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    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages


    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:20 am

    "May the BOUDiCCA in all of us, ride again"
    - Susan Lynne Schwenger
    ~ The eXchanger
    The Great Granddaughter of Boudicca, Celtic Warrior Queen
    ~ who was her 45th great grandmother

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Boudicca_warrior_queen_by_Mystic_Oracle

    The Granddaughter of Uther ap Custennyn, King of Britons,
    The Father of King Arthur
    ~ 40th great grandfather

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages 300px-Arthur-Pyle_Uther-Pendragon

    The Granddaughter of Sir William "Braveheart" Wallace
    ~ 21st great grandfather
    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages 603889_506388542751572_321545339_n

    Artist: Jennifer Treece


    Owen Desposyni, Archdruid & Prince Bard
    is your 47th great grandfather

    Viviane del Acqs, Queen of Avalon, Queen of Burgundy aka Lady of The Lake

    is your 47th great grandmother.

    Kings & Queens of Avalon
    Lineage of Viviane del Acqs, Lady of The Lake, Queen of Avalon & Burgundy
    daughter of Amlawdd Del Acqs, Queen of Avalon
    daughter of Riotham ap Deroch your 41st great grandfather.

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:22 pm; edited 25 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:30 am

    Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT is your 84th great grandmother
    estimated before 735BCE 
    Immediate Family:
    Wife of Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc)
    Mother of King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT

    Added by:
    Kevin Leopold on March 22, 2010

    Managed by:


    Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT is your 84th great grandmother

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:02 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:18 am

    Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT is your 84th great grandmother.

    This is your grandmother/grandfather lineages:

    You -- Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    james edward handy
    her father

    JAMES handy
    his father

    Marian Ruthven
    his mother

    her father

    his father

    his father

    his father

    John Ruthven
    his father

    George Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    Sir William Ruthven
    his father

    Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
    his mother

    Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
    her father

    George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
    his father

    Sir John Halyburton
    his father

    Marjorie Stewart Haliburton, Countess of Atholl
    his mother

    Archibald Douglas "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas
    her father

    Sir James Douglas of Lothian
    his father

    Elisabeth Stewart of Crawford
    his mother

    Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
    her father

    Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
    his mother

    Marjorie de Huntingdon, Princess of the Scots
    her mother

    Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
    her mother

    Isabel Elizabeth de Vermandois, Countess
    her mother

    Hugues Magnus, comte de Vermandois
    her father

    Henri I, roi de France
    his father

    Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues "Magnus", duc des Francs
    his father

    Robert I de France, roi des Francs (King of West Francia)
    his father

    Adelaide de Tours
    his mother

    Hugues II "le Méfiant", comte de Tours
    her father

    Count Haicho
    his father

    Berswinde d'Austrasie
    his mother

    Emnechilde of the Burgundians
    her mother

    Bodilon de Trèves
    her father

    Warnacher de Trèves, Mayor of the Palace of Burgundy
    his father

    Ansbertus / Ausbert de Moselle
    his father

    Ferreolus de Rodez, Dux
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, III
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, II
    his father

    his mother

    Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382
    her father

    his father

    his father

    Afranius Hanniballianus
    his father

    his mother

    Flavia Major
    her mother

    Claudia Capitolina
    her mother

    Tiberius Claudius Bassus Capitolinus
    her father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Balbillus
    his father

    Aka of Media Atropatene
    his mother

    Daughter of Antiochus, Princess of Commagene
    her mother

    Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
    her father

    Mithridates I Kallinikos, King of Commangene
    his father

    Samos II Theosebes Dikaios Commagene, King of Commagene
    his father

    Ptolemy I Sátrapa of Commagene
    his father

    Aroandes Orontes IV, King of Armenia
    his father

    Arsames I Orontides, King of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
    his father

