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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox


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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Carol Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:38 am

    Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis101122: Amero plan is firmly rejected by world leaders, chaos looms in January

    Once again this week, a lot is happening in the world and a lot more is about to happen including: the nationalization of Toyota’s North American operations, a total regime change in Japan, Russia allying itself with NATO, the ongoing release of forbidden technology and top secret negotiations involving the White Dragon Society and the Dragon family.

    Above all, there are signs of major chaos starting in late January as financial power brokers try to settle accounts by a January 30th deadline in a system that is mathematically impossible to fix. In other words, the old regime continues to crumble while the new waits in the background.

    As usual, the United States continued to be the heart of global darkness. In an effort to keep the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate going, President Obama tried very hard during his hectic travels to Europe and Asia to promote the Amero but was firmly rejected. The simple fact of the matter is that the Amero he proposes would just be paper backed by nothing.

    Even the promise to put control in the hands of the Treasury Department was seen as just a ruse by the powers behind the Federal Reserve Board to remain in charge. This means the plan to replace the US dollars owned by non-Americans with a new currency (probably the Hong Kong dollar) is likely to go ahead. There will be a meeting soon between a representative of the White Dragon Society and the Dragon family to discuss this.

    A senior Rothschild family source also insists the Euro will not survive past June of next year because of similar mathematical problems with the underlying assets that are supposed to back it.

    Obama last week asked a senior Chinese power-broker for protection from the Khazarians who have vowed to have him killed. He has also asked senior Muslim leaders for protection. It is not clear what answer he got.

    The general consensus is that the United States is headed for severe chaos unless the Pentagon steps in and sets up an interim government. This is exactly what is going to happen according to a Pentagon Nazi source.

    The Pentagon has already begun playing its hand by forcing NATO to end its policy of hostility to Russia. By including Russia in the NATO missile shield, the US and Europe have made it clear they will do everything they can to oppose the birth of a one-China world.

    The military and many world governments are also paying close attention to the impending $1 trillion lawsuit against Daniel Dal Bosco, the Davos World Forum, the UN and others, according to a source involved in the lawsuit.

    It now appears that elements of the Italian government, including Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and members of the Freemason P2 lodge were planning to buy a bank and use it to cash many stolen financial instruments, including the $134.5 billion in bonds illegally seized in 2009, as well as Dragon Family assets, German government bonds and Austrian government bonds. Perhaps that is why there was little Italian presence at the just ended Nato summit.

    Former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan was also contacted by lawyers preparing the lawsuit and given a copy of a fax allegedly sent from his office that implicates him in a $22 billion fraud. Greenspan said “I have been guilty of many things but not this.” As soon as he was given a copy of the document he called the FBI and reported it as fraudulent.

    The lawsuit could be filed as early as this week and it may lead to major changes in the world power structure. However, it is likely some sort of agreement will be reached behind the scenes before the lawsuit proceeds too far.

    Big changes have also come to Japan. The arrest of the Kiyoshi Takayama, the number two man in the Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza gang was part of a major campaign by the police to destroy that organization. Many Japanese Yakuza are very upset that the sub-group he heads, the Kodo Kai, was murdering Japanese politicians, financiers and journalists for Khazarian Satanists.

    There exists a real danger of a major gang war erupting as a result. The offices of one of the major Yamaguchi Gumi sub-groups, the Yamaken Gumi, was attacked with a hand-grenade in what gang sources say was a conflict within that group.

    In any case, the police do have the means to destroy the Yamaguchi Gumi because Japanese anti-gang laws allow a gang boss to be put in jail for a crime committed by a junior gang member. They arrested Takayama on such a charge and any trial he has will be meaningless because the decision to jail him has already been made. When Shinobu Tsukasa, the boss of the Yamaguchi gumi comes out of jail next spring, he will be forced to come to some sort of agreement with the Japanese government.

    The White Dragon Society and the Black Dragon Society will invite a Yamaguchi Gumi representative to negotiations this week to try to convert the Yamaguchi Gumi into a different type of organization.

