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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?


    Posts : 32692
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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:37 am

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress,
    Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Accounts are open for politicians at the Vatican and it is funded. Politicians can use the funds but not one of them stands up and claims why they are being paid off by a foreign entity. Not all politicians, especially the new ones may know that this is happening,
    but it is.

    Read more at link:

    Slush fund accounts of major US politicians identified and seized at Vatican Bank (Rome).

    Slush fund accounts of major US politicians identified and seized at Vatican Bank (Rome).

    Connection established with Daniel Dal Bosco RICO indictment, which cites Giancarlo Bruno, Silvio Berlusconi & Ban Ki Moon.

    On Wednesday 5th January 2011, it emerged that US establishment-related slush fund accounts had been located in, and seized from, the Vatican Bank in Rome.

    The source of funds for these accounts in almost every instance was found to be the US Treasury.

    Beneficiaries of the covert Vatican accounts include Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and each of the Obama children, Michelle Obama’s mother, all the Bushes and the Clintons, including Chelsea Clinton, Joe Biden, Timothy Geithner, Janet Napolitano, several US Senators, including Mitch McConnell, several US Congressmen including John Boehner, several US Military Chiefs of Staff, the US Provost Marshal, the US Judge Advocate General, the US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, several US Judges, the Pope, and several cardinals.

    Big money was found in each of the accounts.

    The longer the beneficiaries have been in office, the greater the account balances were found to be.

    They range from a few million USD to more than a billion USD in the case of John Roberts.

    The total number of slush fund accounts so far identified at the Vatican Bank is said to be between 600 and 700.

    This number is likely to grow as international élite corruption investigations spread worldwide.

    Slush fund accounts of major US politicians identified and seized at Vatican Bank

    The disclosures have split the Roman Catholic Legatus organisation down the middle.

    Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) is in the know and is intimately involved in the swirling and fissiparous covert power plays.


    July 5, 2011 – White Hats Report #22

    Progress Update:

    The Cabal’s World Is Falling Apart; Obama and Geithner Breach of Duty on the Global Settlements; Bush, Sr., Clintons & Bush, Jr. Secret Closed Files Under Heavy Review.

    We are finding that being the lead in any effort is difficult but if you are truthful, fair and balanced in your reporting then over time, people listen, investigate, evaluate and respond.

    This has been a long drawn out journey for the White Hats but thankfully what we have been stating for months has intertwined with other domestic and international news and activities.

    Being in the lead position also creates opportunity to push the agendas, reopen closed, long forgotten files and to welcome new members to the White Hats community ... yes, we have grown into a community. Our people, from the lowest level to the highest level, both domestic and international, have discovered that what we have stated from the beginning is absolutely true.

    Some knew we were correct in our thinking, others not so sure, but what they all know now is that we have a common cause and fight.

    We know about the Bush family, the Clintons and now Obama trying to usher in and implement the New World Order (NWO).

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:48 am

    July 5, 2011 – White Hats Report #22

    Progress Update: The Cabal’s World Is Falling Apart; Obama and Geithner
    Breach of Duty on the Global Settlements;
    Bush, Sr., Clintons & Bush, Jr. Secret Closed Files Under Heavy Review.
    We are finding that being the lead in any effort is difficult but if you are truthful, fair and balanced in your reporting then over time, people listen, investigate, evaluate and respond. This has been a long drawn out journey for the White Hats but thankfully what we have been stating for months has intertwined with other domestic and international news and activities. Being in the lead position also creates opportunity to push the agendas, reopen closed, long forgotten files and to welcome new members to the White Hats community ... yes, we have grown into a community. Our people, from the lowest level to the highest level, both domestic and international, have discovered that what we have stated from the beginning is absolutely true. Some knew we were correct in our thinking, others not so sure, but what they all know now is that we have a common cause and fight.

