GODDESS OF PURPLE LIGHT Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:24 am
first time i've heard anyone describe an ayahuasca trip as "horrible." hehehhe
Yeah! it depends on the individual...
If you are a pain in the XXX type of person...usually ayahuasca is going to teach you a lesson or two....hehehehheeh
Tough love is called....
She is never been horrible to me but she can be tough...very tough....but at the end of the day...she is just pure love and knowledge. She can be extremely mischievous and naughty. Very naughty!!
and then there's ..... is it a chemical or a spirit ..... or BOTH ?
Well dear! Everything is spirit basically. You know already that ayahuasca contains DMT and by definition (using science methodology) that is defined as a drug, an allucinogenic drug...I have been trained in science all my life, and I could say that certainly is a drug (because it is proben to contain DMT) ...but that is not the point...It is not an allucinogenic drug. Using that terminology, you are implying that the visions you have are wrong or unreal..and everything you feel and see with it, are inventions of your mind. And that is completely wrong....
That is why science is not getting the point.
Ayahuasca is not a drug, neither an allucinogenic drug....
Ayahuasca has a personality and a way of doing things. Ayahuasca is concious and is a teacher. As I said before in my old thread, ayahuasca is sacred and should not be treated as a drug...This type of terminology has nothing to do with ayahuasca. She is a massive door to other dimensions and realities and is extremely powerful. She is part of spirit and also you me and everything else. Everything is conscious and alive....
Everything you see, feel and think is real...all of it...the problem is that those reside in another dimension which you cannot see with your two lovely eyes you have at both sides of your nose. There is more out there than we really think.