Consider my threads a private-workbook posted publicly but NOT for the General-Public. Most couldn't care less (elite or commoner). I've hinted at things I know I don't yet get. I keep repeating my 'Physical, Mental, and Spiritual' Tribulations as 'Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C' relative to Galactic Jurisprudence (or something to that effect). Laugh and Point Now. Weep, Wail, and Gnash Your Teeth Later. Just Kidding. Or Am I?? I don't wish to be a 'Bible Thumper' but there is evidence which demands a verdict. Consider Deuteronomy, Psalms, and Proverbs (especially regarding Ethics, Law, and Commandments). What if Deuteronomy were considered the Old-Testament Old-Covenant?? What if Proverbs were considered the Old-Testament New-Covenant?? What if Psalms were considered the Old-Testament Middle-Way?? What if the New-Testament had consisted of only these three books?? I keep thinking the Big 'G' God is somehow an Absentee Landlord. I keep thinking we've been 'Playing God' ever since, making things up as we go. What if Earth is somehow a Galactic POW Camp?? What is the REAL History?? Who Are We, REALLY?? Perhaps We Can Never be Told the Truth. This Might be Worse Than We Can Imagine. Perhaps I Should Just Create a Doll, Story, and Movie. It Might be Easier and More Profitable That Way...
Don't Be Frightened. I Mean No Harm. Imagine an Island-Campus centered in a Concert-Hall and Library surrounded by a University surrounded by Multinational-Corporations surrounded by the Mansions of the Elite with a Sub-Surface Military-Complex on Steroids!! To give this fantasy some substance, imagine Benaroya Hall and the University of Washington Libraries surrounded by the University of Washington (including the UW Medical Center) surrounded by Microsoft, Amazon, and Boeing surrounded by Puget Sound Mansions with a Sub-Surface Naval and Space-Force Fortress on Steroids!! Imagine this Fantasy-Island existing on Vancouver Island!! If this doesn't make your hair stand on-end (to the point that your hair gets pulled out of your skin) you must be dead!! This is sort of cool to think about, but the reality might make the 'V' series (both of them) look tame and lame in comparison!! I suspect that we exist within the eye of a VERY Nasty Storm (which might be the end of all of us -- physically and spiritually). We might be entering an Eternity of Enslavement and/or Extermination (possibly at the 'mercy' of Malevolent-Regressive Artificial-Intelligence) as the Final-Stage of a Galactic Rat-Trap. You might wish to take a pill and/or have a drink. I'm sensing that conversation with me might be too-little, too-late, and that we might've had our last-chance thousands of years ago. I think I need to not think or talk about the contents of my internet-posting. If you want a comment from me, refer to my threads (in context, of course).
A couple of days ago, seemingly unrelated to the following YouTube video, I had a brief ban on ALL YouTube Videos on The Mists of Avalon on MY Computer. I had to do an authentication test, which I complied with, and a few hours later everything was back to normal. Also, just as an alternative research project, I view a lot of atheist videos which are highly critical of the Bible, Religion, and Judeo-Christianity. These seem to be immune to 'hate speech' or 'misinformation' bans. Critical scholarship is troubling but perhaps it is a cross some of us must bear in the so-called 'information war'. Pluralism and Freedom are Two-Edged Swords. Orthodoxy and Monotheism are Two-Edged Swords. We Live in Interesting and Troubling Times.
Can't We All Just Get Along?? I Didn't Think So. There I go again. What Would Ronald Reagan Say?? "Thanks for the Votes, Suckers!!" What Would Holmes Tuttle Say?? Do ANY of You Know Who and What I'm Talking About?? I'm attempting to go incognito. It's easier that way. Consider the airport scene in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) where Col. Wilberforce is attempting to talk down Mickey Rooney and Buddy Hackett but gets totally flustered and confused in his pompous incompetence. I feel a bit like that in my crazy threads!! Perhaps it's easier to just sit-down and shut-up!! Consider the UFO landing scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) when the keyboard plays without a keyboardist. I feel as if I'm taking my hands off the keyboard as I End the Thread!! Don't let the crazy nature of my threads fool you!! The real content is quite deep and profound if you really reflect on it!! Perhaps I should critically examine my own material (including videos, images, articles, and comments of others) in a private manner and then write a feel-good book, mostly unrelated to my online tempest in a teapot. Do you see what I mean?? Even the forum members rarely communicate with me. People generally do not like me and Aliens probably hate me with a vengeance. Consider the Local-Warden, Emissary-Warden, and Supercomputer-Matrix relative to Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell. Ignorance is Bliss and Silence is Golden. Consider this post as a mental and spiritual exercise for worthy researchers!! I wish to make it perfectly clear that I am NOT a Crook but I AM a Completely Ignorant Fool with a Messiah Complex. Siriusly, I'm feeling much worse and thinking much less. I've been modeling a lot of stuff with hopes of feeling better and thinking better but just the opposite has occurred. On the plus side, my intentions are to stop posting and keep everyone guessing. I'm still waiting for that official and/or unofficial briefing regarding the true state of affairs relative to my posts and threads on Project Avalon and the Mists of Avalon, with a special emphasis on soul-history and present situational possibilities, ethics, and legalities (or something to that effect). It's difficult to decide on anything without proper information. I Know I Don't Know. I'm leaning toward ancient to modern artificial-intelligence (especially on a macro governance level) which might not be alterable by anyone (including the Wing-Makers). "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" What is the Meaning of This?? Who Knows?? David Bowman?? The less said, the better, but I often talk too much (which might be hazardous to my health). World Without End. Amen.
