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    What In The World Are They Spraying?


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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:07 pm

    What In The World Are They Spraying?
    By Michael J. Murphy
    03 March, 2010

    What would you say if you were told that airplanes were regularly spraying toxic aerosols in the skies above every major region of the world? That is exactly what a group of protestors were claiming outside of the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting that was held in San Diego from Feb. 18-22. However, inside the convention center was a different story. The scientists gathered to discuss the ‘plausibility’ of implementing various Geo-engineering campaigns throughout the world, all under the guise that the Earth has a man-made global warming problem that can be solved in-part by spraying aerosol aluminum and other particles into the sky to block the sun.

    When these scientists were asked about the possibility of existing aerosol programs; they stated no aerosol spraying programs have been implemented to date. A little confused? Why would protestors gather outside of a meeting making claims that world-wide aerosol programs were under way if scientist were only now discussing the possibility of implementing these programs? Could it be that one of these groups is being deceived?

    Mauro Oliveira, the Webmaster of, was one of the protestors. He claimed that the program for Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering (SAG), AKA chemtrails, has been well under way around the world. As a matter of fact, Oliveira stated that witnesses from around the globe claim that heavy aerosol spraying is occurring almost every day over just about every city. He went on to explain the difference between a contrail & a chemtrail.

    He stated that when a jet airplane flies at a certain altitude, a visible trail of streaks of condensed water vapour sometimes form in the wake of the aircraft. This is called a contrail. Contrails are normal and usually dissipate in a few seconds. They are very similar to when we breathe in cold weather.

    According to Oliveira, what occurs behind a SAG plane spraying aerosols is quite different. What can be seen is a thick white line - called a chemtrail, that lingers in the sky for several hours. The SAG lines are sprayed into the upper atmosphere & then spread out forming what then appear to be clouds. The particles from these aerosols then fall to the ground where they enter our soil and water and can also be inhaled.

    Another group of protestors had traveled over 10 hours from a small Shasta County community in Northern California. They became concerned about SAG when many from this community began to see dramatic changes not only in the sky, but also on the ground. Trees were dying, grass was not growing & many farmers were having difficulty getting any crops to grow on their farms. The crisis prompted biologists from the community to take action by testing the soil. The results were shocking. Aluminum, barium and other elements were found to be up to thousands of times higher than normal limits. Such high quantities lead to unhealthy PH levels in the soil which can be deadly to ecological life systems.

    These shocking results led to additional testing of Lake Shasta with samples from the Pit River arm tributary that tested over 4,610 times the maximum contamination level of aluminum allowed in drinking water in the state of California. Also, peer reviewed scientific studies conclude that bio-available aluminum, now found in huge quantities in rain world-wide, is very harmful to flora and thus the eco-system. Ironically, these are the same substances the scientists are considering implementing in the various potential ‘future’ aerosol spraying campaigns that were being discussed at the meeting.

    A large number of other protesters became interested in SAG after experiencing burning eyes, migraine headaches, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and other health problems on days that airplanes were allegedly witnessed spraying aerosols in the sky. Deborah Whitman, Founder and President of the non-profit environmental organization Environmental Voices and also Producer of the documentary ‘Sky Lines’ is no stranger to these symptoms. She has been hospitalized over 51 times on what she calls “heavy spraying days”. Whitman has committed her life to helping people who claim to be experiencing similar problems resulting from aerosol spraying and gets calls from all over the U.S. in response to her website and documentary. Her recommended health tips can be found at Other indicators that possibly validate the claim that SAG is connected to health problems are the respiratory mortality rate, which has risen from eight on the list of mortality to third in the past five years, and the fact that

    Alzheimer’s and other illnesses linked to aluminum have continued to rise around the globe at astronomical rates since the inception of the alleged spraying.

