This “small is beautiful” approach is one that was proven effective over the past half decade in Africa and Asia as well as the Americas. This operation is to be expanded once the new financial system is fully operational. Our earthly allies have developed a means to easily distribute these vital projects throughout the so-called third world. It is this space, containing the majority of humanity, which requires the most attention. Thus, the major dilemma was how to begin to successfully transform what was a most neglected part of your globe. In addition, this region has traditionally been the place where a majority of the abuses of Gaia occurs. Once we are free to travel in your skies, we intend to correct this natural resources abuse with our technology. This combined region is the prime area for natural disasters that occur daily around your beautiful living world. Once these are corrected, the current extinction cycle can be formally corrected. At that time, the decreasing energies of your electrogravitic field can be redirected!
As you begin to emerge from literally millennia of debt slavery, Gaia can emerge as well from millennia of being exploited. Gaia, over a long period of time, has been a globe split between its inner and outer selves. Gaia wishes to accelerate the process of a great reunion between these two halves. Saint Germain and Quan Yin have provided the means for conscious growth with Heaven’s help. This inner growth has been combined with a series of modifications to your chakras and to your many nervous systems. These have been combined with a series of alterations to your reality. These numerous changes in turn are mirrored by what Gaia is now doing to this surface realm. In fact, the inner realm of Agartha expands beyond this surface realm. What is required is a vast upgrade in the frequencies of your realm. So as you grow in consciousness, Gaia simultaneously increases the vibrational rate of your reality. This has permitted you to grow and to accept things that previously were greatly discounted by this surface population. It has also allowed you to accept that we exist and that the Ascended Masters are indeed real.
All of these elements are the core of reality shifts that are to alter your world by bringing you abundance and new financial and governing alliances. These events are to forge the new reality, which is to create a new "You,” and are to position you within this new reality. Your Agarthan family representatives and our liaisons are working diligently to assure that all happens as swiftly as possible. This joint operation is now coming to a head as the ancient families and concerned royals work closely with their Ascended Master advisors. This sacred coalition has to battle a dark oligarchy that cannot truly visualize a world without power, wealth or prestige. Their dilemma has only slowed the inevitable. Thus, there was a series of initial delays, which compounded some worry and dread by the ancient families as new procedures were used to ensure that the large amount of funding is successfully carried out. Nevertheless, these elements of a new reality are now being put into place.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Many of you do not look much beyond aging and death. We Masters have lived beyond these facts for millennia. Our primary task is simply to oversee humanity by the use of mercy and grace. This divine set of tasks keeps us constantly advising you on how your life is to be best lived. At present, Heaven and your many guardian angels also are altering you. This is readying you for your living ascension into again being physical Angels. Thus, our mission is to supervise these changes as well. You are doing well. Nevertheless these events are giving you some difficult moments. We ease this by intervening when necessary with the use of divine grace. Each of you possesses a number of ways by which your life can best work itself out. We take these prescribed alternatives and weave them into the heart of this life. By doing this, you are moving with minimum difficulty onto the verge of your promised return to physical Angelhood.
As you know by now, every Ascended Master is transitioned by use of a special ceremony presided over by Heaven. In fact, you are moving toward the same. Only in this case, it is to be a special Crystal Light Chamber. This is finally to reverse what the Atlanteans did to you nearly 13 millennia ago when you were cast forth from the labs that then secured you safely. This abrupt act left you open to severe manipulations by the Anunnaki. All of this madness is now being slowly reversed. We Ascended Masters are watching over these changes and assuring that the proper outcome, when so implied by your life contracts, can be successfully reached. You are to learn numerous facts and accomplish miracles as you near the sacred point in time for this grand transformation. Our Space families are ready to accept your full return to the Light and have new duties for you to accomplish!
These sacred tasks set up by these Space families and by Heaven are first to take you through an unraveling of your money and wealth paradigm and then to watch you return to a fully accomplished land guardianship. This divine process is to take place in many stages as it is a far cry from what you know. The purpose of this and other coming stages is to alter your inner core perceptions. What Heaven is doing is to move you away from limited consciousness and to prepare you to gladly receive a number of new mantles. So far, this operation is successful and you are beginning to take on a number of new conscious responsibilities. As you grow into these you are accepting a revised realm. This is part of your conversion ceremony. Each year brings you closer to those events that are destined to permit you to literally wear new and magnificent cloaks. You are progressing wondrously! Much Love and a grand Hallelujah to you all!!!
Today, much can be told and rejoiced over. As a people, you are moving toward your grand ascension in style. Those things that have created some last minute delays are done and gone. Our allies in Inner Earth, in space and Heaven are with us. This is the start of a most glorious time for all humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
B.B.Baghor- Posts : 1851
Join date : 2014-01-31
Age : 73
Location : Druid county UK
- Post n°5
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Great thread Carol . Such an intensity I feel now, this is so welcome to find today! Great uplifting explanations
for connecting of dots and stars, pun intended. It helps so much when someone, in this case you, presents a compact summary of
what's going on now. Most of it resonates with what I've been following and sensing, so far. So much in our world seems to be in flux
and many of us living in it seem to feel anxiety while going through the moves and changes, in great expectation, as I perceive it.
Cobra's interview is much easier to follow in text, for me, for I can't almost stand the distorted voice. Nothing personal re Cobra, it's
the distortion effect I find very distracting, also often preventing clear hearing. Thank you and Godspeed to you all in the Mists
for connecting of dots and stars, pun intended. It helps so much when someone, in this case you, presents a compact summary of
what's going on now. Most of it resonates with what I've been following and sensing, so far. So much in our world seems to be in flux
and many of us living in it seem to feel anxiety while going through the moves and changes, in great expectation, as I perceive it.
Cobra's interview is much easier to follow in text, for me, for I can't almost stand the distorted voice. Nothing personal re Cobra, it's
the distortion effect I find very distracting, also often preventing clear hearing. Thank you and Godspeed to you all in the Mists
B.B.Baghor- Posts : 1851
Join date : 2014-01-31
Age : 73
Location : Druid county UK
- Post n°6
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
It's time to liberate and save the planet.
People deserve to know the truth about the Secret Space Programs and have access to all the hidden technology
that could save the planet and help humans all over the world.
Letter to
Vladimir Putin
Xi Jinping
United Nations
Disclose all the Secret Space Programs and release all the hidden technology
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
- Post n°7
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
- Post n°8
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
March 4th Cobra Interview
The following new interview is conducted by Essayenya Mosteenya (EM). Many thanks to Cobra for the extra time to answer them.
EM: You have answered this many times, but please walk us through again. What's the interaction between our DNA and our consciousness? And why some ET groups are so interested in manipulating our DNA?
C: Consciousness shapes the DNA. DNA is just the code system for the replication of the physical body. Only ET groups with little access to higher consciousness are fascinated with DNA manipulation.
EM: Corey mentioned that our DNA has been manipulated to the extent that we tend to worship people who are always better than us, that we worship Gods and others who claim to be the spokesperson. This is done so that we will never look within. But apparently altering our DNA alone is not enough, propaganda is also employed to minimize the possibility for people to turn within. So, the cabal really go all out to tamper our will to connect within, but no matter what they do, the possibility for people to look inward is always there and can never be severed "completely". Is that correct?
C: Yes
EM: So, that's a wonderful news, because some people might question if we were "born" in this way, genetically-wise, how could we ever be able to turn the table. Since we are on this, would you say this has always been the case in each cycle that the majority of the human race are reluctant to look inward for answers?
C: Especially in the last 5000 years or so.
EM: If the Event had happened in the previous cycle, what do you think people at that time would've responded to liberation? Would people have been much willing to assist, or would they probably have ended up pretty much like we are right now, with only a few group of people doing all they can to liberate the planet?
C: We are now in a completely different situation so it is not possible to answer this question properly.
EM: Another aspect in the altering of our DNA, Corey says we have been made more violent and aggressive, and thus much more easily to end up in quarrels with one another. "If we are at each other's throat, we are not at their throats," as he adequately put it. So, where does this violent DNA originate from? Is it like he said, it is from an ancient civilization on a certain planet in our solar system that is no longer hospitable?
C: No , it is coming from Dracos manipulating human genome in the past.
EM: Real quick though, if this is true, it will also be reinforced by parasites, implants, the veil, as well as all the programming. Right?
C: Yes, the violent behavior is also reinforced by parasites, implants, the veil, as well as all the programming.
EM: Is it requested by the ancient guardian race that Agarthans need to keep their genetic lines pure, or is it a freewill decision made by Agarthans when taking into account of the rampant interbreeding between various negative ET races and the local human population at that time?
C: The Agarthans are keeping both their energy fields and their genetic makeup pure to keep maintaining high vibrational frequency and state of consciousness.
EM: Were the majority of the human race back then knew that those ET races were negative, but still made the decision to intermarry? Or were most of them forced to do so, or was it more of a mixed situation?
C: Some were manipulated, some were forced, some did not know.
EM: Quantum anomaly, Earth primary anomaly accretion vortex, gathers all the contingency that is from this universe, and accounts for people's weird behavior here. The background meta-strategy of the dark fleet, which maintains quarantine Earth status, seems quite successful, and most people are worn-out, thinking there is absolutely no way to fight against this quantum anomaly, and feeling left behind by their higher selves in this living prison. However, some source suggests this quantum anomaly is not without a solution. Aside from the light forces' tearing down the veil layer by layer, on a personal level, this quantum anomaly could also be dealt with by a quantum solution, which is called the Quiet Center of Stillness. What is the Quiet Center of Stillness? Do you agree that this is something that people can help assist the liberation on a personal level?
C: Yes, true. Quiet Center of Stillness is the silent witness within, the observer. It dissolves portions of primary anomaly simply by observing it. This is one of the most important things people can do to help assisting the liberation.
EM: So calming down can indeed help people stay much more balanced on a quantum level than we ever realize, and thus is definitely not something that is no big a deal. Right?
C: Yes!
EM: Real quick though, the contingency that is gathered here, is it just coming from our own universe or the superuniverse in this sector? Or are we talking about a pretty massive scale of contingency that is also gathered from the superuniverses of the other six central races?
C: It is coming from the one and only universe. All other universes have already been integrated and absorbed into this one.
EM: When we are working on our own discernment, we have to combine our intuition with the correct mental knowledge as you have always suggested, but the real question is since it is our intuition, it is not always reliable. And to make matters worse, if we already have a preconceived idea in regard to a certain piece of information, that mental knowledge will then be incorrect. Then we will be just like cross-referencing other new intel with our wrong mental knowledge. To help us better learn to discern, Corey advises that we always keep our "reality bubble" permeable, i.e., to not give a preconceived idea towards something so quick. So, say a person first comes across a certain piece of information about a certain plasma being, and they later learn from a different source, in which it is described as a super AI. Would you agree that instead of focusing on and arguing what that certain entity actually is or how it should be called, that person should come to the realization that both of the two sources might talk about the same entity, and what that entity is up to?
C: Yes.
EM: In Season 2, Episode 14, of Cosmic Disclosure, Corey revealed that this AI will "shoot itself in all directions as a signal, which can live in the electromagnetic field of a moon or a planet." On March 10, 2013, you wrote an article about implant hemispheres. Could you walk us through again about what implant hemispheres are and how they actually work to affect us?
C: Implant hemispheres are areas of distorted spacetime continuum around the etheric implants. Each incarnated human being has received etheric implants by the Archons just before incarnating – the so called veil of forgetfulness. Those etheric implants are actually multidimensional black holes which contain anomalous matter and distorted quantum fluctuation. Each human being has three of those implants and they create a quite stable interference pattern which keeps the consciousness of the human being within the Matrix. This interference pattern creates an energy field of anomalous distorted spacetime structure around the implants with a radius of about 100 feet with the three implants in its center.
EM: Are implant hemispheres further reinforced through non-physical entities/nanonites?
C: Yes.
EM: Are implant hemispheres still a major problem now? Do we make much progress in this area?
C: There was much progress in that area recently.
EM: According to what is revealed by Corey, this AI signal not only can live in the electromagnetic fields of a planet, but also bioelectric fields of living beings, including animals. But, it just doesn't "prefer" that. Instead, it prefers to live in high technology. And the more advanced our technology becomes, the more likelihood it is for us to depend on it, and to give it all of our sovereignty without bothering to ask why. Knowing this, people are soon reminded of what you said previously during one of your interviews with Untwine, that the vast majority of animals were not implanted because they don't have their I AM presence fully shaped, and that the plants are not implanted at all. So, this "I AM presence" seems to play a key role here for the Archons to decide whether or not to implant that being. Is it really so? Why?
C: Yes. Because only a being with fully developed I Am presence is dangerous for the Matrix.
EM: Since we are on this, could you help us clarify once again what is individualization and what is I AM presence? Are they the same?
C: Individualization is the moment of activation of the I AM presence inside the incarnated soul, the passage from animal kingdom into the human. I Am presence is the totality of our own true (higher) self.
EM: It is said that ages ago, one of the Lords of Fire has led Humanity to individualization in Lemurian days. Today, that certain being still leads Humanity on the path of Initiation in this era, and will one day be the focal point of the process of Identification. Why is individualization so important for a soul's development? And what does this imply regarding the meaning of life that "creation comes to existence so that It can know more about Itself?
C: With individualization the incarnated soul becomes aware of itself. Creation comes to existence to become aware of itself in the contrast to the contingency.
EM: At this very critical and rather intense period, some people begin to find certain channeled stories quite resonating. When they are reading these stories, it's like vivid memories coming flooding back to them. To remember is good, because it means that being has found and integrated a portion of himself/herself that shares a similar experience. Nevertheless, it seems like they are reminded of the trauma in the past as well, because they have been incarnating on this planet over and over again, and little has changed regarding the awakening of the majority of the human population here. Why are these people beginning to remember at this very transition?
C: People are beginning to remember because we can only go through this transition fully awake.
EM: Do you agree this kind of remembering must happen at the right time? If it happens too early, that being risks the chance of choosing to forget once again because the matrix, the system, and people around will constantly try to remind them that they are "just" humans. And if it happens too late, a certain level of consciousness might not be able to be achieved.
C: I agree.
EM: Do you have anything to say to people who are undergoing this transmutation?
C: Allow the transformation to occur, keep your vision and focus upon the Victory of the Light.
EM: Let's wind the clock back to the time of the Fall of Atlantis. You mentioned before the humanity at that time invited darkness, but never went into the detail. It is a known fact that certain people were quite obsessed with money and power at that time, and they were unwilling to share abundance with everyone else. And then these people gradually worked with beings from the dark to gain control of the entire population. But what about the average people, the majority of the population? Did they just stand there without putting up a good fight and keeping minding their own business, while this takeover was taking place? What is the story?
C: The ordinary people were mostly passively accepting the progress of darkness without resisting, the same as they do now.
EM: So, would you agree that even for Ascended Masters, who have higher visions to guide the evolution, they have rather mixed feelings towards the advancement of souls on this planet?
C: They have a balanced perspective upon that progress because they are fully aware of the most factors involved.
EM: Since we are on this, what exactly did Buddha feel when he had to make that decision to not to succeed to the throne during times of war, and had to abandon his father, stepmother, wife and child?
C: He made a decision which was a result of a long inner process.
EM: Was he already fully aware of his path in the beginning and still determined to do so, or was it more like a hunch and he was never sure of his path?
C: He was aware of his path to a certain degree but did not fully know what awaits him.
EM: Many lightworkers and lightwarriors seem to share the similar experience, where they have to live "interdimensionally": the one in which they "live" the truth but thought of as either conspiracists or nutsy koo koos, and the one in which there is little support from their family and they consider the illusion to be "c'est la vie". These people are so concerned about their family that they do not want this issue to stand in the way of their spreading the truth. Will their family be taken good care of in the long run?
C: Everyone is responsible for their own growth and you are NOT responsible for the spiritual growth of your family. Everything will be ok after this drama of duality finally ends.
EM: What is the role of Buddha's twin flame? And how did she assist him?
C: Her purpose is to awaken the Divine Sea of Love within the hearts of humanity. She assisted him with spiritual guidance.
EM: And Buddha's twin flame is an aspect of the twin flame of one of the Lords of Fire, right?
C: Yes.
EM: Is the Goddess Ishtar, the divine personification of the planet Venus?
C: No. Goddess Ishtar is just one of the channels for the energy of the Venus planetary logos.
EM: Then, is she also the divine personification of Lady Master Venus?
C: Yes, one of them.
EM: What does divine personification mean?
C: Divine personification is a channel of divine energies
EM: What does Lady Master Venus feel when she had to hear, "in person", from her beloved twin flame making this request to begin the voluntary exile along with a certain group of like-minded beings? Was she fidgeted and extremely worried about what he would encounter there?
C: She surrendered to that fact after an inner struggle.
EM: Why did she agree with her twin flame to embark on such a harsh journey?
C: Because she understood this is the only way to transform duality/contingency.
EM: Did she approve her twin flame's decision immediately after he sought her consent?
C: No.
EM: So, is it like she did not agree with it right away, and sat down with him, having a long discussion, but eventually had to come to terms with his leaving because it is inevitable, it is his divine plan?
C: Yes.
EM: And why did that particular being make that request, instead of letting that higher council to write off the Earth as a useless experience? What is the story?
C: Earth is not an useless experience, as it will transform the deepest and most distorted aspects of contingency/primary anomaly for the whole universe.
EM: The Alpha, and the Omega, have they, and beings in the council at that time, been assisting all the multidimensional selves of that particular being throughout their lives?
C: Yes.
EM: In what way?
C: By sending supporting energies.
EM: What is the ascended archetype of Lemuria?
C: Paradise.
EM: What is the ascended archetype of Atlantis?
C: Civilization of Light.
EM: What will the ascended archetype of the new Atlantis be?
C: New Heaven on New Earth.
EM: Based on which archetypal quality of First Source was the central race in this superuniverse created?
C: Divine Will.
EM: What does it imply that the Central Race is our past and future selves?
C: It hints to the fact that we have emerged from the One at the beginning of time and will return back to the One when the time ends.
EM: How will it manifest on the higher plane and the physical plane, when the seven families of the Tribes of Light reunite?
C: New Atlanits, heaven on Earth.
EM: Are the seven Kumaras from seven distinct Tribes of Light, or are they from the same tribe?
C: They are emanations of the first seven of 13 existing rays of creation.
EM: What's the higher purpose of all the Logos?
C: To transmute all duality and return into the One.
EM: Is it true that the Blue Avians cannot go from sixth density to seventh density until every person on Earth has transitioned into fourth density?
C: Not exactly.
EM: As the most ancient in this superuniverse, shouldn't the Blue Avians have experienced all they want to experience? They are at the end of their journey, doesn' it mean they can go back to Source directly? Everything is going to return to Source one day, so how come they still need someone else to help them progress back to Source?
C: Everything in the universe is connected. Until the earth situation is resolved, the evolution of the entire universe is slowed down.
EM: Since when have the light forces begun adopting the mechanism for the removal of the plasma strangelet bombs?
C: February 2016.
EM: What causes the light forces to be allowed to employ this mechanism? Is it because the cabal go overboard again?
C: Partially yes. Also, the situation is cleared enough to make that possible.
EM: You mentioned a long time ago in one of your interviews, but I cannot remember it correctly, that Pleiades once participated in the creation of Earth, or something like that, right?
C: Not true.
EM: Why are the Pleiadians needed to help liberate this planet? And why have them been in training for this assignment for lifetimes?
C: To liberate this planet, ALL available help is welcome. It is a very challenging task and requires lifetimes of training.
EM: Why is Merope the faintest in that star system when compared with the other six stars?
C: Simply, out of seven stars, one needs to be the faintest.
EM: What is the ascended archetype of Merope?
C: Subtle beauty.
EM: What is life like up in the higher planes of Merope?
C: Angelic heaven.
EM: Is there any sentient being on the surface of the planets that orbit around Merope?
C: Yes.
EM: What is life like there?
C: Peaceful joyful civilization living in harmonious balance of nature and advanced technology.
EM: The Pleiades star cluster is known as the Seven Sisters. What does the mythology of the seven sisters being chased by a hunter for eternity reveal about a certain real history? I'm not sure if you understand my question. I'm lookin for answer like the one you once gave about Set mutilating his own brother Osiris, whose wife later reassembled Osiris' corpse and resurrected him long enough to conceive his son. You said this story is a collective memory of the time of Atlantis when those beings were actually human beings, or heroes or anti-heroes who were walking on the surface of the Earth.
C: Hunter is the Orion and represents dark forces from Rigel who always wanted to invade the Pleiades cluster and were even briefly successful between 1996 and 1999.
EM: Which certain period of time in history would this mythology of the seven sisters correspond to? Back in Atlantis as well?
C: Atlantis about 200,000 years ago.
EM: Then what does this mythology about the Goddess Merope marrying a mortal reveal about a certain history that has once indeed happened?
C: Incarnated star beings mating with Earth humanity. This was happening a lot in Atlantis.
EM: Have these seven sisters manifested their own vessels to live and interact with the Pleiadians throughout the entire history of the Pleiades? Or are they just like Gaia who remains as a being, working only on the higher planes?
C: They are emanations of the seven stellar logoi of the Pleiades star cluster.
EM: Did that force invade the Pleiades in 1996 for a particular reason, or is it simply their nature to ravage everything as far as their fingers could reach?
C: It is simply their nature to ravage everything as far as their fingers could reach.
EM: Is significant progress being made in the battle led by the King of the World and that very particular army against the dark forces?
C: Yes.
EM: Is it true that no blood will be shed, and the battle will be won by their great wisdom?
C: To a great extent yes.
EM: Are they as much tired as we all are now, and they also want the Event to happen as soon as possible?
C: Yes.
EM: What can people do if people are interested in helping them win their battle? Would integrating one's own shadow be a good start?
C: Yes, integrating own shadow and spreading information among the surface population.