    In a related move, the Toyota Motor corporation is under severe attack. According to the president of a major Nagoya-based corporation and a top American billionaire, a decision has been made to nationalize Toyota’s North American operations. They will do this by bankrupting Toyota US through product liability lawsuits.

    Apparently Toyota misappropriated about 400 trillion yen in Dragon Family assets back in the 1980’s and used them to set up 17 banks around the world instead of building factories as they promised. There is also a major lawsuit against Toyota in Japan that will be settled on November 26th.

    Toyota was involved in the take-over of the Misawa Home corporation during the rule of Junichiro Koizumi and Heizo Takenaka. Misawa founder Chiyoji Misawa insists the take-over was illegal. Takenaka’s brother is a senior executive in the now Toyota-owned Misawa Home.

    Both Toyota and the Yamaguchi gumi Kodo kai are based in Nagoya and prosecutors are investigating if and how these two organizations are linked.

    In any case, the secret balance of power in Japan has now changed and the most fundamental regime change the country has seen since the end of World War 2 will begin in January, according to a Japanese secret government source.

    In a final note, it is now clear the gradual release of forbidden technology has begun. All it takes to confirm this is to look at the hydrogen and electric vehicles being displayed at auto shows.

    Comment from David Wilcock (cough, cough)

    Hang in there, Ben.

    Whatever hate you get from the comments that follow, from those who don’t understand what’s really going on and expect guaranteed weekly fulfillment, is irrelevant.

    I know what you’ve been through and the type of real danger you’re in. And I thank you for providing such a valuable service.

    Everyone here should be grateful to have your insider perspective. You will be proven correct soon enough. There are so many correlations between what you post and what I hear from my own contacts that it is far more than a coincidence.

    I’ll write my own description of something that is going on, and should be obvious, since we have nothing else to read here this week… yet. I authorize whomever reads this to re-post it and do not consider this as falling under Ben’s copyright — so please circulate it if you feel it helps.


    I believe the evidence is very clear that Glenn Beck is being set up for martyrdom. By writing about this it may end up not happening, but it is extremely obvious that such a plan is in place at this time.

    It was very, very audacious for Fox to put Beck out there on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of the “I Have a Dream” speech.

    The level of arrogance is so high, the potential outrage so great, that you can easily see this is another end-game maneuver the Republican / Rockefeller faction is making because they literally feel they have no choice.

    Last year they tried to do the same thing by encouraging people to overthrow the government on July 4th — the original ‘Tea Party’. That didn’t work. They tried the 9/12 project to get it to happen after 9/11. That didn’t work.

    Now they’ve spent months — and untold hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars — promoting this one event that just happened this weekend. And this time they actually got a decent amount of people to show up, some three hundred thousand or more, thanks to the incredible amount of premeditation and advertising that went into this.

    Any time they put this much attention into something, they obviously see it as very, very important to their overall plans. Think about it.

    They say it was only a ‘coincidence’ that Beck’s speech happened to be planned on the same day, in the same exact location, as Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Yet everyone, including their supporters, obviously knows this is not true.

    Beck’s supporters are thus delighted by the fact that they get to trash Obama, and all blacks, in such a dramatic and mocking fashion and no one can do a damn thing about it. They have ‘plausible deniability’ — as if not one person at Fox would have ever noticed this date correlation and pointed it out. No one can honestly believe it was an accident — and that’s the point.

    The right-wingers thus feel very inspired — like they can invade the most sacred ground of African Americans and trample on everything they care about. It is a massive, massive increase in the fight to stoke racial hatred, to get the people turned against each other rather than their oppressors.

    A similar outrage on the sacred ground of another race was how Mount Rushmore was carved into a very sacred Native American mountain. The tactics have stayed the same all along.

    The next stage of the plan is going to be mass disappointment. Everyone who participated, or who wished they participated, will be greatly disappointed by how little anything actually changes after this speech happens. Watch — it will unfold over the next week or two very clearly.

