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    Post  horus Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:25 pm

    Brook wrote:Not too familiar with these documents...but they sure are interesting...............

    Back in 1945 the OSS (forerunner of the present-day CIA) planned to bring the "unbridled brutality of Japanese troops" under control by use of artificially triggered earthquakes. "If we could could get (an atom) bomb within a mile of a point on a fault line (trench) destined to break within 90 years we might set it off ..."

    Since this secret paper was written, the modern-day CIA has had sixty years to get its nuclear numbers right - just in time for the shattering war crime against South and South-East Asia which murdered more than 300,000 people on December 26, 2004.
    The Internet is currently capped and my researching to completing some posts has hampered me a little, but let me tell the rest. Almost every time there has been what I would call a triggered earthquake it has left a signature. Don't ask me how I arrive at this, its just a 'inner knowing', and the sixth sense. It first started with the Columbia Space Shuttle showing a 'doomsday weapon, then the December 26, 2004 tidal wave, and more recently Christchurch in New Zealand and now Japan. How can I claim this, using movie energies as protocols. The End of the World movie "On the Beach” and "The Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio. The first movie "On the Beach" was an atomic powered submarine. The second movie "The Beach" was filmed on the Thai island Phuket, at Ko Phi Phi Lee. The movie Blue Lagoon reflects this energy starring Brook Shields. The December 26 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was in the same region as Thai island Phuket, pronounced as Fuckit, like the word Bucket!

    Warnings and predictions
    Drawbacks can serve as a brief warning. People who observe drawback (many survivors report an accompanying sucking sound), can survive only if they immediately run for high ground or seek the upper floors of nearby buildings. In 2004, ten-year old Tilly Smith of Surrey, England, was on Maikhao beach in Phuket, Thailand with her parents and sister, and having learned about tsunamis recently in school, told her family that a tsunami might be imminent.

    The Capt Nemo movie with Nautilus Sword Fish and seeing explosives mines anchored to the sea-bed all over the planet, and this was my delay in replying on this post string. It was only a movie, but still it’s a reference point. In this movie was the lost city of Atlantis, and one actor who played Capt Nemo was James Mason. The word mason and the freemasons who are the Illuminati–NWO want to cull the human race.

    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Plot Summary
    The year is 1886, when New England's fishing harbours are the scene for a "creature of unknown origin" destroying ships at sea. It is the job of Professor Pierre Aronnax, a marine expert, and Ned Land (Bryan Brown), the iron willed sailor, to learn the truth of the "monster" roaming the seas. The great novelist, Jules Verne, described this perilous journey to the darkest depths of the sea with Captain Nemo aboard the Nautilus.

    As write all this and answers come through. I have another post here about a beach frontage and the tide is right out, and I'm left with Salt Lake energy which is sea-water, and that is a drawback sign to a coming tidal-wave. Recently in Australia there has been a shortage of salt for swimming pools because of the Cyclone we had and has restricted sales and where did I buy two bags of salt

    A remake of On the Beach was made for TV in 2000 which starred actor Bryan Brown. This dame actor was in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (TV movie), and my reference point to my memory showing Atlantis.


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    JAPAN REACTOR FALLOUT MAP - Page 2 Empty Japan Reactor Fallout Map

    Post  Jenetta Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:39 pm


    By Christina Consolo – Host of Nuked Radio
    April 21, 2012

    JAPAN REACTOR FALLOUT MAP - Page 2 Fukushima-IAEA-and-TEPCO-reps-300x183Thirteen months have passed since the Fukushima reactors exploded, and a U.S. Senator finally got off his XXX and went to Japan to see what is going on over there.

    What he saw was horrific.

    And now he is saying that we are in big trouble.

    See the letter he sent to U.S. Ambassador to Japan Ichiro Fujisaki, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and NRC’s Chairman Gregory Jaczko here.

    But what is so ironic about this is that we have been in this heap of trouble since March of 2011. March 17th, to be exact, when the plume of radioactive materials began bombarding the west coast of California.

    And Oregon. And Washington. And British Columbia. And later Maine, Europe, and everywhere in between.

    Independent researchers, nuke experts, and scientists, from oceanography to entomology and everywhere in between, having been trying to sound the alarm ever since.

    The scientists most upset are those who have studied the effects of radiation on health. I’ll say it again, so its really clear: we are in big trouble.

    The most preliminary reports of soil contamination are starting to come in from the USGS, who has seemed reluctant to share this information. Los Angeles, California, Portland, Oregon, and Boulder, Colorado, so far have the highest radioactive particle contamination out of the entire US.

    That being said, every single city tested across the country showed contamination from Fukushima. What is even more alarming, however, about the numbers coming in, is that they are from samples taken April 5th, of last year.

    The Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, has only recently confirmed that there were three meltdowns, and they have been ongoing, unabated, for thirteen months, and no effort has been made to contain them.

    Technology has to be developed/invented to deal with the melted out corium under the reactors. Until then, they will keep doing what they have been doing.

    TEPCO just keeps dumping water on them, after which they let it pour into the ocean, and steam up through the ground, every second of every day.

    The jet stream, and a highly dynamic portion of our atmosphere called the troposphere, have been swirling around massive amounts of radioactive particles and settling them out, mostly in rain, over the entire northern hemisphere, especially the west coast of North America, from Alaska down to Baja and even further.

    Iodine, cesium, strontium, plutonium, uranium, and a host of other fission products have been coming directly from Japan to the west coast for thirteen months.

    Maybe you have heard about sick seals, polar bears, tainted fish, mutations in dandelions and fruits and vegetables, possibly even animals already, and seaweed.

    In fact the kelp from Corona del Mar contained 40,000,000 bcq/kg of radioactive iodine, as reported in Scientific American several weeks ago.

    If you don’t know your becquerels, its a lot. That’s what your pacific fish feed on. And that was only ONE isotope reported. There were up to 1600 different isotopes that have been floating around in our air, pouring out of the reactors, and steaming out of the ground, every second of every day, for 13 months.

    And there has been silence from our mainstream media, for which the depths of depravity are so severe I will devote an entire article just to the “why” at a future time.

    But back to the research: reports in the past week indicate the pollen in southern California is radioactive now too, and it is flying around, and if you live there and go outside, you are breathing it in. And so are your children.

    Along with fission products blowing over from Japan. And radiation in your drinking water. And in your rain. And in the fish you are eating. And your vegetables. And the milk supply. And its happening every second, of every day. For 13 months. Are you starting to see a problem here?

    Problem is, that’s not even the biggest problem. The biggest problem is what Senator Wyden is all bent out of shape about, even though independent researchers and nuke experts have been warning about this for a year.

    Read More At Link:

    Report of Senator Wyden on recent visit to Fukushima Dalaichi


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