The Probable , The Possible , And The Impossible
As warriors we spend a lifetime empowering ourselves with a clear view of the triumvirate of attention , the
probable , the
possible and the
impossible .
In the language of the Toltecs this threesome has many names.
They are the known , the unknown , and the unknowable ;
the first , the second , and the third attentions;
the alternatives , the possibilities , and the potential of the human race.
Warriors are satisfied to experience just one or two of these aspects of awareness.
Our goal is the total
freedom that accompanies awareness of all three.
We all begin life with an ever-solidifying attention of the probable , an awareness of the conditions and expectations of the first attention.
As we grow, we come to base our lives on these mechanical
probabilities , without ever considering the magical
possibilities that are also open to us.
The first attention dulls us into believing we can assume and expect what the world of solid objects holds for us.
Unfortunately , as a result of the misinformed attitude , we close ourselves off to the
possibilities of anything beyond those boring expectations.
The world of
probabilities gives us the illusion of living in a comfortable and predictable universe where conditional control and reactions keep us safe.
But in reality it is only a world of our own creation , a comfortable and familiar prison filled with victims of self-importance.
The residents of this sterile and familiar universe are resigned to bleed together , and they debilitate themselves in acts of needless self-destruction .
But the Toltecs have
seen that when we bleed , all we ever do is bleed alone , wasting the precious energy that could carry us to new levels of attention.
As warriors , we have glimpsed the promise that waits for us and we will not be contained.
We choose to build our lives , not around the reasonable
probabilities that direct the course of most lives , but around the
possibilities and
impossibilities that wait for us beyond the limits of the known.
Warrriorship empowers us and makes possible the emergence of a new
creative attention.
As this remarkable awareness solidifies , the
probable no longer confines us.
We have contacted the hidden power beyond our superficial alternatives , and are now focused on all that is possible in our lives.
Warriors realize that all things are within reach of the luminous beings , including which is not
probable at all .
Source: Creative Victory Reflections on the Process of Power from the Collected works of Carlos CastanedaLove Always