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    Radiation : safety measures


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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:02 am

    The DEFCON Warning System is a private enterprise which monitors world events and assesses nuclear threats against the United States by national entities. The DEFCON Warning System will give radiation readings for areas that are reported to it. Your readings will vary. This system serves the Kettle Falls area of Northeast Washington. Official news sources will have radiation readings for your area.

    For immediate updates, go to Breaking news and important information can be found on the DEFCON Warning System message board. You may also subscribe to the YouTube channel DefconWarningSystem, however YouTube updates may be delayed by several hours due to server load. The next scheduled update is 7 P.M. Pacific Time, April 2nd, 2011. Additional updates will be made as the situation warrants, with more frequent updates at higher alert levels.

    Defcon report saturday march 12/2011

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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:07 am, home of the National Radiation Map, depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every 3 minutes. This is the first web site where the average citizen (or anyone in the world) can see what radiation levels are anywhere in the USA at any time


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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:10 am

    Radioactive iodine

    #1 - Radioactive iodine (predominantly iodine-131) is a major radioisotope constituent in nuclear power plants.

    #2 - There are 103 currently active commercial nuclear reactors and 39 operating nonpower reactors in the United States. (434 worldwide as of 1998.) Additionlly, there are numerous other nuclear processing and storage facilities worldwide with the potential for accidents, too.

    read on :

    Some usefull tips regarding radiation can be taken from this video as well :

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:12 am

    Niacin, Vitamin B3, Water Soluble, Radiation Antidote

    By Viola Woolcott

    Niacin is a water soluble Vitamin which is also known as Vitamin B3. Niacin also refers to nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. The body uses them to form the coenzymes NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate).

    Researchers claim that niacin had been a definite point of study as an antidote to radiation exposure and has also proven to be an extraordinary effective catalyst for the discharging of radiation.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  mudra Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:12 am

    Nuclear War Survival skills

    updated and expanded


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    Radiation : safety measures  Empty Re: Radiation : safety measures

    Post  Guest Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:01 am

    Kelp: A Prophylactic Protocol for Radiation Emergencies
    Posted on March 13, 2011 by Trane Francks

    “Who wants breakfast? We have chicken and kelp, eggs and kelp and, for those on a diet, kelp and kelp.” Me at breakfast today, hawking my wares to the kids

    Potassium iodide has been long recognized as a proper prophylactic measure in the face of radiation emergencies. Unfortunately for folks in Japan who have recently faced a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and are also now looking at the potential nuclear meltdown of two reactor cores in Fukushima prefecture, potassium iodide is a controlled substance and not available for prophylactic use. You can get it, but only by prescription, which means you need to be sick first.

    For the rest of us in Japan, therefore, we need to address the issue of iodine on our own. The best natural source of iodine is from so-called “sea vegetables” such as kelp. Kelp is a type of seaweed and is a feature of the Japanese diet. It is commonly used in making soup broths and certain types have a lovely texture, especially when cooked.

    In the face of uncertain radiation exposure, I’ve begun an aggressive protocol. For my family, that means kelp has become a staple of the diet. Kelp at every meal. Oh, boy! Wink

    On average, 20 grams of kelp contain 415 mcg of iodine. For adults 18-40 (or adolescents reaching a weight of ~70 kg), 50-60 grams of kelp/day should act as a reasonable prophylactic protocol. Children need approximately half that amount. In adults over 40, I’ve read that prophylactic protocols do not recommend the standard adult dosage until thyroid radiation exposure reaches 500 cGy or greater. This is because the risk of cancer and hypothyroidism decreases as adults age. Since I intend to live to be at minimum 120 years old, I have every intention of ignoring this advice and taking the regular adult protocol.

    Current information about radiation risk in Japan is mixed. On one hand, the government is stating that there is no risk to humans and that only steam was released in the explosion at the plant. Contradicting that information, however, is a report that they recorded the presence of cesium isotopes in the atmosphere around the plant. That can only mean that containment has failed to at least some degree and that it’s not a question of whether radiation will leak but rather how much.

    The purpose of using iodine or potassium iodide as a prophylactic protocol in (preparation for) radiation emergencies is that radioactive iodine isotopes are released during uncontrolled thermonuclear reactions. If our thyroid’s iodine receptors are not fully bound with healthful iodine, any radioactive iodine isotopes we ingest or inhale can bind in our thyroid and cause long-term DNA damage. The result of that can be radiation sickness, cancer and death.

