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    Post  mudra Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:08 am

    Germany And France Announce Plans For Single European Government As Solution To Debt

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    Post  lindabaker Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:16 pm

    Mudra, I just watched the interview from a link elsewhere, and here it is again! I will have to admit that I do not understand what the main thrust of the article is. Does it mean that the bonds won't be EURO bonds any more, and that France and Germany are going their own way with bonds? What about the currency itself?

    Carol, is this the webbot's blue company reference, and if so, it's heads up!

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    Post  Seashore Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:40 am

    lindabaker wrote:Does it mean that the bonds won't be EURO bonds any more, and that France and Germany are going their own way with bonds?

    Max Keiser and Alex Jones talk about a new super-euro and new eurobond whereby the finance ministers will dictate to governments/ the people on behalf of private financial interests which center around the trillions of dollars of debts associated with derivatives:


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    Post  mudra Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:54 am

    lindabaker wrote:Mudra, I just watched the interview from a link elsewhere, and here it is again! I will have to admit that I do not understand what the main thrust of the article is. Does it mean that the bonds won't be EURO bonds any more, and that France and Germany are going their own way with bonds? What about the currency itself?

    Carol, is this the webbot's blue company reference, and if so, it's heads up!

    Hello linda ,

    I really am not understanding much about the so called " solutions " they are coming with . Just keeping an eye on how all this is unfolding . For me it's just another patch on a system that has proven to be unworkable . So long as we are allowed to spend more than what we are able to on a private basis and nation wide I don't see how we can make things go right. A lot of our money goes into things that are useless and not enough in things of true value .It is the entire philosophy of life itself that we need meditate upon if we ever want to create a better world . Self sustaining individuals will breed a self sustaining world imo .

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    Post  Seashore Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:23 pm

    Seashore wrote:. . . trillions of dollars of debts associated with derivatives . . .

    Here is a link to a thread about derivatives:

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    Post  mudra Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:11 pm

    Thank you for your research Seashore.
    They are trying desperately to keep the monetary system alive . It's like mending a sock that is full of holes .

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    Post  Seashore Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:46 am

    mudra wrote:It's like mending a sock that is full of holes .

    What I try to do with my research and participation on the internet is understand the threads that make up that sock and how sovereign people can unravel the weave and re-shape it into one that works for us rather than against us.

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    Post  lindabaker Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:38 pm

    Seashore, that is one of the most thoughtful statements I have seen in a while. I'd love to have tea some day with you and Mudra. Hugs. Linda

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    Post  mudra Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:17 am

    Seashore wrote:

    What I try to do with my research and participation on the internet is understand the threads that make up that sock and how sovereign people can unravel the weave and re-shape it into one that works for us rather than against us.

    That is a lovely way to express it Seashore Cheerful

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    Post  mudra Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:37 am

    They Want A “United States Of Europe” But They Are Going To Need A Massive Financial Crisis In Order To Get It
    Sep 12, 2011

    Are we about to see a huge push for a “United States of Europe”? As the sovereign debt crisis in Europe continues to spiral out of control, suddenly this term is popping up inthe New York Times and in major newspapers all over Europe. So is this by accident? Surely not. The truth is that there is an overwhelming consensus among the political and financial elite of Europe that a “United States of Europe” is what would be best for the eurozone. However, they are likely going to need a massive financial crisis in order to reach their goal. Right now, the citizens of the countries that make up the eurozone are overwhelmingly against deeper European integration. Without experiencing a massive amount of financial pain, they are unlikely to change their minds any time soon. So who is going to win in the end? Unfortunately, the clock is ticking because Greece is on the verge of defaulting on their debts and several other countries are not that far behind. If Europe does not decide on a course of action soon, the euro is going to collapse and financial institutions all over Europe are going to come crashing down.

    read on:

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    Post  devakas Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:22 am

    MUST SEE: The Gathering Storm of Dictatorship in Europe


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    Post  devakas Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:39 am

    There is a realy good article

    Bilderberg leaves rehab, cleared to rule the world

    One of the world’s most secretive societies is emerging from the closet, blinking and shrinking at the harsh light of day, like Dracula suddenly deciding it might be safe after all to emerge from his cool dank vault at sunrise.

    Sunrise is the right word. Never have the prospects for one world order seemed rosier or closer at hand. So it can be no coincidence at all that the Bilderberg Group, and its sister cabal, the Trilateral Commission, are suddenly basking in deckchairs on the lawns of public respectability.


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    Europe Now  Empty Riot police and protestors clash in Romania

    Post  burgundia Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:34 pm


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    Post  mudra Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:12 am

    Romanian prime minister and cabinet resign en masse
    7 February 2012

    Emil Boc says he is quitting to 'release tension' after weeks of protests over austerity measures and alleged corruption

    The Romanian prime minister and his cabinet have resigned after weeks of sometimes violent protests over widespread corruption and austerity measures.

    Emil Boc said on Monday he was quitting "to release the tension in the country's political and social situation".

    During his three-year rule, salaries of state employees were cut by a quarter and VAT increased by five percentage points, while the European debt crisis hit Romania's exports hard.

