orthodoxymoron Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:36 pm
I haven't watched the video yet, but I just wanted to say that I grew-up attending a church which teaches the non-imortality of the soul. In fact, they teach against the existence of a soul. They teach bodily resurrection rather than reincarnation or dying and going to heaven, purgatory, or hell (door number 1, door number 2, or door number 3). I now believe that we just get recycled over and over, and that this world is heaven, purgatory, and hell. However, I do not get involved in anything supernatural, although I've had some very creepy and upsetting things of a supernatural nature happen to me over the past couple of years. I wonder if my church taught what they did (and do) because of the alleged reptilian and demonic phenomenon? I don't trust 'the other side' at all. I believe that by focusing upon mind, character, and personality development that we will be prepared for the eventual positive interaction with the supernatural, but that we shouldn't go where angels fear to tread, and rush 'contact'. My computer hardly functions, and my other computer was immediately and compleltely fried when I called the beings on the Moon, Mars, and Phobos 'Bastards'. Right after that happened a streaming white light passed between me and the computer monitor, as if to say 'Don't mess with us'. Plus I got scolded a few days later, so I'm going away for a while. I've enjoyed your threads and posts, Carol, and I will be lurking in the mists...