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    Now for something really different, its original and from The Final Fantasy, the Spirit Within


    Posts : 1978
    Join date : 2010-04-16
    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Now for something really different, its original and from The Final Fantasy, the Spirit Within Empty Re: The Original Orgasmatron

    Post  Jenetta Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:25 pm

    That was a very complete summary Horus some of which I scan read...nice to know there is an orgasmatron out there that provides an orgasmic and visionary experience (with the whole of creation) rather then "making do" with the dido or massage vibrator. I'm sure many women prefer the latter device (mv) to treat their perceived "hysteria".Now for something really different, its original and from The Final Fantasy, the Spirit Within 854501


    Now for something really different, its original and from The Final Fantasy, the Spirit Within 187111

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2011-01-01
    Location : Australia

    Now for something really different, its original and from The Final Fantasy, the Spirit Within Empty Re: Now for something really different, its original and from The Final Fantasy, the Spirit Within

    Post  horus Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:08 pm

    Now for something really different, its original and from The Final Fantasy, the Spirit Within Anotherworlda
    I have seen many things greater than this and have managed to navigate these dimensions. I have seen all the illusions built into the matrix. This post has openening up many new truths I will gain from! So what's with the ducks then? Like Quackery, we have Sceptics who only believe in science and leave out the spiritual principle and Dick Smith in Australia is one of them unfortunately, but this man has a quality I admire who is against the giant American corporations who raid the share index and steal Australian food icons and all the profits go overseas. God help if China starts to mimic these food lines, they properly do. Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge, both Walt Disney and has 666 with his signature, and what is known as a 'duck-blind' shown in the movie Star Trek: Resurrection, and a incident at the bank yesterday resulting from me calling the bank manager not by his real name but using the name Triple Six, it came out of me like channelled energy, and was every bit of what's going down with global currencies, so its been master-minded by the Beast and properly has nothing to do with any Divine intervention if I may use those words. The Antichrist wants you to suffer more and more foreclosures leaving homeless people that have to rely on a benefit and those who are young and healthy become labour fodder for Chinese bosses and you sell your soul to someone where there is no light of knowing or understanding why is it happening. If you think I'm making all this up, I see it in my dreams as everything is MADE IN CHINA.

    One of the first positive indications, showing how spirits came here for a physical experience was a number of very detailed dreams many years ago showing the flight here to this planet was aboard CON-AIR to what most thought was Paradise but it was really a Prison Planet and I started to expose it as a Beacon of Light I drew the most attention and over the years like a puzzle of missing parts, I gradually put the puzzle together and no one had a faintest clue were I came from, to so many I came from another planet, in fact its like the movie A Blast from the Past starring Christopher Walken and Sissy Spacek, both spell it out very clear, and Back from the Future is where I am from and shown to me from other worlds that make this planet look like a waste land and cesspit of pollution, industries that could be replaced with clean Free Energy.

    My journey has showed me a locality of a dream-world that is no longer a fun-park, 3D is now right on the skids looking like some dirty underwear and why I use toilet humour to some of my posts in the past. Shitz just happens and no one will do anything about changing it within the collective, no one wants to let go of 3D. I live in two worlds and my groin aches with having the splits.

    The image here is a dimensional doorway that has something to do with a secret passage in the pyramid. I had a dream closely relating to it and in this pyramid showing a passageway of light to that secret passageway where they used a robot. This dream I saw and felt a false Christ and appeared so nervous as I watching him using a hammer and nail into a wooden pew that went askew, and it showed me he was not a carpenter at all, and how much plagiarism comes into foul-play with Christ energies. Anyone can carry the light, but it must come from within. Has it been shown to you within as proof to how it glows so bright, and lights the path before you? No one needs organized religious, those that do are selling themselves short of a personal experience with God, one on one and building it without any boundaries. Creator God-Goddess is right within you and they both never left you.

    The railway spikes-nails I saw where the same type used on the Cross and on railway lines that uses railway spikes. A railway line is a I-BEAM (I AM). I picked up on this dream energy from Kung Fu actor David Carradine in Boxcar Bertha, I happen to switch TV channels and I remembered seeing the movie so I knew what was coming, so I changed the channel. The sequence was when David Carradine was nailed through his hands onto the box car and the scene was just like the Christ on the cross with Mary at his feet. I did my research and found critic all said the same thing. Researching further I discover the actress was Barbara Hershey who played the role of Mary Magdalene in the movie The Last Temptation of Christ.

    Only now, by shear coincidence Barbara Hershey also starred as Karen Holmes in From Here to Eternity, a 1980 TV Series.From Here to Eternity was also a TV mini-series made the year before with the same cast, and the role of Karen Holmes was played by my twin and her energy from that movie was shown to me today mixed with a number of other movies she starred in; The Affair and The Last Married Couple in America, all love themes. Looking at those dates of 1978-80 is very interesting because my twin was in Brainstorm her last movie and my guess the production of this movie was in 1980-81 showed she had a film contract, and the loss of her life falling from a boat. She could not swim, nor can I, this must go right back into our past lives as a memory.

    I didn't know about this actress connection until today, and what a revelation it is for me. I have felt I lived a past life in India, Tibet and Mongolia. I have a infinity to Chinese Food and Buddha in the back of my mind when I was a Monk in Tibet living a simply life. My interest in Tantra goes right back and you may have guessed it by my dialogue. I learnt many years ago I was sent to India to stop me from talking too much, and when I watch documentaries with a goddess like Mary Magdalena I feel tear drops running down my cheeks totally unaware my soul feels a life I knew that was full of love and plain simple living. I watched a documentary by the director James Cameron who produced The Lost Tomb of Jesus. After watching this documentary, that night I find myself in spirit inside this tomb having a look around! In this documentary, the government caps the top of a well with a lid of fresh reinforced concrete.

    The name Barbara is attached to the vision energy of sisters, just like the Joseph Smith vision. To those who don't know me, I work with energies and shown faces to match my created protocols, Latin and lateral thinking gives me the answer with heart logic that spells out the truth. Love is the only answer and the heart does not lie.

    Barbara Hershey as Box Bertha

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