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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  lindabaker Tue May 25, 2010 5:09 am

    The Swan:

    The power of Woman

    Entering Sacred Space.

    Touching future,

    yet to come,

    Bringing eternal grace. (Jamie Sams)

    Surrender the body to the power of Great Spirit and go to where future lives. Accept the state of Grace. Enter the Dreamtime. Trust Great Spirit's protection. Do not try to change the plan. Surrender to the flow and trust what you are shown.

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty The Swan

    Post  SiriArc Wed May 26, 2010 1:47 am

    Jamie Sams

    Medicine Cards

    The Swan


    Seek elegance and refinement, grandeur and dignity today.

    Keep your mind elevated and of the highest nature.

    Swan teaches us the noble nature of the moment.

    Through movement Swan is conscious of stillness.

    In the classic fairytale, beauty was born from ugliness, grace from ungainly.

    Swan teaches us that grace within reflects outwards into our world.

    What can you do to realize the beauty reflecting from you?

    Swan flies even higher than Eagle.

    Elders teach that Swan is a great Shamaness, because she sees not only this world but also into the next one.

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Tipping point: Earth in the Balance

    Post  lindabaker Wed May 26, 2010 6:48 am

    Last week I pulled the Jamie Sams/David Carson Medicine Cards: I got the Swan card. Today, with the Gulf of Mexico and the earth our mother in my mind, I pulled the Turtle card. Here are partial quotes: "Turtle is the oldest symbol for planet Earth." Paraphrases: It is time we knew as a collective that we are here to serve the earth in return for what she give us: our bodies. It is time to make a great honoring. It does not matter what situation we have created. We need to ask for assistance, and abundance will follow.

    Linda's thoughts: Shame has no place as we go forward. The great healing (cleanup) is our next step. Let's not waste our energy on the grief. We will fix this. It will be a great challenge, but we can focus on our love for our planetary home. The workers in the Gulf need our positive conscious intent and outpouring of love and support. Let us not curse those who hold the tools. I ask that the engineers receive streams of pure love energy from all of the awakened ones, directed toward the Gulf and the entire planet. Focusing on the ones who defiled our home will only create more negativity. We can shift this. To quote Jamie one more time: "...observe your situation with motherly compassion. Use the water and earth energies, which represent Turtle's two homes, to flow harmoniously with your situation and to place your feet firmly on the ground in a power stance."

    Remember who you are and take your stance. Do it in your own way, but do it. There is no wrong way to send positive intent in order to assist. Dance, sing, drum, rattle, or just be still and visualize a completely clean Gulf, then a completely clean global water system. It always starts with the waters. As you feel water running through your fingers, thank it for your life. Ask that it be energized and completely clean. Ask that as it flows out of your home, below your house, eventually into the streams, and the oceans, that it carries the code for perfection. This will take time. I vow to put the intent into the waters every day. Please join me. Thank you all. Linda

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Tatiana Wed May 26, 2010 4:49 pm

    SiriArc - thank you so much for bringing this thread over to the mists - it was one of my favorites at Avalon when I was reading there! Wasn't there more material? I seem to remember an awesome section building up on your second entry in this thread, re contracts. If that could be posted here (a link to the material would suffice) would be really awesome!

    I clicked on the 'Larger Context' link of your second post here thinking I might find what I was remembering from the original thread at Avalon, which took me to Noble Realms and the Elf Transmissions. Did you ever find part 6 of the Elf Transmissions? I looked around a bit and found not only part 6 but part 7 too! Thought you might be interested.

    My apologies for the slight thread drift...

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Magellan's Ships

    Post  SiriArc Thu May 27, 2010 2:45 am

    PhaseShift - Page 2 B6zqy8

    This was the start of ELF @ Noble Realms:

    The only SA Thread @ P A was: Magellan‘s Ships.

    The link (if and when it works) is:

    Two of the initial posts were:

    Magellan's Ships

    Command Of The Eagle:

    And This Mist Thread Has A Lot Of The Rest Of What Is/Was There.

    Re. The Elf Transmissions

    From this perspective, the various "versions" were basically edits of the original.

    This Feed-Back-Loop Considers What's In Post #2 To Be The Essence Of The Whole Thing.

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Carol Thu May 27, 2010 7:28 am

    I'm showing that the PA1 link doesn't work. Maybe someone else can track it down.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Some Of P A Magellan Mistified

    Post  SiriArc Sun May 30, 2010 1:55 am

    Since The P A Magellan Link Is “currently“ Working, Some Items Not Already In This Thread Will Be Brought Forth For MistConsideration:

    PhaseShift - Page 2 334rs5t



    This occurred during one of the Deep Journeys of Discovery:

    Three Simultaneous Awareness's of “Self":

    *Frank laying on the bed.

    *From “space", A Spark of Light looking at a sphere of what IT considered black worms.

