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    Julian Assange = Telegram posts


    Posts : 32207
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    Julian Assange = Telegram posts Empty Julian Assange = Telegram posts

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:22 pm

    Julian Assange

    Executive branch = Mil and President.

    Trump never seceded because they acknowledged him as Commander in Chief of the greatest military operation in the world...

    They are taking down treasonous legislative and judicial officials who have infiltrated our government over the past several hundred years, and most recently since the CIA was founded in 1947. Kennedy and Reagan (Bush = CIA Director, Bush = VP)
    (Assassination, Attempted Assn.)

    Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro
    Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein)
    Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden
    Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops
    GWB + B.O. = Friends since childhood
    B.O. + Michael LaVaughn Robinson (Michelle) = CIA ops

    How do you globalize the world, take over the middle east, and make yourself rich? War.

    9/11 = Inside Job. OSB = pawn
    OSB + family = safe with Bush family (Washington State)

    OSB killed? Body double. Iran pulled him out and demanded $157B from Obama to not release the truth.

    Afghanistan shoots down SEAL chopper.

    SEALs Doherty and Woods killed in Benghazi

    What did they know? Last witnesses?

    Trump elected, Russiagate, Stormy Daniels, Taxes, Racism, Xenophobia, attack after attack...

    Why? Remove him at all costs to save yourselves.

    CCP > Beijing Biden
    Insert COVID > MSM and Big Tech puppets promote fear
    Promote mail-in voting
    CCP prints massive amounts of ballots
    Use 2010 census for voter registration
    Big tech installs drop boxes
    Ballot counters given instructions
    Dominion flipping votes via hacking
    Cover-ups everywhere

    How do you expose them and take everything from them? You prepare for them cheating and let them do it for the world to see.

    Who are these people? Who/what do they worship? How do they practice their "religion?" What/who do they sacrifice for "power?" What group is founded on these beliefs? FMs. (Freemasonry describes itself as a "beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols")
    Symbolism will be their downfall.

    Why did Trump issue EO 13818 & 13848?

    Trump won the election and our amazing military knows that (the clowns on TV are bought puppets).

    He was impeached after he "lost" because the judicial and legislative branches knew he was still president and they had no control over the military with him having a position in govt. Note: you can only "impeach" people who hold a "position" in govt.

    Why would they impeach an incumbent president who "lost?"

    They caught them all. They have everything.

    Bottom line: NCSWIC


    The Deep State's G20 Power Unraveling

    Hold onto your seats as the once-mighty Deep State's grip on G20 power begins to crumble, sending shockwaves through the international stage.

    UN and NATO in Freefall

    The UN and NATO, long dominated by deep state elites and their clandestine cabal, are teetering on the brink of collapse. Their iron grip on global operations is slipping, and here's why:

    The Cabal Unmasked

    The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, CIA, and their ilk, who have long orchestrated the G20's agenda, are now in a frenzy. Over 70% of African nations have turned their backs on their summit, and even more astonishingly, the President of China and CCP executives were glaringly absent.

    Panic Engulfs the Global Elite

    Deep State powerhouses, such as NATO, UN, CIA, MI6, and the G20, are in the throes of panic. Their intricate web of money laundering, woven through G20 nations, is fraying at the edges. Africa, a once-exploited resource haven, is slipping from their grasp as it aligns with Russia, China, and eagerly considers BRICS' invitation.

    Unveiling the Vaccine Conspiracy

    As panic takes hold, a colossal vaccine exposé is underway. Congress is delving deep into Fauci's ties to the CIA and vaccine production, launching covert investigations. Simultaneously, Trump has thrown his weight behind exposing vaccines and lockdowns, shining a glaring spotlight on the issue.

    The Future of Elections in Doubt

    The military brass are keenly aware that the 2024 elections are hanging by a thread. A reckoning for the Plandemic is on the horizon, with Trump poised to testify at military tribunals. His revelations will trace the sinister trail from the first batches of fake vaccines and saline placebos to Pfizer's suspiciously timed release of deadly vaccines.

