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    RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Updates


    Posts : 32207
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Updates Empty RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 24, 2024 6:06 pm

    RattleTrap1776 aka Derek Johnson Telegram Updates

    If they were actually real like normies think they are… does it look like “Biden” or “Kamala” has “influence” on the Military?

    👉🏻 Nope

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    This is why knowing the Laws and Orders and the functions of Military and Government are very important.

    If the wrong people got ahold of this that didn’t know what’s currently happening even a lot of “Patriots” would spin this wrong.

    The three things that matter:

    1. Who’s in Command
    2. Who’s following / taking Orders
    3. Visuals of the Enforcement of those

    For 7 Years and 9 months, you have full visuals of Laws and Orders invoked and followed as prescribed with daily visuals of the DASH keeping things intact where it counts the most.

    Zero amount of drama on social media has led to any crime.

    Read that again carefully and slowly and then apply it.

    The whole thing is an Operation. Special Operations with multi-layers.

    But I remind people all the time, you don’t know who the bad guys are until the good guys tell you.

    There’s some good people playing the “bad” role.

    Why does President Trump call Tom Homan, Central Casting?

    He’s not saying HE is CC… What better person than the most LETHAL ICE Director to set up a border crisis for TV than the best?

    Productions require Casting.

    Casting requires Producers.

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47

    The DASH from the start, it matters 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    Mamala “Kamala” getting a big dose of Karmala 🔥

    Even though “she’s” not real. 🎯

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47

    The DASH is tho 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    “By the way, I’d also make Washington, DC, go back to work. I can’t believe, when I come down here, the empty buildings. The people who work for you not going to the office,” he stated…

    Who’s been HAMMERED by the due to Executive Order 13959 and the National Emergency attached to it?

    👉🏻 J.P. Morgan

    That EO that “Biden” has continued 3 years in a row, one of 8 with National Emergencies, because President Trump is so bad, “we don’t need him near D.C. anymore” 🤣

    Ain’t nobody been in D.C. for 3 years and 7 months 🤭

    They’re REALLY putting it in front of everyone now. 💯🔥

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47

    DASHed through D.C. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    t’s high time Country Music Fans listen to how the Swamp and the real portion of the Country Music System are connected and take action.

    Or be prepared to be called a Hypocrite just as the Liberals are displaying currently.

    Once you know, you cannot unknow.

    And once you know, and you continue to support the concerts of Billboard Top 20, rigged system, you’re a hypocrite to being a “Patriot.”

    We can take down the current system and rebuild it easily.

    Ask me how I know. 🔥🐂🇺🇸

    Live #2

    For those wondering if I can actually sing or not…

    Doesn’t really matter. I don’t really care what people think about how good or strong my vocals are or aren’t.

    I’d much rather be a better songwriter than singer any day.

    Songwriters win other artists over and that means royalties.

    But I can write circles around Billboard Top 20…

    Oh wait… that’s right… 99.99999% of ALL Major Label signed artists don’t write ANY of their songs.

    I can also outwrite 99.9% of current signed songwriters because 99.99999% of them are all co-writing with no less than 3 writers in the room.

    Anyone should get a great song with 3 talented people in a room.

    I produce and write all my music and songs.

    My new album coming 2024 / 2025, of the 9 songs, 6 I solo wrote.

    The other 3 I wrote with:

    One - Casey Beathard
    One - Gary Nicolson
    One - Pierce Avenue

    There’s nothing wrong with co-writing but if we’re going to have a swinging hammer contest…

    Then there’s nobody from Billboard or with Billboard Hits, who’s doing what I’m doing 🤷🏽‍�🎯🐂🇺🇸

    Who confirmed him?

    What year?

    Who nominated him?

    GPO is who published the Federal Continuity Directive 1 on January 17, 2017.

    The more you know

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47 🫡🐂🇺🇸 #theDASHmatters



    6:30 CST


    This is what happens when people don’t know they were supporting a RIGGED system.

    I’m not sure what’s more humorous… “fans” who read the comment in here of:

    “Deleting social media to put out new music.”

    Or McGraws recent “women rights” shhhpill when his wife gave up her career while he continued recording albums and starring in movies while she was barefoot pregnant in the kitchen raising babies.

    Faith Hill ≈ Daisy Mae.

    The people who support this is where the hypocrisy is.

    You don’t delete social media when you’ve been irrelevant for YEARS, plural.

    Even though, Billboard Top 20 and all Major Label signed artists are RIGGED and CONTROLLED.

    Ask me how I know 🔥🐂🇺🇸

    If anyone thinks this clown (Fetterman body double) is real… this is the one that’s the most obvious even though most are as blatant obvious as it can get.

