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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  bobhardee Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:43 pm

    Sheldan Nidle 9-24-13… “Incredible events and shocking announcements are about to take place”

    5 Caban, 0 Tzotz, 10 Caban

    Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We come to share some reflections on what is happening on your world. The dark cabal’s debt-based economic system is truly ‘on the ropes’ and continues to induce a rate of debt formation that is quite astounding. In effect, it has reached a point where the weight of debt is beginning to gouge into the infrastructure of the system, threatening to rip it asunder, and it has become clear that the dark can no longer hold the center together. It sees the moment approaching when a new system must take over and recognizes that this signals the end of its time at the top. The global currency revaluation in many ways represents this turn of events and indeed, we consider the revaluation to be the ‘kick of the mule’ which is to jettison these haughty ones from power. We also know that a totally different type of economic system is waiting for just such a moment in order to come on line. Our allies are at the ready and are shortly to force the demise of the old, decrepit, wicked system, thus throwing open the gates to a reality filled with the glory of the Light and which will transform global consciousness.

    Heaven’s sure and steady hand has been guiding the multitude of changes which is driving your new reality into manifestation. Those who have long intended your harsh society to be replaced by a more Light-oriented one are jubilant about what is now to happen. We, too, are greatly looking forward to your present unwholesome regimes being terminated. As you know, the dark cabal was determined to make endless drudgery a permanent condition of life on Earth and has been pulling out all the stops to derail your rise in consciousness and all that the Light stands for. For so long you unwittingly participated in the dark’s deceitful scenarios, believing that there was no alternative and no end in sight. Now, all that is history. We were summoned here by the decrees of Heaven to move these hapless ones aside at the divine right time, and that magical moment has now arrived! Everywhere, the signs of transformation are evident for those who see clearly what is being written and expounded upon by your various economic pundits. The time is now!

    We are being emphatic today for a purpose because you need to know that we are committed to the truth and to action. The dark ones’ philosophy of trusting their ability to somehow muddle their way through every difficulty will not work this time. Forces dedicated to the cause of the Light have made sufficient progress to bring the illicit and ill-gotten house of cards down once and for all, and we are ready to assist when and where our help is asked for. All is ready to go and we are so proud of what our allies have accomplished. Your world is straining at the seams with multitudes of good deeds and natural events that are arranging the pieces so that they can burst into a florescence of freedom across the globe. Gaia is very happy that your growing consciousness is making it harder and harder for the dark to continue its cruel and illegal games with you. The accelerating levels of Light have summoned forth the required conditions for a legal, bloodless coup which is to gleefully eject these killjoys from power.

    We are celebrating what is about to happen. The dark cabal has always been confident in its ability to hoodwink you into accepting deleterious policies which lead to war and needless suffering. Now you are turning their dreams of permanent control into a nightmare, in which your growing rebellion signals the inevitability of their self-inflicted doomsday. Our allies have maneuvered the cabal out onto a ledge from which there is only one way down! The new governance is to bring an end to a long series of cover-ups which hid the truth from you about a variety of new, liberating technologies; about our benevolent existence; and the fact that Gaia is hollow and supports an advanced, 5-D society within her sacred living interior. Ultimately, full consciousness is our common goal. The aim is to return Gaia and indeed the entire solar system to their former pristine, higher-consciousness state. Once achieved, you are to complete what the ancient Lemurians nearly accomplished. Then you can turn your attention to the matter of ensuring a permanent galactic peace.

    Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to comment on what is happing to Gaia and to you. You are transitioning from limited to full consciousness. You are being prepared to move into the spiritual wonders which is full consciousness, by integrating your full spiritual essences and learning about who you really are. This blessed process is somewhat painful and opens you up to experiencing subtle intimations of what you are to be in the very near future. There is so much to learn and very little time in which to absorb it into your Being. To help you to complete this process, you will need some very special hands-on guidance. Our mission is to assist you by presenting information in large but very digestible chunks. We Ascended Masters have all had to do this over the course of several lifetimes, but you have only this one in which to become enlightened. We welcome you with open arms and fully intend to take you over the finish line!