    Connecting the Dots in Military Tribunals

    The imminent military tribunals promise to unearth a trove of dark secrets. They will delve into the JFK assassination, DARPA's shadowy operations, the global drug trade, human trafficking, and worldwide money laundering schemes involving Ukraine, Israel, the EU, and more. The web extends to Epstein's twisted world of blackmail and adrenochrome operations, implicating elites, governments, Hollywood, influencers, and stars. It all connects to the CIA and DARPA, who nurtured Facebook, Google, YouTube, and manipulated global media through Operation Mockingbird.

    A Global Tapestry of Deceit

    As the CIA unravels, a global narrative takes shape. The left is awakening worldwide, shedding their illusions and embracing the truth. The world's complex tapestry of control, manipulation, and deceit, from viruses to vaccines, digital currencies to elite puppetry, is being unveiled.

    Together We Stand, WWG1WGA

    Now is the time for unity. People from all corners of the globe are rising, united in their pursuit of truth, justice, and freedom. Together, we shall overcome.


    The Hollywood’s Dark Secrets

    In a shocking twist that has sent shockwaves through Hollywood and beyond, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg—two of the most revered figures in the entertainment industry—are reportedly facing heinous charges that could forever tarnish their legacies. According to insiders, investigators have unveiled a chilling web of crimes, including child rape and murder, allegedly committed by Hanks, Spielberg, and other high-profile figures. As the investigation deepens, the once untouchable elites of Hollywood are now staring down the barrel of justice, with the possibility of spending the rest of their lives behind bars.

    Hollywood’s Golden Icons: A Tarnished Legacy. For decades, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have been hailed as Hollywood royalty. Hanks, with his everyman charm and roles in iconic films like Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan, became the face of American cinema. Spielberg, the genius behind blockbusters like Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List, earned the title of one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Their influence stretches beyond cinema; they are cultural icons whose work has shaped the world’s view of America, heroism, and humanity.

    But behind the veneer of respectability and success lies a dark, sordid reality that is now being brought to light. Investigators have allegedly uncovered evidence suggesting that these two titans of the industry have been involved in some of the most disturbing crimes imaginable. The shock and disbelief that such beloved figures could be implicated in such horrific acts have sent ripples of fear and anger through the public and the industry alike.

    The Allegations: Crimes That Defy Comprehension. The charges facing Hanks and Spielberg are nothing short of horrifying. Reports suggest that they are being investigated for a series of heinous crimes, including child rape and murder. These allegations, if proven true, would not only shatter their careers but also deeply affect the millions who have admired and respected them over the years.

    While details remain sparse, sources indicate that the evidence against them is compelling and damning. Insiders have come forward, risking everything to expose what they describe as a well-organized and long-running operation involving numerous high-profile individuals. The crimes allegedly took place over several decades, with some incidents dating back to the early years of Hanks and Spielberg’s careers.

    The Whistleblowers: Courage in the Face of Threats. The investigation owes much of its momentum to a growing number of whistleblowers—individuals who have come forward, often at great personal risk, to expose the truth. These insiders, who have worked closely with Hanks, Spielberg, and other accused individuals, have provided investigators with crucial information that has brought the alleged crimes into the public eye.

    These whistleblowers have described a culture of silence and complicity within Hollywood, where the powerful protect one another, and where those who dare to speak out are swiftly silenced. However, as the tide turns and more individuals find the courage to come forward, the walls are beginning to close in on those who once seemed untouchable.

    FALL OF CABAL: Discover the Criminal Network that Terrorizes Humanity – The World Renowned Docuseries “THE FALL OF THE CABAL”

    Who is really behind the wars that devastate humanity?

    Why are breakthrough cancer cures always suppressed?

    How come most of humanity is unhealthy, weak, tired or depressed?

    Where do the millions of children go, that disappear every year?

    What is the true cause of the extensive corruption in governments?

    Courageous journalists have been doing in depth research to answer these – and many more – critical questions.

    What is the true reason for the unspeakable suffering of humanity?

    Who is pushing the tsunami of perversion, violence, and wickedness in the entertainment industry?

    How come most food is filled with toxins that wreak havoc on the health of humanity?