    The AAAS meeting hosted some of the world’s leading geo-engineering scientists. With years of education and even more experience in their respected fields, the scientists looked at geo-engineering issues from many angles. Workshop subjects ranged from, the effectiveness of geo-engineering to potential problems and even touched upon the issue of ethics. According to independent reporter Stewart Howe of Los Angeles, all of the scientists seemed to be looking for solutions to what they believe is the problem of global warming. Howe stated that the scientists appeared to be carefully weighing both the pros and cons of SAG when presenting potential campaigns to address the man-made global warming theory. Many were actually advocating alternative methods to combat this issue due to the potential risks of SAG that include droughts, ozone depletion, less solar power, decimated weather patterns, military use of technology and other various environmental impacts. Howe said, “after witnessing the aerosol spraying for years, I was surprised by the discourse among scientists.” Stewart went on to say that he believes that most of the scientists attending seemed to be separated from the knowledge of any current SAG deployment. As a matter of fact when asked about current SAG operations, leading geo-engineering scientist Ken Caldiera replied that he was unaware of any current aerosol spraying operations and when prompted to explain the long lingering trails left behind planes, he stated that they are simply normal contrails from jets.

    David Keith, another leading scientist and expert in the field of geo-engineering, discussed the well-funded studies that have been conducted to predict potential future risks as well as benefits associated with geo-engineering. Some of the potential benefits include a cooler planet, and the reduction of melting sea ice and rising sea levels. Keith discussed what aerosol particles would be most effective in achieving the stated goals of the SAG program. He went on to say that initially sulfur was considered, however, aluminum is more effective and can be used by adding ten to twenty mega-tons per year into the stratosphere. When asked about health related studies that have been conducted to predict the potential risks of adding the particles in our air, Keith stated that many studies have been completed and indicate few risks. However, when asked specifically about the use of aluminum as an aerosol, he said “we haven’t done anything serious on aluminum, so there could be something terrible that we will find tomorrow that we haven't looked at." After the meeting, Keith showed consideration to the protesters by initiating a discussion about the SAG program outside where the protestors were standing. When confronted with concerns about SAG deployment from the group, he went on to say that he shared similar views and is against any deployment until proper research is completed to determine potential risks of aerosol spraying. He also went on to say that he is unaware of any current SAG operations, but, would be willing to look at any scientificproof if presented to him.

    As the skies around our world continue to change, there is strong evidence that points toward current deployment of massive aerosol operations. Could it be that scientific data and studies are being used to implement pre-mature full-scale SAG programs with-out the knowledge of the top scientists who are involved with the research? If so, what kind of ethical considerations can we expect from the geo-engineering community in the future? It is hard to believe that the strange white lines in the skies witnessed around the world and the toxic elements found in the soil, water and air are from an unrelated source. We the people, in partnership with the scientific community need to challenge not only the environmental and health risks associated with SAG but also the numerous world-wide allegations about current deployment. It is imperative that we become educated and involved in uncovering the truth of this alleged crime against both nature and humanity. The future of our planet depends on it. As concerns continue to grow around the world about this issue, additional information including meet-up groups can be found on various chemtrail and geo-engineering websites.

    Michael J. Murphy
    is a journalist and political activist from the Los Angeles area whose work focuses on issues that go beyond the interest of the Corporate mainstream media. Michael's interviews include; Chelene Nightingale (California Governor candidate), Mark Reed (California congressional candidate), Bill Hunt (Orange County Sheriff candidate), Jenny Worman (California congressional candidate), Stewart Rhodes (Oath Keepers, Founder) and Ed Asner (Actor ‘Mary Tyler Moore’, ‘Lou Grant’ and ‘UP’). Michael has also made a series of short films that address controversial political issues. He can be reached at 310.431.8890 or

    Last edited by TRANCOSO on Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:19 pm

    Sorry for the text-size. I've tried to edit it but I can't get it right.
    Mod(s), feel free...

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  monique Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:54 pm

    Trancoso, thank you for the post. I never understood exactly what those chemtrails were. Because here in south america, south of Brasil, i see only the type "contrails" in the sky. Monique.

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:36 pm

    What Are They Spraying Us With? - Pt II
    Could Aluminum, Barium and Other Substances From Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-Engineering Programs be Destroying Eco-Systems around the World?

