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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:43 pm

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Newlig11

    The Souls of people, on their way to Earth-life, pass through a room full of Lights; Each takes a Taper, often only a spark, to guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls are rare fortune, are detained longer and have time to grab a handful of Tapers, which they weave into a Torch. These are the Torch-Bearers of humanity, its Poets, Seers, and Saints, who lead and lift the race out of darkness, towards the Light. They are the lawgivers and the Saviors, the Light-Bring..ers, Way- Show..ers and Truth-Tell..ers, and without them, Humanity would Loose its way in the Dark..... ~ Plato

    Love Always

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  SiriArc Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:11 am

    Some Words

    From Some Source

    Maybe Ya Look

    Mayhaps Not

    Maybe Resonance

    Mayhaps Not

    Maybe Grok


    Mayhaps Not

    Maybe ReMember: The Room That IS(IS) A Womb

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Code Triggers

    Post  SiriArc Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:35 am

    William Stoertz
    June 18th, 2010 at 12:11 am

    I am the author of one version of the Unified Field Theory (designated “Humanitarian” by the Nobel Prize winner Yuri Kulakov) from 1995, which I started to receive suddenly by spiritual revelations. The “evolution” of the crop circles is understandable and explainable by the “Existential Principle”, whereby the crop circles are interacting with the existential state of human beings.
    According to this theory, it is not the mechanical means by which something manifests, but rather the existential source, which is namely the extant state of human beings’ mentality, their ability to perceive and respond and interact with the phenomenon, and its social significance.
    Human existentiality also interfaces with the biosphere — “Gaia” or “Mother Earth” if you will call it that.
    Thus, it is immaterial whether the crop circles are created by UFOs from space, by transcendental, hyperdimensional entities, by subterranean intelligence, by a unique weather phenomenon, by the fields themselves, or even by human agents.
    What is important is that we are now ready to receive a certain message through the crop circle, and it is crucial that we respond appropriately, as the existence of humankind on this earth depends in large part upon uplifting our consciousness to meet to the level of consciousness producing the crop circles — which is clearly attuned to the Cosmos, to Nature, to the Earth, and to the psyche of Man.
    PhaseShift - Page 3 2v0c36q

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:27 am

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Shambhalacity

    Shifting paradigms


    A prominent scientist of your world won a Nobel Prize for his demonstratins and scientif proofs that whenever an organism steps into the flow of complexity , that organism can be lifted to a new level - to a higher octave -of existence . We would suggest , this does not mean that the organism becomes a better or more efficient organism; it means that such organism can be lifted - to a whol new level of existence.

    Complexity offers the opportunity of transcendance . To be lifted to an entirely new octave of existence is the essence of transcendance.

    Put simply, your current paradigm of reality cannot " get you there " . However , the shifted paradigm -the paradigm of complexity -can create the lift or the potential transcendance to the New World that is now destined to be.

    As you paradigm shifts to a paradigm of increased complexity , you and your reality -you and your world- stepping into the flow of that complexity , can be lifted to a whole new level and a whole new octaveof existence. You and your world can be lifted not just to a better past or present but can be lifted to a New World .

    Here's the rub.. Many are aware that the New World is coming. Those who speak so enthusiastically about the doom and gloom erroneously assume that the only way to get to that new future is through the destruction of the "world as you know it .". They do not understand the shifting paradigm; they do not understand the function of complexity.

    However, when you do understand the shift and when you do understand complexity, you can also understand that the key to evolution is not destruction . The key to evolution is complexity.

    Rather than gathering canned goods preparing for some New Age Armageddon , we would suggest, people would be better served to develop the skill , the mastery and the artistry of working with the metaphysics of quantum mechanics and of downward causation. You already are skilled at understanding Newtonian physics and at working with upward causation. Now develop your acumen with quantum mechanics and downward causation.

    Do this , as we say , not to to replace what you know of classic physics and upward causation but to add to what you know . Use what you know as foundation and base. Upon the foundation add the new skill , mastery , and artistry.

    Step into the hope.. In this sensing, step into the complexity . In the flow of this complexity comes the Great Awakening. In this flow of complexity comes the new hope for the positive future of dreams and visions . In the flow of this complexity , you and your world take a giant 's step toward being lifted to a new level - a giant's step toward the New World.