    We know about the Bush family, the Clintons and now Obama trying to usher in and implement the New World Order (NWO). Many say this is not news and others are thankful that we are facing it head on. But why hasn’t the public at large heard about it? The answer is simple; total, complete and unimpeded control of the media. It has been their unequivocal arrogance and their unrelenting harassment of what they perceive as “the little people”. People they thought did not have the ability to do anything to curtail their plans ... people they never thought in their wildest dreams would have ever had the ability to disseminate a concept and speak to the issues with such exacting measure that other of the world leaders have committed their beliefs and resources to taking down this administration and all it stands for which includes the finest Puppet Master ever known to man – George Bush, Sr. As we have learned from our past mistakes, history does repeat itself; it is sad to admit that most of us were sleeping at the wheel and were taken on the proverbial ride on this one. When the ride stopped, we never thought we’d find the villains in America under American leadership.

    Now, the tide is turning in America and along with the support of the International Community, the heat is being turned up on these individuals. From our standpoint it is easy to say that we are closing them down but we still have prominent individuals ... like current Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst ... that have participated in the theft of large amounts of investor monies and the cover-up that surround it. We also have Presidential Appointees that hope they will never be exposed for their past actions regardless if it was due to political pressure or other reason ... to us it doesn’t matter. If they weren’t strong enough to stand up to the pressure in the past, then they are not strong enough to stand up to the pressure in the present. If they were dirty in the past, then they will be prone to corruption in the future. It’s difficult to believe these people have been elected to office to represent the people. They have failed us, they have lied to us, they have tried to circumvent us and they have held the American citizens, “We The People”, hostage to their own empire building schemes, bribery and corruption rackets.

    But there is an awakening, a light beaming into the dark closets of the past and present. As we speak, the past is catching up to the Bush family and both Clintons. Many files that have been “officially closed” are now being “officially opened” to be reviewed one more time. Files like the Vince Foster death, the Ron Brown death, the Noriega files ... even the Prescott Bush files ... everything is being opened up to look for the patterns and the depth of the intended NWO takeover.

    On June 24th, Geithner made an illegal play to divert part of the Global Settlement funds to Josef Ackerman, Chairman of Deutsche Bank, with the plan of working the funds through the middle of July. Fortunately, the evening of June 24th a plane left the US travelling directly to visit Ackerman, with special enforcement personal from the group responsible for getting the Global Settlements completed. Ackerman's Plan was stopped. Upon their return from Germany, Geithner was visited by the same enforcement personal and, will again, if he continues to be a problem.

    By June 29th, it became public that Geithner is planning on resigning.

    On July 1st, Geithner was also contacted about the 700 Million Dollars he moved from his personal account in The Vatican Bank to other accounts, at many banks around the globe. Did Geithner actually think we wouldn’t know his movements with the cash? Does he really think we will allow him to keep that money and the other funds he has participated in stealing? This is not a reality.

    It has been determined that Congress does not have the guts to investigate all of the claims that have been put forth to them. We know in several instances that certain of the names on the list of Vatican Bank account holders and presumed pay-off recipients are the reason. Every one of the Congressional Leaders including Issa has the knowledge in front of them. Hemming and hawwing ... claiming to not want to rock the very delicate boat the United States is in at this time. We say bullshit ... the problem we are in is solely due to the garbage that is happening behind the scenes and not one of our senior leaders has the fortitude to confront the monsters that are dealing with head on.


    • Mr. Secretary, you have proven to be incompetent and a total failure, but Obama needs you as an expendable scapegoat ... you know the language, “to protect the Office of the President of the United States at all costs”. You don’t think they will let you resign do you? When you left the Treasury building on Friday and you shook everyone’s hands telling them you are gone {for good}, did you think the holiday weekend would be easy? You got hammered by the Administration begging you to stay by subtleties of the persuasion. It’s a very difficult spot. Putting you squarely in the hot seat.

    • Mr. Secretary, you have been well paid to strategically perform these criminal actions and to ruthlessly take all the heat, in the beginning, fronting for Alan Greenspan at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and then the US Treasury. You have been a good soldier but even you are not important enough to protect as a valuable asset, i.e. any of the Bush family members.

