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    What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? - Page 11 Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:17 am

    I havent had time to follow this through, but a lot more plausible...

    NASA Releases 5 Rockets Containing Chemtrails of Aluminum at Wallops
    NASA this morning launched five suborbital rockets from the Wallops Flight Facility on the Eastern Shore as a means of helping scientists learn more about the jet stream.

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    more at the link...


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    Post  mudra Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:25 am

    Contrails: Poison From the Sky

    By William Thomas journalist, author, videographer

    SEATTLE, Washington, January 8, 1999 (ENS) - Contrails spread by fleets of jet aircraft in elaborate cross-hatched patterns are sparking speculation and making people sick across the United States.

    Washington state resident William Wallace became ill with severe diarrhea and fatigue after watching several multi-engine jets spend New Year's day laying cloud lines in an east to west grid pattern. A neighbor working outside came down with similar symptoms. But their wives, who remained indoors, suffered no ill effects from the inexplicable maneuvers which observers liken to high-altitude "crop-dusting" by unidentifed multi-engine aircraft.

    Condensation trails, called contrails, are generated at altitudes high enough for water droplets to freeze in a matter of seconds and not quickly evaporate - typically where the temperatures are below -38 degrees Celcius.

    Contrails can form through the addition of water vapor to the air from the jet engine exhaust. Even tiny nuclei released in the exhaust fumes may be sufficient to generate ice crystals, and hence, condensation trails.

    Wallace wonders if ethylene dibromide, a highly toxic component of JP-8 jet fuel, is making people sick. Similar incidents over Las Vegas last year prompted a US Air Force spokesman to explain that the military aircraft were "dumping fuel" before landing.

    But the strange spray patterns are being reported repeatedly over towns in Tennessee, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Nevada, Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, Michigan, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington state and California.

    Wallace has been watching formations of high-flying jets weave grid-like contrails above his home since last summer. Each time, "We get a taste in our mouth," he reports. He and his wife Ann get "kind of tired and sick," having "no energy to do anything."

    After plants began dying around his mountain cabin, "I got real sick for about three weeks," Wallace relates. "My eyes watered. Fluid came out of my nose. I could hardly move my arm up above my head to comb my hair for about a week."

    Wallace and his wife are not alone in their plight. In March, 1996, Dr. Greg Hanford bought an expensive camera and binoculars to keep an eye on jets spraying white bands above his Bakersfield, California home. Hanford has counted 40 or 60 jets on some "spray days."

    "Everybody seems to be getting sick from it," Hanford told ENS. "Hackin' and coughin' when you really get nailed with this stuff." The dentist, many of his patients and two receptionists have repeatedly contracted severe respiratory infections. Hanford's illness lingered for five months despite courses of four different antibiotics.

    "It's really weird," Hanford says. "You think two jets are going to hit each other - and then they make an X." The dentist says he has sometimes seen "furry globular balls" spread downwind in a long feather from the high-flying aircraft.

    Unlike normal contrails, which dissipate soon after a lone jet's passage, video taken by Wallace and Hanford show eerily silent silver jets streaming fat contrails from their wingtips in multiple, criss-cross patterns. But instead of dissipating like normal contrails, these white jet-trails coalesce into broad cloud-bands that gradually occlude crystal clear skies.

    "Passenger jets don't make contrails that stay and become clouds," Wallace observes.

    Government officials deny that anything unusual is taking place. When Hanford called the local airport, tower personnel told him there was nothing going on." The jets were "just commercial" undergoing "international flight training."

    But a skeptical Hanford responded, "Is the FAA going to allow two jets to come at each other?"

    Pseudo-color, multispectral images taken April 20, 1994 by a NOAA satellite, reveal a number of contrails over Oklahoma and Kansas. X'es, overlapping W's and the Roman numeral XII are among the patterns flown by the mystery aircraft. Last June, Hanford watched four aircraft spraying in circles to form a perfect bulls-eye. Through his Swaroski binoculars, Hanford could see what "looked like a 737" painted all-white on top with an "orangish-red" underbody and red engine cowlings. Another 727-like aircraft was painted "all-white with a black stripe up the middle of fuselage." None of the planes carried identifying markings.

    Pat Edgar has been watching the jets spraying over eastern Oklahoma since a sunny day in October, 1997 when as many as 30 contrails gradually occluded the sky. "They look like they're playing tic-tac-toe up there," he says. "You know darn well it's not passenger planes."

    Edgar says he has watched "cobwebbing stuff coming down" from the zigzagging jets flying "all day long, line after line, back-and-forth, like furrows in a farm field."

    Edgar adds that "There is a lot of Lupus in the area now. A lot of women have come down with it."

    Edgar's father-in-law, a former judge, and three or four other close friends were hit hard in their immune systems. Symptoms include swollen hands and legs, night fever and shortness of breath.

    Retired Oklahoma state judge Bill Ed Rogers now runs out of breath after walking 20 feet to the bathroom. Climbing stairs, he says, "is directly out of the question."

    read on: Arrow

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    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    What In The World Are They Spraying? - Page 11 Empty Re: What In The World Are They Spraying?

    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:42 am

    Ok, this really is my last post for a while.

    We are being bombarded by all manner of poisons, for whatever reason, poisoned water, poisoned food and poisoned air. Then we inject our kids with even more poison. What a world!

    Folk maybe dont realise just how much fuel is dumped into the air as a safety precaution when landing.

    Smog in cities from vehicles is killing folk and causing respiratory disease, so why would jet fuel be any different.

    But if folk want to be taken seriously they really need to stop calling contrails 'chemtrails', if they cant understand basic science, they have no place posting any other information.