    Sames I (Gubernur Commagene (260 SM)), Satrap of Commagene
    his father

    Orontes III, King of Armenia
    his father

    Mithrenes, Satrap of Armenia
    his father

    Orontes II, King of Armenia
    his father

    his mother

    Stateira of Armenia, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Parysatis Achaemenid, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Andia of Babylon, Princess
    her mother

    Nebuchadnezzar IV, King of Babylon
    her father

    Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
    his mother

    Neitaqert (Nitokris)
    her mother

    Apries "Wahibre / Ha'a'ibra" Pharaoh of Egypt
    her father

    Neferibre Psamtek Psammetichus d'Egypte, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis
    his mother

    Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II
    her father

    Harkhebi Harkhebi
    his father

    Haremket Haremket
    his father

    Shabaka Egypt
    his father

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT
    his father

    Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT
    his mother

    Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT is your 84th great grandmother

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:26 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:32 am

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:31 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:44 am

    Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc)


    estimated before 735BCE 

    Immediate Family:

    Husband of Tabiry of KUSH and Egypt (Twenty-fifth Dynasty) and Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT
    Father of King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT

    Added by:

    Kevin Leopold on March 22, 2010

    Managed by:


    Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc) is your 84th great grandfather.

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:46 am

    Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc) is your 84th great grandfather.

    You - Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    james edward handy
    her father

    JAMES handy
    his father

    Marian Ruthven
    his mother

    her father

    his father

    his father

    his father

    John Ruthven
    his father

    George Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    Sir William Ruthven
    his father

    Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
    his mother

    Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
    her father

    George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
    his father

    Sir John Halyburton
    his father

    Marjorie Stewart Haliburton, Countess of Atholl
    his mother

    Archibald Douglas "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas
    her father

    Sir James Douglas of Lothian
    his father

    Elisabeth Stewart of Crawford
    his mother

    Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
    her father

    Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
    his mother

    Marjorie de Huntingdon, Princess of the Scots
    her mother

    Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
    her mother

    Isabel Elizabeth de Vermandois, Countess
    her mother

    Hugues Magnus, comte de Vermandois
    her father

    Henri I, roi de France
    his father

    Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues "Magnus", duc des Francs
    his father

    Robert I de France, roi des Francs (King of West Francia)
    his father

    Adelaide de Tours
    his mother

    Hugues II "le Méfiant", comte de Tours
    her father

    Count Haicho
    his father

    Berswinde d'Austrasie
    his mother

    Emnechilde of the Burgundians
    her mother

    Bodilon de Trèves
    her father

    Warnacher de Trèves, Mayor of the Palace of Burgundy
    his father

    Ansbertus / Ausbert de Moselle
    his father

    Ferreolus de Rodez, Dux
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, III
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, II
    his father

    his mother

    Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382
    her father

    his father

    his father

    Afranius Hanniballianus
    his father

    his mother

    Flavia Major
    her mother

    Claudia Capitolina
    her mother

    Tiberius Claudius Bassus Capitolinus
    her father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Balbillus
    his father

    Aka of Media Atropatene
    his mother

    Daughter of Antiochus, Princess of Commagene
    her mother

    Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
    her father

    Mithridates I Kallinikos, King of Commangene
    his father

    Samos II Theosebes Dikaios Commagene, King of Commagene
    his father

    Ptolemy I Sátrapa of Commagene
    his father

    Aroandes Orontes IV, King of Armenia
    his father

    Arsames I Orontides, King of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
    his father

    Sames I (Gubernur Commagene (260 SM)), Satrap of Commagene
    his father

    Orontes III, King of Armenia
    his father

    Mithrenes, Satrap of Armenia
    his father

    Orontes II, King of Armenia
    his father

    his mother

    Stateira of Armenia, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Parysatis Achaemenid, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Andia of Babylon, Princess
    her mother

    Nebuchadnezzar IV, King of Babylon
    her father

    Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
    his mother

    Neitaqert (Nitokris)
    her mother

    Apries "Wahibre / Ha'a'ibra" Pharaoh of Egypt
    her father

    Neferibre Psamtek Psammetichus d'Egypte, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis
    his mother

    Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II
    her father

    Harkhebi Harkhebi
    his father

    Haremket Haremket
    his father

    Shabaka Egypt
    his father

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT
    his father

    Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc)
    his father

    Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc) is your 84th great grandfather.