    For what reason are our soil, skies, and water constantly poisoned?

    You will find the answer in the world renowned docuseries THE FALL OF THE CABAL.

    These groundbreaking documentaries expose the hidden entities behind the criminal governments, election fraud, media deception, toxic food industry, corrupt health care, and so on.

    They are like the mafia, only much worse…

    Stay tuned...

    Join and share my channel immediately:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32207
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Julian Assange = Telegram posts Empty Re: Julian Assange = Telegram posts

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 26, 2024 9:34 am

    Julian Assange - August 25, 2024


    Forget everything you've been told. The Deep State, this insidious cabal, is unraveling right before our eyes. G20 collusion? You bet. The elites have manipulated every institution—UN, NATO, CIA—for their wicked agenda. Now, it's all coming to light.

    Decades of lies, from New York’s UN headquarters to Brussels' NATO command, were nothing more than smoke and mirrors, hiding the shadowy deals that put the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and global elites in control. But the narrative is breaking down. China, Russia, and now Africa are rejecting this globalist scheme. A shift in power has begun. The G20 is crumbling, with nations abandoning their roles as puppets for these elitist warmongers.

    Let’s call it what it is: the CIA has been running a worldwide mafia from Langley, Virginia. They’ve orchestrated everything—from the 1953 Iran coup to the Vietnam War—serving their masters, not the American people. Operation Mockingbird brainwashed the media, Operation Gladio seeded chaos in Europe, all to tighten the elites' iron grip. But now, they’re on the run.

    Take a hard look at Africa. This once-exploited continent is turning the tide, joining BRICS and severing ties with the IMF’s debt traps. These countries are standing tall, no longer pawns in the Deep State’s deadly chess game. BRICS’ new alliances signify a death knell for the globalist dream of total control.

    And don’t forget Fauci—he's no innocent scientist. COVID-19? That was no accident. A lab-engineered virus unleashed to further the elites' agenda. The vaccines? Another tool for population control, all while Fauci funneled billions through DARPA, making Moderna and Pfizer their agents of destruction. Whistleblowers reveal that the first batches were just saline—a trial run for something far more sinister.

    Military tribunals are coming, and they will tear the veil off the darkest secrets. The world is awakening. The Deep State is panicking, knowing that their time is almost up. The truth is here, and nothing can stop it.

    Quantum Phones: Revolutionizing Communication and Finance in the Age of GESARA

    Innovation is rewriting the rules of technology, and the Quantum Phone is poised to lead the charge, propelling us into a new age of communication and finance. Built with cutting-edge features, the Quantum Phone represents the dawn of the future for American consumers and beyond.

    QOS Operating System: Command the Future
    At its core, the Quantum Phone runs on the revolutionary QOS Operating System. This 64-bit architecture is the engine behind lightning-fast speeds, seamless performance, and a user experience like no other. Whether it's handling multiple apps, high-res gaming, or complex computations, the QOS transforms the smartphone into a supercomputer in your hand.

    Unparalleled Audio: A Sound Revolution
    The Quantum Phone also redefines audio with a state-of-the-art 64-bit sound system that ensures every note, every beat, every sound reaches you with pristine clarity. Streaming your favorite music, immersing yourself in a game, or having a call has never sounded this good.

    256GB RAM: Power Unleashed
    For those who need power and performance, the Quantum Phone offers 256GB of RAM. This is not just memory; it’s a performance revolution. Multitask like never before—whether you’re editing videos, playing graphics-heavy games, or running numerous apps at once. The Quantum Phone delivers an unmatched, responsive experience.

    Dual SIM Mastery: Ultimate Flexibility
    In today’s hyper-connected world, flexibility is key. With support for both QCell NanoSim and eSIM, the Quantum Phone offers unparalleled network versatility. Use one SIM for work and one for personal, or easily switch between carriers based on your needs. The Quantum Phone adapts to you.

    Photography Redefined: 256MP Front and 1024MP Rear Cameras
    Quantum Phone reimagines smartphone photography. Capture stunning selfies with the 256MP front camera, and take your rear shots to the next level with the unprecedented 1024MP sensor. Your photos will be works of art, worthy of replacing bulky DSLR cameras. Every shot, every moment, perfectly captured.