    This is precisely what they are expected to feel. Ever-increasing indignation and rage. Blacks got civil rights and greater welfare benefits out of Martin Luther King’s campaign, (so the spin is supposed to make them think,) but now after Beck does it, they only seem to be losing, losing, losing more and more.

    Remember the key behind the original event in the collective subconscious: King was MURDERED soon after this speech because he became too powerful. Beck is is being fit into a script that everyone already knows in their DNA.

    Since this group is in its final death throes, it should be patently obvious that pumping Beck up to be the right-wing messiah, and then gunning him down and clearly blaming it on Obama (through false planted information just like 9/11) could be the stimulus they need to finally get their constituents literally up in arms in an attempt to overthrow their elected government.

    That disappointment they all feel when nothing changes after Beck’s ‘historic speech’ turns into “Shock and Awe” when he is then killed — making him into the new right-wing Messiah, just as King was for African-Americans and many others.

    Since Beck’s co-speaker was Palin, it is very obvious that this is meant to be seen as a Presidential-level event. The clear association is being made where Beck becomes the anti-Obama — his number one male opponent in the world, as McCain had been during the election.

    Best of all — Obama is blamed for Beck’s death within a day or two, thanks to clearly planted evidence. This will involve, most likely, the use of a mind-controlled operative who will clearly do something that puts the thought in people’s minds. The operative may also suicide, so as not to tell any tales, while the trail of evidence clearly and immediately traces back to Obama.

    This is all fabricated evidence, of course. The real planners are never seen.

    I have said it before and I will say it again. One thing Ben’s sources have been consistently wrong about is Obama. The Pentagon guys have given Ben great intel on many things, but they themselves do not understand what’s really going on here. Or if they do, they’re not telling Ben.

    I’ve heard some very shocking things I cannot say publicly, from highly credible insiders, that make it very clear no one wanted Obama to win, and he is under outrageous threats. Yet, the negative PR campaign in the conspiracy media has been so vast that many of the smartest people have not been able to figure this out.

    After innumerable talks with the real people on the inside, one of the most consistent things I hear is that NO ONE wants Obama to be in office.

    His cabinet is loaded with members of opposing factions, as are the rest of his administration. He has very few allies or friends. He cannot control many of the things that are happening, and he has been duped many times into supporting things that went against his own principles.

    There have been many mistakes, and he has been forced to turn back on many of his own campaign promises. The only other choice he had was death — and obviously he is working on things that have not yet come to fruition, and that is probably the only reason why he hasn’t already been willing to die for his principles.

    I also know for a fact, from more than one very well-placed insider, that Obama’s life and the life of his children has been severely and blatantly threatened. He has had to acquiesce to many things in order to survive. The Pentagon guys who speak to Ben do not ever appear to have disclosed this, and they may very well have a hidden agenda for why they have said certain things. If Ben doesn’t see through it then everything is flowing smoothly.

    So, once Beck is killed, the right goes nuts. Obama is now personally responsible for the death of someone they consider a part of their own family:

    Obama Killed Beck To Stop His Number One Enemy.

    Obama Won’t Admit He Did It, but Now All Blacks and Friends of the Administration Can Rejoice.

    Just like the planners of Beck’s speech made it obvious they knew what they were doing by re-creating MLK’s speech, the right-wingers will feel Obama made it obvious that he had to take out Beck like a rabid dog, out of anger, jealousy and spite.

    The right-wingers will, in the hopes of these planners, feel as if Obama — and therefore all blacks — have killed Beck — for revenge.

    Then, it is hoped, they will be motivated to fulfill the ‘dream’ that Beck was instructed to deliver in his speech — to “Restore Honor to America.”

    That honor will now involve a revenge-killing of Obama for the death of their last remaining male super-hero, Beck.

    Then, the insiders actually assassinate Obama — or attempt to, as Ben has already indicated such plans are being made for Obama to be removed, one way or the other.

    The planners similarly try to blame Obama’s shocking death on a right-wing, Beck-supporting nutcase, just like Beck’s assassination was blamed on Obama.