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:34 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:47 am

    Tabiry of KUSH and Egypt (Twenty-fifth Dynasty) is your 84th great grandfather's wife.

    Tabiry Queen Consort of KUSH and Egypt (Twenty-fifth Dynasty) (of Nubia)

    Immediate Family:

    Daughter of Alara of Nubia and Kasaqa of Nubia
    Wife of Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc)

    Added by:

    Julia Bauer on March 24, 2012

    Managed by:

    Julia Victoria Bauer

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:37 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:15 am

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:40 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:18 am

    King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT


    estimated before 735BCE 

    Immediate Family:

    Son of Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc) and Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT
    Husband of Heiress Shapenuapit I of EGYPT and Pebatjma Wife of Kashta
    Father of Prince Abar of KUSH and Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt

    Added by:

    Kevin Leopold on March 20, 2010

    Managed by:


    King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:43 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:21 am

    King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT is your 83rd great grandfather.

    You - Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    james edward handy
    her father

    JAMES handy
    his father

    Marian Ruthven
    his mother

    her father

    his father

    his father

    his father

    John Ruthven
    his father

    George Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    Sir William Ruthven
    his father

    Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
    his mother

    Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
    her father

    George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
    his father

    Sir John Halyburton
    his father

    Marjorie Stewart Haliburton, Countess of Atholl
    his mother

    Archibald Douglas "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas
    her father

    Sir James Douglas of Lothian
    his father

    Elisabeth Stewart of Crawford
    his mother

    Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
    her father

    Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
    his mother

    Marjorie de Huntingdon, Princess of the Scots
    her mother

    Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
    her mother

    Isabel Elizabeth de Vermandois, Countess
    her mother

    Hugues Magnus, comte de Vermandois
    her father

    Henri I, roi de France
    his father

    Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues "Magnus", duc des Francs
    his father

    Robert I de France, roi des Francs (King of West Francia)
    his father

    Adelaide de Tours
    his mother

    Hugues II "le Méfiant", comte de Tours
    her father

    Count Haicho
    his father

    Berswinde d'Austrasie
    his mother

    Emnechilde of the Burgundians
    her mother

    Bodilon de Trèves
    her father

    Warnacher de Trèves, Mayor of the Palace of Burgundy
    his father

    Ansbertus / Ausbert de Moselle
    his father

    Ferreolus de Rodez, Dux
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, III
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, II
    his father

    his mother

    Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382
    her father

    his father

    his father

    Afranius Hanniballianus
    his father

    his mother

    Flavia Major
    her mother

    Claudia Capitolina
    her mother

    Tiberius Claudius Bassus Capitolinus
    her father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Balbillus
    his father

    Aka of Media Atropatene
    his mother

    Daughter of Antiochus, Princess of Commagene
    her mother

    Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
    her father

    Mithridates I Kallinikos, King of Commangene
    his father

    Samos II Theosebes Dikaios Commagene, King of Commagene
    his father

    Ptolemy I Sátrapa of Commagene
    his father

    Aroandes Orontes IV, King of Armenia
    his father

    Arsames I Orontides, King of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
    his father

    Sames I (Gubernur Commagene (260 SM)), Satrap of Commagene
    his father

    Orontes III, King of Armenia
    his father

    Mithrenes, Satrap of Armenia
    his father

    Orontes II, King of Armenia
    his father

    his mother

    Stateira of Armenia, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Parysatis Achaemenid, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Andia of Babylon, Princess
    her mother

    Nebuchadnezzar IV, King of Babylon
    her father

    Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
    his mother

    Neitaqert (Nitokris)
    her mother

    Apries "Wahibre / Ha'a'ibra" Pharaoh of Egypt
    her father

    Neferibre Psamtek Psammetichus d'Egypte, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis
    his mother

    Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II
    her father

    Harkhebi Harkhebi
    his father

    Haremket Haremket
    his father

    Shabaka Egypt
    his father

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT
    his father

    King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:45 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:22 am

    Heiress Shapenuapit I of EGYPT is your 83rd great grandfather's wife.

