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    Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia resign from the Court “effective immediately” and leave the United States forever


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    Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia resign from the Court “effective immediately” and leave the United States forever Empty Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia resign from the Court “effective immediately” and leave the United States forever

    Post  Carol Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:28 pm

    Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia resign from the Court “effective immediately” and leave the United States forever Borowitz-scalia-thomas
    Supreme Court Justice Scalia resign from the Court
    “effective immediately” and leave the United States forever
    WASHINGTON (The Bor.owitz Report)—Justice Antonin Scalia dropped a bombshell on the Supreme Court today, announcing his decision to resign from the Court “effective immediately” and leave the United States forever. Calling this week “by far the worst week of my life,” Justice Scalia lashed out at his fellow-Justices and the nation, saying, “I don’t want to live in a sick, sick country that thinks the way this country apparently thinks.”

    Justice Scalia said that he had considered fleeing to Canada, “but they not only have gay marriage but also national health care, which is almost as evil.”

    He said the fact that nations around the world recognizing same-sex marriage are “falling like deviant dominoes” would not deter him from leaving the United States: “There are plenty of other countries that still feel the way I do. I’ll move to Iran if I have to.”

    Throwing off his robe in a dramatic gesture, Justice Scalia reserved his harshest parting shot for his fellow-Justices, screaming, “Damn you! Damn each and every one of you to hell! You call yourself judges? That’s a good one. You’re nothing but animals!”

    Breathing heavily after his tirade, he turned to Justice Clarence Thomas and said, “Except you, Clarence. Are you coming with me?”

    Justice Thomas said nothing in reply.

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    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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