    As Ascended Masters of surface humanity, Spirit has assigned us a most wondrous and grace-filled task. Each of you is a grand spiritual essence that was born into a reduced capacity of mind in which it is hard for you to grasp what we are trying to describe. Full consciousness is when the entirety of physicality and of Heaven merge into coherence within you. Then, each thought you have is reflective of this coherence, allowing you to be cognizant of and at one with the Creator and an amazing divine plan. You can then confidently use your abilities and talents to unfold physicality and to know the whys and wherefores of any event in your past, present, or future. This happens because these illusory linear-time constructs of the third dimension are now merged into the one eternal now moment of 5-D where they can easily be read. To realize this ability, and many, many others, you need to learn about the physics of physicality and Spirit.

    The attainment of this essential wisdom took us many lifetimes of very spiritually dedicated lives to accomplish. Now Heaven desires you to likewise integrate this wisdom, but you are to do it with a great deal of spiritual and physical assistance. This assistance will begin with the essential foundation of new governance and a great liberating prosperity for each one of you. It is time to be, to learn, and to accept many things: secrets hidden by the dark will be disclosed; great wealth will be shared; and branches of your human family, long denied easy access to you, will come to envelop you in a home-coming that is central to your achieving Heaven’s grand decree. You are enormously blessed because you represent a group of humans who are shortly to transform your entire solar system and indeed, the whole of this galaxy. You are destined to spread a great Light across the galaxy and to integrate it with what is now sweeping throughout this grand Universe!

    Today, we reviewed what is happening on your world. Incredible events and shocking announcements are about to take place. These will transform your world and permit you to become fully conscious Beings of Light. Ahead of you lies a new reality and most importantly, a new state of Being! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Aquaries1111 Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:12 pm

    Oh My, I didn't think Phase Shift had reflection to Galactic Federation Stardust Bob. This thread is much more potent than a "Beam me up Scotty - Phase me Please".  I think this thread is more about tuning in to the creativity within ourselves. It highlights a "Thrust to the Stars" with it's potent messages in song and in creativity. Wouldn't you agree?  Anyhow, I wonder if SiriArc and Brook will come back and keep this post alive with their creativity. I sure hope so. Don't you?

    Anyhow, so what can I add a here to this place?  Hmmm. Let me think. Let me think. I may have to come back and add some creative spread to the sandwich of this reality and see what Yummy goodness I can come up with without the influence of a Mind that is Alien!

    For now, hows about a song?


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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:40 pm


    many people talk a lot but say nothing of real importance! Not that the main conversation is overly active here much these days anyway! As it seems to me that none of our work was acknowledged or was the implication of said work. Oh well i guess that's why humanity us burning from the heat unable to achieve extra terrestrial contact! Welcome to the mists of avalon! Nice to see your doing ok since we spoke last. I have been a bit cranky and to be honest I really did not sleep all that well.

    We have discussed the shift several times and to be honest with you and the rest of avalon Merlin shared the prophecy and what did we get but double crossed to the point where the damage may never be undone! Who cares! I DO!!!

    SEE!!! No for real do you?

    Have any idea!!!

    Of what was lost???




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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Aquaries1111 Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:12 pm

    Terry wilds her ness t sent by the bird from her beak

    Did she fly the East for me to serve my needs from within her bee k?

    Could she hum as loud as the frog that sits in lilly time of sweet ness divine?

    Fat and happy waiting for the Spring to orgasm in sweet sublime

    Blooming time waits for no-one as it becomes another season within his bosom

    Did you suckle the sweetness of time, that arrived just in time?

    Where was thee?

    Did we see the blazing glory of the fireflies flying to catch some?

    Did you see

    The booming fjord a gush in the last resort

    Energies clashed together in mixings of the beautiful b j orn

    Born again and again B jorn eye ing again.

    Will you come with me to see.

    Will you play with me. Will you dance with me.

    Will you?


