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Vidya Moksha
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    so was obamas birth certificate faked?


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    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  AscendingStarseed Mon May 02, 2011 1:52 am

    The people who started this PROPAGANDA ARE RACISTS! You are playing into their hands, this is pure unadultered racism that is hurting millions of people who have nothing to do with Obama - and the people who threw this bone out for the dogs to chase after know it!
    There's a political PROPAGANDA MACHINE designed to manipulate people into an certain it brainwashing, mind control whatever. The last two years have been about hate and racism, nothing the black president will EVER do will be good enough for some people.
    Now you're reading into this issue a FAKE birth certificate...let it go!!! You will see what you want to see...who do you think is pumping our the fake Kenyon birth cert's, or the propaganda this one is fake and you can see it with photoshop. By the time this crap gets to your you know where it came from? NO ITS ALL PROPAGANDA FROM THE RIGHT DESIGNED TO PROMOTE RACISM AND TO MAKE SURE OBAMA DOESN'T GET RE-ELECTED.Period, none of this is based on the truth. Can't believe I have to say "Wake-up" to MoA'ers!

    All you are doing is hurting millions of blacks, Jews, muslims and others who understand what the "code" means behind "showing your papers". You are nothing better than the Nazis' with this attitude...move on to issues that aren't hurting innocent people. Because that's the end result here and all your narcissistic moaning and groaning about fake birth certificates and it's a matter of "being honest, credible" is petty, unenlightened and nothing more than self serving BS. There's a much bigger picture to this birther thing that people here seem oblivious too - people here at MoA should be above acts that hurt entire segments of the population.

    Did you even listen to the videos I posted under Alien Contact Laws about the hurt this is causing very proud, well educated and good men who just happen to be black? This birther thing isn't just about Obama's birth place, it's about stirring up racism in America and if you're not a racist your would be better of fighting battles that you can win that don't hurt people of color or other cultures.

    At this point your ego's are so wrapped up in this stupid fight you just can't let it go...or can you?

    And if I offended anyone here, no apologies. I'm standing up for the millions of people who face racism in America on a daily basis because of their skin color or religion. And this birther GAME was introduced by the biggest racists in America, it's called the "Southern Strategy" and they have used the strategy in the south to stay in power by playing into the angry old white mans fears. You've fallen for the oldest trick in the Republican book...these people aren't stupid, they know how to stir up division.


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    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  Carol Mon May 02, 2011 3:01 am

    How many times do I have to clarify that this is not about race for me. Not at all. I was even more upset with Bush and his cartel for rigging the dibald voting machines so it looked like he won the election - twice.

    I personally heard Michael say Obama was born in Kenya, Obama say he was born in Kenya and his grandmother say he was born in Kenya. When are you going to understand that truth and integrity is what is the motivating factor. You choose to believe this is about race. If it were about race O would have never been elected in the first place. If you choose to believe he was born in Hawaii go for it. I choose to accept the truth of the situation because even if he were born in Hawaii he still isn't qualified to be president according to the guidelines of the US Constitution.

    If I am proven wrong I will be the first person to apologize. However, listening to O's grandmother talk about O being born in Kenya was who convinced me what was the truth of the matter.

    As for the next election - I sat and listened to Melon Thomas a couple of years ago, who had a significant NDE years ago how he saw into the future where a black man was president followed by a woman president. This is what he saw. Who knows what will transpire. With what Pane (Astralwalker) shared with us - he was shown how the sun is going to wipe out much of the planet in March 2013 along with a galactic. I just can't get into the race issue. We are all humans... the human race.

    I don't even bother to vote any longer because from what I've learned how the Presidential elections are all rigged before it even happens. I don't know about March 2013 either. It could happen and could not happen. One thing for sure - dealing with life and death on a daily basis here with my mom puts things in perspective. Either one stays in alignment with spiritual integrity or they don't.

    I just don't like people in public positions who lie and I don't care what color of their skin is.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  Micjer Mon May 02, 2011 3:31 am


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    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon May 02, 2011 3:59 am

    AscendingStarseed wrote:
    And if I offended anyone here, no apologies.

    You're behaving like a bloody troll with your ridiculous racism acusations.

    And if I offended you here, Ascending Starseed, no apologies.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon May 02, 2011 4:15 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : 3 times now testing something out)

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    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  Carol Mon May 02, 2011 4:33 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 126
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    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  dolphin Tue May 03, 2011 5:24 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    AscendingStarseed wrote:
    And if I offended anyone here, no apologies.

    You're behaving like a bloody troll with your ridiculous racism acusations.

    And if I offended you here, Ascending Starseed, no apologies.

    i'd have to agree with trancoso.... AS not becoming of you to accuse people of the race issue. i think carol has explained herself in great detail.

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    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  dolphin Tue May 03, 2011 5:27 am

    but why isn't mainstream media making a bigger issue of his fake certificate? surely the people in govt are not that naive!! why aren't more people making a fuss about this. this is one of the biggest scandals in us history? even though the presidency is nothing but show as he's a puppet, but still?????

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    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  Micjer Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:39 pm

    Breaking CCA News! This morning the Georgia Court of Administrative Hearings denied Obama’s motion to dismiss our ballot challenge. More importantly, the court’s opinion ruled in our favor on all procedural and state law issues, leaving only one thing left to decide: Whether Obama is a natural-born-citizen under the Constitution.

    Remember that no court has ever addressed this issue! As you know our argument is very simple. We argue that the Supreme Court has defined “natural-born-citizen” as a person with two U.S. citizen parents, and Obama admits that his father was never a U.S. citizen.

    Others have raised many legal theories and asserted numerous facts regarding Obama’s past, his identity, his parentage, and his qualifications to hold office. None of those others have EVER succeeded in having a single court address the substantive issues they raised. Every one of those cases have been dismissed on procedural grounds without considering the substantive arguments at issue. Liberty Legal Foundation will now be the first to appear before a court that has affirmatively stated that it will decide the Constitutional question.

    The hearing is set for 9AM on January 26th in Atlanta, Georgia.

    As you know, we have similar cases filed in Tennessee state court and Federal court in Arizona. Hopefully the Georgia court will set the groundwork for victories across the country. If any court rules that Obama is not Constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President, it will be a major victory and should make international news. All the motions are located on our website on the Georgia Ballot Challenge page.

    Posts : 32703
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    Location : Hawaii

    so was obamas birth certificate faked? - Page 2 Empty Re: so was obamas birth certificate faked?

    Post  Carol Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:35 pm

    Love it. Thubs Up

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 18, 2024 11:35 pm