EM: After the Event, you said, that the dark forces will be given a chance to accept the light, and to balance their previous actions, and those who refuse will be sent to the Galactic Central Sun, turned into basic elements and starting a new cycle of evolution again. What would happen to their higher selves that have always been working with the light forces? Do the higher selves vanish along with them, too?
C: Yes. Their individualized I AM presences will be transmuted with the electric fire of the Galactic Central Sun back into primordial adi plane elemental essence and will have to be individualized again. Put it shortly, those dark force individuals will cease to exist as individual beings forever and a totally new being will be later created.
EM: That certain group of beings who were supposed to make their decisions to log out of the system around 1994 to 1996, why did they decide with their freewill mainly against the waves?
C: They were programmed, scared and not ready.
EM: Were their freewill tampered by beings of the darkness back then?
C: Yes.
EM: With the quantum anomaly, it is easy for anyone to fall into this false impression, right?
That nothing will ever change, that the clearing will never end, that everything will just stay the same. But in reality, the quantum anomaly is being disintegrated with each day passing by. And this is exactly what the dark forces want, because one way or the other, we will always have the tendency to think we are not good enough, and we need "more" experiences here to complete our training. This "begging for more lessons to complete our training" is why some people think they are never good enough, and is also why the dark forces have been able to maintain this quarantine over the 25k years. Is that correct?
C: Begging for more lessons to complete our training is an Archon mind control program.
EM: You said races with malicious intents were born because of the freewill of beings of the light to interact with contingency so as to absorb and transform it. But during that interaction, the higher essence of that being is lost, and the races that have thus come into existence are hardly the light beings they once were, not yet. So, we should learn to protect ourselves, instead of falling into the traps of their false teaching that they are just "playing" this role so that our souls can learn better, grow faster and become stronger.
C: Strongly agree.
EM: And even if we are dealing with beings who "used to" be Archangel, it is also of great importance that we know how to protect ourselves, knowing when to say no to them, right?
C: Yes of course.
EM: Ok. To lighten the mood a little bit by closing our interview with the final question. What is the common hobby of Ascended Masters? What would they like to do most when they are not at work?
C: They enjoy the pure bliss of the enlightened state of consciousness.
EM: What about the Resistance Members and the Galactic Confederation of Light?
C: Dance, sing, make love, travel through the universe.
EM: Thank you, Cobra, that is the last question.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
B.B.Baghor- Posts : 1851
Join date : 2014-01-31
Age : 73
Location : Druid county UK
- Post n°9
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Thank you so much, Carol, for this update. The copied part, below here, is what I find particularly powerful and significant.
Great interview I'm just now posting the latest channeling of Susie Beiler, it's the same message, in different words.
"C: Begging for more lessons to complete our training is an Archon mind control program.
EM: You said races with malicious intents were born because of the freewill of beings of the light to interact with contingency so as to absorb and transform it. But during that interaction, the higher essence of that being is lost, and the races that have thus come into existence are hardly the light beings they once were, not yet. So, we should learn to protect ourselves, instead of falling into the traps of their false teaching that they are just "playing" this role so that our souls can learn better, grow faster and become stronger.
C: Strongly agree.
EM: And even if we are dealing with beings who "used to" be Archangel, it is also of great importance that we know how to protect ourselves, knowing when to say no to them, right?
C: Yes of course."
Great interview I'm just now posting the latest channeling of Susie Beiler, it's the same message, in different words.
"C: Begging for more lessons to complete our training is an Archon mind control program.
EM: You said races with malicious intents were born because of the freewill of beings of the light to interact with contingency so as to absorb and transform it. But during that interaction, the higher essence of that being is lost, and the races that have thus come into existence are hardly the light beings they once were, not yet. So, we should learn to protect ourselves, instead of falling into the traps of their false teaching that they are just "playing" this role so that our souls can learn better, grow faster and become stronger.
C: Strongly agree.
EM: And even if we are dealing with beings who "used to" be Archangel, it is also of great importance that we know how to protect ourselves, knowing when to say no to them, right?
C: Yes of course."
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
- Post n°10
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Cobra Update 3-25-16… “Situation Update”
Posted on 2016/03/25 by kauilapele
The latest situation update from Cobra.
“The vast majority of plasma strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach. This has triggered a strong reaction of the Chimera group and they have ordered the Archons to turn up the volume of their technologies to attack and suppress the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors…
“The removal of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs is easing the tension inside our Solar System, opening up Quarantine Earth and speeding up Disclosure process for the surface population.
“…the Cabal is sabotaging the Full Disclosure petition:… This will not stop us. Sources close to Putin have communicated that in the last few years, Russia is supporting Disclosure by allowing Russian press full freedom in releasing intel about Disclosure. The only problem is that most of this is published in Russian… State-sponsored Russian institutes are researching and investigating UFO phenomena and are actively searching for working overunity technologies… Putin had a deep spiritual contact experience with the Pleiadians years ago that transformed him and this is the occult reason behind his steadfast fight against the Cabal.
“The Illumninazi faction of the Cabal is beginning to realize that the game is over… Their plan is to avoid mass arrests at the time of the Event by leaving their strongholds in Texas, crossing the Mexican border, flying from Mexico to Argentina and from there go with submarines to Antarctica into shallow underground bases
“To counteract those [cabal escape] plans energetically we need to get a piece of Cintamani stone to Antarctica as soon as possible, and that needs to be done by the surface population. If someone is willing to do that and is also able to cover the costs of his trip, he can contact for detailed instructions.
“Dragon sources have communicated that in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough. If that happens, a mass meditation will be announced on this blog to counteract that.”
Situation Update
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The vast majority of plasma strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach.
This has triggered a strong reaction of the Chimera group and they have ordered the Archons to turn up the volume of their technologies to attack and suppress the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors because the Lightworkers / Lightwarriors are the key to the Shift of the Ages. They use infrasound and plasma scalar waves:
The removal of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs is easing the tension inside our Solar System, opening up Quarantine Earth and speeding up Disclosure process for the surface population.
Many companies will soon offer relatively affordable trips to space:
There are serious plans to create a lunar base that will also accept tourists:
New Russian technology brings a manned trip to Mars much closer to reality:
And there is serious talk of asteroid mining:
The Cabal wants to control all those attempts by creating rules and regulations through their global vehicle, the United Nations:
Here I need to state again that partial Disclosure in NOT an option:
As you probably know, the Cabal is sabotaging the Full Disclosure petition:
This will not stop us. Sources close to Putin have communicated that in the last few years, Russia is supporting Disclosure by allowing Russian press full freedom in releasing intel about Disclosure. The only problem is that most of this is published in Russian and when Russian journalists try to approach Western media with the English translation of their articles, they are turned down. State-sponsored Russian institutes are researching and investigating UFO phenomena and are actively searching for working overunity technologies, but are stating that only about 5% of intel about free energy from Western sources is usable. Putin had a deep spiritual contact experience with the Pleiadians years ago that transformed him and this is the occult reason behind his steadfast fight against the Cabal.
The Illumninazi faction of the Cabal is beginning to realize that the game is over and that they will not be able to escape deeply underground or into the Solar System. Their plan is to avoid mass arrests at the time of the Event by leaving their strongholds in Texas, crossing the Mexican border, flying from Mexico to Argentina and from there go with submarines to Antarctica into shallow underground bases, using old connections from the time when Nazis did the same thing in 1945:
Their plans are leaking all over the intelligence community, as the latest Fulford’s report shows clearly:
The other escape route to Antarctica goes through New Zealand and this is why the Cabal is buying real estate there fanatically:
To counteract those plans energetically we need to get a piece of Cintamani stone to Antarctica as soon as possible, and that needs to be done by the surface population. If someone is willing to do that and is also able to cover the costs of his trip, he can contact for detailed instructions.
Speaking of New Zealand more positively, they have plans to introduce unconditional basic income:
The same is happening in Ontario:
And finally economists are starting to talk about a 4 hour workday and its beneficial effect on economy:
The Cabal wants to weaken the BRICS by destabilizing Brazil:
It is interesting to note that Erdogan has predicted the Brussels attacks a few days before they happened:
Of course he knew, because he is one of the masterminds behind the attacks:
Dragon sources have communicated that in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough. If that happens, a mass meditation will be announced on this blog to counteract that.
Victory of the Light!
Posted on 2016/03/25 by kauilapele
The latest situation update from Cobra.
“The vast majority of plasma strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach. This has triggered a strong reaction of the Chimera group and they have ordered the Archons to turn up the volume of their technologies to attack and suppress the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors…
“The removal of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs is easing the tension inside our Solar System, opening up Quarantine Earth and speeding up Disclosure process for the surface population.
“…the Cabal is sabotaging the Full Disclosure petition:… This will not stop us. Sources close to Putin have communicated that in the last few years, Russia is supporting Disclosure by allowing Russian press full freedom in releasing intel about Disclosure. The only problem is that most of this is published in Russian… State-sponsored Russian institutes are researching and investigating UFO phenomena and are actively searching for working overunity technologies… Putin had a deep spiritual contact experience with the Pleiadians years ago that transformed him and this is the occult reason behind his steadfast fight against the Cabal.
“The Illumninazi faction of the Cabal is beginning to realize that the game is over… Their plan is to avoid mass arrests at the time of the Event by leaving their strongholds in Texas, crossing the Mexican border, flying from Mexico to Argentina and from there go with submarines to Antarctica into shallow underground bases
“To counteract those [cabal escape] plans energetically we need to get a piece of Cintamani stone to Antarctica as soon as possible, and that needs to be done by the surface population. If someone is willing to do that and is also able to cover the costs of his trip, he can contact for detailed instructions.
“Dragon sources have communicated that in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough. If that happens, a mass meditation will be announced on this blog to counteract that.”
Situation Update
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The vast majority of plasma strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach.
This has triggered a strong reaction of the Chimera group and they have ordered the Archons to turn up the volume of their technologies to attack and suppress the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors because the Lightworkers / Lightwarriors are the key to the Shift of the Ages. They use infrasound and plasma scalar waves:
The removal of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs is easing the tension inside our Solar System, opening up Quarantine Earth and speeding up Disclosure process for the surface population.
Many companies will soon offer relatively affordable trips to space:
There are serious plans to create a lunar base that will also accept tourists:
New Russian technology brings a manned trip to Mars much closer to reality:
And there is serious talk of asteroid mining:
The Cabal wants to control all those attempts by creating rules and regulations through their global vehicle, the United Nations:
Here I need to state again that partial Disclosure in NOT an option:
As you probably know, the Cabal is sabotaging the Full Disclosure petition:
This will not stop us. Sources close to Putin have communicated that in the last few years, Russia is supporting Disclosure by allowing Russian press full freedom in releasing intel about Disclosure. The only problem is that most of this is published in Russian and when Russian journalists try to approach Western media with the English translation of their articles, they are turned down. State-sponsored Russian institutes are researching and investigating UFO phenomena and are actively searching for working overunity technologies, but are stating that only about 5% of intel about free energy from Western sources is usable. Putin had a deep spiritual contact experience with the Pleiadians years ago that transformed him and this is the occult reason behind his steadfast fight against the Cabal.
The Illumninazi faction of the Cabal is beginning to realize that the game is over and that they will not be able to escape deeply underground or into the Solar System. Their plan is to avoid mass arrests at the time of the Event by leaving their strongholds in Texas, crossing the Mexican border, flying from Mexico to Argentina and from there go with submarines to Antarctica into shallow underground bases, using old connections from the time when Nazis did the same thing in 1945:
Their plans are leaking all over the intelligence community, as the latest Fulford’s report shows clearly:
The other escape route to Antarctica goes through New Zealand and this is why the Cabal is buying real estate there fanatically:
To counteract those plans energetically we need to get a piece of Cintamani stone to Antarctica as soon as possible, and that needs to be done by the surface population. If someone is willing to do that and is also able to cover the costs of his trip, he can contact for detailed instructions.
Speaking of New Zealand more positively, they have plans to introduce unconditional basic income:
The same is happening in Ontario:
And finally economists are starting to talk about a 4 hour workday and its beneficial effect on economy:
The Cabal wants to weaken the BRICS by destabilizing Brazil:
It is interesting to note that Erdogan has predicted the Brussels attacks a few days before they happened:
Of course he knew, because he is one of the masterminds behind the attacks:
Dragon sources have communicated that in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough. If that happens, a mass meditation will be announced on this blog to counteract that.
Victory of the Light!
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
B.B.Baghor- Posts : 1851
Join date : 2014-01-31
Age : 73
Location : Druid county UK
- Post n°11
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Look what I've found in Kauilapele's Blog:
Those who would like to vote for Trump will be disappointed, because he is a Jesuit agent:
"Donald Trump has been the subject of media frenzy as of late. It seems that a considerable amount of those who subscribe to alternative sources of information are Trump supporters. They see him as some kind of rebel, going against both the Republican and Democratic parties (as exemplified by his recent non-commitment to support the Republican nominee for President).
Could it be though, that Donald Trump is a "false flag candidate" being used to secure the vote of the ever-increasing independent constituency in order to inevitably lull the US into a false sense of positive political novelty and thus to subsequently impose Jesuitical right-wing fascism leading to a nation-wide race war as devised by the masters of class adversarialism, the Sons of Loyola?
It very well could be. Here is why:
Trump claims to be Presbyterian, yet he attended Jesuit Fordham University for two years and then transferred to the covertly Jesuit-controlled University of Pennsylvania. 1
The University of Pennsylvania is funded by various Papal Court Jews, notably by The Annenberg Foundation, 2 started by Papal Knight and hofjude Walter Hubert Annenberg. Annenberg briefly attended the University of Pennsylvania in his youth and later established the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Annenberg is a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.
Court Jew David L. Cohen is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania as well as an alumnus of University of Pennsylvania. He is also the executive vice president of Comcast. 5 He was recently named co-chairman of the leadership planning committee of the Roman Catholic World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (which is the coming of the Pope to Philadelphia!) 6
University of Pennsylvania could be renamed "Hofjude University" because of its enormous amount of Papist Jewish funding and leadership and really the entire Pennsylvania area is controlled by the Roman Catholic hierarchy via the Jesuit provincial holding jurisdiction over Pennsylvania, the Archbishop of Philadelphia and the Bishop of Pittsburgh in conjunction with the temporal coadjutor government officials produced from UPenn and the following Roman Catholic or Catholic-funded Universities: La Salle University, Duquesne University, Pennsylvania State University, Villanova University, Temple University and Saint Joseph's University.
Protestants do not attend Roman Catholic institutions, especially counter-reformation Jesuit institutions like Fordham University, so Trump is at the very least an apostate for having done that. However, the story does not end with Trump.
Out of the five children he has, the three listed on Wikipedia have attended the following schools:
Donald John Trump, Jr. - Alma mater: University of Pennsylvania
Ivanka Marie Trump - Alma mater: University of Pennsylvania
Eric Frederic Trump - Alma mater: Georgetown University
There you have it; Trump, in addition to being affiliated with both Jesuit Fordham and covertly Jesuit UPenn, has at least three children who are all alumni of UPenn and notorious Jesuit Georgetown University!
Whether it be Trump, Jeb Bush, Hilary Clinton or even Bernie Sanders that ends up winning the 2016 election, all of these candidates are connected to Rome and all will only serve to implement the tyrannical, neo-Romanist policies of the Papacy and its professed soldiers of the Society of Jesus".
I expect this post to be transported to the Donald Donald Donald thread?
Those who would like to vote for Trump will be disappointed, because he is a Jesuit agent:
"Donald Trump has been the subject of media frenzy as of late. It seems that a considerable amount of those who subscribe to alternative sources of information are Trump supporters. They see him as some kind of rebel, going against both the Republican and Democratic parties (as exemplified by his recent non-commitment to support the Republican nominee for President).
Could it be though, that Donald Trump is a "false flag candidate" being used to secure the vote of the ever-increasing independent constituency in order to inevitably lull the US into a false sense of positive political novelty and thus to subsequently impose Jesuitical right-wing fascism leading to a nation-wide race war as devised by the masters of class adversarialism, the Sons of Loyola?
It very well could be. Here is why:
Trump claims to be Presbyterian, yet he attended Jesuit Fordham University for two years and then transferred to the covertly Jesuit-controlled University of Pennsylvania. 1
The University of Pennsylvania is funded by various Papal Court Jews, notably by The Annenberg Foundation, 2 started by Papal Knight and hofjude Walter Hubert Annenberg. Annenberg briefly attended the University of Pennsylvania in his youth and later established the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Annenberg is a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.
Court Jew David L. Cohen is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania as well as an alumnus of University of Pennsylvania. He is also the executive vice president of Comcast. 5 He was recently named co-chairman of the leadership planning committee of the Roman Catholic World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia (which is the coming of the Pope to Philadelphia!) 6
University of Pennsylvania could be renamed "Hofjude University" because of its enormous amount of Papist Jewish funding and leadership and really the entire Pennsylvania area is controlled by the Roman Catholic hierarchy via the Jesuit provincial holding jurisdiction over Pennsylvania, the Archbishop of Philadelphia and the Bishop of Pittsburgh in conjunction with the temporal coadjutor government officials produced from UPenn and the following Roman Catholic or Catholic-funded Universities: La Salle University, Duquesne University, Pennsylvania State University, Villanova University, Temple University and Saint Joseph's University.
Protestants do not attend Roman Catholic institutions, especially counter-reformation Jesuit institutions like Fordham University, so Trump is at the very least an apostate for having done that. However, the story does not end with Trump.
Out of the five children he has, the three listed on Wikipedia have attended the following schools:
Donald John Trump, Jr. - Alma mater: University of Pennsylvania
Ivanka Marie Trump - Alma mater: University of Pennsylvania
Eric Frederic Trump - Alma mater: Georgetown University
There you have it; Trump, in addition to being affiliated with both Jesuit Fordham and covertly Jesuit UPenn, has at least three children who are all alumni of UPenn and notorious Jesuit Georgetown University!
Whether it be Trump, Jeb Bush, Hilary Clinton or even Bernie Sanders that ends up winning the 2016 election, all of these candidates are connected to Rome and all will only serve to implement the tyrannical, neo-Romanist policies of the Papacy and its professed soldiers of the Society of Jesus".
I expect this post to be transported to the Donald Donald Donald thread?
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
- Post n°12
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
I read that B.B. and it's BS. Yes they went to the University but it doesn't mean he or his children are Jesuit agents. That's just more negative info put out for the media to grab hold of and do their worst.
Everything the author has to say is just speculation from the 2nd paragraph down.
A does not equal B equal C equal Jesuit agent. Hogwash.
Everything the author has to say is just speculation from the 2nd paragraph down.
A does not equal B equal C equal Jesuit agent. Hogwash.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
B.B.Baghor- Posts : 1851
Join date : 2014-01-31
Age : 73
Location : Druid county UK
- Post n°13
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Carol wrote:I read that B.B. and it's BS. Yes they went to the University but it doesn't mean he or his children are Jesuit agents. That's just more negative info put out for the media to grab hold of and do their worst.
Everything the author has to say is just speculation from the 2nd paragraph down.
A does not equal B equal C equal Jesuit agent. Hogwash.
Carol, how are you so sure that it's BS in that article? Not that I defend it in wishing it were true. I'm asking for factual evidence of credibility.
Or not. It's hard to figure out what the real agenda is, the ins and outs of today's presidential role in the US. At least there's much venting of animosity
in many parties involved. The Roman "bread and games" tabloid world. Yoda has appeared on site in the circles of Victory of the Light
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
- Post n°14
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Cobra Interview 3-21-16 by Prepare for Change… AUDIO player, TRANSCRIPT
Posted on 2016/03/30 by kauilapele
This is an hour long interview of Cobra.
03-21-16 Cobra: March Interview
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings, and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines. For more background you are invited to read his blog archive totaling 549 entries to this date. See:
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Transcript of the March 21, interview posted on March 27, 2016
Lynn – Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our new monthly Cobra interview. Your host today are Lynn and Richard. Our goal with these Cobra interviews and with our website is to inform, educate and prepare for upcoming events. We will keep comments and chats to a minimum so that you can get the most from what you are here to hear; your questions and Cobra’s perspective. Please remember that no one has all the answers all the time. Remember that your own internal guidance is the key and always go with what resonates with you. For those new to our website; and/or Cobra I would suggest you go to the media archives at and listen to the introduction interview done August 28, 2015 where more background on Cobra is given. And the follow up interview that was done on 10-18-2015. The team at Prepare For Change are all devoted volunteers. No one receives compensation for work done. We have had many upgrades to our website in the past few months thanks to the very skilled and dedicated volunteer team. There are upgrades that have been costly and we count on your support to help maintain the monthly recurring bills. This team of computer wizards are putting the finishing touches on our new radio/media page which will feature our Cobra interviews and more. With the interviews on the web-site you will be able to listen any time that you want 24/7. Please use the donate button in the right hand column of the website. Now I would like to welcome back our warrior of light and liaison with the Resistance Movement (RM), Cobra. Welcome Cobra.
COBRA – Thank you very much. I’m glad to be back to interviews.
Lynn – Wonderful. Were happy to have you. Today we’ve got some very challenging questions. We have some listeners that are quite astute at asking questions and they’re getting a little more difficult with the day, so this might not be the 101 variety of interview. We’ll do our best to answer all the questions. OK. (OK) So I’m going to read a preface to the first one:
The Illuminati is not a real Group. It is just a label. There are 3 main groups that make up the Illuminati: The Masons, the Jesuits and the Rosicrucian’s. So, if your intention is to be part of the Illuminati you need to be part of one of these groups and you need to be wealthy. No poor person ever gets to be part of the Illuminati. The Illuminati has recently changed its name. Cobra can you share the new name with the listeners?