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:47 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:26 am

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:31 am

    Pebatjma Wife of Kashta


    estimated before 735BCE 

    Immediate Family:

    Wife of King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT
    Mother of Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt

    Added by:

    FARKAS Mihály László on January 30, 2011

    Managed by:

    FARKAS Mihály László

    Pebatjma Wife of Kashta

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:31 am

    Pebatjma Wife of Kashta is your 83rd great grandmother.

    You - Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    james edward handy
    her father

    JAMES handy
    his father

    Marian Ruthven
    his mother

    her father

    his father

    his father

    his father

    John Ruthven
    his father

    George Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    Sir William Ruthven
    his father

    Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
    his mother

    Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
    her father

    George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
    his father

    Sir John Halyburton
    his father

    Marjorie Stewart Haliburton, Countess of Atholl
    his mother

    Archibald Douglas "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas
    her father

    Sir James Douglas of Lothian
    his father

    Elisabeth Stewart of Crawford
    his mother

    Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
    her father

    Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
    his mother

    Marjorie de Huntingdon, Princess of the Scots
    her mother

    Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
    her mother

    Isabel Elizabeth de Vermandois, Countess
    her mother

    Hugues Magnus, comte de Vermandois
    her father

    Henri I, roi de France
    his father

    Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues "Magnus", duc des Francs
    his father

    Robert I de France, roi des Francs (King of West Francia)
    his father

    Adelaide de Tours
    his mother

    Hugues II "le Méfiant", comte de Tours
    her father

    Count Haicho
    his father

    Berswinde d'Austrasie
    his mother

    Emnechilde of the Burgundians
    her mother

    Bodilon de Trèves
    her father

    Warnacher de Trèves, Mayor of the Palace of Burgundy
    his father

    Ansbertus / Ausbert de Moselle
    his father

    Ferreolus de Rodez, Dux
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, III
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, II
    his father

    his mother

    Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382
    her father

    his father

    his father

    Afranius Hanniballianus
    his father

    his mother

    Flavia Major
    her mother

    Claudia Capitolina
    her mother

    Tiberius Claudius Bassus Capitolinus
    her father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Balbillus
    his father

    Aka of Media Atropatene
    his mother

    Daughter of Antiochus, Princess of Commagene
    her mother

    Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
    her father

    Mithridates I Kallinikos, King of Commangene
    his father

    Samos II Theosebes Dikaios Commagene, King of Commagene
    his father

    Ptolemy I Sátrapa of Commagene
    his father

    Aroandes Orontes IV, King of Armenia
    his father

    Arsames I Orontides, King of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
    his father

    Sames I (Gubernur Commagene (260 SM)), Satrap of Commagene
    his father

    Orontes III, King of Armenia
    his father

    Mithrenes, Satrap of Armenia
    his father

    Orontes II, King of Armenia
    his father

    his mother

    Stateira of Armenia, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Parysatis Achaemenid, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Andia of Babylon, Princess
    her mother

    Nebuchadnezzar IV, King of Babylon
    her father

    Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
    his mother

    Neitaqert (Nitokris)
    her mother

    Apries "Wahibre / Ha'a'ibra" Pharaoh of Egypt
    her father

    Neferibre Psamtek Psammetichus d'Egypte, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis
    his mother

    Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II
    her father

    Harkhebi Harkhebi
    his father

    Haremket Haremket
    his father

    Shabaka Egypt
    his father

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Pebatjma Wife of Kashta
    his mother