    To all my friends, family and clients in Japan, I encourage you to eat kelp and plenty of it. Be creative in how you prepare it. And until you know otherwise – without doubt – keep your iodine levels sufficient to protect from long-term radiation poisoning.

    As an adjunctive measure, read up on other lifestyle and nutrition measures here on the site. If you’re experiencing anything other than perfect health, NOW is the time to address the issues so that you can face any coming challenges from a place of well-being instead of a state of compromised health.

    Be well. Kelp: It’s Not Just For Breakfast Anymore!

    If you are worried about radiation KELP = peace of mind Double Thumbs Up

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    Radiation : safety measures  Empty iodine, kelp and radiation

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:30 pm

    Follow up on Andromeda lost

    iodine, kelp and radiation

    Posted March 14th 2011 at 12:10 am by Rhonda

    You need to take kelp regularly, everyday, to prevent your thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine.

    Kelp is a food that naturally contains iodine.

    Kelp is seaweed. You can get it in a capsule form, a pill form, or as a powder.


    Kelp is available in Tablet form . The recommended dose is 150 micrograms ( mcg)

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    Post  sjkted Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:52 pm

    For me, a radiation meter was not in the budget but I did buy a Kerney Fallout Meter. They are not as accurate as radiation meters, but give a good approximation. They can also be easily assembled with the proper parts:


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    Post  Jonah Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:33 pm

    I suppose now would be a good time to try some of those potassium iodine pills i bought a few years back...

    hmm... anyone ever take these before?? capsule form... say you can give half of one to a baby!!

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    Post  enemyofNWO Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:43 pm

    WASHINGTON — American Navy officials in Japan said early Monday that 17 military personnel who had been aboard three helicopters assisting in the earthquake relief effort had been exposed to low levels of contamination.
    Cmdr. Jeff A. Davis, a spokesman for the American Seventh Fleet in Japan, said the Navy personnel — who apparently had flown through a radioactive plume from a damaged nuclear power plant — had been ordered to dispose of their uniforms and to undergo a decontamination scrub that had successfully removed radioactive particles.


    On the Potassium iodine discussion . It must be remembered that taking it could be damaging to the body ( thyroid gland ) if there is no radiation . It is better to take KELP , there are no side effects and contains natural iodine .

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    Post  burgundia Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:45 pm

    I have read that rosemary soaked in warm water for some time, then sweetened and drunk twice a day is an excellent remedy for radiation.

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    Post  Jonah Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:19 pm

    burgundia wrote:I have read that rosemary soaked in warm water for some time, then sweetened and drunk twice a day is an excellent remedy for radiation.

    Excellent... i have a rosemary bush in the yard... Thank you burgundia...I will enjoy making some tea today

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    Radiation : safety measures  Empty Re: Radiation : safety measures

    Post  sjkted Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:50 pm

    Jonah wrote:I suppose now would be a good time to try some of those potassium iodine pills i bought a few years back...

    hmm... anyone ever take these before?? capsule form... say you can give half of one to a baby!!

    Generally, it's not a good idea to start taking the iodine tablets until radiation levels have been detected above normal thresholds. The iodine tablets themselves have side effects.


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    Post  Jenetta Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:59 pm

    sjkted wrote:
    Jonah wrote:I suppose now would be a good time to try some of those potassium iodine pills i bought a few years back...

    hmm... anyone ever take these before?? capsule form... say you can give half of one to a baby!!

    Generally, it's not a good idea to start taking the iodine tablets until radiation levels have been detected above normal thresholds. The iodine tablets themselves have side effects.
    I agree with sjkted on the issue of whether or not to take iodine tablets at this time...a person can get iodine from kelp tablets (Vogels is a good brand) and of course there is Niacin (B3) preferably No Flush which I just bought is some info I posted on the Reactor Core thread...

    Apparently baking soda and glutathione nebulized directly into the lungs is good. Iodine, magnesium chloride, bentonite (healing clays taken internally with H2O) all good. K14U is sold out of potassium iodate from what I hear. Thanks Mudra I will stock up on my niacin B3.