    The New world is coming , many would agree. The anticipated means of its arrival vary among the many.
    There are those looking for the doom and gloom. Sadly , they are almost eager for it and jump and at any supposed beginning of it . We would suggest , they look in the wrong direction . The means of their anticipation are not the true means of manifestation.

    Again , we would suggest , the key to oneness is not sameness ; it's complexity. The key to evolution is not destruction ; it's complexity.

    There is a New World coming. Step into the complexity. Step into the hope. You shall find it .

    Love Always

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Mudra and SiriArc

    Post  hippihillbobbi Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:44 pm

    I LOVE the Figure 8 crop circle, SiriArc ..... thanks so much for including it. is it a Recent one??? i quickly checked your links and didn't notice it on those links. Do you have any more info on this one by any chance??

    The "Shifting Paradigms" essay by Lazaris is WONDERFUL Mudra! I'm just a tad confused about the following passages, though, and hoped one or some of ya'll might give me the benefit of your interpretation(s).

    "Rather than gathering canned goods preparing
    for some New Age Armageddon , we would suggest, people would be better
    served to develop the skill , the mastery and the artistry of working
    with the metaphysics of quantum mechanics and of downward causation. You
    already are skilled at understanding Newtonian physics and at working
    with upward causation. Now develop your acumen with quantum mechanics
    and downward causation."

    "Do this , as we say , not to to replace
    what you know of classic physics and upward causation but to add to what
    you know . Use what you know as foundation and base. Upon the
    foundation add the new skill , mastery , and artistry."

    i think i understand the contrast between Newtonian physics and Quantum mechanics ..... but i don't actually "get" what "upward" and "downward causation" are/mean/imply. Thanks for any and all input, my bright brothers & sisters!


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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty CONVERGENCE

    Post  SiriArc Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:19 am

    Primo Mu / PriMu (!!!)

    Sharon 444, Noted In #53 Above, Added This Today:

    The Conscious Convergence
    A Wave of Unity


    In Addition To Sharon's Group, You Can Check Here For All 2010:

    Relayed To Here, Your Date With The Eight:

    What Changes With The Premises Of QuantumVille,

    Are That The Newtonian Chunks O‘ Stuff,

    Become Clouds Of PROBABILITY

    And The Wave (Potential)

    Being Transduced To Particle (Reality/Experience)

    Becomes Much More Contingent On The Observer / CoCreator.

    The Bobbi: "upward" and "downward causation"

    From Here:

    Consider The Upward, Middle Triangle (Past / Current) ,

    And The Downward, Top Triangle ( The Future, Creating The Present Against The Backdrop Of The Past)

    (AKA: The Butterfly Codes Firing).

    The MuLink


    “But we would suggest that is what is shifting: Newtonian physics is being altered and changed by the discoveries of quantum physics and quantum mechanics. The new physics is rooted upon expectation, a physics based on anticipation; it is based upon what a people believe and upon their attitudes as well as upon the thoughts they are thinking and what feelings they are having. In many ways the new physics is rooted and based upon the decisions and choices that the observer-participants are making.”

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  hippihillbobbi Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:08 pm


    Thanks so much for your insights and your links, darlin. i haven't had time yet to EXPLORE the links like i'd like, but i definitely plan to. and your explanation of quantum physics/mechanics -- even though i struggled CONSCIOUSLY with parts of it -- REALLY DID help a lot to CLEAR up my CONFUSION. so i really do APPRECIATE your thoughtful reply, Siri. PhaseShift - Page 3 998440

    much love,
    hippi nanna

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty BluePrintActivation

    Post  SiriArc Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:32 am


    Digest Number 1851

    Posted by: Blanche McLanahan

    Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:38 am (PDT)

    We need only look to the world and human behavior all around us for the answer.

    Euler's formula is about to show its face.

    The crop circle maker is refining our understanding, and through symbols awakening our very soul.

    The images are triggers for the supraconscious of man. Both his conscious mind and his unconscious so conjoined.

    For all the world should only imagine these symbols in the fields of Earth for truth to allow our hearts to beat on one pulse.

    That pulse Euler's has definitively categorized.

    Physicists have long known this natural logarithm is fact, yet can only confirm its identity mathematically. To what it applies remains in question.

    We are about to find out. Everything is going to change.

    It is already undermining deceit and injustice. Its fine rate will undo the density of stone, and break down the philosophy of every man, if it does not attune to its fine vibration. It will shift every atom, every planet, star and universe. It lies at the core of Earth who has been speaking to us for millennium.

