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    Health Ranger Telegram Updates Empty Health Ranger Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 24, 2024 7:26 pm

    Health Ranger Telegram Updates

    Trumpet / Sixth Vial in Revelation. Dr. Jeffrey Goodman lays out a comprehensive case for this in "The Comets of God." Remember that the Trumpets are cosmic impacts. This particular impact destroys BOTH Israel and its enemies.

    It flattens mountains and shakes the oceans. No wall left standing. Israel is not spared. The few survivors spend seven months just burying dead bodies.

    The entire planet will experience something like a nuclear winter. Global food crops will fail. Mass famine, pestilence, war, revolt, etc., few governments will be left standing.

    Israel as we know it will cease to exist. Its survivors will be forgiven by God, and they will turn against their wicked ways and embrace God. But only for a short time, because the Seventh Trumpet (cosmic impact) is an Extinction Level Event (E.L.E.). The only humans who will survive that will be those in orbit, or on other planets.

    The Tribulation has NOT begun, because we haven't even experienced the first impact yet. That's the impact that wipes out a third of the forests and burns up all the grasslands across the planet. The likely location of that impact is likely Europe. The Second Trumpet describes an impact hitting the Atlantic Ocean, and the resulting tidal wave will obliterate much of the U.S. East Coast (and all of the U.K.). The Third Trumpet strikes the continental USA, the land of rivers, and turns all the rivers bitter due to heavy metals / radioactive fallout. I'm covering these events in recent Bible sermons that you can find at

    Those who most strongly oppose Trump are also the most likely to be personally involved in sex trafficking.

    Some very obvious clues about what is being lined up: Israel raiding and shutting down the Al Jazeera news offices in the West Bank. This is being done to black out any independent news and information about the coming events that require a tightly controlled narrative. This means Israel is about to carry out specific actions that need to be kept under wraps for narrative purposes.

    Secondly, there are elements within Israel's leadership who need to escalate destabilization efforts right now in order to weaken the electability of Kamala, who is only feigning support for Israel but would instantly turn against Israel if she won re-election.

    Thus, Israel is right now doing everything in its power to provoke not just Hezbollah into an explosive conflict, but also to make the Middle East situation appear increasingly destabilized for short-term political purposes involving the U.S. election. Read between the lines, folks. Israel's leadership has come to realize that it's not the votes of the U.S. Jews that matter nearly as much as the pockets of the heavy hitter donor class moguls who can sway outcomes with money and other means, and it's especially about military support AFTER the election.

    Ask yourself why Trump cares so much about Israel's needs when his current share of the Jewish vote is relatively small since most Jews in America vote Democrat? And remind yourself that the PERCEIVED VICTIMS of this situation will achieve the most moral and financial support from the U.S.

    If my sources are right, Israel is about to deliberately maneuver itself into an existential corner from which only major U.S. intervention call pull its feet out of the fire. Think Oct 7th but on steroids, and possibly an IDF-run false flag that sees Israel's deep state destroying some of their own assets in some limited but public fashion.

    I don't think this goes nuclear, but it's possible. Netanyahu, in other words, is going to put Israel's neck on the line ON PURPOSE, knowing that most evangelicals as well as donor recipients on both sides of the aisle in the U.S. will gladly spend more money and resources protecting Israel than they will protecting their own southern border.

    The timetable for the next major leap in this escalation is this week because barely 40 days to the election is almost not enough time for the news coverage to sufficiently drill these events into the minds of the typical U.S. voter.

    Based on sources, I'm estimating Tuesday as a key pivot day in all this, but it could vary based on lots of unforeseen variables. Join me in praying for peace and de-escalation, although NOBODY in power is pulling in that direction.

    Everybody seems to want war, including the Pentagon, the IDF, even Israel's enemies. Pay attention to the next few days very carefully. Gold is about to skyrocket based on what's coming, but that's nothing to celebrate, as the world is being thrust into chaos, bloodshed and war. Sadly, war has once again become the tool of those who seek to stay in power or gain power. There's nothing new under the sun. I'll be hosting 3rd and 4th hour of the Alex Jones Show on Tuesday, so I'll be covering any breaking events there (I think Owen Shroyer hosts the first two hours before I come on).

    @mattgaetz is 100% correct on the "kill teams" trying to target Trump. In tomorrow's broadcast, I reveal urgent details on a portable anti-air weapon system that originated in Iran and is now believed to be in the process of being distributed to multiple kill teams, enabling them to target aircraft up to several thousand meters' altitude.

    Trump and his security teams need to be on high alert for malicious actors attempting to target his plane during takeoff or runway approach, especially where his schedule is publicly stated and malicious actors can easily identify his airplane visually from the ground. Security needs to be expanded on the ground near those runways, as these weapon systems have a horizontal range of several kilometers and a vertical ceiling of several thousand meters. That creates a REALLY LARGE THREAT CIRCLE that will be almost impossible to cover. Trump needs to seriously rethink his risk exposure when traveling by air, especially as non-military aircraft all have transponders.

    Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 23, 2024 – RED ALERT as multiple kill teams to target Trump’s airplane with Iran-made weapons systems

    - Israel's Political Strategy of Escalation Through Victimization
    - Diddy videos used to blackmail celebrities into endorsing Kamala
    - Why Israel's current leaders want Trump in office, not Kamala
    - Surface-to-Air missiles in the U.S., distributed to kill teams targeting Trump
    - Israel could engineer an "Iranian" attempt on Trump
    - Secure communications and connectamobile, replacing AT&T or T-Mobile
    - Faraday bags and ballistic backpacks to protect your privacy
    - Satellite phones as backup communications in uncertain times
    - Sermon #057 - Ezekiel Ch 38-39 - The timing and location of Armageddon, and the great COSMIC IMPACT that levels Israel, Lebanon and Syria

    Notice nobody in the CIA corporate-controlled media is daring to tell you that #gold just hit a new all-time high of $2630? What you should be asking is WHY people who are in the loop on geopolitical events are buying gold like crazy. What do they know is coming that the general public doesn't know? The answer is WAR. Soon, gold at $2630 will sound CHEAP. And oil below $100 / barrel will seem absurd.

    Today's interview with our sponsor SAT123 brings in the launch of a new #privacy solution called "Connectamobile" that REPLACES your phone carrier service with a new carrier and a software suite that runs on any phone, and adds encrypted privacy, carrier privacy, IP geolocation privacy and more. Given that our nation is about to collapse into engineered chaos, with mass government surveillance of your phone, this is a critical solution to consider. Very informative unscripted conversation. Watch it here:

    It is idiotic that mainstream doctors and medical practitioners think it's okay to vaccinate someone WHEN THEY ARE ALREADY SICK. T

    his proves they don't understand even the conventional narrative about how vaccines are supposed to work. For example, if someone presents with an influenza infection, they are immediately told they need a "flu shot." This would, of course, only make them worse, because influenza vaccines are not PASSIVE immunizations that instantly impart immune system protection, not even under the traditional Germ Theory explanation.

    If vaccines work at all, they require significant time and biochemistry resources for the body to respond to them and build up immunity to the targeted pathogens. Injecting someone with an increased viral load right as they are already infected and symptomatic makes no medical or scientific sense whatsoever.

    So why do doctors and health practitioners vaccinate people when they are already sick? Because they think of vaccines as "magic bullets" that magically make people better. Comic book logic, in other words. Fantasy land.

    If men can get pregnant and have babies, then yes, vaccines provide instant protection for the sick. The truth is, as smart as they pretend to be, most mainstream doctors are really idiots because they don't question anything they're told. They can only regurgitate what they're taught, which is no more intelligent than an AI language model. This is why ChatGPT can pass a medical exam yet still be incredibly stupid and foolish when it comes to understanding the true causes of health vs disease.

    Right on time, China is urging its citizens to urgently leave Israel. As I mentioned yesterday, my sources tell me that a MAJOR escalation event is about to be initiated, with a high probability of it happening tomorrow (Tuesday), and lower probabilities trailing off in subsequent days (Wed, Thurs, Fri), and that this dramatic escalation will involve Israel suffering extensive damage or *appearing* to suffer such damage for the purpose of achieving higher victimization status. I am now using the phrase, "Escalation through victimization" to describe what we are all about to witness, if my sources are correct. Apparently China got word of this and has ordered an immediate evacuation of its own citizens. Nobody wants to be in the blast radius, obviously. Be prepared for the unexpected.

    Big Bada Boom. Hollywood foreshadowing from the movie "Fifth Element" by Luc Besson, starring Bruce Willis. Why does this phrase keep echoing in my consciousness? Stay safe, everyone. Bad things incoming from evil forces: Big Bada Boom. Hollywood foreshadowing from the movie "Fifth Element" by Luc Besson, starring Bruce Willis. Why does this phrase keep echoing in my consciousness? Stay safe, everyone. Bad things incoming from evil forces:

    Something that needs to be said. People like myself, Dr. Tenpenny, RFK Jr., Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Robert Scott Bell, Alex Jones, Dr. Mercola and many, many others have been telling you about the dangers of vaccines for 20+ years. Most of y'all didn't believe any of it until COVID. If you're one of these people, ask yourself right now what else you're behind the curve on realizing?

    > Building 7 was brought down by demolition.
    > The war on CO2 is a satanic war on LIFE for the entire planet.
    > Demonic possession is REAL (and quite common).
    > Spacetime-bending warp drives are a reality.
    > LENR (cold fusion) exists.

    Challenge yourself to catch up on more realizations, as things are moving much more quickly now, and you don't want to be left behind.

    Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 24, 2024 – US Congress in C.O.G. PANIC over anticipated “mass casualty event”

    - RPGs and IEDs smuggled into America
    - This is on top of surface-to-air missiles being distributed in America
    - US Congress rushes to prepare for "mass casualty event" and congressional replacements
    - Congress worries about Continuity of Government (C.O.G.) but cares nothing about the continuity of border security
    - Extreme escalation of war in Middle East
    - Dr. Varma of NYC caught bragging about wild nude parties during COVID lockdowns
    - Interview with HiCap, covering Ukraine, Israel, open borders and Trump security
    - Directed Energy Weapons attacks on Trump supporters
    - Mike Adams Sermon #058 - The demonic climate cultist WAR on God's molecule of life: CO2

    Another major escalation event just happened today: Hezbollah introduced the Fadi-3 rockets in an attack on an Israeli military base. From The Cradle: “In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, and in defense of Lebanon and its people, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance, on Tuesday, 24-09-2024, bombed the Samson Base (a command preparation center and regional preparation unit) with Fadi-3 rockets,” the statement said.

    The Samson base is a camp of the Technology and Maintenance Corps of the Israeli military near the Golani interchange in the Lower Galilee region of northern Israel to the east of Haifa and west of Tiberias.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:33 am