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    RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Telegram 9/29 Update


    Posts : 32206
    Join date : 2010-04-07
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    RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Telegram 9/29 Update Empty RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Telegram 9/29 Update

    Post  Carol Yesterday at 7:20 pm

    RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Telegram 9/29 Update

    President Trump meets with Zelenskyy today.

    Zelenskyy said he believes he and Trump have a common view that Ukraine has to prevail against Russia and acknowledged the importance of the U.S. election. "We understand that after November ... we hope that the strength of the United States will be very strong," he said.


    Ukraine didn’t start in the past few years. 

    Everything going on with Ukraine is about draining the global Swamp from what took place before 2016. 

    2004, the United States Military, Department of Defense was funding the Ukraine Biolabs:

    As President Trump says, "It's not the 3 letter agency that's bad... it's the Senior Level Leadership." He said that very early on around 2017. 

    You have to know the History of the USSR and Ukraine to follow what's going on... or you're going to be surface-level spewing and looking like a fool when you do.

    Remember, Putin was NOT President from 2008-2012. 

    Obama had 4 Executive Orders with Ukraine in 2014.

    3 of which were March 6, 16, and 20 with the terms ‘unusual and extraordinary threats’ in each.

    Declaring a National Emergency and this rhetoric: 

    “finding that the actions and policies of the Government of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine—including the recent deployment of Russian Federation military forces in the Crimea region of Ukraine—undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets, and thereby constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.” 

    What was so extraordinary and unusual that Ukraine would be a dire responsibility and priority for the United States as a Nation who is not a member of NATO?

    VP Biden made 7 trips in 7 months to Ukraine.

    Victoria Nuland secured $1 BILLION dollars on defense for Ukraine in 2014.

    That $1 Billion “Biden” said he’d stop if someone wasn’t removed… and they were. And he bragged about the "son of a bitch being fired."

    “Biden” and his Public Exposure via CONGRESSIONAL Report:

    At the same time she was caught on tape saying “F*ck the EU.” (European Union).

    Russia capitulated to President Trump, July 16, 2018, when Putin handed the Soccer Ball ⚽ to CIC Donald John Trump. 

    ⚽ = Capitulation.

    Capitulation = Chapter 12, Law of War Manual. 

    Capitulation = Surrender.

    ⚽ = Optic = “the Ball is in your Court sir, tell us what you want us to do.”

    In 2018, Ukraine broke a CIS Treaty with Russia.

    U.S. and Russia end the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019. 

    All throughout 2021, “Biden Admin” 👉🏻 “there are NO BIOLABS in Ukraine!”

    March 8, 2022, Victoria Nuland, under Oath in Congressional hearings when asked by Senator Marco Rubio are there Biolabs in Ukraine:

    👉🏻 “Yes! But we were afraid the Russians were going to get them!”

    What are the odds lil Vicky is working with “Biden” as “Under Secretary?”

    Guess who didn’t play in the FIFA World Cup of Soccer in 2022?

    Russia. ⚽ 

    Another piece of proof / evidence of the Law of War Manual in use as President Trump is a Wartime President...

    Angela Merkel. On Piers Morgan and other speeches, President Trump says he gave her the 'White Flag of Surrender'... 

    White Flag of Surrender = White Flag of Truce

    White Flag of Truce = Chapter 12 of the Law of War Manual

    Truce = Negotiations

    Negotiations = 2016 Unconventional Warfare Guide

    Which also outlines a Government in Exile and Title 50.

    Title 50 was amended on December 20, 2019, with a specific clause of Military Actions by the President.

    In that clause, actions were taken in the first time slot outlined in that clause, with President Trump Federalizing up to 1 million Reserves to Active-Duty and Directing the Secretary of Defense equal authority to do so as well.

    Ever since then, the Reserves and National Guard have been active daily, weekly, monthly, and also operating out of their State Jurisdictions. 

    Meaning... that's your visual the Orders are still in place. Those were National Wartime Orders, they do NOT transfer to the next president. 

    Hence why these things happened on January 20, 2021:

    1. “Biden” did not receive the traditional flight into D.C. on Air Force One as President-Elect.

    2. “Swore in” at 11:47 AM EST; a 20th Amendment violation, which says “the president's term ends at noon / the successor's term shall THEN begin.”


    3. ‘Amazing Grace’ was performed; which is found in Memorial Honors PDF for Military Funerals.

    Page 8:

    5. Which explains the ONLY Cannons shown for "Joe" all day were at Arlington National Cemetery, which is NOT a 21 Gun Salute by OUR Military CUSTOMS. 

