Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT is your 84th great grandmother.
This is your grandmother/grandfather lineages:
You -- Susan Lynne Schwenger
Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother
james edward handy
her father
JAMES handy
his father
Marian Ruthven
his mother
her father
his father
his father
his father
John Ruthven
his father
George Ruthven
his father
William Ruthven
his father
William Ruthven
his father
Sir William Ruthven
his father
Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
his mother
Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
her father
George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
his father
Sir John Halyburton
his father
Marjorie Stewart Haliburton, Countess of Atholl
his mother
Archibald Douglas "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas
her father
Sir James Douglas of Lothian
his father
Elisabeth Stewart of Crawford
his mother
Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
her father
Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
his mother
Marjorie de Huntingdon, Princess of the Scots
her mother
Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
her mother
Isabel Elizabeth de Vermandois, Countess
her mother
Hugues Magnus, comte de Vermandois
her father
Henri I, roi de France
his father
Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs
his father
Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
his father
Hugues "Magnus", duc des Francs
his father
Robert I de France, roi des Francs (King of West Francia)
his father
Adelaide de Tours
his mother
Hugues II "le Méfiant", comte de Tours
her father
Count Haicho
his father
Berswinde d'Austrasie
his mother
Emnechilde of the Burgundians
her mother
Bodilon de Trèves
her father
Warnacher de Trèves, Mayor of the Palace of Burgundy
his father
Ansbertus / Ausbert de Moselle
his father
Ferreolus de Rodez, Dux
his father
Tonantius Ferreolus, III
his father
Tonantius Ferreolus, II
his father
his mother
Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382
her father
his father
his father
Afranius Hanniballianus
his father
his mother
Flavia Major
her mother
Claudia Capitolina
her mother
Tiberius Claudius Bassus Capitolinus
her father
Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
his father
Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
his father
Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
his father
Tiberius Claudius Balbillus
his father
Aka of Media Atropatene
his mother
Daughter of Antiochus, Princess of Commagene
her mother
Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
her father
Mithridates I Kallinikos, King of Commangene
his father
Samos II Theosebes Dikaios Commagene, King of Commagene
his father
Ptolemy I Sátrapa of Commagene
his father
Aroandes Orontes IV, King of Armenia
his father
Arsames I Orontides, King of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
his father
Sames I (Gubernur Commagene (260 SM)), Satrap of Commagene
his father
Orontes III, King of Armenia
his father
Mithrenes, Satrap of Armenia
his father
Orontes II, King of Armenia
his father
his mother
Stateira of Armenia, Queen of Persia
her mother
Parysatis Achaemenid, Queen of Persia
her mother
Andia of Babylon, Princess
her mother
Nebuchadnezzar IV, King of Babylon
her father
Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
his mother
Neitaqert (Nitokris)
her mother
Apries "Wahibre / Ha'a'ibra" Pharaoh of Egypt
her father
Neferibre Psamtek Psammetichus d'Egypte, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father
Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father
Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis
his mother
Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II
her father
Harkhebi Harkhebi
his father
Haremket Haremket
his father
Shabaka Egypt
his father
Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt
his father
King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT
his father
Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT
his mother (I; Heiress) of EGYPT is your 84th great grandmother