    I visited the local health food store here today in Mission and they were completely sold out of potassium iodate tablets. Hope there won't be a problem with people overdosing on iodine.
    Vincit Omnia Veritas

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    Post  sjkted Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:39 pm


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    Post  sjkted Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:48 pm

    Here's the official answer from ki4u on using natural iodine supplements vs. the potassium iodide pills:

    Q: Is Iodized Salt, Tincture of Iodine, Water Purification Tabs, or other Iodine Sources Effective?

    A: Any dietary iodine sources providing for a normal daily sufficient regimen of iodine intake (about 150 micrograms/day in adults) is preferred in that it will then take less stable iodine (and time) to saturate your thyroid in a nuclear emergency and there will be less room there for radioactive iodine before you do. An iodine sufficient diet will also greatly increase the effectiveness of KI or KIO3, but primarily only in the following limited context and not as a substitute for KI or KIO3:

    An iodine sufficient diet is most beneficial, compared to an insufficient iodine diet, when the initial administration of KI had been unavoidably delayed and the KI could only be first taken after exposure to radioiodine.

    From the Health Physics Journal, Volume 78 No. 6, June 2000, "EFFECTS OF TIME OF ADMINISTRATION AND DIETARY IODINE LEVELS ON POTASSIUM IODIDE (KI) BLOCKADE OF THYROID IRRADIATION BY 131-I FROM RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT" Pat B. Zanzonico and David V. Becker (Read abstract by searching title at Health Physics Journal):

    "The 131-I thyroid absorbed dose is two-fold greater with insufficient levels of dietary iodine, 2,900 cGy/37 MBq, than with sufficient levels of dietary iodine, 1,500 cGy/37 MBq. When KI is administered 48 h or less before 131-I intake, the thyroid absorbed doses (in cGy/37 MBq) are comparably low with both sufficient and insufficient dietary iodine levels. When KI is administered after 131-I intake, however, the protective effect of KI is less and decreases more rapidly with insufficient than with sufficient dietary iodine. For example, KI administration 2 and 8 h after 131-I intake yields protective effects of 80 and 40%, respectively, with iodine-sufficient diets, but only 65 and 15% with iodine-deficient diets."

    However, in regards to the effective thyroid-blocking protection directly afforded by various sources of dietary iodine, and other iodine applications, taken alone without also utilizing KI or KIO3, it was found...

    From the Salt Institue:

    "U.S. salt producers use potassium iodide at a level of 0.006% to 0.01% KI."

    According to Morton� Salt:

    "Each 1/4 teaspoon serving of Morton� Iodized Salt (1.5 gram weight) contains 130 MICROGRAMS of Potassium Iodide."

    Thus, to achieve an intake of 130 MILLIGRAMS of Potassium Iodide (what one KI adult dose tablet contains) would require ingesting 250 teaspoons or over 5 cups of iodized salt per day! Don't even think about it! (Morton Lite Salt� Mixture comes in lower yet, at only 90 MICROGRAMS of Potassium Iodide per 1/4 teaspoon!)

    Sea Salt is an even worse 'option'. Iodine per Kilogram of sea salt is about 3 mg. You'd be looking at over 33 kilograms of Sea Salt a day to achieve the amount of iodine in a 130 mg dose of KI! Hardly an option!

    A 6-ounce portion of ocean fish only contains about 500 MICROGRAMS of iodine. Some specific seafoods, portion size and their iodine content in MICROGRAMS: Mackerel 150g 255 mcg, Mussels 150g 180 mcg, Cod 150g 165 mcg, Kipper 150g 107 mcg, Whiting 150g 100 mcg, Fish fingers 75g 75 mcg, Scampi 150g 62 mcg, Herring 150g 48 mcg, Prawns 150g 42 mcg, Sardines, canned in oil 150g 35 mcg, Trout 150g 24 mcg, Tuna 150g 21 mcg.

    Well, you can do the math here! More fish per day would be required than most eat in a year!

    Kelp Tablets...hardly. Solgar� Kelp Tablets, for example, contain only 225 MICROGRAMS of iodine! (Fortunately, it is also available in a 1000 tablet bottle, unfortunately though, you'd need to be swallowing 442 of them per day and likely not wander too far from a bathroom!)

