29 posters
The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Balance- Posts : 113
Join date : 2010-04-11
- Post n°51
Heal The Polarization
Heal the Polarization: http://www.eraofpeace.org/latest-news.php
Balance- Posts : 113
Join date : 2010-04-11
- Post n°52
From Jasmine
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/QOiLdjQT1Zw&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/QOiLdjQT1Zw&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Balance- Posts : 113
Join date : 2010-04-11
- Post n°53
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
The Next Wave of the Cosmic Tsunami Arrives | April 8, 2010 |
the WINGS post for April 4th? You can view it here.
The cosmic tsunami wave of light showered us with another installment the
past few days, and it could be felt in many varied ways, all according to
how each of us is wired and how we accept and interact with energy.
The off-shore Chile earthquake which occurred on February 17th,
was powerful enough that it literally shifted the earth on her axis. This
created a lot of movement on the planet, as everything was thrown this way
and that way, pushing a wide variance of energies into our spaces. Some of
these energies were from our past, and others from our future, as all rungs
on the vibrational hierarchy were affected and pushed together (and even
some energies from other dimensions!), if even for a brief period of time.
After enough time was allotted for this shift to accomplish what it was
meant to accomplish, which was to get the earth more fully into alignment
with her new space in the cosmos, the next wave of earth movements were then
triggered. (The Haiti earthquake was actually the first in a long series of
earth movements yet to come, and its purpose was to jump start the heart
energy, which is the overriding energy of our new and higher vibrating
Remember, the energy of the new earth is coming from the bottom up this
time, even as the cosmic tsunami does indeed arrive from the cosmos to
support this process, so imminent earth changes are a vital piece of the
process of creating the new earth.
These earth changes are creating the new foundation so that the light from
our new residency in the cosmos can more fully integrate. In this way, we
settle in with more of a new foundation, while at the same time, this
triggers more of the new wave of light to arrive, bringing with it much more
of the heart energy and of a higher vibrating air to breathe.
With the new earth position now more fully in place, Baja California next
experienced a substantial earthquake on April 4th. Immediately
after on April 6th, Indonesia experienced an earthquake measuring 7.7 in
magnitude. From April 4th and following, there were countless
earthquakes recorded around the globe in massive numbers. At the same time,
a new wave of light began arriving on the planet, as these earth movements
around the globe began to position themselves in order to receive this
As the new wave of light hits the earth’s atmosphere, it is immediately
transmuted into a sort of fairy dust so that it can more easily be
assimilated and so that it arrives more gently. With all this activity
occurring, many of us are experiencing wide and varied symptoms. As always,
it is best to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms, as not every
symptom can be attributed to the ascension process.
So then, what are some of the symptoms that we may feel during these times
of massive energy movement?
Difficulty breathing or lung soreness due to the “fairy
dust” arrival.
Heart pain, palpitations, chest pain, and upper back pain
from the heart opening energies.
Having the sensation of a lump in the throat, from the
opening of the heart.
Leg pain and foot pain from the earth movements and new
Over-all body pain, headaches, bladder or kidney pain, and
muscle aches from detoxing in order to align with the new energies.
Feeling as if you are hyper-ventilating as the higher
vibrating energies hit our systems.
Acute fear and anxiety.
Depression and low energy for some, heightened energy for
Feeling very “off,” as of nothing fits or is familiar,
and feeling jittery and frazzled, almost as if a trauma has occurred.
Becoming very emotional and crying about everything….when
love and caring is experienced, and when it is not when it should have
been (the heart energy again.)
Sleeplessness and stress, even if there is really none
present in our lives at the moment.
When we experience massive movements with the energies and a new
positioning, the darker and denser energies almost always show up somehow,
as they are on their way out and have been dis-lodged. In this way, we may
feel corresponding feelings, i.e. darkness, depression, fear, and anxiety as
these denser energies are surrounding us for a brief time.
If we can remember that these feelings are only temporary, and result from
something quite amazing and truly holy occurring, it can sometimes make the
process a bit easier to digest. When we stay focused on positive and happy
things, and stay in the company of loving and caring individuals, these
things will then be what are magnified, when these new energies arrive and
rev things up. For sensitive individuals, these massive movements of energy
can really stir things up. For me, being on a near i.v. of Rescue Remedy
during these times is what is needed!
When the energies are this intense, we can also create in a near instant.
So again, what we entertain in our minds will arrive almost immediately for
us, what we are being will arrive
very quickly, and what we are feeling will magnify. It can greatly help
then, if we are conscious about who we are and what we believe, as it will
arrive for us like a locomotive at times.
All in all, these earth movements are bringing us much more fully into our
new and rightful spaces. We are getting closer and closer to being in a very
new groove. Up until now, many of our projects are still in mid-stream as
the energies continue to arrive in start-stop waves, thus we can only create
parts of things. Our projects then, never seem to get completed! We align,
and then create a bit more. We create just what we need to sustain us in
these small and new increments.
Being that the light is now taking a foothold as the new and rightful
steward of the planet, what is rightfully ours will return to us again. At
the higher levels, this means our power and our position here, along with
the new earth position. There are many differing levels as well. My daughter
just received some clothing that she had traded to another mother many years
ago, and it was the original clothing from her first born son. She now gets
to pass it on to her latest children to wear, so they get to wear the
clothing of their older brother. She was brought to tears to see the twins
in their brother’s clothes, as she had thought these clothes were gone
As these massive shake-ups continue on, and as we continue to align with
our very new space in the cosmos and on the planet, we can come to know that
the time has finally come for the light to fully embody this very new earth.
The arrival of the light and the movement it creates, or what we have
subconsciously been preparing for by getting ourselves situated the past few
weeks, is very near at hand.
With much love and gratitude,
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°54
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Drunvalo Melchizedek and Birth of a New Humanity!!!
March 02, 2010 — Exciting News!!! THE BIRTH OF A NEW HUMANITY broadcast is now Formally set for May 26th 2010!!!!
Thanks to our sponsors http://www.humicin.com/ and ESO.TV the broadcast is now being prepared for our Global Audience in multiple languages and will be aired in multiple time zones. Exact Broadcast Times and Early Registration information is now available at: http://www.drunvalo.eso.tv/the_birth_... and http://www.drunvalo.net/live.html
In this next broadcast we are going to enter into ancient Atlantis because it is where our story begins. And is something that must be done simply because this is exactly where our present-day troubles were created.
Long ago, over 13,000 years ago, the human grids of consciousness began to collapse and humanity began to lose their higher consciousness. It is what the Bible called the Fall. Something had to be done or humanity would end up no higher than the animals.
But as the Earths axis shifted to a new location and Atlantis sank below the ocean levels, and the Maya, Kogi and Arjarcos headed in their boats to new lands, humanity also began to sink below the levels of awareness that were once achieved. Men and women more advanced than we are now quickly became hairy barbarians with not even the knowledge to light a fire. Their Mer-Ka-Ba fields, their light bodies, had been shut down leaving them exposed to the effects of the Earths magnetic field having been shut off. The memories of humanity were erased.
In a far distance place a decision was made, and a global project was begun here on Earth to bring the humans back to their rightful consciousness level, but it would take 13,000 years, to where we are right now in time. And what Life knows is that to save a race of beings in this way doesnt always work, but this time it did.
This is the true story of how certain humans who were exempt from the Fall, rose to the occasion and long ago began to develop massive Earth geomancy to recreate a specific human grid of consciousness that surrounded the Earth so that someday humanity could return to the higher levels of consciousness they had once achieved.
Every life form on Earth must have a consciousness grid that completely surrounds the Earth in order for it to exist. Without these grids, there is no awareness.