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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:14 pm

    The Seven Sacred Bodies of Humanity

    1. Physical
    2. Astral
    3. Mental
    4. Causal
    5. Buddhic
    6. Atmic
    7. Monadic

    1. The Physical Body
    The physical body forms the bedrock of incarnation. On the physical plane, the collective memory of humanity is stored in our DNA.  The ultimate goal of human evolution is to merge the physical body completely with the monadic body, thus allowing the former to be assimilated back into its true essence.  This corresponds to the 9th Initiation known as  the  “glorification”.  The physical body has a subtle twin counterpart  known as the “etheric” body, around which the science of true health is built.  Over time, the physical body more closely reflects the state of your astral body and its emotions.

    2. The Astral Body
    The astral body is the layer of the human aura that collects, stores and transmits all human emotion and desire, from the meanest to the loftiest.  In the astral body, pleasure and fear are reflected as vibrational frequencies which effectively divide the astral plane into “hell” and “heaven” realms.  The astral body is most active during sleep when it processes our daily urges through the dream life.  As the next layer to the physical and etheric  body, the astral body also has a huge effect on our health. After death, the astral body is directly confronted with the true nature of every single emotional impulse you had whilst alive in the physical body.

    3. The Mental Body
    The mental body exists at a higher frequency than your emotions and is constructed from your thinking life.  The mental body is greatly influenced by the unfulfilled desires of the astral body.  As our thinking turns to higher impulses, the mental body gradually disentangles itself from the astral body and takes on greater power.  The mental body can also be used by lower consciousness to repress the natural impulses of the astral body; which can also lead to health problems at all levels.

    4. The Causal Body
    Sometimes dubbed the “soul”, the causal body directly corresponds to the physical body but at a higher level.  It stores the collect4ed goodwill of the human soul as a memory signature written in light.  This finely tuned vehicle forms the storage hub for all the high frequency thoughts, words and deeds that we have initiated during our many journeys in incarnation. After death, the lower three bodies disintegrate and only that which is refined and pure is drawn up and retained in the causal body.  The causal body responds to higher visions and archetypes that lie beyond language but that can still be conveyed through direct transmission to the lower three planes.  As our causal body develops more lucidity, the higher bodies can use it as a means of directing higher and higher frequencies to the lower three bodies.  In this respect, the causal body is the bridge between the lower and higher planes.

    5. The Buddhic Body
    The Buddhic Body is the higher octave of the astral body.  As such it reveals the pure Truth that humanity and all earth planes  are in fact one single organism.  Once your awareness is fully anchored in the buddhic body, the causal body dissolves and reincarnation in the normal sense is no longer necessary.  It is through the buddhic body that human beings have access to the field of universal love and the higher ecstasies associated with enlightenment.  It represents the third feminine realm of the Holy Trinity – that of Divine Activity.

    6. The Atmic Body
    As the higher octave to the mental body, the atmic  body allows human beings access to the higher evolutions outside the process of physical incarnation.  Whilst the  buddhic body retains its connection to humanity through its compassion, the atmic body brings awareness into the cosmic field of Christ consciousness, directly merging your awareness with Divine Mind and Heart, the second aspect of the Holy Trinity.  It is through the atmic body that the greater avatar streams enter the world.  It is also the realm of Siddhis- the many miraculous manifestions of the Divine.

    7. The Monadic Body
    Hardly a body in our normal sense of the word, the monad is the unbridled primary essence of Divine consciousness itself.  It enters the world of the form through the causal body, which is the veil it takes on in order to enter the lower worlds and corresponds to the first aspect of the Holy Trinity – Divine Will.  The monadic body is present within every single atom on all planes right down to the physical plane.  However, until awareness has rises to the atmic body, the monadic cannot be fully expressed.  When it does express, it condenses the atmic body and all the others along with it, revealing true Divine essence as consciousness understanding.  At this stage, each of the lower three bodies, physical, astral and mental are absorbed into their high frequency counterparts the causal, buddhic and atmic, thus revealing the true mystical nature of the trinity as three in one.

    The 23rd Shadow

    The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once said “You cannot think something unless you can talk about it”. What he was suggesting is that thinking and language appear to be inseparable.