    Man has not been listening. Now he will have no choice. He will hear without his ears, and see without his eyes.

    If he does not adhere Earth's moral dogma, he will be removed from the equation.

    Their most recent formation elaborates the path chosen.

    And we will without doubt adhere the diction.

    It was encoded in every atom long ago and it has been written.

    For all these years it has been right in front of us (inside everyone of us), but we fail to see and grasp the concept that our thoughts have manifest from what was, and all that has been and still is.

    That change has already begun.

    2010 will be the defining/ideal point of the direction our humanity will take.

    Let us get it right.
    The conduit or circuit leading back to the center

    of every atom that comprises all of life closes in 2012.

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:19 am

    Conscious Convergence...a wave of UNITY

    Many people have an intuitive sense that the end of the Mayan calendar will bring a shift in consciousness. Yet, it is rarely clearly stated or explained exactly what is the source of such a shift, how it will happen or what would be its nature. Maybe however shifts in consciousness are actually a little less mysterious than many people tend to believe.
    In fact, shifts in consciousness have been happening from the beginning of time and continue to happen whenever there is a significant energy shift in the Mayan calendar, such as between any of its days and nights.

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Ninth10
    The Cosmic Pyramid, or the nine-step-god (Bolon Yookte), whose nine waves will simultaneously manifest as the Mayan calendar comes to an end.

    Despite all these previous shifts in cosmic history I feel however that there is something very special and significant with the new consciousness that may be expected to be generated by the ninth wave.

    To begin with, for all that we know it is designed to bring a shift to unity consciousness where the human mind no longer will be dominated by any dark filter (see Fig 2). We will in other words become “transparent” and I believe this is the particular consciousness – seeing reality the way it is with no separation - that so many are waiting for. Not just any consciousness, but one that transcends the dualities of the past and aids the human beings to see the unity of all things. The reason that this kind of unity consciousness can be beneficial to the planet, and to mankind, is that it is one that leads to the transcendence of all separation (between man and woman, man and nature, ruler and ruled, east and west, etc). I feel that without the manifestation of such a shift in consciousness the world will sooner or later come to an end. People with a dualist and separating consciousness are somewhat like cancer cells in the body of the Earth with little regard to its larger whole and would eventually generate a collapse of its ecosystem. Only a shift to unity consciousness will forever stop the unchecked exploitation of the Earth and on a deeper level make us understand that we are part of creation and need to live in harmony with it. But will such a shift just happen automatically?

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Polarities
    Yin/Yang-polarities of the Human Mind created by the Five Highest Waves of the Cosmic Pyramid (Bolon Yookte).

    As mentioned above global consciousness shifts have their origin in the resonance with the cosmic forces described by the Mayan calendar. Hence, even though some may temporarily have experienced altered states of consciousness it is only in as much as a shift is induced in accordance with the cosmic plan, as we may understand this from the Mayan calendar, that it will be here to stay. Thus, only with the ninth wave may a shift to unity consciousness be regarded as something whose time has truly come. This is the wave that will cap off all of the previous evolution of mankind and build the bridge that will allow us to enter the new world that will follow upon the end of the calendar.

    On the other hand the student of the Mayan calendar will know that in order for a consciousness shift to manifest the human beings must be in resonance with it and at some point at least subconsciously have made a choice to align with. Hence, a large-scale consciousness shift is not something that can happen against the will of the human beings. Especially at the highest levels of evolution, such as the ninth, it can only happen through human beings that choose to serve as co-creators. Unfortunately many have been led to believe that there is some physical event to wait for, such as a pole shift, Nibiru, sun flares, or a galactic alignment, resulting in a passive attitude that has made the Mayan calendar seem disempowering and events as being outside of their power to influence.

    I believe however that, as the Hopi are saying, “We are the ones that we have been waiting for.” If we make the commitment to do so we can co-create unity consciousness with the ninth wave.

    Love Always


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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:41 am

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Sleetw10

    White Sleet Hill, Nr Mere, Wiltshire.
    Reported 25th June.

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Love-t11

    Emoto's Love's crystal

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:22 pm

    Where are you Siri ?
    I am missing you .
    I hope you are well brother .
    You are in my heart and thoughts .

