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    DavidNinoRodriguez Telegram 9/29 Update


    Posts : 32205
    Join date : 2010-04-07
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    DavidNinoRodriguez Telegram 9/29 Update Empty DavidNinoRodriguez Telegram 9/29 Update

    Post  Carol Yesterday at 8:18 pm

    DavidNinoRodriguez Telegram 9/29 Update

    Boone Cutler “ The Psychological & Artificial Intelligence Warfare Inundating America”
    is up NOW on
    American Home Cyber Theft is Real

    🔥Former Member of U.K. Parliament Andrew Bridgen SAYS WHAT NO U.S. POLITICIAN IN OR OUT OF OFFICE HAS THE BALLS TO SAY🔥

    "It's clear we have a depopulation agenda around the vaccines and the pandemic...they feel they don't need 90% of us on the planet any longer..."

    Bridgen (@ABridgen), speaking with Liz Gunn (@LizGunnNZ) of FreeNZ Media (@_FreeNZ), says that "The World Economic Forum, the elites, through their agencies of...the United Nations...[have] got their plans for changing the way we conduct ourselves on the planet, our lives." The former MP adds, "Ultimately, I think the elites of the world have looked around, and they've decided that the way they'd like to structure our economy and society in the developed world, the Western world, is actually the Chinese model."

    Bridgen notes that the elites "feel they don't need 90% of us on the planet any longer to fulfill their needs." He adds, "It's clear that we have a depopulation agenda around the vaccines and the pandemic."

    "You only have to read Klaus Schwab's book, which was written some time ago now, [which says that] the population of the world will be reduced between now and 2050, by the vast majority, and it will be through repeated pandemics, wars, and famines," Bridgen adds.

    Partial transcription of clip:

    "The World Economic Forum, the elites, through their
    agencies of, you know, the United Nations, they simply I'm not sure what the fixation is with 2030, the agenda 2030. They've got their plans for changing the way we conduct ourselves on the planet, our lives. Ultimately, I think the elites of the world have looked around, and they've decided that the way they'd like to structure our economy and society in the developed world, the western world, is actually this the Chinese model. But what they've never done is never ever dared put that to the people in any ballot or in any manifesto. But that's the direction, of travel.

    "And it would appear to me, and it appeared some time ago, that the developments that are very close to fruition in artificial intelligence and robotics are so good that they feel they don't need 90% of us on the planet any longer to fulfill their needs. It's clear that we have a depopulation agenda around the vaccines and the pandemic. So you only have to read Klaus Schwab's book, which was written some time ago now, that the population of the world will be reduced between now and 2050, by the vast majority, and it will
    be through repeated pandemics, wars, and famines.

    "And everything that they're arranging in the world is to ensure that we have plenty of wars. And we've got a a major conflict in Russia, in Ukraine, which could go global at any moment. We've got constant fear of a major engagement with China, possibly over Taiwan, and the Middle East is on fire. So it would be a full fully
    global global war, and, obviously, we'd be devastating,
    for our our people. And on top of that, again, in lockstep, governments are making bizarre decisions and legislation, which is making it very, very difficult for our farmers to produce food.
    NYC Mayor Eric Adams Indicted!

    Juan O Savin is the General in The Generals Tent TOMORROW Sept 27th 5pm mst on
    GET YOUR QUESTIONS READY! You will need this heading into October and November…

    9 surface to air missiles were smuggled through a port of entry in New Mexico and the target is Trump. Mark Anthony discloses more info on

    Scott Bennet “ Weapons Of Mass Casualty And Democrat Psychological Warfare” is up NOW on

    BREAKING: North Carolina has just removed nearly 750,000 names from its voter rolls, including 290,000 duplicates and 130,000 deceased individuals.
    Surface to Air Missiles to TARGET TRUMP
    Trump to meet with Zelensky at Trump Tower
    Biblical Events in the Sky Starting Sept 29th


    Breaking: Former Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan warns that the Taliban is infiltrating the US via the Southern Border, preparing for attacks like the October 7th incident and the Russian Mall attack.  He claims that the Border Patrol has been ordered to stand down.
    Secret Service Exposed

    What will happen as a result of Nazrallah’s assassination?

    The Israeli attack and killing of Hezbollah’s leader Nazrallah
    May trigger an avalanche of public outrage in the lands of Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, India and essentially all of the Muslim world, in a way that we have never seen before.

    Nazrallah was indeed an iconic fatherly and religious figure, that existed nowhere else.  

    This week we will see massive funeral processions which will lead to public energizing and mobilization against Israelis.  Typical of the Israeli arrogant mind Benton sadistic abuse, and crushing of its enemies. Israel will continue to attack civilians, which will only throw gasoline on this fire and make it worse for them .  

    The US will continue to stutter and stammer and drool at the mouth with vacant eyes and pale gaunt faces as they flubber in confusion about what to do .  indeed, a reflection of Joe Biden’s mind itself .

    As Israel attacks more civilians, it will trigger a stampede against Israel’s borders on all sides, and all kinds of small arms and missile attacks welcome increasingly from Yemen and elsewhere.

    The US may then be called in to rescue its Embassy personnel, which it began preparing to do in anticipation of this particular assassination strike weeks ago.  

    However, the rage will be so great You may see American helicopters and ships and every American in the region being killed or captured as hostages to trade as a result this strike.

    I think the Muslim people in the region have lost all hope for any peaceful settlement and are now looking this as an existential war that they must fight by any means necessary however, dirty, however, ruthless to match the evil of their enemy.

    This may have been the tipping point and quite possibly will lead to a regional war by November.

    Iran ,  Turkey Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan , and other regional powers will  coordinate their diplomatic, economic intelligence and potentially military efforts for the first time against Israel for strategic implosion.

    At this point BRICS and Russia can assume the role of the chief diplomat leader that the Muslim nations will trust more than the United States.
    Scott Bennett
    HEALTH ALERT: ENERGY DRINKS EXPOSED.. The chemical TRASH assaulting. your body

    Former Secret Service Agent John Carman “Trumps Secret Service Was NOT A MISSION FAILURE BUT COMPRISED” is up NOW on

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 30, 2024 7:18 am