    By Michael J. Murphy

    What would you do if you were told that toxic substances being sprayed into the sky are falling to the ground and decimating eco-systems around the world? This very claim, made by concerned citizens outside the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting last month in San Diego sparked my interest to investigate further.

    The AAAS meeting hosted several top geo-engineering scientists who gathered to discuss the ‘plausibility’ of implementing various geo-engineering programs throughout the world. One of the options addressed was the stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering (SAG), AKA chemtrail program, where scientists discussed the ‘plausibility’ of spraying aerosol aluminum, barium and other particles into the sky to block the sun as a means to ‘reduce’ the Earth's
    temperature. When asked specifically about the potential risks associated with using aluminum in the program as an aerosol, scientists replied by stating that they have not studied much about the risks associated with aluminum and added that something terrible could be found tomorrow that they haven't looked at. When probed further about the deployment of
    existing aerosol programs, the scientists stated that no aerosol spraying programs have been deployed to date.

    The concerned citizens I met outside the meeting were claiming quite the opposite. They came in protest after witnessing airplanes that they believe are regularly spraying aerosols into the upper-part of the sky. Many from this group have tested and found extremely
    high levels of aluminum, barium and other substances in their soil, rain, water and snow. Ironically, the substances that they reported finding are the same substances the scientists are ‘considering’ implementing in the various aerosol spraying programs discussed at the meeting. They also believe that these substances are leading to the destruction of eco-systems and are coming from already deployed SAG programs. Due to the severity
    of this issue and my desire to know the truth, I was led to Shasta County in the Northern part of California to investigate not only the claims of what is being reported in the sky, but also claims of what is in the rain, water, snow and soil from what many residents are saying is the result of SAG programs.

    The first stop on this trip led me to Dane Wigington's beautiful 2000 acre property overlooking Lake Shasta. As we toured his breath-taking land, he pointed to multiple trails that blanketed the sky. He claimed the trails are present on most days above Northern California. Wigington referred to this as a "moderate spraying day". Like many other residents in Shasta County, Wigington moved to the area to get away from the heavy pollution of Southern California that he grew up with as a child. His dreams of living off the land and becoming one with nature are now coming to a grinding halt as he is focusing
    his time and energy on the issue of geo-engineering.

    Wigington became concerned about SAG when he began to notice dramatic changes in the solar power that he uses to supply his home and property. Owner of one of the largest residential solar systems in Northern California, he began to notice very high declines in solar power. It can be decreased by as much as 60 percent on what he calls "heavy spraying
    . Wigington said, "The trails are literally blocking the sun". He also went on to say
    that he regularly samples the fine dust layers on top of his solar panels and other outdoor surface areas and frequently finds very high levels of aluminum and barium. Wigington believes that these are a product of SAG programs.

    At the same time as finding decreased solar power, Wigington also began to witness dramatic changes on his property as the trees, grass, insects and wildlife started dying. This led him to get his first rain test just four years ago. The results were shocking as they found aluminum levels at 7 ug/l or 7 parts per billion. Although aluminum can be found around the world in smaller quantities, geo-hydrologists told him that this number was quite high. Since that time, he has had aluminum tests escalate as high as 50,000 percent to 3,400ug/l. That is literally toxic rain. These results prompted him to get additional pH tests from two USDA soil scientists which yielded more shocking results. The pH of the soil was 6.6 in one area and 7.4 in another. This is over 11 times the normal alkalinity of the soil which should be in the range of 5.0 to 5.5. It is important to note the tests were taken in the forest far removed from any highway or industry.

    When asked what these changes can do to the ecosystem, Wigington replied by saying that it is devastating. He went on to say, "if this continues, we can only expect to see things get much worse. Not only are we seeing our trees dying here, but also a major decline in our wildlife and fish". As a matter of fact, Wigington stated that according to The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, the salmon run, once seen in abundance in this area has declined from 769,868 in 2002 to 39,530 in 2009. That is over a 90 percent
    decline. Amazingly enough, this decline started occurring about the same period of time when residents began to see a dramatic increase in what they believe to be SAG programs. Wigington's efforts to get these issues and test results addressed has been largely ignored by government agencies and officials.