    • Mr. Secretary, the pressure is mounting and you can watch for yourself. In the last week, some old files are re-emerging on the international stage, i.e. the Vince Foster and Ron Brown cases. Both were in high level positions, but at some point they apparently needed to be dealt with. Why? At that point in time the issue was simple ... a man, his oral fixation, a cigar, an intern and a dress.

    Read more at link:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3930
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : AMSTERDAM

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:50 am

    Bank Of America Pimping Rick Perry

    “Bank of America… We will help you out…”


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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:53 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:01 am

    August 16, 2011 - WHITE HATS REPORT #28
    THE TROPOS AFFAIR: The Theft & Demise of America


    What the people of the World should know is that everything on earth is completed by the hand of a person, a “fingerprint” that is traceable to the originator. In our case, not only do we have the originators of the concept but the actual thieves, the leaders condoning and underwriting the theft, the bankers and the offenders at the Federal Reserve and other related agencies. We also have the people that have profited from the theft of the money AND to this day controlling the enterprise. More simply put, we have FOLLOWED THE MONEY to many interesting and unbelievable places!

    One of the situations we have reported on is Tropos. Tropos and their lawyers, having a combined superior understanding of the banking industry with all of the rules set up by the very people that have stolen the funds, have the answers. Tropos, and others associated with them, have documented their position thoroughly with additional correspondence to the following individuals:

    George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 05/11/2006

    Mr. Richard K. Delmar, Counsel to the Inspector General, Unites States Treasury Dated: 08/05/2007

    George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 07/17/2006

    Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, United States of America Dated: 07/08/2006

    Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, United States of America Dated: 07/17/2006

    George W. Bush, President of the United States of America Dated: 09/12/2006

    After the elections, a proposal to resolve this matter was provided to Mr. Tony Podesta (brother of Mr. John Podesta, who headed the Obama-Biden transition team). There was a flurry of action and a true desire to resolve this matter, but the parties were advised they would have to wait until the new Obama administration was fully seated and a new Administration was in control.

    Vice President Joseph Biden was requested to handle the affair by Obama and significant named private parties. He made promises. Then, he was paid off and he went silent. He accepted money placed in foreign offshore bank accounts for his sole financial benefit to ignore and keep quiet on the Tropos matter. Let’s understand that this is the second most important leader in the free world elected to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Now, he is involved with a conspiracy by his participation in the cover up. Is this Treason … not so humorously, not one agency in the United States is willing to confront the issue even with all of the files we maintain. The same goes for Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner. Geithner is the very person who personally directed the theft of the funds as the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

    Again, we ask:


    With all of the correspondence one might think that someone would be responsible, apparently, not so. To date:

    two (2) Presidents of the United States of America while holding office, are not responsible,

    two (2) former Presidents while not holding office but using the funds, are not responsible,

    two (2) Secretary of the Treasury are not responsible,

    the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is not responsible,

    the Federal Reserve Board of Governors are not responsible,

    the Bank of International Settlements is not responsible,

    The United States Department of Treasury is not responsible,

    the Officers of the offending banks are not responsible,

    What is more important, the Department of Justice is not responsible, the FBI is not responsible and the shareholders of the Federal Reserve System are not responsible.
    So, now we ask the question:


    If the very banking system that we are entrusting our monies to refuse to be responsible AND all of the other systems we rely on to handle our monies are not responsible, then maybe the following needs to occur:

    The American public needs to send a very clear message to Washington, D.C.


    Since you are not responsible, how can we trust you with our very lives? If you do not take responsibility for the small then how can you possibly handle the large?

    And here we are … the United States of America is in default due to multiple leaders not being responsible.

    So, now we ask the tough question.

    and THIEVES?


