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    Starship Earth: The Big Picture What's happening on our planet—and why October 1, 2024


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    Starship Earth: The Big Picture What's happening on our planet—and why October 1, 2024 Empty Starship Earth: The Big Picture What's happening on our planet—and why October 1, 2024

    Post  Carol Thu Oct 03, 2024 12:09 am

    Starship Earth: The Big Picture
    What's happening on our planet—and why
    October 1, 2024

    Forgive us for waxing dramatic in these historic times. The sheer magnitude of what is unfolding is humbling and stirs deep sentiments while we struggle to search for the words to accompany the emotion of the events.

    We entreat anyone who is aware of current events and their true origins and subsequent redress to shun fear. Don’t worry and have faith in ‘The Plan’. Yes, it is a challenging road we are trudging down together but the gift is, we are TOGETHER and love is permeating our planet to greater degrees all the time, despite how it may appear.

    Before retiring last night I heard the longshoremen went on strike at midnight EDT and the crew sourced some perspective on that which makes a lot more sense than just wage disputes, dissatisfaction with working conditions, or job security due to technology. See below.

    Somewhere yesterday was a post saying the dockworkers had been offered 50% more in wages if they didn’t go on strike, but they did, so it’s not only about money.

    50% increase over 5 year seems quite fair to me. 70% is excessive .
    — Richard Angelo (@Richard20793017) October 1, 2024

    I believe it may also help expose unions, in general, because they, too, have been infiltrated and turned into a machine that is primarily about greed in many cases.

    The crew pointed out a post from Ariel/Prolotario that makes more sense and fits into its niche in ‘The Plan’, particularly if it’s true that the US West coast and Canada will also be affected by strikes in the ports. We don’t see that yet.

    The news media both Liberal & Conservative will never report this. Because both are controlled by CIA Zionist Jews. This is where things will cause one to question he underlying reason as to why this strike is taking place on top of the mainstream headlines regarding union…

    — Ariel (@Prolotario1) October 1, 2024

    — Jack Straw (@JackStr42679640) October 1, 2024

    The President of the dockworkers, representing those from Maine to Texas, has issued a stark warning about the impending impact of their strike.

    In the first week, the media will finally begin discussing their demands.

    By the second week, car sales will plummet as no new…

    — Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) October 1, 2024

    If it’s true that the reason for the strike involves the children, that will shed light on the severity of the Human trafficking problem and the ferocious battle to save the children.

    There is another aspect that has come up. What do you think of this? USMCA? TikTok video. 7 min.

    Like we keep saying… there’s a lot going on and it’s complicated and rarely done for one reason only.

    General Flynn last night weighed in on the devastation in North Carolina, sharing a tough report from personal experience. Flynn is calling for deployment of the military to deal with it.

    We just received this update. Absolutely sickening what is happening and the government response is simply disgustingly mind numbing. America can do better than this. This is what happens when we have a false leader and an even weaker VP.

    The consequences of a HURRICANE in the…
    — General Mike Flynn (@GenFlynn) October 1, 2024

    One article claimed there were “bodies in the trees”. I couldn’t bear to look further into that but I do see a pattern. Whether these reports are true or accurate or not is irrelevant. I sincerely hope this is some of that “fake news” that is part of the disinformation inherent in a live military operation. This is like another COVID and at first glance looking very grim.

    It speaks to the severity of the problem in the storm’s aftermath and the need for serious intervention. We have heard the military will be deployed in the execution of “The Storm” and these are valid scenarios that would make sense to people to have boots on the ground, which has to happen somehow anyway.

    ‘There were bodies in the trees’: Hurricane Helene death toll rises to 120, hundreds missing, millions without power
    “We’re collecting wood because we have a grill to make fire, to cook food. It’s incredible — the destruction. It’s really sad.”

    BREAKING: The city of Asheville, North Carolina, has announced that nearly 100,000 residents could be without water access for several weeks.

    For those saying flooding in TN & NC is to clear out tunnels.
    NO. Delta Force would NOT create this kind of collateral damage to surrounding homes/business' and families!
    Seriously folks, they'd go in & rescue victims then collapse the tunnels

    — Joe.M (@GeneralJoeM17) September 28, 2024

    Agreed. There is far too much damage and loss of life to believe the Alliance orchestrated this. They will do what they can to take advantage, however, and that is what we are seeing. For whatever reason, it happened.