COBRA – I did not receive any confirmations they have changed names. Because they never called themselves with the name Illuminati. They usually call themselves the circle or the brotherhood, the family even. This is how they call themselves to each other, and this has not changed.
Lynn – OK. Are the Zionists and the Khazarians the main branches of the Illuminati and have the Illuminati divided the world not by countries but by regions?
COBRA – It depends of which group are you speaking about. The World domination is mainly the domain of the Jesuits which has managed to infiltrate the governments of the vast majority of countries around the world but the more economic and finical aspect of this is in the hands of the Rothschild’s faction. They have infiltrated their people also. Each of those groups have their own regions or divisions of their world, how they divide the world based on their interest. All of this is going to be transformed at the time of the event. So it’s even not so much important how they would like to divide the world among themselves because all this is going to change.
Lynn – Is Israel the grand puppet of the Illuminati?
COBRA – I would say the vast majority of countries around the world are puppets of the illuminati or should we say of the Cabal. Illuminati is just one aspect or one label which we give to a quite complex network of individuals that form shifting alliances within that network.
Richard – In the recent reports you posted on your ‘Portal 2012’ website on Jan 27th 2016 you called ‘Planet X’ and said that the ‘planet X’ is 0.75 earth masses and in a recent California Institute of Technology report posted on January 20th 2016 titled ‘Evidence of a Distant Giant Planet in our Solar System’ says ‘The 9th Planet’ is 10 times earths’ masses, has an orbital period between 10,000 to 20,000 years and is 60 billion miles from our Sun. Is this planet X that you reported on months ago?
COBRA – No it’s not exactly because what the scientists released in January is just a theory or shall we say, theoretical model that tries to describe and explain the behavior of certain objects in the Kuiper belt. It’s not exactly the correct model. In fact, one Japanese scientist has created a far more accurate model which is much closer to the truth and I have posted a link to that scientific paper on my blog and you can find it there.
Richard – Great I remember that. Thank you very much.
Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet
Evidence for a Distant Giant Planet in the Solar System
Richard – Scientists have discussed a second sun. Is this true? What do you think?
COBRA – There is a certain theory about, I would say a small star in which is orbiting around our sun or shall I say we have a double star system but this has not been proved and based upon the intel that I have on the RM it does not exist. (OK, thank you).
Lynn – What is Nibiru and who inhabits it?
COBRA – Nibiru is a label which is a complete disinformation. It has been created by Illuminati agent Zecharia Sitchin to confuse people.
Lynn – OK. So there isn’t any such planet as Nibiru?
COBRA – There is not such a planet and not such an object inside the solar system.
Richard – Thank you. There are many reports of dormant giants being discovered and awakening in caverns around the world. Are these claims accurate?
COBRA – Yes, some of those claims are accurate. Those giants are put into stasis in special chambers which are triggered by a certain vibrational frequency. I would say certain intensity form of sub-atomic particles and energies from the galactic center which is the earth, those chambers get triggered and those beings then are then awakened from hibernation and many such cases have been taking place lately around the world. Militaries of most countries or shall we say of the major countries have been suppressing that from the mass population. And whenever that happens the military went there and just suppress the whole thing. And yes it was happening quite much lately.
Richard – That’s amazing. Are they a positive nature these giants?
COBRA – Most of them yes, but some of them no.
Richard – Why are they waking up now? Because of the galactic central sun’s activity.
COBRA – Because …. they went into those chambers. They didn’t want to wait for a change. They have put themselves into hibernation to spare…. so not to wait too long on this planet and now when the change is happening they have interest to take part in this change. But they were not expecting that the surface population will be taken hostage to such a great degree and now they are taken hostage by the Chimera group.
Richard – What was their actual function. What is these beings …. what is the function to wake up in this time period to do within this time of the planetary liberation process?
COBRA – They wanted to participate in the shift. They have various agendas. Some of them were quite positive and some of them not so positive. But they were not expecting that the amount of control and suppression on this planet would go that far. All of them were captured and are now actually hostages in the various militarily bases around the world. (Wow. Thank you very much.)
Lynn – Cobra, I’m going to read a long comment that contains questions. Just bear with me.
COBRA – Yes, but if you want me to answer questions, you need to go one by one. (It will be).
Lynn – This person states: A trusted friend came with me came with the following information and there’s going to be a you tube video within our link transcript that people can refer to for more information.
Pay attention to the 10 1/2-minute mark. It states that non-human beings have given man technology of the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or M.I.E.C. to remove a soul, transfer it to another body and then kill the old body. This is done though an occultist magic-technology call soul transference. So now basically the NSA can download your memory and emotions in a computer and then place it into a new clone. This person claims that when she did a ceremony with Mother Earth Creator, she showed her what was being done to ALL PEOPLE WHEN THEY WERE LITTLE, YOUNG AND PURE. She was shown how the dark ones took our souls and manipulated our soulless bodies that were under heavy physiological control. These entities have compromised us all whether we want to believe it or not. Just because they took our soul did not mean that we were doing evil things. This happened without our consent as very, very young children. When we “wake up” and finally walked the path less traveled we are restored again. The NSA has been given E.T. technology and we are now able to create clones of us without a soul and this claim is admitted to in the above quoted video. Then this person goes on to state: “It was shown to me that this is the truth and I stand by it 100%.”
Cobra, can you comment on this.
COBRA – I would agree to most of this. There are some things that are not happening exactly as people stated. Yes, the Cabal has technology for a long time to transfer soul from one body to another body. It was happening massively during the Archon invasion from 1996. And it was happening massively and is much, much, much less now. They are not storing the memory on the computer, the soul essence on the computer. They can map the brain and memory connections inside of the brain so they can have Iiwould say, like a dynamic photo of an inner happening of the person. It does not mean they capture the essence. The essence of the soul person can always be set free and can be liberated. No matter what they do, they are not able to stop this process. Thanks to the actions of the light forces especially the RM this is not happening as much, and has decreased almost to zero.
Lynn – Thank you for that answer Cobra. On a related subject, how would you identify a clone and its intent?
COBRA – If you are speaking about a soul-less clone you would feel that mechanical artificial energy and there would be no living being interaction. If you are speaking about a soul that was forced into a clone body with technology, it would be very hard for you to tell the difference.
Lynn – So is there a legal and moral responsibility that we have with all the many clones that many be walking around and living among us on the surface of our planet today if this is accurate?
COBRA – You would need to specify this question.
Lynn – I’m looking at this from the point of view of a human. Do we have any moral or legal responsibility in our interactions with these cloned beings?
COBRA – If there is a soul in a cloned body, it is the same as a soul in a born body. There is actually no difference. If we are speaking about a soulless clone, all those soulless clones will be removed from the surface of the planet after the event because this is not the highest purpose for them to exist here.
Lynn – Well that would make it a whole lot easier on the humans. Thank you.
Richard – Cobra, on the same topic. Do rocks, plants, water, planets, galaxies, universes and even suns have souls or spirits?
COBRA – Yes, every planetary or cosmic body has a higher entity which is ensouled in that body. So every planet has a soul or a higher self. Every galaxy, every star has a higher angelic being that is taking care of its evolution of the particular body, that star body.
Richard – Thank you very much. What are the fundamental differences between those souls and a soul that inhabit a human body? (Would you specify your question which souls you are speaking about.) What is the evolutionary, the difference between the soul that inhabits a human body and the soul that inhabits a planet or universe?
COBRA – The soul that would inhibit the planetary body is much, much, much, much higher level of evolution. It would be hard to compare those 2.
Richard – That’s what I wanted to know. Thank you very much.
Lynn – Cobra, why is the City of Los Angeles in the USA named Los Angeles which in Spanish means City of Angels and what is the significance of this specific city in the Planetary Liberation Movement?
COBRA – It is simply because in the 18th century when this city started to grow it was part of the Spanish community and there was a church a sanctuary a church of angels, the holy Mary that you would call in the current terminology then this city grew and now it is one of the major energy vortexes for the planetary ascension process. The dark forces wanted to suppress this. Los Angeles was center of very strong energetic attack in 1996 which wanted to destroy the energy vortexes of Los Angeles. And healing of that attack hasn’t been completed yet. (Thank you).
Richard – Cobra, since animals are innocent beings and do not have ego or sin, are the Animals also trapped within this prison Matrix system or can they come and go as far as souls.
COBRA – They are also trapped but they don’t feel that. Because their sphere of movement is much smaller. For example, animals don’t have a desire to leave the planet because most animals in their lifetime they don’t have the desire to expand their freedom so much. They don’t actually feel they are in a prison except those that are trapped because of human beings in cages and exploited by human beings for various purposes.
Richard – I understand. Thank you.
Lynn – Cobra, the resemblances between Archons and Demons are almost exact. After studying their behaviors, I have no choice but to conclude that they are one and the same. Do you agree with this?
COBRA – I would say demons are lower Archons. I would say Archons are the top demons, the most powerful ones.
Richard – Why has the fate of Satan and Lucifer been censored in the past Cobra interviews?
COBRA – It is not the highest purpose to answer this question.
Richard – OK.
Lynn – Why do all advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations pay such close attention to genetic lineage?
COBRA – Not all of them. Only those who are not spiritually awakened enough and put too much attention on the physical plane.
Richard – What is the quantum probability control?
COBRA – It is a concept which states that it is possible to control quantum random function. Of course it is not possible. You can predict it to a certain degree. You can group it with sophisticated with mathematical equation, but basically it is impossible to completely predict or anticipate what the quantum function will do. (Thank you)
Lynn – I have a Preface to the next question:
“Black Magic: Satanists Rule the World, Not Politicians, Bankers or Military Heads” this is an established fact. The few people in alternative media and even our awakened spiritually established community is talking about. It needs to be brought to the light so that we don’t miss the point and properly understand the true source of our spiritual battles. It seems as if the biggest trick that the Devil ever played was that ‘He Never Existed’ is working out well for him. In order for our listeners to fully understand what we are saying here we are adding an important You Tube channel video to our transcript for further study on this. My question is: would you describe what Black Magic is?
COBRA – Intentional manipulation of energies with negative purposes.
Richard – How do you effectively protect yourself and release yourself from black magic attacks and its effects?
COBRA – Simply by dis-engaging yourself from that vibrational frequency. So you need to find what within you is attracting those and release all attachment to negativity. This is#1 and #2 – which goes deeper is to cancel all past agreements on a soul level between you and the dark forces and #3. to protect yourself. There are various techniques of protection. If you do important mission and when you are more exposed, you need to follow protection protocols quite strictly. (Thank you very much)
Lynn – Are Magic and mind control intimately related? And if so, why? I understand that magic is some sort of advanced spiritual technology.
COBRA – Yes, exactly and of course mind control needs to take into account the principles of magic, actually basically the mind control that the dark forces use is a combination of magic and technology.
Richard – What is the meaning and ultimate use of the blood during magical rituals?
COBRA – Dark forces use this to strengthen their energy fields but it’s basically just their misunderstanding of the life force. (Thank you)
Lynn – Could you please define what ‘white’ magic is?
COBRA – White magic is the use of will to direct energies into the positive purpose.
Lynn – Since the adversary is now heavily using black magic on the most active light workers as a mean to stop them, would you recommend the use of ‘White Magic’ as a method of defense for the Light Workers & light Warriors?
COBRA – White magic is not just a matter of defense, it’s matter of creation and manifestation of a positive future. Of course this is something to recommend if someone understands what he is doing. (Thank you)
Richard – It recently came to the light that the Zika virus was patented in 1947 by the Rockefeller’s Foundation and now the Zika virus outbreak, from a virus no one ever heard of before. It is said that there is a link to the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes. It is said that the same area where the GM mosquitoes were released in 2015 is the epicenter for the Zika outbreak. This has potential disastrous unintended consequences which now threaten life across the Americas. Is this virus a real threat or just another fear mongering strategy perpetrated by the Cabal to distract us from the real issues that are happening all around our world.
COBRA – This is not a real threat. It is an engineered fear generating mechanism and it is not important at all. (Thank you very much).
Lynn – OK Cobra, I’d like to ask you about the Bundy family. The incident happening at happening in the ‘Hammond Ranch’ in Oregon USA. Is this a real Government Vs Patriots incident or is it just another Cabal fear mongering related distraction?
COBRA – The dark forces have manipulated genuine feelings and genuine resistance against the Cabal to twist the whole situation in a way that would actually trigger the response of the militia. It’s like a psychological testing you might say.
Lynn – Are those Bundy individuals related to the infamous BUNDY Illuminati blood 13 families?
COBRA – They have some distant relation but the Bundys’ that were resisting the Cabal are not part of the Illuminati. (Thank you.)
Richard – Judge Anna Von Reitz said within the alternative news channels communities that as of -01/01/2016 a new President of the New Republic of The United States, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford has been sworn in and that all corrupted traitor congressman, senators and chief justices were being quietly replaced. It is also said that no sovereign nation associated with the AIIB or the BRICS is allowed to recognize Pentagon Dark Hats controlling military operations as being representatives of the free will of the Republic of the United States citizenry as of 1/1/2016. Is there any truth this?
COBRA – I cannot confirm this because when the Republic is around you will see it in your lives directly. (Got cha). It will be very evident and there will be no doubt. And it will happen at the time of the Event and not before.
Lynn – Is there going to be a U.S. election this year with the current cabal appointed puppet candidates and therefore endure more years of a Dog and Pony shows of this sort or are we really going to really experience change this year?
COBRA – I cannot give any statement when the Event will happen. So if the event does happen before the election, there will be no election. If The Event happens after the election, there will be an election.
Lynn – Do you see the possibility that Hillary may be arrested before the election?
COBRA – Yes, of course.
Richard – Cobra, Regarding the petition that you announced and you wanted us to make viral for the ‘Secret Space Program Disclosure’. Some Prepare for Change members have noticed and reported many obstacles that have prevented them from signing this petition, and worst, we have noticed a constant ‘re-adjustment’ of the numbers of signatures in the petition, sometimes dropping of signatures from 50 to 75 signatures to sometimes as much as 5,000 to 7,500 signatures dropping at once! How do we EVER achieve ANY type of critical mass with any of our petitions if the Cabal is manipulating all the petitions on the Internet in this manner?
COBRA – OK. The purpose of this petition was not to reach very high numbers and the critical number has been reached and a certain process has been initiated because of this petition. I will post more about this when the time is right. So we must not get frustrated if the Cabal is starting to block all those efforts because each time they do this, they violate certain protocols and because they violate those protocols this will have long lasting effects in the final surrender and negotiation process. It is actually speeds up the process of the Event.
Richard – Excellent. Thank you for that.
Lynn – Do the Cabal have total control of Switzerland?
Go to the Secret Space Program Disclosure Petition at (to sign the petition). As of 3/20/16 – 28,019 supporters
Richard – Is it true that after the fall of ancient Egypt the pharaoh’s bloodlines migrated to what is now Switzerland, along with their enormous wealth and established residence there . . .
COBRA – No, it is not true.
Lynn – Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars or Order of the Temple of the East—What do you know of the O.T.O. Order?
COBRA – They are not templars. It is simply a magical order which was created by Allister Crowley and they are following certain philosophy that has been greatly misunderstood and also has been manipulated by the Cabal. (Thank you).
Richard – It is said that Barbara Bush, wife of George Herbert Walker Bush, who served as the 41st President and mother of George W. Bush who served as the 43rd President of the US is the granddaughter of Allister Crowley. Allister Crowley was a Mason, a known bisexual, an occultist, magician and a well-known Satanist who earned the title of the “most wicked man in the world”. He wrote the Book of The Law, that was later use as the foundation of the Satanic bible and he also wrote many other Satanist books. Is this true?
COBRA – Most of it, yes.
Richard – The part about Barbara Bush being the granddaughter.
COBRA – Yes, they are related. (Thank you very much.)
Lynn – Cobra, you said in your last interview that Supreme Court Judge Scalia was murdered. Was this by the dark forces?
COBRA – It was a conflict within two factions of the Cabal and he was murdered as a result of that conflict.
Lynn – So that was the reason he was murdered because of the conflict?
COBRA – Yes.
Richard – Are archons able to turn towards the light and change to do good instead?
COBRA – Yes they are.
Lynn – According to Karen Hudes, who works for the World bank, the world today is run by a coalition of the rule of law in the ‘board of governors’ of the IMF and the World bank. Is this correct?
COBRA – First, she is not working for the world bank anymore. She used to work for the World bank, #1. #2 – The ones who run the world outwardly are the Jesuits, not the World bank and not the IMF.
Richard – Will you please explain to us who are the cauliflower ear faction of the Illuminati and what is there specific function? (repeat)
COBRA – I have no information about that particular faction.
Lynn – OK Cobra, he next question has a Preface to it:
– The Sphere Being Deception –
The Sphere Beings are a group that gained notoriety on the internet from the postings of Corey Goode. It is claimed on the internet that his mistake is that he made the assumption that the Blue Avians were actually the Sphere Beings. The Blue Avians are a group from the Lyra constellation that appear to the people of the surface of the planet who have most potential to aid in the evolution of humanity. The Blue Avians are what we consider a 6th dimensional race. The Sphere Beings are a group of very large reptilians who are basically the father race of the Draco factions that are currently holding out on our planet.
The Sphere Beings have created an outer barrier in order to delay the situation for as long as possible. Their main tool of deception is their ability to mimic voices to channelers and other telepaths. They usually latch on to legitimate information in order to pervert it. Their goal was to make as many people as possible in the awakened community believe that they were the creators of this galaxy. Cobra can you comment about this? What is your information. Is this information accurate?
COBRA – This is absolutely not accurate. The Sphere Beings or any connection or any connection to the Sphere Beings. They are not reptilians. They have absolutely no relation to the reptilian race. That’s as much as I can say.
Richard – The U.S stock markets seem to have a ‘mind of their own’ not following any of the traditional economic data reports any more. Doesn’t matter how bad the economic indicators look and break lower and lower historical records. It does not matter if ALL of the world stock marketers are crashing, the U.S stock markets just keeps thriving and going higher & higher. This is obviously a bold and complete manipulation of the U.S. stock markets by the Cabal and it seems that it is a lifeline and a very good source of income for them. Is this manipulation of the stocks markets going to end at any time soon or are we going to have to wait until the time of the Event when the stocks markets will be completely shut down for good?
COBRA – We will have to wait for the Event for that. (Thank you)
Lynn – Cobra, has the Federal reserve been taken over by the US treasury or is this just another rumor?
COBRA – This is just another rumor and it is not based on truth. (Thank you.)
Richard – Pope Francis seems to be cooperating with the light forces in many fronts. Is he doing it willingly out of a sudden ‘change of heart’ or is he being forced by the light forces to ‘play ball or else’…or is he just positioning himself as a ‘good guy after all’ so when the ‘Event’ happens he & the Vatican can get away with most of the horrific crimes they have committing to humanity throughout millennia?
COBRA – First you need to state where exactly where he is cooperating with the light forces. He is a Jesuit and he wants to put a friendly face so that he will survive at the time of the event he wants to save his own skin and the skin of his fellow Jesuits. And I don’t see much concrete positive action from his side.
Richard – That answers the question. Thank you very much.
Lynn – You have said repeatedly that there won’t be any natural disasters happening on our planet in the short term. What about in the mid and long term such as in the next 10, 20 or 30 years?
COBRA – It is too early to speak about that at this moment. (OK).
Lynn – What about during the upcoming expected galactic pulse?
COBRA – It is too early to speak about that also.
Lynn – Can you share any Intel on this matter at all.
COBRA – Yes, actually the galactic pulse is a process which has already started. It will have one peak at the moment of the Event and there will be further peaks of the galactic pulse coming later which will trigger more changes on the planet. (Thank you).
Richard – What is the plan for the Palestinians and their country of Palestine to make right the 69 years of brutal occupation, abuse, murder, suppression and terror the Palestinians had to endure since the creation of Israel and their never ending land grabbing, confiscation and surgical ethnic cleansing?
COBRA – At the moment of the Event all this will be balanced out. Palestinians will have their own independent territory where no one will be occupying them or forcing them into anything.
Richard – Great. For those who are not fully aware of the extent of the damage and abuse we are describing here we are adding a link of an amazing video and transcripts of this interview, a speech directly from the mouth of a member of an influential Zionist Israeli family who also is an ex-Israeli soldier son of a very famous Israeli Army General. The speech is made by Niko Peled and the You Tube video is titled “An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel”. How is this going to be effectively handled so it is finally fair for the Palestinians? How are the Palestinians going to be compensated?
“An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel”
COBRA – It’s not about compensation, it’s about final reconciliation process and the peace process which will begin when the Cabal is removed. Most Israelis have no desire to fight with Palestinians. They have been programmed and engineered in that direction. When the Cabal members are removed peace will be reinstated and the healing process between two nations will begin.
Lynn – Cobra, it was announced on alternative media channels that the pilot of the infamous flight MH370 of Malaysia Airlines that disappeared in March 2013 was found alive but with amnesia. Is this true or is it just another elaborate hoax?
COBRA – It is not true.
Richard – Corey Goode pointed out that while the (Secret Space Program) SSP Alliance Council and the Earth Alliance have the same goal – full disclosure and release of advanced technologies – there are very different agendas over how to achieve this aim. Many in the Earth Alliance want to spread out disclosure of the truth over a 100-year period, and in the meantime allow China and other Eastern nations to become the new hubs of the international business and high finance. He pointed out that while the Earth Alliance and the SSP Alliance represent the full spectrum of humanity, they have been deeply fragmented in negotiations over what should be done to disclose the truth to the rest of humanity. Many in the Earth Alliance believe it would be irresponsible and foolish to move forward with a massive document dump, which would overwhelm the populace. Another issue discussed was that the Earth Alliance has been infiltrated by the Cabal/Illuminati operatives who have been given access to all of the documents that have been prepared for dumping into the public arena at some point. This was a cause of great concern for the SSP Alliance Council, who believed that it would enable the Cabal/Illuminati to devise ways to neutralize the impact of such documents at the time of their eventual release. All of this sounds to me as a master Cabal plan to make us believe that we are not ready for the entire truth so we should accept another 50 or 100 years of their diabolic rule while they conveniently “fade way” into the sunset, the background free on any responsibilities and fault! What is you take on all of this Cobra?
