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    Kerry Cassidy's Obsession with Juan O Savin


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    Kerry Cassidy's Obsession with Juan O Savin Empty Kerry Cassidy's Obsession with Juan O Savin

    Post  Seashore Wed Sep 06, 2023 8:09 am

    There is a new article on Project Camelot By Kerry CassidySeptember 5, 2023.

    It is a lengthy attempt to show why we should all believe that Juan O Savin is JFK Jr, who didn't actually die in a plane crash, and is working on behalf of Trump.

    She relies on her dreams a lot.  I don't put any significance on her dreams.

    I've noticed that Michael Jaco thinks Juan O Savin is simply former CIA.

    What to think?

    And what difference does it make?

    The important thing is for we the people to understand that we're an endangered species, worldwide, and we'd better unite in non-compliance and building local communities.

      Current date/time is Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:53 pm