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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  SiriArc Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:39 am

    PhaseShift - Page 12 W7hchu

    Note the Context of this Thread:

    It‘s not about naiveté .......


    The Parasitic Factor:

    Life feeding on Life - Awareness feeding on Awareness. And to the degree that it exists, The ALL, of this Set, has Cancer.

    This is a set-up Doomed to Failure.

    What works is Symbiosis and Empathy (Which is the Natural Realm of "loosh").

    Duality and predation (and validation of pain and suffering) are the water in this fish tank - It’s what we “know" as interpreted by the “mind" parasite which seems like “self".

    It‘s About:

    In This Life, This Current State Of Awareness,

    YOU Decide:

    Is The Universe At Large:

    malevolent and parasitic


    Beneficent And Symbiotic

    The Choice From This Zone:

    The Pleroma IS(IS): Beneficent And Symbiotic And Innocent,

    Able To Explore With Abandon,

    The HoloDeck Of Experience .......


    The Deep Journeys Of ReDiscovery Show:

    So Much More


    this limited, manipulated, distorted, lunasite zone

    PhaseShift - Page 12 Livinglibrary

    was raided by mindless parasites

    nothing destroyed,

    but the contents jumbled and hidden .......

    A Plan Devised

    A Trap Laid:

    Exterminators And Synergizers Sent IN

    Total Healing

    Return To Innocence

    Return To The Truth Of Who YOU Really Are

    ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ AVX, “The Old MUST Be Made New. ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^

    The ReTURN Will Be Made New.

    As SophisiTicated-Innocence.

    Don't Expect The ImPossible.

    [highlight]BeCome The ImPossible.[/highlight]

    The Two-Dualed-Into-One.”

    The Shattered Self

    Those Aspects Of Soul that have given up hope or even died.......

    Somewhere, Somewhen An Elixir, So Potent And Rare, Was Prepared

    Then: Carried To All Levels And To ALL

    The Blue Liquid Was Given.......

    Deep, Healing Sleep And Dreaming

    They Enter The Chamber And Gently Swaddle The Sleeper They Hold So Dear

    Then, To A Clearing In A Beautiful Forest Of High Magic

    The Sleeper Is Laid Upon A Stone Alter

    Dawn Is Approaching

    And As The Light Grows

    The Swaddling Veil Begins To Dissolve.......

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:30 pm

    A New Spiritual Orientation

    Evolution is a new spiritual orientation. Most of us with a Western education are familiar with the idea of cosmic evolution—we're aware that the cosmos is in a process of ever-greater complexification and that we are part of that evolving process. We're aware of biological evolution and accept the scientific evidence about how life has evolved. And some of us are even aware of the notion of cultural evolution, the recognition that culture has been developing over time through a series of stages. But very few of us are really awake to the notion of spiritual evolution. Seeing evolution as a spiritual unfolding that has an exterior and an interior, and understanding that our own experience of subjectivity is the leading edge of the interior of that creative process, is a very recently emerging idea. Traditionally, spiritual teachings pointed to a static attainment. The aspiration for enlightenment was the aspiration to come to rest in a steady state—in nirvana, in heaven. But when spirituality is reinterpreted from an evolutionary perspective, it is the aspiration for infinite becoming. The evolutionary impulse is an infinite reaching towards the future that affects the way we think about everything. Now we are no longer looking for spiritual liberation and release beyond the world, or after we die. We realize that the spiritual release is found in unconditionally, radically, and totally embracing the creative process of infinite becoming, as ourselves. It's a very different orientation to spiritual liberation.