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:35 am

    One of the things which trouble me greatly is the corruptibility of individuals and institutions. Not just that it can be accomplished, but how easily the deed is done. Many sell-out at fire-sale prices. Even my idealistic proposals could be infiltrated and subverted, and possibly quite easily. Seemingly, even the best of us can be corrupted and degraded. I'm frankly seeing endless corruption and conflict, going forward for thousands of years. Perhaps my concept of a United States of the Solar System would merely prevent us from being exterminated, or exterminating ourselves. It might not re-create the Garden of Eden, or be the Road to Utopia. It might just be a band-aid fix, rather than really addressing the deeper issues, some of which might be galactic or universal in nature...

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:42 am

    It is discouraging, isn't it Oxy. Thankfully, there are those willing to risk their lives to expose this. Now it is up to us to pass this info on and also ask our congressmen if they have a slush fund at the Vatican while insisting that corruption be prosecuted.

    This is the link to a conference call on the dinar that one of the white hats was a guest on and speaking for most of the call. You might enjoy listening to it.;1MjM4NDkw1

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:06 pm

    Once again, I consider the United Nations, Washington D.C., the City of London, and the Vatican to be fronts for the Secret Government, which might have everything to do with Gizeh Intelligence, which might pre-date Ancient Egypt. I think this thing is very deep and very ancient. BTW, has anyone suggested a connection between the name Gizeh and Jesus, as strange as that sounds?
    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Monkoftheorderbluerose2ya9

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:46 pm

    The Largest Bubble in U.S. History
    On August 6th after S&P downgraded the U.S. debt rating from AAA to AA+ with a negative outlook, NIA prayed that Americans would not make the mistake of buying U.S. Treasuries as a safe haven. We normally don't pray about economic matters, but only God can save the U.S. economy today as well as investors who have been brainwashed into believing U.S. government dollar-denominated bonds are a safe place to store wealth. Unfortunately, only when hyperinflation arrives will the majority of American citizens realize that fiat U.S. dollars should be used as a medium of exchange only and not a place to store wealth.

    Since NIA was launched two and a half years ago, the overwhelming majority of our economic predictions have come true, with many of our accurate predictions being unique only to us. Sometimes we are a bit early with our predictions, but they almost always eventually come true. One of our predictions that we have been wrong about in the short-term, but will be proven right about later this decade, is the collapse of the U.S. Treasury market.

    We thought there was a chance that many Americans would once again make the mistake of buying U.S. Treasuries during the recent sell-off of global financial markets, but we were shocked to see the yields of some U.S. Treasuries such as the 10-year bond, decline to new record lows. The yields of many government bonds have fallen through their lows of late-2008, but unlike the liquidity crisis of late-2008 when gold prices declined to a low of $720 per ounce, gold futures on August 22nd reached a new all time nominal high of $1,899.40 per ounce.

    NIA likes gold as a bet against the U.S. Treasury market, which we believe is the largest bubble in world history. Any investor buying 10-year Treasuries with a yield of only 2.20% needs to have their head examined. Based on official Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, year-over-year price inflation in the U.S. is already 3.63%. NIA estimates the real rate of price inflation to currently be approximately 8% and we project real price inflation to reach double-digits next year. NIA finds it very unlikely that the U.S. will be able to survive the next ten years without hyperinflation.

    Take a look at the long-term chart of 10-year yields below. After the inflationary crisis of the 1970s, 10-year yields surged to a high in the early-1980s of 14.5%. After inflation began to decline in the mid-1980s, the 10-year yield bottomed at 7% before rising again to 9%. In the 1990s, the 10-year yield averaged around 6.5%.

    With the help of NIA's critically acclaimed economic documentaries including 'Meltup', 'The Dollar Bubble', and 'Hyperinflation Nation' that have been seen by millions of people, a larger percentage of the investment community is educated than ever before about the currency crisis that is ahead. We estimate that about 1/10 of our country now finally understands that as long as we are running massive budget deficits with our government making no real attempt to cut spending in a meaningful way, gold will keep increasing in nominal value and the U.S. dollar will continue losing its purchasing power. However, 9/10 of our nation still doesn't understand why they should own gold and would chase after $1,000 in cash being blown by the wind before picking up a 1 oz gold coin lying below them on the ground.