    After a closer look at Wigington's property, my initial awe of the beauty and breath taking views led to sadness, frustration and anger over the contamination that is literally destroying the eco-system. This led me to investigate further by seeking an expert in biology. I packed
    up the car and headed north to the breathtaking town of Mt. Shasta. Mt. Shasta has been known for its beauty, clean air and as being the source of water for some bottled water companies. Many travel from around the world to mountain climb and vacation in this beautiful part of Western America.

    Francis Mangels, BS in Forestry, Masters in zoology and a retired soil conservationist and wildlife biologist who worked for the U.S. Forest Service for over thirty five years, welcomed me into his beautiful home in the town of Mt. Shasta to discuss the ‘hidden’ crisis that is occurring. Mangels alerted me to the rapid decline of fish in the nearby rivers and streams. Mangels brought me to a nearby creek that had an abundant supply of fish just a
    few years ago. Because the primary diet of the fish in the creek is aquatic insects, he performed a standard sample method to measure the amount of insects present. The samples he had performed before the alleged aerosol spraying campaign had yielded an average of 1000 aquatic insects. Our sample yielded only 31. This is over a 96% decline
    from samples taken just a few years ago. Mangels stated that because the fish live off of the insects, they are literally starving. This rapid decline is likely due to changes in the chemistry of the water. The only changes that Mangels is aware of are the dramatic increases of aluminum, barium and strontium which he believes is from SAG programs.

    We also took time to test the pH of nearby soil and snow which contained over 10 times the alkalinity of the normal pH. Mangels has evidence that this drastic change in pH is also due to the massive increases of aluminum. He stated that forests, fields and farm ecologies thrive in acidic soils. Aluminum acts as a buffer that increases alkalinity and can decimate ecologies in large amounts. Mangels also pointed out that snow on Mt. Shasta was tested andsen t to theEnvironmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) who found results that contained 61,100 ug/l or parts per billion of aluminum and 83 ug/l of barium. The normal amount of aluminum in the snow at Mt. Shasta is 0.5 ug/l. Drinking water allowable is 50ug/l. That means that the snow on Mt. Shasta has tested at 1200 times more poisonous than water standards allow for
    aluminum. Mangels said, "Mountain climbers that come from around the world are drinking the poisonous water from the snow on the mountain". Mangels went on to say
    that government action is required at just 1000 ug/l of detected aluminum. Although he alerted several government agencies of these findings, no governmental action has been taken to date.

    Mengels brought me to several other locations around the town of Mt. Shasta where he tested the soil, rain, water and snow that also yielded tests that revealed the pH to be over ten times the normal alkalinity. He went on to say that these types of changes in soil, water and snow are very uncommon except in other areas around the world where people have been witnessing what many believe to be spraying from SAG programs. Mengels also stated that these changes have produced an "ecological crisis" and will have horrible consequences if continued. Mengels said, "Losses to our economy will be incredible and are on their way as we speak. Tree growth will be decreased which will result in the loss of logging jobs. It is also causing the decline of naturally occurring plant and grass growth that occurs in the normally acidic soils of grazing pastures, resulting in the demise of our grazing industry, fishing industry, and worst of all, basic agriculture in Northern California."

    What is amazing is that these tests and many others throughout the world are largely being ignored by the very governmental entities that are required to address them. Some politicians, like Mt. Shasta City Council member Ed Valenzuela may choose to ignore the issue. Valenzuela was made aware of the mass contamination at a city council meeting where he stated that the city did not want to sample the water for aluminum because the request was a "can of worms" that would, "open a Pandora's box" that the city would have to pay for. Although several local citizens volunteered to pay the $22.00 cost of the test at an EPA lab, both Republican Committee Chairman Russ Porterfield, and Valenzuela voted no to having the water tested. The mayor Stearns wanted the test, but was overruled by a 3-2 vote. This response is not uncommon as Mengels has presented this issue and his scientific data to over 15 local and federal agencies including Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer's
    office. To date he has received no response or action.

