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    Health Ranger - 6/28/24


    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Health Ranger - 6/28/24 Empty Health Ranger - 6/28/24

    Post  Carol Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:15 am

    Health Ranger

    Mike Adams: These lunatic Evangelical Zionists are trying to "accelerate" the #apocalypse because they think it will bring #Jesus back. Now, they want to sacrifice red heifers later this month in an occult ritual, then burn their dead bodies into ash and spread the ashes on their sacred temple site before building the third temple, all while pushing for an acceleration of End Times wars between "gog and magog" because they think God will save #Israel and Jesus will be summoned back to Earth. These lunatics literally believe that causing World War III is going to lead to their salvation, and they think they can control God's timetable by carrying out occult rituals. John Hagee's "Christians United for Israel" is the showcase of this apocalyptic lunacy. Hagee is traveling to DC to try to convince the U.S. to avoid any de-escalation and to fully support Israel's escalatory retaliation against #Iran. What will they do when, after burning red cows and building the temple, Jesus doesn't magically appear? Will they start sacrificing other animals? Will they sacrifice their own children? Will they set themselves on fire? I suppose anything is possible with a satanic death cult.

    Brighteon Broadcast News, Apr 15, 2024 - Middle East spiraling into larger war while END TIMES accelerationists cheer

    - Taxes, #AI, and geopolitical tensions. (0:03)
    - Iran's drone and missile attacks on #Israel, with analysis of their effectiveness and the cost of Israel's defense systems. (4:25)
    - Potential war between Israel and Iran, with focus on Iran's military capabilities and potential consequences for Israel. (15:37)
    - Israel-Iran conflict and potential US involvement. (21:53)
    - US-Russia relations, energy, and economics. (27:27)
    - US shoots itself in the knees, banning Russian #aluminum, #copper and zinc. (32:40)
    - Evangelical Christians supporting #Israel and their beliefs about End Times. (38:25)
    - Evangelical #Zionism as a cult and its dangerous beliefs. (46:53)

    Just astonishing how conservative media in America is outraged that pro-Palestine protesters are blocking traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge today, but not at all outraged about #Israel bombing hospitals, refugee camps, refugee routes, food aid workers, UN workers and residential apartment buildings across #Gaza. Apparently, if you're Breitbart or other zionist-funded propaganda outlets, stopping traffic in America is a crime against humanity, but stopping the beating hearts of 35,000+ Palestinian civilians is no crime at all. Disgusting.

    Even worse, Germany is now complicit in a second Holocaust by supporting #Israel and its #genocide against #Gaza and #Palestine. Three strikes. Germany's leaders are NEVER on the right side of history, and bizarrely, Germany's Chancellor now blames Russia for "turning off the gas" after the U.S. Navy bombed the Nord Stream pipelines in the greatest act of infrastructure terrorism ever carried out against Germany by one of its own allies. Will Germany ever learn?

    now try to claim that any criticism of their murderous campaign of civilian #genocide is "anti-Semitic." Both arguments are flatly disingenuous. A person can criticize Israel's genocide without harboring hatred toward all #Jews. A person can likewise denounce BLM's tactics of violence and Marxism without declaring eternal hatred toward all Blacks. It is dishonest to try to conflate criticism of one group's policies and actions with an entire ethnic representation. Personally, I harbor no hatred whatsoever toward Blacks, Whites, Jews, gays, Russians, Chinese, or any group. As you have already gleaned if you are wise, it is the globalist-controlled governments that carry out the genocide and try to divide people along these lines. On the ground, face to face, most people just want to get along, raise their children and not be bombed, silenced or enslaved by rogue governments. Beware of those so-called "influencers" or "journalists" who are pushing globalist narratives that try to claim racial supremacy. Like Ben Shapiro, for example.

    It is nothing short of astonishing that the UK's David Cameron blames #Iran for a "disproportionate" response to #Israel, claiming that launching 301 low-cost drones and missiles that did, according to US Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby, "very little actual damage," was a horrendous and unprovoked war crime against Israel. Yet this same David Cameron says absolutely nothing about Israel bombing to death 15,000+ Palestinian children, bombing hospitals, refugee camps, food aid workers and diplomatic property in Damascus. Israel has dropped more tonnage of bombs on Gaza than what the U.S. military dropped on Japan in World War II (it's not even close), and yet Cameron thinks that's all perfectly reasonable. Are these people truly so delusional and evil that they don't realize how insane they appear to the rest of the world? Iran's response was actually RESTRAINED. Iran even gave a 72-hour warning of its retaliation. Israel never gives warnings. It just bombs anything it wants (or assassinates anybody it wants) and then acts like it has the RIGHT to engage in such activities without recourse, while the UK and US provide cover.

