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    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability


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    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Empty Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability

    Post  mudra Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:24 pm

    I rather enjoyed this article and wanted to share it with you .
    It carries a great message.

    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Fractale-images-big-bang

    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsibility

    Our Universe is super interconnected, right?

    Is the interconnectedness only a phenomenon or is it a true facet of the very nature of all things?

    The point is, mainstream science has discovered "Quantum Entanglement", but the implications are not recognized, because this would be not convenient for their lifestyle (or funds, or budgets).
    In the 80s the Theory of the "Holographic Universe" was founded, observing the properties of how holograms contains the whole in the part. And again mainstream ignores the implications.

    Do you know what the implications are?

    If everything is interconnected it would imply that every little thought would affect the rest of the whole universe and that the distribution of the resources (life-force, space and (life)time) through this interconnected-system would also be regulated in order that everything is for the best of all. So I cannot plan to murder the humanity by becoming a president, achieving all the power and start a nuclear holocaust, because the fulfillment of Gods perfect Will to reestablish a paradise on earth would be compromised. The prophecies are a kind of restriction to everything what humanity plans to do. This prophecies are planted into the collective consciousness like seeds. Because they are based on Truth they cannot be removed and not be reduced. And whatever any leader plans to do to force his own will on the collective, the fulfillment of the Will of God emerge out of the collective consciousness. Suddenly there will be a force, a big resistance against the wicked out of the whole collective and also the "events" are opposed to whatever they will plan to do.

    With other words, microcosm and macrocosm obeys to the rules to make this universe stable and fair.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Empty Re: Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:02 pm

    Thank-you mudra. I liked the article, but I had a question about the following part:

    "If everything is interconnected it would imply that every little thought would affect the rest of the whole universe and that the distribution of the resources (life-force, space and (life)time) through this interconnected-system would also be regulated in order that everything is for the best of all. So I cannot plan to murder the humanity by becoming a president, achieving all the power and start a nuclear holocaust, because the fulfillment of Gods perfect Will to reestablish a paradise on earth would be compromised. The prophecies are a kind of restriction to everything what humanity plans to do. This prophecies are planted into the collective consciousness like seeds. Because they are based on Truth they cannot be removed and not be reduced. And whatever any leader plans to do to force his own will on the collective, the fulfillment of the Will of God emerge out of the collective consciousness. Suddenly there will be a force, a big resistance against the wicked out of the whole collective and also the "events" are opposed to whatever they will plan to do."

    Does Prophetic Destiny Override Irresponsibility? If So - Why Worry About Being Responsible? God Will Make Everything Work Out Perfectly - According to the Divine Plan. Is This Truth - Or Is This Delusion? How Does This Relate to Free-Will?

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    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Empty Re: Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability

    Post  mudra Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:50 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you mudra. I liked the article, but I had a question about the following part:

    "If everything is interconnected it would imply that every little thought would affect the rest of the whole universe and that the distribution of the resources (life-force, space and (life)time) through this interconnected-system would also be regulated in order that everything is for the best of all. So I cannot plan to murder the humanity by becoming a president, achieving all the power and start a nuclear holocaust, because the fulfillment of Gods perfect Will to reestablish a paradise on earth would be compromised. The prophecies are a kind of restriction to everything what humanity plans to do. This prophecies are planted into the collective consciousness like seeds. Because they are based on Truth they cannot be removed and not be reduced. And whatever any leader plans to do to force his own will on the collective, the fulfillment of the Will of God emerge out of the collective consciousness. Suddenly there will be a force, a big resistance against the wicked out of the whole collective and also the "events" are opposed to whatever they will plan to do."

    Does Prophetic Destiny Override Irresponsibility? If So - Why Worry About Being Responsible? God Will Make Everything Work Out Perfectly - According to the Divine Plan. Is This Truth - Or Is This Delusion? How Does This Relate to Free-Will?