COBRA – First the more advanced part of the earth alliance is not promoting limited disclosure. They are not promoting 100 years of Eastern domination. It is there are certain dynastic Chinese families that do want that but they are in minority. This is not such a big problem as Corey Goode has stated, so there is no need to be afraid of this limited partial disclosure. It is not going to happen because the light forces are pushing for full complete and total disclosure and only that will happen. And they will keep on fighting until that happens. They will not give up. They will not suddenly change their minds and shift the course, it’s not going to happen. (Thank you very much. Yea)
Lynn – Are we able to cease spiritual evolution at some point in the future?
COBRA – You mean like stop it completely or something? (Yes) It’s not going to happen. Evolution is life force. It’s like a wheel that will never stop.
Lynn – This person goes on to ask: are we forced to go forward with our ‘spiritual evolution’ in a way in which the archons are forcing souls to come back on earth? Is there a choice here that we have?
COBRA – We are not forced to go forward. There is a natural desire of every sentient being to go forward unless that being is completely manipulated. Everybody wants to feel better. Everyone wants to be more happy. You are not forced to want to feel more happy. You have a natural tendency and desire to want to feel more happy
Lynn – So it’s a good thing.
COBRA – Yes of course. Isn’t that obvious.
Richard – What is the purpose of the ego?
COBRA – The concept of Ego is an Archon creation. The concept of ego is a belief of a separate entity and the incarnating soul.
Richard – So how would you go past that or how would you defeat that.
COBRA – Defeat what? (the ego, that perception we’re given) You don’t need to fight with the so -called ego. You can just be who you are. Express that explore that and transform that. That is what is needed.
Lynn – Cobra, Cintamani is a clear Sanskrit word. “Cinta” is a brain and the “mani” is called stone or crystal.
COBRA – That is not exact translation. Cinta is thought and mani is Jewel. But Cinta does not mean mind or brain. So the one who was making this translation is not absolutely correct. So what is the question.
Lynn – The question is what is mentioned here is this the illuminated brain?
COBRA – No, it’s not illuminated brain. Cintamani stone, I would say, the stone which is the reflection of your inner jewel, your higher self, your I AM presence.
Lynn – Does it have a relationship with the Pineal gland.
COBRA – No, it has a relationship with your spiritual heart, your I AM presence and the totality of your being.
Lynn – There is another stone called; “Shyamanthaka Mani” it’s (a blue stone / crystal) which KRISHNA possessed in his life time? Do you know about this stone?
COBRA – Yes, it is an extremely rare stone, more rare than the Cintamani. It’s a higher frequency of Cintamani stone. I don’t know of anybody who is having that is having that stone on the surface right now. It is simply not found. (OK Thank you).
Richard – There has been a new discovery made off the Giza Plateau. This was discovered by Carmen Boulter and her team (creator of the Pyramid Code). There are apparently three levels of Costco size chambers- can you tell us more about this?
COBRA – No, because I don’t have much information about this.
Lynn – Can you tell us about the Arcturians and what are their specific role in our planetary liberation?
COBRA – The Arcturians are very powerful in transmuting belief systems and connecting the mind with the 5th and higher dimension and they are also very strong in working with the energy grid, so they are healing the energy grid around the planet and preparing the energy grid for the event. (Thank you).
Richard – Who are the Hathors and what are their specific role in the planetary liberation? (Repeat question)
COBRA – Oh yes, they are connected with the Pleiadians quite much and their purpose is to awaken the connection between the emotional body and the soul presence among the awakened population.
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Lynn – I have a question from an individual who writes: When I’m awakened in a dream… where am I? In the world modulated by my dream or am I somewhere in other dimensions? or the astral plane?
COBRA – So if you’re speaking about lucid dreaming you are awakened in your astral body and you can explore the objective astral plane which is as real as the physical plane. If you are not awake and not lucid dreaming you are simply processing mostly your inner subconsciousness and you’re located within your astral body and are processing your own inner situations. If you have managed to awaken to the point where you are aware that you are dreaming you can start explore your surroundings on the astral planes in the same way you can now explore physical surroundings on the physical plane. (Thank you).
Richard – Does the force of gravity have a positive, negative or neutral nature?
COBRA – The force of gravity is just a physical force without any physical without any positive or negative connotation.
Lynn – The Bible also mentions that the Tower of Babel and the appearance of the languages for the purpose of the people to spread it through the Earth, implying that there was only one language before. What is the real purpose of the different languages? Was it a negative invention?
COBRA – Yes.
Lynn – Is colloidal gold as effective as monatomic gold?
COBRA – Not to the same degree but it still has a positive effect.
Richard – Cobra, do parallel realities exist.
COBRA – Some people describe various forms of creation as parallel reality. We have physical, the etheric, the astral. These are actual parallel realities. Concept of parallel realities as parallel earth’s existing in other dimensions like co-existing two physical planets in different time-lines it does not exist.
Lynn – What languages do we speak after the Event?
COBRA – The same languages that we speak now for a certain period of time.
Richard – Will we use telepathy after that period is over?
COBRA – At a certain point, yes.
Lynn – On some level do twin souls effect each other’s consciousness or emotions? Or are they completely separate mentally?
COBRA – They are always connected on a higher plane beyond 5th dimension and there is always a certain level of exchange on the physical and emotional and mental plane through the so-called permanent atoms which means that there is always a flow of energy between the two.
Richard – What happens to discarnate souls post Event?
COBRA – There will be a huge purification of the etheric and astral planes. There will be a lot of light flowing in those planes and all those souls will be contacted with spiritual guides and they will be guided to go wherever their higher purpose is. (Thank you).
Richard – Do E.T.’s have the equivalent of falling in love on other planets?
COBRA – They feel love all the time. They don’t fall in love they rise in love. (Beautiful, thank you.)
Lynn – Are the White Draco council of 200 still actively ruling our planet?
COBRA – They never were ruling our planet.
Richard – Cobra, what is the difference between the portals and black holes which link distant places to the same universe and the one’s which link places in different universes?
COBRA – Black hole is just a concept which is used by current science to describe a certain reality of hyper dimensional worm holes. Those hyper dimensional worm holes connect two different points in space/time continuum and the distance between those two points is not an issue because higher dimension they are always connected. And this is the principle based on which the worm hole operates, or those star-gates operate. (I understand, thank you).
Lynn – Cobra, can you tell us why the RH neg blood type was created, where it came from and what its purpose is and how it differs from positive?
COBRA – I cannot go into details of this but there were a lot of E.T. intervention regarding blood-types, a lot of research especially in times of Atlantis regarding different blood types. There are various E.T. groups, actually interfering and messing with human blood type and experimenting with the relations between the blood type and the genome type. So we have a very mixed situation here. (OK).
Richard – Can you tell us what Brahma is or who Brahma is?
COBRA – Brahma is one aspect of created source. Some people call it a third aspect, the created aspect, the one that creates Universes. (Thank you very much.)
Lynn – Did Brahma create the secondary anomaly or primary anomaly.
COBRA – No, there was no conscious being creating the primary anomaly. The primary anomaly is the random function which just appeared as a result. It was always there as the potential but when there was enough consciousness, that potential manifested in the Universe. (Thank you).
Richard – If Wing-makers are the ancient humanoid race, are their creators the Annunaki?
COBRA – I will not use the concept of Anunnaki because it was again the invention of the Zecharia Sitchin. He was an Illuminati puppet and he has spread a lot of disinformation so I would prefer not to use that word which was First wrongly translated from the Sumerians and second does not describe a genuine interest group.
Richard – I love it. I don’t want to use that word any more either. Thank you.
Lynn – Many ascended masters like master Djwal Khul, Babaji are said to be still living in the Himalayas. Babaji said to one of his disciples that he will openly interact with the public the earth governments in circa 2040. This is probably after the Event once new people’s governments are established on the surface.
Can you please elaborate more about this and the underground bases in Himalayas?
COBRA – There are two questions. The first question is this information is coming from a certain source and I cannot confirm it is true, about the time when Babaji will appear. He will appear as an ascended being in his light body when the time is right after the event. And about the second question, yes, there is a Pleiadian base in the Himalayas on the Indian Chinese boarder. This base is quite important because it holds a certain energy balance for the planet. People who visit that part of the world can see and experience many interesting and wonderful phenomena in that area. (Thank you).
Richard – Cobra in one of your previous interviews with the Prepare for Change group it was said – that a soul’s agenda is to return with the Source once again. What happens to the soul’s individual personality when this happens?
COBRA – The personality gets absorbed back into the soul because you never were a personality. Personality is just a reaction of the soul on the primary anomaly. It’s a secondary function of a being. It is not the primary function of a being.
Richard – I understand. Thank you. Once the soul evolution is complete and once it leads back to its source, what happens then.
COBRA – When the being is back to the source it becomes one with the source again.
Richard – What is it able to do then? Does it continue to evolve, or is it finished.
COBRA – The source is always dynamically expanding and the evolution never ends it’s just the deepening of itself. the source deepens it’s connection with itself through the totality of existence.
Lynn – In the Ascension Plan, you said: “The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Command and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades star cluster. . . The only souls remaining on the etheric and astral planes were those who were direct hostages of the non-physical Archons, those with strong attachments to the physical plane and those who decided to stay to help the physical humans as spiritual guides.” With so many souls having left Earth, can you say anything about the source of souls for children who were born on Earth since that time?
COBRA – There were just a few billion people born since that time.
Lynn – Can you tell us anything about them, their nature?
COBRA – Yes. Some of them are quite awakened and they are here to raise the vibration of the planet and especially the vibration of humanity. (Thank you).
Richard – Cobra, you confirmed once in your interview about the “walk-ins” phenomenon (When a human person’s soul is leaving his body and replaced by another soul). How is this possible? Is it by request? Do both the incoming soul and the outgoing soul have to agree to this?
COBRA – Yes, exactly. Both have to agree and exchange happens with mutual agreement of both and there is a certain energy process which they go through and it’s actually it’s a very rare phenomenon. It is not something that happens as often as people think and claim.
Richard – Will this still continue after the event.
COBRA – In some rare cases, yes. (Thank you).
Richard – What is the criteria that is met by the body host in order to accept by the incoming soul?
COBRA – The body itself needs to be suitable for the incoming soul to come in. The right vibrational frequency, the right body type and there needs to be a certain higher purpose for that exchange to happen. (Thank you very much).
Lynn – Are there different energy grids on the planet with different sets of vortexes?
COBRA – Yes.
Lynn – What is the current status of the planetary energy grid?
COBRA – The planetary energy grid is healing quite rapidly and there has been a lot of progress in the last few years which will make it much easier for humanity to go through the process of the event.
Lynn – Are there positive and negative grids?
COBRA – Yes there are.
Richard – Are there entries into the inner earth at the south and north poles?
COBRA – No. (Thank you).
Lynn – Are there Akashic Records for all planets, universes or is this an anomaly that pertains to Earth?
COBRA – Akashic records exist of everything that has ever happened, but we are speaking about just the recording of the event, not the energy charge of the event that happened.
Lynn – And this is the same throughout the Universes.
COBRA – Yes.
Lynn – Can this information be accessed by other beings that are not a part of the Earth or universe?
COBRA – As long as it serves a higher purpose, yes. (Thank you.)
Richard – What can we do to remove or limit the effect of chemtrails have on our physical bodies until the Event happens?
COBRA – First, do not be overly concerned and focused too much attention on chemtrails. The food that you eat and the water that you drink has much greater effect on your well-being and there is much more you can do about that. And we will have to finish very soon. (Excellent, thank you very much).
Lynn – The attacks on light workers that are more involved in bringing about the Event continue and there is any additional protection method that can be used in place of or in addition to the pink egg that will completely stop or prevent the attacks. Is there information that you can give us to help people protect themselves during this stressful time.
COBRA – I have given a few protection techniques on my blog. You can go and find them and use them.
Lynn – Thank You Cobra. I think we’re coming to the close of our session here with Cobra. I would like to thank the many people who have made this possible. I want to thank Cobra first of all for being a gracious guest, and my co-interviewer Richard, Aaron on sound, Danell for her transcription expertise, untwine for modulation and editing and Eduardo and Dane behind the scenes. For all the wonderful listeners, thank you all so much. Check out the transcript for reference links relating to the questions asked today in this interview. And remember we are all voices of the world. Thank you Cobra. Do you have any parting words for us today?
COBRA – Yes we are entering a very intense period which will bring many changes and I would ask everybody just to stay centered and calm no matter what happens.
Thank you. Excellent, will do.
COBRA – Thank you very much.
Posted on 2016/03/30 by kauilapele
This is an hour long interview of Cobra.
03-21-16 Cobra: March Interview
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings, and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines. For more background you are invited to read his blog archive totaling 549 entries to this date. See:
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Transcript of the March 21, interview posted on March 27, 2016
Lynn – Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our new monthly Cobra interview. Your host today are Lynn and Richard. Our goal with these Cobra interviews and with our website is to inform, educate and prepare for upcoming events. We will keep comments and chats to a minimum so that you can get the most from what you are here to hear; your questions and Cobra’s perspective. Please remember that no one has all the answers all the time. Remember that your own internal guidance is the key and always go with what resonates with you. For those new to our website; and/or Cobra I would suggest you go to the media archives at and listen to the introduction interview done August 28, 2015 where more background on Cobra is given. And the follow up interview that was done on 10-18-2015. The team at Prepare For Change are all devoted volunteers. No one receives compensation for work done. We have had many upgrades to our website in the past few months thanks to the very skilled and dedicated volunteer team. There are upgrades that have been costly and we count on your support to help maintain the monthly recurring bills. This team of computer wizards are putting the finishing touches on our new radio/media page which will feature our Cobra interviews and more. With the interviews on the web-site you will be able to listen any time that you want 24/7. Please use the donate button in the right hand column of the website. Now I would like to welcome back our warrior of light and liaison with the Resistance Movement (RM), Cobra. Welcome Cobra.
COBRA – Thank you very much. I’m glad to be back to interviews.
Lynn – Wonderful. Were happy to have you. Today we’ve got some very challenging questions. We have some listeners that are quite astute at asking questions and they’re getting a little more difficult with the day, so this might not be the 101 variety of interview. We’ll do our best to answer all the questions. OK. (OK) So I’m going to read a preface to the first one:
The Illuminati is not a real Group. It is just a label. There are 3 main groups that make up the Illuminati: The Masons, the Jesuits and the Rosicrucian’s. So, if your intention is to be part of the Illuminati you need to be part of one of these groups and you need to be wealthy. No poor person ever gets to be part of the Illuminati. The Illuminati has recently changed its name. Cobra can you share the new name with the listeners?
COBRA – I did not receive any confirmations they have changed names. Because they never called themselves with the name Illuminati. They usually call themselves the circle or the brotherhood, the family even. This is how they call themselves to each other, and this has not changed.
Lynn – OK. Are the Zionists and the Khazarians the main branches of the Illuminati and have the Illuminati divided the world not by countries but by regions?
COBRA – It depends of which group are you speaking about. The World domination is mainly the domain of the Jesuits which has managed to infiltrate the governments of the vast majority of countries around the world but the more economic and finical aspect of this is in the hands of the Rothschild’s faction. They have infiltrated their people also. Each of those groups have their own regions or divisions of their world, how they divide the world based on their interest. All of this is going to be transformed at the time of the event. So it’s even not so much important how they would like to divide the world among themselves because all this is going to change.
Lynn – Is Israel the grand puppet of the Illuminati?
COBRA – I would say the vast majority of countries around the world are puppets of the illuminati or should we say of the Cabal. Illuminati is just one aspect or one label which we give to a quite complex network of individuals that form shifting alliances within that network.
Richard – In the recent reports you posted on your ‘Portal 2012’ website on Jan 27th 2016 you called ‘Planet X’ and said that the ‘planet X’ is 0.75 earth masses and in a recent California Institute of Technology report posted on January 20th 2016 titled ‘Evidence of a Distant Giant Planet in our Solar System’ says ‘The 9th Planet’ is 10 times earths’ masses, has an orbital period between 10,000 to 20,000 years and is 60 billion miles from our Sun. Is this planet X that you reported on months ago?
COBRA – No it’s not exactly because what the scientists released in January is just a theory or shall we say, theoretical model that tries to describe and explain the behavior of certain objects in the Kuiper belt. It’s not exactly the correct model. In fact, one Japanese scientist has created a far more accurate model which is much closer to the truth and I have posted a link to that scientific paper on my blog and you can find it there.
Richard – Great I remember that. Thank you very much.
Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet
Evidence for a Distant Giant Planet in the Solar System
Richard – Scientists have discussed a second sun. Is this true? What do you think?
COBRA – There is a certain theory about, I would say a small star in which is orbiting around our sun or shall I say we have a double star system but this has not been proved and based upon the intel that I have on the RM it does not exist. (OK, thank you).
Lynn – What is Nibiru and who inhabits it?
COBRA – Nibiru is a label which is a complete disinformation. It has been created by Illuminati agent Zecharia Sitchin to confuse people.
Lynn – OK. So there isn’t any such planet as Nibiru?
COBRA – There is not such a planet and not such an object inside the solar system.
Richard – Thank you. There are many reports of dormant giants being discovered and awakening in caverns around the world. Are these claims accurate?
COBRA – Yes, some of those claims are accurate. Those giants are put into stasis in special chambers which are triggered by a certain vibrational frequency. I would say certain intensity form of sub-atomic particles and energies from the galactic center which is the earth, those chambers get triggered and those beings then are then awakened from hibernation and many such cases have been taking place lately around the world. Militaries of most countries or shall we say of the major countries have been suppressing that from the mass population. And whenever that happens the military went there and just suppress the whole thing. And yes it was happening quite much lately.
Richard – That’s amazing. Are they a positive nature these giants?
COBRA – Most of them yes, but some of them no.
Richard – Why are they waking up now? Because of the galactic central sun’s activity.
COBRA – Because …. they went into those chambers. They didn’t want to wait for a change. They have put themselves into hibernation to spare…. so not to wait too long on this planet and now when the change is happening they have interest to take part in this change. But they were not expecting that the surface population will be taken hostage to such a great degree and now they are taken hostage by the Chimera group.
Richard – What was their actual function. What is these beings …. what is the function to wake up in this time period to do within this time of the planetary liberation process?
COBRA – They wanted to participate in the shift. They have various agendas. Some of them were quite positive and some of them not so positive. But they were not expecting that the amount of control and suppression on this planet would go that far. All of them were captured and are now actually hostages in the various militarily bases around the world. (Wow. Thank you very much.)
Lynn – Cobra, I’m going to read a long comment that contains questions. Just bear with me.
COBRA – Yes, but if you want me to answer questions, you need to go one by one. (It will be).
Lynn – This person states: A trusted friend came with me came with the following information and there’s going to be a you tube video within our link transcript that people can refer to for more information.
Pay attention to the 10 1/2-minute mark. It states that non-human beings have given man technology of the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or M.I.E.C. to remove a soul, transfer it to another body and then kill the old body. This is done though an occultist magic-technology call soul transference. So now basically the NSA can download your memory and emotions in a computer and then place it into a new clone. This person claims that when she did a ceremony with Mother Earth Creator, she showed her what was being done to ALL PEOPLE WHEN THEY WERE LITTLE, YOUNG AND PURE. She was shown how the dark ones took our souls and manipulated our soulless bodies that were under heavy physiological control. These entities have compromised us all whether we want to believe it or not. Just because they took our soul did not mean that we were doing evil things. This happened without our consent as very, very young children. When we “wake up” and finally walked the path less traveled we are restored again. The NSA has been given E.T. technology and we are now able to create clones of us without a soul and this claim is admitted to in the above quoted video. Then this person goes on to state: “It was shown to me that this is the truth and I stand by it 100%.”
Cobra, can you comment on this.
COBRA – I would agree to most of this. There are some things that are not happening exactly as people stated. Yes, the Cabal has technology for a long time to transfer soul from one body to another body. It was happening massively during the Archon invasion from 1996. And it was happening massively and is much, much, much less now. They are not storing the memory on the computer, the soul essence on the computer. They can map the brain and memory connections inside of the brain so they can have Iiwould say, like a dynamic photo of an inner happening of the person. It does not mean they capture the essence. The essence of the soul person can always be set free and can be liberated. No matter what they do, they are not able to stop this process. Thanks to the actions of the light forces especially the RM this is not happening as much, and has decreased almost to zero.
Lynn – Thank you for that answer Cobra. On a related subject, how would you identify a clone and its intent?
COBRA – If you are speaking about a soul-less clone you would feel that mechanical artificial energy and there would be no living being interaction. If you are speaking about a soul that was forced into a clone body with technology, it would be very hard for you to tell the difference.
Lynn – So is there a legal and moral responsibility that we have with all the many clones that many be walking around and living among us on the surface of our planet today if this is accurate?
COBRA – You would need to specify this question.
Lynn – I’m looking at this from the point of view of a human. Do we have any moral or legal responsibility in our interactions with these cloned beings?
COBRA – If there is a soul in a cloned body, it is the same as a soul in a born body. There is actually no difference. If we are speaking about a soulless clone, all those soulless clones will be removed from the surface of the planet after the event because this is not the highest purpose for them to exist here.
Lynn – Well that would make it a whole lot easier on the humans. Thank you.
Richard – Cobra, on the same topic. Do rocks, plants, water, planets, galaxies, universes and even suns have souls or spirits?
COBRA – Yes, every planetary or cosmic body has a higher entity which is ensouled in that body. So every planet has a soul or a higher self. Every galaxy, every star has a higher angelic being that is taking care of its evolution of the particular body, that star body.