    Pebatjma Wife of Kashta

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:52 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:32 am

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh


    estimated between 855BCE and 735BCE 

    Immediate Family:

    Son of King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT and Pebatjma Wife of Kashta
    Husband of Abar Mother of Taharqa
    Father of Taharqa - Tirhakah (?-664 BC) of Egypt; Shebitku - Shabatka Djedkare, 25th dynasty, Pharao of Egypt and Shabaka Egypt
    Half brother of Prince Abar of KUSH

    Added by:

    Kevin Leopold on March 22, 2010

    Managed by:


    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:32 am

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt is your 82nd great grandfather.

    You - Susan Lynne Schenger

    Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    james edward handy
    her father

    JAMES handy
    his father

    Marian Ruthven
    his mother

    her father

    his father

    his father

    his father

    John Ruthven
    his father

    George Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    Sir William Ruthven
    his father

    Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
    his mother

    Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
    her father

    George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
    his father

    Sir John Halyburton
    his father

    Marjorie Stewart Haliburton, Countess of Atholl
    his mother

    Archibald Douglas "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas
    her father

    Sir James Douglas of Lothian
    his father

    Elisabeth Stewart of Crawford
    his mother

    Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
    her father

    Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
    his mother

    Marjorie de Huntingdon, Princess of the Scots
    her mother

    Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
    her mother

    Isabel Elizabeth de Vermandois, Countess
    her mother

    Hugues Magnus, comte de Vermandois
    her father

    Henri I, roi de France
    his father

    Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues "Magnus", duc des Francs
    his father

    Robert I de France, roi des Francs (King of West Francia)
    his father

    Adelaide de Tours
    his mother

    Hugues II "le Méfiant", comte de Tours
    her father

    Count Haicho
    his father

    Berswinde d'Austrasie
    his mother

    Emnechilde of the Burgundians
    her mother

    Bodilon de Trèves
    her father

    Warnacher de Trèves, Mayor of the Palace of Burgundy
    his father

    Ansbertus / Ausbert de Moselle
    his father

    Ferreolus de Rodez, Dux
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, III
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, II
    his father

    his mother

    Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382
    her father

    his father

    his father

    Afranius Hanniballianus
    his father

    his mother

    Flavia Major
    her mother

    Claudia Capitolina
    her mother

    Tiberius Claudius Bassus Capitolinus
    her father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Balbillus
    his father

    Aka of Media Atropatene
    his mother

    Daughter of Antiochus, Princess of Commagene
    her mother

    Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
    her father

    Mithridates I Kallinikos, King of Commangene
    his father

    Samos II Theosebes Dikaios Commagene, King of Commagene
    his father

    Ptolemy I Sátrapa of Commagene
    his father

    Aroandes Orontes IV, King of Armenia
    his father

    Arsames I Orontides, King of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
    his father

    Sames I (Gubernur Commagene (260 SM)), Satrap of Commagene
    his father

    Orontes III, King of Armenia
    his father

    Mithrenes, Satrap of Armenia
    his father

    Orontes II, King of Armenia
    his father

    his mother

    Stateira of Armenia, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Parysatis Achaemenid, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Andia of Babylon, Princess
    her mother

    Nebuchadnezzar IV, King of Babylon
    her father

    Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
    his mother

    Neitaqert (Nitokris)
    her mother

    Apries "Wahibre / Ha'a'ibra" Pharaoh of Egypt
    her father

    Neferibre Psamtek Psammetichus d'Egypte, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis
    his mother

    Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II
    her father

    Harkhebi Harkhebi
    his father

    Haremket Haremket
    his father

    Shabaka Egypt
    his father

    Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:59 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:33 am

    Shabaka Egypt is your 81st great grandfather

    Shabaka Pharaoh of Egypt


    estimated before 717BCE 

    Immediate Family:

    Son of Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt
    Husband of Abhjar Abhjar
    Father of Haremket Haremket
    Half brother of Taharqa - Tirhakah (?-664 BC) of Egypt and Shebitku - Shabatka Djedkare, 25th dynasty, Pharao of Egypt

    Added by:

    Bjørn P. Brox on April 24, 2009

    Managed by:

    Kevin Robert Leopold and 1 other

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:05 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:34 am

    Abhjar Abhjar is your 81st great grandmother


    estimated before 717BCE 

    Immediate Family:

    Daughter of Prince Abar of KUSH and Peksatre Peksatre
    Wife of Shabaka Egypt
    Mother of Haremket Haremket

    Added by:

    Kevin Leopold on March 20, 2010

    Managed by:


    Peksatre Peksatre is your 82nd great grandmother.
    Wife of Prince Abar of KUSH
    Mother of Abhjar Abhjar

    Prince Abar of KUSH is your 82nd great grandfather
    Son of King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT and Heiress Shapenuapit I of EGYPT
    Husband of Peksatre Peksatre
    Father of Abhjar Abhjar
    Half brother of Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt

    King Kashta (?-751bc) of KUSH & (Southern) EGYPT is your 83rd great grandfather.
    Son of Piye (I; King) of KUSH(?-785bc) and Shapenuapit (I; Heiress) of EGYPT
    Husband of Heiress Shapenuapit I of EGYPT and Pebatjma Wife of Kashta
    Father of
    Prince Abar of KUSH and Piye - Piankhi II (?-721 BC) the Nubian, Pharaoh of Egypt

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:16 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
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    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:35 am

    Haremket Haremket is your 80th great grandfather.

    Son of Shabaka Egypt and Abhjar Abhjar
    Father of Harkhebi Harkhebi

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:21 pm; edited 5 times in total

    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:44 am

    Harkhebi Harkhebi is your 79th great grandfather.


    estimated between 777BCE and 717BCE 

    Immediate Family:

    Son of Haremket Haremket
    Husband of Tabetjet Egypt
    Father of Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II

    Tabetjet Egypt is your 79th great grandmother.


    estimated between 777BCE and 717BCE 



    Immediate Family:

    Daughter of Sharshaiu Nubia and Gupataenese Nubia
    Wife of Khamor, Vizier, Hereditary Mayor of Thebes and Harkhebi Harkhebi
    Mother of Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II

    Gupataenese Nubia is your 80th great grandmother.
    Wife of Sharshaiu Nubia
    Mother of Tabetjet Egypt

    Sharshaiu Nubia is your 80th great grandfather.
    estimated before 717BCE 
    (Nubia), Sudan
    (Nubia), Sudan
    Immediate Family:
    Husband of Gupataenese Nubia
    Father of Tabetjet Egypt

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:27 pm; edited 6 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:45 am

    Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II is your 78th great grandfather.

    Hedjkheperre Setepenamun;
    Hariese, Horus, son of Isis, High Priest of Amun, Vizier of Heliopolis, was born circa 720 BC.

    (unk) Mutesankh is your 78th great grandmother.

    estimated between 746BCE and 686BCE 
    Immediate Family:
    Wife of Harsiese of Heliopolis Grand Priest Grand Priest of Heliopolis, II
    Mother of Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:37 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:47 am

    Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis is your 77th great grandmother.

    Psamtek I "Wahibre", Pharaoh of Egypt is your 77th great grandfather.

