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    Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate


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    Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate Empty Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:08 pm

    Globe Magazine: Obama African Birth Certificate! Barack Obama's presidency is illegal!
    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate Globe7-21

    Not sure why Globe is just now running this story. The Obama Kenyan Registration of Birth that is now running on the front page of Globe appears to be the one Attorney Orly Taitz released last year. It is important to note that when Atty Taitz first posted that online the Obot's quickly photoshopped one of their own with false info to put disinformation out that it was fake. It must also be noted that no Court or any Legal Body deemed that document or the Lucas Smith document real or fake.

    Posted below the Globe snippet is the purported 'Coast Province Certified Copy of Registration of Birth' for Barack Obama which was obtained by Attorney Taitz. Below that is the purported Kenyan Certificate of Birth obtained by Lucas Smith. - Birther Report Update - FYI, more Obama/Kenya info posted below the Obama COLB. Much of it is what is reported in the current Globe. ]

    Via the Globe; Obama African Birth Certificate!
    Barack Obama's presidency is illegal! That's what political insiders are saying after a shocking birth certificate from a hospital in Kenya reveals America's Commander-in-Chief was born in Africa! GLOBE has all the explosive details you can't afford to miss! Source;

    Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate Obama-kenyan-bc-onq-c
    Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate, Hospital Version, From Lucas Smith -

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    pineal-pilot-in merkabah
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah

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    Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate Empty Re: Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate

    Post  pineal-pilot-in merkabah Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:48 am

    can someone explain to me if the globe is like the sun or mirror in the uk or is it like the onion? im obviously no fan of obama but this smells fishy

    Posts : 465
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    Location : There's no place like home.

    Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate Empty Re: Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate

    Post  eMonkey Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:07 am

    pineal-pilot-in merkabah wrote:can someone explain to me if the globe is like the sun or mirror in the uk or is it like the onion? im obviously no fan of obama but this smells fishy

    Someone say Fish? I smell bananas Obama's AFRICAN Birth Certificate Alien . I wonder if they copied some details for the fake. Until we see the real "Fake" certificate - who can say - all speculations are valid.

    To me - it looks like the "Sun" or Germany's "Die Bild" Zeitung. IMO, both sensationalise on trivia and bad facts.

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