    Look to rockets and flares and specialised aircraft for aluminium seeding, not commercial aircraft. If you see a white plume coming out of a commercial aircraft then its a contrail, and if muppets are calling them chemtrails, they are not helping anyone, and the scientific community will just laugh at them. Max Bliss, Dane winging-it et al should take note! Then the real issue of seeding nano-sized particles of aluminium and other sh1t will never become a mainstream issue, and it needs to be!

    This just popped up on my playlist as I was typing.. Wink a song written for Ronald Regan, but relevant here too..

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    Post  Carol Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:56 pm

    This is one of the reasons we live on an island 3,000 miles from any major land mass and we still have to deal with pollution from the volcano along with Monsanto.

    The nicest thing about living here is our drinking water is rain water and the climate lets us grow all types of tropical food with no chemicals. Civilization creates pollution simply because people haven't been educated on how to do things differently. Even out in the middle of the ocean we get Fukushima's radiation in our fish and ocean water. Where can one go on the planet with a hope of water, air or land not being contaminated? We do have another spot in pristine woods on the mainland.. yet a bit close to Yellowstone. Seems we've lived next to volcanos over these many years. Gave up fear about quakes and volcanoes a long time ago after living on top of the mother lode of all volcanoes. So perhaps the best way to approach life is to embrace each day as a gift. Do one's best to keep the environment clean and eat healthy. Enjoy the beauty in nature and each other. Hadriel Bliss. Enlightened

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  burgundia Thu Nov 09, 2017 8:13 am

    By the way, in my opinion there is no such thing as persistents contrails. You have either contrails (dissipate after some time) or chemtrails ( spread and create a white blanket).


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    Post  burgundia Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:21 pm


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    Post  burgundia Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:47 pm


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    Post  NANUXII Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:54 pm

    Whats In the Chemtrail ?

    Depends on what they want it to do.

    Aluminium Oxide : It restricts the absorption of oxygen. If enough of this gets into the soil you will have a lot of trouble growing your own veges amongst other things.

    Pfi fzer in conjunction with mons ant tow have developed a water based insect repellant that is being forced as the only pesticide safe to use on crops. Problem is it reacts with the gene pool of non gmo crops and eventually kills the plant not the bugs. The opposite is true if you use it on gmo crops. Actually the pesticide does very little to stop pests ... gmo seeds are genetically modified with insect dna to repel them from eating gmo crops.

    How do you know if its GMO ? it wont have seeds in it ... if it dosent have seeds in it dont eat it, the other sign its gmo is it will look picture perfect... no blemishes , no discolouration ... like its been grown in an artificial enviroment or a lab

    Now onto phase 3 of the plan. They intend to use the chem trails to act as a part agent. It will react with a drug being put into what they choose.

    I suspect it will be street or illicit drugs and some food products, possibly meats or processed foods. When the two reactants come into contact they will cause a sudden on set of illness. Interesting thing is even if you go to hospital and get help ( and you can be cured mind you ) they wont be able to grow the disease into a culture to analyse it.

    Its a very high tech smokeless gun.

    I think and this is a guess that beta testing has been happening since early 2017 and will hit full throttle in 2019

    What can you do ? Chances are you have already inhaled or ingested the first part reactant. Only real thing you can do is avoid the second part reactant.

    AND !!!

    Stay healthy , exercise , drink plenty of clean filtered water DO NOT DRINK STRAIGHT TAP WATER !!!! HUGE NO NO ! Invest $90 on a reverse osmosis water filter, filter the water , boil it , freeze it then drink it, that process will kill 97% of the harmful bacteria they are using in the water to make us sick. Forget Fluoride .. its still bad but the next generation of illness to the human condition will be the use of parasites.

    Try using things like diatomaceous earth to drag out pollutants etc. Lots of non gmo berries and juices like Mona Vie ( that stuff is a miracle juice )

    Like i have been saying for years the POSSIBILITY of a World War is a distraction for the war already being waged on the general populus to cull numbers.

    If you are smart you can avoid all of this , in turn you will be healthier than before hopefully.

    I hope this helps as a SOLUTION to chem trail discussion.


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    Post  burgundia Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:35 pm


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    Post  mudra Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:06 pm

    Filaments falling from the skies over Wexford - 27/10/2017

    LAB RESULTS of Filaments falling from the skies over Wexford

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    Post  burgundia Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:16 am


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    Post  burgundia Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:41 am


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    Post  burgundia Sun Dec 17, 2017 3:26 am


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    Post  mudra Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:47 am

    What the Hell Are They Spraying? Lionel Interviews Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch

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    Post  mudra Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:15 am

    Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 13, 2018, #127 ( Dane Wigington )

    The weather makers are continuing to ramp up their all out assault on planet Earth. Winter storm “Hunter” is the latest geoengineered creation of the climate engineers. The temperature whiplash scenarios associated with this completely engineered chemical ice nucleated event were far beyond extreme. While the power structure wages weather warfare on populations around the globe, US diplomats are now slated to become weapons industry salesmen to the highest bidder. How much additional global carnage can we expect from this shocking scenario? North and South Korea have finally tried to reduce the tensions between their nations, why is the US now threatening a military first strike? The militarized / industrialized civilization circus of insanity continues to gain momentum even as the existing paradigm is disintegrating. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. These are indeed strange days on planet Earth. If we are to have any chance of making it any better, the effort will take all of us. Help to wake those around you by sharing credible data from a credible source, ask those you awaken to do the same. We cannot conquer the dire realities that surround us unless or until we first fully face them. Make your voice heard in the critical battle to sound the alarm.

    Dane Wigington

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    Post  mudra Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:58 am

    Hello my friends I am just back from Spain.
    I have seen no " chemtrails " in these spanish skies throughout my stay.
    Clear blue sky and warm weather day after day.
    What a pleasure Cheerful

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    Post  mudra Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:09 am

    nanoparticulate rain

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