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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.


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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  Micjer Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:11 pm

    Very interesting movie. Summarizes all of my personal beliefs that I have reseached and feel are correct. cheers


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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  mudra Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:05 am

    The video does'nt show up on the link you give micjer.

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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  mudra Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:11 am

    I found it here where it can be viewed if it's the same one :


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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  Micjer Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:47 am

    Thanks Mudra. Yes it is the same. It worked yesterday. It has been taken off youtube also. Youtube hates when the truth is being told. Really worth watching.

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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  lawlessline Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:33 am

    Who had te vision on the bus. The man presenting or Nassim? Confused. Huh ?

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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  Micjer Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:21 am

    lawlessline wrote:question.
    Who had te vision on the bus. The man presenting or Nassim? Confused. Huh ?

    The Narrator. (Foster Gamble) I believe. Although Nassim had a similar vision I believe from a previous video I watched.

    The part I really like about Foster, was that he was being groomed as being part of the elite. (Proctor and Gamble corp) He and his wife chose a different path as a result of his vision on the bus. He realized the world was not as it seemed.


    Here is the trailer for this movie.

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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  lawlessline Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:38 am

    Micjer wrote:
    lawlessline wrote:question.
    Who had te vision on the bus. The man presenting or Nassim? Confused. Huh ?

    The Narrator. (Foster Gamble) I believe. Although Nassim had a similar vision I believe from a previous video I watched.

    The part I really like about Foster, was that he was being groomed as being part of the elite. (Proctor and Gamble corp) He and his wife chose a different path as a result of his vision on the bus. He realized the world was not as it seemed.


    Here is the trailer for this movie.

    Thats what I mean Nassim had exactly the same vision probably not too far apart. Watched the whole thing. I like it but the solutions are very watered down ideas of what we have already. Being part of the show. But all the same I watch and enjoyed.


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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: The Movie Thrive...I Recommend Watching

    Post  Jenetta Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:05 am

    Micjer wrote:
    lawlessline wrote:question.
    Who had te vision on the bus. The man presenting or Nassim? Confused. Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. 599874

    The Narrator. (Foster Gamble) I believe. Although Nassim had a similar vision I believe from a previous video I watched.

    The part I really like about Foster, was that he was being groomed as being part of the elite. (Proctor and Gamble corp) He and his wife chose a different path as a result of his vision on the bus. He realized the world was not as it seemed.


    Here is the trailer for this movie.


    And here is the website: Thanks Micjer...watched the whole thing last night before the yokels yanked it off the air! Well worth it.

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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  Micjer Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:04 am

    It is interesting to watch the shills coming out of the woodwork to downplay this movie and website, especially on GLP. Really show how paid disinformants try and divide the masses and steer people away from the truth.

    Just because the narrator is of the Gamble family doesn't mean it is an illuminati plot for people to get hooked into the movement imho.

    When you look at the list of people interviewed and the subjects talked about, I would thing that the illuminati would not want this movie shown and do things like get it removed from you tube. Oh wait they did.

    One of the complaints was that they did not show how to make a free energy device. Well I have researched this topic and know that they are treading on thin ice here. The energy corps are very influencial and have ways of making things and people disappear, so anything more than generalities on the topic would be very dangerous at this point.

    People are complaining that they have to pay to buy the DVD to see it now. Does not David Icke and Alex Jones sell books and DVD's also.

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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  ClearWater Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:51 pm

    Micjer wrote:Just because the narrator is of the Gamble family doesn't mean it is an illuminati plot for people to get hooked into the movement imho.
    True, and I enjoyed the video very much, but I feel it is appropriate to present both perspectives for consideration.

    First, the full video...

    Now, the video description... show your support and help humanity rise. Please purchase the DVD and show to all your friends that do not have access to the net


    FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©️ ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:

    Please note that the producers of this film are not happy at my uploading of this film & have made threats to take action against me, well thats their choice & right i guess.
    Please check out this link provided some thought provoking material-
    Things are often not what they seem at first glance...
    Though I agree that the last link has information that is VERY speculative, I did find the movie poster to be very eye to speak. Suspect

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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  Mercuriel Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:38 am

    Hmmm - Someone should archive It for all of Us so that if It dissappears off of the Net - One of Us can put It back up at a Private Link...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  Micjer Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:30 pm

    Thanks for your post Clearwater. Yes the poster was a real eye opener indeed. One eye anyway. Thubs Up


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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:28 pm

    From Chris

    Thrive official Website link.
    You can choose from 10 languages to watch the movie.
    It is free for all now.


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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  Micjer Fri May 11, 2012 6:24 am

    Foster and Kimberly Gamble's Response to John Robbins Critique

    John Robbins’ Critique of Thrive Movie

    Humanity and Sanity

    Standing for a Thriving World

    (and challenging the Movie Thrive)

    By John Robbins

    Thrive is the name of a richly produced and controversial film that asks, and attempts to answer, some of the deepest questions about the nature of the human condition and what is thwarting our chances to prosper. Elaborately funded, with appealing imagery and beautiful music, it features interviews with many leading progressive voices. And yet ten of these leaders have taken the highly unusual step of signing a statement formally disassociating ourselves from the film.

    Why have Amy Goodman, Deepak Chopra, Paul Hawken, Edgar Mitchell, Vandana Shiva, John Perkins, Elisabet Sahtouris, Duane Elgin and Adam Trombly, as well as yours truly, gone to the trouble of signing our names to this public statement?

    “We are a group of people who were interviewed for and appear in the movie Thrive, and who hereby publicly disassociate ourselves from the film.

    Thrive is a very different film from what we were led to expect when we agreed to be interviewed. We are dismayed that we were not given a chance to know its content until the time of its public release. We are equally dismayed that our participation is being used to give credibility to ideas and agendas that we see as dangerously misguided.

    We stand by what each of us said when we were interviewed. But we have grave disagreements with some of the film’s content and feel the need to make this public statement to avoid the appearance that our presence in the film constitutes any kind of endorsement.”

    Posts : 23276
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    Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching. Empty Re: Movie Thrive ..... I recommend watching.

    Post  mudra Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:50 pm

    Reality check on the New World Order - Foster Gamble (part 1)

    Love Always

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