    Medicines containing Potassium Iodide: Potassium iodide (KI) is an old drug used as an expectorant in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. It is used to treat coughs with phlegm, feeling of fullness in the chest or pressure in the face/sinuses. Potassium iodide helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to drain bronchial tubes and make coughs more productive. It increases secretions in the respiratory tract in approximately 30 min. Today it is mainly used to treat an overactive thyroid and, of course, to protect the thyroid gland from the effects of radiation from inhaled or ingested (swallowed) radioactive iodine. Potassium iodide also has anti-infective properties and is sometimes used to treat certain skin conditions caused by fungus, like toenail fungus.

    PIMA (Fleming & Company) and SSKI (Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc.) are both available in tablets or liquid, but only with a prescription. Another, that used to be a non-prescription cough and expectorant medicine available over-the-counter (OTC) is Pediacof Cough made by Sterling Health, a Division of Miles, Inc. Common 5 ml dose contains Chlorpheniramine 0.75 mg, Codeine 5 mg, Phenylephrine 2.5 mg, Potassium Iodide 75 mg.

    Any of the above may or may not be available from your local pharmacy with a prescription from your doctor. We can't and don't recommend you ever take any drug for any reason other than what it was intended for, nor that the suggested dosages should ever be exceeded. There may be other OTC medicines containing Potassium Iodide on the market as well, please pass them on here if you discover any.

    Also, FYI, Potassium Iodide can be found in some livestock preparations, too, such as Equi-Tussin, which is a liquid expectorant and aromatic oil supplement for horses. It contains 125 mg of Potassium Iodide per fluid ounce, but it also contains Molasses, Mentholated Syrup of White Pine, Eucalyptus Oil, Peppermint Oil, Glyceryl Guiacolate and Ammonium Chloride and is obviously formulated for horses, not people. You might want to keep this in mind, though, for protecting your livestock and pets.

    Regarding ingesting (drinking/swallowing) iodine, iodine tablets (widely sold for water purification), tincture of iodine, or Povidone-iodine solutions (like the Betadine� brand solution): Cresson H. Kearny, the author of Nuclear War Survival Skills, Original Edition Published September, 1979, by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a Facility of the U.S. Department of Energy (Updated and Expanded 1987 Edition) states on page 115:

    Elemental (free) iodine is poisonous, except in the very small amounts in water disinfected with iodine tablets or a few drops of tincture of iodine. Furthermore, elemental iodine supplied by iodine tablets and released by tincture of iodine dropped into water is not effective as a blocking agent to prevent thyroid damage. If you do not have any potassium iodide, DO NOT TAKE IODINE TABLETS OR TINCTURE OF IODINE.

    Iodine is normally used in doses of 8 PPM to treat clear water for a 10 minute contact time. The effectiveness and safety of this dose has been shown in numerous studies. As far back as 1953 in the study "Test of chronic toxicity of iodine as related to the purification of water". U.S. Armed Forces medical journal, 1953, 4:725-728 Morgan DP, Karpen RJ., it was shown that:

    "No adverse health effects were reported in men who drank water providing iodide at doses of 0.17-0.27 mg/kg of body weight per day for 26 weeks"

    That works out to a reported safe ingestion of elemental iodine via treated water of between 14 and 22 mg per day for an 180 lb adult. To attempt to achieve a thyroid-blocking dose of nearly 100 mg of iodine (the iodine content of a 130 mg KI tablet) would thus require exceeding that proven safe level by a factor of at least four to seven times for an 180 lb adult. And, this would be with potentially poisonous elemental free iodine that is also claimed above by Cresson H. Kearny to be "...not effective as a blocking agent to prevent thyroid damage."

    Additionally, USP tincture of iodine contains 2% iodine and 2.4% sodium iodide dissolved in 50% ethyl alcohol and according to the National Academy of Sciences in Drinking Water and Health. Vol. 3. Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 1980.

    Doses of 30-250 ml of tincture of iodine (about 16-130 mg of total iodine per kg of body weight) have been reported to be fatal.

    The small typical one ounce bottle of tincture of iodine contains about two tablespoons or approximately 30 ml of fluid. (The larger pint bottles contain 473 ml.) To a small child, ingesting the small 1 ounce bottle, even if well diluted to make it palatable, could prove fatal.

    Everyone needs to understand that all 'tincture of iodine' bottles are clearly marked "POISON" for a very good reason. Ingesting elemental free iodine, such as 'tincture of iodine', in quantities sufficient to attempt thyroid-blocking in a nuclear emergency is not a safe, nor an effective, alternative.