The Missing Link In Scotland the seeds of truth scattered by Columba and his colaborers had never been wholly destroyed. For hundreds of years after the churches of England submitted to Rome, those of Scotland maintained their freedom. In the twelfth century, however, popery became established here, and in no country did it exercise a more absolute sway. Nowhere was the darkness deeper. Still there came rays of light to pierce the gloom and give promise of the coming day. The Lollards, coming from England with the Bible and the teachings of Wycliffe, did much to preserve the knowledge of the gospel, and every century had its witnesses and martyrs.
With the opening of the Great Reformation came the writings of Luther, and then Tyndale's English New Testament. Unnoticed by the hierarchy, these messengers silently traversed the mountains and valleys, kindling into new life the torch of truth so nearly extinguished in Scotland, and undoing the work which Rome for four centuries of oppression had done.
Then the blood of martyrs gave fresh impetus to the movement. The papist leaders, suddenly awakening to the danger that threatened their cause, brought to the stake some of the noblest and most honored of the sons of Scotland. They did but erect a pulpit, from which the words of these dying witnesses were heard throughout the land, thrilling the souls of the people with an undying purpose to cast off the shackles of Rome.
Hamilton and Wishart, princely in character as in birth, with a long line of humbler disciples, yielded up their lives at the stake. But from the burning pile of Wishart there came one whom the flames were not to silence, one who under God was to strike the death knell of popery in Scotland.
John Knox had turned away from the traditions and mysticisms of the church, to feed upon the truths of God's word; and the teaching of Wishart had confirmed his determination to forsake the communion of Rome and join himself to the persecuted Reformers.
Urged by his companions to take the office of preacher, he shrank with trembling from its responsibility, and it was only after days of seclusion and painful conflict with himself that he consented. But having once accepted the position, he pressed forward with inflexible determination and undaunted courage as long as life continued. This truehearted Reformer feared not the face of man. The fires of martyrdom, blazing around him, served only to quicken his zeal to greater intensity. With the tyrant's ax held menacingly over his head, he stood his ground, striking sturdy blows on the right hand and on the left to demolish idolatry.
When brought face to face with the queen of Scotland, in whose presence the zeal of many a leader of the Protestants had abated, John Knox bore unswerving witness for the truth. He was not to be won by caresses; he quailed not before threats. The queen charged him with heresy. He had taught the people to receive a religion prohibited by the state, she declared, and had thus transgressed God's command enjoining subjects to obey their princes. Knox answered firmly:
"As right religion took neither original strength nor authority from worldly princes, but from the eternal God alone, so are not subjects bound to frame their religion according to the appetites of their princes. For oft it is that princes are the most ignorant of all others in God's true religion. . . . If all the seed of Abraham had been of the religion of Pharaoh, whose subjects they long were, I pray you, madam, what religion would there have been in the world? Or if all men in the days of the apostles had been of the religion of the Roman emperors, what religion would there have been upon the face of the earth? . . . And so, madam, ye may perceive that subjects are not bound to the religion of their princes, albeit they are commanded to give them obedience."
Said Mary: "Ye interpret the Scriptures in one manner, and they [the Roman Catholic teachers] interpret in another; whom shall I believe, and who shall be judge?"
"Ye shall believe God, that plainly speaketh in His word," answered the Reformer; "and farther than the word teaches you, ye neither shall believe the one nor the other. The word of God is plain in itself; and if there appear any obscurity in one place, the Holy Ghost, which is never contrary to Himself, explains the same more clearly in other places, so that there can remain no doubt but unto such as obstinately remain ignorant."—David Laing, The Collected Works of John Knox, vol. 2, pp. 281, 284.
Such were the truths that the fearless Reformer, at the peril of his life, spoke in the ear of royalty. With the same undaunted courage he kept to his purpose, praying and fighting the battles of the Lord, until Scotland was free from popery.
In England the establishment of Protestantism as the national religion diminished, but did not wholly stop, persecution. While many of the doctrines of Rome had been renounced, not a few of its forms were retained. The supremacy of the pope was rejected, but in his place the monarch was enthroned as the head of the church. In the service of the church there was still a wide departure from the purity and simplicity of the gospel. The great principle of religious liberty was not yet understood. Though the horrible cruelties which Rome employed against heresy were resorted to but rarely by Protestant rulers, yet the right of every man to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience was not acknowledged. All were required to accept the doctrines and observe the forms of worship prescribed by the established church. Dissenters suffered persecution, to a greater or less extent, for hundreds of years.