    Love from me

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  SiriArc Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:59 am


    That Dream

    PhaseShift - Page 3 2m84ldx

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:22 pm

    PhaseShift - Page 3 37584885_57ba383642

    Thank You Siri


    Love from me

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:13 pm

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Yemanja+:+the+Awakening+of+the+Heart

    The most natural (not normal) emotion and action is to have no need to be right. Open your heart and move into love constantly, consistently. Watch how fast you shift into a higher realm of consciousness, preparing yourself properly for the big move.

    Dearest Hearts, take heart, for we truly are well on our way to being converted so we are able to live in Heaven while still on Earth, the holy ground of all possibility and grace. Right now with energies amplified and hearts breaking wide open we are moving through the "valley of the shadow of our death" where the watered down version of our Divinity turns into the wine of our Divinity.

    The great poet and mystic Rumi said it best in his poem "The Grapes of My Body."

    "The Grapes of My Body."

    The grapes of my body can only become wine
    After the winemaker tramples me.
    I surrender my spirit like grapes to his trampling
    So my inmost heart can blaze and dance with joy.
    Although the grapes go on weeping blood and sobbing
    "I cannot bear any more anguish, any more cruelty"
    The trampler stuffs cotton in His ears: "I am not working in ignorance
    You can deny me if you want, you have every excuse,
    But it is I who am the Master of this Work.
    And when, through my Passion, you reach perfection,
    You will never be done praising my name." -Rumi

    Please just breathe Rumi's words in for a moment. They are powerful.

    Each one of you, each one of US is being transfigured into a Divine expression of our Creator, not just an experience for the Creator. Love yourself enough to participate on a full time basis in your shift. It is time to pull the plug and disrupt the flow of the human current of energy.
    Watch what happens and know you are loved!

    Copyright Maureen Moss 2009
    Love Always

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:35 pm

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Beginning2

    Message From The Ancient Ones
    In dedication to those who have come before...
    ...and to the Awakeners who Listen & Re-member
    Ancient hawaii

    From the Beginning...We have been with You
    We are the Ancient Ones..And we Remember

    We Remember the time when there was only Love
    ...the time when ALL breathing was One

    We remember the Seed of your Being
    Planted in the Belly of the vast black Night
    We remember the Red case of deep Slumber
    The time of Forgetting...the sound of your Breath
    ...The pulse of your Heart...

    We remember the Force of your longing for Life
    The cries of your Birth bringing you Forth

    We are the Ancient Ones
    ...and We have Waited and Watched

    You say that you cannot remember that Time
    That you have no memory of Us
    You say that you cannot hear our Voices
    That our Touch no longer moves You
    You say that there can be no Return
    That something has been lost..that there is only Silence

    We say the Time of waiting is Over
    We say the Silence has been Broken
    We say there can be No forgetting Now

    We are the Bones
    Of our Grandmother's Grandmothers
    We Have Returned Now
    We say you cannot forget Us
    We say we are with You and You are Us
    Remember ... Listen ... Remember

    Love Always

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty ThoseOnes

    Post  SiriArc Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:10 am

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Dg4dpw

    Ancient One: Shining One
    Guardian of the Great Circle
    Metamorphosis/Transcendence Magic

    Its power is beauty: joy and peace simultaneously ... exhilaration and serenity, enchantment and inspiration ... Its power is love, both lifted and gifted. Its magic is Beauty’s Magic and Love’s Magic. It is a stunning Ancient One: Shining One. Of its seven Counsels each is exalted; of its nine Gifts each flows in the light of joy. And its Grace lifts beyond words.

    It is also a Guardian (protecting the honor) of the Great Circle that begins and ends with Spirit searching for Soul and Soul waiting to be found. Out of its grace as Ancient One: Shining One and as Guardian, it is a master of Metamorphosis and Transcendence Magics.

    Provenance: It woke among the Crystal People of Sirius who crafted it and aligned it. It took a century for this work. It then was teleported to Lemuria within the Crystal City of Lemurian Dreamers. It sat as the High Crystal within that city for thousands of years. It was the focal point in the dual High Temples of Knowing and of Mystery. Every Dreamer spent time with this Ancient One: Shining One before reentering the Lemurian world. Each Dreamer, fully credentialed, would enter a vision quest with this Ancient One: Shining One. Months would pass before the quest was complete. Upon the journey the enlightened one Dreamers became the exceptional ones. The ritual was sacred and profound.