Richard – Thank you very much. What are the fundamental differences between those souls and a soul that inhabit a human body? (Would you specify your question which souls you are speaking about.) What is the evolutionary, the difference between the soul that inhabits a human body and the soul that inhabits a planet or universe?
COBRA – The soul that would inhibit the planetary body is much, much, much, much higher level of evolution. It would be hard to compare those 2.
Richard – That’s what I wanted to know. Thank you very much.
Lynn – Cobra, why is the City of Los Angeles in the USA named Los Angeles which in Spanish means City of Angels and what is the significance of this specific city in the Planetary Liberation Movement?
COBRA – It is simply because in the 18th century when this city started to grow it was part of the Spanish community and there was a church a sanctuary a church of angels, the holy Mary that you would call in the current terminology then this city grew and now it is one of the major energy vortexes for the planetary ascension process. The dark forces wanted to suppress this. Los Angeles was center of very strong energetic attack in 1996 which wanted to destroy the energy vortexes of Los Angeles. And healing of that attack hasn’t been completed yet. (Thank you).
Richard – Cobra, since animals are innocent beings and do not have ego or sin, are the Animals also trapped within this prison Matrix system or can they come and go as far as souls.
COBRA – They are also trapped but they don’t feel that. Because their sphere of movement is much smaller. For example, animals don’t have a desire to leave the planet because most animals in their lifetime they don’t have the desire to expand their freedom so much. They don’t actually feel they are in a prison except those that are trapped because of human beings in cages and exploited by human beings for various purposes.
Richard – I understand. Thank you.
Lynn – Cobra, the resemblances between Archons and Demons are almost exact. After studying their behaviors, I have no choice but to conclude that they are one and the same. Do you agree with this?
COBRA – I would say demons are lower Archons. I would say Archons are the top demons, the most powerful ones.
Richard – Why has the fate of Satan and Lucifer been censored in the past Cobra interviews?
COBRA – It is not the highest purpose to answer this question.
Richard – OK.
Lynn – Why do all advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations pay such close attention to genetic lineage?
COBRA – Not all of them. Only those who are not spiritually awakened enough and put too much attention on the physical plane.
Richard – What is the quantum probability control?
COBRA – It is a concept which states that it is possible to control quantum random function. Of course it is not possible. You can predict it to a certain degree. You can group it with sophisticated with mathematical equation, but basically it is impossible to completely predict or anticipate what the quantum function will do. (Thank you)
Lynn – I have a Preface to the next question:
“Black Magic: Satanists Rule the World, Not Politicians, Bankers or Military Heads” this is an established fact. The few people in alternative media and even our awakened spiritually established community is talking about. It needs to be brought to the light so that we don’t miss the point and properly understand the true source of our spiritual battles. It seems as if the biggest trick that the Devil ever played was that ‘He Never Existed’ is working out well for him. In order for our listeners to fully understand what we are saying here we are adding an important You Tube channel video to our transcript for further study on this. My question is: would you describe what Black Magic is?
COBRA – Intentional manipulation of energies with negative purposes.
Richard – How do you effectively protect yourself and release yourself from black magic attacks and its effects?
COBRA – Simply by dis-engaging yourself from that vibrational frequency. So you need to find what within you is attracting those and release all attachment to negativity. This is#1 and #2 – which goes deeper is to cancel all past agreements on a soul level between you and the dark forces and #3. to protect yourself. There are various techniques of protection. If you do important mission and when you are more exposed, you need to follow protection protocols quite strictly. (Thank you very much)
Lynn – Are Magic and mind control intimately related? And if so, why? I understand that magic is some sort of advanced spiritual technology.
COBRA – Yes, exactly and of course mind control needs to take into account the principles of magic, actually basically the mind control that the dark forces use is a combination of magic and technology.
Richard – What is the meaning and ultimate use of the blood during magical rituals?
COBRA – Dark forces use this to strengthen their energy fields but it’s basically just their misunderstanding of the life force. (Thank you)
Lynn – Could you please define what ‘white’ magic is?
COBRA – White magic is the use of will to direct energies into the positive purpose.
Lynn – Since the adversary is now heavily using black magic on the most active light workers as a mean to stop them, would you recommend the use of ‘White Magic’ as a method of defense for the Light Workers & light Warriors?
COBRA – White magic is not just a matter of defense, it’s matter of creation and manifestation of a positive future. Of course this is something to recommend if someone understands what he is doing. (Thank you)
Richard – It recently came to the light that the Zika virus was patented in 1947 by the Rockefeller’s Foundation and now the Zika virus outbreak, from a virus no one ever heard of before. It is said that there is a link to the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes. It is said that the same area where the GM mosquitoes were released in 2015 is the epicenter for the Zika outbreak. This has potential disastrous unintended consequences which now threaten life across the Americas. Is this virus a real threat or just another fear mongering strategy perpetrated by the Cabal to distract us from the real issues that are happening all around our world.
COBRA – This is not a real threat. It is an engineered fear generating mechanism and it is not important at all. (Thank you very much).
Lynn – OK Cobra, I’d like to ask you about the Bundy family. The incident happening at happening in the ‘Hammond Ranch’ in Oregon USA. Is this a real Government Vs Patriots incident or is it just another Cabal fear mongering related distraction?
COBRA – The dark forces have manipulated genuine feelings and genuine resistance against the Cabal to twist the whole situation in a way that would actually trigger the response of the militia. It’s like a psychological testing you might say.
Lynn – Are those Bundy individuals related to the infamous BUNDY Illuminati blood 13 families?
COBRA – They have some distant relation but the Bundys’ that were resisting the Cabal are not part of the Illuminati. (Thank you.)
Richard – Judge Anna Von Reitz said within the alternative news channels communities that as of -01/01/2016 a new President of the New Republic of The United States, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford has been sworn in and that all corrupted traitor congressman, senators and chief justices were being quietly replaced. It is also said that no sovereign nation associated with the AIIB or the BRICS is allowed to recognize Pentagon Dark Hats controlling military operations as being representatives of the free will of the Republic of the United States citizenry as of 1/1/2016. Is there any truth this?
COBRA – I cannot confirm this because when the Republic is around you will see it in your lives directly. (Got cha). It will be very evident and there will be no doubt. And it will happen at the time of the Event and not before.
Lynn – Is there going to be a U.S. election this year with the current cabal appointed puppet candidates and therefore endure more years of a Dog and Pony shows of this sort or are we really going to really experience change this year?
COBRA – I cannot give any statement when the Event will happen. So if the event does happen before the election, there will be no election. If The Event happens after the election, there will be an election.
Lynn – Do you see the possibility that Hillary may be arrested before the election?
COBRA – Yes, of course.
Richard – Cobra, Regarding the petition that you announced and you wanted us to make viral for the ‘Secret Space Program Disclosure’. Some Prepare for Change members have noticed and reported many obstacles that have prevented them from signing this petition, and worst, we have noticed a constant ‘re-adjustment’ of the numbers of signatures in the petition, sometimes dropping of signatures from 50 to 75 signatures to sometimes as much as 5,000 to 7,500 signatures dropping at once! How do we EVER achieve ANY type of critical mass with any of our petitions if the Cabal is manipulating all the petitions on the Internet in this manner?
COBRA – OK. The purpose of this petition was not to reach very high numbers and the critical number has been reached and a certain process has been initiated because of this petition. I will post more about this when the time is right. So we must not get frustrated if the Cabal is starting to block all those efforts because each time they do this, they violate certain protocols and because they violate those protocols this will have long lasting effects in the final surrender and negotiation process. It is actually speeds up the process of the Event.
Richard – Excellent. Thank you for that.
Lynn – Do the Cabal have total control of Switzerland?
Go to the Secret Space Program Disclosure Petition at (to sign the petition). As of 3/20/16 – 28,019 supporters
Richard – Is it true that after the fall of ancient Egypt the pharaoh’s bloodlines migrated to what is now Switzerland, along with their enormous wealth and established residence there . . .
COBRA – No, it is not true.
Lynn – Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars or Order of the Temple of the East—What do you know of the O.T.O. Order?
COBRA – They are not templars. It is simply a magical order which was created by Allister Crowley and they are following certain philosophy that has been greatly misunderstood and also has been manipulated by the Cabal. (Thank you).
Richard – It is said that Barbara Bush, wife of George Herbert Walker Bush, who served as the 41st President and mother of George W. Bush who served as the 43rd President of the US is the granddaughter of Allister Crowley. Allister Crowley was a Mason, a known bisexual, an occultist, magician and a well-known Satanist who earned the title of the “most wicked man in the world”. He wrote the Book of The Law, that was later use as the foundation of the Satanic bible and he also wrote many other Satanist books. Is this true?
COBRA – Most of it, yes.
Richard – The part about Barbara Bush being the granddaughter.
COBRA – Yes, they are related. (Thank you very much.)
Lynn – Cobra, you said in your last interview that Supreme Court Judge Scalia was murdered. Was this by the dark forces?
COBRA – It was a conflict within two factions of the Cabal and he was murdered as a result of that conflict.
Lynn – So that was the reason he was murdered because of the conflict?
COBRA – Yes.
Richard – Are archons able to turn towards the light and change to do good instead?
COBRA – Yes they are.
Lynn – According to Karen Hudes, who works for the World bank, the world today is run by a coalition of the rule of law in the ‘board of governors’ of the IMF and the World bank. Is this correct?
COBRA – First, she is not working for the world bank anymore. She used to work for the World bank, #1. #2 – The ones who run the world outwardly are the Jesuits, not the World bank and not the IMF.
Richard – Will you please explain to us who are the cauliflower ear faction of the Illuminati and what is there specific function? (repeat)
COBRA – I have no information about that particular faction.
Lynn – OK Cobra, he next question has a Preface to it:
– The Sphere Being Deception –
The Sphere Beings are a group that gained notoriety on the internet from the postings of Corey Goode. It is claimed on the internet that his mistake is that he made the assumption that the Blue Avians were actually the Sphere Beings. The Blue Avians are a group from the Lyra constellation that appear to the people of the surface of the planet who have most potential to aid in the evolution of humanity. The Blue Avians are what we consider a 6th dimensional race. The Sphere Beings are a group of very large reptilians who are basically the father race of the Draco factions that are currently holding out on our planet.
The Sphere Beings have created an outer barrier in order to delay the situation for as long as possible. Their main tool of deception is their ability to mimic voices to channelers and other telepaths. They usually latch on to legitimate information in order to pervert it. Their goal was to make as many people as possible in the awakened community believe that they were the creators of this galaxy. Cobra can you comment about this? What is your information. Is this information accurate?
COBRA – This is absolutely not accurate. The Sphere Beings or any connection or any connection to the Sphere Beings. They are not reptilians. They have absolutely no relation to the reptilian race. That’s as much as I can say.
Richard – The U.S stock markets seem to have a ‘mind of their own’ not following any of the traditional economic data reports any more. Doesn’t matter how bad the economic indicators look and break lower and lower historical records. It does not matter if ALL of the world stock marketers are crashing, the U.S stock markets just keeps thriving and going higher & higher. This is obviously a bold and complete manipulation of the U.S. stock markets by the Cabal and it seems that it is a lifeline and a very good source of income for them. Is this manipulation of the stocks markets going to end at any time soon or are we going to have to wait until the time of the Event when the stocks markets will be completely shut down for good?
COBRA – We will have to wait for the Event for that. (Thank you)
Lynn – Cobra, has the Federal reserve been taken over by the US treasury or is this just another rumor?
COBRA – This is just another rumor and it is not based on truth. (Thank you.)
Richard – Pope Francis seems to be cooperating with the light forces in many fronts. Is he doing it willingly out of a sudden ‘change of heart’ or is he being forced by the light forces to ‘play ball or else’…or is he just positioning himself as a ‘good guy after all’ so when the ‘Event’ happens he & the Vatican can get away with most of the horrific crimes they have committing to humanity throughout millennia?
COBRA – First you need to state where exactly where he is cooperating with the light forces. He is a Jesuit and he wants to put a friendly face so that he will survive at the time of the event he wants to save his own skin and the skin of his fellow Jesuits. And I don’t see much concrete positive action from his side.
Richard – That answers the question. Thank you very much.
Lynn – You have said repeatedly that there won’t be any natural disasters happening on our planet in the short term. What about in the mid and long term such as in the next 10, 20 or 30 years?
COBRA – It is too early to speak about that at this moment. (OK).
Lynn – What about during the upcoming expected galactic pulse?
COBRA – It is too early to speak about that also.
Lynn – Can you share any Intel on this matter at all.
COBRA – Yes, actually the galactic pulse is a process which has already started. It will have one peak at the moment of the Event and there will be further peaks of the galactic pulse coming later which will trigger more changes on the planet. (Thank you).
Richard – What is the plan for the Palestinians and their country of Palestine to make right the 69 years of brutal occupation, abuse, murder, suppression and terror the Palestinians had to endure since the creation of Israel and their never ending land grabbing, confiscation and surgical ethnic cleansing?
COBRA – At the moment of the Event all this will be balanced out. Palestinians will have their own independent territory where no one will be occupying them or forcing them into anything.
Richard – Great. For those who are not fully aware of the extent of the damage and abuse we are describing here we are adding a link of an amazing video and transcripts of this interview, a speech directly from the mouth of a member of an influential Zionist Israeli family who also is an ex-Israeli soldier son of a very famous Israeli Army General. The speech is made by Niko Peled and the You Tube video is titled “An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel”. How is this going to be effectively handled so it is finally fair for the Palestinians? How are the Palestinians going to be compensated?
“An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel”
COBRA – It’s not about compensation, it’s about final reconciliation process and the peace process which will begin when the Cabal is removed. Most Israelis have no desire to fight with Palestinians. They have been programmed and engineered in that direction. When the Cabal members are removed peace will be reinstated and the healing process between two nations will begin.
Lynn – Cobra, it was announced on alternative media channels that the pilot of the infamous flight MH370 of Malaysia Airlines that disappeared in March 2013 was found alive but with amnesia. Is this true or is it just another elaborate hoax?
COBRA – It is not true.
Richard – Corey Goode pointed out that while the (Secret Space Program) SSP Alliance Council and the Earth Alliance have the same goal – full disclosure and release of advanced technologies – there are very different agendas over how to achieve this aim. Many in the Earth Alliance want to spread out disclosure of the truth over a 100-year period, and in the meantime allow China and other Eastern nations to become the new hubs of the international business and high finance. He pointed out that while the Earth Alliance and the SSP Alliance represent the full spectrum of humanity, they have been deeply fragmented in negotiations over what should be done to disclose the truth to the rest of humanity. Many in the Earth Alliance believe it would be irresponsible and foolish to move forward with a massive document dump, which would overwhelm the populace. Another issue discussed was that the Earth Alliance has been infiltrated by the Cabal/Illuminati operatives who have been given access to all of the documents that have been prepared for dumping into the public arena at some point. This was a cause of great concern for the SSP Alliance Council, who believed that it would enable the Cabal/Illuminati to devise ways to neutralize the impact of such documents at the time of their eventual release. All of this sounds to me as a master Cabal plan to make us believe that we are not ready for the entire truth so we should accept another 50 or 100 years of their diabolic rule while they conveniently “fade way” into the sunset, the background free on any responsibilities and fault! What is you take on all of this Cobra?
COBRA – First the more advanced part of the earth alliance is not promoting limited disclosure. They are not promoting 100 years of Eastern domination. It is there are certain dynastic Chinese families that do want that but they are in minority. This is not such a big problem as Corey Goode has stated, so there is no need to be afraid of this limited partial disclosure. It is not going to happen because the light forces are pushing for full complete and total disclosure and only that will happen. And they will keep on fighting until that happens. They will not give up. They will not suddenly change their minds and shift the course, it’s not going to happen. (Thank you very much. Yea)
Lynn – Are we able to cease spiritual evolution at some point in the future?
COBRA – You mean like stop it completely or something? (Yes) It’s not going to happen. Evolution is life force. It’s like a wheel that will never stop.
Lynn – This person goes on to ask: are we forced to go forward with our ‘spiritual evolution’ in a way in which the archons are forcing souls to come back on earth? Is there a choice here that we have?
COBRA – We are not forced to go forward. There is a natural desire of every sentient being to go forward unless that being is completely manipulated. Everybody wants to feel better. Everyone wants to be more happy. You are not forced to want to feel more happy. You have a natural tendency and desire to want to feel more happy
Lynn – So it’s a good thing.
COBRA – Yes of course. Isn’t that obvious.
Richard – What is the purpose of the ego?
COBRA – The concept of Ego is an Archon creation. The concept of ego is a belief of a separate entity and the incarnating soul.
Richard – So how would you go past that or how would you defeat that.
COBRA – Defeat what? (the ego, that perception we’re given) You don’t need to fight with the so -called ego. You can just be who you are. Express that explore that and transform that. That is what is needed.
Lynn – Cobra, Cintamani is a clear Sanskrit word. “Cinta” is a brain and the “mani” is called stone or crystal.
COBRA – That is not exact translation. Cinta is thought and mani is Jewel. But Cinta does not mean mind or brain. So the one who was making this translation is not absolutely correct. So what is the question.
Lynn – The question is what is mentioned here is this the illuminated brain?
COBRA – No, it’s not illuminated brain. Cintamani stone, I would say, the stone which is the reflection of your inner jewel, your higher self, your I AM presence.
Lynn – Does it have a relationship with the Pineal gland.
COBRA – No, it has a relationship with your spiritual heart, your I AM presence and the totality of your being.
Lynn – There is another stone called; “Shyamanthaka Mani” it’s (a blue stone / crystal) which KRISHNA possessed in his life time? Do you know about this stone?
COBRA – Yes, it is an extremely rare stone, more rare than the Cintamani. It’s a higher frequency of Cintamani stone. I don’t know of anybody who is having that is having that stone on the surface right now. It is simply not found. (OK Thank you).
Richard – There has been a new discovery made off the Giza Plateau. This was discovered by Carmen Boulter and her team (creator of the Pyramid Code). There are apparently three levels of Costco size chambers- can you tell us more about this?
COBRA – No, because I don’t have much information about this.
Lynn – Can you tell us about the Arcturians and what are their specific role in our planetary liberation?
COBRA – The Arcturians are very powerful in transmuting belief systems and connecting the mind with the 5th and higher dimension and they are also very strong in working with the energy grid, so they are healing the energy grid around the planet and preparing the energy grid for the event. (Thank you).
Richard – Who are the Hathors and what are their specific role in the planetary liberation? (Repeat question)
COBRA – Oh yes, they are connected with the Pleiadians quite much and their purpose is to awaken the connection between the emotional body and the soul presence among the awakened population.
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Lynn – I have a question from an individual who writes: When I’m awakened in a dream… where am I? In the world modulated by my dream or am I somewhere in other dimensions? or the astral plane?
COBRA – So if you’re speaking about lucid dreaming you are awakened in your astral body and you can explore the objective astral plane which is as real as the physical plane. If you are not awake and not lucid dreaming you are simply processing mostly your inner subconsciousness and you’re located within your astral body and are processing your own inner situations. If you have managed to awaken to the point where you are aware that you are dreaming you can start explore your surroundings on the astral planes in the same way you can now explore physical surroundings on the physical plane. (Thank you).
Richard – Does the force of gravity have a positive, negative or neutral nature?
COBRA – The force of gravity is just a physical force without any physical without any positive or negative connotation.
Lynn – The Bible also mentions that the Tower of Babel and the appearance of the languages for the purpose of the people to spread it through the Earth, implying that there was only one language before. What is the real purpose of the different languages? Was it a negative invention?
COBRA – Yes.
Lynn – Is colloidal gold as effective as monatomic gold?
COBRA – Not to the same degree but it still has a positive effect.
Richard – Cobra, do parallel realities exist.
COBRA – Some people describe various forms of creation as parallel reality. We have physical, the etheric, the astral. These are actual parallel realities. Concept of parallel realities as parallel earth’s existing in other dimensions like co-existing two physical planets in different time-lines it does not exist.
Lynn – What languages do we speak after the Event?
COBRA – The same languages that we speak now for a certain period of time.
Richard – Will we use telepathy after that period is over?
COBRA – At a certain point, yes.
Lynn – On some level do twin souls effect each other’s consciousness or emotions? Or are they completely separate mentally?
COBRA – They are always connected on a higher plane beyond 5th dimension and there is always a certain level of exchange on the physical and emotional and mental plane through the so-called permanent atoms which means that there is always a flow of energy between the two.
Richard – What happens to discarnate souls post Event?
COBRA – There will be a huge purification of the etheric and astral planes. There will be a lot of light flowing in those planes and all those souls will be contacted with spiritual guides and they will be guided to go wherever their higher purpose is. (Thank you).
Richard – Do E.T.’s have the equivalent of falling in love on other planets?
COBRA – They feel love all the time. They don’t fall in love they rise in love. (Beautiful, thank you.)
Lynn – Are the White Draco council of 200 still actively ruling our planet?
COBRA – They never were ruling our planet.
Richard – Cobra, what is the difference between the portals and black holes which link distant places to the same universe and the one’s which link places in different universes?
COBRA – Black hole is just a concept which is used by current science to describe a certain reality of hyper dimensional worm holes. Those hyper dimensional worm holes connect two different points in space/time continuum and the distance between those two points is not an issue because higher dimension they are always connected. And this is the principle based on which the worm hole operates, or those star-gates operate. (I understand, thank you).
Lynn – Cobra, can you tell us why the RH neg blood type was created, where it came from and what its purpose is and how it differs from positive?
COBRA – I cannot go into details of this but there were a lot of E.T. intervention regarding blood-types, a lot of research especially in times of Atlantis regarding different blood types. There are various E.T. groups, actually interfering and messing with human blood type and experimenting with the relations between the blood type and the genome type. So we have a very mixed situation here. (OK).