    The 23rd Gift – Simplicity
    The Noblest Truth

    One of the hardest things for most modern human beings is to live simply.  Sometimes simplicity is even considered synonymous with stupidity.  Actually, the lower the frequency of your genetics, the more complicated you will tend to make things.  The reason for this is the mind.  The mind does not trust simplicity because it thrives on complexity.  The more complicated something is, the more the mind can think about it.  So, when we come to this 23rd Gift, we are learning one of the great secrets of a happy life – keep it simple.

    Simplicity is a state of being – an attitude towards life – and as such it cannot really be taught. If you love simplicity, you will manifest it around you.

    The beautiful simplicity of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path – the wisdom left by the Buddha – reflects the secret of the Codon Ring known as the Ring of Life and Death. The Buddha discovered that all truth lies in the awareness of the present moment.   Enlightenment comes only through this deep immersion in the core acceptance of life and death.  You alone are the architect of your evolution.

    Your DNA is a wormhole. It contains a code that, when activated, opens up to the core of the holographic universe.  As such, the DNA molecule is really a transducer of light.  The more open the wormhole is, the more light pours through it.  Like a torus, it both draws light towards itself and emanated it outward.  Eventually, so much light will radiate through you that the wormhole itself collapses. The resulting supernova reveals to you your true universal nature as one with all creation.

    PhaseShift - Page 22 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTFxufBB19x29PFL3UrMciIJ4X_OECWf0CHhMK1IAxD_mnXITqJtg

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  bobhardee Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:52 pm

    [quote="Aquaries1111"]Oh My, I didn't think Phase Shift had reflection to Galactic Federation Stardust Bob. This thread is much more potent than a "Beam me up Scotty - Phase me Please".  I think this thread is more about tuning in to the creativity within ourselves. It highlights a "Thrust to the Stars" with it's potent messages in song and in creativity. Wouldn't you agree?  Anyhow, I wonder if SiriArc and Brook will come back and keep this post alive with their creativity. I sure hope so. Don't you?

    Anyhow, so what can I add a here to this place?  Hmmm. Let me think. Let me think. I may have to come back and add some creative spread to the sandwich of this reality and see what Yummy goodness I can come up with without the influence of a Mind that is Alien!

    For now, hows about a song?

    I'm sorry but I wasn't sure exactly where to put it and this seemed like it might work but obviously not. I think that Sheldon is putting out some very interesting information. However, it doesn't work for anything under News and etc. Because it is not news but it is somewhat news worthy. If there is a next time for one of his posts, (which all have run similar to this one) where would you put it?

    Yes is the answer to your question, it would be nice to see Brook and SirArc back on board. Both are very creative and Brook very intelligent.

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  lindabaker Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:28 pm

    Hallo, Bobhardee,

    Just to let you know I'm reading this section, as always waiting for Brook and SiriArc to be creative;

    Sheldon Nidle rings very true, and I've seen the text for years and years now.

    Where do you find his works? videos?



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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  bobhardee Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:59 pm

    There is a person who has been traveling across America clearing/cleansing energies as he goes and he will post this on his blog. His name is Kauilapele's and he is from one of the big islands in Hawaii. He is being spirit lead to do these clearing/cleansing. He will post Sheldon Nidle from time to time as one of his trusted sources for "Proofness".
    Kauilapele's Blog <>;
    Bob H.

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Aquaries1111 Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:45 am

    The hole in the well is deep

    Is there a bottom to this top

    Did you hear it drop

    The ching I ching in my chingling dime

    What if we were to grant the well a wish

    Would it wish as well

    Can you hear it

    The echo back to you


    “Ell ho”

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  bobhardee Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:51 am

    It occurs to me that if change is truly going to happen and it is happening and we want to help direct that change we need to encourage the following. Find computer hackers and encourage them to break into the rich of the world and put that money into homeless agencies and Salvation Army, Red and Crescent Cross and etc. etc etc etc

    Robin Hood Robin Hood
    Riding through the glenn
    Robin Hood Robin Hood
    with his band of (people)men
    Steal from the rich
    Give to the poor..........