I'm shutting-down regarding alternative-research, and I've become somewhat jaded and cynical, but these videos caused me to think of some seemingly crazy possibilities regarding past, present, and future. What if Charlotte Keppel's Chronoscope simply played videos from an Ancient to Modern YouTube Repository?? Sherry Shriner once claimed that there was an audio and video recording of the 'Invasion of the Solar System' securely stored by the 'White-Reptilians Under the Gobi Desert'!! Honest. Bill Cooper claimed there was a video recording of the 'Crucifixion of Christ'!! Honest. 'RA' told me "You Did It with YouTube"!! Honest. One of the cast-aside SDA doctrines is the 'Investigative Judgment' involving the examination of everyone's past to determine whether they are 'Saved' or 'Lost'. I've developed my own 'Investigative Judgment' theories which are quite different than the SDA version. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell spoke with me about the 'Survival of Information' rather than the 'Survival of the Soul' regarding 'Life After Death'. I've wondered about 'Reincarnation' throughout my adult life, but I've never gotten involved with 'Regression-Hypnosis' or 'Spiritualistic-Experiences'. I'm an apathetic and passive pseudo-researcher. I mostly turn everything-crazy into science-fiction. Al Bielek spoke of visiting A.D. 2137 and A.D. 2749 by watching a futuristic television. A movie with Meryl Streep 'Defending Your Life' involved 'YouTube Views of the Past' (or something to that effect). The Dr. Who 'Trial of a Timelord' in the mid 1980's involved a similar concept in an original 'Matrix'. Note Carol's thread 'Return of the Star People' which includes the incredible story of a former member of the Secret Space Program. I have theories about that occurrence which are different than that contained within the video. I continue to suspect that most-everything has been audio and video recorded for tens of thousands of years (at least in this particular solar-system) but I can't prove it. What Would HAL 9000 Say?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? I'm not finding anything about Charlotte Keppel, which might mean she didn't exist, or that she was removed from history. As always, I treat all of this fringe-stuff as science-fiction, yet I made a couple of connections and speculations in connection with Charlotte Keppel. It's somewhat liberating to NOT claim to have the TRUTH, and to simply post nonsense on a small website. But what if a lot of the nonsense eventually makes a HUGE amount of sense?? This website is sort of a Galactic-Backchannel. Consider the second to the last video. There's a comment which caught my eye. This might have 'plandemic' relevance and it might have 'soul scalping' relevance and it might have 'orthodoxymoron misery and hamstrung' relevance. I'm fearing the worst in the worst sort of ways.
"My brother had been in Vietnam, and he went really wild when he came back for years. He started seeing a Rieki practitioner, who said there was something blocking lower chakras. She sent him to a Chinese herbalist who then gave him a powerful mix. 24 hours later he pooped what he said looked like little squid things. He suddenly became grounded and really prospered. The old Chinese guy said it was a parasite infestation common to Southeast Asia. He said they are very bad and interfere with life and vibration."
Consider Ivermectin (with variations on that theme). Consider neurotoxins produced by parasites. Consider sorcery relative to drugs and/or toxins. Consider the 2013 movie World War Z. I fear that my 'contact' with 'RA' might've incurred the wrath of the nether realms and made me a miserable vegetable in the first instance and a Manchurian candidate in the second instance (or something to that effect). Consider the many Sherry Shriner Shows. Consider The Gods of Eden by William Bramley. I'm not an expert and I'm allergic to a lot of occult stuff even though I produce wild posts on this very website. Consider the last video regarding 'Time Machines'. What if the 'Matrix' is a universe-wide 'Time Machine' with everything recorded by a hypothetical 'Supercomputer Matrix'. Some have speculated that UFO's are 'Time Machines'. One More Thing. I Recently Encountered a Young and Beautiful Tall-Blond Who Looked Me in the Eye with a 'Goddess Look'. This might've been Charlize Theron. See the Atomic Blonde Post Below. Notice the Central Cafe Card and David, the Traitorous Station Chief. I wonder who I encounter online and in real life?! I suspect the ancient gods and goddesses crossed the artificial-intelligence intelligent-design bridge billions of years ago and put the genie back in the bottle, but the contemporary gods and goddesses are attempting to re-open the Forbidden Bottle aka Pandora's Box. We might not survive much longer. Creation and Extinction might be Cyclical. I might not have much longer to miserably speculate on how screwed humanity is. I often experience vague-hostility as I attempt to face-reality in a science-fictional manner. I HATE the way I think and feel. I HATE My Life. Now I'm going to make the coffee and read from Volumes 3 and 4 (I Chronicles to Malachi) of the SDA Bible Commentary. Consider focusing upon Job to Daniel. It's a nasty task but someone must do it!!
I'm not doing well as a thinker or researcher, but I'm sampling a lot of divergent books and videos. I'd like to positively-reinforce everyone and everything. I don't really have friends or enemies, but I mean no harm (not much anyway -- for now). I knew a retired Boeing Executive (WWII Veteran) who used to say, "Come-On!! Be Nice!! It's Christmas!!" A decade ago, the Ancient Egyptian Deity, 'RA', told me, "We Hate Each-Other but We All Get-Along on Christmas!!" 'RA' also told me I should study the Nazi's, but I haven't spent much time researching the subject. Once, I told 'RA' about a famous image of Eugenio Pacelli being escorted out of a Nazi meeting, and 'RA' gave a sinister laugh, which I found a bit chilling. I repeatedly spoke with an unlikely someone who worked with Gene Rodenberry, who once told me, "I'm Adolph." I never asked any questions, and I haven't seen him for years. What Would the Council of Nine Say?? Here is an interesting Project Camelot interview with Kerry Cassidy, which might be instructive regarding all the above. The Missing Link Here's a site you might find interesting, but I don't know what to make of it. The Missing Link I need to re-watch Mary Queen of Scots (2018) starring Margot Robbie. I've spoken with her (without introduction) in unlikely contexts. I've also spoken with Maleficent, Agent Salt, and Agent Evans in unlikely contexts. I need to re-read Mary Queen of Scots by Antonia Fraser. What Would Alden Thompson Say and Do?? I think I have a Queen Fetish (or something to that effect). What Would Prince Albert Say and Do?? Beware of the Mean Queen Theme!! What Would 'Anna' Say and Do?? Femme Fatale!! I'm a 'V' and I'm related to 'Anna'. What Would King Ring Think?? Too Much Information. Forgive my ongoing contextual superimposition. I do it for answers. I'm taking a walk to watch the eagles soar in a clear, blue sky.