    Is it a coincidence that the substances found in the rain, snow and soil in this region and around the world match the exact substances that scientists are ‘considering’ implementing in various geo-engineering campaigns throughout the world? If not, then why have agencies and officials largely ignored these findings that are destroying our planet's eco-system? Could it be that officials are fearful of exposing a massive cover-up of a world-wide ecological crime? Or is it the belief that this issue is simply too large and too complicated a problem for them to tackle? Whatever the reason for this ignorance, we need to demand that our questions and shocking test results get addressed not only in Shasta County, but in every part of the world. Our future on this planet is dependent on this issue being addressed.

    Because this movement has come under attack from those who appear to be protecting the many political and corporate interests associated with SAG, it is essential that all of us around the world get involved by testing the rain, snow, soil and various outdoor surfaces and reporting the results to our elected officials and local environmental agencies. We must also reach out and educate all those involved with SAG who might be unaware of the environmental implications associated with their programs. Testing for pH changes and metals is simple and can be performed almost anywhere at a nominal price.

    Simple testing instructions and more information about geo-engineering programs can be found on the internet at www.

    Biologist Francis Mengels can be contacted by e-mail at for
    more information on this issue, the tests he has performed and suggestions on testing procedures. Please take action by testing, reporting and demanding answers on this ever so important issue. Both nature and humanity depend on it. For more information, please contact me at or visit my blog:


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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Carol Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:20 pm

    I've read a lot about chem trails over the years and was a biological test subject along with many, many others who have had to put up with this crap. In the crisp clean air of nothern Oregon those planes would come out early morning and start chris crossing the sky with there streams of contamination daily. Often I would watch that stuff float down out of the sky like giant spider webs and cover the telephone wires, get all over the cars, grass and everywhiere else. Anyone who touched it ended up with some type of respiratory ailment. Many then when on to develop life-long chronic illnesses as a result.

    No where, no one can tell me that junk being sprayed across the sky above isn't having a negative impact on the entire planet. No way. I don't care what there reason is for doing this... military or otherwise ~ what is being done is killing off the planet and the life on it. And that's the truth.

    Edith Ann
    What In The World Are They Spraying? Cover_Edith-Ann1_07
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:47 am

    anyone seeing chemtrails today with the no fly rule?

    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Guest Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:22 am

    anomalous cowherd wrote:anyone seeing chemtrails today with the no fly rule?

    I haven't. Lots of fluffy slightly grayish clouds

    What In The World Are They Spraying? Herz

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails/SAG

    Post  Balance Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:29 am

    About Video:
    World renowned author G. Edward Griffin is known
    for his powerful insight into complex issues. In this exclusive
    interview, Mike Murphy discusses with Mr. Griffin the important issue
    of SAG/chemtrails, where they are being deployed, political motives
    behind the program and how those responsible will sell the program to
    the public.

    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:40 am

    That's a very good little clip, here's hoping the days are numbered for the sag program. It's been a long and mind bending haul. Looks very good there is going to be a high profile film made. I will dance in the streets the day this atrocity comes to an end. NAKED, no maybe not, off to do some stomach crunches now.

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Balance Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:52 am

    anomalous cowherd wrote:That's a very good little clip, here's hoping the days are numbered for the sag program. It's been a long and mind bending haul. Looks very good there is going to be a high profile film made. I will dance in the streets the day this atrocity comes to an end. NAKED, no maybe not, off to do some stomach crunches now.
    Finally a Film

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Balance Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:52 am

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:02 am

    I know I've said it before, but for me bigger than the mind bend which is the whole chemtrail pogram is the inability of people to SEE it. It plain old drives me What In The World Are They Spraying? 364319 , but not in a good way.
    There are already endless films about chemtrails, I never seem to understand why people don't get it, so I dont necessarily think this film will do it, though it feels quite impressive in it's intended scope. Maybe its just a case of it's time has come . Gotta love Pluto in Capricorn.