    Two, saying an “I gotchu” comment is absurd would only be absurd if it were a comment more broad.


    “The fracking industry is a stain on our state.”


    “I don’t support fracking at all.”

    There’s no way to take those out of context.

    That’s what you call or label:

    ‘Cut n’ Dry’

    Three, notice how “they” never talk about Policies they “challenge” President Trump and Vance to?

    “They” always blame President Trumps or divert to things they say don’t matter yet they bring highlight to those things when if they truly cared about Policy, they’d ignore those, and answer the questions asked.

    I know Politics has been like that for years but the Laws and Orders invoked and in place are an Operation to drain that rhetoric and display of actions.

    Hence all the actors and actresses exposing all the main people.

    They’re showing you the past versus future.

    Why do you think they make “Harris” say “we aren’t going back”?

    The visuals and verbal displays by them are exactly just that…

    The past.

    ‘Say anything to get elected’ by a bunch of uneducated and unintelligent groups of people.

    Or educated fools who are simply educated in a manmade system where that system selects the rhetoric, language, and curriculum.

    Or by those with agendas such as lobbyists and contractors and organizations who know what’s going on and control the narrative in their levels.

    “Do as I say! Not as I do!”

    It’s such a brilliant and epic Operation with multilayers and visuals daily.

    If you believe President Trump left his lifestyle to take on what He’s endured simply to be “President”… you’re gravely lost and mistaken.

    If you believe President Trump left his lifestyle to take on what He’s endured simply to be “President” to “take a deal” and walk away… you’re gravely lost and mistaken.

    The Dash on his Ball Cap was introduced April 2, 2023.


    The Dash means CONTINUED / THROUGH

    NOT 45, 47

    NOT 45 & 47

    But even if they were, claiming 47 in April 2023?

    Marketing 47 in April 2, 2023.

    Not a single Mainstream Media have said ANYTHING about the Dash and 47… why?

    A Military Occupation and Government in Exile is not new.

    It happened in WW2 right here in the United States.

    If the left spew that he’s a cocky, egotistical, selfish son of a bitch dictator who’s losing cognitive abilities for President…

    Why isn’t the topic that he’s claiming 46 AND 47… with the 47 going on the ball cap a year and 8 months before November 5, 2024?

    The DASH is the Laws and Orders invoked from Military and Federal and how they pair.

    They’re public and current.

    Knowing what they say, read, function and operate is a portion of the problem.

    Applying them is the other part the problem.

    All a PLAN.


    All a Special Operation.

    All outlined on Gov and Mil sites.

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45——47

    The DASH isn’t a fluke.

    The DASH doesn’t work on feelings.

    You either trust it or not.

    The DASH Matters. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    If they were actually real like normies think they are… does it look like “Biden” or “Kamala” has “influence” on the Military?

    👉🏻 Nope

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    Waiting on “Biden” and “Kamala” to copycat all these takedowns by Executive Order 13959 with National Emergency by 45 since people think “they’re” real.

    Every single good anything right now was done by the DASH.

    The end goal is to have Presidents and Congresses (plural) that work for all Americans not divided, but where we are right now…

    Any liberal who believes this is all real… is a damn fool x 2 for already being a liberal.

    It’s a shame that we have the level of cognitive dissonance and ignorance to not understand simple functionalities.

    Cause we know the real facts.

    Their rude awakening is coming.

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47

    “The Gatekeepers” 👉🏻 remember what I’ve told you.
    Ice Cube leaks the Names after Diddy's ARREST!

    👉🏻 RIGGED system. 🔥🐂

    Ask me how I know…

    Billboard Hits as an unsigned artist in the pool of the gatekeepers artists.

    Listen to Ice Cube.

    It’s the ones who you the Fans would not know that only WE know who control the gates.

    Most Billboard Top 20 artists are controlled by those gatekeepers.

    Naive, Gullible, Desperate, Amenable and Controllable.

    Better listen to those who know and stop supporting the machine. 💯

    Or be prepared to be called a Hypocrite 🔥🐂


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32207
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Updates Empty Re: RattleTrap 1776 aka Derek Johnson Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 24, 2024 6:59 pm

    Not here for the “UN” even though archives show not one single Foreign Leader has been to the U.S. since 2020. 🔥

    👉🏻 Constitution suspended via Article I Section 9 Clause 2.

    👉🏻 invasion of Public safety.

    Title 50
    Title 10
    Executive Orders
    National Emergencies

    Wartime President.

    This is ONE example of many, daily. The ORDERS matter.

    That’s how we function and operate in the Military.

    👉🏻 ——

    👉🏻 45—47

    The DASH matters too 🫡🐂🇺🇸

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:40 am