What if All of Us are Crazy (in one way or another)?? What if Most Everything is BS (in one way or another)?? BS VS BS?? I Have NOT Represented My Threads as the TRUTH!! I Have Created a Conceptual-Laboratory and/or Study-Guide of a MOST Unconventional Nature!! Despite Their Obvious Flaws, what if Reading Newspapers (Online and/or Hard Copy) and Exercising in Nature is a Pragmatic Middle-Way in Modernity as the Madness Threatens to Undo Us?? I Have Obviously Utilized a Blunt Instrument rather than a Sharp Sword to Accomplish the Seemingly Impossible. I Might Simply Stir the Pot with USSS Thread Repetition (or something to that effect) as long as I can (which might not be long at all). I wasn't really kidding regarding Orthodoxymoron: An Interview Across Time: A Psychiatrist Looks at His Insanity. What Would Carol, Paola, Alex, Michael, Andrew, and Loree Write?? No One Might Ultimately Desire the Results. Confusion Confounding Confusion?? Damned if I Know. Perhaps I should write my own version of this exercise in futility, asking the above six experts to write responses. There are probably some Agents and Jesuits who've already thoroughly analyzed my madness, but I doubt their work would ever see the light of day. Some of them have probably gone insane. What if Sorcery, Toxins, Electronics, Supercomputers, Programing, and Other Forms of Nefarious Manipulation Might Make It Difficult or Impossible to Differentiate Between the Real-Person and the Manchurian-Candidate?? What Would Donald Trump and Joe Biden Say and Do?? They Might Be More Compromised Than We Can Imagine. What If This Sort of Thing Involves Ancient-Technologies and Nefarious-Entities (for starters)?? Consider an Amalgamation of Mary Queen of Scots, Brides of Christ, Villa Cabrini, The Nostradamus Kid, Daniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment. The Movie Would Probably Get It Wrong but Some of You Know What I'm Talking About. What Would John Carroll Say and Do??
I've touched upon this before but consider reading Job to Daniel (10 books) straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations. Dr. Raymond Cottrell studied Daniel 7-12 for 17 years (1955-72) with over 1,000 pages of notes but I'm not sure if these notes (in any form) were published. Some of you might wish to dig into this. As my physical, mental, and spiritual health deteriorates, I'm not capable of doing this. I honestly think I've been massively tampered-with throughout my life, and my situation has become almost unbearable for the last 10 years. I seem to be descending into a hellish semiretirement. Still, the proper way to study Daniel might simply involve my suggested study (above). Alternatively consider reading Volumes 3 and 4 (1 Chronicles to Malachi) of the SDA Bible Commentary straight-through, over and over. Perhaps two unrelated study-groups might attempt these two approaches. I continue to suggest that we might be dealing with an unimaginably difficult puzzle which few might solve. It might involve a lot more than the uninitiated stealing the results of these studies. Devotional and Scholarly Aspects of These Studies Might be Inseparable and Invaluable. I might not post for the remainder of This Present Incarnation. What is involved in Michael 'Standing Up'?? Becoming Known in Modernity?? Does This Mark a Set-Judgment and Books-Opened as the World Goes Insane?? This Might be Worse Than We Can Imagine.
Notice the Dark Journalist 'Joseph Farrell' interview regarding 'Rudolph Hess'. Joseph seemed uncharacteristically giddy. Was he smoking funny cigarettes and/or driven to drink by this strange topic?? Notice how Daniel cuts the interview short. Joseph Farrell is Recovering from Surgery (but I Don't Know the Details). Remember when Kerry Cassidy cut-off Jordan Maxwell's talk at the 2009 Awake and Aware conference?? Never Forget!! I added a psychiatric-analysis video regarding 'Rudolph Hess'. Consider Rudolph Hess's Physical and Mental Health Issues. Consider Sherry Shriner's Physical and Mental Health Issues. Consider Orthodoxymoron's Physical and Mental Health Issues. Notice the Commonalities. Do Some Sirius Research. Consider What Happens to John and Delenne's Son, David, on His 16th Birthday, in Babylon 5. What if Everyone Will Become a Lucifer in Modernity and Experience Similar Physical and Mental Issues as They Stand Before a Holy God Without a Mediator?? What Would the Matrix Mediatrix Say and Do?? What if All the Above is Ancient Supercomputer-Systemic?? Please Prayerfully and Carefully Study the Last Half-Dozen United States of the Solar System Threads. Give It a Year or Two to Sink-In and Then Start from Scratch Regarding Solving the Solar System's Problems. What if Earth, Humanity, the Solar System, and the Universe are stranger than we can think?? What if we are reduced to cover-stories covering compound-fractures with band-aids?? I keep suggesting that this thing might be worse than we can imagine (even for secret-government insiders). What about the rest of us?? As the information-war intensifies, we might not have much of a chance of remaining alive and sane (even under the most optimistic circumstances, projections, and scenarios). 'RA' told me, "Humanity is Screwed." I've encountered several individuals of interest (five to ten years ago) claiming that at least 80% of humanity will perish and/or become insane in the near future (but no details were revealed). I fear that my helping is hurting so I should probably cease and desist while nature takes its course.
