But not many would deny something is going on. And most people have way more questions than answers.
I proceed from assumptions which match or at least don't contradict what I've felt, thought, heard, intuited, read, etc. Here's an off the top of my head list of assumptions which I base my conclusions on.
I assume the enormous preponderance of intuitive insights regarding the consciousness shift are not all wrong. The current events have been foreseen for hundreds and even thousands of years. I assume they're not all made up or mistaken.
I assume that most of these theories and "seeings" have some truth, or at least aren't total fabrications.
I assume the most logical conclusion is that we are in the midst of something awesome. From there, you can decide whether awesomely good, or awesomely bad, or awesomely "it's all over".
I assume we don't yet have the whole story, except perhaps in bits and pieces in different locations and from different sources. But I also believe we are piecing the puzzle together.
I assume we have help in whatever process we are going through, because help is in evidence all over the place. Others have other opinions on it. I'm relating mine.
I assume there is truth in the idea that intuition is of use, and actually comes from higher consciousness. Not the least of which reason is that I can't really see how something limited (brain) can pierce something unlimited.
I assume that many of the descriptions of the realms we are currently playing in, are apt. I know there are theories purporting mass hysteria and mass hypnosis, but I don't support that these are why so many perceive into what they call higher dimensions or realms.
I conclude therefore that intuition of our own, and answers to our specific questions from higher dimensional beings and groupings of beings have enough potential merit to warrant a good consideration.
An excellent example of such intuition and instruction is the idea of harmonic resonance. I see how this works. I've considered many descriptions from higher realm beings of how this works, and when I look at it for myself, I find I can bear witness. So I don't feel this can be dismissed. resonance tells you therefore, whether what you are perceiving is of similar or disparate frequency. I know many find what they consider "new agey" terms to be off putting, but I don't apologize for their use. I find them apt descriptors. I get from the guides I'm in contact with, that this is a primary interface in their neck of the woods. They base much on this resonance. It's another more technical expression of "like attracts like". You gravitate towards what vibrates as you do. The often used example of a tuning fork pinged, will start another fork tuned to vibrate at the same frequency in motion and making sound.
We may think of it in our reality terms as agreement, or like-mindedness. But you know if what you encounter fits with you or if it doesn't.
This is something we are now relearning. We've been functioning in a band of frequencies which has been described as extremely dense of compacted, and which has other unique quailties which are endemic to this level of existence. Some examples of this uniqueness are time functioning in a way that appears linear, or sequential, and a whole raft of special interfaces which permit us the illusion of being things we are not. And we use things not needed outside of this realm, like logical minds and self perpetuating egos. We also have had to shut off much of the perception and higher interfacing tools we'd normally use, in order to not ruin our experience here by remaining aware it was all illusion.
Our minds are a primary means by which we can blend perceptions and thoughts in such a way that the illusion is maintained. We blend things to smooth out the illusions.
Like your eyes. It's known for a long time how visual mechanics work. all it takes is around 30 pictures per second, each a little different, hitting our eyes in quick succession, to give the illusion of smooth motion. It's really no different than that. It's an interface. Our minds or brains or some facility, blends the pictures together into the illusion of motion, which we happily accept. The truth is, that is how our whole 3D reality works. We use the interface of our minds to blend all the things our higher senses would show for what they are, in order to enjoy this 3D experience to the fullest.
It is clear to me at least, that since we had to forget so much in order to be able to come here, that we set in place some wake up calls and reminders which would present themselves when it was time to start to come out of the illusions.
This is what I believe we have been experiencing and what we will continue to experience for some while to come.
You don't wake somebody up by throwing them in icey water. You do it more gently.
What I perceive happening, is the tools we held in place to permit and strengthen the illusions, are now being broken down, and rendered inoperable.
Let me start another post to describe the one I believe we just saw break down before our very eyes, in my next post. I don't want to leave an intimidatingly long post here for people to confront.