When you understand the science that is behind this story, it will amaze you. And when you understand the results of this 13,000 years experiment, you will be filled with joy. For what has happened is no less than the Birth of a New Humanity. YOU will see, for you are about to live it.
Beyond 2012 indeed! We as the human race are just beginning. Again.
And I am honored to give you this wonderful news!!!!
From my heart,
Sponsorship by Humicin.com & ESO.TV
I love you Drunvalo!!!
Last edited by SuiGeneris on Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°55
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Dear Balance,
Thank you for uploading Jamin's video.
It is was lovely and refreshing for me to see and hear such beautiful Crystal teen talk in such nonchalant way. Great words wisdom!! Loved it!!
Thank you for uploading Jamin's video.
It is was lovely and refreshing for me to see and hear such beautiful Crystal teen talk in such nonchalant way. Great words wisdom!! Loved it!!
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°56
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Dear Nebula,Nebula wrote:SuiGeneris wrote:
"Our only purpose should be to find answers and share the ones found."
With love and in love,
SuiG! Love how you put your thoughts into words :) Among the many points you touch on, the above words, vibrate very loud and clear to me as one of the many intentions we all came here on MOA for. As they saying goes... there is nothing new under the sun, for everything has been thought of before, and yet you learn something new everyday. We merely have to remember and share :)
Sharing is the natural way of being. If you try to look at life from the perspective of where we are heading, it is the only way to live life. And so when you practice Oneness while still on duality, you are opening portals and helping the transition be easier for everyone else. You literally become an Anchor of energies. This becomes much easier the younger you are because you have less programming to deal with as you can clearly see in Jasmin's video. Remember the post about system-breakers? That's why it's so important to follow your passion!!!
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°57
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
The Cross of Hendaye
Copyright 2005 Jay Weidner
"The age of iron has no other seal than that of Death. Its hieroglyph is the skeleton, bearing the attributes of Saturn: the empty hourglass, symbol of time run out …"
- Fulcanelli
The inspiration for this essay comes from my almost nineteen years of research into the Great Cross of Hendaye and the French alchemist Fulcanelli. The unknown, anonymous, alchemist Fulcanelli in his masterpiece The Mysteries of the Cathedrals first brought the cross at Hendaye, France to the world's attention. While the details of this research can be found in other articles written by myself (at jayweidner.com) and in the two books I co-authored (A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross and Mysteries of the great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy at the End of Time) it can be stated that the Great Cross at Hendaye appears to be describing not only the end of the great four ages of the Hindu Yuga system but also the four ages of alchemical chronological time keeping. According to the cross at Hendaye the Iron Age, or the Kali Yuga, will be coming to an end with the galactic alignment on the winter solstice of December 21st 2012.
Illustration A: The Mysterious Cross of Hendaye
According to the mythology of the Yuga system there are four ages of life and time on our planet. It is important to remember that there are many cycles within cycles in the Hindu Yuga system so the years mentioned next may have to do with a larger cycle than the one addressed in this article. Perhaps the huge number of years referred to below is the cycle of the solar system as it circles another star or perhaps it is a portion of the great cycle of one revolution around the galactic center.
The first age is the Satya Yuga or the Golden Age according to Fulcanelli. The Hindu texts tell us that this age lasts 1,728,000 years. This is an age of extreme splendour when the beings on our planet appear to live much longer than they do now. In this age there are no wars, famines strife or evil.
The second age is called the Treta Yuga, or the Silver age. As in the second law of thermodynamics, or entropy, things begin to slip in this age and the beings on Earth begin to deteriorate. This slippage, at least during this second age is the beginning of corruption and evil is introduced into the planetary sphere. This age lasts 1,296,000 years according to the Vedic texts of India.
The third age of this cycle is called the Dvapara Age, or the Bronze Age. This is the beginning of the `fall' of humanity. In this age corruption comes on more fully, evil begins to spread and things start to fall into disharmony. This age lasts 864,000 years.
The last age is called the Kali Yuga, or the Iron Age. This age is the age we are in right now. Evil and corruption become the driving force as greed, wars, famine and disease spread across the planet like a tidal wave of death and destruction. This age lasts, according to the Hindu texts for 432,000 years. (For more information see also Tolkien at the End of Time: Alchemical Secrets of the Lord of the Rings by Jay Weidner and Sharron Rose at jayweidner.com, or see Reflections on the Cycle of the Great Yuga by Sharron Rose at sharronrose.com).
What is important to understand while discussing these huge numbers found in the Hindu texts is that they are describing the four ages within a context of understanding that each successive age is shorter than the previous age. The Satya Yuga, or the Golden Age, is one quarter longer than the Treta Yuga, or the Silver Age. The Treta Yuga is one quarter longer than the Dvapara Yuga, or the Bronze Age. Understanding these differences in the lengths of the ages becomes important to the following discussion.
According to Fulcanelli and the cross at Hendaye, the alchemical Four Ages comprise the four quadrants of a 25,920 yearlong cycle called the precession of the equinoxes. Essentially, the precession of the equinoxes can be explained by the fact that our Earth has a wobble. Like a top spinning on the floor, as it begins to lose momentum this wobble of the earth takes nearly 26,000 years to unfold. The strange engraving of the four `A's' (see illustration A) on the cross of Hendaye is a "hieroglyph of the universe", according to Fulcanelli. It is "comprised of the conventional signs of heaven and earth, the spiritual and the temporal, the macrocosm and the microcosm, in which major emblems of the redemption (cross) and the world (circle) are found in association".
The Precession of the Equinoxes
What Fulcanelli appears to be saying here is that the precession of the equinoxes is to be divided into four distinct ages of 6480 years each (4 divided into 25,920) or, to round off the figures to approximately 6500 years each. This is also interesting because the zodiacal cycle, which lasts 25,920 years, has four fixed signs. These are the signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. These four signs are separated by 6,500 years each. Also in the Book of Ezekiel and in the Book of Revelation we are told of the angel with four faces. This angel has the face of a Lion (Leo), a Bull (Taurus), a Man (the angel) and an Eagle (in older times Scorpio was represented by an eagle instead of a scorpion). Apparently, according to Fulcanelli, both of these books in the Bible are warnings and messages about the four quadrants of the precession of the equinoxes and appear to be telling us that there is some kind of great change whenever we arrive at one of these four signs.
Of course it is well known that we are currently entering the Age of Aquarius. The Cross at Hendaye and Fulcanelli are telling us that there are tremendous changes to be found here on Earth when we enter into one of the four fixed signs. Apparently these changes can be cataclysmic.
Obviously this 6,500 year long dating of the four alchemical ages disagrees with the Hindu Yuga system, which insists that each Yuga is of varying time lengths. It is in trying to iron out the dissimilarities in these two time periods that the hyperdimensional aspects of time can be best revealed.
It is well known in modern physics that the four dimensional space, of which time is an aspect, is in the shape of a hypersphere. (see illustration B) This hypersphere appears similar to the shape of a donut, or a bagel. The energy, or the flow of the energy stream, within this hypersphere works like this: As shown in the illustration, the flow comes out of the bottom of the sphere, winds its way up around the outside edge, crosses the outside equator of the torus sphere and moves towards the hole in the top of this torus. The energy flow then begins to fall through the top of the hole and begins to spin in a vortex. This energy flow continues until it comes out of the bottom side of the torus where the energy flow begins its outward expansion again. This flow is continuous and, in a sense, is infinite.