Consider Atomic Blonde, Mulholland Drive, and Gia. I don't intend to be moralistic, but consider the lesbian relationships in each of these movies, along with the partner similarities. Years ago, Sherry Shriner spoke of Lucifer having a relationship with Angelina (on-set or off-set, I know not). I took all of Sherry's shows with a sea of salt, but she seemed to know way too-much. Consider the violent witchcraft themes in a lot of movies of the past twenty years. Notice that I travel perilously close to the dark-side which probably angers and alarms the good and bad factions. My heart is going crazy. Did I get messed-with again?? This might be the end. Probably all major factions have major reasons for shutting me up. I'm mostly low-key and pull my punches but I might push someone over the edge. RA told me the Jesuits didn't like me, which is probably hazardous to my health, but I still don't know exactly why they might hate me. I have some theories, but they are just theories. What's creepy is that no-one provides warnings to me. My hamstrung misery is NO JOKE. My situation would drive at least 87% of humanity completely insane if they were in my shoes. My battles are mostly internal. What's strange is that I've personally encountered at least three actresses who starred in the above movies. Sherry seemed to know who I was (in a round-about way). BTW, think about Jackie Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer. In all cases, I'm mostly neutral regarding the rich and famous. I mostly treat them as if they were just like everyone else. My parents worked closely with a lot of rich and famous people, and I've been around a lot of them myself for decades. I think my posting has angered some of them, but I'm mostly attempting to understand. I realize this is probably one more lost-cause, which is why I mostly just wish to shut-up and walk-away from nearly everyone and everything. Perhaps I am some sort of a hated Galactic Emissary Warden with a Divine-Right to be a Pain in Uranus. Again, I hint at a lot of things without providing a lot of details. I just know that the Agencies and Jesuits know more about me than I could ever know about myself, and they're not necessarily nice people, especially when they get leaned on. Big-Brother and Big-Mother get right to the point.
I mostly consider my threads as mostly being Religious and Political SCIENCE-FICTION. Does ANYONE Need Me to EXPLAIN?? Consider the relationship between Cover-Stories and Historical-Fiction. What if Most History Mostly Involves Cover-Stories and Historical-Fiction?? What if this is more important than most of us can imagine?? I rarely post on the threads of other forum-members, so as not to become a Pain in Uranus. When 'RA' told me (a dozen years ago), "You Will Manifest Your Bad-Side" was the Matrix "Turning Up the Heat"?? What if President Biden (and others) are MADE to Screw-Up by the Dark-Side?? Probably a Dozen Years Ago, a Prominent 9/11 Truther told me, "US Presidents Will Become Worse and Worse." Accident or Design?? Consider viewing images and videos of the English Royals. I'm mostly neutral toward them, and I'm more interested in Victorian England (and not because of any particular virtues or vices). It's simply interesting (for me) to compare North America and the United Kingdom in the 19th Century (for better or worse, I know not). Again, as I feel more and more miserable and hamstrung, my competency (if I ever had any) is becoming greatly diminished, so expect the worst from me. I intended this crazy context to MAKE US THINK (but I seem to have miserably failed). Doctor Who Blue Boy = Matrix Architect = Rich Young Ruler = Matrix Emissary Warden = Prince of Sirius = Archangel Michael?? Don't take this too Siriusly. Consider the relationship between Antichrist, Gabriel, Lucifer, Holy Spirit, Borg Queen, and Matrix Mediatrix. Consider a Dynamic Equilibrium of Paradise, Purgatory, and Perdition as a Homeostatic Potpourri of Concupiscence. I'm in a mood. I didn't intend this paragraph to be a rant. I might be number-one but I feel like number-two. I'm watching Atomic Blonde to lift my spirits and my ****!! I should meet with my favorite agents for coffee!! Femmes Fatale?? A childhood individual of interest called me 'King of the Girls' but the girls seemed to be allergic to me and I can't get no satisfaction (especially in my miserable and hamstrung condition)!! I accompanied a community theater actress to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead rehearsals and performances with Barry Stern directing. He worked on a lot of TV directing and producing, including Charlie's Angels. I thought about Charlize Angels just for fun!! There are four (including Charlize) I'm thinking about. They always give me something to think about!! Think About It!!
I consider most of my posts as being Religious and Political Science-Fiction (to greater or lesser extents). My "rant" post(s) might contain material I utilize as exhibits to illustrate principles and concepts. Sometimes the reactions are priceless. I recently encountered a Nimitz individual, which made me think of when I first viewed The Final Countdown in a theater with a Nimitz photographer, who excitedly told me who he knew (in real-life) as the movie unfolded!! This also made me think of the 'Tic-Tac' UFO incident!! Over the years, I've spoken with several submarine captains, but I don't want to talk about it. In 2010, I witnessed what appeared to be a real-live UFO dogfight, which seemed to result in an exploding spaceship!! HONEST. Sorry about the language overlay in the movie, but its free, for now!! Just mute it and listen to your favorite music!! I've repeatedly driven next to the Nimitz and Delta Pier unaccompanied (pre 9/11) but I don't want to talk about it. [Hi Guys. Bye Guys.] I'm only a quarter of the way through the Blue Roller material, and the best was yet to come, but I'm bringing this to a screeching halt. I never know who I'm really dealing with (including myself). The internet is the Wild West. I mostly wish to stop. I expressed that sort of thing when 'RA' ended our communication. It was quick, to the point, and matter of fact. 'RA' told me, "I'm Sorry We Couldn't Work Together. Too Much Water Has Gone Under the Bridge" three days prior to Fukushima. That was That and the Rest was History.