    Limitless Storage: 2TB to Store Everything
    With 2TB of storage, the Quantum Phone is your personal digital vault. Never worry about running out of space for your apps, photos, or videos. This phone is built for the modern user who demands space for their growing digital life.

    8723mAh Battery: Power That Lasts
    The Quantum Phone houses an 8723mAh battery, ensuring you’re always powered. Whether you're a heavy user or just need reliability, this battery will keep you going, without the constant need for charging. It’s built for your non-stop life.

    The Visionaries: Q, StarLink QG, and Steve Jobs
    The creation of the Quantum Phone is a collaborative triumph that pays homage to the legendary Steve Jobs. Q, the mastermind behind this revolution, and StarLink QG, renowned for pioneering connectivity, have joined forces to create a device that’s a technological masterpiece, merging innovation with elegance.

    The Quantum Phone is not just a smartphone. It’s a technological and financial revolution, bringing us closer to the realities of GESARA and beyond. This device is set to redefine how we communicate, work, and manage our lives.
    Welcome to the future. The Quantum Phone isn’t just a product—it’s the next step in our evolution.


    · Fiat money is disappearing, and now we have USN (Notes) and USTN (Treasury Notes), backed by gold which will be exchanged 1:1, or 1 US dollar for 1 Treasury Note. Backed by gold.


    · Argentina has joined BRICS.

    · The QFS is a quantum consciousness.

    · Trump is awaiting confirmation from Reno that the USTN is active.

    · We must remain vigilant because bad actors will try to destroy us.

    · They have controlled the financial system for hundreds of years, and now they are losing everything. Like any mafia, they are becoming very dangerous.

    · We must stay vigilant and seek strength within ourselves. We need our God. We will see a lot of chaos in the next 3 weeks. Much destruction. We need moral fiber and a connection with the Creator. We will be guided during this time. We need divine intervention. The only certainty is that God will win! Don’t worry! Stay out of trouble, and if needed, get on your knees. God is in control!


    · New encryption technology, deployed in August 2024, ensures secure communication across military networks. Military units are tirelessly preparing, setting up not only the technical infrastructure but also crafting the explosive content that will expose the elites’ crimes.

    · These broadcasts contain sensitive, top-security-clearance material—videos so damning they have been locked away in the highest echelons of power. Once aired, the truth will be undeniable, and the global populace will witness the elites' systematic manipulation and control unravel.

    · The final phase of satellite testing is nearing completion. Recently launched satellites under the guise of commercial projects have been fitted with technology far beyond civilian knowledge. This will bypass conventional internet censorship, delivering the EBS message directly to every digital screen, uncontested.

    · Mobile broadcasting units, disguised as military transports, are positioned globally to ensure coverage even in isolated regions. No one will escape the revelation.

    · The sheer scale of this operation is unprecedented. Military shipments are rapidly being deployed to global ports, encrypted communications suggesting coordination akin to wartime logistics. But this war is different—it’s not between nations; it's between the people and the shadow forces that have held them in bondage.

    · In the shadows, the masterminds behind this global effort remain unknown to all but the innermost circles. Their identities are protected, but their mission is clear: dismantle the global elite power structure and usher in a new era for humanity.

    · As the activation date draws closer, key operatives are being relocated to undisclosed locations, securing the operation against potential retaliation. These individuals are the last line of defense in ensuring the EBS activation proceeds without fail.

    · October marks the fall of the global elite. What follows will be the dawn of a new world, one where the shadows not long.


    Drip drip drip ....the word Cabal is hitting the mainstream now. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory.

    The Revolution of Med Beds Technology: Trump’s Impact and Life-Changing Benefits for Veterans and Babies

    In a world where the boundaries of science and technology are constantly being pushed, the advent of Med Bed technology stands out as a beacon of hope and potential transformation. Imagine a world where DNA regeneration, limb reconstruction, and the healing of previously incurable ailments are not just possible but commonplace. This isn’t a scene from a science fiction movie; it’s a vision of our near future, driven by groundbreaking advancements and an unwavering commitment to human welfare.