Illustration B: The Hypersphere
Copyright 2005 Jay Weidner
"The age of iron has no other seal than that of Death. Its hieroglyph is the skeleton, bearing the attributes of Saturn: the empty hourglass, symbol of time run out …"
- Fulcanelli
The inspiration for this essay comes from my almost nineteen years of research into the Great Cross of Hendaye and the French alchemist Fulcanelli. The unknown, anonymous, alchemist Fulcanelli in his masterpiece The Mysteries of the Cathedrals first brought the cross at Hendaye, France to the world's attention. While the details of this research can be found in other articles written by myself (at jayweidner.com) and in the two books I co-authored (A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross and Mysteries of the great Cross of Hendaye: Alchemy at the End of Time) it can be stated that the Great Cross at Hendaye appears to be describing not only the end of the great four ages of the Hindu Yuga system but also the four ages of alchemical chronological time keeping. According to the cross at Hendaye the Iron Age, or the Kali Yuga, will be coming to an end with the galactic alignment on the winter solstice of December 21st 2012.
Illustration A: The Mysterious Cross of Hendaye
According to the mythology of the Yuga system there are four ages of life and time on our planet. It is important to remember that there are many cycles within cycles in the Hindu Yuga system so the years mentioned next may have to do with a larger cycle than the one addressed in this article. Perhaps the huge number of years referred to below is the cycle of the solar system as it circles another star or perhaps it is a portion of the great cycle of one revolution around the galactic center.
The first age is the Satya Yuga or the Golden Age according to Fulcanelli. The Hindu texts tell us that this age lasts 1,728,000 years. This is an age of extreme splendour when the beings on our planet appear to live much longer than they do now. In this age there are no wars, famines strife or evil.
The second age is called the Treta Yuga, or the Silver age. As in the second law of thermodynamics, or entropy, things begin to slip in this age and the beings on Earth begin to deteriorate. This slippage, at least during this second age is the beginning of corruption and evil is introduced into the planetary sphere. This age lasts 1,296,000 years according to the Vedic texts of India.
The third age of this cycle is called the Dvapara Age, or the Bronze Age. This is the beginning of the `fall' of humanity. In this age corruption comes on more fully, evil begins to spread and things start to fall into disharmony. This age lasts 864,000 years.
The last age is called the Kali Yuga, or the Iron Age. This age is the age we are in right now. Evil and corruption become the driving force as greed, wars, famine and disease spread across the planet like a tidal wave of death and destruction. This age lasts, according to the Hindu texts for 432,000 years. (For more information see also Tolkien at the End of Time: Alchemical Secrets of the Lord of the Rings by Jay Weidner and Sharron Rose at jayweidner.com, or see Reflections on the Cycle of the Great Yuga by Sharron Rose at sharronrose.com).
What is important to understand while discussing these huge numbers found in the Hindu texts is that they are describing the four ages within a context of understanding that each successive age is shorter than the previous age. The Satya Yuga, or the Golden Age, is one quarter longer than the Treta Yuga, or the Silver Age. The Treta Yuga is one quarter longer than the Dvapara Yuga, or the Bronze Age. Understanding these differences in the lengths of the ages becomes important to the following discussion.
According to Fulcanelli and the cross at Hendaye, the alchemical Four Ages comprise the four quadrants of a 25,920 yearlong cycle called the precession of the equinoxes. Essentially, the precession of the equinoxes can be explained by the fact that our Earth has a wobble. Like a top spinning on the floor, as it begins to lose momentum this wobble of the earth takes nearly 26,000 years to unfold. The strange engraving of the four `A's' (see illustration A) on the cross of Hendaye is a "hieroglyph of the universe", according to Fulcanelli. It is "comprised of the conventional signs of heaven and earth, the spiritual and the temporal, the macrocosm and the microcosm, in which major emblems of the redemption (cross) and the world (circle) are found in association".
The Precession of the Equinoxes
What Fulcanelli appears to be saying here is that the precession of the equinoxes is to be divided into four distinct ages of 6480 years each (4 divided into 25,920) or, to round off the figures to approximately 6500 years each. This is also interesting because the zodiacal cycle, which lasts 25,920 years, has four fixed signs. These are the signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. These four signs are separated by 6,500 years each. Also in the Book of Ezekiel and in the Book of Revelation we are told of the angel with four faces. This angel has the face of a Lion (Leo), a Bull (Taurus), a Man (the angel) and an Eagle (in older times Scorpio was represented by an eagle instead of a scorpion). Apparently, according to Fulcanelli, both of these books in the Bible are warnings and messages about the four quadrants of the precession of the equinoxes and appear to be telling us that there is some kind of great change whenever we arrive at one of these four signs.
Of course it is well known that we are currently entering the Age of Aquarius. The Cross at Hendaye and Fulcanelli are telling us that there are tremendous changes to be found here on Earth when we enter into one of the four fixed signs. Apparently these changes can be cataclysmic.
Obviously this 6,500 year long dating of the four alchemical ages disagrees with the Hindu Yuga system, which insists that each Yuga is of varying time lengths. It is in trying to iron out the dissimilarities in these two time periods that the hyperdimensional aspects of time can be best revealed.
It is well known in modern physics that the four dimensional space, of which time is an aspect, is in the shape of a hypersphere. (see illustration B) This hypersphere appears similar to the shape of a donut, or a bagel. The energy, or the flow of the energy stream, within this hypersphere works like this: As shown in the illustration, the flow comes out of the bottom of the sphere, winds its way up around the outside edge, crosses the outside equator of the torus sphere and moves towards the hole in the top of this torus. The energy flow then begins to fall through the top of the hole and begins to spin in a vortex. This energy flow continues until it comes out of the bottom side of the torus where the energy flow begins its outward expansion again. This flow is continuous and, in a sense, is infinite.
Illustration B: The Hypersphere
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°58
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
This cross was a real mystery to me after reading Fulcanelli's book and Weidner's theory. His deciphering of the words OCRUXAVES PESUNICA is the part thet caught my attention the most. Here's an excerpt of his research:
<p style="text-align: left;"><img src="http://api.ning.com:80/files/fsxqzKwLPwDIUGrEPW-wz-mI8qCxot1sMRkJveQk6Zj5Xbpgf*1AY2jf7kUlHgSLmwygzl6906xp9dHoe8EzKTgr-Umm8v5C/1271435932215.jpg" alt=""/></p>
There is also an inscriptions in Latin, engraved at the top of the stele, that reads: "OCRUXAVES UNICA", which, decrypted, points out a similar cross in Peru, at Urcos - a small town near Cuzco, by which was substituted the old, original one some 50 years ago. The base of the old cross is extremely eroded and must be centuries old. No one knows who took the old cross away, but it is intriguing that this was done about the same time when the information about Cyclic Cross in Hendaye was added to one of later editions of the book "Le Mystere des Cathedrales" (The Mystery of the Cathedrals) which was written by someone called Fulcanelli, self-declared member of "Priority of Sion, and difficult to encounter.
Following Fulcanelli’s prescription, I made the ‘X’ a ‘S’ and now with a subtle change in letters I had an inscription instead of saying:
was now saying:
‘Inca Cave Cusco Peru’.
Stunned by this discovery and remembering that Fulcanelli says that the inscription describes a country of refuge my heart pounded in my ears. Realizing that this was probably not a coincidence or some kind of fantasy I began going over the inscription — changing and altering it in any way that I could. One of the very first things that I discovered in this exercise was that by displacing the ‘S’ in the top line of the inscription I made the word:
When I did this I also came up with a secondary message that actually enforced the first message. Reading backwards I got:
and reading the rest of the letters backwards I got:
or to complete the sentence:
In February 1998, Sharron and I finally went to Peru in search of Inca Caves and the Cross at Urcos. We found both, as well as what later would turn out to be the ruins of Lemuria at Tiahuanaco. In the end, the Cross at Hendaye leads the seeker to Lemuria which occurred at the end of the Second Age, 13,000 years age.