    ~ Andrew Cohen

    Love Always

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty StarWave

    Post  SiriArc Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:06 am

    PhaseShift - Page 12 55m7fd

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:05 pm

    PhaseShift - Page 12 4146960930_e2c2393072_thumb

    Thank You Siri

    The Karen

    Love for You

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty StuToYou

    Post  SiriArc Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:35 am

    Washing up in Today’s Surf

    Another Blast O’ D Past

    Stu Wilde (Last “seen” @ ning thing)

    From A Long N R Thread





    This isn’t about a reprise of Stu, just a couple o’ snips from

    Relative To The Context Of This Thread:

    “The codes look like a grid or net of information/light that is set in many exquisite geometric patterns. Doing that it overrides the black codes one acquires from the negative waves of others and walking about in the street.”

    “(Author Khris Krepcik has also written out an important part of the new theology that deals with the fractal codes and the tubes the codes run down—it is too complex to discuss here, save to say the codes are information expressed as geometric patterns/formulas that flow down clear tubes, one can see the codes as they travel into our dimension).”

    PhaseShift - Page 12 141mavs

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Purple Mist

    Post  SiriArc Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:08 am

    PhaseShift - Page 12 2vcgjtz

    Purple haze all in my brain
    Lately things just don't seem the same
    Actin' funny, but I don't know why
    'Scuse me while I kiss the sky

    Purple haze all around
    Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
    Am I happy or in misery?
    Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me

    Help me help me
    Oh no no... no

    Purple haze all in my eyes
    Don't know if it's day or night
    You've got me blowin, blowin my mind
    Is it tomorrow or just the end of time?

    No, help me aw yeah! oh no no oh help me...

    Is It Tomorrow

    Or Just The End Of Time?

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Sanicle Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:48 am

    I'm a little worried about you SiriArc. That doesn't sound like you at all. Hugs for you. Hugs

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:14 am

    SiriArc wrote:

    Is It Tomorrow

    Or Just The End Of Time?

    PhaseShift - Page 12 Third-eye-chakra-300x300

    It's the End Of Time my friend.
    As the purple eye opens from one world to another
    what seems to be without is truly Within .

    Love for You Siri


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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty WeavingHaze INTO Phaze

    Post  SiriArc Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:43 am

    Snips From

    Concept: Synergy

    The Lazaris Material Eflier August, 2011

    The sacred cave is dark; the air is soft, but thick. Silhouetted in the dark, an old woman sits. As your eyes adjust, you see she is weaving. She is weaving the most beautiful garment in all the world. You watch. She weaves. From time to time she picks up one tiny seed after another, glowing seeds, and weaves then into the most beautiful garment in all the world. You watch. She weaves. The fabric glows. It glistens. In time the Weaver Woman looks up at you. Her eyes are piercing, penetrating, loving. You gasp with delight, and you realize your life, your magic, your world ... all is about to change.

    Igniting the Bonfires of Hope. The Embers of Hope are transcendent energies and forces that, like luminous threads, can be subtly woven throughout our magic, lifting our magic to become astounding magic, transcendent magic, rich with elegance and profound with miracles. The possibilities are immense. The potentials are endless. New creations can abound, and the changes in us and in our world can be monumental.

    We will then gather these subtle luminous threads, and we will carry them to the Weaver Woman to work yet another ritual: Weaving the Tapestry of Hope. With this mystical tapestry, we can lift the bounty of our hopes to loftier levels. Culling and condensing the raw energies within the Tapestry of Hope, we will have the substance and the light to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and to lift it beyond — beyond the current reach of our imagination. Within the beauty and whispers of hope, we can touch something special, something more, something beyond. Magic can happen. It can happen for us; it can happen for the world.

    There are worlds out there ... whole universes ... vaster and mightier than your own. There are energies and forces out there ... more majestic and magnificent than your own.

    They stand, quiet in the breathless hush of beauty. They stand, still in reverie, as they gaze upon the Mystical Mill nestled there in the sacred place just beyond the hush. Their journey, about to end with a few more steps, will become the new foundation from which they will leap. They have traveled long and far, and they now stand ready. Steeped in their ancestral traditions and magical rites and rituals, in this moment they see what others would not, what most wouldn't dare see. In this moment they begin a grand working of magic to activate the Global Matrix of Magic.