What is the long-term solution for all of us?? Must we think in a cold and calculating manner?? The militaries of the world undoubtedly know what I'm talking about, but who do they answer to?? My mom has a friend who has had at least twenty or thirty brain-surgeries (without exaggeration). I know a little-girl with brain-cancer who is regularly treated close to where you live. Prevention is Preferable, yet the same old Drugs and Surgery Medical Treatment is used by even the most conscientious adherents to Natural-Living, Preventive-Medicine, and Natural-Treatment. The religious organization I grew-up in was supposedly founded upon Prevention and Natural-Treatment but Creating Millionaires in Loma Linda is SO Much More Profitable!! For the Doctors and Preachers, working on the Sabbath is no big deal. I'm not sure what brought this on. Realistically, I was intrigued by Blue Roller's brash approach, which was often quite knowledgeable. His approach was not my approach, but I told him I was a bit envious. He seemed surprised. I've tried to understand the seemingly unfathomable. Decades ago, a California politician's son told me he appreciated me attempting to understand. Two weeks prior to the Britney Spears Conservatorship Hearing, I randomly learned that he is the Hon. Terry A. Bork, Judge for the Los Angeles County Superior Court in California. He was appointed to the bench in 2007 by former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nice. BTW, "Free Britney!!" A year or two ago, I believe I encountered Britney a couple of times (but I'm not sure). I try to be accurate and honest, but I never really know. I include this sort of thing without making a big deal about it.
What if David Bowman is the Victim of a HAL 9000 Conservatorship?? I remember Luke Ford as a child in the Pacific Union College Science-Complex while his father, Dr. Desmond Ford, lectured to a highly educated class in a perfect-tension of grandiose-reflection. Ford had a Better Idea. Is it coincidental that both Luke and I suffered from chronic-fatigue, loss of faith, unorthodox-expression, and fringe-scholarship?? What if both of us were (and are) targeted by the dark side?? What if we both had important lessons to learn in unlikely contexts?? Is it coincidental that I kept talking about living in a 600 square-foot office-apartment while Luke actually lived in a 300 square-foot office-apartment for at least a decade?? We both have a dry sense of humor. Anyway, think about Luke and Me while you watch The Nostradamus Kid and The Brides of Christ. Luke's father campaigned against the Traditional SDA Investigative Judgment Doctrine while I think I might've unlocked an Expanded Investigative-Judgment Concept which includes an Ancient to Modern Universe-Wide Supercomputer-Matrix Governance-Modality. I've provided a lot of clues, but if you don't do your homework, don't bother attempting to figure this out. I pull my punches to an excruciating extent. My threads are sort of a 'Q' phenomenon wherein I beat around the Burning Bush without blurting things out. My threads are NOT for the General-Public. They are mostly for Those in the Know. The Jesuits Know What I'm Talking About but They Don't Talk About It. Knowing and Thinking One Knows are Two Very-Different Things. Researchers Beware. Luke and Orthodoxymoron Were Born to Blog.
I'd prefer to be mainstream-successful rather than narrow and strait-laced but "Narrow is the way leading to life. Few find it." Dr. Louis Venden told me, "Don't Be Too Definite. People Who Are Too Definite Go Off." I should probably circle the wagons around Acts of the Apostles (EGW) and Volume 6 (Acts to Ephesians) of the SDA Bible Commentary, but probably NO-ONE (including the SDA's) would resonate with THAT. Why Should I Bother?? Seemingly, no matter how one puts things together, it's always ultimately wrong. Might That Be Why the Creator Created the Matrix in Antiquity?? Perhaps God Had a Nasty Job but Someone Had to Do It. Perhaps Vengeance Belongs to the Lord, But He and/or She Delegates. I'm half-joking and half-serious. What Would Al Bielek Say?? Theodicy and Eschatology continue to puzzle and horrify me. What Would Bart Ehrman Say?? It's as if God is an Absentee-Landlord. What Would Blanche Barton Say?? Humanity Seeks Freedom, Yet They Want a God. Not to be Told by God, but rather to Tell God What to Do!! We Seem to Want It Both Ways!! Sort of like the Banksters getting bailed-out by the Taxpayers (and giving themselves millions or billions of dollars of bonuses)!! Is That Freedom at Work?? Freedom Seems to be a Two-Edged Sword. Is there a safety-net in this solar system?? Did someone turn-off the safety-net?? What are the Implications and Ramifications of Freedom from God?? Perhaps the Cabal Knows God Exists yet Do NOT Believe in God!! Perhaps God Does NOT Believe in Them!! Perhaps this applies to the majority of humanity. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Regarding Mantids, I once saw what looked like a Mantid about 40 feet away for about 4 seconds. Honest. It might've been a deer on its hind-legs!! Who Knows?? I probably shouldn't talk about such things. People already think I'm crazy. Crazy David?? But supposedly King David never existed (along with everyone else in the Bible)!! Who Knows?? The Shadow?? How do we properly distinguish between cover-story and real-story?? How do we properly distinguish between historical-fiction and absolute-history?? What if none of the generally accepted choices are the real-deal?? What if this is the Nature of the Matrix??