    Finally, if someone does attempt thyroid-blocking for themselves or their children by ingesting iodine, iodine water purification tablets, tincture of iodine, or Povidone-iodine solutions (like the Betadine� brand solution), and we are strongly advising against it, they can look forward to:

    * shock (potentially fatal lowering of blood pressure)
    * extreme thirst
    * metallic taste
    * sore teeth, gums and mouth
    * severe headache
    * fever
    * no urine output (kidney failure)
    * corrosive effects on the gastrointestinal tract
    * esophageal stricture, asphyxiation (swelling of the throat, esophagus)
    * vomiting
    * diarrhea
    * abdominal pain with internal damage
    * delirium
    * stupor

    Then, be prepared to call the Poison Control center for further guidance.
    DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give milk, cornstarch, or flour by mouth (15 gm in 500 ml, or just over a pint of water). Continue to give milk every 15 minutes.

    And, at the Emergency Room expect some or all of the following procedures to be performed: Gastric lavage (depending on the extent of esophageal injury), establish and maintain airway, be given milk every 15 minutes, and treatment for the symptoms.


    Topical Iodine Applications

    There has been some interesting research, though, with both humans and dogs into topically (on the skin) applied Povidone-Iodine (10%) solution (such as Betadine� or Povidex� solutions), and also with tincture of iodine, to test the absorption rates of iodine directly through the skin. But, it was found not to be as quick in providing thyroid blocking as oral Potassium Iodide (KI) or KIO3, nor as consistent, and then, often, at lower levels of protection. Questions remain of skin irritation, determining the amount of Iodine solution to apply, where best to apply it, how long to apply it, and the effects of temperature and humidity on absorption through the skin. Also, insufficient testing has been done on specific groups, such as infants, children, and pregnant and nursing women to know how effective it would be and the full range of complications that could be expected with repeated applications. For instance, the skin absorption of iodine products in neonates with inhibition of thyroid function has been documented in the past. The use of Povidone-Iodine is the most frequent cause of this type of intoxication. Another study showed that Povidone-Iodine did not significantly influence neonatal thyroid function if they were used to a full term neonate only once and even to a wide skin surface.

    Another source, non-medical, claims that by using the stronger 7% tincture iodine and just dipping the index finger of the person being treated up to the first knuckle (just above the fingernail) would provide the proper dosing. They claim this would work for all people as our fingers are roughly proportionate to our size and weight. That may be true, but that this technique would actually provide sufficient quantity and effective absorption of iodine for thyroid-blocking has not been verified. (Additional documentation and source references have been requested of that author. And, will be promptly posted here if provided.)

    Clearly more research is needed before embracing the topically applied techniques as a one-size-fits-all solution, as its limitations must first be more fully understood. However...

    According to research by Health Physicist Ken Miller, Hershey Medical Center, using 24 healthy adult male subjects, an adult could get a blocking dose of stable iodine by painting 8 ml of a 2 percent tincture of Iodine on the abdomen or forearm approximately 2 hours prior to I-131 contamination. The abstract of his study titled "Effectiveness of Skin Absorption of Tincture of I in Blocking Radioiodine from the Human Thyroid Gland" from Health Physics, June 1989, Vol. 56, No. 6, pages 911-914, (To read abstract, search the title of the article here) states:

    "Although there were large variations within each subject group in regard to serum-I levels and thyroid uptakes, the increase in serum-I concentration after topical-I application was effective in reducing the thyroid uptake of I131. The authors conclude that in the absence of KI, most humans would benefit from topical application of tincture of-I, and that in some the effectiveness would equal that of oral KI."

    Hmmm... interesting Plan "B"(Betadine�) possibilities here, if in a pinch!

    This author continues to see e-mails and forum postings highlighting some of the ongoing confusion regarding different iodine sources and their abilities to provide sufficient levels of iodine for thyroid-blocking radioiodine.

    This should help clear it up some more...

    Potassium iodide (KI) is 76.5% iodine.

    If the FDA recommended amount required for thyroid-blocking radiation protection is 130 milligrams of KI, then that translates into 99.45 milligrams of elemental iodine.

    If you are looking at a product, like a kelp liquid for example, that says on the label...