    Now they finally have the ‘chaos’ and “New Civil War” they’ve been hoping for. The president is dead, Beck is dead, the public is completely horrified (for different reasons depending on which side they support) and everyone is blaming each other for it.

    The planners hope these two single deaths, strategically timed, will impact at the same time the economy goes down, further making everyone angry and ready to do anything.

    Remember — the goal is Chaos. This is the ONLY chance they have to save their bacon. They need total, outrageous, blood-in-the-streets chaos. Nothing less can save them.

    That’s the plan.

    The whole trick to manipulating and controlling people is getting something outrageous enough to really mobilize them into action. Kill the two top heroes of either side of the debate and that’s your best chance. You can’t do another 9/11-type event because it’s not PERSONAL enough.

    Every insider is telling me this group is planning for November as the time when everything goes wild. This corresponds with what Ben is saying vis-a-vis the deadline of September 30th to pay the international debts.

    This has to be seen as a win-win on every level in order for it to work. Let’s start with why they would want to sacrifice Beck. (Frankly I am amazed he hasn’t figured out he’s being used as a pawn in the global game. Or perhaps he does think about it, and is willing to do this for what he considers to be a greater good. Somehow I doubt it.)

    These insiders would knock off Beck for three reasons:

    1) He’s too uncontrollable and has said things they really don’t want — getting people too close to the truth. For this same reason he has been politically useful but financially toxic in terms of the fleeing of advertisers from his show. If they know they lose everything after a certain point, then they have nothing to lose by killing their top shill either;

    2) By building him up as the white Martin Luther King / savior figure, with Palin at his side (the new John McCain / would-be President) he is the only male left in the right wing pantheon that their constituents could genuinely enshrine as a martyr once the hammer came down. Everyone else is so ridden with scandal that he’s their only shot.

    3) The left-wing hate against the insiders can, they hope, be channeled into Glenn Beck. When left-wingers see him die, in some kind of dramatic and grotesque public fashion, they will feel like ‘justice’ has been served. All the African-Americans and other ‘liberals’ who were justifiably enraged by this blatantly aggressive public display — just the latest of many outrages — will feel vindicated. That is, until Obama is killed by right-wingers. Then the REAL anger comes into play.

    All I am asking you to do is THINK.

    - David

    Just as a P.S., I think the best thing we can do to insure this plan fails is talk about it.

    You have to think like they do. Once you do this, it becomes very obvious.

    By writing this up, it will probably never happen — but it is important to talk about it so the element of surprise is removed.

    - David

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31769
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    Location : Hawaii

    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Carol Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:36 pm

    I wonder what world David lives in because it clearly is not mine.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1684
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    Location : Canada

    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Micjer Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:45 pm

    Wonder if Glenn Beck has read this!!!!

    The only thing I agreed with in the article by DW was this....

    Remember — the goal is Chaos. This is the ONLY chance they have to save their bacon. They need total, outrageous, blood-in-the-streets chaos. Nothing less can save them.


    Posts : 1684
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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Micjer Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:54 pm

    I found this which is interesting, and related.

    Is Glenn being poisoned?

    October 11, 2010 - 12:30 ET

    PAT: Pat Gray and Stu Burguiere for Glenn who isn’t here because he's, of course, being tested for, as you know, Rumsfeld Plague.

    STU: (Laughing).

    PAT: And all we can do is pray at this point. When you've been infected with Rumsfeld Plague, I don't know that there's any chance of survival.

    STU: No. I would say no. Obviously

    PAT: You would say no?

    STU: Donald Rumsfeld began targeting Glenn Beck.

    PAT: He knows how to kill.

    STU: Yeah. I mean, he's run wars, Pat. And he started targeting him apparently in the Eighties.

    PAT: I think 1981, if I'm not mistaken, yeah.

    STU: Yeah.

    PAT: Well, according to this, according to this conspiracy website and it is a con I mean, everything on it is like total conspiracy.

    STU: Yeah.

    PAT: And every anybody who doesn't believe in this conspiracy is part of it.

    STU: Of course.

    PAT: So if you don't believe, for instance, that Rumsfeld and Cheney and Bush brought down the twin towers, you're part of the coverup. If you don't believe it.

