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    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.


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    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website. Empty This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.

    Post  mudra Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:47 am

    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website. Sdsgfbv

    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.
    We have 30 days to put as many signatures behind it as possible
    "We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."

    [Note: initial reports coming in indicate people outside the US can sign.]
    Use Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, bulletin boards, email lists, websites and all other social media to take this link viral.

    Sign here Arrow

    formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race - Disclosure.
    Disclosure Petition - Paradigm Research Group

    "We, the undersigned, strongly urge the President of the United States to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race and immediately release into the public domain all files from all agencies and military services relevant to this phenomenon."

    Hundreds of military and government agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this extraterrestrial presence. Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about this phenomenon. The people have a right to know. The people can handle the truth.

    Relevant Websites:,


    Love Always

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    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website. Empty Re: This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.

    Post  mudra Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:20 pm

    White House ET/UFO disclosure petition: Steve Bassett

    Love Always

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    Location : Walking the Path...

    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website. Empty Re: This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:36 pm

    Had to set up a .gov account to Sign the Petition.

    I've done so but need to get into My Email at Home to validate the Account. I'll Sign the Petition later tonight when I've done that...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 23276
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    Age : 69
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    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website. Empty Re: This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.

    Post  mudra Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:43 pm

    Mercuriel Cheerful
    Good to see you dear Brother.
    I have been missing you and am very happy to see you again .
    Welcome back on our ship cheers

    Much Love for You

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    Location : Walking the Path...

    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website. Empty Re: This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:43 pm

    Its good to be back but as usual - I'm conflicted about It and likely will be for a few days until I re-acclimate Myself...

    Crazy Happy


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website. Empty Re: This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:03 pm

    Welcome back Mercuriel. I keep wishing I knew what you and Carol know. I keep guessing and imagining, but that's obviously not the same as knowing. Something significant happened 3 or 4 months ago, but I don't know what, exactly. I have some ideas, which I don't wish to share. I'm also spooked about the supposed DUMB and Tunnel destruction between Virginia and Colorado, as well as supposed goings-on in and around Los Alamos. I still haven't settled down regarding Waco, Oklahoma City, 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina, Haiti, Indonesia, and Fukushima. I don't even want to think about what's next. Disclosure would have to address everything. There would be no such thing as partial disclosure. One thing would quickly lead to another. There are so many fingers in so many holes in the dike. Official disclosure will probably occur after everyone unofficially already knows. I think we are at least half-way through disclosure, but we haven't connected the dots yet. The more dots I connect, the less I like what I see. I missed talking with you, Mercuriel, but now I'm trying really hard to not continue posting. All roads seemed to lead to the City of London, so that's where I've conceptually set-up shop. If I had the resources, I'd probably move to England, for better or for worse...

    Posts : 3497
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Walking the Path...

    This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website. Empty Re: This Disclosure Petition is now up on the White House website.

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:17 pm

    Thanks alot Brother. It is good to be back among My Brethren and those of like Vibration...


    Simply put - You know more than You are Aware of Oxy. All I do is attempt to light the Corners that Your Flashlight and those of others have missed...


    That said - The only difference between Us is that You haven't connected all the Dots yet. We're on the same Path Brother - Its just that some of Us have had a head start on It...

    This WILL occur though. It MUST. It is the Endgame of the Path We follow. No worries Oxy - We WILL get out Alive. All We need do is endeavour to persevere and the rest will follow..



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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