    Investors today are buying and selling assets based on what they perceive to be risk assets and safe haven assets. Market volatility is now at a level last seen in March of 2009 towards the end of the last financial crisis. On days with either positive economic news or rumors that Bernanke is getting ready to unleash QE3, stock prices rise while the prices of both gold and U.S. Treasuries fall. On days with either negative economic news or rumors that Bernanke is unlikely to unleash QE3, stock prices fall while both gold and U.S. Treasury prices rise. Investors are buying both gold and U.S. Treasuries as a safe haven. Those buying U.S. Treasuries as a safe haven are doing so based on the market's actions in late-2008 when Treasuries rallied with the stock market collapsing. They fail to realize that every financial crisis is different and the next crisis will be nothing like 2008.

    In 2008, we had a crisis due to a lack of liquidity. Today, the world is flooded with liquidity, but most people don't realize it yet because trillions of dollars are being hoarded on the sidelines and not chasing goods and services. Nobody knew for sure in 2008 how the Federal Reserve would react to the liquidity crisis. If the Federal Reserve did the right thing and allowed banks to fail we would have experienced many years of deflation. The Federal Reserve has made it clear that they will print enough money to bailout all major banks or other companies deemed "too big to fail". We are in a situation where the worse the economy gets, the more money the Fed will print and the higher prices of all assets will rise.

    NIA predicts right now that over the next 16 months between now and the end of calendar year 2012, we will see the largest short-term increase in 10-year bond yields on a percentage basis in history. With CPI growth increasing for eight straight months and even the Fed's misleading core-CPI growth up 290% since October on a year-over-year basis, investors will soon realize that it is far too risky to own bonds that are paying such low yields.

    President Obama yesterday nominated Alan Kreuger to lead his Council of Economic Advisers. We laughed when he heard Obama tell Kreuger that it will be tough for him to fill the shoes of Austan Goolsbee, who recently left his post to resume teaching at the University of Chicago. Whether it be Kreuger, Goolsbee, or Christina Romer (who preceded Goolsbee), they are all Keynesians who believe that more government spending and intervention is the key to bringing down unemployment and having a healthy economy.

    Krueger worked in the White House during the first two years of the Obama administration as assistant Treasury secretary for economic policy. Krueger received his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and has worked at Princeton University since 1987, where his mail frequently gets mixed up with fellow Keynesian and New York Times op-ed columnist Paul Krugman. Krueger is the author of a book that was written solely to convince readers that having a high minimum wage doesn't cause unemployment. It should be common sense to all NIA members that if the government raised the minimum wage to $50 per hour, unemployment would rise dramatically as most jobs paying wages below $50 per hour would be destroyed. The truth is, eliminating the U.S. minimum wage would create thousands of new entry-level jobs in America and help lower the unemployment rate. Krueger was also instrumental in developing the "cash-for-clunkers" program, which NIA has written about on many occasions as being a monumental disaster for the U.S. economy.

    It is absurd how the mainstream media calls Ron Paul an extremist for wanting to eliminate government intervention in our financial markets, reduce government spending, balance the budget, stop the Fed from printing money, and return to sound money. In NIA's opinion, Krueger is the real extremist. If there was no minimum wage and there never was "cash-for-clunkers", many unemployed 17 year old kids who are home on Facebook, could instead be out earning enough money to buy their own used car. The youth unemployment rate is currently double the overall unemployment rate and used car prices are up 20% during the past year, because of the policies supported by Krueger.

    The U.S. government used "cash-for-clunkers" to buy phony GDP growth in 2009, stealing from future automobile sales. After the "cash-for-clunkers" program ended, General Motors reported that their sales in August of 2010 declined 25% from sales in August of 2009. NIA predicted on September 1, 2010, that this would lead to a sharp contraction in GDP growth and cause the Fed to unleash the mother of all quantitative easing. Two months later on November 3, 2010, the Fed announced $600 billion in additional quantitative easing.