    STU: Yeah.

    PAT: Because the evidence is conclusive. We all know steel doesn't melt. Nobody knows how it's manufactured apparently. Because it doesn't melt.

    STU: No. No, definitely not.

    PAT: Steel just is, right? It's not molten.

    STU: You farm for it. You farm for steel.

    PAT: You farm for steel, thank you. And so when you dig it up and you find this hardened thing that you can build buildings with, it can't melt. And it can't weaken apparently.

    STU: No, no.

    PAT: And so even though, you know, some discredited people like, for instance, Popular Mechanics have totally debunked this thing years and years ago with all the scientific evidence.

    STU: Well

    PAT: They're part of the CIA. They're part of the CIA.

    STU: James Meigs is a CIA agent, the guys who was the editor of Popular Mechanics who we've had on the show many times to disprove ridiculous conspiracy theories. And, you know, he's obviously in on it just like everybody. Just like we are right now, Pat.

    PAT: Of course he is. We are right now. The fact that we're talking about it will probably pop up on this website.

    STU: Probably will.

    PAT: They're see, they continue to be part of the problem! Their conspiracy, the deception continues! Uh huh, uh huh.

    STU: So awesome.

    PAT: So listen to this. Here's one of the paragraphs from this insightful article on this website: Glenn Beck may not know it of course he does now because they've released that and that's why we're in Salt Lake to be tested for it. Glenn Beck may not know it, but it is almost just certain.

    STU: Almost certain.

    PAT: Almost certain he is another victim of Rumsfeld Plague. And if I've seen one I've seen, well, one. On September 29th, the New York Times published a long article about Beck: His Mormonism forbids coffee but he consumes a lot of Diet Coke and chocolate, writes Mark Leibovich. Well, okay, so there's the key, right? That's the key.

    STU: Yeah, you might want to the beginning of understanding whether this is true or not might start with that.

    PAT: Yes.

    STU: That the evidence is one sentence in a New York Times article.

    PAT: I love that about him.

    STU: Not saying how much he drinks.

    PAT: No.

    STU: Just that he consumes a lot of.

    PAT: A lot.

    STU: It's not really that much of, at least not compared to me. He has a diet he has a couple of Diet Cokes a day. Usually not even.

    PAT: Maybe.

    STU: It's usually Coke Zero. The evil Aspartame is the villain here in this story.

    PAT: Yes, it's the sugar substitute Aspartame which is the starting point of Diet Coke, apparently 1982, right?

    STU: Yeah.

    PAT: And that, and we can trace that back apparently to, yes, the evil Donald Rumsfeld.

    STU: Donald Rumsfeld, mmm hmmm.

    PAT: Who is head of G.D. Searle Pharmaceuticals.

    STU: Uh oh, that sounds evil.

    PAT: Who apparently, he decided to market a poison to the nation. Here's a safety tip to Donald Rumsfeld. It's never a good idea to kill your clients.

    STU: No.

    PAT: Okay? Your customers, you want them alive to consume the product you're putting out.

    STU: And yeah.

    PAT: So it doesn't make a lot of sense to poison the people who are buying your stuff because then they will be dead and they won't buy your stuff anymore, you know?

    STU: Yeah, and he's done a terrible job trying to poison people as hundreds of millions of people consume this every day. And the reason it's a new story that Glenn is having certain symptoms is because not that many people have them. It's because it's the reason that doctors can't immediately identify it is because they've never seen it before. It's one of those things

    PAT: Unbelievable.

    STU: where they are going in and they are trying to figure it out because it's not every third person walking in and saying they have Diet Coke disease. But I guess this is what happens when you go to 9/11 conspiracy theorists for your health information.

    PAT: I guess so. You know, and look. I'm not trying to disparage anybody who believes in organic my wife is a big believer right now. She is on a huge natural/organic kick. And it is ruining my life.

    STU: Yeah, mmm hmmm.