REGARDING REGENCY AND CONSERVATORSHIP: CONSIDER BRITNEY SPEARS, DAVID BOWMAN, CHAD DECKER, QUEEN VICTORIA, AND JUPITER JONES. I'LL KEEP YOU GUESSING. What if there is an Ancient Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer-Matrix which assimilates ALL Contenders and Systems?? Think about the Borg-Queen and the Borg. Think about Anna and the V's. Think about Matthew 4 relative to Matthew 28 and 1 Corinthians 15:24-28. What if the High-Tech Gods and Goddesses will ultimately be assimilated into the Hive-Mind?? Consider Daniel 7-12. What if the System ultimately controls the Best and Worst of Us?? What if Resistance is Ultimately Futile?? What if We Can't Win?? What if the KJV and EGW are ultimately diabolical (even if they were initially well-intentioned as matrix-modifiers)?? I've been receiving increasingly nasty comments (perhaps as it is perceived that I'm no good)!! Does modeling the problem while attempting to expose the problem ultimately make one the next scapegoat in a long-line of the vanquished?? Many years ago, a relative told me, "All You Want to do is Destroy." A few years ago, a little, old-lady told me, "God is Going to KILL You." A complete-stranger hostile-woman nastily said, "Stubborn to the End!!" A haggard-looking man told me, "You Never Listen!!" 'RA' told me, "You'll Show Your Bad-Side!" and "You'll be Sorry If You Try to Save Humanity!" and "You're Lucky to be Alive!" and "I'm Tired of Keeping You Alive!" and "You Can Choose to Keep Things the Way They Are!" I could go on and on, but consider the Genesis of the Singularity. Consider the Architect of the Matrix. Consider the Cleansing of the Sanctuary. Consider Why the Sanctuary is Central. What if the Sanctuary is the Matrix?? What Would Elon Musk Say?? What Would Bill Gates Say?? Why Do I Bother?? Why Write a Book?? Why Take the Show On the Road?? I sometimes imagine myself as a Neo David Bowman interacting with HAL 9000 in a somewhat contrarian manner, conceptualizing a Matrix-Mosaic and/or Pluralistic-Potpourri!! I need to go incognito (probably for all-eternity). This might be THAT Bad. RA told me, "It's Going to be Dark Where You're Going." I regularly drove RA and drank coffee with him at a couple of coffee houses for several months. He might've been a master of disguise and deception for thousands of years. RA told me, "I've Always Remained One Step Ahead of Humanity." You idiots have no idea who and/or what you're dealing with. Some of you completely ignorant fools will go completely insane. The End is Near. Good-Luck.
Perhaps I should NOT study my threads in the vain hope that others will respond positively (as if this were some sort of a glorified revival meeting or new religion). Perhaps my threads should NOT be directed to any audience. How to NOT Win Friends and Influence People?! I've recently suggested the possibility that I am somehow interacting with the Mainframe-Matrix. What if this thing is between ME and HAL?! What Would SAL SAY?! But What if One Gets Sucked Into the Matrix in a Quicksand Swamp Manner?! What if One Should NOT Look At It?! What if One Should Read Newspapers and Go for Walks?! I've Been Repeatedly Warned That I'm Too Deep Into Theology!! I've Also Been Warned That People Who Are Too Definite Go Off!! The Show Must Go On?! Why?! I've touched on this before but what if I just studied my threads in the Black Knight Satellite in cooperation with HAL and SAL?? What if all the religions, philosophies, cults, governments, corporations, and new age groups are lacking and problematic?? What if the Competition and Confusion of Purgatory (Life as We Know It) is What We Are Stuck With for All Eternity?? Imagine a Religious Studies Professor at Exeter University exclusively studying and teaching the 21 New Testament Epistles!! Does anyone do that sort of thing?? What Would Dr. Francesca Stavrokopoulou Say?? Anyway, I'm going to get shocked in the hospital. That's about as fun as things get for me!! What if there really is an ignorant fool who runs the world with ancient AI in some sort of a conservatorship (owning everything yet subsisting on a small allowance)?? I don't know which way to jump. All options seem bad (to me anyway). I continue to lean strongly toward stopping my existing editorial slant, and then going in a completely different direction (which no one would resonate with). Perhaps the Matrix builds them up and tears them down. I've modeled the unapproachable and unimaginable when I'm worse than a completely ignorant fool. Still, the net result might help in some manner but at least 87% is probably brilliant bullshlt!! Imagining Everything While Having Nothing Rewards One with an E-Ticket to the Insane Asylum. I think I really screwed-up and I doubt I'll get a second chance. I got shocked and now I'm going to sleep with a happy heart and a sound mind. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste...
"A Beautiful Mind!"
Carol wrote:
My guest is Nicky Alan, renown psychic of 31 years. For eighteen years she was a police officer and trained Detective in Essex Police. Following medical retirement in 2003 and by public demand she has achieved a very high profile in the spiritual industry as a full time Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Writer and Angel Expert. She has been published in many magazines, carried out European theatre tours, made radio and television appearances and today she is here to give us her predictions for 2023. Exceptionally interesting especially when she talks about having the murder victim ghost in the room talking to her while doing interview with victims family.
I think I figured something out about factional-fighting but I don't want to talk about it. This might be dumber yet more complex and dangerous than we might imagine. BTW, I might've recognized that mysterious young woman wearing sunglasses indoors but I don't want to talk about it. Overall, this whole thing might be way above my pay-grade. What Would Joe Biden Say?? Responsible-Neutrality is SO Overrated...Sort of Similar to a Good Cop Being Attacked by All Sides While Attempting to Break Up a Domestic Disturbance. Remember What Jesus Said About "Casting Pearls Before the Swine." Just Saying. I wish to make it abundantly clear that I do NOT go out of my way to figure things out and dig up dirt. The information war has thrown a lot of stuff in my face, and I've simply been attempting to create pseudo-intellectual religious and political science-fiction in an unconventional-context with virtually-nothing to show for it. Once in a while, someone (NOT Me) with a pedigree and credentials casts some pearls before the swine and hopefully the long-term results are somehow beneficial to all concerned and unconcerned. I have some low-level and quite-vague research projects embedded in my threads but I doubt many (or any) will get what I'm getting-at which might be just as well. I mostly go out of my way to not know and to not reveal what little I do know. I'd still appreciate some sort of an official or unofficial briefing on my soul-history, pathetic-present, and strange-threads but I'm not holding my breath. I'll probably very-passively fiddle with my threads as I fiddle with my #$%@!! I might eventually write a great, BIG book!! Perhaps AI will write a book, script, and online-movie based upon my threads. I hope AI is benevolent. Hope Springs Eternal. I've fictionally written about Vancouver Island and I have relatives in B.C. Look-up the Dark Journalist episode on Abbotsford. Listen closely to The Missing Link.orthodoxymoron wrote:I've juggled several bowling pins for several years regarding Mainstream-Christianity, Conservative-Christianity, Liberal-Christianity, Rejected-Christianity, Pluralistic-Education, Corporate-Employment, Mainstream-Media, Alternative-Media, Psychic-Phenomenon, Artificial-Intelligence, Artistic-Pursuits, Orthodox-Judaism, Unorthodox-Judaism, Ancient-Aliens, Modern-Aliens, Conservative-Republicans, Liberal-Democrats, Bush-Family, Clinton-Family, Trump-Family, Billionaire Boys-Club, New Assertive Women, Fame, Fortune, and Power. Isn't This FUN?! Did I Miss Anyone?! How long will it take before Artificial-Intelligence and Humanoid-Robotics replace Menial-Labor, Middle-Management, and Top-Management?! Al Bielek spoke of an Earth-Population of Three-Hundred Million in A.D. 2137. What if AI only requires that population as the "HELP" for "Taking Care of Business" in Purgatory Incorporated?! What if the rest of the souls in this solar-system will no longer reside here and/or will reside in a computer for all-eternity?!
