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    BioClandestine Telegram Update 1/3/24


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    BioClandestine Telegram Update 1/3/24 Empty BioClandestine Telegram Update 1/3/24

    Post  Carol Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:25 pm

    BioClandestine Telegram Update 1/3/24

    Interesting 🤔

    Biden’s DNI briefed Trump on alleged Iranian attempts to assassinate him.

    Color me skeptical. The intelligence community never release anything unless it benefits them.

    Sounds like they are attempting to blame Iran for CIA/Democrat attempts to assassinate Trump.

    They would never willingly release this intelligence to Trump. They want him dead. My guess is, they are seeking to deceive the public, and blaming Iran to prevent the masses from connecting the dots and blaming the Dems/CIA. This is not to say I support Iran, but this reeks of classic CIA subterfuge.

    And given that the intelligence community never tell us the truth about anything, I strongly doubt they abruptly grew some integrity.

    Not buying it.

    I tried to watch the Kamala interview…

    It’s bad.

    Clearly doesn’t know what she’s talking about, talking in circles, lying repeatedly, and bullshitting her way through it. Classic Kamala.

    She sounds like when the teacher calls on you and you didn’t do the reading assignment. Unfortunately, blue-voters don’t care. None of them are voting FOR Kamala, they are voting against Trump. They would vote for Satan himself if there was a (D) next to his name on the ballot.

    So while I’d like to think these embarrassing performances from Kamala are hurting her, I’m not sure they do. Her supporters know she’s an idiot. They have already accepted this. They are just holding their noses and voting the opposite of Trump, regardless who it is. Merit and logic are irrelevant to the equation.

    If you were wondering why they are trying to kill Trump, this is why.

    Trump is about to negotiate an end to the conflict in Ukraine. This means the military industrial complex lose their cash cow, and the CIA lose their offshore proxy.

    This is why they impeached Trump as soon as he started digging into where the money was going in Ukraine. Trump did not commit any crime. All he did was get too close to finding out what was going on.

    And now if Trump does win the election and does negotiate an end to conflict and the end the flow of money, as he claims, then the public will see that Trump is the peacekeeper, and the Biden regime were the ones who instigated this war.

    And one of the stipulations Putin will demand in order to come to an agreement, will include a full-scale UN security council investigation of US bioweapon development in Ukraine. Putin and his military have been demanding it at the UN for years now, and the US veto every attempt. Given RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been extremely vocal about this subject, it’s very likely if Trump wins, that his administration will not only agree with Putin in this regard, but assist him in exposing and resolving this threat to humanity.

    This is what’s at stake. This is why the Dems seeing Trump talking to Zelensky is their worst nightmare. If Ukraine falls, the Deep State face extinction.

    The US Government are willing to send trillions of our tax dollars to fund conflicts all around the globe.

    But when the American People desperately need aid, the Biden regime are nowhere to be found…

    Anyways, here is a completely unrelated painting from the French Revolution.


    The Biden regime just approved the largest aid to Taiwan ever recorded. $567 million.

    As the death toll rises in Asheville and elsewhere, and more are desperate for immediate aid, the Biden regime are focused on sending our tax dollars 8,000 miles away.

    Meanwhile, Americans are dying and in dire need of support from the government, and the Biden regime are nowhere to be found. These people hate you. The American People are not their priority, and they just proved it.

    There will be no coexistence. It’s either us, or them.

    Trump and Elon plan to use Starlink to help restore communications to those affected by Hurricane Helene!

    Meanwhile, the Biden regime are unresponsive and uninterested.

    Unelected billionaires are doing more for The People than the federal government.


    I’m not big on making predictions, but I think it’s safe to assume that the next few months are going to be insane.

    Only a month out from the election, and regardless of who wins, I don’t foresee a smooth resolution.

    Be prepared for anything and surprised by nothing.

    They said masks and distancing worked.

    They said Hunter’s laptop was not real.

    They said Ukraine was winning the war.

    They said Biden was sharp as a tack.

    They said human-trafficking was a conspiracy theory.

    They said there was no humanitarian crisis at the border.

    They said the vaccines were safe and effective.

    They said there were no biolabs in Ukraine.

    All of it… turned out to be a lie.


    Reports coming in that Iran fired hundreds of missiles at Israel, and Biden is already talking about assisting.

    Wait for the information. Our emotions are being targeted.

    Keep in mind, the Deep State would greatly benefit from full-scale war.

    They are desperate. Stay frosty.

    The Deep State know if the election is fair, they will lose to Trump.

    They must alter the calculus before November, or they face extinction.

    They are the only ones who benefit from war breaking out right now.

    I know missiles are flying, and we are on the verge of full-scale WW3, but look on the bright side!

    Biden is sharp as a tack, and Kamala grew up a middle class kid!

    Nothing to be worried about! We have the most competent leadership in history! They will fix this!


    I rewatched “Sum of All Fears” last night.

    Just imagining Biden or Kamala in charge of a situation like this is horrifying.

    We are on the verge of global war, and the most powerful military in the history of mankind is under the control of a vegetable and a hooker.