    "2 drops contain -kelp standardized with potassium iodide to contain 0.15 mg (150mcg) of pure organic iodine (150%RDA)"

    Then, to attain 99.45 milligrams of iodine (same as what's in one 130 mg tablet of KI) would require ingesting 663 double drops or X 2 = 1326 single drops.

    A couple drops is just fine for dietary supplementation of required iodine, but woefully underpowered for saturating the thyroid for radioiodine radiation protection.


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    Radiation : safety measures  Empty Re: Radiation : safety measures

    Post  enemyofNWO Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:33 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:Follow up on Andromeda lost

    iodine, kelp and radiation

    Posted March 14th 2011 at 12:10 am by Rhonda

    You need to take kelp regularly, everyday, to prevent your thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine.

    Kelp is a food that naturally contains iodine.

    Kelp is seaweed. You can get it in a capsule form, a pill form, or as a powder.


    Kelp is available in Tablet form . The recommended dose is 150 micrograms ( mcg)

    I must apologize . The recommended dose of Potassium iodine is 130 mg per tablet that is 0.130 grams . But a Kelp tablet provides insufficient iodine to be of use ( 0.000150 grams ) . A factor close to 1000 as the post of SJKTED demonstrated . Back to potassium iodine then .

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    Post  Floyd Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:16 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:
    enemyofNWO wrote:Follow up on Andromeda lost

    iodine, kelp and radiation

    Posted March 14th 2011 at 12:10 am by Rhonda

    You need to take kelp regularly, everyday, to prevent your thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine.

    Kelp is a food that naturally contains iodine.

    Kelp is seaweed. You can get it in a capsule form, a pill form, or as a powder.


    Kelp is available in Tablet form . The recommended dose is 150 micrograms ( mcg)

    I must apologize . The recommended dose of Potassium iodine is 130 mg per tablet that is 0.130 grams . But a Kelp tablet provides insufficient iodine to be of use ( 0.000150 grams ) . A factor close to 1000 as the post of SJKTED demonstrated . Back to potassium iodine then .

    ENWO, its just been reported that these are selling for around $500 a box in Japan.

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    Post  mudra Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:42 pm

    enemyofNWO wrote:
    ENWO, its just been reported that these are selling for around $500 a box in Japan.

    It this is true it's indeed outrageous. It should be given out to these people for free !

    Love from me

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    Post  mudra Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:18 pm

    I found this on ATS :

    Ok, I've done some research, I can't start my own thread as I don't have 20 posts...

    If you have a Rite Aid (US), go get GNC Mega Men vitamins, OR, even better GNC Prenatal Formula, it is $9.99 for a bottle of 60 caplets, purple label.

    The Mega Men has 150mcg of Potassium Iodide, the Prenatals have 290 mcg.

    If you are male, get the prenatal formula, without iron. You could cut them in half.

    Forget about ordering online, or Kelp, just go get the vitamins, if you are freaked.

    I've already told all my friends and family to do this Saturday night in Washington state.

    I live in Virginia, and I already have some. If it turns out to be nothing (I do NOT think this is nothing btw)
    then you are just taking vitamins for a coupla weeks.

    If this should be moved or posted elsewhere, help me out.

    Hope this helps a little

    Love from me

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    Post  Karen Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:32 pm

    As requested by Mudra, this post I made to another thread is copied here:

    Karen wrote:In a former life I was a Med Tech for the pharma pushing
    doctors of allopathy. Whoever wrote that post on the other forum mixed
    up mcg and mg.

    I tried to find something in our health food store yesterday and there was a "Thyroid Caps" with 150 mcg of potassium iodide.

    have a big bag of chopped dulse and I think I'll use that - though I
    haven't confirmed yet how much iodine you should get from from x dose of

    The Dr. Brownstein article said 130 mg.
    One micro-gram (µg) equals to 0.001 milli-grams (mg).
    130 mg = 130,000 mcg
    150 mcg = .15 mg, therefore:
    Your daily multis will give you nowhere near the amount you need to fill the thyroid with iodine.

    must be careful with iodine - if you have an unknown thyroid imbalance
    130 mg of potassium iodide can burn out your thyroid. Don't take that
    high of a dose without medical supervision unless you know high
    radioactive iodine levels are a day away.

    mudra wrote:
    HigherLove wrote:

    In the meantime...working in Mendocino County today. Cannot find Potassium Iodide.

    just spoke with someone at a Safeway(Kroeger) pharmacy, and they said
    they tried to get some yesterday, but their supplier does not even have

    I found this on ATS HigherLove :

    Ok, I've done some research, I can't start my own thread as I don't have 20 posts...

    you have a Rite Aid (US), go get GNC Mega Men vitamins, OR, even better
    GNC Prenatal Formula, it is $9.99 for a bottle of 60 caplets, purple

    The Mega Men has 150mcg of Potassium Iodide, the Prenatals have 290 mcg.