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Balance Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:35 am

    anomalous cowherd wrote:I know I've said it before, but for me bigger than the mind bend which is the whole chemtrail pogram is the inability of people to SEE it. It plain old drives me What In The World Are They Spraying? 364319 , but not in a good way.
    There are already endless films about chemtrails, I never seem to understand why people don't get it, so I dont necessarily think this film will do it, though it feels quite impressive in it's intended scope. Maybe its just a case of it's time has come . Gotta love Pluto in Capricorn.

    I agree about people not wanting to see. I had a friend over the other day and we sat on the beach as we watched the spraying intensify. When I brought it up he refused to even engage in the conversation. It's called denial. Many people prefer the status quo to the truth--I think it's just to painful for them. Anyway, I think I will send him this video, the rest is up to him.

    The truth always comes out, one way or another-just a question of time.

    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:36 am

    We have clear blue skies in East Sussex today, no planes yet only an helicopter. The questions I would love to have answered are

    1) From where is this chemtrail technology comming from

    2) How do the aluminium particles in the chemtrails amplify the effect of HAARP or EISCAT or any other of these ionospheric heaters (there are about 60?)

    3) Where is the money to pay for the heavy chemtrailing coming from because it is not in the "official" budgets

    4) Who is controlling the chemtrailing? Some say it is the UN

    I personally don't believe that their sole purpose is climate control. Could it be possible that chemtrails combined with HAARP create a net of brain control?

    Are the chemtrails in combination with HAARP the frequency fence that will be upgraded exponencially in 2012? Is that the big "shift" in consciousness? from sheeple to automaton?

    What In The World Are They Spraying? Icon_rolleyes What In The World Are They Spraying? Icon_question

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Balance Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:53 am

    stardustaquarion wrote:

    Are the chemtrails in combination with HAARP the frequency fence that will be upgraded exponencially in 2012? Is that the big "shift" in consciousness? from sheeple to automaton?

    What In The World Are They Spraying? Icon_rolleyes What In The World Are They Spraying? Icon_question

    This is a good question, perhaps for another thread. As we all sit behind our keyboards, tweet, text etc we are becoming automatons. We cannot look into each other's eyes, hear each other's voices, or feel each other's emotions. We can only guess and try to interpret. We are locked into yet another box and a set of rules. The level of interaction is different. It is in a sense robotic.

    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:10 am

    Balance wrote:
    stardustaquarion wrote:

    Are the chemtrails in combination with HAARP the frequency fence that will be upgraded exponencially in 2012? Is that the big "shift" in consciousness? from sheeple to automaton?

    What In The World Are They Spraying? Icon_rolleyes What In The World Are They Spraying? Icon_question

    This is a good question, perhaps for another thread. As we all sit behind our keyboards, tweet, text etc we are becoming automatons. We cannot look into each other's eyes, hear each other's voices, or feel each other's emotions. We can only guess and try to interpret. We are locked into yet another box and a set of rules. The level of interaction is different. It is in a sense robotic.

    My concept of automaton refers to a being that does not think by itself, that follows orders mindlessly like a robot. I know we are in a cyber age but that does not make us automatons, we are still searching for the truth so I take your point but I think my questions are relevant to the use of chemtrails.

    Aluminum is a metal. Metals amplify sound waves. HAARP produces ULFs and lower. The sound HAARP produces gets beamed into the atmosphere where the aluminium particles are suspended for a period of time.

    I have reasons to believe there is a net of frequency or frequency fence being implemented and I am under the impression that it may be related to the chemtrails and HAARP. By sharing my thoughts I am hopping that someone may be able to fill the gaps and lead me to the bits of evidence I am lacking


    PS, aluminium is used in the sound amplification industry and sound affects the body's electromagnetic currents (there are studies like soffegio) and others made by the secret services in Russia with regard of the alteration of the chemistry in the brain using low frequencies
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:58 pm

    I am also in East Sussex. We do get hit very badly by the chemplanes so it's a great pleasure to pass the last few days without the constant assault . As for the funding of what must be a phenomenally expensive program, it's without a doubt a black ops special project for the UN guys, probably sanctioned at their Buildabugger meetings . They have the money. It's ours. What In The World Are They Spraying? 824877 I want a refund.
    I do know that no one has seen or reported them in Cuba , otherwise they seem to be seen on all continents . They certainly are visible in every recent movie , whatever exotic location. It's rare if you DON'T see them.