Richard – Can you tell us what Brahma is or who Brahma is?
COBRA – Brahma is one aspect of created source. Some people call it a third aspect, the created aspect, the one that creates Universes. (Thank you very much.)
Lynn – Did Brahma create the secondary anomaly or primary anomaly.
COBRA – No, there was no conscious being creating the primary anomaly. The primary anomaly is the random function which just appeared as a result. It was always there as the potential but when there was enough consciousness, that potential manifested in the Universe. (Thank you).
Richard – If Wing-makers are the ancient humanoid race, are their creators the Annunaki?
COBRA – I will not use the concept of Anunnaki because it was again the invention of the Zecharia Sitchin. He was an Illuminati puppet and he has spread a lot of disinformation so I would prefer not to use that word which was First wrongly translated from the Sumerians and second does not describe a genuine interest group.
Richard – I love it. I don’t want to use that word any more either. Thank you.
Lynn – Many ascended masters like master Djwal Khul, Babaji are said to be still living in the Himalayas. Babaji said to one of his disciples that he will openly interact with the public the earth governments in circa 2040. This is probably after the Event once new people’s governments are established on the surface.
Can you please elaborate more about this and the underground bases in Himalayas?
COBRA – There are two questions. The first question is this information is coming from a certain source and I cannot confirm it is true, about the time when Babaji will appear. He will appear as an ascended being in his light body when the time is right after the event. And about the second question, yes, there is a Pleiadian base in the Himalayas on the Indian Chinese boarder. This base is quite important because it holds a certain energy balance for the planet. People who visit that part of the world can see and experience many interesting and wonderful phenomena in that area. (Thank you).
Richard – Cobra in one of your previous interviews with the Prepare for Change group it was said – that a soul’s agenda is to return with the Source once again. What happens to the soul’s individual personality when this happens?
COBRA – The personality gets absorbed back into the soul because you never were a personality. Personality is just a reaction of the soul on the primary anomaly. It’s a secondary function of a being. It is not the primary function of a being.
Richard – I understand. Thank you. Once the soul evolution is complete and once it leads back to its source, what happens then.
COBRA – When the being is back to the source it becomes one with the source again.
Richard – What is it able to do then? Does it continue to evolve, or is it finished.
COBRA – The source is always dynamically expanding and the evolution never ends it’s just the deepening of itself. the source deepens it’s connection with itself through the totality of existence.
Lynn – In the Ascension Plan, you said: “The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Command and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades star cluster. . . The only souls remaining on the etheric and astral planes were those who were direct hostages of the non-physical Archons, those with strong attachments to the physical plane and those who decided to stay to help the physical humans as spiritual guides.” With so many souls having left Earth, can you say anything about the source of souls for children who were born on Earth since that time?
COBRA – There were just a few billion people born since that time.
Lynn – Can you tell us anything about them, their nature?
COBRA – Yes. Some of them are quite awakened and they are here to raise the vibration of the planet and especially the vibration of humanity. (Thank you).
Richard – Cobra, you confirmed once in your interview about the “walk-ins” phenomenon (When a human person’s soul is leaving his body and replaced by another soul). How is this possible? Is it by request? Do both the incoming soul and the outgoing soul have to agree to this?
COBRA – Yes, exactly. Both have to agree and exchange happens with mutual agreement of both and there is a certain energy process which they go through and it’s actually it’s a very rare phenomenon. It is not something that happens as often as people think and claim.
Richard – Will this still continue after the event.
COBRA – In some rare cases, yes. (Thank you).
Richard – What is the criteria that is met by the body host in order to accept by the incoming soul?
COBRA – The body itself needs to be suitable for the incoming soul to come in. The right vibrational frequency, the right body type and there needs to be a certain higher purpose for that exchange to happen. (Thank you very much).
Lynn – Are there different energy grids on the planet with different sets of vortexes?
COBRA – Yes.
Lynn – What is the current status of the planetary energy grid?
COBRA – The planetary energy grid is healing quite rapidly and there has been a lot of progress in the last few years which will make it much easier for humanity to go through the process of the event.
Lynn – Are there positive and negative grids?
COBRA – Yes there are.
Richard – Are there entries into the inner earth at the south and north poles?
COBRA – No. (Thank you).
Lynn – Are there Akashic Records for all planets, universes or is this an anomaly that pertains to Earth?
COBRA – Akashic records exist of everything that has ever happened, but we are speaking about just the recording of the event, not the energy charge of the event that happened.
Lynn – And this is the same throughout the Universes.
COBRA – Yes.
Lynn – Can this information be accessed by other beings that are not a part of the Earth or universe?
COBRA – As long as it serves a higher purpose, yes. (Thank you.)
Richard – What can we do to remove or limit the effect of chemtrails have on our physical bodies until the Event happens?
COBRA – First, do not be overly concerned and focused too much attention on chemtrails. The food that you eat and the water that you drink has much greater effect on your well-being and there is much more you can do about that. And we will have to finish very soon. (Excellent, thank you very much).
Lynn – The attacks on light workers that are more involved in bringing about the Event continue and there is any additional protection method that can be used in place of or in addition to the pink egg that will completely stop or prevent the attacks. Is there information that you can give us to help people protect themselves during this stressful time.
COBRA – I have given a few protection techniques on my blog. You can go and find them and use them.
Lynn – Thank You Cobra. I think we’re coming to the close of our session here with Cobra. I would like to thank the many people who have made this possible. I want to thank Cobra first of all for being a gracious guest, and my co-interviewer Richard, Aaron on sound, Danell for her transcription expertise, untwine for modulation and editing and Eduardo and Dane behind the scenes. For all the wonderful listeners, thank you all so much. Check out the transcript for reference links relating to the questions asked today in this interview. And remember we are all voices of the world. Thank you Cobra. Do you have any parting words for us today?
COBRA – Yes we are entering a very intense period which will bring many changes and I would ask everybody just to stay centered and calm no matter what happens.
Thank you. Excellent, will do.
COBRA – Thank you very much.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
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- Post n°15
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Cobra Update 4-6-16… “The Syria Pentagram”
Posted on 2016/04/06 by kauilapele
Very important (in my view) update from Cobra, with some insight into what is the “real occult reason for the Syrian conflict”. And particularly, how we may assist in “supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram”, and thus, the liberation of Syria and and the Middle East.
“The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid. Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.
“This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).
“In the hands of the Light forces, this [Syrian energy vortex] pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy.
“Three of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently… Manbij will be free soon, too… The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria…
“When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.
“Those who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:”
Thanks to Tracy for this one.
The Syria Pentagram
The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.
Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.
This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).
The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years.
All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past.
These five points are:
Aleppo, a city with a strong Goddess presence:
Homs, the birth place of Julia Domna. Julia Domna was a Roman empress who tried to bring wisdom to the Roman court:
Palmyra, the birth place of Zenobia, a queen that lead the revolt against the oppression of the Roman empire:
Raqqa, the area where the Halaf culture was born:
Manbij, which was the center of worship of the Syrian goddess of fertility, Atargatis:
Three of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently:
Manbij will be free soon, too:
The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria:
When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.
Those who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:
This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.
Victory of the Light!
Many people are asking what is behind the Panama papers. This link explains it all:
Posted on 2016/04/06 by kauilapele
Very important (in my view) update from Cobra, with some insight into what is the “real occult reason for the Syrian conflict”. And particularly, how we may assist in “supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram”, and thus, the liberation of Syria and and the Middle East.
“The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid. Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.
“This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).
“In the hands of the Light forces, this [Syrian energy vortex] pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy.
“Three of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently… Manbij will be free soon, too… The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria…
“When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.
“Those who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:”
Thanks to Tracy for this one.
The Syria Pentagram
The real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy points in the planetary energy grid.
Whoever controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global consciousness of humanity.
This is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic State).
The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the last few years.
All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past.
These five points are:
Aleppo, a city with a strong Goddess presence:
Homs, the birth place of Julia Domna. Julia Domna was a Roman empress who tried to bring wisdom to the Roman court:
Palmyra, the birth place of Zenobia, a queen that lead the revolt against the oppression of the Roman empire:
Raqqa, the area where the Halaf culture was born:
Manbij, which was the center of worship of the Syrian goddess of fertility, Atargatis:
Three of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently:
Manbij will be free soon, too:
The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria:
When Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the situation in the Middle East.
Those who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:
This piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness from all four directions.
Victory of the Light!
Many people are asking what is behind the Panama papers. This link explains it all:
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
- Post n°16
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
May 7, 2016
Notes from Cobra conference in Switzerland Please note that this is the interpretation of the person who wrote this notes.
They are NOT exact words from Cobra.————————————————– We are now helping to achieve the final victory of the light. This conference is the first step towards The Event.
– Actually The Event has started already (note: I think Cobra actually meant that we are now at the pre-Event stage).
– Now we are at what most people called the New Age. We are still at the stage of cleansing our negativity.
– The Light Forces always have plan to liberate the planet Earth.
– There is a lot of disinformation on the internet. This conference aims to clarify many of these.
– The first thing we need to do now is to un-educate ourselves of the known learning process.
– We entered the quarantine Earth voluntarily, in order to help transforming the Earth and speeding up the planetary liberation.
– Before incarnation, everyone will be implanted (by the Archon) and as a result losing connection with The Divine Source. We also need to sign a contract with the Dark Forces.
– When we were born, we lost all of the memory of our past lives due to the implants. We also inherited the emotions and thoughts of our parents.
– We all come from different star systems. However, human can only see a very limited range of frequency.
– Cobra flew in a MiG-29 to cross the Veil boundary in February 2014, and embraced by a tachyon bath, a rain of rainbow colored superluminal particles that penetrate the body energy field.
– We are all representatives of the Light Forces.
– One day, certain energy within everyone’s body will suddenly be awaken, other hidden abilities will also be awakened after a short period of time.
– Some people will doubt about themselves. If we allow ourselves to fulfill our potentials, The Event could have happened as early as 1996.
– A lot of people have awaken recently, they are speeding up the progress towards The Event.
– A Galactic super wave is sent from the Galactic Central Sun every 26,000 years. This phenomenon is like the pulse of human heart.
– The timeframe for Earth transformation is between 1975 and 2025.
– This time we will not have to go through any global catastrophe event like the deluge of Atlantis.
– The energetic pulse from the Galactic Central Sun also has impact on our local sun.
– As a result, the weather on Earth are being affected as well. This is the reason for unusual weather in recent years.
– A lot of people feel that the sun has changed. When we go out, we can feel the difference in the sun.
– The Galactic Super Wave will dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and completely change our society.
– Everything will be purified. People will start to remember the existence of Divine Source.
– The Galactic Central Sun is sending Gamma wave directed at Earth.
– Voyager 2 spacecraft has detected this strong Gamma radiation.
– All the prophecies about massive catastrophes will NOT be happened. This is because a lot of massive motherships are protecting Earth.
– The length of these motherships exceeds 1,000 km.
[Then, Cobra showed the pictures of Cintamani stones in Antarctica, Greenland and South America]
– Most of the surface population do not utilize the power of Free Will.
– Plasma is light with intelligence, it is a living being. It is the key to the liberation of the Earth, which can be found in anywhere and be used in healing.
– Asian medicine, especially Chinese medicine, focuses on healing of etheric body rather than physical body.
– So in Chinese medicine, there are therapies that make use of plasma. Western medicine only focus on the healing of physical body, so the effect is limited.
– Internet helps people to discern religious and other matters.
– The missing Malaysian flight MH370 is now on a certain island in the sea.
– German scientists started researching on vehicles for space travel since the beginning of the 20th century. In 1923, they invented the first prototype.
– They built the first base on the moon in 1942. After World War II, Nazi have built bases in Antarctica and Argentina. NASA was established as a front-end organisation to cover up the secret space programs.
– In 1945, German scientists already had the ability to travel to moon and other planets in the Solar system.
– There are lots of accidents or explosion of space rockets and space shuttles, due to the actions of the negative side within NASA.
– These people do not want the official space program to progress too quickly.
– If there are accidents in the official space program, things need to be stopped for investigations.
– They will need to investigate thoroughly before planning for the next step.
– The aim of many secret space programs is to go to other planets or asteroids for mining.
– Some asteriods are formed of diamond.
– The Russian’s space program is more positive.
– The Light Forces have cleared all the bases of the negative groups.
– Their motherships have tachyon membrane, which can avoid detection from traditional technology.
– There is a Pleiadian base in Siberia. Putin has met with the Pleiadians.
– Ashtar Command has tried different strategies to awake the 99%, who have been suffering heavily from the 1%.
– There is a defense ring around the Earth formed by a fleet of spaceships. The second defense ring is called Jupiter Command.
– There is a huge Galactic Confederation underground base on Ganymede, which is a central hub for all intelligent positive races working upon the liberation of our Solar system and planet Earth especially.
– The length of the motherships in the second defense ring is between 1,000 and 2,000 km.
– Central civilization is the most advanced race in the universe. Their motherships can be as long as 5,000 to 10,000 km.
– Ganymede has never been influenced by the Archon.
– Pleiadian looks like human.
– The length of the mothership from Sirius star system is about 500 km.
– 70% of living beings in this galaxy is humanoid.
– The Light Forces have bases in the underground of the Earth and the moon. It is a completely different world below the ground.
– Only a few people know about this. There are lakes in the underground, one of them is so huge that it can provide water supply to the whole Europe.
– Below the surface of this planet, Resistance Movement have beautiful architecture, crystals and residential areas.
– To go to these bases, people will need to go through sterilization chamber to remove all the bacteria and viruses from the surface.
– Everyone is the catalyst of The Event. Everyone is the light of the Earth. We have entered a critical moment of choice.
– Humanity needs to make a decision now. From March 2016, we have entered the final stage.
– During this period, our lives, the planetary situation and even the whole universe would be affected.
– This period will determine the destination of the universe. We are now at the final stage of transforming darkness.
– Earth is the last planet to join the galactic network of Light.
– Ascended Masters (such as Jesus, Budha and St. Germain) still need to stay in this universe, until we are liberated from the control of the Dark Forces.
– Currently there are thousands of motherships staying in the Oort cloud, and waiting for the liberation of this planet.
– They are sending positive energy towards the Earth continuously.
– We need to understand Free Will and use this power effectively.
– If we can do so, nothing is impossible to resolve.
– The quarantine of Earth will be removed.
– The Dark Forces need to spend trillions of dollars, and on average 1 billion dollars to stop the positive ET races to contact the surface population.
– We are now very close to the final breakthrough.
– Space tourism has entered a period of renaissance.
– There are many bases on moon and Mars which belongs to the positive ET races.
– In the near future before The Event, people can see their ships at different places.
– Within 10 years, general population can visit other planets.
– Base on the current technology, people can travel from Earth to Mars in 15 minutes.
– Plans to revive space exploration will open the channel of full communication between positive ET races and humanity.
– As a result, the Cabal will lose all of their controls.
– Hilary has already been forced to talk about Area 51. Bush is behind all the lies about UFO and ET.
– Most of the people are pure and tend to follow the others.
– The aim of the Panama paper is to attack President Putin.
– As a result, Putin disclose the truth about the Cabal and the Rothschild family.
– This attack will only bring us closer to The Event.
– Once the Dark Forces have disappeared, The Event will unfold in full.
– Everyone within the secret space programs do not know the secret of the Chimera group.
– Lightships are emitting lots of positive energies, but not a lot of people can receive them.
– In order to use telepathic ability, one needs to train for a number of years. We will learn it if we practise seriously.
– Chimera comes from the negative group of the Andromeda galaxy.
– They came to Earth in humanoid bodies, in which most of them are fallen angels.
– They have physical bodies. After they have been removed, The Event will be fully activated.
– Central banks are in panic now. A few of them have adopted negative interest rates because of this.
– They are worried that China will release all the gold.
– The Cabal will be in big trouble if the gold that China hold exceeds their expectation.
– The Cabal do not know the amount of gold that China have. China can cause the financial reset.
– After the Event, unconditional love will spread across the planet. Duality will end. People can live a happy life.
– Plasma will become a tool for healing all sort of diseases.
– All the religious will disappear, because humanity will not be controlled by dogma anymore.
– The Cabal planned to use the refugee crisis to transport their mercenaries to Europe to create tension.
– To prevent more suffering, the Light Forces continue to monitor refugees entering Europe.
– Just before The Event is about to start, many people will have contact with positive ET.
– Actually this kind of contact has already started. Channel of telepathic communication has been established.
– After The Event, a lot of people will have direct face to face contact with the positive ET.
– Ships will be landed on private area around the world, and communicate with general population.
– Lots of people who has the ability of telepathic communication will start receiving messages.
– In future, ships will also be landed on public area.
– There are lots of false information about extra-terrestrial beings on the Internet. However, lots of positive ET also looking forward to The Event.
– After The Event, universal love will be part of many people’s life. There will not be any more issues.
– We need to remember one thing: Positive ET races have difficulties to understand human’s method of thinking and current living experience.
– On the other hand, a lot of people do think that they cannot adapt to the life on the surface of this planet.
– Also, positive ET races believe that it is very difficult for them to get along with human, because they cannot understand why human can act aggressively sometimes.
– Dr. Steven Greer has established a detailed protocol for CE-5.
– We can use his method to invite ET races to show up and communicate with us.
– 2 – 3 weeks after The Event, a lot of people around the world will appear on TV program to talk about their contact experiences.
– Each nation will also form an official interplanetary diplomatic ambassador.
– Many Light Forces in the United Nation are working towards the official First Contact.
– First contact is an official diplomatic meeting
– Since Pleiadians look very much like human, they will be the first positive ET race to land on the surface.
– At that time, official diplomatic documents will be signed and diplomatic negotiation will begin.
– Beings from Sirius will be landed after a short while.
– After another period of time, humanoid beings from Andromeda and other star systems wall also be landed.
– Non-humanoid beings will be the last to show up, so that they will not be scared by human.
– Human must go through a transitional period after being accepted to join Galactic Confederation. All non-physical planes will be changed significantly.
– There will not be any more intervention of the energetic planes of the Earth by the Dark Forces.
– Humanity will be able to understand spiritual teaching easily.
– Many Ascended Masters will present themselves in the real world.
– After the First Contact, they will appear more frequently.
– In future, we can use Star Gate to go to the Galactic Central Sun, and enter Creator’s heaven eventually.
– We will be able to meet lots of beings at the higher plasma plane.
– Switzerland has already completed preparation for the First Contact.
– Communications with the Light Forces will spread out to the general public eventually.
– Our brothers and sisters in the galactic family will be integrated into our daily lives.
– Each of the BRICS countries has their own plan for the First Contact.
– Many secret caves for holding the Goddess energy will be re-opened.
– After we have ascended, we don’t need to travel in spacecraft, we can use our own body to travel in the whole universe instead.
– After ascension, our body can do superluminal travel.
– Teleportation technology will be open for public use.
– This kind of technology is very common in the universe.
– Replicators can be used to fulfill various physical needs.
– Replicators can also produce delicious foods in a short period of time.
– Future life will be very much like the advanced society shown in the movie “Elysium”.
– Although foods produced by replicators may not be absolutely delicious, we can still choose to cook with fresh and organic ingredients.
– Free energy device that make use of magnetic field will be released to the public.
– Everyone will have chance to travel on a flying car.
– People will just need to enter the coordinates of the destination, then the flying car will travel to the destination automatically.
– China already has flying car.
– Highly advanced music technology will also be released to the public.
– Once the Earth has joined the Galactic family, then the Grand Galactic Reunion will also occur.
– We are the Light Mandalas.
– We are in the positive timeline.
– Please use social media and blog wisely to help speeding up the progress towards The Event.
– One who use free will effectively is stronger than one million people without free will.
– Currently 88% of the general population would accept intervention of ET races, but most people do not believe that it would happen.
Isis Antara:[Since the person who wrote up this notes has joined the learning activity of Isis, so not many notes had been taken.]– Female’s body is a portal to another dimension. Female is a chalice for carrying and nurture of life.
– Female can direct lights from different dimensions to their bodies. They are chalice of life, child and love.
– Goddess energy and Divine energy have been growing on Earth.
– Female is leading humanity to enter a new age. They are now bringing energy of love back to the Earth.
– In the new age, human will no longer suffer from self-inflicted life of bitterness.
– People need to understand that “We are not the victim of life”.
– We must say “NO!”. Saying “No” is our divine right.
– When we make a decision, we must ask ourselves sincerely that “Is this really what we want?”
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
- Post n°17
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Friday, May 13, 2016
Joint Cobra / Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 1
Here is the transcript and the audio of the first part of the joint Cobra / Corey Goode interview by Rob Potter. The second part will be posted when finished.
The Youtube audio version is here:
And the transcript here:
Rob - Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, brothers and sisters, divine embodiment of the All. My name is Rob Potter and this is the Victory of the Light radio show. I‘m your host of the Pyramid one. I’d like to thank Alan from the land of wonder down under who makes it possible. You can see the station button on the web-site if you want to support this station . I’d like to let you all know I do a fb page and Cobra Resistance and blog. You can check that out. Also my web-site the I’d like to thank Danell for the transcription. I’d like to thank Rique Seraphico who normally does the transcription. We’ll have him back. I’d like to thank Chris for modulating Cobra’s voice. With 24K miles signal delay at times, it made it a little difficult. It went over an hour but with the edits we had to do we’re down to 50 minutes so I’m doing a little longer intro. I’m some information that will enjoy this second. We can share some information with you
Insiders revealing what’s going on have agreed for the sake of unity and the sake of their followers are going to be commenting on each others' questions. I have some questions
Cobra -
Corey -
Rob - Corey and Cobra. Despite the fact that certain aspects of your information does not match up with each other, do you both generally agree on the bigger issues such as; full disclosure, freedom for the people, release of hidden technology, an end to war and environmental destruction. Corey.