    There is also the Starlink angle. Elon tells us Starlink has been deployed to affected areas in the wake of Helene and we believe that is another part of “The Plan”. Everything will be based on the Starlink satellites; banking, communications, everything. The transition to Starlink has to happen anyway, so that will be a public move in that direction, again, with good reason that will make sense to the normies.

    This is who Humanity really is. Wow, Shawn. Kudos.

    We are making a system update to allow all Starlinks in the affected areas to work, regardless of payment.

    Software update hopefully completed tonight. Tomorrow at the latest.

    — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 1, 2024

    — Kiersten Castellano (@kc_rdh_1193) September 30, 2024

    SG Anon has posted a number of calls like the above for help on his Twitter/X account. Perhaps someone reading this is in the right place to help via that organization. It seems like oxygen is one of the greatest needs and there is no substitute for it.

    The complexity of ‘The Plan’ is staggering. They have thought of everything and with very creative methods to achieve their objectives without getting the public upset, frightened, angry, or putting up opposition.

    Images like these tell the story and tug at the heartstrings.

    WATCH: Absolutely unreal scenes from Hendersonville, North Carolina after disastrous Hurricane Helen
    — Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) October 1, 2024

    It’s exhausting trying to keep up with President Trump. He is an incredible leader and it wasn’t surprising he could raise a lot of money for storm victims in a very short time but this is astounding. Miracles happen every day when Humans turn on their hearts and pour out the love.

    Trump took Matters into his own Hands and Launched a GoFundMe to Help Support those Affected by Hurricane Helene

    It’s already at almost $1 Million after several minutes… Incredible!

    Top Donors
    • Senator Kelly Loeffler $500k
    • Dan Newlin $100k
    • Bass Pro shops $100k
    • Kid…

    — MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) September 30, 2024

    If something isn't done to save the land that has been devastated by Helene in NC..
    They will begin mining or building Lithium facilities in the devastated areas of North Carolina…

    Only 70 miles from Asheville is one of the biggest Lithium deposit and factory's we have .. and…

    — W.H.Grampa (@WHGrampa0) October 1, 2024

    The tireless Commander-in-Chief spoke to the crowd in Waunakee, Wisconsin today. You can watch and listen here on Rumble for the live comms. Someone said it was a different kind of a speech but I haven’t been able to listen yet as I’m putting this post together.

    Some may have ideas they feel would have been better choices to fight and win this war, but then, we are not privy to the full situation on this planet. The 3D physical world we are currently dealing with is a mere fragment of all that came under consideration when ‘The Plan’ was devised.

    The whole point of it was to achieve multiple, complex objectives as thoroughly as Humanely as possible, not as quickly, or concisely as possible. You simply could not levy the full truth of what has transpired here on a populace that has no clue they have been mistreated, conspired against, manipulated, entranced with spells and witchcraft, and preyed upon—quite literally.

    The collective psyche of the Human contingent on Earth could not withstand an onslaught like that, and frankly, hasn’t taken much of it seriously considering how many years we have been putting the reality out there for them to deal with. It’s too easy to ridicule and ignore an inconvenient truth.

    When the enemy has controlled the information and thus the reality, it takes a stealthy approach and a gentle one to gradually pry open the eyes of the sleeping, entrenched in an illusory world concocted by the magicians.

    What we have witnessed over the past eight years has been encouraging and sometimes mind-blowing. The greater plan, under an omnipresent power has made great headway. Humans love drama and the members of the Alliance crafting this world-wide wakeup call have been masterful in its execution. It’s truly a work of art to behold.

    Starship Earth: The Big Picture What's happening on our planet—and why October 1, 2024 Trump-artist-painting

    There have been armies of Beings with various tasks over the years and many made the ultimate sacrifice. We salute them for their bravery and service to our maker who is claiming his children once more after 25,000 years have passed since the last attempt at liberation and ascension, if historical revelations are accurate.