    The Promise of Med Beds. Med Bed technology promises to revolutionize healthcare as we know it. This innovative technology is said to have the ability to regrow organs, repair damaged DNA, and reverse the effects of aging in just a matter of minutes. According to proponents, a 15-minute session in a Med Bed can reverse 30 years of aging. This could mean the end of numerous chronic conditions, such as cancer, autism, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, and many others.

    The technology behind Med Beds purportedly utilizes light spectrums and frequencies to achieve these miraculous results. By manipulating these elements, Med Beds can restore balance and health to the human body, effectively making traditional medical procedures obsolete. President Donald Trump hinted at this revolutionary technology when he declared, “Within a year’s time or so almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”

    The Marvel of Med Bed Technology. Med Beds, a term that sounds straight out of a science fiction novel, are real and are set to transform medical treatments. This technology, long suppressed from the public eye, is now emerging due to a shift in planetary consciousness and the demand for transparency. Med Beds employ advanced light spectrums and frequencies to achieve what was once considered impossible in the medical field.

    IT Outage Confirmed as Trial Run for ‘The Great Blackout’—10 Days of Darkness, Worldwide EBS Activation, and the Imminent Global Reset Under GESARA/NESARA!

    The recent IT outage wasn’t just a technical glitch. It was a coordinated test for what’s coming next: The Great Blackout. Global communications systems were probed for weaknesses by forces preparing for the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) activation. The Cabal’s long-held control over tech giants was exposed, revealing their grip on global narratives and information.

    What’s coming is a 10-day period of total blackout. All communication channels—TV, radio, internet—will be severed. The world will be transitioned to a new Quantum Financial System (QFS) in preparation for GESARA/NESARA. The old, corrupt systems will be dismantled. You need to be ready. Understanding the principles of GESARA/NESARA is crucial as we transition into a new era of debt forgiveness, income tax abolition, and wealth redistribution.

    Project Odin
    Project Odin is key to this. This advanced system, linked to Quantum Starlink, is designed to ensure the security and integrity of our communications during the blackout. Starlink will facilitate the global EBS activation, ensuring that only the truth reaches the masses.

    Military Operations
    Under the cover of darkness, military forces will launch operations against Illuminati and Cabal strongholds, from the Vatican to Buckingham Palace, CERN, Wuhan, and beyond. DEWs, or "Rods of God," will be deployed to destroy these satanic sites, wiping out their influence permanently.

    Prepare for the Reset
    As the old world crumbles, new systems will rise. The global stock market will collapse, making way for NESARA/GESARA's financial equity. Tesla’s free energy will replace the existing power grids, and the dominance of Cabal-controlled cryptocurrencies will end. During the blackout, military tribunals will expose the elite’s darkest secrets and crimes. Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr. will emerge as the leaders of this new world.

    A new golden age is on the horizon. The dismantling of the old, corrupt systems and the implementation of the QFS will restore power to the people. Prepare for the storm. It’s coming soon.

    The world is on the brink of a seismic shift, one that few dare to fathom, let alone acknowledge. Yet, in the underbelly of the Internet, the whispers grow louder. Something monumental is brewing, something that will shatter the very bedrock of our societal structure. This revolution is none other than the implementation of NESARA/GESARA.

    Steeped in secrecy, this policy change represents the greatest leap in human history. A small, enlightened faction of the global populace has anticipated this for decades. The rest? They are either blissfully unaware or mired in denial, their eyes unopened to the impending tsunami of change. Brace yourself, for what follows is the unmasking of a shadowy conspiracy.

    What is NESARA / GESARA?

    No, it’s not another ploy by the Illuminati, nor is it the advent of the New World Order. NESARA/GESARA is the keystone to the revolution that will sweep across every nation on Earth this year. It signifies “The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!” Not a reformation but a revolution, GESARA is set to impact the entirety of our world, transforming all 206 sovereign nations.

    At the heart of GESARA is a new financial system, a clean slate that wipes the debt-ridden chalkboards of the past. It zeroes out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt, this in response to illicit banking and governmental activities. The very idea of this is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare – a “jubilee,” a global forgiveness of debt.