    -Iran launched 181 missiles into Israel and global tensions are rising

    -120 new accusers come forward about Sean (Diddy) Combs, including allegations of violating a 9-year old boy

    -Julian Assange alleges the CIA tried to assassinate him

    October is off to a hot start.

    Over the last two years, Trump has repeatedly said he is the only candidate who will “prevent WW3”.

    Flashback to September 23rd, 2023, Trump speaks on how he “got us out of all these wars”, and how the situation in Israel could lead to a world war.

    Trump is the peace candidate.

    JD Vance just MASSACRED Tim Walz!

    Walz looked like a deer in the headlights, while Vance was cool, calm, and collected. Vance is operating on a mental plane far above Walz.

    Then when you add Walz’s gaffes about befriending “school shooters”, learning to govern in China, the horrible optics from some of the weird faces he was making, the contradictions, the lies, and the head-scratching answers; it’s hard to describe this as anything but a colossal catastrophe for the Harris campaign.

    Vance came off as understanding and genuine. He was sharp, direct, concise, and stayed even keel, displaying his great leadership qualities, and addressing the core problems Americans are actually concerned about. It was a night and day difference standing next to Walz.

    Hopefully, this performance will translate to more support for Trump, particularly in the Rust Belt battleground states that Vance was tasked with appealing to.

    What a performance from JD Vance.

    The MSM are already conceding that Vance looked impressive, Walz was nervous, and that Kamala did not gain any ground.

    Vance’s win was so convincing, the MSM aren’t even bothering trying to put a spin on it.

    Vance’s performance is causing the MSM propagandists to malfunction 😂

    Tim Walz: “I’m friends with school shooters and learned how to govern in China!”

    JD Vance:

    Are we not doing that anymore?

    This time yesterday, all we were talking about was war in the Middle East. Then after the VP debate, that story disappeared.

    I’m not complaining, I just find it odd how fast the news cycle moved on from it.

    It feels like everyone knows who they are voting for at this point, and we are just kind of waiting around to see if nukes start flying or if Trump gets assassinated before Election Day.

    I don’t know what to call this, but it doesn’t feel very “democratic”.

    The Biden regime say FEMA don’t have the funding to respond to another major storm.

    They have money to fund every war on Earth, and the money to house, feed, and provide sex changes for illegal immigrants… but nothing for the American People.

    *1776 music intensifies*


    If you’re in a need of a white pill, just remember how bad things used to be in 2016 and 2020.

    We weren’t even allowed to exist on social media. All alternative media was suppressed, and the MSM controlled public perception.

    Not anymore.
    The public are more awake than they have ever been. The MSM no longer have a monopoly on the narrative. All of their corruption and deceit is on full display, and every day, their actions cause more normies wake up.

    I know missiles are flying and it seems like the world is ending, but we have so much more going for us this time around. We actually have the means to fight back, thanks to Elon.

    Prior to Elon claiming Twitter, the Dems completely dominated the airwaves. They weaponized the verification system to favor those loyal to the party. They suppressed any damning information, banned/suspended anyone who was exposing too much, and manipulated algorithms to promote Left-wing ideology.

    As someone who has been in the trenches of this information war for nearly a decade now, the ground we have gained is immeasurable. The comment sections and mainstream content has shifted significantly in our favor.

    Are we going to win? Who knows. But we are in an exponentially better position than we have been in the past.

    Imagine you pay for car insurance every month.

    Then one day, someone rear-ends you, but the insurance company does not help you pay for damages, and instead buys a Rolls Royce for someone who doesn’t even have insurance.

    That’s how we get treated as the American taxpayer.

    And then they will call you racist for noticing.


    Our Founding Fathers had the foresight to know this day would come.

    “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute a new government.”

    Jefferson’s words ring true today.

    Our government has become destructive to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Therefore, it is not only our Right, but our RESPONSIBILITY to uproot the corrupt establishment, and rebuild a new system in its place.

    This nation is in desperate need of a fresh start. Our ruling class needs a deep and thorough cleansing. All of our institutions are infected. Evil runs rampant. Unprecedented change may be necessary.

    We the People have selected Donald Trump to be our champion, to carry out this task through peaceful means, and when he wins, he and his administration must do what is necessary to restore our unalienable Rights, and build a foundation for the future, with new principles, focused on the Safety and Happiness of the AMERICAN People.

    The Swamp must be drained if humanity is to prosper. Donald Trump must win, and he must burn down this diseased and corrupt temple, otherwise the cycle will continue, and humanity will continue to perish.

    I’m tired of pretending that we are playing by the normal rules of engagement.

    The establishment are:

    -funding wars across the globe
    -trafficking children
    -weaponizing media/tech
    -developing biological weapons
    -attempting assassinations

    The social contract has expired.

    Holy sh*t…

    Biden was asked about the states in the storm zone, and Biden says “oh I was wondering which storm you were talking about”.

    Then he claims the citizens are “getting everything they need”.

    Wake up America. The establishment hate you.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:39 am