    With a few steps, the stillness will be broken; with a few steps, the current and future worlds of these magicians will change. Few will ever know of this moment; many will benefit from it.

    Many among us already work some of our magic upon the Mystic Mills that are linked to the Living Matrix of Magics. Others of us don't yet know the power of such work.

    Delving into the Mystics of the Mill. We can remember, reawaken, and reunite with our ancient traditions. The dimensions of our current magic and its workings can dynamically expand to embrace new potentials and opportunities yielding greater accomplishments and achievements and creating greater happiness and joy. It can be amazing. Astounding.

    Standing taller and together, we will join Lazaris and our Unseen Friends in an ancient ritual, an ancient rite: The Exaltation: Turning the Arbor of Love.

    Each of us can change, and our new journey can be underway. We are magicians. As Lazaris reminds us, this is the dawning of our day.

    Spirit searches. Soul waits. When they touch magic happens. When they embrace miracles unfold.

    Leap the bounds of your imagination. Cloaked in the bounty of hope, enter the private realms of a touch, of an embrace. Tethered by the wonder of hope, surrender to the magic once lost and now found. Discover. Be new. Be more.

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Sanicle Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:59 am

    ^^^^Absolutely beautiful words. Thank you^^^^

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  giovonni Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:26 am

    Sanicle wrote:
    ^^^^Absolutely beautiful words. Thank you^^^^

    From SirArc
    "With a few steps, the stillness will be broken; with a few steps, the current and future worlds of these magicians will change. Few will ever know of this moment; many will benefit from it."


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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty CelestialMindForce

    Post  SiriArc Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:27 am

    Yar Thar

    The Surf Doth Yield:

    PhaseShift - Page 12 83-29


    "I learned about Dale Pond when I started a thread on another forum about Marko Rodin’s work. To show that other people were saying things similar to what Rodin was saying, someone posted a google video of a Dale Pond presentation about the work of John Keely."

    "Now I’ve just finished viewing a DVD of Dale Pond giving a presentation at the 2011 Tesla Tech conference. I am struck by what he said about mind force. And putting Dale Pond’s presentation together with that of Ralph Ring - - wow -
    I’m seeing that studying free energy is a study in spirituality.

    Pond stated in his presentation that we want to develop usable power by transforming non-observable, non-motion scalar or mind potential into observable and practical kinetic motion. He said that scalar energy is potential only, and that there is a celestial mind force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of which everything is composed, and that this celestial mind force is beyond the physical.

    He said that Keely would draw a symbol on a wall and a motor would start.

    He also said that to transform the one potential into usable kinetic energy it must be differentiated into observable polar forces, which are tri-polar, not bi-polar, a rhythmic balanced interchange which is observable and usable. This corresponds to what I hear Marko Rodin say about yin and yang: the S curve of the yin-yang symbol is a third part and is tantamount to God."

    Parsed From A Bunch O' Verbage:

    Beyond the Singularity: This is the End of What World?


    What if world mastery is simply a matter of accumulating the power of consciousness through growing the singularity into an infinitesimal but super-massive density of supernal light in the center of one's own brain? What if the pineal gland, the eye of Horus, is specifically designed to transduce that primordial power into psychotechnological mastery of mind over matter? That is the wager of every esoteric tradition. Have you carried out the experiment to its end point? Or have you been seduced into egoic idiocy, enslavement to the sensual mirage, serving fantasies of sexual satisfaction, or the vain glory of social prestige, the masturbatory jouissance of mere philosophy, or the false security of interpersonal attachment, all covering over the terror of life? These two polarizations of our potential are now reaching their most extreme manifestations. Are you the ego resisting the freefall into the singularity -- or are you that singularity itself? Or the dance the two are dancing? Tat tuam asi: thou art That. Nonduality appears as duality, multiplicity, world without end. But nonduality also appears as the Nothing, the Void, kenosis/theosis, Shunyata. The Emptiness is the Fullness, pleroma, purna, the Mother Light pregnant with all that is and ever will be.