    That is a Military FUNERAL. "Biden" had a Funeral, NOT an inauguration. Which was actually a Funeral for the Monarchy of the Organic Act of 1878 dying. 

    21-Gun Salute / Arlington:

    Page 5: Table 3-1, Cannons:

    Those "soldiers" were NOT the Presidential Salute Battery, the 3rd Infantry Regiment aka the Old Guard, as the actors shown were wearing Non-Regulation uniforms and zero marching ceremony.

    6. Which explains why there was NOT a Commissioned Officer present for the cannons, which is a violation of Army Regulations 600-25.

    Page 2:

    7. The NG did not salute the "motorcade." We always salute the CIC and moving Flags. 

    8. The 21-Gun Salute is 4 Cannons, 21 rounds fired, by the Presidential Salute Battery / 3rd Infantry Regiment.

    Jan. 20, 2021, MSM told you the OFFICIAL PSB was with Pres. Trump at Joint Base Andrews.

    👉🏻 THAT was the Inauguration Ceremony BY OUR Military Regulations and Customs.

    All of those were a Continuity of Operations visual as 99% of Americans did not see any of that... because they're not trained to pay attention to details and know nothing about Military Customs. 

    Part II

    Recently “Biden" said, “We don’t tell Ukraine what to do.” 💩

    But in turn quotes Article 5 of NATO which says, "an attack on one is an attack on all."

    One slight problem, Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

    "Kamala" in the "debate"... said, "Ukraine is an independent country."

    After saying "it's America's interest to protect it" when it's not a member of NATO.

    So, once again, if one does not know anything about the busting up of the Soviet Union, what is so unusual and extraordinary for the United States to be the police and aid for Ukraine?

    Why isn't NATO and Europe and Asia taking the same initiative?

    Perhaps due to most of those Capitulating to President Trump from 2017-2020 and this is a world Special Operation?


    Didn't the libtards try to "impeach" President Trump over one phone call with Zelenskyy and accuse him of all kinds of hogwash when the call was made public and those in positions said it was a perfect call even Zelenskyy himself?

    What did "Kamala" say to the public in the 'debate'?

    “I gave Zelenskyy Military Intelligence.” 

    You sure you want to talk about classified information and documents, libtards?

    Or would you like to talk about how all of this is a Strategically Planned Special Operation to take out the swamp all over the world with many layers of warfare being used and the taking down of child traffickers, human traffickers, sex traffickers, and drug traffickers?

    Because even the phone calls and all, are a part of the Special Operation taking place. 

    You can believe what you want on a surface level and sound like the left when they charge that President Trump is a 'Felon'...

    about President Trump, much less Laws and Orders and how they function and operate..

    Meeting with a Foreign Leader as a "Former" President in an Election Year would be Election Interference to the sitting President, IF that was "Biden."

    Obama and Biden hammered their own Director of Defense Intelligence Agency, 3-Star General Michael Flynn, with the Logan Act for a 'Private meeting with a Foreign Leader.'

    IF "Biden" was president... and if Obama, Bush, the Clintons, "Kamala" and all of 'em were involved... 

    They could invoke the 25th Amendment and charge him with Election Interference via Executive Order 13848, on President Trump for meeting with 7 Foreign Leaders, 8 times (sitting Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, twice).

    That would be President Trump violating his own Executive Order 13848 with a National Emergency that he declared. 

    If you believe that, over the Laws and Orders invoked and in place put there by the Man... you're too stupid to lose brain cells over.

    There's certain powers that a President has that makes one a Wartime President. There's certain Laws and Orders that are invoked that separate the roles, duties, obligations, laws and orders of a Wartime President versus a President by the Constitutional norms.

    Presidential Emergency Action Documents expand the power of a President and invoke the Continuity of Government / Operations. 

    The Continuity of Government / Operations has National Essential Functions while the Constitution is suspended and the Military Law is implied and in force performing the tasks of which the Constitution was suspended.

    Article 1 Section 9 Clause 2 of the Constitution is titled the Writ of Habeas Corpus, the Suspension Clause, that allows the President to suspend the Constitution for Rebellion or Invasion of Public Safety.

    Covid was a biological chemical weapon that allowed President Trump to do so. As Fauci said on January 12, 2017, a Pandemic was going to plague this upcoming Presidency. How did he know?

    "Biden" has made numerous quotes about President Trump being the sitting President.