    PAT: I mean, we are here and she was with us for the weekend and so we were in the store picking up a few things, and I wanted to get some gum and I throw it down on the counter, you know, to buy it. She picks it up and immediately goes to the back, "That right there, right there, saccharin." Puts it back in the rack.

    STU: Saccharin's awesome.

    PAT: So? I've had intravenous feedings of saccharin before. I'm on a saccharin drip. I don't care, put it back! "No, look at this. Look at this, season. Saccharin and blue Number 5 plus yellow Number 4." And?

    STU: Oh, my.

    PAT: So! I've had souffles of blue and yellow Number 5 and 4. I don't care! Oh, so I know

    STU: You are

    PAT: People get on those kicks, you know?

    STU: Yeah. You are remarkably well adjusted for I did not know that your home life was this way.

    PAT: Yeah, she's wrecked my life with it.

    STU: Yeah.

    PAT: She really has. I can't even buy gum anymore. We've got to go to Whole Foods for natural gum.

    STU: You know, and I

    PAT: I didn't even know there was natural gum. We've got natural toothpaste now. You know, I mentioned on Friday or Glenn did, mentioned the conversation I think that she found out that apparently there's some evidence that Alzheimer's involves aluminum, people with Alzheimer's disease have a high aluminum content. "You know where that comes from."

    STU: Uh oh.

    PAT: Well, no. Where? "Deodorant." What? I can't use deodorant anymore?

    STU: No, please.

    PAT: Are you serious?

    STU: I demand you continue to use deodorant, Pat.

    PAT: I know. So now we're shopping for natural deodorant without aluminum.

    STU: Yeah, I think but there's no benefit from soda.

    PAT: No.

    STU: Soda's not a beneficially nutritional beverage. It's just really, really good.

    PAT: You don't have to have it.

    STU: But I mean, I'll be honest about it. If you want to have an idiotic conspiracy about where the president was born or where there's ridiculous fake prison camps or about a talking owl that tells all the presidents what to do, do whatever you want. But leave my diet soda alone.

    PAT: I know.

    STU: It is a gift.

    PAT: I know.

    STU: directly from God. I accept it in that way. I believe we're still in the Bible. We're still in the Bible here.

    PAT: Still in the Bible here.

    STU: Still in the Bible here, to quote Jeremiah Wright: I believe it is proof of intelligent design and

    PAT: Now, what part of the Bible are you in just so I can

    STU: We're in the good and plenty, good and plenty clause.

    PAT: Good and plenty clause that's in the Bible.

    STU: It's in the back of Leviticus somewhere. Just find it. But I mean, it's one of those things, they come out, there's so much scientific evidence that says this Aspartame stuff is nonsense.

    PAT: Really?

    STU: It goes from every huge scientific group. And I mean, it's not you know, consensus does not mean anything. People get things wrong all the time. I understand that. But you've got, you know, the here we go, here's a bunch of them. FDA. FDA has not determined any consistent patterns of symptoms that can be attributed to use of Aspartame. Here's The Lancet: One research revealed over 6,000 websites that mentioned Aspartame. Virtually all of the information offered is anecdotal from anonymous sources and is scientifically implausible. FDA again:

    PAT: Wow.

    STU: Analysis of the National Cancer Institute's public database on cancer incidence in the United States, the SEER program, does not support an association between the use of Aspartame and the increased incidence in brain tumors. MIT: Even large doses of the high intensity sweetener Aspartame, also known as NutraSweet, has no adverse effect on study subjects' health and wellbeing. How about this one? This is one of my favorite ones from the Lancet because opponents of Aspartame, people that attack it all the time, say that it creates methanol in the body and I don't even want to phenylalanine? I'm going to go with phenylalanine. You know how you look at the can, it always says phenyl I don't even know how to pronounce it, but you know what I'm talking about. It says it on every label that has well, you drink regular soda, but every label that has diet soda always says that. Now they are saying that a can of diet soda will yield about 20 milligrams of methanol. They admit that. This is where this comes from, Pat, and we're all going to die from because of it. The only problem is because an equivalent volume of fruit juice produces twice as much and an alcoholic beverage from three to five times as much. The other chemical they are talking about

    PAT: Oh, wow.