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty NexusNode

    Post  SiriArc Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:19 am


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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Sanicle Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:18 am

    Thanks for posting that link SiriArc. It actually backed up a decision I came to myself last night ie the need to generate the heart energies as often as possible through the day to override the negativity that's growing around us now, and that it works best by focusing there on what makes us happy and grateful. It's great that the Hathors add specific meditations to further our path in that direction also.

    I'd just like to add, in case it helps someone else reading, that I realized the quickest and most effective way to generate these loving energies of gratitude and joy for me are by thinking about the simple things in life...... baby animals, the sight and smell of beautiful flowers, sunrises and sunsets, a beautiful scene, etc. Two further realizations came out of that.

    One was that the ability to take so much pleasure in those simple things is the complete opposite of those who are into the 'lower' energies of power, inflicting pain, sex, money, etc. The beings who are into those things have to work so much harder to achieve their version of pleasure than we do lol, and I actually felt sorry for them, making it possible to feel compassion for them also.

    The other thing of course was that it's Nature....Gaia......the Nature Spirits and Elementals that work to provide and nurture those things that give so many of us such great joy and pleasure in this reality, which once again brings home how IMPORTANT it is for humanity to appreciate them and find a way to work with them for all our sakes. We so take them for granted. (I got the impression that the Hathors see it the same way also.)

    Also, I'd just like to share a few tricks I've learned that I've also found help bring one into a better, more positive alignment. One is to relax one's face muscles, particularly across the forehead. The worrying stops immediately one does this and it also helps to go to sleep, especially when combined with breathing through the left nostril. The other 'trick' is to move all of one's energy out of the face and body into the top of the head. If you can combine it with opening the heart chakra as well, instant peace.

    Love and hugs to all. The Karen

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:36 pm

    Hi SiriArc

    Thank you for adding the reference to "The Emergence of Multiple Chaotic Nodes - A Hathor Planetary Message"

    i would have missed this otherwise and suggest that all read this important information to help guide us all through this most amazing time upon planet earth!

    I would like to quote some of the article but its so well written that I'm just going to go read it for a second time.


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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty EmpathDreamerShaman

    Post  SiriArc Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:34 am


    “My partner makes fun and he makes a joke. He talks to the rug. He talks to the ceiling. [This is a reference to Lee, telling the audience earlier about his dialogue with a new hotel room almost every other day. He talks to the elements in the rooms]. Well, I'll tell you, the elements in here are talking to you right now. All of the things that you think are static and without life-force are part of the bigger picture. It may shock and surprise you to know that they are all in support of you. The trees that went into making the pieces and the parts of the wood here still have their interdimensional life-force. The fibers - even those pieces of what you would call inanimate metal - have a life-force. The air you breathe has interdimensional life within it, and all of these know the master who is inside you.”


    WE've all heard rumors about what a Powerful Technique Gratitude can be.......

    But by golly, ya sure can't fake it !!!

    That's why some time back, it became pretty amazing when
    Genuine, Heart Felt Gratitude started bubbling up, Spontaneously, of IT's Own Accord !!!

    And it started to apply to almost Everything - Specifically, The Essence of those things.

    That's why it was such a grin to read about what Lee was doing (noted in #16) because Exactly the same things have been happening this zone !!!
    ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~

    A large attitude shift started a number of years ago after reading, 'Kinship With All Life'.......

    And NOW, IT's Spreading


    Must be the Noocytes of LOVE

    Bringing US Home To OURSELVES.......