    *Someone/Thing “behind" the Spark, looking on.

    As the Spark observed the sphere of black worms, it thought:

    “There’s no Love here"

    And then it went into the black mass!!!

    This was Shocking, and “I" was immediately jolted back to “Frankness" and the room, with eyes open and haunted.......

    Over the ensuing years, The Spark has been considered to be:

    *The Sun
    *Earth as a Singularity

    Regardless of title, It’s US
    Sent / Programmed by The ALL as a Probe / Noocyte to enter and dissolve this tumor in the “Larger Self".

    PhaseShift - Page 2 Vdl8wi

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty #6 Transducer

    Post  SiriArc Sun May 30, 2010 2:06 am


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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty #12 THE VORTEX PEACE PRAYER

    Post  SiriArc Sun May 30, 2010 2:14 am



    Envisioned, Developed, Written, Copyrighted
    Starfire Tor

    I [ YOUR NAME ] am a living Soul and Body Of Light requesting energy support from [ NAME OF YOUR SPIRIT HELPER, IF DESIRED ]. I appeal to you, and the powers you possess, to link with me and the intent of the Vortex Peace Prayer as a Reality Shift is created that positively transforms the Destiny and time line of all life on planet Earth. I call upon you to join with me in effecting a helpful and lasting transformation through this collective Vortex Peace Prayer Reality Shift that will manifest Peace, Harmony, Healing, Justice, and Truth to all life on planet Earth now and forevermore in every time line and in every dimension.

    All that was, all that is, and all that will be is stored in the Core Matrix, and it is the life-force of my Soul and the power of my Mind that connects to all that is the Core Matrix. So it is with the life-force of my Soul and the power of my Mind that I lift the veil of Time, Space, and Dimension to Psi-sense, see, hear, feel, taste, and touch the many worlds and the many co-existing time lines and dimensions stored in the Core Matrix.

    With the life-force of my Soul and the power of my Mind I seek, find, and record four Core Matrix elements whose very existence in any time line, world, or dimension represents key ingredients that are vital to the continued safekeeping and endurance of Peace and Harmony. With the life-force of my Soul and the power of my Mind I connect to these Four Key Peace Elements, copy them into my Soul and Brain, and then manifest the reproduction of these four key peace elements into our current time line now and forevermore in every time line and in every dimension.

    THE FIRST KEY PEACE ELEMENT is a world where both men and women live in mutual harmony and respect for one another. Regardless of one's gender, age, race, or color, each person is honored as a precious life-force and is encouraged to become the best person that they can be.

    THE SECOND KEY PEACE ELEMENT is a world where all people respect and embrace the life-force and well-being of all animals and creatures of the earth. People treat the animals and creatures of the earth with a compassion and affection born of desire, knowledge, consideration, awareness, and wisdom.

    THE THIRD KEY PEACE ELEMENT is a world where people treat the earth with respect, and with a wisdom that supports the planet's health and longevity. The air and the water are kept clean and pure, and the forests, fields, beaches, and mountains are cherished, embraced, and protected as an all important life- supporting life-force.

    THE FOURTH KEY PEACE ELEMENT is a world where Justice and Fairness permeates every aspect of our lives, both individually and as a global community. Our world is a place of personal and global truth, honor, and inborn common sense that is free from self interest, ignorance, and prejudice. It is a harmonious world where the shared established wisdom teaches that to be Just and Fair is preferred and equal to being physically, emotionally, and spiritually powerful.

    With the life-force of my Soul and the power of my Mind I seek, find, copy, and manifest-edit these Four Key Peace Elements into this current time line now and forevermore, in every co-existing time line, and in every dimension. In the world where these Four Key Peace Elements exist . . . the elements of hate, intolerance, cruelty, in-justice, oppression, suppression, lies, abuse, ignorance, and self-serving evil agendas are not supported and cannot survive. In the destructive and disharmonic world where these Four Key Peace Elements are manifested-edited into, so as to effect a lasting Peace . . . those discordant elements which do not support Justice, Fairness, Tolerance, Freedom, Equality, Compassion, Truth, Knowledge, Awareness, and Wisdom will vanish from the Earth now and forevermore in every time line and in every dimension.

    Once manifested-edited into our current time line, these Four Key Peace Elements shall become a permanent part of the Core Matrix. Every time line from this moment on shall include these Four Key Peace Elements. No person, creature, spirit, being, entity, thoughtform, or energy can remove these Four Key Peace Elements from our world, any co-existing timeline, or any dimension. And no person, creature, spirit, being, entity, thoughtform, or energy can harm anyone or any energy that supports and participates in The Vortex Peace Prayer. Those who even dare to try and disrupt or corrupt the Vortex Peace Prayer will meet with absolute defeat, as well as being Astral Tagged as negative energy disrupters and terrorists for all to see in all dimensions and in all time lines.