    GDP growth in the 4Q of 2010 declined to 3.14% on a year-over-year basis, down from 3.51% in the 3Q of 2010. GDP growth has continued to decline lower this year to 2.24% in the first quarter and 1.55% in the second quarter (which was just revised downward from an initial estimate of 1.62%). The BLS used a price deflator of only 2.5% in the 2Q. In our opinion, real GDP in the U.S. today is already in negative territory. With it becoming increasingly likely that official year-over-year GDP changes will become negative by the end of calendar year 2011, it is only a matter of time before the Federal Reserve unleashes QE3 in disguise under a new name.

    With the Federal Reserve no longer reporting the M3 money supply, the broadest measure of money supply currently reported by the Fed is M2. During the past few weeks, the U.S. has been seeing a very alarming rise in M2. The M2 money supply has risen $228.5 billion over the past four weeks to $9.5218 trillion. On an annualized basis, this equals a 32% increase in M2. Much of this gain can be attributed to people moving funds from institutional money funds and large time deposits into checking and savings accounts. Investors are nervous about the state of our economy and as soon as the investment community begins to realize that the next economic crisis will be a currency crisis, not a liquidity crisis, we will see the world lose confidence in the U.S. dollar and rush out of U.S. Treasuries and into gold, silver, and other real assets.

    It is important to spread the word about NIA to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, if you want America to survive hyperinflation. Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free immediately at:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32692
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:31 am

    The US Economy - A LOST DECADE
    Video at link
    30 August 2011 Last updated at 19:02 ET Help
    First the bust, then the terrorist attacks on the World Trace Center, the Pentagon and other targets. The United States economy started the decade shaken to the core, but it responded with an astounding economic boom.

    Ten years on, however, the US economy is in dire straits again, and most people are poorer than they were before. How did it happen?

    Find out more at

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13592
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:59 am

    I continue to be interested in the ethics of how money is made - from fractional reserve banking, to selling people things they don't need and which aren't good for them, to day-trading the heck out of a security, to insider-trading, to tobacco and alcohol sales, to illegal and legal drugs, to taxation, to war blood money, to bank robbery, and on and on and on and on. Does competition and money-making usually involve some sort of deception and ill-intent? Do really nice, loving, and trusting people do well in business and athletics? Get out there and win, win, win - and make lots and lots of money! Should there be some sort of an ethics-rating connected with the GNP and the S&P Rating? Does one make money by loving their neighbor as themselves, and doing unto others as they would have others do unto them? Think about it, and be honest. Why prevent an illness or injury which could make our hospitals and doctors 100K - free and clear?! No margin? No mission! Wanna go for a ride in my new Ferrari? Ethics? What's ethics? What are you? Some kind of a nut? Just take the money and run? Screw the competition and your secretary! Right? Worrying about right and wrong all the time will put you in the poor-house and the nut-house! Right? Greed is good! Right? Did I miss anything? 1. 2. Don't get me wrong, I think the human race needs challenges and game-playing. I'd just like to see us take a higher road regarding the games people play. BTW, I'd love to go for a ride in an Enzo Ferrari, without taking anyone for a ride...

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Ferrari-Enzo-2

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:24 pm

    Poll: 65% Give Obama Thumbs Down On Economy
    Just 28% Of Americans Polled Say Things Are Going Well

    and a treat on the plus side...