    See Also


    Mesotes - Matrix of Animal Powers

    The Gnostic Christos and the Interspecies Bond

    PhaseShift - Page 12 SiriusPhaseShift - Page 12 Arcturus

    Also @ #30


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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  malletzky Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:38 am

    Post edited, Brook has already posted a link with all 5 parts here

    Much respect

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  malletzky Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:33 am

    Brook wrote:That link was an interesting read on the first post Shocked

    He is talking about several things I've been talking about...for example my 'energy stream" discovery (the one that augments and compresses with frequency)...and the "compression"....

    Another twist to the end of the treaty for the ones in control, though, is that when the overlay was to be removed, as it now has been, then the oversouls of such beings had one of two choices. They would either have to leave the domain completely, since they could not stay at the 4D level maintaining the compression of the third dimension, or the souls would have to fully come into the human bodies they had been overlaying for so long. In other words, the puppet masters would have to either let go of the strings, and the human counterpart would thus be on its own and have to face the consequences of its own actions, or the oversoul would have to come fully into the body and begin to transmute and integrate with the human component and thus move with the ascending wave of the rest of humanity.

    However he says it has now been removed if I understand him corrrectly....I know it's still there...I've seen it. But when it is taken down..that compression will be gone...and there should be some considerable chaos for awhile due to that fact.

    Brook, I would have one question here. The matrix overlay which the author claims to have been removed by now, but you still see...Could it be that what you see is only one artificial copy of the original matrix? This would explain why the process of the worldwide awakening has been speeded up since in the last decade as never ever before in the history of mankind. Hence, it's a copy and is not perfect.

    Could you actually "feel" the difference between an original or artificially put matrix overlay? This would be interesting ti know.

    Much respect

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  lindabaker Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:00 am


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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  burgundia Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:18 am

    I have just recalled that Chris Thomas spoke sth about the body intergrating the whole soul...I do not remember if he was saying that someone wants to prevent that from happening...I can't recall the details now..

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Brook Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:01 am

    malletzky wrote:
    Brook wrote:That link was an interesting read on the first post Shocked

    He is talking about several things I've been talking about...for example my 'energy stream" discovery (the one that augments and compresses with frequency)...and the "compression"....

    Another twist to the end of the treaty for the ones in control, though, is that when the overlay was to be removed, as it now has been, then the oversouls of such beings had one of two choices. They would either have to leave the domain completely, since they could not stay at the 4D level maintaining the compression of the third dimension, or the souls would have to fully come into the human bodies they had been overlaying for so long. In other words, the puppet masters would have to either let go of the strings, and the human counterpart would thus be on its own and have to face the consequences of its own actions, or the oversoul would have to come fully into the body and begin to transmute and integrate with the human component and thus move with the ascending wave of the rest of humanity.

    However he says it has now been removed if I understand him corrrectly....I know it's still there...I've seen it. But when it is taken down..that compression will be gone...and there should be some considerable chaos for awhile due to that fact.

    Brook, I would have one question here. The matrix overlay which the author claims to have been removed by now, but you still see...Could it be that what you see is only one artificial copy of the original matrix? This would explain why the process of the worldwide awakening has been speeded up since in the last decade as never ever before in the history of mankind. Hence, it's a copy and is not perfect.

    Could you actually "feel" the difference between an original or artificially put matrix overlay? This would be interesting ti know.

    Much respect

    I do have an answer to this...however I'm on my way out the door. When I get back I will reply. Stay tuned Wink

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Brook Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:07 am

    moved to Egyptian folklore thread so as not to hijack this thread.

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:42 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Brook Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:13 am

    Edited / moved

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:46 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Brook Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:36 am

    Back to you SiriArc... sorry for hijacking your thread
    PhaseShift - Page 12 374937

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:50 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    PhaseShift - Page 12 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:21 pm

    burgundia wrote:I have just recalled that Chris Thomas spoke sth about the body intergrating the whole soul...I do not remember if he was saying that someone wants to prevent that from happening...I can't recall the details now..

    It's really the other way around : the body is within Soul Consciousness . Everything manifested originates from the Spirit realm.

    Love from me

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