    John Bolton on CNN in February talked about how the Constitution bars President Trump from a 3rd Term... 

    Which is False. The Constitution does not say anywhere that a President cannot serve more than 2 terms. Franklin Roosevelt was in his 4th term, 13th year when he died, elected by the people 4 times. 

    The 82nd Congress of 1951 abused their powers by placing term limits on the President when Article 2 Section 1 Clause 1 of the Constitution says nothing about term limits, "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows."


    February 29, 2024, on the Texas Border... the first appearance the Adjutant General makes on world TV is with the "former" President and the Governor of Texas?

    The MSM told the world "Biden" was in Brownsville, TX, the same day... they just failed to tell you two C-32's with No Presidential Call Sign or tail numbers. 

    Why wasn't the Governor and Adjutant General with "Biden?" 

    The Adjutant General reports to the Governor UNLESS the National Guard are Federalized by Title 10. 

    The only President who has Federalized the National Guard to Active-Duty is President Trump with Executive Orders 13912 invoking Title 10 Section 12302 and 13919 invoking Title 10 Section 12304 all under Title 50. 

    And there was your Chain of Command, Rank Structure on February 29, 2024, for the whole world to see. Military Operation. 

    If President Trump was a "Former" President... "Biden" wouldn't be saying "Trump is just trying to one-up me for the Presidency"...when asked about President Trump meeting with Foreign Leaders...

    On simple measures…

    The meeting is a Wartime President meeting with a Wartime President.

    Quite a few P8 Poseidons aka Sniffers, 75% of those taking off from Pease National Guard.
    All P8 Poseidons


    Today’s Guardian article about President Trump and Zelenskyy, put this beautiful optic in there.

    Special Forces, Tip of the Spear.

    Enjoy the read 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    Or the where the last National Security Strategy is from 2017.

    Or the U.S. Government was last updated March 2021.

    Or the last White House Military Office was Obama’s.

    Or all continued Executive Orders by “Biden” are NOT on Federal where they’re supposed to be.

    It’s all day, every day, since the Orders were put into place.

    People want “proof” but don’t even know what proof looks like because they don’t know any of the verbiage for the operations and functionalities of the Laws and Orders invoked and in place.

    Imagine calling someone crazy or a “conspiracy theorist” for showing all the Laws and Orders in place… while simultaneously claiming to support a President who is all about Laws and Orders and not having a clue that the President they claim to support invoked unique Laws and Orders that make him a Wartime President in a Special Operation.

    Feels good to be awake and know what’s going on doesn’t it?

    I do feel bad for those who have been duped with people claiming to be “Patriots” and “Information Riders” when all they do is spread fearmongering surface level drama.

    Such as one today spewing the garbage that President Trump’s aircraft is a target via 3 kill teams and “he’s been briefed.”

    Those who claim “there’s nothing going on with Military” and there’s more than a clear picture via Laws and Orders and just irregularities with the National Guard and how they function to see what’s going on.

    Then there’s those who spew that it’s unconstitutional for the Military to step in.

    Misleading Americans when they’re not under an NDA or part of the operation.

    May God have mercy on these fools who just want a name and face.

    They do not need to be anywhere remotely close to President Trump and what comes after. 🔥🐂🇺🇸

    The Department of Defense has been flying with the Presidential Call Sign, SAM, the past 3.5 years.

    It’s all day, every day, and more of that “proof” that people want yet don’t know what “proof” sounds or looks like when told and shown.

    The DASH ≈ NOT a “Former”

    DASH = Continuous ≈ Through


    U.S. Marshals Arrest Over 3,400 fugitives in Operation North Star
    WASHINGTON – The Justice Department today announced that the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) arrested 3,421 violent fugitives, including 216 for homicide, 803 for assault and 482 for weapons offenses, during the latest phase of its high-impact fugitive apprehension initiative called Operation North Star FY 2024 (ONS FY24).

    ONS FY24 enforcement activities covered 74 operational days, from May 10 to Sept. 13, and targeted fugitives and violent offenders in 10 metropolitan areas, prioritizing those who used firearms in the commission of crimes or signaled high risk factors for violence. ONS FY24 targeted violent offenders wanted on warrants for homicide, sexual offenses, robbery, aggravated assault and firearms violations. During the operation, investigators also seized 534 firearms, more than $508,000 in U.S. currency and 456 kilograms in illegal narcotics, including 138 pounds and over 550,000 pills of deadly fentanyl.