    If you are male, get the prenatal formula, without iron. You could cut them in half.

    Forget about ordering online, or Kelp, just go get the vitamins, if you are freaked.

    I've already told all my friends and family to do this Saturday night in Washington state.

    I live in Virginia, and I already have some. If it turns out to be nothing (I do NOT think this is nothing btw)
    then you are just taking vitamins for a coupla weeks.

    If this should be moved or posted elsewhere, help me out.

    Hope this helps a little

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    Radiation : safety measures  Empty Re: Radiation : safety measures

    Post  mudra Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:56 pm

    Thank You Karen


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    Radiation : safety measures  Empty Re: Radiation : safety measures

    Post  mudra Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:42 pm

    Another good article on potassium Iodide

    Potassium Iodide KI

    Potassium Iodide is available at very reasonable prices via Amazon. For additional information on quantities etc. go to: Source Naturals Potassium Iodide 32.5mg, 240 Tablets

    Taking potassium iodide (KI) tablets after an incident involving radioactive materials may or may not limit the risk of damage to a person’s thyroid gland from ionizing radiation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has prepared this fact sheet to further explain when KI might be appropriate and what people should consider before making a decision to take KI.

    When to take KI


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    Last edited by mudra on Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Radiation : safety measures  Empty Re: Radiation : safety measures

    Post  investigator Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:52 pm

    Nope, the author Brownstein meant mg level dose in the books certain types of iodine are used in mg dose not micrograms. But people shouldn't be taking an mg level dose unless they read the whole book. Nascent iodine is better absorbed though, but comes in mcg level dosage per drop (supposedly it was based on Edgar Cayce's formula). In fact many believe that taking an mcg level dose of nascent has a similar effect on the body as taking an mg level dose of another form of iodine. For example calcium carbonate is not the same as calcium citrate, or magnesium oxide is not the same as angstrom magnesium or trans-dermal magnesium chloride. However, a 400 mcg dose of nascent iodine drop, is certainly not the same as 150 mcg from a trader joes multivitamin tablet with binders and fillers, that's for sure. Anyway, here is a quote from Dr Brownstein's book page Chapter 12 page 218 iodine dosage guidelines:

    There is some concern that the ingestion of iodine in the excess of RDA (150 ug/day) will cause adverse effects. I will show you that with the proper monitoring and dosing of iodine, it is safe and effective to use at doses above the DA. There are seven major concerns using iodine in excess of the RDA:

    1. Allergy
    2. Autoimmune thyroid disease
    3. Detoxification reactions
    4. Iodine-induced hypothyroidism and goiter
    5. Iodism
    7. Thyroid Cancer

    (page 226)
    How much Iodine Should You take
    1. First morning urine id discarded
    2. Take 50 mg of iodoral with a glass of water
    3. Collect 24 hour urune. Include the first morning sample at the end of the 24 hour collection
    4. Send a sample of the 24 hour urine for evaluation of iodine status.

    Research has shown that 90% exretion (or 45 mg of iodine) of a 50 mg iodine loading test would indicate an iodine sufficient state. Level below 90% or ( <45 mg) would indicate an iodine deficiency state. In this case, iodine supplementation can begin and retesting can be performed in the future.

    (Page 228)
    Although the dose should be individualized, my experience has shown that the dose can vary from a 6-50 mg/day for most adults (They recommend 130 mg for radiation though)

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    Radiation : safety measures  Empty Re: Radiation : safety measures

    Post  mudra Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:55 pm

    Vermont department of Health

    The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission supplies states with enough potassium iodide to provide at least one dose for every person who lives or works within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant.

    Windham County Vermont mapThe State of Vermont makes potassium iodide tablets available free of charge to people who work or reside in the Vermont towns of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Halifax, Marlboro and Vernon. This webpage provides links to information about this voluntary program and instructions on how to participate.

    How to request KI:

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