    On the contrary Oxy it's got everything to do with responsability . God is not something that's out there taking care of it all . You , I , he/she , We are all integral part of God /Source/ Consciousness .The soul group of plants and animals may not be aware of possessing a tree , flower or cat body as a vessel but humans as they awaken/become more responsible are able to realize/manifest their spirit self and godlike nature qualities and by doing so gradually become aware that the flesh body is not different than a car they would own .
    By observing nature we can learn ... ...All seeds journey through the soil's darkness to reach light .Life/God Energy/Higher Consciousness/ Spirit ... is sustaining form and brings it inexorably to a higher state of grace . Souls are not different than seeds , their journey through darkness/sleeping state... is a temporary journey leading towards Illumination/awaken state...
    As a matter of fact we all carry the potential awareness of being Source , Godlike beings . Free will is what helps us going back from dreamstate to full of Awareness and Source is what 's pulling us upwards.From Source we come to Source we return .

    I think you may like to listen to David Ash Oxy :
    Science= energy= God

    Love from me

    Posts : 426
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    Location : Denver

    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Empty Destiny

    Post  SiriArc Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:54 am

    The Idea of Notching is to use Love (Caring),

    Light (Information)

    And Will (Intent Backed by Action)

    To Move / Notch YOUR Entire Experience

    In a sense, it's automatic, it's an Intrinsic aspect of Who WE Really Are
    It's DESTINY
    It Becomes Empowered Destiny when you Consciously use your Tools of:
    Keep in mind that that from a Deeper Perspective,
    You are constantly INTEGRATING the (+) AND the (-)
    And ALCHEMICALLY BLENDING them into something NEW.

    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability 2qs09jm

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    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Empty Re: Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability

    Post  mudra Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:33 pm

    SiriArc wrote:

    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability 2qs09jm

    Thank You Siri for the shower of Light


    The Karen

    Love for You

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    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Empty Re: Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:55 pm

    Thank-you mudra. The human collective unconscious probably contains some survival and utopia-seeking programming - which, in a sense, is prophetic - and resembles Divine Intervention. I also accept the idea that the Universal Powers That Be intervene from time to time - but I have become quite concerned that they might not approve of even the existence of the human race - and the often seemingly irrational and rebellious behavior of humanity - which might be very different from humanity's potential other-than-human roots. I presently see God as being a potential threat to the continued existence of the human race. I hate thinking this way - but look at the Old Testament, Roman Catholic history and theology, and some of the nasty messages I have received over the past couple of years - with theological overtones. All of the disaster/alien movies don't help either. "Legion" was a real disillusioning movie regarding God's wrath against humanity. If God be for us - who can be against us. If God be against us - we're screwed...

    Posts : 426
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    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Empty Juan To Carlos

    Post  SiriArc Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:19 am

    Snip From #2

    (Also to Be Found In MuTronic's Massive,
    "The teachings of Don Juan Matus" Thread:
    World and Other Worldly Cultures, Practices and Philosophies
    Shamanic Culture, Philososphy and Practices)

    "Well," he said, "you haven't heard all the claims yet. Wait a bit
    longer and see how you feel. I'm going to subject you to a blitz. That is, I'm
    going to subject your mind to tremendous onslaughts, and you cannot get up
    and leave because you're caught. Not because I'm holding you prisoner, but
    because something in you will prevent you from leaving, while another part
    of you is going to go truthfully berserk. So brace yourself!"

    There was something in me which was, I felt, a glutton for punishment.
    He was right. I wouldn't have left the house for the world. And yet I
    didn't like one bit the inanities he was spouting.

    "I want to appeal to your analytical mind," don Juan said. Think for a
    moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the
    intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs,
    or the stupidity of his contradictory behavior. Sorcerers believe that the
    predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil,
    our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations
    and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed,
    and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and

    "But how can they do this, don Juan?" I asked, somehow angered
    further by what he was saying. "Do they whisper all that in our ears while
    we are asleep?"

    "No, they don't do it that way. That's idiotic!" don Juan said, smiling.
    "They are infinitely more efficient and organized than that. In order to keep
    us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a
    stupendous maneuver-stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a
    fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those
    who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give
    us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque,
    contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute


    Posts : 23285
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
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    Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability Empty Re: Loops in the Universe - Entropy and Responsability

    Post  mudra Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:04 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:If God be for us - who can be against us.

    From the knowledge of God to the experience of God
    From brain to Heart
    Not out there but within always
    Beyond the veil of illusion...Source

    Love from me

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