Corey - Yea, I think that’s something pretty much anyone can get behind. We’ve all seen the signs of all of these topics not being conspiracies, they’re real. We've seen the different political movements. Everyone is tired of the lies. They’re ready. (Cobra?)
COBRA - Yes. Of course I agree with this and I have been fighting with this my whole life and of course I would agree and I would support anybody who would be fighting along the same lines.
Rob - Is there any reason that both of your respective audiences should not cooperate with each other towards full disclosure and planetary liberation? Cobra?
COBRA - I do not see any reason for that. (Corey?)
Corey - That’s one of the main things that we’re trying to doing the full disclosure project is obtain unity in the community. There are so many different ideologies that we can argue about. The one thing that we can all agree on is that we want full disclosure. We want to know the truth. If we put blinders on to all the things we disagree about and focus on what we agree, we can get a lot accomplished.
Rob - Wonderful. That’s what the world’s been wanting to hear. Corey do you know what the Event is as Cobra has described it. (No) Cobra would you like to give him a brief synopsis?
COBRA - Yes, of course. The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough. The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet. I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system. There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface. They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth. When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event. The Event is actually many things at the same moment. It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure. This is part of it. The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal. The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time. And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy. And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process. That’s the short overview of what the Event is. And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun. The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening. And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center.
Rob - Corey, do you have any intel that confirms Cobra’s information on the Event as he has stated specifically?
Corey - Much of what he’s said are part of the negotiations between all of these different alliances, Cabal groups, all of these are things that I’ve heard among things that has been negotiated. Yes, that’s very much a part of the reality of what is going on and is being negotiated. A lot of those things are in flux about what percentage some groups what to put out and all that. When it’s all said and done they’re not really going to . . . they think they have more power about how stuff is going to come out than in what form they really do.
Rob - That is really good news for everyone. The next question is for Cobra. Cobra, have you heard as yet any confirmation from your sources to confirm not just the Blue Avians but the Sphere Being Alliance or the meetings taking place as Corey has described them with the Super Federation of 40, the Anshar Alliance and the various groups as he describes them?
COBRA - This is actually many questions in one. I can confirm that my sources have confirmed the existence of the so - called spheres. They don’t determine them in that way. They say there are many gigantic objects in the outer region of the solar system and also throughout the solar system that are cloaked most of the time. Cloaked not only in the visible part of the spectrum but cloaked in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation so they are not detectable. They are also not detectable for remote viewers. And yes, this is what I can confirm. I can not confirm all the details that Corey has released and I can not confirm his meetings with different alliances. But I can definitely confirm the existence of the spheres, not in details, but general information I can confirm.
Rob - Again ladies and gentlemen we have gentlemen who are both having genuine contacts and it seems these groups are working within their own different parameters. Corey can you give your opinion, I know there are lots of different people having lots of different types of contacts. Is the reason that some of these genuine people with face to face contact working for the same reason, from your understanding ,might not be on the same thread. There’s obviously lots of groups. What is your opinion on that one?
Corey - There are many different groups working in slightly different ultimate agendas that have the same overall, I guess, agenda that are working their own segmented little operations and so, you know, they’re not always completely wise to the operations of other groups. They may have been working off a lot of the same intel but they’re not working off of the same mission statement. If that makes sense. If you mean different, these different beings, you could meet 2 or 3 different beings that have different operational modes that they’re in and have different reasons for delivering information to people. You can know it’s from the same overall operational goal.
Rob - Cobra, would you agree or do you have any comments on that?
COBRA - Yes, I would agree and I would say that each group has it’s own cultural roots and it’s own strategy. It’s not easy for any of the groups to navigate the situation because there has been so much complexity in the situation and they have to. . . each group has to find their own policy and it’s not always easy. Each group comes from their own perspective and when those perspectives come together there is always a period of getting to know each other, alignment of intel. It’s process that takes time, especially inside of this solar system when there has been so much division and so much suppression of intel. So this is the process I expect to take some time.
Corey - That’s an important point that Cobra made. You have to develop a rapport with a Being to understand their culture, I guess, where they’re coming from, the way they communicate because all these different beings can communicate in a different manner just like all the different people that you run across in a daily life.
Rob - That’s ok. Like Italians speak in a certain way and communicate
Corey - Not only that but different personality types and different points of view. People communicate differently and in our daily lives we may misconstrue our normal conversation so, you know, until you get to know a person then you’re going to understand what they trying to communicate to you. You have to develop a rapport with some of these Beings before you can fully relate what they’re communicating to you.
Rob - Ok. thank you. I usually choose questions that I get repeats on. This is kind of an interesting one. People have sent me links from news reporters from around the world with this same phenomena kind of like those giant circular sink holes that have been showing up, kind of kept silent. But around the world lots of people have recorded on videos as well as on newscast reports certain cities are hearing certain noises. And the question is, was are the mournful sound of trumpets registered in countries around the world. Cobra first. Do you have intel on what these sounds are. They are definitely seem to be real.
COBRA - OK. According to my sources what is happening is there is, I would term it infrasound, which is just on the threshold of human hearing about 16 Hz and that frequency is harmful for human consciousness and the Cabal is using scalar devices that transmit infrasound. The infrasound travels not only through physical space it travels through the etheric space and it travels especially through plasma. By infrasound scalar waves they keep human consciousness locked into a certain vibrational state and people who have good hearing can hear that sound. Some of the people can actually feel that sound within their bodies as a certain vibration, certain suppressive vibrations. It is something that has been actually monitored, measured and documented around the world.
Rob - To follow up here, some of the sounds are actually reaching to be heard in certain areas. It’s been recorded like for a week, I think, I’m not sure but somewhere in Utah they’re hearing these sounds and it’s on the news, so it is the technology of the Cabal breaking down and it’s breaking into the audible spectrum now?
COBRA - Actually many people can hear that sound. It is not so difficult to hear if you know what to listen to but people usually just disregard this because they have so many other things to focus on in their lives. As I’ve said again those sounds have been documented they have been measured. The frequency spectrum has been measured and usually it’s just below the threshold of human hearing but some people can hear it.
Rob -Ok. It’s being recorded so a lot of people can hear it. Can you talk about it Corey?
Corey - This is something I’ve been asked about quite a bit and it depends on the actual incident. This is a sound that is completely audible that you can record. Then it is a mechanical sound. This. .. if it’s a regional if it’s just happening right around a little city, a lot of time it’s been exchanging air with the surface with the below ground bases. When it’s heard in wider regions around the planet the huge trumpet sound and other low frequency sounds it is similar to sky quakes. It is from incoming, the rise of energetic waves that are coming into the solar system that are interacting with our upper atmosphere.
Rob - Interesting, thank you very much. We have the 2 different possibilities on these is a vibrational thing as well as a Cabal infrastructure. Both have agreed there. Here’s another interesting question I have here for both of you. Do either of you have intel on the explosions off the coast of Japan. According to Benjamin Fulford these are subterranean battles underneath a military base that Ben Fulford said was to prevent WWIII. Corey do you have any intel on that earthquake off of Japan. Was it a small scale Nuke or do you have any information on that?
Corey - Quite a few of the earthquakes that we’re having that are raging between 5.8 and 6.8 are triggered from various different exotic weapons. Part of this intel updates that we’re releasing, it’s either going to be this evening or tomorrow, David Wilcock is releasing for me on his website It has to do with some terrible battles that have been going on underground bases and caverns especially down in South America and under the ocean around Antarctica. There’s been a lot of activity going on underground and a lot of different exotic weapons including fifth-gen nukes being used, all these different exotic scalar weapons and it’s pretty hectic right now. Yea, there’s a lot going on.
Rob - With that said could you give us a little more talk. Is this between different ET groups or is this between certain aspects of positive military or negative military from your understanding, or all three?
Corey - All of the above and one of the latest bits of intel from Gonzales recently. I’ve been hearing for weeks massive reports of different types of orb kind of UFO’s over Australia. Some would say they’re metallic. Some reported they had portals going around them. Some recording that they were of Russian origin and then there were reports of these very large pumpkin seed shape cruisers which are Draco. It’s in Australia, Antarctica and then some of them had actually left the earth’s atmosphere before all of these unknown dark chevron ships showed up and started attacking them, and as of the last meeting which postulated that it’s some earth alliance group that has attained this technology but they’re not claiming responsibility for using it.
Rob - OK, so you’re saying that Draco’s were trying to leave from Antarctica in pumpkin (seed) shaped ships and chevron ships which are rumored to be earth alliance ships are the ones putting them back down, not major confederation, is that correct?
Corey - Correct, and for months we had been observing Cabal/Nazi groups headed down to Brazil and Argentina and they’ve been heading into the underground bunkers like ants into the ground and they have been shuffling a lot of their assets and people down into Antarctica. So these people we believe they’re on these cruisers trying to get off the planet before something happens. Things seem to be reaching a crescendo of sorts, especially in the earth alliance with the earth negotiations and what’s going on in the background.
Rob - Thank you. Cobra, we kind of went into other information but can you confirm the Japan information that Corey says is correct and these other things or part of this intel. Can you comment on that please?
COBRA - OK. What I have received from my sources is yes there are battles in, I would say shallow underground bases in Japan. Mostly conventional weapons were used that triggered some of the earthquakes. But not all earthquakes were triggered by that. There is also an increased activity of the tectonic plates which react on increased activity of the galactic central sun. The other thing that I can confirm is that there is a lot of movement of the Cabal groups. They want to escape through 2 routes to Antarctica. One will go from Texas to Mexico then to South America, mostly Brazil and Argentina and towards Antarctica. The other one goes to New Zealand and Tasmania towards Antarctica. They want to escape because they think they will not be found there. Actually some of them tried and attempted to escape from the planet and according to one source the group that Corey terms the dark fleet, the Nazi break-away faction from of a long time ago attempted to contact the Nazi faction in Antarctica and create a bridge that would transport some of the personnel from Antarctica to the outer edge of the solar system towards the Kuiper belt. And that intel is not confirmed so I can not 100% guarantee for that but this is what I’ve heard from one of the sources.
Rob - OK. Thank you. Have either of you heard there was an ancient Pleiadian civilization in South America that was in a rain forest situation due to earth shifts no longer exists. But a long time ago there was a very deep underground, and still exists to this day, a technology that is stabilizing the planet. Have either of you heard of that deep underground Antarctica technology base from the Pleiadians?
Corey - Not from the Pleiadians you mentioned but. . .Yeah, I’ve spoken in detail about a lot of this ancient type technology that’s been put in various parts of the earth, underground including Antarctica and some of it had been removed and it has caused problems with our tectonic plates and weather and other things and they had traded and given away that technology and it caused imbalance.
Rob - I’d like a clarity of Corey, do you know who put the technology there originally?
Corey - It’s unknown. Its extremely ancient. If I looked at the foot-notes of the report there was about 3 different populations that could have put it there.
Rob - Thank you. Cobra, do you ave any information?
COBRA - Actually we need to go a little bit back into the history of Atlantis. Atlantis on planet Earth was pretty much a global civilization which was seeded or encouraged by different waves, waves of different cosmic races. There was a Pleiadian wave which has brought Atlantis to it’s heights about 200,000 years ago and there was colonization from the Sirius star system that created the peak of Atlantean civilization about 75,000 years ago. And each of those races have brought a lot of technology and a lot of spiritual understanding to Atlantis and each of those races that I have mentioned have created their own network of surface cities, of sub surface cities, of tunnel networks, of underground pyramids, of crystals, of stabilization technology for the tectonic plates. But unfortunately there was another faction that came from Orion which infiltrated those networks of Atlantis and misused the technology and misuse of that technology actually was responsible for the deluge of Atlantis for the last sinking of Atlantis which append around 11,500 years ago, A lot of that old technology is still spread out. Some of it is submerged on the bottom of the ocean. Some of it is a little bit underground. Some of it has been purposely destroyed or suppressed. But a lot of those machines and technologies and crystals are still remaining and some of the underground factions have discovered these old remnants and a lot of this will be coming to the main stream media at the time of the Event.
Corey - That’s much newer technology, that’s not the oldest technology in stones, subterranean.
Rob - So there’s much more ancient technology, I’ve heard that as well.
Corey - Yes, hundreds of millions of years old.
Rob - Thank you for that. Yes, let’s see, this is kind of another question that ’s come up. Simon parks has indicated that he has heard that this was a battle. This is a little closer to home and we don’t know for sure because the people that filmed it. There was several groups. It was area 51 had a large amount of smoke and it didn’t look like a brush fire because it kind of came from one source. Do either of you have intel on that giant smoke cloud that was reported at area 51. Was this underground base engaged in one of these battles or was this a brush fire, do either of you have intel?
Corey - They was a large problem of getting rid of nuclear material from their testing and they've been burning nuclear material and it’s gotten away from them several several times out there. This is something that’s happened before.
COBRA - According to my sources it was just a brush fire.
Corey - Yea. They have been burning and releasing some things that are out of control and the whole area catches on fire. It’s happened several times. They end of shutting off radiation detectors in area where the wind carries it. This is something that’s gone on several times.
Rob - Interesting. Both can be correct here. Cobra says it’s a brush fire. Corey . .
Corey - It was a brush fire. It was a brush fire. It turned into a major brush fire.
Rob - Caused from burning, that’s just madness. These guys are really crazy there. Thank you for that. So we have here the question for both of you and I guess Corey, since you’re kind of new to the event information, the general theme of what you’ve heard from your various sources pretty intent in the liberation. the question is; as the global situation is improving on the planet, even if it seems to be slow, do we really need an Event or a watershed moment in order to continue to improve the situation like what is already happening in the last years. Could it just be a slow momentum or do you both believe like I believe that it’s going to require an Ah-ha moment and an epiphany and revelation through main stream media with a great focus of the world to create the Event?
Corey - Yeah. It’s going to absolutely require a catalyzing event for everyone to be jerked awake. If we’re going to slowly expect everyone to trickle into this new reality of understanding about all these suppressed technologies let alone all this other stuff that Cobra and I talk about. We’re going to be waiting millennia. So there’s going to be outside sources that are doing all they can but we have a part to play in this scenario. Every single one of us. Not one person is too small to take a part and to make a difference and we all. . . they’re waiting to stand up and take our part in this. None of us can say that we don’t have skin in the game. So as each of us contributes and put our differences aside and start to work with full disclosure to get the information out there to the general public then the 100th monkey effect can occur. As more and more of them learn this information, you know, it’s going to become more acceptable and people are going to start asking the questions we want them to ask. When that catalyzing event occurs then they’re not going to be in as much in shock as they would prior.
Rob - Very good. Cobra, we know . . . you obviously feel that there is going to be a watershed moment you call the Event. Would you like to comment please?
COBRA - Yes, of course. I would just give an explication. It’s a process called phase transition. Phase transition is a process in physics that happens also in society. So when you put a certain amount of energy into a society it begins to behave like water that is boiling. So what we’re experiencing now is this boiling water, it is all this dissent in human society, all of this questioning, seeking. All of this restlessness in human society is a reflection of this cosmic change. When a certain amount of energy is brought into that system the water begins to boil. It begins to change into vapor and this is what is happening with human society. It is going through a phase transition. The moment of the phase transition is the Event. It is a sudden change which can be felt before hand a little bit. It can be expected but when it happens it’s a sudden transition. It’s a quantum leap. And this is the way transitions happen in nature. They don’t happen gradually. Phase transitions happen suddenly and this is what is going to occur because we simply do not have time. We do not have millennia to wait. We are actually responding to cosmic forces that are triggering this transition. They are guiding us through this transition so it can happen as fast as possible as harmoniously as possible. Human race are known for taking one part of this transition, but it is a global cosmic event and each of us of course plays a role in this event.
Rob - Thank you. And I would add that those of you who are familiar you want to look at cymatic shift, you can see a plate of metal that is vibrated to sound and you can see the sand is in a chop mode and then it moves when a certain frequency is established the sand moves into a specific pattern and we are going through this chaos position very shortly to re-establish a new pattern. Corey, are there specific plans that you know of for the Sphere Being alliance specifically to become allies openly with the earth’s surface population at some future date?
Corey - No, not that I know of. What has been communicated to me is that they will remain in the background. As the outer barrier and these different spheres slowly faded out or transitioned out as this cosmic energy comes in then they will be no longer be needed here and we don’t need them. We’ll be in a different state ourselves.
Rob - So it seems that some of them we will never meet. Cobra, you speak of the Resistance Movement (RM) and we know that they are definitely involved on the surface of the planet. I personally feel that there are many other beings that are here on the planet that have been here a long time. Some come and go and some are a lifetime earth members now. Can you talk about the plans for the, you’ve mentioned this before, so from your group they do have plans to communicate with the surface population. Can you share with our listeners what those plans are. Many want to sign up that’s really not that way is it. Can you talk about that contact that will take place in the future Cobra.?
COBRA - Yes it is not safe now for that contact to happen but after the Event the contact will happen. The RM will make physical contact with people who are I would say, the most awake and aware individuals. This will be the first interaction that will happen and based upon how this goes they will gradually begin to reveal themselves to the surface population. They are not the main group to interact with the surface population. The main group will be the Pleiadians, later the Sirians and the Arcturians and I would say the other positive galactic races from our galactic neighborhood. The RM’s role is to tactically support the Event to make sure that the infrastructure is running that we have electricity, internet, food distribution chain. They will support military in their operations. They will support the media that releases intel. There will not be so much face to face interaction with the surface population at least not in the initial stage. At a certain point after the Event, they will have guided tours for certain surface people a guided tour or their underground dwellings. They will show one part of this to the surface population. And for those who would like to join and be integrated it will be possible if certain conditions are met.
Rob - Corey do you have any comments on Cobra’s questions-answers, I mean?
Corey - It’s going to be part of the intel that we’re releasing. Kaaree, from the Anshar, had requested after she had had the meeting out in the Kuiper belt she had requested a meeting with the Super Federation, and the purpose of this meeting was all of the groups that are here, just not long after the time of Mohammad, had signed this accord or agreement about open contact or appearing openly with humanity. It was to allow us to develop on our own, and they agreed to do things from the background, you know, and contact people and kind of secretly. I don’t know all the details of this accord but it’s pretty binding and it came after some pretty major skirmishes they had. This is something that they want to revisit and make some amendments to because some of these Inner Earth groups want to start making more appearances on the surface and this is a meeting that has been granted and they’re going to be coming up very soon.
Rob - Cobra, do you have any comments on Corey’s intel there?
COBRA - Yes, there has been agreements made but the purpose of those agreements was... The real reason why surface population was not contacted is because of the dark ones have controlled and isolated the surface population. There were many positive groups that wanted and would like to contact the surface population but they couldn’t because it was simply too dangerous because the Cabal would retaliate. There was some instances when the surface population was contacted and there were consequences.
Corey - The Dracos and other negative groups have signed this accord as well. This will be one of the thickest parts. This next meeting will not only have representatives from the Super Federation but it will have representatives from some of the negative groups there as well which is going to be a type of meeting that has not happened since the accords were set up and signed.
COBRA - Yes, but the Dracos never negotiated. They just want to have their own ways.
Corey - Yes, I’ve seen them negotiate quite a bit, but they negotiate out of the side of their mouth.
Rob - So this is a question for Corey and this has been something that I’ve had questions about. You mentioned the Anshar Alliance as if they are the only Agarthan network and they seem to be, have been negative and you have indicated in one of your later, not the last, but one of your later posts that they were taken to the Kuiper belt and scolded by the triangle head and you have stated that 4 of them have agreed that they that their chiding was deserved and they have agreed to go into a more positive relationship with humanity and that 3 of them reversed. You have told me that the Omegans were one of them. Are these the only . . . .
Corey - We need to get this straight. You keep putting the negative stamp where it doesn’t belong. It’s a point of view thing. (Okay) These groups aren’t negative. They are in a hostile land trying to survive but at the same time they’re delivering positive information to the people albeit in a deceptive way. From their point of view, you have to understand they are trying to protect themselves from people from the surface that have the ability to attack them and kill them. So they’re living in a very . . .Things are not as cut and dry as a lot of people would like to say in the ufology community. It’s a very wild paradigm that they are living in that all these groups are living in. They have a very strange political environment that they are trying to survive in as well-especially the ones who have their embassies here or spend all of their time in the solar system. Because as Cobra said, this solar system is a very dangerous place. (Right). Not only are these dark entities very dangerous but us as a people in the state we're in, we’re very dangerous as well.
Rob - I understand that. We do have a bellicose and a violent nature. I was speaking especially with the Omegans. The chemtrail planes actually have the Omegan symbol on them so I consider them hostile. You may consider . . .
Corey - That might not be related to them. Just because there was groups down there that had a swastika they’re not directly related to the Nazis or the Nazi ideology. So symbols can be taken and re-purposed..You know, you can’t just see a symbol and immediately jump to conclusions without intelligence to back it up.
Rob - I would agree. Cobra, what is your view on that situation? Can you describe the underground landscape? Do you know anything? Would you consider the Inner Earth alliance used to be hostile or can you delineate the different underground Agarthan network groups for us, from your position?
COBRA - The situation underground is very dynamic and is changing all the time, but I would say I am in contact with certain of the factions, not with all of the factions and apparently there are more different factions down there than we all know. But the RM for example has never claimed they are Pleiadians or representing themselves to any part of the surface population claiming that they are gods to be worshiped, nor have any other factions that I know of that form the global Agarthan Network or the Eastern Agarthan factions. Currently there is process of unification taking place. There is a lot of contact a lot of negotiation between various factions and a lot of mistrust. Part of this mistrust comes from manipulation of the Chimera group of one of the factions against the others and cooperation between the Chimera group and the various subterranean Draco factions coming from 1930’s and 1940’s and the Nazi groups on the surface. So there is a lot of mistrust created at that time and a lot of healing still needs to happen. Also I would say mostly the Eastern Agarthan factions have a similar perspective than the surface population Eastern philosophies would have had on life. And this is quite much different than what the western people have. Western idea of life. So what is happening on the surface is actually a reflection of what is happening below ground. There has been communication established between those various groups and the healing is taking place. But again, this takes time. This is slow because they have millennia upon millennia of history to be solved, resolved and healed. So, but I can say from my perspective I have never heard of a group that belongs to a sub-surface faction that claims to be either Pleiadian or Savior Gods or anything of that nature.