    This new financial paradigm goes on to abolish income tax and disband the IRS, setting up a 15% flat rate non-essential new item sales tax revenue for the government. Food, medicine, and used items like old homes will remain tax-free.

    Imagine a world where the Constitution governs all legal matters and courts. This is part of GESARA’s vision. It returns Constitutional Law to prominence, ensuring justice is dispensed, not bought. It abolishes the notion of secret societies and special interest groups manipulating the outcomes of elections, introducing a new era of transparency and fairness.

    As radical as it may sound, GESARA doesn’t stop there. The new law reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment, initiates a new U.S. Treasury Bank System, eliminates the Federal Reserve System, and restores financial privacy. And perhaps most ground-breaking of all, it enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies hidden under the cloak of national security. This includes free-energy devices, antigravity technologies, and sonic healing machines.

    By facilitating the advent of the “global gold-standard monetary system,” the IMF is an integral part of GESARA. This means all remaining fiat currencies will be traded in for gold-standard currency. In time, paper money will become an artifact of history. The financial system of the future is digital, underpinned by an impenetrable quantum server that scoffs at hacking attempts.

    This new age won’t only bring financial revolution but also an overhaul of our values and perspectives. With newfound wealth, people are more likely to aid their relatives, friends, and fellow citizens. They’re more likely to contribute to humanitarian efforts, creating a ripple of prosperity and benevolence.

    The time is now. Will you be ready to rise with the coming storm?

    The WAVE of Awakening and the HIGHER States of Consciousness continue to move All Across our Planet.

    This is what the Dark ones Feared the most - - that the Population would AWAKEN - - and NO longer need them.

    And their Biggest Fear is that NO one will want or need them any longer. That is the way it must be.

    For as the Population of this planet Awakens more and more - - it is doing so as a result of All these Waves of ENERGY that have been coming in–Wave after Wave - - after Wave.

    With each continuing WAVE BEcoming stronger and stronger.
    ///>>> >>> >>>///
    And those on the Planet BE-ing able to Raise their vibrations and receive these HIGHER Vibrational Frequencies coming in.

    And in so doing - - the Awakening is Happening NOW. The Ascension process is in Full Swing.

    And those of us - - the Lightworkers and Warriors - - We are the ones that are fully in the Ascension NOW - - in which we have heard as the first WAVE of Ascension is Already upon us.

    We have not ascended fully yet - - but are in that Process NOW.

    The Solar Flash - - the Great EVENT - - will only happen in the DIVINE TIMING that recognizes the Consciousness of this Planet that has risen enough to BE able to handle this ENERGY coming in.

    For if the ENERGY were to Happen NOW - - if the Solar Flash were to Happen NOW - - many across the planet would NOT Survive.

    Even those of us - - many of us would likely NOT Survive It.

    So it CANNOT Happen yet at this point.

    But because of the continuing Waves of ENERGY that have been coming in - - We are moving closer and closer to BE-ing able to Not only Withstand the Energies from the SOLAR FLASH - -

    but BE able to move Fully into our Ascension as a result of those Energies - - as HIGHER LIGHT BEings.

    We have heard that Atlantis and Lemuria will rise again. But it will rise again within each and every one of us.

    For us carry the Memories and the Remnants of those long ago in many ways forgotten Civilizations. But forgotten for NOT much longer.

    For they are indeed Arising again. And we - - each and every one of us that listen to these words and resonate to these words: we are those Lemurians come back again.

    BE able to utilize those tools that we had at that time. Just as many of we are BEcoming Aware of the Crystals again - - and the connection with the Consciousness within the Crystals.

    And how Crystals can Hold Consciousness and Hold Remembrances. All of that is Returning.

    Everything is exactly Happening in DIVINE TIMING and moving for the Full Resolution of the end of this old age of illusion and the Beginning of this NEW Sense of ONENESS.

    No matter what happens - - We continue to BE who We Are.

    And Everything will continue to take its course just as it is meant to. For WE All are in that DIVINE TIMING right NOW.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:38 am