    It was a toxic combination in a country that was already the second poorest in the EU, better off only than Bulgaria, which also joined the union in 2007.

    The collapse of Boc's cabinet marks the fall of yet another EU government since the euro crisis started to bite. Since 2009, governments in Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Ireland and the Czech Republic have imploded before scheduled elections, with economic woes playing a significant role in each demise. Voters in Hungary, Spain and Portugal also signalled their unhappiness with the fiscal policies of their governments, plumping for new leaders at the ballot box.

    President Traian Basescu asked foreign intelligence service head Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu to form a new cabinet. Ungureanu quickly pledged to continue the unpopular economic reforms and his appointment may do little to assuage popular anger.

    Basescu named justice minister Catalin Predoiu as interim prime minister until Ungureanu puts his team and plans up for parliament's approval, a vote that will probably come next week.

    He will be in charge until the new government is formed over the coming weeks and could potentially hold on to the position until the next general election, in November.

    Opposition politicians celebrated Boc's departure and called for early parliamentary elections. "This is a victory for those that demonstrated on the streets," said Crin Antonescu, who heads the opposition Liberal party. The "most corrupt, incompetent and lying government" since the 1989 fall of Ceausescu had gone, he said.

    Shortly before his resignation, Boc's approval ratings had dipped below 20%, with thousands of Romanians braving freezing temperatures and heavy snow to protest in towns around the country.

    They are angry about low living standards and what they say is widespread corruption in a country where the average wage is less than €350 (£290) a month and some villages and even parts of Bucharest have no running water or electricity.

    Septimius Parvu, deputy director of the Pro Democracy Association, an NGO based in Bucharest, said Boc's resignation showed a "slow evolution" in Romanian politics. "The change in government shows that politicians are starting to realise they cannot govern without the people," he said. "They were taken by surprise by the protests, which, even if they were not on the scale of those in Russia, for example, took place all over the country and were the biggest seen in Romania for perhaps 20 years."

    But one protester, PhD student Stefan Guga, 26, said it was wrong to characterise Boc's departure simply as a victory for the demonstrators. It also showed very pragmatic political and electoral calculations on the part of both governing and opposition parties, he said.

    "Boc has been made a scapegoat," he said in a phone interview from Bucharest. "It's not that his party, the Democrat Liberals [PDL], wanted to get rid of him – but they found it very convenient to push for the prime minister's resignation and attribute much of the government's failures over the past years to his personal incompetence."

    Guga, who attended many of the protests in Bucharest's University Square, said Boc's leaving was a distraction from the key demands of protesters, which, as well as a respite from painful austerity measures, were for real democracy and an end to corruption. "For the Democrat Liberals Boc's resignation can be seen as a last-minute solution to save a bit of face before the upcoming local and parliamentary elections," he said.

    The reality, he said, was that the PDL will now regroup and hope that they can avoid early elections so that come November, they have a better chance of winning back the electorate. The PDL and its allies currently have a slim parliamentary majority.Guga said that if the protesters wanted to see any politician fall on his sword, it was Basescu, the president, a gruff former sea captain who despite holding a position that is theoretically ceremonial has made many policy announcements himself. "He is seen as the man who really pulls the strings in Romania," said Guga. "The image of Boc was just as Basescu's puppet."

    Boc, who became prime minister in 2008, urged Romania's feuding politicians to be mature and rapidly vote for a new government. He defended his record, saying he had taken "difficult decisions thinking about the future of Romania, not because I wanted to, but because I had to".

    Explaining his resignation in a televised speech, Boc said: "I took this decision to release the tension in the country's political and social situation, but also in order not to lose what Romanians have won.

    "I know that I made difficult decisions, but the fruits have begun to appear. The most important thing is the economic stability of the country. In times of crisis, the government is not in a popularity contest, but is saving the country."

    He added that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has forecast growth of up to 2% this year lower than expected, but higher than the EU average.

    Committed at some stage to adopting the euro under the terms of its accession to the EU in 2007, Romania is still struggling with the economic legacy of communist state control.

    While not suffering the difficulties that the euro created for leaders in the likes of neighbouring Greece, Romania's government also struggled to finance itself without external support and found itself forced to make brutal cuts that enraged ordinary citizens.

    In 2009 it was forced to sign up for a €20bn (£16.6bn) loan with the IMF, the EU and the World Bank to help pay salaries and pensions after the economy shrank by more than 7%. The aid was seen as essential to maintain investor confidence, prevent a run on the currency and keep borrowing costs at sustainable levels, even though its public debt to GDP ratio was the fourth lowest in the EU.

    In 2010, the government increased sales tax from 19% to 24% and cut public workers' salaries by a quarter.

    The IMF mission chief in Bucharest, Jeffrey Franks, told Reuters: "I see no reason necessarily for this to have a material effect on the aid agreement. We have every expectation the agreement will continue."

    Paul Ivan, research assistant at the Centre for European Policy Studies, said the resignation was not a surprise. "There had been repeated calls for this," he said in a phone interview from Brussels. "The population had become increasingly unhappy with the austerity policies of the government."