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty DD from the FE

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:23 pm



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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:35 am

    PhaseShift - Page 22 The_dream_by_Spyrre

    "The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities."

    ~ James Allen

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Sanicle Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:58 am

    Oh yes, just as the quantum physicists are finally realizing, proving what those who surf the inner world flows and pass on to us have known for millennia.  It's as though the analytical world mind is finally catching up with the heart world mind, enabling transition to become so much more mainstream.   cheers

    I don't think the physicists have come across that angel yet though and so still can't figure out what it is they're missing.  Wink 

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:27 am

    Very well said Sanicle. Spot on as always.


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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:35 am

    PhaseShift - Page 22 390902_233446673392919_179181975486056_570159_2042084282_n

    The Divine Plan

    There is a divine plan set in motion that will eliminate evil and suffering from the world and allow humanity to transcend to a greater level of being. The plan is simple - humanity will wake up to finally understand that they create their own reality and will choose to understand the mechanics of creation, which is mind and energy mastery.

    It may not be what we wanted to hear, choosing to become a conscious creator is never an easy task for it implies responsibility, effort, dedication and tenacity. Qualities that are inherent in all of mankind but have long been ignored in favor of 'feel good stories' we have been told about gods, saviours, extraterrestrials, etc...

    We have tried pretty much every single externalization of our own responsibilities and history has shown that it has never, ever yielded any fruit. I have much hope and faith though, that things can turn around, for I now see many that have ceased externalizing their ascension and have embraced the qualities that will bring about real change.

    Responsibility, effort, dedication, tenacity... Sure it's not an easy path but embracing these qualities leads to steady and constant growth, consistent improvement that we can completely count on and never be let down. Let us be the change we wish to see, lead by example and trust in the snowball effect. The more that see, the more that do, that's how it works.

    Let us make the choice now that we will shut out the 'feel good stories' in favor of mastering the mechanics of creation. With a little effort anybody can re connect to the light realms and enjoy multidimensional freedom while we continue to apply the greater effort to obtain full mastery of the physical reality.

    Michael Monk

    Love from me

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Brook Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:58 am

    Mastering the mechanics of creation

    Number one:

    We are not Separate

    Number two

    Hunting the hidden dimension

    Ticking Clocks/Time


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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Sheldon Nidle and the Planetary Activation Organisation.... comparing notes...

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:48 pm

    Thank you all for the updates on earth changes, very informative and also...... quite exciting!

    lindabaker wrote:Hallo, Bobhardee,

    Just to let you know I'm reading this section, as always waiting for Brook and SiriArc to be creative;

    Sheldon Nidle rings very true, and I've seen the text for years and years now.

    Where do you find his works? videos?



    Sheldan Nidle created the Planetary Activation Organisation and the website is
    I've followed his channelings for a while, Sheldon is a very kind and uplifting person to me, almost like a child.
    The channeled information on entering the 5th dimension was presented as a prophecy that would occur in 2012.

    If I'm right, to the Galactic Federation all time before that famous date, or after... is just one moment.
    Hence... the difficulty of channeling communications by beings that always ARE IN THE NOW
    and trying to attach a date to the information that is given.

    This is one of the reasons why sometimes teachers/messengers don't choose to go into channeling info.
    Nor spiritual schools... for that matter. Channeling can occur for a person on Earth, without being welcomed
    by his/her being, as valuable for that persons path in life. Sometimes, the ability to channel is a result of someone's
    consciousness being "cracked" open, due to a traumatic incident.

    There are many ways to find help and support, for a human being in a physical body, while in terror.
    But alas...... this is a totally different subject, which I studied in my schooling for the conscious use of the energy system.
    I could present a thread on its own on this subject, for those of you who are interested in it.

    Sheldons descriptions of our descending in the inner planes of Earth, the transition to the 5th dimension are interesting.
    So are the images presented of the inner realms in planet Earth.
    After a while I noticed that many details of this information are similar to the ones given by Drunvalo Melchizedek,
    by his memory of past lives, on the way we enter the 5th dimension. Only different in the way they will manifest.