    STU: is one can of a diet soft drink will give you about 100 milligrams of it. 300 milligrams you will get from an egg. You will get 500 milligrams from a glass of milk. That's five times as much. And nine times as much from a large hamburger. So I mean, it's this stuff

    PAT: So typical.

    STU: You just have to just ignore all the evidence and, you know, and assign every single symptom from everything you don't understand to, you know, diet soda.

    PAT: Rumsfeld Plague.

    STU: Rumsfeld Plague.

    PAT: Rumsfeld Plague. I love the name of it, too.

    STU: Yeah.

    PAT: Because it's so sinister and it's so, you know, evil Bush administration and his cronies. I mean, it's what is you know, the thing, the problem is with all of these carcinogens, all these cancer causing agents is in high doses you can die from almost anything up to and including water.

    STU: Yes.

    PAT: We have seen that in the past where a woman drinks so much water during a radio contest, she drowned and died. Her body literally drowned from water. I mean, so if you do things in ridiculous extremes, bad things will happen.

    STU: Yeah.

    PAT: You do things in moderation, you're probably going to be okay.

    STU: Yeah. And I will say that I mean, because I don't drink soda in moderation, Pat. I drink it in high, high access.

    PAT: You're going to die.

    STU: So when you hear people on the radio saying, well, they don't believe that; they are just saying that. I am betting my life that I am right on this. I have bet my entire life on the fact that I am right about Aspartame and NutraSweet and Splenda and all the other fancy things that are a miracle, a miracle ingredient that have saved me.

    PAT: Splenda, man.

    STU: I love that.

    PAT: Splenda, oh, I love it, too, but that stuff I've got to say there might be a, you know, there might be an issue.

    STU: There is no issue with Splenda.

    PAT: There is no issue with it? All right.

    STU: It's a literal miracle ingredient.

    PAT: All right.

    STU: That has saved millions of lives. I will testify to it. Well, think about this now.

    PAT: All right.

    STU: They always talk about, you know, if you have it in ultra extreme doses, you might have a slight increase in, you know, X, you know, symptom or disease or whatever. But I mean, when you're having something that, you know, you know what I would be doing if I wasn't drinking diet soda? Drinking regular soda. And you know what would happen? I'd probably have diabetes and I'd weigh 1500 pounds more than I already do, which is already not impressive. You know, and it's like you go through this. This is American Council on Science and Health: In fact, Aspartame, known as NutraSweet and Equal, is safe. Aspartame is one of the most thoroughly tested substances in the U.S. food supply.

    PAT: Wow.

    STU: Numerous authorities including the Food and Drug Administration, the Joint Expert on Committee on Food Additives, the FAO, W.H.O., the European community and the American Medical Association have concluded that Aspartame is a safe product except for with people who already have a rare genetic condition.

    PAT: Okay.

    STU: So maybe Glenn has that rare genetic condition that he would have to have from birth to be affected by this.

    PAT: Let me ask a question, Stu.

    STU: But I'm going to go ahead and say that steel doesn't melt.

    PAT: Let me ask you a question. How much did Donald Rumsfeld pay you to say all of that? How much! How much!

    Spin doctoring and mocking are two things that come to mind after reading this!

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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Micjer Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:08 pm

    STU: Numerous authorities including the Food and Drug Administration, the Joint Expert on Committee on Food Additives, the FAO, W.H.O., the European community and the American Medical Association have concluded that Aspartame is a safe product except for with people who already have a rare genetic condition.

    Isn't this a trustworthy group to rely on! Crazy Happy
    seeker of truth
    seeker of truth

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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  seeker of truth Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:22 pm

    Micjer wrote:
    STU: Numerous authorities including the Food and Drug Administration, the Joint Expert on Committee on Food Additives, the FAO, W.H.O., the European community and the American Medical Association have concluded that Aspartame is a safe product except for with people who already have a rare genetic condition.

