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    Jullian Assange Telegram Updates


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    Jullian Assange Telegram Updates Empty Jullian Assange Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 24, 2024 7:40 pm

    Jullian Assange Telegram Updates

    News Alert! Global Currency Revaluation: Military Operations Behind the Scenes – The Storm is Unfolding!

    This treaty is NOT just paperwork – it’s a declaration of war against the old financial system. 209 countries have signed a historic agreement that’s shaking the global economic foundation to its core. It’s happening right now, behind the scenes, as strategic military operations ensure this massive financial shift. This isn't just about revaluing currencies; this is about flipping the entire system. Trust the plan, stay vigilant, and get ready for what's coming.

    The Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, and Zimbabwean ZIM are set to be revalued, creating opportunities like never before. For decades, the elites rigged the game, keeping nations under economic control, but the game is over. A new era of equality is about to unfold, where every nation stands on even ground.

    Behind the curtain, military forces are ensuring this transition goes smoothly. They aren't just providing security; they’re making sure the elites don’t interfere with this revolution. Military oversight guarantees that no fraud, no sabotage, and no manipulation will stop this from happening. The plan is meticulous, and every step is accounted for. Every base is covered.

    Forget what they tell you about this being a simple financial maneuver. This is a takedown of the old guard. While the world is watching trivial distractions, the real work is happening out of sight. The prosperity fund, ready to be unleashed, will obliterate poverty and redistribute wealth like never before. Humanitarian projects will rise, and the wealth of the elites will fall into the hands of the people. This is a revolution disguised as finance.

    What they don’t want you to know is that this isn't just about money—it's about control. For decades, they’ve used currencies to keep the masses in line, but now, the tables are turning. The release of these new values is more than an economic shift—it’s the beginning of a new world order. Stay focused, stay alert, and remember: when the storm hits, those who are ready will thrive.

    This is a turning point for "We The People". The military is safeguarding the operation while dismantling the power structures that enslaved us. The elites are panicking, and they should be. This is our moment.

    The storm is here.

    Join and share my channel immediately:
    Gold: $2,659. Silver: $32.10


    BOOOM!!! Full Disclosure! The Road to Gitmo – The Indictments – Military Tribunals – Gitmo: The Final Destination for the Deep State!

    The collapse has begun! Thousands of global elites arrested, military tribunals in Gitmo underway, and technologies they've hidden for decades are finally being exposed. Brace for impact— full disclosure is coming to shake the world. The Deep State is crumbling, and there’s no turning back.

    A storm is brewing. Decades of lies and manipulation by the hidden elite, who’ve controlled governments, media, and industries, are about to be torn apart. For too long, they’ve operated from the shadows, pulling strings behind the scenes. But the reckoning has arrived. The truth is about to explode into the open, and once it does, everything will change.

    Conspiracy theories once dismissed are now becoming undeniable truths as arrests increase daily. The names of powerful figures are being exposed, and the corrupt system enslaving humanity for generations is collapsing. We are at the edge of a revolution—and it’s going to be bloody.

    Gitmo awaits the Deep State. The global elite, who’ve controlled us like a mafia, are feeling the noose tighten. From D.C. to Hollywood, from Silicon Valley to European palaces, the arrests have begun. These are not ordinary criminals; these are the puppet masters who’ve orchestrated a global system of control. Their crimes include treason, corruption, and unspeakable horrors that will shatter the public’s understanding of reality once revealed.

    Over 71,000 federal indictments have been filed— each one another step toward dismantling the Deep State. The military tribunals will not be lenient; this is not a political scandal but the complete exposure of a corrupt regime. Justice will be served at Gitmo, and the penalty for treason is clear.

    A global purge is underway. This isn’t just happening in the U.S.—elites around the world are falling. No one is safe, whether they are politicians, royalty, or billionaires. Thousands of arrests have been made, and the guilty are being dragged into the light. The lies that have kept us enslaved are finally being revealed.

    The elites didn’t just control governments and economies; they hid the future from us. Advanced technologies that could have cured diseases, ended hunger, and made fossil fuels obsolete have been kept from us. But now, the truth is coming out. The revolution is not only political; it’s technological. We will no longer be slaves to their systems. Once these technologies are released, humanity will thrive as never before.

    The indictments signal the fall of a house of cards—a collapse of the old order. This is the moment the elite never thought would come. The military tribunals are here, and justice is coming. This is not just a trial; it’s the final reckoning for those who thought they were above the law.

    The revolution is upon us. The old order is disintegrating, and what comes next will be a world unlike any we’ve ever known. The elite are cornered, and they have nowhere left to hide. The storm is here. Full disclosure is just the beginning.

    RV/GCR and EBS Disclosure: The Global Financial Armageddon and the Collapse of Nine Nations – The Impending EBS Disclosure and Market Crash

    Breaking: Nine major nations, including the US, on the brink of total financial collapse. Dive into the urgent details of the RV/GCR, EBS Disclosure, and the catastrophic events set to shatter the global economy and power structures. Prepare for a world-altering crisis.

    The world as we know it is on the edge of an unprecedented financial collapse. Nine major nations, including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Europe, are reportedly insolvent, facing a collapse that only a global currency reset (RV/GCR) might delay. This isn’t another economic slump—this is the final unraveling of decades of corruption, irresponsible policies, and unsustainable debt. The very nations that once led the world are about to crumble.

    For years, these governments have recklessly printed money, racking up debt without a clear path to repayment. The RV/GCR could offer a reset, but it comes with massive risks. What happens next is anyone’s guess, but one thing is certain: the world economy is teetering.

    As the world braces for the coming Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Disclosure, stock markets are expected to crash globally. The financial freeze could last between 2 to 10 days, revealing the full scale of the collapse. Trillions of dollars in wealth could vanish overnight. And it’s not just the traditional financial systems that are collapsing—cryptocurrencies will take a massive hit, with Bitcoin plummeting and major wallets declaring bankruptcy.

    The U.S. Supreme Court is reportedly involved in this financial reset. The specifics are still under wraps, but whispers suggest their decisions will play a critical role in shaping what comes next. This isn’t just about economic systems crumbling—this is about shattering the global power structure.

    Q’s timeline speaks of events that will shake the world to its core. Tier 4b, the group anticipating early RV/GCR notifications, may soon act, followed by high-profile events involving figures like JFK Jr. and Princess Diana. Could this be the final reveal that changes everything?

    As Trump’s return looms, along with the coronation of Queen Diana, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The global elites are running scared, knowing their days of controlling the narrative are numbered. GESARA, which could end the IRS and all tax systems as we know it, may finally be enacted, transforming the world economy.

    The old order is falling apart, and the EBS Disclosure will open the floodgates of truth. Prepare for the storm—nothing will ever be the same again.

    On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024

    Martial Law Implemented Across The Globe

    During Mass Arrests of Criminal Global and Political Elites

    US Inc. Government Permanently Closes

    Including Congress, Federal Employees and State Governments

    All Banks Not Basel III Compliant Close

    Federal Reserve Permanently Closes

    IRS Transfers To New US Treasury Collecting non-food, non-medication Sales Tax Only

    New United States of America Fiscal Year Begins

    Global Currency Reset Liquidity Begins

    Be Prepared

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:29 am