    In post 22 of the thread "Pole shift and Earthchanges Maps" I've offered a link to Drunvalo's explanation of a pole shift
    and the entrance into the 5th dimension. It's not presented by him, or me, as facts, just possibilities, because life, like the planets,
    is evolving in a spiraling motion, never returning in the same tracks. Imagine, how boring life would be, when we repeat the same stories...
    again and again.. isn't it? Just see for yourself, if there's value in it for you, okay?

    By comparing notes, so to speak, I always try to find my own puzzle, if you know what I mean, speaking from my mind
    that I like to own as my own. Eagle 

    I always remind myself to the comforting truth of having lived through many earthchanges, trusting my instincts,
    creativity and heart connection. Old souls never die...  Wink just kidding with the old tune for soldiers.
    All souls are eternal (of course) and according to Drunvalo, all souls will arrive in their destiny, only some will be delayed.
    If there are newly born souls in a physical body here in the mists, you might be able to report pole shift experiences
    on your home planet, somewhere in the Universe?

     sunny B.B.Baghor

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:48 pm

    Enough about Sheldon Nilde's Mind Control. Let's see what this "Dream" really is all about shall we. Knowing me, knowing you!


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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  lindabaker Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:20 pm

    Bbbaghor: "But alas...... this is a totally different subject, which I studied in my schooling for the conscious use of the energy system.
    I could present a thread on its own on this subject, for those of you who are interested in it."

    Ok, bbbaghor, I would be interested. What would be the title of the thread, and what do you intend to do with it? Or, perhaps better put, where do you plan to go with it.?

    Thank you.

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    PhaseShift - Page 22 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:23 pm

    lindabaker wrote:Bbbaghor: "But alas...... this is a totally different subject, which I studied in my schooling for the conscious use of the energy system.
    I could present a thread on its own on this subject, for those of you who are interested in it."

    Ok, bbbaghor, I would be interested. What would be the title of the thread, and what do you intend to do with it? Or, perhaps better put, where do you plan to go with it.?

    Thank you.

    PhaseShift - Page 22 Engel10
    First time, my creation of an angel!

    Thank you, Lindabaker, for showing an interest in my idea for a thread. I would be happy to create one when more members here show an interest in it.
    I won't present myself as a teacher or professional, I intend to present knowledge and let you decide what to do with it. To this person, certain information is resonating instantly and to that person it sinks in after years. For me, from July onwards will be convenient, as I'm until June in a heavily intense 3D training now...  ahem. I'm often dwelling in the umpth D realms  Wink 

    That training (self employed caretaker) is a game, which I have to play according rules that are bringing out the worst in me, unless I pay attention.
    The dark humor is in here: my rebellious nature is now revealing to me what's hiding behind it. I've always created my own worlds (including 2 businesses) on my own, shielding them off for fear of those beautiful creations being taken from me. How about boundary issues... huhhh?
    Oh... suddenly I realise why I was so angry about the way I felt "MY" thread of The Original Fantasia movie was trampled on.... ouch!!!
    Wow, that's clarifying much!

    Just this afternoon I continued reading Sanicle's beautiful thread on the Elemental world, finding a post by Brook on the 7th page, with a You Tubby by a teacher of a spiritual school in London (this school might be the Arthur Findlay College). This woman is talking about the use of the energy system.... specially grounding and discerning private and foreign energies. My schooling in Holland is based on the work and method of Amy Wallace.
    She founded a school in California and teachers have spread out from there.

    And so..... in 1978 the first Centre for Intuitive Development started in Utrecht, where I live now. The work of Amy Wallace is presented in books, some of them on In my home I have the book "Psychic healing" by Amy Wallace and Bill Henkins. On Scribd, there's an interesting book, called "Sorcerer's apprentice" with her story about meeting with Carlos Castaneda.