    The 10 metropolitan areas selected for ONS FY24 were identified using data from the National Crime Information Center and the FBI Uniform Crime Report, and included Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas; Charleston and North Charleston, South Carolina; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Little Rock, Arkansas; Phoenix; St. Louis (to include East St. Louis, Illinois); Birmingham, Alabama; Winston-Salem, North Carolina; Dayton, Ohio; and San Antonio.

    "We first launched Operation North Star in 2022 to identify and apprehend the most dangerous fugitives and violent offenders," said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. "From May to September of this year, the U.S. Marshals Service worked with state and local law enforcement partners in 10 metropolitan areas to arrest more than 3,400 fugitives and violent offenders and seize large quantities of firearms and fentanyl. I am deeply grateful to every Deputy U.S. Marshal, Task Force Officer, investigator, and police officer who carried out these arrests, and who did so at great risk to themselves."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32206
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Telegram 9/29 Update Empty Re: RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Telegram 9/29 Update

    Post  Carol Yesterday at 7:26 pm


    CNN examines of the nuanced impact of the Latino vote in the 2024 election
    Former OceanGate employee testifies CEO said he would ‘buy a congressman’ if the Coast Guard blocked Titan expedition

    Guess who has a biography on Gov site?

    Brandon Judd.

    President of the National Border Patrol Council.

    Who speaks at quite a few President Trump rallies.

    The one President Trump jokes and says “he’s not supposed to endorse me, but what the hell.”

    Who President Trump also just included with Tom Homan as Central Casting yesterday in Michigan.

    Who says “the Border is all about POLICY” when he speaks at rallies.

    Amazing the difference it makes when you listen and know what matters.

    Laws and Orders aren’t noise, drama filled posts, and surface level garbage that dominate news feeds.

    It’s your choice what you pay attention to. 💯🤷🏽‍�

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45——47

    I choose the DASH. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    Remember, you’re not a part of the Strategic Plan… you don’t know who’s good and bad or who’s playing good and bad.

    Special Operations requires those who blend in and play roles.

    Your part is to study what’s made public by those in Command.

    Laws and Orders invoked and enforced.

    There’s daily visuals of the ——— being enforced daily.

    This isn’t some ‘shoot from the hip and get lucky as you go’ thing.

    It’s a Special Operation using many layers of Unconventional Warfare that makes the enemy self-destruct without the people reaching pandemonium and unrest.

    Liberals can fuss, cuss, scream, yell, kick, and say the most God awful things… but do you see them “coming and taking it?”

    👉🏻 NOPE.


    All that is noise, drama, and surface-level nonsense that displays how brainwashed they are that was the agenda of the swamp.

    This whole Strategic Operation was created just for that mindset.

    Don’t act like them. Theirs is coming in the most ethical humble way without firing a shot.

    Learn the President’s role and Wartime Commander’s role.

    Learn the Military you claim to support and love.

    Learn the Constitution you claim to support and love.

    Learn the Declaration of Independence you claim to support and love that liberals NEVER talk about.

    Learn the functionalities of Laws, Orders, 3 Branches of Government.

    Once you separate the noise from what matters…

    The DASH will pop a lot more and you’ll appreciate what you’ve endured.

    You had to endure it too, in order to appreciate the final product of this Nation and what she survived.

    You’re not a Patriot until you walk, act, and fight like one.

    👉🏻 ———

    👉🏻 45——47

    The DASH matters. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    Receiving quite a few messages and comments on where to purchase the #1 Best Seller book that outlines the DASH between 45—47 which is a Military Strategic Operation and then some.

    I sign all copies purchased via me. If you’re International or want it via Kindle, it’s easy to search on Amazon. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    The White House had been pushing for an Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire prior to the Israeli strike, and President Biden and other top officials denied an Israeli claim that they were notified prior to the attack.”

    👉🏻 —— is in Command not “Biden.”

    It’s a damn shame that so many people “claim” to support Military but won’t listen to those of us Veterans explaining and showing Military Laws and Orders invoked.

    There was never a Strategic Publication or Subterranean Warfare Plans until President Trump.

    That’s why the TIMELINE is very important to piece together.

    April 2016, the Special Operations Command publishes an Unconventional Warfare Guide that talks about many topics including a Government in Exile and Shadow Government.

    May 2016, the United States Supreme Court clarifies Military Courts are separate from Federal.

    June 24, 2018, puts out an article that the Army is spending $572 million on training our soldiers for our next wars will be in mega-cities not inside them but beneath.

