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    Starship Earth: The Big Picture November 6, 2023


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    Starship Earth: The Big Picture  November 6, 2023 Empty Starship Earth: The Big Picture November 6, 2023

    Post  Carol Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:29 am

    Starship Earth: The Big Picture  November 6, 2023 Time-dark-bw

    Starship Earth: The Big Picture  November 6, 2023

    "For much of the world, the manipulation of time is more in the public eye now. People are sick of switching time back and forth, spring and fall, and confusing their bodies and busy schedules. The rebel states like Arizona, Hawai’i, and Alaska don’t take kindly to jumping through hoops twice a year and blaming it on the farmers.

    In fact, “time” as we know it is another construct of the dark to control us, and as someone pointed out recently, to trick us into aging ourselves unnecessarily. It’s a deep topic with mind control, word magic, and multiple calendars in play.

    For those who would like a quick lesson on our calendar, David Straight tells us we should actually be on a 13-month calendar. See his video here.
    13 Month calendar of 28 Days? David Straight

    Starship Earth: The Big Picture  November 6, 2023 Meme-trump-chess-check-mate

    I would be remiss if I didn’t address the courtroom drama where Trump has been testifying.


    Catturd ™ (@catturd2) November 6, 2023
    A surgical antiseptic that was distilled and sold as a floor cleaner and cure for gonorrhea was then re-marked as wwhat we know now as Listerine.

    If you're using this, you’re washing your mouth with a floor cleaner.

    Throw it out or mop the floor.


    "I don’t see the following as something that was necessarily in the works, but more as an example of something attempted in the past that was foiled. Just my thoughts. People need to know how deep the controllers’ psychopathy goes because there is nothing they wouldn’t attempt if they thought they could get away with it and pull the wool over the eyes of the masses. Most still don’t see the enemy for who and what they are. Their plan worked well at the Boston Marathon Bombing so they are likely to tear a page out of the playbook, tweak it, and use it again.

    This is also an example of why we may have had cautionary notes to stay out of large crowds and venues where a high volume of people congregate. They want to take out as many as possible in one fell swoop and sporting events usually fit the bill.

    White Hats Stop Deep State Plan to Use IEDs at World Series Texas Rangers Parade

    We don’t want to be living in fear, but it’s not a bad idea to get a little heads up so we can remain vigilant.

    VOLUME UP: Massive list of US cities being targeted by Hamas..

    Cities that are targeted by Hamas according to the FBI

    Washington, DC
    New York (entire state)
    San Francisco, CA
    Santa Clara, CA
    Los Angeles, CA
    San Diego, CA
    Houston, TX
    Arlington, TX
    Dallas, TX
    Boca Raton, FL
    Ft Lauderdale, FL
    Orlando, FL
    Tampa, Fl
    Boston, MA
    Plainfield, IL
    Chicago, IL
    Cleveland, OH
    Morrel, MD
    Potmac, MD
    Peraton, VA
    Springfield, VA
    Raliegh, NC
    Philadelphia, PA
    Charolotte, NC
    Detriot, MI
    Columbia, MO
    Kansas City, MO
    Denver, CO
    Oklahoma City, OK
    Tuscan, AZ
    Seattle, WA

    Stay vigilant..

    Biden’s BORDER POLICIES are going to kill innocent Americans..


    "I can’t even put this in the “woo-woo” section any more because we know UFOs or UAPs are not “woo-woo” figments of our imaginations, or necessarily belonging to “space aliens”. They’ve been in our skies for a very long time but often move so quickly the naked eye fails to detect them. Film or digital photography catches them all the time and people who focus on the sky between and amongst clouds and zoom in frequently capture images. In the following, it seems a UAP is involved with a tank in Israel. I must have missed that in the 6 o’clock news. So much for their planned “fake alien invasion”. It’s moot now. The video is shaky because they zoomed in from a long way away and had no tripod but you get the picture."

    A UFO trying to stop an Israeli merkewa Tank heading towards Gaza and avoid a bloodshed - why is mainstream media not covering this and the government silent. AWESOM VIDEO
    UFO magnetic field doesn't let the bullet hit it.

    "It seems the media engaged in their typical lying by omission in coverage of the Nashville shooter. Human Beings don’t just wake up one day and decide to shoot people. These puppets are coached and programmed to commit crimes actually perpetrated by the CIA and/or FBI rogue elements but they are cowards so they hide behind innocents who do their dirty work for them. Either that or they are subject to voice-to-skull technology and scalar weapons. Something is triggering the shooters and we need to know what and who it is."