    White House creating website for online petitions

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:23 am

    This might not apply completely to this thread, but what is the relationship between North-Africa, the Vatican, the Nazis, the Persians, and Teutonic-Zionism? The answer to this question might have everything to do with the alleged Vatican Slush Fund Accounts, and with who owns the Presidents, Congress, Treasury, and the Supreme Court. There seems to be an underlying current of the Ancient Raiders of North African Civilization, which might've included the Lost Ark.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:05 am

    Oxy, the Vatican is the biggest mafiaosa on the planet as they've been around the longest and also have access to secrets we will never know about. Who is to say what is going on there as it often reminds me of the multiple-headed self-serving serpent. I can't even possibly wrap my mind around all of these complexities and don't even try. To me things, events, people just are what they are - and I, for the most part am the observer.

    We all have our role to play. Yours is to ask questions and explore multiple perspectives. Mine is to share data that is unfolding. All is of value at some level as it gives ones live meaning and purpose. However Oxy, even you must remember that in the end it is all illusion. Neti, neti, net - not this, not this, not this.

    Pluck out what you need to move forward on your spiritual path and let go of the rest.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:10 am

    I'll take this

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? 2ea354f040463872008730b84665cc02

    over this

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Ferrari-Enzo-2

    any day of the week.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  LeeEllisMusic Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:35 am

    Carol wrote:

    We all have our role to play. Yours is to ask questions and explore multiple perspectives. Mine is to share data that is unfolding. All is of value at some level as it gives ones live meaning and purpose. However Oxy, even you must remember that in the end it is all illusion. Neti, neti, net - not this, not this, not this.

    Pluck out what you need to move forward on your spiritual path and let go of the rest.

    Wise words, Carol, wise words ~ ~ ~

    PS I'd go with the RV camper as well! I love you

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:34 am

    I wonder if the Vatican and the Secret Government are reformable. I think there is a way to do it right, but what are the chances of this happening? Would a Vatican-Based, Namaste-Constitutional, Responsible-Freedom United States of the Solar System have a chance of properly cleaning things up, and setting this solar system on a proper course, going forward for thousands or millions of years? I tend to think that those who know the most about what's really going on in this solar system are at the highest and deepest levels of the Vatican, both figuratively and literally, if you know what I mean. I will continue to imagine myself as being a Renegade French Jesuit Organist. What a tangled tale I weave...

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:38 pm

    U.S. Debt Held by Public Tops $10T for 1st Time—Up 59 Percent Under Obama
    Friday, September 02, 2011
    ( - At the close of business on Aug. 31--for the first time in the history of the country--the publicly held debt of the federal government topped $10 trillion, according to data released by the U.S. Treasury Department at 4:00 p.m. yesterday.
    During Obama's presidency, debt held by the public has now increased by $3.71694 trillion--or almost 59 percent from the $6.3073 trillion in debt held by the public that the government owed to its creditors on Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama was inaugurated.
    Also, according to the most recent reports available from the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, approximately $6.1 trillion of that debt—or about 61 percent of it—is owned by foreign interests (led by the Chinese and the Japanese) and by the Federal Reserve.
    At the close of business on Aug. 30, as reported by the Treasury Department’s Bureau of the Public Debt, the federal government’s debt held by the public equaled $9,990,126,772,846.86. By the close of business on Aug. 31, it was $10,024,253,354,407.07.

    read more at link

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:33 pm

    I seriously doubt that the Vatican and the Secret Government are reformable. They are entrenched in a mind-set where power, the feel of power, manipulation and control is too overwhelming for them to give up. It's like an addiction. Some things just have to run their course.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:41 am

    Carol wrote:I seriously doubt that the Vatican and the Secret Government are reformable. They are entrenched in a mind-set where power, the feel of power, manipulation and control is too overwhelming for them to give up. It's like an addiction. Some things just have to run their course.

    I agree with that . I actually hope that one of this day the Vatican , the City of London , Paris in France , The New York stock exchange , Washington DC , and Tel Aviv , they all get NUKED . To me they are the source of all evil on the face of the Earth . One day those jokers will go one bridge too far , They will Pi@@ off somebody that has the means to really hurt them . I will be dancing in the street with joy . I can see that all this is inevitable . Bring it on ! The world is already F@@@@
    thanks to those morons , the future is radioactive thanks to Fukushima , Chernobil and without any doubt other nuclear power stations . I am for Extermination of the Illuminati . Some people talk about forgiveness , I talk about the guillotine to get rid of entire extended families of criminal a la Romanoff ........ Forgivenss is only for the fake Christ and Buddah , but I am only a common man not a ficticious ascended master .