    Sewers and Tunnels = Subterranean Warfare

    May 2019, the United States Army makes public a publication via a war college, that has a Chapter in it:

    "Hamas: Egypt-Gaza Cross Border Operations."

    On page 9, "In 2017, the US Army allocated $572 million into training and equipping active duty brigades to fight in large scale subterranean facilities."

    Shaping the Deep Fight: Operational Implications for the 21st Century Subterranean Conflict:

    August 1, 2019, Washington Examiner article: 

    "The Army is preparing soldiers for the wars of the future by training them to fight in subway tunnels and sewers common to big cities.

    Army leaders intend to spend $572 million to train and equip 26 of its 31 combat brigades to do battle in underground complexes."

    Washington Examiner:

    What does President Trump say all the time? "We aren't paying for it anymore. Somebody else will."

    Who had an Executive Order that targeted the Opioids Crisis on March 29, 2017?

    EO 13784:

    August 26, 2019, Forbes:

    Johnson and Johnson ORDERED to pay $572 million in Landmark Opioids case.


    And you still want to listen to those out there that say President Trump walked away, took a deal, and is a "former" President?

    You're doing yourself an injustice for missing out on the DASH.

    Which is doing the United States Military an injustice for the shallow, simple, and selfish attitudes that this was to be done on your time, when you want it, when you never knew about it, and never did anything before. 

    There's family members and friends who'll vouch for who's been vocal their whole lives and those who just came about.

    If you're truly awake, you won't be whining and complaining about being exhausted and ready for this to be over. 

    There's still lost souls out there and people to educate no matter what they spew, cuss, fuss, kick or act like.

    Let 'em. Their humble awakening is coming and it won't require firing a single shot. 

    The swamp has self-destructed all due to the Military Laws and Orders paired with Executive Orders, National Emergencies, and Federal Legislation invoked and in place by...

    👉🏻 ———

    IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Herzi Halevi said Nasrallah’s killing “is not the end of our toolbox.

    The message is simple: “anyone who threatens the citizens of Israel — we will know how to reach them.” 🔥

    “Biden” hasn’t reached a ceasefire because “he” isn’t real.

    It’s a WW2 History Repeat, Government in Exile, Puppet State, Military Occupation.

    Current and Invoked Laws and Orders outline that not opinion.

    Anyone who is against that is either the lowest form of IQ and Cognitive Dissonance or they’re the low-level hanging fruit of the remnants of the SWAMP.

    This is an Operation to rid the world of that SWAMP.

    You’re watching a World Operation.

    The capitulation Nations in action.

    Nothing to fear except those who try to mislead and deceive you… they’re the real con-artists and danger.

    Supreme Commander in full control and the world is ridding the snakes and swamp creatures.

    Act like a Patriot.

    👉🏻 ———

    👉🏻 45—47

    The DASH just sent another to hell with his “72 virgins” 🔥🐂🇺🇸

    This is the KEY paragraph in an article like this:

    “Austin also was asked by Blitzer about US support for Ukraine, whose president, Volodymyr Zelensky, met with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday and is meeting with former President Donald Trump on Friday. Amid ongoing debates in Washington about continued aid to the eastern European nation — especially if Trump, who has been skeptical about such support, is elected — the US is under pressure to allow Ukraine to fire long-range weapons deep into Russia.”

    👉🏻 IF President Trump was a “Former” President…

    Especially in an Election Year…

    Meeting with a Foreign President would be:

    Election Interference which would be a violation of his own Executive Order 13848 with a National Emergency declared.

    A Federal Offense / Violation of 18 United States Code §953, the Logan Act, which is “Private Correspondence with a Foreign Leader.”

    The SAME 18 USC §953 that Obama and VP Biden HAMMERED their own Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn with.

    18 United States Code =

    Federal Crimes and Criminal Procedures

    If “Biden” was President and “Kamala” VP, they and the DemocRATS could invoke the 25th Amendment and Logan Act on President Trump plus charge him with a Federal Offense with his own Executive Order with the National Emergency he declared, September 12, 2018.

    This was NEVER about the 2020 Election alone.

    This is a Strategic and Special Operation with multiple layers of draining the global swamp which includes: wiping out drug trafficking which funds child trafficking, sex trafficking, human trafficking, resetting the global currency, freezing assets of those who fund terrorist organizations and Chinese Military, and Congressmen and women who use their office for personal and financial gains in many forms, a heap more.

    Got to separate TV Military and TV Generals from the real Military and Generals in Command.

    The DASH is NOT a Former.