    I [ YOUR NAME ] manifest-edit these Four Key Peace Elements into the current time line now and forevermore in every time line and in every dimension. This Vortex Peace Prayer Reality Shift manifestation is a rightful deed for a rightful need . . Peace On Earth. I link to the "Inter Dimension Vortex Peace Prayer Coalition" and [ NAME OF YOUR SPIRIT HELPER, IF DESIRED ] as we all manifest and empower this Vortex Peace Prayer Reality Shift.

    We are the future and we are the past,
    We are the champions whom fortune has cast,
    To carry the message of spiritual might,
    We are the warriors who fight for the light.

    Make it so.

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty #24 Donnie Darko

    Post  SiriArc Sun May 30, 2010 2:35 am


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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Page 2

    Post  SiriArc Sun May 30, 2010 3:05 am

    Then On To Page Two

    For Some Major Mu D Ra

    And Links to John Lash/MetaHistory (Most, If Not All In This Thread) Regarding:

    It's Open Season On predators/parasites

    PhaseShift - Page 2 Feirce_love-6154609

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Carol Sun May 30, 2010 7:16 am

    The more people pray for peace the more war will prevail as in a world of duality peace follows war. Then war again because others want more peace. To pray for harmony and alignment with Divine creation is to set intention, yet in my mind's eye and from a place of inner knowing ~ living in the moment manifesting harmony is what creates the ripple of peace which is far more effective.

    What one wants may never satisfy the inner spirit. What one needs may be perceived as distastful, stressful and unwanted ~ yet facing challenges and meeting them sucessfully is a worthy goal that nourishes spiritual growth and evolvment.

    Sacraficing what one wants in order to serve the inner spiritual need of another is nobel and in doing so is also of benefit of the soul who serves.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty DeepCodes

    Post  SiriArc Mon May 31, 2010 2:57 am

    Crop Circle Connection

    OPEN the BOOK

    Posted by: Blanche McLanahan

    Sat May 29, 2010 9:44 am (PDT)

    The Crabwood formation offers insight that is clearly written in English and plain view.


    Within the obvious message is written a direct message of reassurance that literally springs from the page!

    Even if we try, we will never outsmart them or distort the message. The latter concerns those who work vehemently to deceive.

    There is much controversy regarding the 3rd crop formation at Yarnbury Castle, as to whether it was hoaxed or NOT. Frankly, it doesn't really matter. If the circle maker can encode and resurrect the brilliance of Euler's Identity, or the first ten digits of pi into formations we claim are authentic, then please explain to me why they wouldn't use the minds of those whose intention is to create havoc to do their encrypted bidding? An action that changed probable outcome of their intent, so no ill thought might gain.

    If our brain functions like a computer, then they've access to the thought patterns in all of creation. Downloading the information plants the seed, then it grows or manifests in this reality.

    The crop circle images offer something for everybody. People find hope and optimism in life waiting patiently each year for their appearance. They bring crowds of people together from throughout the world, old friends find each other again, many make new friends that will last a lifetime. Others find insight of the sciences and formulate new mathematical theorems.
    Why would any one want to destroy all that.

    The dark cloud hangs heavy over deception........
    The INTENTIONS of those who seek to harm others will be put to shame. They will reap benefits their actions, as dictate by principles in law of reciprocity. Careful the things you sow......and vengeance will come soon, not to be heard.

    We have been forced to waste valuable time vacillating between the question of whether it is "real" or "unreal". Peoples hopes and dreams lie in ruin of the dissention to arise from the answer or lack thereof.
    I suggest we get on with it and move beyond the impasse of deception, an energy transmission that will soon be terminated.

    They know our hearts. Therefore, they know our minds better than we think.

    So let us forgive and get on with the wonderfully composed messages.....let us all be in awe their majesty, as they express themselves in a universal language for all eyes to see.
    Let each and every one see what they believe.
    Do not distort the smiles on their faces........or attempt to blindside them into believing the things you percieve.

    Euler's Identity in the formation to follow Yarnbury gave us the line of reason which shifts the negatives to positives. The light shifted automatically, unleashing the hidden light expressing the wisdom of the ages. Now the conduit running along Deception's force is closed.

    Allow the new light to write the words. For if not, the pages of the book will remain sealed at once and again. Let that which grows in the fields fill your cup with knowledge and the wisdom that was scattered throughout the ages and written in stone.

    The Windmill Formation integrated one line ( _ ), one letter ( i ), one word, ( hi ), using a force of simple action of the inverse to shift our current paradigm.
    Now the unknown is known.

    The light runs that line. A path of truth. It is one train of thought I will not miss.

    Now, "let us keep the candle of knowledge lit, rather than curse the darkness!"