These are just some of my old notes:
The town of Urcos is located approximately 1-1/2 hours from the city of Cuzco where the ancient city of MachuPicchu is located. All that area is highly energized and is considered sacred ground. The locals are used to seeing ships coming in and out of the water (lakes) all the time and are in no way afraid of them. Shamans can read the aura and iris and have kept the entrances of these sacred portals a secret for many years. In Urcos as in Cuzco, there is a huge underground city on a higher dimension. Nowadays the portals are hidden and concealed by the authorities sometimes even with concrete because there were reports that some people have gotten lost in their search for this cities and gold/riches.
However the Shamans know where the portals are and how to get in. You would have to be in a specific vibration in order to go through. Some people do pass through some don't, but even those who don't, have strange experiences like being in a time of no time, get very lightheaded and see visions. Legend says that at the bottom of this sacred Lake in Urcos there is a Golden "Link" or <b>Serpent.</b> It could be true since it is said that The Inca Huascar hid all his gold in the form of a link and sunk it here when he knew the Spanish conquistadors were near.
But, this "link" according to the locals really symbolizes the union between our <b>"brothers and sisters from the stars"</b> and us. Some time ago I found a video in YouTube about the search for the “Hendaye” cross in Urcos where it was found to have been replaced by a very common one. It was obvious it was not the cross that was there originally because the base was too large for the new cross and the stone did not match. I guess the video was removed since I could not find it again.
This is the only video I found where you could actually see the Lake. It was made mostly to attract tourism to the area but you can see the beautiful lake and the Mayor of Urcos saying that the lake was a very important gathering place since Pre-Inca times. He also talks about the King's Golden Link being guarded by the depths of the Lake. The sacred crystal clear waters of this lake are naturally warm and have medicinal properties, highly charged with life force.
<p style="text-align: left;"><img src="http://api.ning.com:80/files/fsxqzKwLPwDIUGrEPW-wz-mI8qCxot1sMRkJveQk6Zj5Xbpgf*1AY2jf7kUlHgSLmwygzl6906xp9dHoe8EzKTgr-Umm8v5C/1271435932215.jpg" alt=""/></p>
There is also an inscriptions in Latin, engraved at the top of the stele, that reads: "OCRUXAVES UNICA", which, decrypted, points out a similar cross in Peru, at Urcos - a small town near Cuzco, by which was substituted the old, original one some 50 years ago. The base of the old cross is extremely eroded and must be centuries old. No one knows who took the old cross away, but it is intriguing that this was done about the same time when the information about Cyclic Cross in Hendaye was added to one of later editions of the book "Le Mystere des Cathedrales" (The Mystery of the Cathedrals) which was written by someone called Fulcanelli, self-declared member of "Priority of Sion, and difficult to encounter.
Following Fulcanelli’s prescription, I made the ‘X’ a ‘S’ and now with a subtle change in letters I had an inscription instead of saying:
was now saying:
‘Inca Cave Cusco Peru’.
Stunned by this discovery and remembering that Fulcanelli says that the inscription describes a country of refuge my heart pounded in my ears. Realizing that this was probably not a coincidence or some kind of fantasy I began going over the inscription — changing and altering it in any way that I could. One of the very first things that I discovered in this exercise was that by displacing the ‘S’ in the top line of the inscription I made the word:
When I did this I also came up with a secondary message that actually enforced the first message. Reading backwards I got:
and reading the rest of the letters backwards I got:
or to complete the sentence:
In February 1998, Sharron and I finally went to Peru in search of Inca Caves and the Cross at Urcos. We found both, as well as what later would turn out to be the ruins of Lemuria at Tiahuanaco. In the end, the Cross at Hendaye leads the seeker to Lemuria which occurred at the end of the Second Age, 13,000 years age.
These are just some of my old notes:
The town of Urcos is located approximately 1-1/2 hours from the city of Cuzco where the ancient city of MachuPicchu is located. All that area is highly energized and is considered sacred ground. The locals are used to seeing ships coming in and out of the water (lakes) all the time and are in no way afraid of them. Shamans can read the aura and iris and have kept the entrances of these sacred portals a secret for many years. In Urcos as in Cuzco, there is a huge underground city on a higher dimension. Nowadays the portals are hidden and concealed by the authorities sometimes even with concrete because there were reports that some people have gotten lost in their search for this cities and gold/riches.
However the Shamans know where the portals are and how to get in. You would have to be in a specific vibration in order to go through. Some people do pass through some don't, but even those who don't, have strange experiences like being in a time of no time, get very lightheaded and see visions. Legend says that at the bottom of this sacred Lake in Urcos there is a Golden "Link" or <b>Serpent.</b> It could be true since it is said that The Inca Huascar hid all his gold in the form of a link and sunk it here when he knew the Spanish conquistadors were near.
But, this "link" according to the locals really symbolizes the union between our <b>"brothers and sisters from the stars"</b> and us. Some time ago I found a video in YouTube about the search for the “Hendaye” cross in Urcos where it was found to have been replaced by a very common one. It was obvious it was not the cross that was there originally because the base was too large for the new cross and the stone did not match. I guess the video was removed since I could not find it again.
This is the only video I found where you could actually see the Lake. It was made mostly to attract tourism to the area but you can see the beautiful lake and the Mayor of Urcos saying that the lake was a very important gathering place since Pre-Inca times. He also talks about the King's Golden Link being guarded by the depths of the Lake. The sacred crystal clear waters of this lake are naturally warm and have medicinal properties, highly charged with life force.
Last edited by SuiGeneris on Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°59
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Excellent Reply LoverSui!
Yes Weidner's research is indeed potent and links to all of the 'Priori of Sion' associations and including the 'false trail' of the 'Da Vinci' Code and the physical descendents of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene.
The children of them are metaphysical, they are US, able to handle the Dragon's Eucharist.
Alter Altar of Babalon-Babylon, the LonE BabyDragon, shared by Ashera Barbelo
Gospel of Thomas #7: Nag Hammadi Codex
(7) Jesus said : "Fortunate is the lion which the man eats so that the lion becomes a man ; and cursed is the man whom the lion eats so that the man becomes a lion."
Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony
Yes Weidner's research is indeed potent and links to all of the 'Priori of Sion' associations and including the 'false trail' of the 'Da Vinci' Code and the physical descendents of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene.
The children of them are metaphysical, they are US, able to handle the Dragon's Eucharist.
Alter Altar of Babalon-Babylon, the LonE BabyDragon, shared by Ashera Barbelo
Gospel of Thomas #7: Nag Hammadi Codex
(7) Jesus said : "Fortunate is the lion which the man eats so that the lion becomes a man ; and cursed is the man whom the lion eats so that the man becomes a lion."
Abraxasinus John Paul Anthony
Mercuriel- Admin
- Posts : 3497
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- Post n°60
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Yep - Awesome Info Sui. I came across this Info about three Years ago.
Chech this. You want to know how I came across It ?
I had been doing research on Symbology and the Origins of Naming Conventions/Language and I thought one day - "Hey - I wonder if there is anything in the Name of the place where I work..."
So I entered Hendaye and Whoa - You now know how that must have hit someone like Us - Working in a place called that ?
I was simply stunned but again I smiled - Nodded to Myself and then got at It in understanding...
Chech this. You want to know how I came across It ?
I had been doing research on Symbology and the Origins of Naming Conventions/Language and I thought one day - "Hey - I wonder if there is anything in the Name of the place where I work..."
So I entered Hendaye and Whoa - You now know how that must have hit someone like Us - Working in a place called that ?
I was simply stunned but again I smiled - Nodded to Myself and then got at It in understanding...
Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
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Location : Midgard
- Post n°61
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°62
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Wow...Kool!! Was that the name of a company?Mercuriel wrote:I had been doing research on Symbology and the Origins of Naming Conventions/Language and I thought one day - "Hey - I wonder if there is anything in the Name of the place where I work..."
So I entered Hendaye and Whoa - You now know how that must have hit someone like Us - Working in a place called that ?
Mercuriel- Admin
- Posts : 3497
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- Post n°63
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Its the Name of the Site/Facility...
Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
James Cameron Going to Battle For REAL PANDORA Here on Earth!!!
The New York Times
The Belo Monte dam could dry up part of the Xingu River.
“The snake kills by squeezing very slowly,” Mr. Cameron said to more than 70 indigenous people, some holding spears and bows and arrows, under a tree here along the Xingu River. “This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to be,” he added.
As if to underscore the point, seconds later a poisonous green snake fell out of a tree, just feet from where Mr. Cameron’s wife sat on a log. Screams rang out. Villagers scattered. The snake was killed. Then indigenous leaders set off on a dance of appreciation, ending at the boat that took Mr. Cameron away. All the while, Mr. Cameron danced haltingly, shaking a spear, a chief’s feathery yellow and white headdress atop his head.
In the 15 years since he wrote the script for “Avatar,” his epic tale of greed versus nature, Mr. Cameron said, he had become an avid environmentalist. But he said that until his trip to the Brazilian Amazon last month, his advocacy was mostly limited to the environmentally responsible way he tried to live his life: solar and wind energy power his Santa Barbara home, he said, and he and his wife drive hybrid vehicles and do their own organic gardening.
“Avatar” — and its nearly $2.7 billion in global tickets sales — has changed all that, flooding Mr. Cameron with kudos for helping to “emotionalize” environmental issues and pleas to get more involved.
Now, Mr. Cameron said, he has been spurred to action, to speak out against the looming environmental destruction endangering indigenous groups around the world — a cause that is fueling his inner rage and inspiring his work on an “Avatar” sequel.
“Any direct experience that I have with indigenous peoples and their plights may feed into the nature of the story I choose to tell,” he said. “In fact, it almost certainly will.” Referring to his Amazon trip, he added, “It just makes me madder.”
Mr. Cameron is so fired up, in fact, that he said he was planning to go back to the Amazon this week, this time with Sigourney Weaver and at least another member of the “Avatar” cast in tow.
The focus is the huge Belo Monte dam planned by the Brazilian government. It would be the third largest in the world, and environmentalists say it would flood hundreds of square miles of the Amazon and dry up a 60-mile stretch of the Xingu River, devastating the indigenous communities that live along it. For years the project was on the shelf, but the government now plans to hold an April 20 auction to award contracts for its construction.
Stopping the dam has become a fresh personal crusade for the director, who came here as indigenous leaders from 13 tribes held a special council to discuss their last-ditch options. It was Mr. Cameron’s first visit to the Amazon, he said, even though he based the fictional planet in “Avatar” on Amazon rain forests. Still, he found the real-life similarities to the themes in his movie undeniable.
The dam is a “quintessential example of the type of thing we are showing in ‘Avatar’ — the collision of a technological civilization’s vision for progress at the expense of the natural world and the cultures of the indigenous people that live there,” he said.
Mr. Cameron said that he was writing a letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva urging him to reconsider the dam and that he would press for a meeting with the president. “They need to listen to these people here,” he said. Mr. Cameron, 55, first encountered the cause in February, after being presented with a letter from advocacy organizations and Native American groups saying they wanted Mr. Cameron to highlight “the real Pandoras in the world,” referring to the lush world under assault in his movie.
Atossa Soltani, executive director of Amazon Watch, who accompanied him on his trip last month, said Mr. Cameron lit up at the idea of learning more, saying he had grown up in the Canadian woods and had even logged thousands of hours underwater exploring the world’s oceans.
As for Mr. Cameron’s Amazon adventure, it got off to a rocky start. The boat he traveled to the village in flooded when a hose became disconnected. Mr. Cameron chipped in, grabbing a plastic bucket to help bail for a few hours in the searing midday heat, he and others on the boat said.
Many of the indigenous leaders he was planning to meet with had never heard of him before, much less seen his movie. All they knew was that “a powerful ally” would be attending their gathering, Ms. Soltani said.
So, the night before Mr. Cameron and his wife, Suzy Amis, arrived with three bodyguards, a dozen or so villagers gathered in the house of José Carlos Arara, the chief of the Arara tribe here, to watch a DVD of “Avatar.”
“What happens in the film is what is happening here,” said Chief Arara, 30.
The morning after Mr. Cameron’s party arrived in the village, Chief Arara led them on a walk through the rain forest. Mr. Cameron, almost mirroring the enraptured scientists in his movie, was calm but wide-eyed, peppering the chief with questions about the local fauna and flora and traditional indigenous ways. In seconds, the chief showed how he could fashion ankle braces from leaves to help him scale an açaí tree.
The leaders then invited Mr. Cameron to participate in their meeting. He sat at a small wooden school desk as they made speeches condemning the impending dam and the Brazilian government. Mr. Cameron seemed to tear up when some leaders said they would be willing to die to stop the dam.
Finally, Mr. Cameron was asked to speak. He stood and complimented the leaders on their unity, saying they needed to fight off efforts by the government to divide them and weaken their resistance.
“That is what can stop the snake; that is what can stop the dam,” he said.
A rush of applause swept through the crowd. When the real snake fell from the tree, the director seemed unfazed. After clearing it away, indigenous leaders thanked him with gifts. One gave him a spear, another a black and red necklace of seeds. A third, Chief Jaguar from the Kaiapo nation, one of Brazil’s most respected, gave him his headdress before the dances in Mr. Cameron’s honor began.
“It’s not like there is any pressure on me or anything,” he said, half-joking, moments before boarding the boat. “These people really are looking for me to do something about their situation. We have to try to stop this dam. Their whole way of life, their society as they know it, depends on it.”
Slideshow: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/04/11/world/americas/20100411-brazil-cameron-amazon/index.html?ref=americas#
"The Sky People have sent us a message...
that they can take watever they want.
...we will show the Sky People... that they
can not take watever they want!
And that this, this is our land!!!"
Jake Sully
Avatar, 2009
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
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Location : Midgard
- Post n°65
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
George Kavassilas ~ Our Journey & The Grand Deception!!
In case you've never seen this, here it is. Part 1 of 3 series.
In case you've never seen this, here it is. Part 1 of 3 series.
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
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Location : Midgard
- Post n°66
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
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Location : Midgard
- Post n°67
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
It's a She!!
TRANCOSO- Posts : 3930
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- Post n°68
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
SuiGeneris on Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:05 am
I’ve been following the “Galactic Federation of Lies” thread for some time now and there are many things I don’t like about it, so I think now it’s time to say what I think about the whole thing. About the latest personal issue between our two members, I think it was all one big misunderstanding from the beginning; and if in fact anyone thought someone found a murder video funny, at that point many things could've been done in order to find out the truth...all except accusing right then in there in a fit of rage. No matter how wrong you think the other person is usually when you accuse, you're going to get a negative reaction from the other person... It is better to stop and think first.
The 'GFL thread' started at Avalon as 'The Ashtar Command & The Galactic Federation'. There it already became the practical joke it is here & now. (And just because Swanny & myself were having a bit of fun on a cold, wet saturday night, over The Ashtar Command & the SaLuSa messages & vids - which we both consider BS. It was also the first time I had a real 'click' with someone at PA.)
So the 'GFL-thread' has a long history, that goes beyond this forum & also seems to serve more than one purpose, Sui.
Personally - & this is not a joke - I consider it a form of art.