    He’s the Supreme Commander of:

    Military Occupation
    Government in Exile
    Continuity of Operations (COG)

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47

    The DASH was planned.

    The DASH isn’t a fluke.

    The DASH never left.

    The DASH matters. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    If you cannot tell College Football is rigged…

    Alabama is a prime example.

    Georgia was a -2 point favorite.

    Down 30-7 at half.

    Alabama looked like world beaters…

    Second half. Playcalling changed all of a sudden?

    Same atrocious defense by UGA.

    And Alabama doesn’t run a single play that worked before?

    Referees were atrocious enough💰

    If Referees weren’t hawking the game and making controversial calls on either side….

    There’s no way Georgia stays in that game when Alabama went up 28-0.

    I hate corruption.

    18-22 year old kids now influenced on college based on how much money they can get paid to go there.

    UNLV QB left school this week because he was promised $100,000 and they didn’t deliver.

    The hell with a college degree.

    Even though our society has put too much emphasis on that rigged tier system.

    It’s still the principle.

    The players have ZERO discipline on the field…

    They’ll make one first down and get up and do the hand signal first down…. all bc ONE play.

    The defenders make ONE play on first or second down and get in the face of their opponent and trash talk and make some kind of stupid gesture with hands…

    The next play… that same players gets his ass smoked.

    But some average schmuck will say it’s because I was raised by an old school Dad, who’s 82 years old and “out of touch with the times.”

    You act like you’ve been there before.

    It’s not about the love of the sport and winning that way anymore.

    It’s all entertainment and money.

    While we get preached to by low IQ libtards about equality and Alabama doesn’t have a single white or Hispanic etc on Defense.

    Look at all sports.

    Reverse Discrimination.

    Affirmative Action.

    “Do as I say! Not as I do!”

    Country Music

    LeBron James’ school hasn’t had a single 8th grader pass his school…

    But he’ll trash President Trump quicker than his students can flunk a test.

    A dude who went straight from High School to PROs at 17 signing about a $25 million dollar contract straight out the gate.

    When Colin KaeperDick was kneeling for racial inequity and inequality saying:

    “I will not stand for a Flag that doesn’t represent what it’s supposed to.”

    The First Flag, the Grand Union, came December 3, 1775, 7 months before the Declaration of Independence and 11 years and some change before the Constitution.

    The Betsy Ross Flag was sworn in June 14, 1777, and 51 days later flew at the bloodiest battle of the Revolutionary War…

    The Flag represented the Military first.

    We already had uneducated and reverse racial bias… now…

    The NIL (pay college players) has ruined College Football and the “President” of the NCAA is JUST NOW decrying dysfunction in NIL and urging Congress to act.

    See what happens when people don’t have spines when it counts?

    The LUST of money and fame ruins a many of societies and mindsets. 💩💯🐂

    One KEYWORD in a mob of words and paragraphs can show you everything you need to know.

    “A vocal Trump critic, during his time as a senator during the Trump administration, said that he wanted a candidate who uses “the political process created by our founders to debate and to persuade, not disparage or demonize” and “understands that political opponents are our fellow citizens, not the enemy.”

    👉🏻 Persuade

    Sounds a lot like “Local Action has a National Impact” but turning around and saying “the Military isn’t doing anything.”

    Which is discouraging people from knowing Military, Federal, and State Laws and Orders.

    “Just go vote” without empowering people with the verbiage and language of how things function and operate is:


    It also shows how these clowns who use all the same verbiage know nothing about what the Founders established as they fought a War first, established Military first, and our whole Constitution talks about Treason and what to do with rotten government.

    Title 5 Section §6385:

    (a) An employee shall not directly or indirectly intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other employee for the purpose of interfering with the exercise of any rights which such other employee may have under this subchapter.

    (b) For the purpose of this section-

    (1) the term "intimidate, threaten, or coerce" includes promising to confer or conferring any benefit (such as appointment, promotion, or compensation), or taking or threatening to take any reprisal (such as deprivation of appointment, promotion, or compensation); and

    (2) the term "employee" means any "employee", as defined by section 2105.
    (Added Pub. L. 103–3, title II, §201(a)(1), Feb. 5, 1993, 107 Stat. 22 .)

    Title 5:

    There’s a LONG LAUNDRY List of those who’ve violated that law.

    These clowns are all face, lips, and gums and no laws.

    “Do as I say! Not as I do!”

    They’re making the SWAMP expose themselves.

    Self-Destruction 🔥

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47

    DASHING through the Swamp 🐂🇺🇸

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:33 am