    I mention this quite often ( because it drives me nuts, ok, more nuts ) that we are being steeped in jarring low frequency soundwaves/microwave every day, especially after mdnight with a 2:00am crescendo. I hear them. Many do, they call it "the hum" ( silly name). It's very irritating for those who can hear it, but I think it effects everyone. The hum ( which is actually much more like a low rumbling idling diesel with varying pitch) started in earnest once the chemprogram was up and running on a regular basis.
    There are some very sick people about to get their comedownance. Anyhow, I am doubly happy, the noise is almost indiscernible for the past few days. What In The World Are They Spraying? Icon_bounce My god, this is what happiness is for me, when the sound waves are interfered with.
    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:19 am

    I forgot to add, the barium makes us show up , too, like how they use it for Xrays. We are just being slowly turned into walking receivers, antennae in fact.
    At least no one on here tries to debunk the chemtrail pogram. One clown on Avaloon called me a liar repeatedly over my personal comments on barium and aluminium. ( Edith Anne style farty noise to HIM! harrumph) yes this forum is a godsend, but we earned it .

    It is really going to be hard to see those planes back. When people say air travel is bad for the planet I always said if the chemplanes stop going out, then I might consider not flying my self. It's ridiculous to police our little selves when they are blatently destroying the sky by far more flights and supremely toxic ones at that. But now, with no planes, they can't do their dirtywork... or can they? In any case their camouflage is gone and I am liking it for now.
    sadly the noise is still on late at night ...
    I really hope Clif High was right about chemtrails being a non issue after November next. It seems like a long time, but maybe not the way time seems to be speeding up.

    wow, someone's been rearranging the furniture again while I slept, I am glad not to have that faceless pawn parked next to my post...

    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:58 am

    Hey AC, blue grey skies today. Thank you for the info on the barium, I had not connected that dot. I know what you mean about frequency.

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  syamakunda Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:42 pm

    Hello all..

    Deep dark blue sky in Finland !!
    Here the effects of Iceland volcano are wonderfull !!!No airplanes in the sky and thus no "hazy soup" in the sky!!
    Great celbration!! Mother Earth vipes out "sinnisters" plans with one simple move...
    At least for a while...

    I quess volcanic ash is not conductive in the air as those metal salts they need...
    But hey, plans to reduce carbondioxide isnt going too well too...and it is also a problem to aerosol based operations
    since it reduce wonder its "threat to humanity"...HAHA HAHAAAAAAA !!!!!

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  mudra Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:07 pm

    Lovely to see you here Syamakunda and glad you are enjoying the peace that you find in your sky lately .
    Welcome aboard cheers

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:16 pm

    KLM decided to start flying again. No signs of chemtrails yet, just a whole lot of noize!!! What In The World Are They Spraying? 824877

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  monique Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:59 am

    I think is a operation for change the climate with HAARP.

    For those who never saw, from Pleyades,

    - Climate Experiments - Documented Photographic Horror

    Happy weekend for all, Monique.

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Bobbie Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:08 am

    No chemtrails in our neighborhood yesterday (just north of LA). The skies were clear blue and glorious.

    I started hearing "The Hum" about 13-14 years ago. I lived in a very rural part of South Carolina where it was pristine and very quiet so it wasn't the roar of the city I was hearing. Like was said, it's a sound like the idling of a diesel engine way off in the distance. I remember hearing it first thing in the morning when I woke up and everything was quiet - damned annoying....but then, the sounds of the day would drown it out. I wonder if the fact that I lived 10 miles from Parris Island Marine Corp Training Camp and also an Airforce Air Base had anything to do with it?
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    What In The World Are They Spraying? Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Swanny Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:46 am

    Has been really hot all day here but as the days gone on the clouds of chemtrails have formed and it's cold now What In The World Are They Spraying? Icon_mad

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