    Place of Burial:

    Sais, Al - Gharbiya, Egypt

    Delta of Egypt
    -610 (80)
    Delta of Egypt
    Immediate Family:
    Son of Necho I, Pharoah of Egypt and Istemabat
    Husband of Mehetenweskhet de Heliopolis
    Father of Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt; Prince Egypt; Princess Egypt; Nitocris I and' Necho, II
    Brother of Takheredentaihetweret Egypt

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:47 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:03 am

    PIYE °v 770 Kush (Nubie-Soudan) is your 80th great grandfather
    Husband of ABALE °755 Kush (Nubie-Soudan)
    Father of TAHARQA °v 725 kush (Nubie-Soudan) +664 prob Napata

    You -- susan lynne schwenger

    Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    james edward handy
    her father

    JAMES handy
    his father

    Marian Ruthven
    his mother

    her father

    his father

    his father

    his father

    John Ruthven
    his father

    George Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    Sir William Ruthven
    his father

    Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
    his mother

    Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
    her father

    George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
    his father

    Sir John Halyburton
    his father

    Marjorie Stewart Haliburton, Countess of Atholl
    his mother

    Archibald Douglas "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas
    her father

    Sir James Douglas of Lothian
    his father

    Elisabeth Stewart of Crawford
    his mother

    Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
    her father

    Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
    his mother

    Marjorie de Huntingdon, Princess of the Scots
    her mother

    Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
    her mother

    Isabel Elizabeth de Vermandois, Countess
    her mother

    Hugues Magnus, comte de Vermandois
    her father

    Henri I, roi de France
    his father

    Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues "Magnus", duc des Francs
    his father

    Robert I de France, roi des Francs (King of West Francia)
    his father

    Adelaide de Tours
    his mother

    Hugues II "le Méfiant", comte de Tours
    her father

    Count Haicho
    his father

    Berswinde d'Austrasie
    his mother

    Emnechilde of the Burgundians
    her mother

    Bodilon de Trèves
    her father

    Warnacher de Trèves, Mayor of the Palace of Burgundy
    his father

    Ansbertus / Ausbert de Moselle
    his father

    Ferreolus de Rodez, Dux
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, III
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, II
    his father

    his mother

    Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382
    her father

    his father

    his father

    Afranius Hanniballianus
    his father

    his mother

    Flavia Major
    her mother

    Claudia Capitolina
    her mother

    Tiberius Claudius Bassus Capitolinus
    her father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Balbillus
    his father

    Aka of Media Atropatene
    his mother

    Daughter of Antiochus, Princess of Commagene
    her mother

    Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
    her father

    Mithridates I Kallinikos, King of Commangene
    his father

    Samos II Theosebes Dikaios Commagene, King of Commagene
    his father

    Ptolemy I Sátrapa of Commagene
    his father

    Aroandes Orontes IV, King of Armenia
    his father

    Arsames I Orontides, King of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
    his father

    Sames I (Gubernur Commagene (260 SM)), Satrap of Commagene
    his father

    Orontes III, King of Armenia
    his father

    Mithrenes, Satrap of Armenia
    his father

    Orontes II, King of Armenia
    his father

    his mother

    Stateira of Armenia, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Parysatis Achaemenid, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Andia of Babylon, Princess
    her mother

    Nebuchadnezzar IV, King of Babylon
    her father

    Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
    his mother

    Neitaqert (Nitokris)
    her mother

    Apries "Wahibre / Ha'a'ibra" Pharaoh of Egypt
    her father

    Neferibre Psamtek Psammetichus d'Egypte, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Psamtek I "Wahibre", Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    his mother

    TAHARQA °v 725 kush (Nubie-Soudan) +664 prob Napata
    her father

    PIYE °v 770 Kush (Nubie-Soudan)
    his father

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:45 pm

    ABALE °755 Kush (Nubie-Soudan) is your 80th great grandmother

    You -- susan lynne schwenger

    Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
    your mother

    james edward handy
    her father

    JAMES handy
    his father

    Marian Ruthven
    his mother

    her father

    his father

    his father

    his father

    John Ruthven
    his father

    George Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    William Ruthven
    his father

    Sir William Ruthven
    his father

    Janet Ruthven (Halyburton), 6th Lady Dirletoun
    his mother

    Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
    her father

    George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
    his father

    Sir John Halyburton
    his father

    Marjorie Stewart Haliburton, Countess of Atholl
    his mother

    Archibald Douglas "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas
    her father