As you well know, TRUE (there's the 'T-word' again...) art, triggers peoples feelings. It triggered you to start this excellent thread, as it triggers other to post vids about fluffy balls.
Besides that, it's been viewed over 12.000 times at PA, & 1500+, here at the MoA.
I also think that we should get rid of this Avalonistic 'Holier Than the Pope' attitude.
Those who want to live in a virtual dream world, start their own virtual dream threads, & those who like a bit of witty BS do so as well.
Love & Respect,
Guest- Guest
- Post n°69
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Hi Sui
Perhaps there is more to it that meets the eye because much what is out there is love play to gain our starved hearts, and tell us that all will be well in the morning when it will not, consider this
We are being manipulated by many who know how our minds work.
I respect all philosopies and restrict the spoof only to the spoof thread
Perhaps there is more to it that meets the eye because much what is out there is love play to gain our starved hearts, and tell us that all will be well in the morning when it will not, consider this
We are being manipulated by many who know how our minds work.
I respect all philosopies and restrict the spoof only to the spoof thread
mp3- Posts : 174
Join date : 2010-04-09
- Post n°70
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
One thing I like about Clif High, is that he says what's on him mind. He doesn't mince words. If he believes something, he puts himself behind the presentation of it, without reservation. And then whether it's right or wrong, it's out there. No hiding behind ego and "self checking" for acceptability. So the things he got wrong are out there for all to see, just like the things he got right. What his work gives me, is his interpretation of what's "out there" in the collective consciousness, or at least a sampling of it. And if what he sees there dissipates, instead of manifesting, then either he got something wrong, or we got something right. My perspective is that lots of these predictions/prophecies were right at the time they were "picked up on". And that we rewrote the playbook to render those triggers unnecessary.
One thing Clif said which demonstrated to me just how wrong he can get it sometimes, is the comment he made on several radio shows, which was "If you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention". This is bullshit from top to bottom. But it's also a thoughtform that those in fear carry as a bumper on their front edge. The fearful are constantly trying to show others all the good reasons they should be afraid. They like to present what they adopt as evidence of threat. If you try to ease their fears, by presenting another viable perspective, then "you aren't paying attention, or have your head somewhere unpleasant, or are whistling past the graveyard, or are confused, tricked, ignorant, or singing cumbaya while your minds are messed with. It's "Oh, but you don't understand....this is REALLY happening, and if you don't watch it, it's going to happen to you too."
Einstein's truism that "you can't solve a problem from the level of consciousness that conceived of it" is actually pretty apt. Because it is not until you rise in consciousness that you can see how you were once "one" with the level of consciousness which had you in fear, no matter how you justified your perceptions and lower mind thoughts, or Ego interpretations, etc. So those who have escaped fear, can see how those held in it's thrall, bind themselves to it, with perfect satisfaction that they are perceiving correctly, while broadcasting that those who have "moved on" are not paying attention.
But one thing this phenomenon points out, is that it doesn't make much sense for someone to insist someone else isn't "getting it". Has the person you see as not "getting it" ever decided they aren't "getting it"? Or have they decided there is something wrong with you for suggesting that?
This common universe, is the best modelling clay ever. It doesn't matter what you want to conceive of, this universe can present the manifestation. Each model of existence, will be seen to be complete and believable to those investing their attention and energy into them. All the needed "evidence" will be there for them, and everything they can conceive of as included, will have the potential for manifestation. If you want to see scaly critter traders here harvesting peeps for their human popsicle vending carts back on Draco prime, then the universe will find some way of "making you right" in your creation, because the universe is here to support us, not the other way around.
Live and let live, I say. Who cares what anybody else believes is true. Just because it's not true for you, doesn't make it untrue. There is no universal truth. Truth is individual. There is only agreed upon reality, which many mistake for truth. Those demanding "evidence" can not conceive of illusory reality in other terms than of actual truth vs false truth.
There is no good reason to try to convince anyone of the falsehood of this or that. It's only false from your perspective, so what you are actually doing, is trying to move them to your perspective and point of view. Why do that? Do they look unhappy to have their own perspective point of view? They are just modelling exactly like you are. If you adopt somebody elses model, then don't assume that act makes it any more true. Many make the mistake of assuming agreement improves the veracity of the illusion they are exploring. Just look at how many Americans will vote a fool into office, to see how agreement has nothing to do with truth or actuality.
One thing Clif said which demonstrated to me just how wrong he can get it sometimes, is the comment he made on several radio shows, which was "If you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention". This is bullshit from top to bottom. But it's also a thoughtform that those in fear carry as a bumper on their front edge. The fearful are constantly trying to show others all the good reasons they should be afraid. They like to present what they adopt as evidence of threat. If you try to ease their fears, by presenting another viable perspective, then "you aren't paying attention, or have your head somewhere unpleasant, or are whistling past the graveyard, or are confused, tricked, ignorant, or singing cumbaya while your minds are messed with. It's "Oh, but you don't understand....this is REALLY happening, and if you don't watch it, it's going to happen to you too."
Einstein's truism that "you can't solve a problem from the level of consciousness that conceived of it" is actually pretty apt. Because it is not until you rise in consciousness that you can see how you were once "one" with the level of consciousness which had you in fear, no matter how you justified your perceptions and lower mind thoughts, or Ego interpretations, etc. So those who have escaped fear, can see how those held in it's thrall, bind themselves to it, with perfect satisfaction that they are perceiving correctly, while broadcasting that those who have "moved on" are not paying attention.
But one thing this phenomenon points out, is that it doesn't make much sense for someone to insist someone else isn't "getting it". Has the person you see as not "getting it" ever decided they aren't "getting it"? Or have they decided there is something wrong with you for suggesting that?
This common universe, is the best modelling clay ever. It doesn't matter what you want to conceive of, this universe can present the manifestation. Each model of existence, will be seen to be complete and believable to those investing their attention and energy into them. All the needed "evidence" will be there for them, and everything they can conceive of as included, will have the potential for manifestation. If you want to see scaly critter traders here harvesting peeps for their human popsicle vending carts back on Draco prime, then the universe will find some way of "making you right" in your creation, because the universe is here to support us, not the other way around.
Live and let live, I say. Who cares what anybody else believes is true. Just because it's not true for you, doesn't make it untrue. There is no universal truth. Truth is individual. There is only agreed upon reality, which many mistake for truth. Those demanding "evidence" can not conceive of illusory reality in other terms than of actual truth vs false truth.
There is no good reason to try to convince anyone of the falsehood of this or that. It's only false from your perspective, so what you are actually doing, is trying to move them to your perspective and point of view. Why do that? Do they look unhappy to have their own perspective point of view? They are just modelling exactly like you are. If you adopt somebody elses model, then don't assume that act makes it any more true. Many make the mistake of assuming agreement improves the veracity of the illusion they are exploring. Just look at how many Americans will vote a fool into office, to see how agreement has nothing to do with truth or actuality.
Guest- Guest
- Post n°71
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
MP3 I also admire Cliff High because he has no problem to come forth and say what he believes to be true. I myself come forth and tell my truth and my truth is that we have been lied to by the GLF so many times. Remeber October 14 2008, Bloosom Goodchild?
Well the Galactic Federation of Light made the biggest spoof ever the 10-14-2008, the day the GLF was going to come and "save" us. The only reason I posted previous video was because Sui questioned the Galactic Federation of Lies. So Sui can question and we are supposed to say nothing?
Furthermore, I think I can post what I want provided is within the subject and respectfull. I am trying to convince no one, only presenting a different perspective. Do you have a problem with that? Because is debate what we come here for or are we just looking for yes men like in AV2?