    A transgender shooter killed kids simply because they were white & Christian.

    This type of identity-based hatred is propagated by the radical left & spread by the media daily.

    It's an awful consequence of indoctrinating children instead of educating them.

    It needs to end.
    — Kari Lake (@KariLake) November 6, 2023

    Starship Earth: The Big Picture  November 6, 2023 Financial-system

    "We may be seeing symptoms of the failing financial system and switch-over in our day-to-day lives. While checking out of a market on Sunday the retailer’s POS system wasn’t working well. They suggested it was because they were ringing through too many people all at once but I had my doubts.

    After several minutes of waiting and trying to get our payment to go through, they had to resort to their “backup” processor, the handheld kind, but the cashier didn’t know how to operate it and my other half had to help. We can probably expect to run into situations like that until the Quantum System is fully up and running and the cabal’s system is dismantled.

    Soon, our financial outlook will be much better and will doubtless have a very positive effect on the frequency of the Humans on the planet. Whenever that is, it will be worth waiting for. We keep hearing the IRS has been dissolved. To the best of our knowledge, we can expect:

    Stipends and/or tax back on mortgages we paid
    Tax only on new items
    Zero tax on essentials
    Zero tax on used items
    14% retail tax on non-essentials

    Huge boost in social security payments [some estimated 3X existing]

    The important thing to note is that this will NOT happen while “Biden” is in office.

    As we said, the good stuff will happen after Trump is publicly back in the oval office, or wherever his home base will be. As most of us know, Trump never really left because the People overwhelmingly voted him in again in 2020 and he and the military have been sailing the ship since from behind the curtain. America has not been rudderless and foundering on rocky shoals as it seemed to be.

    Did you listen to Phil Godlewski’s update last night? It’s unreal how people are still attacking Phil and calling themselves “patriots” and “truth-tellers”. It’s most unbecoming a Lightworker to go on and on about one person all the time. I unfollowed someone. You had to know that when Phil said he wasn’t going to do the $25K gifting this year that it would be more this time around—but not a whopping $100K in financial gifts to people in need. How many of those attacking Phil give away money like that?

    Phil Intel Breaking News! NESARA/RV Confirmed Today!

    "If you listened to the Aussie/Canada/US round table with Capt. Kyle on Friday night you heard Brad Wozny [Can] speak of the initiative to have military vets recovering trafficked children. Great idea. Know anyone?"

    "Phoenicians and Arizonans in general got a real education these past couple of years and now they know they have to step up to the plate to take their state back. It’s wonderful to see. There are still many folks out there who are unaware of the globalist agenda and their underhanded tactics. One can never let their guard down until we have replaced the traitors with honest, patriotic people with an eye for the future. The following article is excellent and very encouraging—whether you live here or not. They will try this in other places and a year ago they might have been successful but I think the People now know what has to happen. No backing down. No quarter. Ever."

    Starship Earth: The Big Picture  November 6, 2023 Trojan-horse
    The Trojan Horse of Phoenix

    Was justice done? This Big Pharma CEO was downright greedy and he got his comeuppance. Whether the finger to HRC had much to do with it or not, we don’t know, but to charge an outrageous amount for a pill that could save lives is just evil. He will have some time to consider that.

    Ep. 36 What happens when you give Hillary Clinton the finger? Ask Martin Shkreli. He did four and a half years in prison. That may be why Sam Bankman-Fried just asked his advice on doing time.

    — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) November 6, 2023


    "After the way Humans behaved during the fake pandemic it’s difficult not be frustrated and disappointed in Humanity due to their brainwashing where our health and that of our fur babies is concerned.

    I am going to keep “reminding” people about the exciting results people and pets are getting from Fenbendazole/Panacur-C and Ivermectin. No one is going to die because I couldn’t be bothered to stay on them. I will be that sheep dog nipping at their heels, asking for updates and forwarding research. I can’t make them open their minds, but I can put information in front of them.

    Their free will is under their control, not mine, as tragic as that might be.

    Can Dogs Detect Carcinomas in Other Canines?
    Going forward… The answer is “yes”, you betcha. We can imagine that if it is indeed parasites causing our cancers or most of them, that our chemistry would reflect that invasion. It may be undetectable to Humans, but dogs have a phenomenal nose.

    I see SG Anon teamed up with Patriot Underground again and that is always a terrific wad of time well spent. 1 hr. 35 min.

    (11/5/23) | SG Sits Down w/ Patriot @ “Patriot Underground” Podcast

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:11 am