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    The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator


    Posts : 231
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    The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator Empty The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator

    Post  investigator Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:12 am

    Originally, this information was posted on Project Avalon Forum 1, exposing the Damanhur cult, in fact none of the rules were broken when it was posted, However, after I requested that the rules be enforced equally on every soul all of my posts were censored, and not made viewable to the public

    (here is the evidence from Project Avalon Forum 1)

    Maybe, Bill didn't like it or it was just his newage mods and admins, that didn't like it, and wanted this information buried. Anyway, Bill said this earlier about Damanhur:

    quote source:
    But back to Project Avalon, what we’re trying to do there is, we’re trying to rekindle the spirit of community, because that would be the strength if times become tough. We’re much more likely to be able to have a smooth ride through whatever the next few years brings for us if we know who our neighbors are, if we are in touch with our families, if we forget our little squabbles and we learn how to work together with people who maybe we might have trivial disagreements with or whom we decide we don’t like.And these communities don’t have to be avant garde communities like Findhorn or Esalen or Damanhur or any of these other places. It could be a street, or it could be a district, or a city, or it could be a small bunch of people in an area who know that they can count on each other if things are difficult.

    Perhaps, Bill and mods didn't like what my posts showed, since he didn't do his homework on Damanhur, when he made that comment in 2008. Or maybe not since I am just a nobody lol.

    Quite possibly, I was one of the first people in North America if not the first person, to discover that Damanhur was a cult in May 2009, because all of the internet records show only me investigating them to my knowledge,72090. This all started in the year 2009, when I located an old wordpress blog called "Damanhur Witness". Earlier, it had been deleted, but I managed to find an old internet cache of it on like page 20 of google lol. It was only up for like 2-3 days before the author of the blog deleted it. Fortunately, I saved the internet cache and started combing the web for stories containing similar sentence structure, and syntax, and eventually I found a former member of the cult in the comments section of an article discussing Damanhur. He was a nice guy under the internet pseudonym "Verita", and he basically lost his entire life savings from the cult. I asked him what happened to the Damanhur Witness blog, and he said it was taken down, because the author was scared of retaliation. I encouraged them to make another blog, and eventually that blog became the No.1 anti-Damanhur blog on the web.

    The blog primarily discusses how the leader of the cult does the following:
    1. Commits financial fraud and tax evasion
    2. Has sex with his disciples
    3. Engages in black magick
    4. Mind Control techniques of the cult

    I'm very proud of my work in this, because I know many people saw it, and my fellow countrymen that were new-agers were warned about them, before getting ripped off by a scam, since their blog is on page 1 of google. Lastly, some of the articles don't make much sense, because the links from their original source documents don't work, since the links became outdated, and English is their second language, but you can still get the gist of it.


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    The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator Empty Re: The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:37 am

    Thubs Up

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    The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator Empty Re: The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator

    Post  Floyd Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:36 am

    Ahh of my fav subjects..especially with Project Avalon's behaviour the last year or so.

    My favourite story from this dubious bunch is how the leader, Oberto Airaudi (reincarnation of Horus-isnt Horus here somewhere?) dresses up in a gorilla costume and prances around the local woods. This spiritual gorilla, Endiku, who is believed by them to be a real being, is perceived as spiritual privilage when witnessed by the Airaudi's devotees.
    The funny thing...some of his groupies were seen buying a gorilla costume in a nearby town I kid you not.

    Read more here

    Airudu is a typical self proclamied spiritual genius, the only one with the answers-similar to others I have highlighted here and there on this forum. (you know who im talking about)
    Apparently you have to work like a bastard over there and have nearly zero free time. A useful control mechanism for disassociating yourself from your freedom of mind, creativity and independence whilst making it a lot easier to be manipulated at the same time.

    I wouldnt suggest a holiday there put it that way!

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator Empty Re: The Truth About the Damanhur Cult That Was Censored on Project Avalon Forum 1 An Old Exclusive From Investigator

    Post  Floyd Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:56 am

    A short BBC article on the Italian cult/community

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