    Isn't this a trustworthy group to rely on! Crazy Happy

    What is funny about that, is a family friend was a V.P. for an artificial sweetner company, he has never allowed any of his family members to drink diet anything or eat anything with artificial sweetners. Considering they have proven to cause cancer in rats, I don't understand how it is they are allowed. Also, it is tough finding any gum anymore that is not sugar free.

    Good ole sugar is the only way I go, never have touched diet stuff or anything with artificial sweetners.

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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  burgundia Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:32 pm

    Holland is known in Europe as the country producing lots of fruit and vegetables in greenhouses. One of my friend's friends used to work in a greenhouse where they grew tomatoes. We import tomatoes from Holland , especially during autumn, winter, early spring periods. When she came back to Poland she told my friend not to buy those tomatoes any more. She said that in the morning the tomatoes were still green, then they sprayed them with something, and in a few hours they were red ready to be loaded into the waiting trucks. This is how the food is produced now.

    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Guest Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:41 pm

    burgundia wrote:Holland is known in Europe as the country producing lots of fruit and vegetables in greenhouses. One of my friend's friends used to work in a greenhouse where they grew tomatoes. We import tomatoes from Holland , especially during autumn, winter, early spring periods. When she came back to Poland she told my friend not to buy those tomatoes any more. She said that in the morning the tomatoes were still green, then they sprayed them with something, and in a few hours they were red ready to be loaded into the waiting trucks. This is how the food is produced now.

    Yeap, it is mindboogling...I have gone back to the old dried fruit and sun-dried tomatoes. I hydrate them with good filtered water before using them. Amazingly enough if you add chia seeds to the dried fruits one can do pretty decent juices. I use organic wherever possible of course

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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:59 pm

    Andromeda, I have your room ready for you at my house. cheers

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Guest Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:00 pm

    Carol wrote:Andromeda, I have your room ready for you at my house. cheers

    That is very kind of you Carol, thank you Flowers
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah
    pineal-pilot-in merkabah

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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  pineal-pilot-in merkabah Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:48 pm

    Interstingly alex jones also said recently they are gonna take beck down, although not via asassination. david wilcock perhaps better stick to dna and aliens and earth energy grids. benjamin fulford is an intersting chap but nothing he has ever said has come true. i agree with said poster above with the quote, wilcock is right about blood in the streets and chaos.

    my take on it is lord sotero obama has passed his sell buy date with the ptb and the now see him as a liability, they will therfore get rid of him, most americans arent into obama and wether its his fault or not he should go before they kill him. la rouche seems to have the best hold on the situation ive read so far.

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    Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox Empty Re: Fulford November 22nd Report wth comments from David Wilcox

    Post  Carol Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:17 pm

    The two things that get me about Obama are this:

    1) He was not born on US soil and admitted he was born in Kenya. This is against our Constitution. The lie presented to the American public is so big it staggers the imagination and people are so IGNORANT of their own Constitution it also staggers the imagination. So he shames the office of presidency by swearing to uphold the Constitution while shredding it from the onset and setting himself up above the law of the Nation. He sold out the citizens by lying and then by not standing up for the Constitution and protecting American Citizens from TSA Nazi tactics. Not since 2001 has TSA stopped one terrorist but it certainly has terrorized thousands of American citizens as their screening practices now involve sexual assault. And they are now trying to make it criminal to dissent. What the hell is that all about?

    2) He sold out the American people when he bailed out Big Business and the banks making the American people pay for these bansters crimes when they should have been allowed to fail and been imprisioned for fraud.

    Obama ran a great election campaign and yet he is just as bad as Bush was if not worse, because at least Bush, who had never left the country prior to his election and had no experience with other cultures - was born on US soil. However, between the two they have completely bankrupted this nation. At least my idea of giving the money to the people to pay off their mortgages who then gave the money to the banks would have got this nation on its financial feet again.

    There are two more sorry years left to see how this plays out. However, given that Obama was born in Kenya there really is no reason why he can't be impeached today. Just remember, Biden is no picnic either and would love to step in but he too is in Big Business pockets as one can see by examining his track record.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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