    There is no easy way to do this, and there is no other time. We do it now, we do it right, we do it completely, and Ascension will take care of the rest. We have to be “groomed” you might say, for Ascension. We have to be living in the real world and innerstand the truth about all that has befallen Humanity and our planet, why, and the parties responsible.

    We have to own our shortcomings, oversights, and mistakes. We have to grow up as a race.

    The brutal reality is not the kind of truth anyone enjoys dropping on already struggling souls, but we can’t move forward in ignorance. Truth has a frequency, as does every emotion Humans feel, and we feel them more than most other members of Creation. We need to complete the education, provide the support, show the exciting and wonderful world awaiting, and hopefully mitigate the shock as much as possible.

    There is ample proof of the nature of the enemy. This article sheds even more light on the buying and selling of [diseased] Human body parts. There is no moving forward until the masses can comprehend this.

    In the end it won’t be a beautiful metamorphosis for everyone, but it will for the majority. All we can do is tailor ‘The Plan’ for the majority. The risks have been weighed, and the best route chosen for the most number of Humans, and other aspects we are unaware of.

    This has never been done in this way before and it’s almost embarrassing that it would even be attempted. They’re doing it for us while doing their best to get us to face it head on, take responsibility, engage in the battle as we can, facilitate the most speedy and efficient and also successful result possible and hopefully everyone will be grateful and not focus on the less than ideal aspects.

    When we finally learn the hidden facets of this operation we will have even greater appreciation for the gargantuan task it was. We are not apprised of everything due to the classified nature for the safety and success of the mission, and also because we wouldn’t innerstand it since we don’t have a grasp of how this Universe functions and the role of the many intelligent Beings within. The Alliance has put it in terms of what we are capable of grasping with our limited view of our existence within the False Matrix.

    The endless lies and coverups have us living in the dark ages. We will soon be moving forward by leaps and bounds and the process to evolve and keep up will be challenging. It’s going to be hard, and sometimes unpleasant, often frustrating, but ultimately the most remarkable time in Humanity’s history. It will be glorious, and celebrations are already planned.

    Never forget…

    e don’t know for certain what the Alliance is in control of. We don’t really know much at all, only what we interpret and what feels to be truth as a result of the meagre bits of intel and comms we get.

    If we were in their shoes and had the knowledge the Alliance has, we might choose to do it the very same way. It’s not only about today, it’s about the future. What is done today has reverberations and repercussions for our future and the future of our progeny as well as other races of Beings and it’s not our place to sit in judgement. They are in control, and we are not.

    General Joe M on Twitter/X knows what’s going on. You might want to follow.

    Let’s stop second-guessing the White Hat decisions and the moves they find necessary to make and be thankful for everything; that we’re still here, fighting the good fight, learning who we are, over-riding the programming, witnessing the end of evil, laying the foundations of a better world—an honest and compassionate world—and setting the example for the next version of Humanity. The latter alone is a daunting task, and we’re up to it.

    On top of everything else coming down the pike, you may want to take action if you would be affected by surprises like this:

    Chase abruptly shuts 7 branches in just one week … amid total closures of 14 from major US banks…

    Just wait..

    Follow 👉 W.H.G

    — W.H.Grampa (@WHGrampa0) October 1, 2024

    Did I ramble on again? I can’t contain myself I guess, because I have waited over a decade for this. The revelations. The truths. The awakening. The blossoming of Humanity. The end of evil. Reality.

    I can’t close without mentioning the address and Q&A Julian Assange did today with the Council of Europe. I listened to this landmark meeting in its entirety and it felt good to know that there are people in the world who want justice, respect Human rights, and know right from wrong and will do what they can to ensure justice is served.


    🚨 Julian Assange says Two Wolves in MAGA hats under President Trump Tried to have him Assassinated and Targeted his 6 Month Olds DNA

    While Obama’s DOJ chose not to indict him, President Trumps Two appointed… “Wolves in MAGA hats” Did…

    • Mike Pompeo:
    A Kansas…

    — MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) October 1, 2024

    I finally found Capt. Kyle’s Truck Talk and it’s about fear but I’m out of time and space so I’ll post tomorrow. Adios, mis amigos.  ~ BP

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    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:52 pm