Well the Galactic Federation of Light made the biggest spoof ever the 10-14-2008, the day the GLF was going to come and "save" us. The only reason I posted previous video was because Sui questioned the Galactic Federation of Lies. So Sui can question and we are supposed to say nothing?
Furthermore, I think I can post what I want provided is within the subject and respectfull. I am trying to convince no one, only presenting a different perspective. Do you have a problem with that? Because is debate what we come here for or are we just looking for yes men like in AV2?
mp3- Posts : 174
Join date : 2010-04-09
- Post n°72
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
stardustaquarion wrote:MP3 I also admire Cliff High because he has no problem to come forth and say what he believes to be true. I myself come forth and tell my truth and my truth is that we have been lied to by the GLF so many times. Remeber October 14 2008, Bloosom Goodchild?
Well the Galactic Federation of Light made the biggest spoof ever the 10-14-2008, the day the GLF was going to come and "save" us. The only reason I posted previous video was because Sui questioned the Galactic Federation of Lies. So Sui can question and we are supposed to say nothing?
Furthermore, I think I can post what I want provided is within the subject and respectfull. I am trying to convince no one, only presenting a different perspective. Do you have a problem with that? Because is debate what we come here for or are we just looking for yes men like in AV2?
I don't know who the GFL is. I've never followed them, and don't have an opinion, one way or the other. I knew Oct 14-08 would come and go without a visit. Because I checked with my higher Dimensional friends when all the noise was occuring around that prediction. They told me nothing would happen, and to not expect a mass landing for a LOOOONG time yet. They also told me that if there was a mass landing or the apparency of one, it would be a trick, and not something to be trusted, as no such thing was planned anywhere they could read energies.
Where did you get the idea I was trying to tell you where you could post, and about what? I have no interest in controlling anyone. I just like to present "balancing" viewpoints, where I see a polarized slant, towards one side or another. Nothing whatsoever personal to you. If you want to live in a world of big bad mind controlling enemies, far be it from me to try to convince you otherwise. We are all free to create what we want. That's what I promote. Not one side is better than another.
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°73
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
Hi Trancoso, Stardust and everyone!
I am well aware of all the lies and misinformation built now over the years about this so called "Galactic Federation of Light" or whatever else they call it. Just because a thread has in its tittle the "Galactic" and "federation" part in it does not mean we are refering to the same thing. Great many channelings about this "Galactic Federation" have not been understood by many and others were well....just plain disinformation, but I do not consider this misleading effort comming from our star family, but rather...coming from Earth! Like I said before in my music thread: It has a stamp all over it that reads "Made on Terra".
I know the efforts to discredit them are inmense and the purpose of these human agents to have the people loose trust and faith in Et's will continue unabaited. I can smell the rotten apple from far away, I don't need to eat it fully to find out it's rotten.
The great mayority of these type of "channelings" are more than 50% true info say, but with a twist. This twist is the lie and carefully chosen wording that goes into it to sound like a true message. Many who know this already, simply have chosen to disingage from the dis info part and simply take from it what's of value. This is called reading the energy imprint and it gets better with practice. This is a very personal process and there is no generic formula I can give anyone to be able to discern anything. I speed read, and sometimes after reading just one paragraph I stop because I know it's pure disinformation. However, I often do finish reading just to be aware of what is it the PTB wants the masses to "keep believing".
To put it bluntly, yes, there are "channelings" out there that are not that at all. They are in no way a true message, but simply an essay written by an agent somewhere with an agenda to stir and increase confusion and discredit the Et's by issuing promises of wealth or technology that will all come (oh that dreaded word again) "soon". Please understand something like this is not a genuine transmission at all. It is carefully designed to keep people wishing for something that will always come "in the future". Why do you think that is? To keep you from living in the Now moment. Only moment there is. When you wish for help or some-thing, you automatically put yurself in a position of helplessness. So this is desired...to keep humans looking at the sky for answers, looking at the government for answers, looking anywhere...instead of looking within.
To set the record straight on my view, I say the Star people are not here to save us from ourselves. Noone can do that. We will all get what we deserve and wish for. Nevertheless, they have helped and continue to help earthlings when they can without any advertisement. In many remote areas of South America (and I'm sure other places on Earth), they are considered friends to some indigenous people who often see them face to face when they come to offer healing to the poor. Some of these indians think they must be people from government and their ships or lightships must be some sort of modern airplane. But if they are ever told they come from another planet or inner Earth, they won't make too much of it anyway for they know that "Father God" must have sent them. See, they trust their father and their mother (Earth). The things that happen around the world will surprise many. Just because it is not on Fox News does not mean it's not happening.
So, if the Star people are not here to save us, then why are they here for then? Yes, there are millions of ships surrounding Earth's quarantine at this time, but I feel they won't be visible to us until after the Shift of the Ages; until after Dec 21, 2012 or even the last days of March 2013. Some say, like abraxasinas for example, that they will be visible to all with no exception. That would be awesome; however, I still doubt it for there are so many still refusing to see. Perhaps the opportunity for all will be there, but the capacity to see and interact with them will be a different issue altogether. At this point I can only trust the energies will be of a higher vibration, enough to mitigate any fear of them that may arise in some who are still deeply programmed.
And so, they are here because it is our collective consciousness that's ready to begin living in a Noosphere, a Galactic society at last!...and that is a good thing to say the least! There is a Galactic Confederation of Worlds made up by many Star Nations who are in charge of Peace keeping efforts in this part of the Universe. Ashtar, Sananda, St. Germain and all the rest of Ascended Masters are here working diligently in their respective roles working along with us, to make sure Mother's shift into the "real time" of the Universe (our birth) goes well.
But I feel there's even more than that. Not only our genetic material is very much prized all over the Universe, but we are considered a type of "royalty" to them due to our DNA/genetic memory. We hold in us the records of the Akash, our own personal memories of all our lifetimes and the collective as well. We have in us the information of how it is to live in a world of duality where 'everything goes'. This data they do not have. And so after we reconnect with them and start living in Unity again we will not only be doing a great service to them by giving them a "link" to this Sinksource info, but some... who are ready, will be able to do even greater things just like Jesus said; after all... we are all creator Gods with amnesia!
With Love,
I am well aware of all the lies and misinformation built now over the years about this so called "Galactic Federation of Light" or whatever else they call it. Just because a thread has in its tittle the "Galactic" and "federation" part in it does not mean we are refering to the same thing. Great many channelings about this "Galactic Federation" have not been understood by many and others were well....just plain disinformation, but I do not consider this misleading effort comming from our star family, but rather...coming from Earth! Like I said before in my music thread: It has a stamp all over it that reads "Made on Terra".
I know the efforts to discredit them are inmense and the purpose of these human agents to have the people loose trust and faith in Et's will continue unabaited. I can smell the rotten apple from far away, I don't need to eat it fully to find out it's rotten.
The great mayority of these type of "channelings" are more than 50% true info say, but with a twist. This twist is the lie and carefully chosen wording that goes into it to sound like a true message. Many who know this already, simply have chosen to disingage from the dis info part and simply take from it what's of value. This is called reading the energy imprint and it gets better with practice. This is a very personal process and there is no generic formula I can give anyone to be able to discern anything. I speed read, and sometimes after reading just one paragraph I stop because I know it's pure disinformation. However, I often do finish reading just to be aware of what is it the PTB wants the masses to "keep believing".
To put it bluntly, yes, there are "channelings" out there that are not that at all. They are in no way a true message, but simply an essay written by an agent somewhere with an agenda to stir and increase confusion and discredit the Et's by issuing promises of wealth or technology that will all come (oh that dreaded word again) "soon". Please understand something like this is not a genuine transmission at all. It is carefully designed to keep people wishing for something that will always come "in the future". Why do you think that is? To keep you from living in the Now moment. Only moment there is. When you wish for help or some-thing, you automatically put yurself in a position of helplessness. So this is desired...to keep humans looking at the sky for answers, looking at the government for answers, looking anywhere...instead of looking within.