    In time, this Ancient One: Shining One would move out into the land to be carried by the Dreamers and their Companions. Another Ancient One: Shining One would take its place. Among the people of this land, individual Dreamers were charged with its keeping, an honor bestowed on few. As Lemuria withdrew, various Congresses of Dreamers would dream this Ancient One: Shining One with the records and with the encoded magic of Sirius and Lemuria. When ready, it was carried to the lands that would become Atlantis.

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:31 pm

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Crystal_deva

    Blessings Siri
    Good to see you

    Love from me


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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:40 pm

    PhaseShift - Page 3 GilbertWilliams_ReturntoTheSource

    Downloading the New Energies and New Truths
    Welcome to the Ancient Future

    You are in a time and place of birthing yourself into higher truths, into higher light, into higher levels of Divinity.
    As you sit in the womb of no-time and no space feel a limitedness. In this PLACE OF FULL-POTENTIALITY you try to stretch, but the walls of illusion and the walls of so called earthly limitation seem to keep you confined. You are not able to stretch into the vastness and the abilities you innately know yourself having the capability to become.

    If you feel unable to complete your mission for self..for Soul
    Understand that "walls" are created by personal Perception

    You are in the physical and you are in spirit simultaneously. Your physical perceives limitations that appear to be true. But your soul always knows there is no limitation and all is NOT what it appears to the earthly eye. There is part of you that feels, deep within your being, that if you could fly.

    Your spirit knows that in the very near future you will become more than you appear to yourself at this very moment in time. When you are confined in a prison of your own thinking and making...there seems to be no way out! Then one day a small awareness appears, an expanded view, and your heart races with possibilites.
    Limitation begins to crumble right in front of your Eyes
    How does this "Lightbulb" moment happen?
    # It is when you walk into a time of SURRENDERING Surrendering to your limitations
    # Surrendering who you think yourself to be
    # Surrendering to an understanding..a truth that has never been experienced in this consciousness
    # Surrendering to an idea..a thought..that seems imaginary but is a Higher Truth
    # Surrendering to the truths inside of you that shout ..trusting your internal dialogue ..trusting your heart ..trusting your Spirit


    Do not hesitate too long. It is important and necessary that you take your place in the new resonance of planet Earth. It is a planetary decree of opportunity to free yourself of self-imposed restrictions. Allow your Soul to push you through that tiny hole into Higher Light.
    There is a conscious deliberate choice before You


    Love is the key

    Love Always

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:01 pm

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Peter%27s+earth

    The New Earth

    In a world divided we come together
    heart to heart and hand to hand
    breathing in the divine emanation
    of love and faith and peace everlasting
    filling our hearts with this heavenly love
    and breathing our intention
    upon our land and her people
    breathing it out to every tree and every rock
    to every body of water to every bird and every bee
    blessing ourselves and our brothers and our sisters
    expanding our intention beyond illusionary boundaries
    riding the waves of our multidimensionality
    opening our hearts to our sovereignty and divinity
    illuminating all that has been hidden and forgotten
    and emerging as one in the light of the new earth

    Gail Swanson

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Nexus

    Post  SiriArc Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:52 am

    A Healer


    ON Both Sides

    Of The Equation


    IN the midst of one of The Deep Journeys Of Discovery:

    Laying IN Pyramid:

    At one point, had to drain some anti-freeze (take a leak):

    As Eyes Opened, AN instant, full-blown Grok which was later called:

    Blue Print.

    This ended up being drawn - Here is a description of the picture:

    [draw a line:

    from the right end, angle a line upward and toward the left (Personal Resonance used the Pyramid Angle of about 52 degrees) - this represents ‘rising’ out of the set.

    make a dot / circle in the center of the time-line - this represents the Nexus Point.

    the left side of the triangle is drawn from the Apex to this point - this represents driving the Wedge].

    A time-line moving left to right - At the far right (Deep Future), the beings have become as ‘gods’ - But through degeneration into domination and the Need To Control, the reality has become a total nightmare.......Insanity reigns.......

    Somehow, a faction of these ‘omni gods’ was able to ask for help.......

    With Love And Caring, they were ‘lifted above the set’ / time-line and taken INTO The Presence Of The Time Keepers.