    My topic for tomorrow's Brighteon Broadcast News: "Israel, Ukraine, Western Europe and the United States have already been defeated"
    A tipping point has been reached. Across seven key areas of civilization, including energy resources, industrial output, currency, education and others, western nations are "suicide cult" countries that are rapidly destroying themselves. It's already too late to halt the self-immolation of #Israel, #Ukraine, Western Europe and the United States. All these western nations will be, over the next several years, eclipsed by the new multi-polar industrial, technological, financial and military leaders of the world, whose innovations are already making (corrupt, lazy, apathetic, incompetent) western nations obsolete. The US #dollar, for example, having been weaponized by the United States, will be abandoned for world trade as BRICS nations launch their own settlement solutions very soon. Russia's military tech is 15 years ahead of the USA, and Iran just proved it has out-paced Israel's "Iron Dome" technology, which has now been shown to be an expensive failure that can't stop Iran's hypersonic missiles. #Germany is committing energy suicide, #France is run by a delusional warmongering death cult leader, and the UK is incessantly incompetent at everything (including its laughable military technology that almost never works). The USA, for its part, features Space Force and Navy admirals who are cross-dressing men wearing wigs, push-up bras and high-heels, lecturing the world on why using the right pronouns will help us "win wars." The West has become the laughing stock of the entire world.

    Pretty hilarious: In my latest podcast, I said #Germany is committing energy suicide by trying to appease "little Miss Greta Thunderpants." My Neo AI system actually figured out who I was talking about and translated it as: "The country now blames Russia instead of acknowledging its mistakes and continues to appease figures like Greta Thunberg." Lol. Pretty wild. We are releasing at least one new model this week, and you can download it for free at Brighteon.AI

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Health Ranger - 6/28/24 Empty Re: Health Ranger - 6/28/24

    Post  Carol Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:02 am

    Health Ranger

    Brighteon Broadcast News, June 27, 2024 – US Empire desperately trying to invoke Russian nuclear “Pearl Harbor” attack on America to set off WWIII

    - US-Western sanctions against China and Russia
    - Yemeni rebels' hypersonic missile capabilities and US Navy's limitations. (5:08)
    - US-Russia tensions in #Ukraine, potential for escalation. (9:52)
    - Potential Russian military actions and economic sanctions. (16:16)
    - AI language model for privacy and security, with demo. (25:48)
    - Why the Atlanticists want to provoke #Russia into a nuclear "Pearl Harbor". (59:10)
    - New high-security Linux laptop with pre-installed AI language model and privacy-focused de-Googled phones. (1:11:46)
    - Using AI to protect privacy and protect from harm caused by tech giants. (1:17:47)
    - Linux, Microsoft, and AI privacy concerns. (1:24:09)
    - Privacy-focused laptop features, including VPN, encrypted file sync, and open source Office-compatible apps. (2:08:10)
    - Using technology to enhance human freedom and decentralize power. (2:31:20)

    Mike Adams announces new Brighteon.AI downloadable Large Language Model (LLM) that produces stunning answers on herbal medicine, phytochemistry, survival skills and more

    Example prompt: Which chemical constituents are found in rosemary herb and what are their potential therapeutic uses?

    Neo-LLM answer: The chemical constituents of rosemary include carnosol, camphor, caffeic acid, camphene, carvacrol, carnosic acid, chlorogenic acid, citronellal, citronellol, cinnamic acid, cineole, 1,8-cineole, coumarin, eugenol, gamma-terpinene, geraniol, geranyl acetate, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, myrcene, nerol, neryl acetate, p-cymene, piperitone, rosmarinic acid, rosmaridiphenol, rosmenol, and terpineol. These compounds have been found to possess various therapeutic properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective effects. Rosemary has also shown potential in treating Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other neurological disorders. Additionally, it may help prevent cancer and improve memory function.

    Hakeem from Above Phone demos powerful new privacy-focused “ABOVE BOOK” notebook computer at Brighteon studios
    - Ships with our Neo LLM pre-installed!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:56 pm