To set the record straight on my view, I say the Star people are not here to save us from ourselves. Noone can do that. We will all get what we deserve and wish for. Nevertheless, they have helped and continue to help earthlings when they can without any advertisement. In many remote areas of South America (and I'm sure other places on Earth), they are considered friends to some indigenous people who often see them face to face when they come to offer healing to the poor. Some of these indians think they must be people from government and their ships or lightships must be some sort of modern airplane. But if they are ever told they come from another planet or inner Earth, they won't make too much of it anyway for they know that "Father God" must have sent them. See, they trust their father and their mother (Earth). The things that happen around the world will surprise many. Just because it is not on Fox News does not mean it's not happening.
So, if the Star people are not here to save us, then why are they here for then? Yes, there are millions of ships surrounding Earth's quarantine at this time, but I feel they won't be visible to us until after the Shift of the Ages; until after Dec 21, 2012 or even the last days of March 2013. Some say, like abraxasinas for example, that they will be visible to all with no exception. That would be awesome; however, I still doubt it for there are so many still refusing to see. Perhaps the opportunity for all will be there, but the capacity to see and interact with them will be a different issue altogether. At this point I can only trust the energies will be of a higher vibration, enough to mitigate any fear of them that may arise in some who are still deeply programmed.
And so, they are here because it is our collective consciousness that's ready to begin living in a Noosphere, a Galactic society at last!...and that is a good thing to say the least! There is a Galactic Confederation of Worlds made up by many Star Nations who are in charge of Peace keeping efforts in this part of the Universe. Ashtar, Sananda, St. Germain and all the rest of Ascended Masters are here working diligently in their respective roles working along with us, to make sure Mother's shift into the "real time" of the Universe (our birth) goes well.
But I feel there's even more than that. Not only our genetic material is very much prized all over the Universe, but we are considered a type of "royalty" to them due to our DNA/genetic memory. We hold in us the records of the Akash, our own personal memories of all our lifetimes and the collective as well. We have in us the information of how it is to live in a world of duality where 'everything goes'. This data they do not have. And so after we reconnect with them and start living in Unity again we will not only be doing a great service to them by giving them a "link" to this Sinksource info, but some... who are ready, will be able to do even greater things just like Jesus said; after all... we are all creator Gods with amnesia!
With Love,
SuiGeneris- Posts : 1236
Join date : 2010-04-09
Location : Midgard
- Post n°74
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
stardustaquarion wrote:Hi Sui
We are being manipulated by many who know how our minds work.
Hi stardust!
Absolutely right. The PTB are masters at manipulation!
Not the "Et's".
mp3- Posts : 174
Join date : 2010-04-09
- Post n°75
Re: The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
SuiGeneris wrote:Hi Trancoso, Stardust and everyone!
I am well aware of all the lies and misinformation built now over the years about this so called "Galactic Federation of Light" or whatever else they call it. Just because a thread has in its tittle the "Galactic" and "federation" part in it does not mean we are refering to the same thing. Great many channelings about this "Galactic Federation" have not been understood by many and others were well....just plain disinformation, but I do not consider this misleading effort comming from our star family, but rather...coming from Earth! Like I said before in my music thread: It has a stamp all over it that reads "Made on Terra".
I know the efforts to discredit them are inmense and the purpose of these human agents to have the people loose trust and faith in Et's will continue unabaited. I can smell the rotten apple from far away, I don't need to eat it fully to find out it's rotten.
The great mayority of these type of "channelings" are more than 50% true info say, but with a twist. This twist is the lie and carefully chosen wording that goes into it to sound like a true message. Many who know this already, simply have chosen to disingage from the dis info part and simply take from it what's of value. This is called reading the energy imprint and it gets better with practice. This is a very personal process and there is no generic formula I can give anyone to be able to discern anything. I speed read, and sometimes after reading just one paragraph I stop because I know it's pure disinformation. However, I often do finish reading just to be aware of what is it the PTB wants the masses to "keep believing".
To put it bluntly, yes, there are "channelings" out there that are not that at all. They are in no way a true message, but simply an essay written by an agent somewhere with an agenda to stir and increase confusion and discredit the Et's by issuing promises of wealth or technology that will all come (oh that dreaded word again) "soon". Please understand something like this is not a genuine transmission at all. It is carefully designed to keep people wishing for something that will always come "in the future". Why do you think that is? To keep you from living in the Now moment. Only moment there is. When you wish for help or some-thing, you automatically put yurself in a position of helplessness. So this is desired...to keep humans looking at the sky for answers, looking at the government for answers, looking anywhere...instead of looking within.
To set the record straight on my view, I say the Star people are not here to save us from ourselves. Noone can do that. We will all get what we deserve and wish for. Nevertheless, they have helped and continue to help earthlings when they can without any advertisement. In many remote areas of South America (and I'm sure other places on Earth), they are considered friends to some indigenous people who often see them face to face when they come to offer healing to the poor. Some of these indians think they must be people from government and their ships or lightships must be some sort of modern airplane. But if they are ever told they come from another planet or inner Earth, they won't make too much of it anyway for they know that "Father God" must have sent them. See, they trust their father and their mother (Earth). The things that happen around the world will surprise many. Just because it is not on Fox News does not mean it's not happening.
So, if the Star people are not here to save us, then why are they here for then? Yes, there are millions of ships surrounding Earth's quarantine at this time, but I feel they won't be visible to us until after the Shift of the Ages; until after Dec 21, 2012 or even the last days of March 2013. Some say, like abraxasinas for example, that they will be visible to all with no exception. That would be awesome; however, I still doubt it for there are so many still refusing to see. Perhaps the opportunity for all will be there, but the capacity to see and interact with them will be a different issue altogether. At this point I can only trust the energies will be of a higher vibration, enough to mitigate any fear of them that may arise in some who are still deeply programmed.
And so, they are here because it is our collective consciousness that's ready to begin living in a Noosphere, a Galactic society at last!...and that is a good thing to say the least! There is a Galactic Confederation of Worlds made up by many Star Nations who are in charge of Peace keeping efforts in this part of the Universe. Ashtar, Sananda, St. Germain and all the rest of Ascended Masters are here working diligently in their respective roles working along with us, to make sure Mother's shift into the "real time" of the Universe (our birth) goes well.
But I feel there's even more than that. Not only our genetic material is very much prized all over the Universe, but we are considered a type of "royalty" to them due to our DNA/genetic memory. We hold in us the records of the Akash, our own personal memories of all our lifetimes and the collective as well. We have in us the information of how it is to live in a world of duality where 'everything goes'. This data they do not have. And so after we reconnect with them and start living in Unity again we will not only be doing a great service to them by giving them a "link" to this Sinksource info, but some... who are ready, will be able to do even greater things just like Jesus said; after all... we are all creator Gods with amnesia!
With Love,
Beautifully put, SuiG. That is a very resonant message for me. I too have my fliters in place and finely tuned. I'm not afraid of any "information" as my discernment is up to the task. I have many higher frequency friends who help enormously. I get personal guidance when I ask for it, and my wife is a channel/medium who acts as "telephone + translator" to many others all over the globe when they can't directly perceive the messages from the guides we all have with us all the time. I've learned a lot from the hundreds of channeled messages I've read, although I didn't ever set "belief" as my default filter setting. I always listen with my heart, and it never steers me wrong. I know at once whether I'm being fed a bowl of dog slobber, even when it's from a usually trusted source. thanks for your expansive post.