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:39 am

    This was in my email this morning...


    A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

    I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!

    Let’s Take a Stand!!!


    Obama: Gone!

    Borders: Closed!

    Language: English only

    Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!

    Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!

    NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!

    We the people are coming!

    Only 86% will send this on. Should be a 100%.

    What will you do?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  ClearWater Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:36 pm

    No offense intended, but that email strikes me as extremely nationalistic. It is full of the type of views that a wolf would like its sheep to espouse.
    Keep out the bad guys!
    Exclude anyone who's not like you!
    Fight for what you deserve to have!

    Us vs. Them
    This is the type of attitude that supports the wars created by the wolves.

    Thinking that 86% of people may send that email on makes me a bit sick to my stomach actually, and sad.

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  Carol Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:13 pm

    I suspect this email is from the Christian conservatives.

    However, I do agree with these points:

    Obama: Gone
    Borders: Closed
    Language: English only - I'm tired of everything being in Spanish, why not French or German?
    Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights
    Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare
    NO freebies to: Non-Citizens

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:25 pm

    Carol wrote:This was in my email this morning...


    A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

    I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!

    Let’s Take a Stand!!!


    Obama: Gone!

    I agree with that , That stooge for the CIA and NWO is destroying employment is the US . Three years on and the US has not ceased hostilities in IRAQ , Afghanistan but has attacked more countries in the ME .

    Borders: Closed!

    I agree with that . Flooding the country with illegal migrants is reducing the salaries and increasing the burden to social services . Why should the US be multi ethnic when Israel enforces APARTHEID ?

    Language: English only

    It makes sense

    Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!

    The Federal criminal government has attacked the Bill of Rights and the constitution . Think for a moment to the Patriot act , the TSA disaster and the Police Force gone Rambo .

    Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!

    Fair enough

    NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!

    Agree with that too . Why should the government pay for education of illegal migrants and give them social services ?

    We the people are coming!

    Only 86% will send this on. Should be a 100%.

    What will you do?

    Your country is being destroyed on purpose . Any person can see the obvious destruction of the economy through wars of conquest , the military budget with 700 military bases overseas , the wild banking speculation and rigging of the markets . Incompetent politicians are in place to favor the super rich and screw the rest of the population . It is not a question of divide and conquer , it is a question of recognizing where things go wrong . Do no make any mistake it is a conscious effort to destroy your country . Recognizing this reality is a start ....

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    Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges? Empty Re: Vatican Slush Fund Accounts: Who Owns Your President(s), Your Congress, Your Treasury, and Your Supreme Court Judges?

    Post  ClearWater Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:43 pm

    Admittedly, I'm an idealist.
    This is what comes to mind when I read that email...

    Obama: Gone!
    As long as the position of President remains as it is, it makes no difference who the President is.

    Borders: Closed!
    I'm gonna go the completely opposite direction and say that all borders should be eliminated.
    We espouse oneness and decry separation, yet in this case we seem to be supporting separation and division.

    Language: English only
    Personally, if I move to a different geographical location, I would want to learn the primary language that is spoken there.
    However, I cannot support the imposition of the need to speak a particular language in order to live in a particular place.

    Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
    An act which arises out of ones own ethics will always be of more value to the world than an act which is the result of an adopted moral.
    I'm not saying that I'm against the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. I just feel that there is too much reliance upon the morals of others.
    One can support freedom without supporting any particular document which states what freedom is and how it should be manifested.

    Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!

    I feel that as long as governments propagate the use of drugs they should not condemn and punish the users.
    I also feel that in an ethical society Welfare is unneeded.

    NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!
    The elimination of borders eliminates this point.

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