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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Carol Mon May 31, 2010 11:16 am

    Did you know that many of the Native American symbols originated with crop circles in the US? And this was long before current technology and hoaxers. I think authentic crop circles speak to the unconscious collective and perhaps triggers galactic memory. Authentic crop circles tends to stop one in their tracks and create a sense of awe. Ferreting out what each means is a mystery however, I tend to lean toward a more galactic viewpoint as compared to global. Crop circles tend to help some think outside of the box (just this world, this planet and humankind) and allows us to expand our conscious awareness.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  lindabaker Mon May 31, 2010 3:43 pm

    Carol, I would like to hear more about galactic v. global perspectives on the crop circles. You are right about awe. Linda

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Descent From Pleroma

    Post  SiriArc Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:41 am

    Over Thy Shoulder

    Thou Shalt See

    Number 13

    Waiting For Thee

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty IntoTheHeart

    Post  SiriArc Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:45 am

    2010 Crop Circle Formations
    Part One
    Chakra Messages - The Crossover
    Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra
    by Joseph E. Mason

    PhaseShift - Page 2 260v33o

    The primary idea is that humanity has been on a

    Time Cycle Path

    that corresponds to the seven chakra levels of consciousness evolution.

    We are near the "three and a half" midpoint and a leap to the heart chakra.

    When viewing the images on this page, keep in mind that the color


    represents the

    Heart Chakra

    which is the fourth chakra, and the midpoint of the seven.

    But after the three and a half days a breath of life

    from God entered them,

    and They Stood Up on their feet,

    and great fear fell on those [parasites] who saw them.

    Revelation 11:11
    PhaseShift - Page 2 23sj7g2PhaseShift - Page 2 24lj2gk

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:35 am

    PhaseShift - Page 2 3500845638_fa121da6fd

    Now that 's a true jewel Siri

    Thank You

    Double Thumbs Up

    Love Always

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  mudra Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:47 am

    PhaseShift - Page 2 Pendulum-image

    The Search of Truth
    by Steve Gamble

    Just as the universe may eventually cease to expand and begin to flow back towards its source, we too are beginning to stop searching forever outwards to find truth and balance. Through realisation, some may say awakening, we are beginning that opposite swing of the pendulum back towards our true inner selves and searching inwards, back towards balance, towards the centre away from the chaos and finally towards the peace and understanding of Oneness itself. Somewhere between that outer ‘reality’ of this chaotic physical world and the inner truth of everything that is, lies our own perfect balance, our own perfect space, which will allow us to exist as a Spiritual Being enjoying a physical experience. Not a Human Being striving and struggling to achieve a Spiritual experience in this Land of Illusion.

    Love Always

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty AboveBelow(BelowAbove)

    Post  SiriArc Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:29 am




    3.5 From Above

    PhaseShift - Page 2 1ju5xc

    3.5 From Below

    PhaseShift - Page 2 15rd3wn

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Mercuriel Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:42 am



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  eMonkey Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:07 pm

    Just been sent this wonderful video I just must share
    "The Plan"

    It is very much similar to Kymatica and Zeitgeist - enjoy

    Whoever has ears, let him hear.
    There is light within a man of light,
    and he lights up the whole world.

    If he does not Shine, he is Darkness.
    - the Bodhisattva Issa

    Last edited by eMonkey on Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo correction)

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty OUR HEARTS WILL Have Their WAY

    Post  SiriArc Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:54 am

    PhaseShift - Page 2 2445mvb

    Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

    Time Has Come Today
    Young Hearts [WILL Have Their] Way
    Can't put it off another day
    I don't care what [parasites] say
    They say we don't listen anyway
    Time has come today

    The rules [of the fools] have Changed Today
    I have [My True] Place to stay
    I'm thinking about the Sub[terfuge Of OUR]Way
    My Love [W]as flown away [NOW Returned Upon This Day]
    My tears have come and gone
    Oh my Lord, I have to Roam [FREE]
    I have [had] no home
    I have [had] no home [NOW THIS IS(IS) OUR HOME]

    Now the time has come
    There's no place [for the scum] to run
    I might get burned up by [My INNER] Sun
    But I had [what distortion called] my fun
    I've been ["]loved["] [by lies] and put aside
    I've been crushed by the tumbling tide

    My Soul has been Psychedelicized

    Now the time has come
    There are things to realize
    Time has come today
    Time has come today

    Now the time has come
    There's no place [for it] to run
    I might get burned up by [My INNER] Sun
    But [WE Are About To Have OUR] Fun
    I've been loved and put aside
    I've been crushed by tumbling tide


    My Soul has been Psychedelicized

    Now The Time Has Come

    There Are Things To Realize

    Time has come today

    Time Has Come Today

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty Re: PhaseShift

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:56 am

    Heh heh


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    PhaseShift - Page 2 Empty disSolving dIsToRtEdCrAp

    Post  SiriArc Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:49 am

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:36 am