    Sir James Douglas of Lothian
    his father

    Elisabeth Stewart of Crawford
    his mother

    Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland
    her father

    Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
    his mother

    Marjorie de Huntingdon, Princess of the Scots
    her mother

    Ada de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
    her mother

    Isabel Elizabeth de Vermandois, Countess
    her mother

    Hugues Magnus, comte de Vermandois
    her father

    Henri I, roi de France
    his father

    Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
    his father

    Hugues "Magnus", duc des Francs
    his father

    Robert I de France, roi des Francs (King of West Francia)
    his father

    Adelaide de Tours
    his mother

    Hugues II "le Méfiant", comte de Tours
    her father

    Count Haicho
    his father

    Berswinde d'Austrasie
    his mother

    Emnechilde of the Burgundians
    her mother

    Bodilon de Trèves
    her father

    Warnacher de Trèves, Mayor of the Palace of Burgundy
    his father

    Ansbertus / Ausbert de Moselle
    his father

    Ferreolus de Rodez, Dux
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, III
    his father

    Tonantius Ferreolus, II
    his father

    his mother

    Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Consul 382
    her father

    his father

    his father

    Afranius Hanniballianus
    his father

    his mother

    Flavia Major
    her mother

    Claudia Capitolina
    her mother

    Tiberius Claudius Bassus Capitolinus
    her father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Capitolinus
    his father

    Tiberius Claudius Balbillus
    his father

    Aka of Media Atropatene
    his mother

    Daughter of Antiochus, Princess of Commagene
    her mother

    Antiochos I Théos, King of Commagene
    her father

    Mithridates I Kallinikos, King of Commangene
    his father

    Samos II Theosebes Dikaios Commagene, King of Commagene
    his father

    Ptolemy I Sátrapa of Commagene
    his father

    Aroandes Orontes IV, King of Armenia
    his father

    Arsames I Orontides, King of Armenia, Sophene & Commagene
    his father

    Sames I (Gubernur Commagene (260 SM)), Satrap of Commagene
    his father

    Orontes III, King of Armenia
    his father

    Mithrenes, Satrap of Armenia
    his father

    Orontes II, King of Armenia
    his father

    his mother

    Stateira of Armenia, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Parysatis Achaemenid, Queen of Persia
    her mother

    Andia of Babylon, Princess
    her mother

    Nebuchadnezzar IV, King of Babylon
    her father

    Neitaqert (Nitocris), Queen of Babylon
    his mother

    Neitaqert (Nitokris)
    her mother

    Apries "Wahibre / Ha'a'ibra" Pharaoh of Egypt
    her father

    Neferibre Psamtek Psammetichus d'Egypte, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Necho II Wehemibre, Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    Psamtek I "Wahibre", Pharaoh of Egypt
    his father

    his mother

    TAHARQA °v 725 kush (Nubie-Soudan) +664 prob Napata
    her father

    ABALE °755 Kush (Nubie-Soudan)
    his mother

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ?  Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages Empty Re: Walking between The Worlds - Bilocation - The Final Synthesis ... So, who was The eXchanger from The Original Project Avalon & Camelot ? Susan Lynne Schwenger - curated lineages

    Post  THEeXchanger Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:18 am

    TEKAHATAMANI is your 79th great grandmother.

    Wife of TAHARQA °v 725 kush (Nubie-Soudan) +664 prob Napata
    Mother of Istemabat

    Istemabat is your 78th great grandmother.

    Daughter of TAHARQA °v 725 kush (Nubie-Soudan) +664 prob Napata and TEKAHATAMANI
    Wife of Necho I, Pharoah of Egypt
    Mother of Psamtek I "Wahibre", Pharaoh of Egypt and Takheredentaihetweret Egypt

    Last edited by THEeXchanger on Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:03 pm; edited 2 times in total

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:21 am