    Here, they were shown A Nexus Point on the time line:

    An Optimal place to Drive A Wedge

    Insert A Singularity

    This Created A Double Spin As:

    The Ancient Past And The Ancient Future Were Simultaneously Pulled:





    Sanity Was Restored


    WISDOM Gained From The Experience Shown Bright

    [Enhanced With The Magic Of Novelty

    Inserted By The ONES Who Know

    The ONES Who Care]

    DEAR Beings Of Courage

    And Strength

    And Love:


    The Force Of


    Always At YOUR Side

    Reach For It

    As IT Reaches For YOU






    PhaseShift - Page 3 15mbjib

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty INTO and THROUGH

    Post  SiriArc Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:30 am


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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  alphaomega Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:23 pm

    SiriArc wrote:
    A L L E S S E H

    *********** Via Howard Hendrix ***********

    {{{{ Better Angels > Light Paths > Standing Wave }}}}

    A L L E S S E H

    Y O U R time of distortion and distortion of time

    I S and I S

    ended N O W

    Awaken from the nightmare

    Step A C R O S S

    And R E - M E M B E R #15

    Howard V. Hendrix

    Empty Cities Of The Full Moon

    Ricardo now also understands the Allesseh for what it truly is.

    Not just something that began as an expanding network of Von Neumann probes. Not just an artificial galactic nervous system, evolving itself and coevolving its linkages to sentient species for millions of years. Not just something self-translated into a higher dimensional cosmological form no longer simply mechanical, organic, of even physical. Not just a hyperdimensional node at the center of the galaxy, existing in more than one universe at once.

    No: A bodhisattva gone bad. One who has been through so many incarnations, it has fallen in love with space and time and all the universe's innumerable productions. One that's taken in so much data it has become self-absorbed and self-obsessed. Able to continue to exist in anyone time and space only so long as it never truly knows itself in that time and space. Who fears that each universe trends toward total consciousness, toward enlightenment, toward transcendence. Who hopes each universe, too, is bodhisattvic, and will not take the next transcendent step until all within it are also totally conscious. Who believes that - through the impossibility of any system's being fully complete and fully consistent at one and the same time - it can block that final enlightenment throughout this universe forever.

    Your information is most informative. Understanding, knowledge, wisdom, are traits of the fruit of the Spirit and keys to a kingdom we are now birthing. Well said SiriArc.

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  alphaomega Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:33 pm

    mudra wrote:

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Yemanja+:+the+Awakening+of+the+Heart

    The most natural (not normal) emotion and action is to have no need to be right. Open your heart and move into love constantly, consistently. Watch how fast you shift into a higher realm of consciousness, preparing yourself properly for the big move.

    Dearest Hearts, take heart, for we truly are well on our way to being converted so we are able to live in Heaven while still on Earth, the holy ground of all possibility and grace. Right now with energies amplified and hearts breaking wide open we are moving through the "valley of the shadow of our death" where the watered down version of our Divinity turns into the wine of our Divinity.

    The great poet and mystic Rumi said it best in his poem "The Grapes of My Body."

    "The Grapes of My Body."

    The grapes of my body can only become wine
    After the winemaker tramples me.
    I surrender my spirit like grapes to his trampling
    So my inmost heart can blaze and dance with joy.
    Although the grapes go on weeping blood and sobbing
    "I cannot bear any more anguish, any more cruelty"
    The trampler stuffs cotton in His ears: "I am not working in ignorance
    You can deny me if you want, you have every excuse,
    But it is I who am the Master of this Work.
    And when, through my Passion, you reach perfection,
    You will never be done praising my name." -Rumi

    Please just breathe Rumi's words in for a moment. They are powerful.

    Each one of you, each one of US is being transfigured into a Divine expression of our Creator, not just an experience for the Creator. Love yourself enough to participate on a full time basis in your shift. It is time to pull the plug and disrupt the flow of the human current of energy.
    Watch what happens and know you are loved!

    Copyright Maureen Moss 2009
    Love Always

    Great Spirits always do great works. Your quotes are wonderful and show the power of the love phasing ability that each Human has. A human phased into Love, becomes divine,becoming divine is the Law of One manifested in a tent of flesh.

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    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:02 pm

    Good to see you arrived here alphaomega.
    Blessings on your journey .

    Love from me

    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2010-09-11

    PhaseShift - Page 3 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  alphaomega Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:22 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Good to see you arrived here alphaomega.
    Blessings on your journey .

    Love from me

    It is good again to be with the family. My love and my blessings to you as well. One can put 1000 to flight, two can put 10,000 to flight. This equation is the proof necessary that we win and succeed in going about our families work.

    There is much to be thankful for today.

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:18 am