    In 1981, I received my first aura-reading and soon after, I became an apprentice at that Centre, in healing classes, learning to become aware of my energy system. In my clumsy owl style I have journeyed some distance from my early and very religious youth conviction: as a kid I truly believed we had to arrive at God's throne, glorifying HIM in Hallelujah songs as soon as possible, walking on clouds in white flowing robes Spiritual 

    At the start of 2013 I have completed an aura-reading course and it's true as truth can be.... that in spiritual matters, all is in process and motion.
    There's no end to consciousness. Like the valuable remark of Mudra on finding truth and proof... delving deep... there's no bottom, aiming high... there's no ceiling. As I experience in this: the more you know, the more questions arise too. Which isn't so bad for my questioning mind  Big Grin 3 

    In my NOW, after much stamping and howling.... I experience the grounding and spiritual connection as both sides of one hand. I've been munching on an idea to create a thread about the senses, starting with an mp3 reading of Alice in Wonderland in the sound of my voice. I even could read that book by Amy Wallace and post it that way. There's lots of excersizes in it that are presented in a very down to earth way.
    In a sense.... pun intended... to me, the energy system and the senses are entwined, as we can only relate to the outside world through them and by using them. At least as far as I know about this from my own experience. Who knows what surprises our DNA will present to us, while awakening from a dark dream?

     sunny B.B.Baghor


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    Age : 70

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    Post  Brook Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:41 am


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    Post  Jenetta Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:35 am

    "Dark thing bursting forth with the power of ten billion butterfly sneezes" my favourite line.


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    Post  Sanicle Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:43 am

    B. B. Baghor wrote: I've been munching on an idea to create a thread about the senses, starting with an mp3 reading of Alice in Wonderland in the sound of my voice. I even could read that book by Amy Wallace and post it that way. There's lots of excersizes in it that are presented in a very down to earth way.

    OK, you've got me intrigued BB. I really can't figure out how you reading a story most of us probably know is going to teach us about our senses (?) or is the knowledge in relation to something else? How do you envision this what effect....if I may ask?  I love you 

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 70

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    Post  Brook Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:59 am

    Jenetta wrote:"Dark thing bursting forth with the power of ten billion butterfly sneezes" my favourite line.

    For you Jenetta   Spiritual 


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    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:50 pm

    Sanicle wrote:
    B. B. Baghor wrote: I've been munching on an idea to create a thread about the senses, starting with an mp3 reading of Alice in Wonderland in the sound of my voice. I even could read that book by Amy Wallace and post it that way. There's lots of excersizes in it that are presented in a very down to earth way.

    OK, you've got me intrigued BB.  I really can't figure out how you reading a story most of us probably know is going to teach us about our senses (?) or is the knowledge in relation to something else?  How do you envision this what effect....if I may ask?   I love you 

    Hey hey howdy d..howdyoudo? I think it's good medicine to be not serious in this, for me.

    Very good question, Sanicle, in fact you're helping me in this way, by questioning, to find out how to go about it  lol! And that's what I like very very much, see? I have no plan ready yet. To teach isn't exactly my first thought, Sanicle. It's( my favorite) merging of the virtual world with (my) physicality, by means of including the senses, that I think of, when I ponder on the creation of a thread of that nature.

    By reading and sharing a story, your listening to it is one way of using a sense: hearing.... ears!
    It's meant as a playful try out and entertainment.... or any experience you favor to get from it.
    Some senses will be a challenge, regarding the possibility of actual experience. Like touch.

    But who knows, what creative broombroombrainwave this sorcerer's apprentice will come up with, huhhh? I like to feel as a child in wonder and see what will come of this plan: a thread for the senses.

    Does this makes sense?I've been such a sensible person and now I need a dose of madness. In a sense... this could be senseless to some of you, but even if it's not making sense in the process, that on its own will have been valuable enough to me. Which proves to some of you that I can't make sense of anything, or they of my antics in this.
    I'm having a field day today, initially with nettles and finally.... with forest violets.
    Does this make sense?

     Hugs   flower   Hugs  flower  Hugs   flower  Hugs   flower   Hugs   flower  Hugs   

    How does that feel?

     sunny B.B.Baghor

      Current date/time is Wed May 08, 2024 6:03 pm