    But Ivan said Romania's economic problems were not just caused by domestic policies but external ones too. "Romania's economy is very reliant on the fortunes of the rest of the European Union. So when growth in other countries practically stopped, exports decreased and firms here started to lay off staff," he said.

    Romania's textile and car industries have been particularly hard-hit, he said. French carmaker Renault has a big Romanian plant which produces the Logan under the badge of its Romanian subsidiary, Dacia.

    Most of Romania's banks are also foreign-owned, said Ivan, meaning that when the debt crisis dug in, they were ever more reluctant to issue loans and mortgages.

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    Post  Carol Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:17 pm

    Wasn't this the plan from the get-go? One-world government? One-world bank?

    Did you know their anthem is Od to Joy? After all they are now the Holy Roman Empire. Notice their emblem where the 12 stars represent the stars that were around the head of the Virgin Mary. I actually watched a video of them signing their own constitution just last Sunday.

    Europe Now  EU_Flag

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  mudra Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:29 pm

    Nigel Farage: This is How Dictatorship Begins

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    Post  mudra Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:18 pm

    European revolution announced by Pierre Jovanovic within 2 weeks

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    Post  mudra Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:21 am

    The Euro Crisis: Origins and Consequences with David L. Smith

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    Post  mudra Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:33 am

    We are staring into the abyss

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    Post  mudra Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:52 pm

    The “European Gendarmerie Force” Project: EU Creates Legal Framwork For “Military Use” against its Citizens

    The European Union prepares the ‘solidarity clause’ framework

    by Andrej Hunko

    The EU creates a legal framework for Europe-wide deployment of police and military units. At the same time, the EU Commission is working intensively on the creation of a single EU police unit as well as an EU public prosecutor.

    The use of the “European Gendarmerie Force” (EUROGENDFOR) is made possible by the “solidarity clause” as Heise reported. At the unit, headquartered in Vicenza, Italy, all EU Member States are involved, the Gendarmerien; police forces with military status are to be used.

    The founding countries of the EUROGENDFOR include Portugal, Spain, Italy, France and the Netherlands. We provide our services to the police unit of the EU, NATO or the UN.

    “The ‘solidarity clause’ is redundant, since the EU already has mechanisms for mutual assistance in case of disasters. Secondly, the clause amplifies the course to a militarization of domestic politics, since upon request the military can be used in another Member State.

    “On Tuesday, the representatives of the EU Member States in the Council adopted a decision on the so-called ‘solidarity clause’. Were a disaster or a loosely defined crisis to occur, the organs of the European Union would be obliged to assist using all the instruments at their disposal. This includes military resources”, warned Member of the Bundestag Andrej Hunko.

    The proposal on ‘arrangements for the implementation by the Union of the Solidarity Clause’ was jointly presented by the Commission and the EU High Representative in 2012. A country can invoke the “solidarity clause” if a crisis “overwhelms its response capacities”. Mention is made of operational, policy and financial instruments and structures.

    Andrej Hunko continued:

    “The adoption at the General Affairs Council took place in secret: the point was not mentioned on the agenda of the meeting. The press was not informed. Yet this is one of the most controversial clauses contained in the EU treaties. That is precisely the reason why agreement on the details of the solidarity clause was postponed to a later point at the time of the signature of the Lisbon Treaty.

    The ‘solidarity clause’ boosts the role of the two intelligence-service-style EU situation centres. But it also creates the legal framework for deployment of the special police units of the ‘ATLAS network’ being developed by the Commission. From Germany, the GSG 9 is involved; last year this Federal Police Special Forces unit was able to head a large-scale ATLAS exercise encompassing several countries for the first time.

    The ‘solidarity clause’ is superfluous, since the EU already has mechanisms for mutual assistance in disaster situations. At the same time, however, the clause strengthens the course towards militarisation of home-affairs policy, since military personnel can be sent to another Member State on request.

    I am concerned that this is about the home-affairs version of the Article 5 clause on mutual defence: it would apply in situations which ‘may have an adverse impact on people, the environment or property’. Even politically motivated blockades in the areas of energy and transport and general strikes are covered.

    The text explicitly refers to crises which originate outside the territory of the Member States.

    The Left Party parliamentary group rejects this blurring of the lines between internal and external security. Instead of militarisation of home-affairs policy through the deployment of military forces inside other Member States, we need reinforcement of the civilian mechanisms of solidarity within the EU.”

    Press release of 24 June 2014 by the General Affairs Council: EN/genaff/143353.pdf


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    Post  mudra Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:21 am

    PARIS SIEGE FALSE FLAG: Analyzing The Cop Shooting Footage

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    Post  mudra Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:33 am

    Webster Tarpley on Rense radio 01/07/2015 Charlie Hebdo massacre

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    Post  mudra Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:25 am

    Sky News Reporter Says Blood Has Been Put There?Paris Terrorist Attacks 2015.

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    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:44 am

    Thank you so much, mudra Thubs Up for your support in sharing this, it helps me enormously to connect the dots.
    Happy to be back in the mists....  a sort of..... ahem...homeopathic remedy? for the veils present on the gameboard of
    the world doing "business as usual" Bleh  

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    Post  mudra Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:13 pm

    Thanks Love.
    Just adding food for thought Wink

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