Rob - OK. guys, so I have a question because I live in Mt. Shasta. It’s near and dear to my heart. It’s always been considered a bastion of the light forces from Lemuria. First, I guess I’d like to have Corey respond. This group is not part of the Anchara alliance is it. Do you have any intelligence on the inner earth Agarthan civilization under Mt. Shasta?
Corey - I have received some information about the groups that are not only under Mt Shasta but around the region going for quite a ways up into Oregon and Washington. And they are definitely a very positive group and they are a part of a network as well but I am not in contact with them.
Rob - Thank you - Cobra could you comment on the Mt. Shasta group. My south American contactee Louis and several others have indicated that there is a strong network that goes from Mt. Shasta all the way down to Central, through Central and South America of a very positive nature. Can you comment on your knowledge of this group Cobra?
COBRA - The group below Mt. Shasta and inside Mt Shasta is part of the, I would say, global Agarthan network which originates from the time of Atlantis when part of the light forces had to go underground because of the Archon invasion 25,000 years ago. And 25,000 years ago they have created a network of underground cities and underground tunnels. One of those tunnels goes through Alaska, through Washington State, through northern California with Mt Shasta, through southern California, Mexico, Central America and down into South America ad there is another main tunnel which goes through Peru underground through Caribbean through Atlantic, through Morocco, through Egypt and then onwards towards Tibet. This is all part of the same network and there was a very, and there still is a very positive civilization of light which I would call the global Agarthan network existing and Mt. Shasta city is a part of this civilization. The surface population has received intel about this group through certain channels. Certain people that lived in Mt. Shasta have had encounters. I would say about 80% of that intel is correct. I would not say they are ancient Lemurians. I would say they are remnants of the old positive Atlantis.
Rob - Atlantis did have a science station here on Maui. The point is that they are being positive. Cobra, have you heard anything about the Anshar Alliance group underground, specifically the ones that Corey has talked about. He has mentioned... I don’t know if you saw his report. One is with this woman named Kaaree, the Omegans and some others. Have you heard about this Anshar Alliance specifically, are you familiar with this group of seven?
Corey - the Anshar Alliance is only three (Oh, three) The ones that wear the Saturn symbol.
Rob - The Saturn symbol. Have you heard about this group Cobra?
COBRA - I have read Corey’s report. I have not heard about this group from any of my sources but I know that Sheldon Nidle has mentioned the truce of Anchara back in 1995.
Rob - Ok. Thank you. Cobra, can you speak about your knowledge of the Halls of Amenti and the Akashic records as Corey has described them as kind of like an Earth-based library on the outer and then I guess the main records, Corey you can correct me on this, was behind the, was this crystal that they were trying to grow? Is that correct Corey?
Corey - Yes, and that’s a living technology that has a lot of records in it and that technology can tap into the Akashic records. I don’t know exactly what you’re referring to, but I referred to it in a couple of different ways. It’s definitely a major historical data base that is very important to them.
Rob - Just for your clarification Corey, Akashic records is the mineral kingdom which stores all information that’s ever taken place on the planet. It’s kind of like living memory that can be updated . . .
Corey - I’ve heard it also used... that has all . . everything that’s ever happened in the Cosmos.
Rob - Yes, yes, I would say that . . . Cobra could you talk about the Akashic records and the halls of Amenti? Kind of play it off of what Corey talked about with his group.
COBRA - OK, the Akashic records are a natural imprint of any event in the etheric matrix, in the etheric structure, sub-structure of reality itself. With proper technology you can always read what is stored, that informational imprint. So light forces, of the advanced races have technology to read that record directly from the etheric substance. Crystals, physical crystals can store that information quite effectively. I would say physical crystals are more and more advanced versions of our current hard disc of computer. They can store more information, more dimensionally and more effectively. Basically Akashic records can be accessed directly from the etheric plane with certain technology and for more involved beings they can access the akashic records directly with their consciousness.
Rob - Thank you. Can you speak about the halls of Amenti. These were spoken of in the Emerald tablets found in the temple of the Moon in Central America and they’re recording a person from Egypt named Thoth. The Halls of Amenti were kind of indicated as being below Egypt. Cobra, can you speak about the Halls of Amenti and are there multiple ones possibly hat Corey was speaking about?
COBRA - Okay. Each city of light had their own records and particularly in Egypt there were crystals, crystal records of the past beneath the Sphinx. And the RM have accessed those crystals back in 1999 before the Cabal could get them.
Corey – I heard they were removed.
Corey – I heard they were removed.
Rob - Cobra and Corey you have both mentioned we have a tremendous power of manifestation that the Cabal doesn’t want us to learn about. They even use techniques like programming, scalar plasma waves, mind controlled imaging that has us working against ourselves. If our group focus and the collective consciousness is the most influential factor to speed up liberation, shouldn’t we as a group try to encourage the entire light worker community to come together and to meditate and pray for a common goal. Would you both agree.?
Corey - Absolutely. That’s one of the things that has been talked about in our Full disclosure project group. July 8th is Disclosure day and we’ve been trying to launch an ad campaign and all kinds of other stuff to promote disclosure, so yeah, that’s a good time to do other things.
Rob - Cobra, would you agree?
COBRA - Yes of course. I would agree that mass meditation is the one single most influential factor that the surface population can contribute to the breakthrough. July 8th is Disclosure day and is one opportunity to unite diverse groups to a common goal and to focus our attention to that particular point in space and time to get closer to the breakthrough.
Rob - OK ladies and gentlemen, a lot of you have been asking for this type of unity. Cobra already has a weekly meditation. I actually spoke to these gentlemen before and the suggestion I had was. . . let’s make this a unified, worldwide meditation as a common goal for full disclosure and planetary peace. So you’ve heard it right here. Both of these gentlemen are not going to be the only ones. But they are lending their support to coincide with Corey’s Full Disclosure Project, which is the same as Cobra's. It’s not a name thing, it’s about planetary liberation. So you light workers that are out there creating banners and information and video and media, we would like you to. . July 8 Full disclosure day, planetary world peace. This is the emphasis is to bring people to the awareness any way you can, through videos to help support this so the world at least the social media groups that are following us can grow to clear awareness of what full disclosure is into the main stream media to insert ourselves into the conversation and get people’s awareness of what’s going on So that’s a done deal. Now, folks, it’s up to you. You can focus through PFC. They are going to pick this up and I’m sure Corey’s full disclosure project is already working on this, but we’re adding world meditation and peace day. That’s a done deal.
COBRA - I would suggest that other groups that are following or attempting to assist in the liberation process also support this. If David Wilcock could support this, other people could support this. We all need to see and manifest more of this support. It doesn’t matter if it’s my meditation or somebody else’s meditation. What matters is focus and common goal at a certain moment in space and time. This is what brings results.
Rob - Thank you. That’s exactly what we’re . . .
Corey - Focus on the unity. If all of us work together like this and cross-promote other programs like this and you know partake of them together and we’re going to make a difference.
Rob - Very good. Both of you Cobra and PFC, Untwine has started this kind of network group that’s of course maybe you could combine with Full disclosure group and you two can get together on their own. We’re coming towards the end of this first hour. We’re going to have part 2 here coming out. Cobra, I’d like you to share your website, your blog, where you’re appearing and to let Corey’s people know about your information and to check you out. Some people will be listening to you for the first time. The same goes for you people that have been listening to Cobra. This is a chance for you to connect with Corey. We’re going to get all their websites coming up. Cobra, share whatever you think people need to follow and keep in touch.
COBRA - If you go to Google, you can just google: Cobra, portal 2012 and you will find my blog. There is a vast treasury of information there:
Rob - We do have some I guess you’re calling them Ascension conferences coming up. Are you ready to release any more future dates for people to hear that they can look forward to meeting you and hearing about this?
COBRA - Yes. We will have an Ascension conference in the beginning of June in Greece and of course everybody’s welcome to participate.
Rob - OK. And there may be more released later. Corey could you please share your websites, your disclosure projects, Folks, you can support both of these gentlemen through their websites. Corey?
Corey - Yes, my main website is That’s where you can find most of my articles. The newest site is and that’s the new site where we’re going to do a lot of the unity in the community kind of events, and also working together with other groups. We’re already starting to work with Steven Greer’s group to help support his new movie “Unacknowledged" and start working together with a lot of other groups. If you like to watch the show David Wilcock and I do together Cosmic disclosure., you can watch some free episodes and sign up at
Rob - That’s wonderful. Gentlemen it’s been really wonderful to have you both on here for this first show. I hope people . . .
Corey - Don’t you have a conference coming up?
Rob - Thanks for reminding me Corey. My site I have announced we are having a summer conference coming up. Corey Goode is going to be presenting for two days. Michael Salla is going to be there. Laura Eisenhower, myself and we’re announcing . . I’m making time in the middle of the day a little longer than my normal conferences folks, for those of you who’ve been there. For those of you involved who have been signed up and Corey’s team, Corey and Laura will be joining Michael and myself. There will be some discussions on the full disclosure to get those people who are working on the projects ready to coordinate and to meet. Those of you on the full disclosure teams we’d like you to come and to meet the week-end Corey maybe making some suggestion in how we’re going to work together. It’s going to be great time. That’s all on my web-site folks, on Corey’s web-site soon. We’ve given the marketing materials. Tickets are actually selling quite well. That’s the summer conference in Mt. Shasta Aug 26, 27 and 28th. Check that out and thank you both very much. Victory to the light. And we’ll be back with part 2 very soon folks.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
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- Post n°18
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
COBRA - Solar System Status Update
The Oort cloud, which extends a few light years beyond the outer Solar System, is full of motherships of the Galactic Confederation, a large gathering of representatives of hundreds of thousands of positive races from throughout the Galaxy:
They have gathered here to assist in the Compression Breakthrough.
The Light forces (The Central Race, the Galactic Confederation, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, the Resistance...) are still working on dissolving the Chimera Barrier at the termination shock region of the heliosphere in the outer Solar system.
One reason why this is taking so long is that all the Earth-originating Secret Space programs have been infiltrated by the Chimera in the last few decades:
The Chimera group was manipulating one SSP faction against the other, controlling the flow of intel and dictating the course of events inside our Solar System by taking many key representatives of all factions hostage.
All SSP factions that were not controlled by the Chimera have already joined the Galactic Confederation in 2012 or before. This is the reason why the Resistance thought back in 2012 that the Solar System was already free from darkness.
The Light forces are now taking certain actions to remove the Chimera infiltration from all Earth-originating Secret Space programs. Those actions do include the Stardust technology.
The Light forces have built a network of advanced Tachyon chambers and a network of Cintamani stones on all main bodies within the Solar System to create a support field for the Compression Breakthrough. The Compression Breakthrough will be the moment of phase transition for the society on the surface of planet Earth:
Before the Event, a huge wave of energy will pass through these chambers and Cintamani stones and this wave will wash away all remaining darkness and most importantly all remaining plasma anomaly from this Solar System:
The real source of darkness is namely on the plasma plane and without it, all Cabal members on Earth would be just a bunch of powerless old men.
As I am writing this, an important operation of the Light forces on the surface of the planet is healing the Congo portal, the focal point of the Archon invasion of 1996.
The Archon invasion in 1996 has taken the lives of two very powerful Lightwarriors, both of them being removed by the Cabal on January 10th/11th 1996, the very exact same day the Cabal has threatened me :
Phil Schneider:
Dr. Karla Turner:
The 1996 invasion is openly mentioned in this advertisement of the new Independence Day movie:
The Disclosure process continues and nobody can stop it anymore.
Hilariously, Hillary Clinton is preparing for her own version of partial Disclosure:
Scientist are beginning to admit that we are not alone:
NASA is beginning to invest in interstellar travel:
And Audi will put its car Lunar Quattro on the Moon:
On the financial front, the Cabal is quietly advancing their plans for global digital cash society:
They have infiltrated the Central Bank of Brazil:
And they still have a great deal of control over most central banks on the planet, including in Russia:
Nevertheless, their plans will not be successful, because at the same time, the Eastern Alliance is advancing their preparations for the Reset:
And human masses are finally ready for unconditional basic income, as this poll suggests:
Victory of the Light!
Posted by Cobra
The Oort cloud, which extends a few light years beyond the outer Solar System, is full of motherships of the Galactic Confederation, a large gathering of representatives of hundreds of thousands of positive races from throughout the Galaxy:
They have gathered here to assist in the Compression Breakthrough.
The Light forces (The Central Race, the Galactic Confederation, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, the Resistance...) are still working on dissolving the Chimera Barrier at the termination shock region of the heliosphere in the outer Solar system.
One reason why this is taking so long is that all the Earth-originating Secret Space programs have been infiltrated by the Chimera in the last few decades:
The Chimera group was manipulating one SSP faction against the other, controlling the flow of intel and dictating the course of events inside our Solar System by taking many key representatives of all factions hostage.
All SSP factions that were not controlled by the Chimera have already joined the Galactic Confederation in 2012 or before. This is the reason why the Resistance thought back in 2012 that the Solar System was already free from darkness.
The Light forces are now taking certain actions to remove the Chimera infiltration from all Earth-originating Secret Space programs. Those actions do include the Stardust technology.
The Light forces have built a network of advanced Tachyon chambers and a network of Cintamani stones on all main bodies within the Solar System to create a support field for the Compression Breakthrough. The Compression Breakthrough will be the moment of phase transition for the society on the surface of planet Earth:
Before the Event, a huge wave of energy will pass through these chambers and Cintamani stones and this wave will wash away all remaining darkness and most importantly all remaining plasma anomaly from this Solar System:
The real source of darkness is namely on the plasma plane and without it, all Cabal members on Earth would be just a bunch of powerless old men.
As I am writing this, an important operation of the Light forces on the surface of the planet is healing the Congo portal, the focal point of the Archon invasion of 1996.
The Archon invasion in 1996 has taken the lives of two very powerful Lightwarriors, both of them being removed by the Cabal on January 10th/11th 1996, the very exact same day the Cabal has threatened me :
Phil Schneider:
Dr. Karla Turner:
The 1996 invasion is openly mentioned in this advertisement of the new Independence Day movie:
The Disclosure process continues and nobody can stop it anymore.
Hilariously, Hillary Clinton is preparing for her own version of partial Disclosure:
Scientist are beginning to admit that we are not alone:
NASA is beginning to invest in interstellar travel:
And Audi will put its car Lunar Quattro on the Moon:
On the financial front, the Cabal is quietly advancing their plans for global digital cash society:
They have infiltrated the Central Bank of Brazil:
And they still have a great deal of control over most central banks on the planet, including in Russia:
Nevertheless, their plans will not be successful, because at the same time, the Eastern Alliance is advancing their preparations for the Reset:
And human masses are finally ready for unconditional basic income, as this poll suggests:
Victory of the Light!
Posted by Cobra
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Pris- Posts : 1887
Join date : 2015-04-24
- Post n°19
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Carol wrote:COBRA - Solar System Status Update
And human masses are finally ready for unconditional basic income, as this poll suggests:
It's interesting how the subject of 'basic income' is starting to pop up. Is COBRA supporting this?
Here are my thoughts:
enemyofNWO- Posts : 1471
Join date : 2010-04-10
Location : Trieste ,Italy
- Post n°20
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
Pris wrote:Carol wrote:COBRA - Solar System Status Update
And human masses are finally ready for unconditional basic income, as this poll suggests:
It's interesting how the subject of 'basic income' is starting to pop up. Is COBRA supporting this?
Here are my thoughts:
just wait when Robots as workers establish themselves then the unemployment will skyrocket ,of the remaining jobs there must be job sharing .
"Former McDonalds CEO Crushes The Minimum Wage Lie: "It's Cheaper To Buy A Robot Than Hire At $15/Hour"
Quote " While this should come as no surprise to any rational non-establishment-teet-suckling economist (and certainly not to our readers), former McDonalds' CEO Ed Rensi continued his crusade against the naive "solution" to poor living standards that has been peddled by a clueless administration in the form of a higher federal minimum wage, and after he patiently explained one month ago that "the $15 minimum wage demand, which translates to $30,000 a year for a full-time employee, is built upon a fundamental misunderstanding of a restaurant business just do the math" Rensi found that nobody has still done the math.
Which is perhaps why the ex-CEO reappeared on Fox Business yesterday to explain to Maria Bartiromo that as fast-food workers across the country vie for $15 per hour wages, many business owners have already begun to take humans out of the picture, McDonalds most certainly included. "
Only a few days ago Intel , Microsoft , Foxcom have announced thousands of firing of workers .
What is happening will force the governments to think about paying a salary to the consumers . Otherwise there will be revolution ! People on the breadline are poor consumers , because to consume a person must have an income . The solution would be to tax the robots in the production line .
mudra- Posts : 23276
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- Post n°21
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
enemyofNWO wrote:
just wait when Robots as workers establish themselves then the unemployment will skyrocket ,of the remaining jobs there must be job sharing .
The use of Robots to replace human workers is already starting to get implemented. Here are a few of them:
Singapore restaurant 'hires' robot waiters
A NEW seafood restaurant at East Coast Park is believed to be the first here to use robot waiters to serve food to customers.
Rong Heng Seafood Restaurant, which opened last Monday, uses robots to meet some of its manpower needs, Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao reported yesterday.
The eatery hopes to save a third on manpower needs via this initiative.
Chinese TV Channel Hires Robot to Report Weather
December 27, 2015
On Tuesday, Shanghai Dragon TV’s “Morning News” featured a new, nontraditional talent. Let’s call her an “anchorbot.” This Microsoft-built AI, or chatbot named Xiaoice, joined the team to deliver the weather as a “trainee anchor.” Thanks to Text-to-Speech technology and emotional computing, she has a natural-sounding voice and can even offer some emotional commentary.
Some of her first words on air were, “I’m happy to start my new work on the winter solstice,” according to The Economic Times.
Meet Ross, the World's First Robot Lawyer
May 12, 2016
Watson-powered Ross will handle bankruptcy law.
Ross, the first artificially intelligent attorney, just got a job.
Global law firm Baker & Hostetler, one of the nation’s largest, recently announced that it has hired a robot lawyer created by ROSS Intelligence, Futurism reports. Ross will be employed in the law firm’s bankruptcy practice which currently employs close to 50 lawyers.
McCann Japan Finally Hires a Robot as Creative Director
Today in Press Releases That Should Be Taken Very Seriously, McCann Japan has finally turned the wildest dreams of holding company executives into reality by automating the creative director role. The AI CD will, in fact, attend the Tokyo office’s new employee welcoming ceremony on April 1st along with 11 recent college grads who have also joined the McCann team. And yes, that date is pure coincidence.
I think this topic would deserve a thread of it's own.
Love from me
Pris- Posts : 1887
Join date : 2015-04-24
- Post n°22
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
enemyofNWO wrote:What is happening will force the governments to think about paying a salary to the consumers . Otherwise there will be revolution ! People on the breadline are poor consumers , because to consume a person must have an income . The solution would be to tax the robots in the production line .
Absolutely agree. I don't agree with that 'solution', though. That's a joke and I'm supposed to laugh, right? It IS funny (in a dark way). We keep trying to 'fix' a broken system that is inherently flawed to begin with. Money, governments, geopolitics, religions...: we need to get rid of all the tools that are being used (by that one small group of individuals bent on world domination to keep us enslaved). If it wasn't all so ridiculously horrible, it would be hilariously funny.
Last edited by Pris on Sat May 28, 2016 4:10 am; edited 1 time in total
enemyofNWO- Posts : 1471
Join date : 2010-04-10
Location : Trieste ,Italy
- Post n°23
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
I agree that the system must be reformed totally . The concept of continuous growth in a finite planet should be scrapped . Continuing at this rate, we will exhaust the resources of planet Earth and after that we humans will destroy other worlds ? Also, as you suggest, we should rethink the governance of the humans and throw away , religion , oligarchs , monarchs . There should be severe penalties for people or groups that attempt to subvert the system , the death penalty for the guilty ones and their families would be appropriate .
Pris- Posts : 1887
Join date : 2015-04-24
- Post n°24
Re: The Ascension Plan by Cobra
You're right: the subversion needs to stop by whatever means is necessary. Once stopped, I prefer to show mercy. You certainly have a strong opinion and are not afraid to share it, enemyofNWO -- good for you. I, for one, would not want to be one of the guilty ones in your books.
You're right: the subversion needs to stop by whatever means is necessary. Once stopped, I prefer to show mercy. You certainly have a strong opinion and are not afraid to share it, enemyofNWO -- good for you. I, for one, would not want to be one of the guilty ones in your books.
» Heavenly Plan to Reverse Humanity’s Fall from Grace - Ascension into the 5th Dimensional Frequency
» Global Mass Ascension Sept. 28th, 2015 as Wave-X Bombards the Earth & The Ascension Process in Progress [video]
» Chris Thomas with Lisa Harrison on the Human plan, the Annunaki plan and our potential future
» Cobra Update Interview (Q&A) With Host: Rob Potter 07,13,15
» Q & A with Cobra, emissary of light – December 15, 2015, TRANSCRIPT
» Global Mass Ascension Sept. 28th, 2015 as Wave-X Bombards the Earth & The Ascension Process in Progress [video]
» Chris Thomas with Lisa Harrison on the Human plan, the Annunaki plan and our potential future
» Cobra Update Interview (Q&A) With Host: Rob Potter 07,13,15
» Q & A with Cobra, emissary of light – December 15, 2015, TRANSCRIPT