Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms
Magnetic reversal "imminent," says National Geographic
24 Feb 09 - Scientists agree that Earth has long been subjected to thousands of traumatic magnetic reversals of the poles, and that we're due for another -- but when?
This video from the National Geographic says the reversal is “imminent.”
To gain more understanding of our magnetic field, in 2010 the European Space Agency will launch three SWARM satellites. These satellites - successors to the Ørsted satellite - will be equipped with magnetometers to map the earth’s magnetic field. One of the satellites will orbit at about 530 km above the earth, the other two will fly side by side at about 430 km, providing a sort of ‘stereo-vision’ of the magnetic field.
The earth’s magnetic field protects us from deadly cosmic
radiation. As our magnetic field strength decays - which it
is now doing - cosmic radiation will get closer and closer
to earth. This radiation, I maintain, is what causes
evolutionary leaps.
Earth's Electromagnetic Pole Shift Could Affect Your DNA
"By Jay A. Yoder, Ph.D.
Department of Biology, The Illinois College, Jacksonville, IL 62650
radiation. As our magnetic field strength decays - which it
is now doing - cosmic radiation will get closer and closer
to earth. This radiation, I maintain, is what causes
evolutionary leaps.
Earth's Electromagnetic Pole Shift Could Affect Your DNA
"By Jay A. Yoder, Ph.D.
Department of Biology, The Illinois College, Jacksonville, IL 62650
Discontinuities in the fossil record provide the basis for the evolutionary theory of punctuated-equilibrium proposed by Eldredge and Gould (1972). Their theory suggests that the production of new species (as evidence of evolution) occurs by rapid bursts that are delineated by long periods (50,000 - 100,000 years in most cases) of stasis where no apparent changes take place. This contemporary theory of evolution, however, has not gained widespread acceptance and remains highly controversial (Futuyma 1986; Sober 1995). Clearly, to produce a significant evolutionary burst of this magnitude would require a most striking event leading to an abrupt change in gene frequency. Of the forces that are touted to alter gene frequency and drive evolution (inverse of Hardy-Weinberg Law assumptions; Griffiths 1996), none appear capable of generating such a dramatic alteration so quickly. Though genetic drift has been invoked to explain this anomaly, its impact, too, has been challenged (Futuyma 1986; Sober 1995). How evolution becomes 'punctuated' is puzzling.
One possibility could involve magnetic (polarity) reversal, a relatively rapid change in the polarity of Earth's geomagnetic field where the North Pole becomes the south magnetic pole and vice versa (Jacobs 1984). This theoretical force of evolution operates on Ecke et al.'s (1995) newly-discovered relationship between chiral symmetry (= handedness) and the orientation of the magnetic field; spiral defect patterns displaying distinct handedness form observed in a chaotic flow of carbon dioxide in a Rayleigh-Benard convection broke symmetry when the rotation about the vertical axis (spiral analog of the magnetic field) was reversed. These investigators concluded that the winding direction of a spiral was analogous to a magnetic spin. That is, a right-handed magnetic spin generates a clockwise spiral and a left-handed magnetic spin reverses the spiral counterclockwise.
With regard to DNA, a change in the orientation of the magnetic field would therefore translate into a left-handed (counterclockwise spiral) to right-hand (clockwise spiral) switch (Z-DNA to B-DNA that can now be transcribed) or the reverse (B-DNA to Z-DNA whose role may be involved with regulating expression of certain genes or in genetic recombination) (Lodish et al. 1995; Griffiths 1996). Such changes in handedness of DNA would lead to gene activation or deactivation (Lodish et al. 1995), differential gene expression, and a change in gene frequency that drives evolution. Most strikingly, as is well known to geologists, reversals in the orientation of the Earth's magnetic field occur every 10,000 - 100,000 years (Jacobs 1984) and thus, the pronounced bursts of speciation associated with punctuated-equilibrium evolution are reflected by abrupt changes in gene frequency as a result thereof."
Last edited by Carol on Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:17 am; edited 4 times in total