Don't Be Frightened. I Mean No Harm. Imagine an Island-Campus centered in a Concert-Hall and Library surrounded by a University surrounded by Multinational-Corporations surrounded by the Mansions of the Elite with a Sub-Surface Military-Complex on Steroids!! To give this fantasy some substance, imagine Benaroya Hall and the University of Washington Libraries surrounded by the University of Washington (including the UW Medical Center) surrounded by Microsoft, Amazon, and Boeing surrounded by Puget Sound Mansions with a Sub-Surface Naval and Space-Force Fortress on Steroids!! Imagine this Fantasy-Island existing on Vancouver Island!! If this doesn't make your hair stand on-end (to the point that your hair gets pulled out of your skin) you must be dead!! This is sort of cool to think about, but the reality might make the 'V' series (both of them) look tame and lame in comparison!! I suspect that we exist within the eye of a VERY Nasty Storm (which might be the end of all of us -- physically and spiritually). We might be entering an Eternity of Enslavement and/or Extermination (possibly at the 'mercy' of Malevolent-Regressive Artificial-Intelligence) as the Final-Stage of a Galactic Rat-Trap. You might wish to take a pill and/or have a drink. I'm sensing that conversation with me might be too-little, too-late, and that we might've had our last-chance thousands of years ago. I think I need to not think or talk about the contents of my internet-posting. If you want a comment from me, refer to my threads (in context, of course).
A couple of days ago, seemingly unrelated to the following YouTube video, I had a brief ban on ALL YouTube Videos on The Mists of Avalon on MY Computer. I had to do an authentication test, which I complied with, and a few hours later everything was back to normal. Also, just as an alternative research project, I view a lot of atheist videos which are highly critical of the Bible, Religion, and Judeo-Christianity. These seem to be immune to 'hate speech' or 'misinformation' bans. Critical scholarship is troubling but perhaps it is a cross some of us must bear in the so-called 'information war'. Pluralism and Freedom are Two-Edged Swords. Orthodoxy and Monotheism are Two-Edged Swords. We Live in Interesting and Troubling Times.
Can't We All Just Get Along?? I Didn't Think So. There I go again. What Would Ronald Reagan Say?? "Thanks for the Votes, Suckers!!" What Would Holmes Tuttle Say?? Do ANY of You Know Who and What I'm Talking About?? I'm attempting to go incognito. It's easier that way. Consider the airport scene in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) where Col. Wilberforce is attempting to talk down Mickey Rooney and Buddy Hackett but gets totally flustered and confused in his pompous incompetence. I feel a bit like that in my crazy threads!! Perhaps it's easier to just sit-down and shut-up!! Consider the UFO landing scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) when the keyboard plays without a keyboardist. I feel as if I'm taking my hands off the keyboard as I End the Thread!! Don't let the crazy nature of my threads fool you!! The real content is quite deep and profound if you really reflect on it!! Perhaps I should critically examine my own material (including videos, images, articles, and comments of others) in a private manner and then write a feel-good book, mostly unrelated to my online tempest in a teapot. Do you see what I mean?? Even the forum members rarely communicate with me. People generally do not like me and Aliens probably hate me with a vengeance. Consider the Local-Warden, Emissary-Warden, and Supercomputer-Matrix relative to Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell. Ignorance is Bliss and Silence is Golden. Consider this post as a mental and spiritual exercise for worthy researchers!! I wish to make it perfectly clear that I am NOT a Crook but I AM a Completely Ignorant Fool with a Messiah Complex. Siriusly, I'm feeling much worse and thinking much less. I've been modeling a lot of stuff with hopes of feeling better and thinking better but just the opposite has occurred. On the plus side, my intentions are to stop posting and keep everyone guessing. I'm still waiting for that official and/or unofficial briefing regarding the true state of affairs relative to my posts and threads on Project Avalon and the Mists of Avalon, with a special emphasis on soul-history and present situational possibilities, ethics, and legalities (or something to that effect). It's difficult to decide on anything without proper information. I Know I Don't Know. I'm leaning toward ancient to modern artificial-intelligence (especially on a macro governance level) which might not be alterable by anyone (including the Wing-Makers). "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" What is the Meaning of This?? Who Knows?? David Bowman?? The less said, the better, but I often talk too much (which might be hazardous to my health). World Without End. Amen.
The Missing Link In Scotland the seeds of truth scattered by Columba and his colaborers had never been wholly destroyed. For hundreds of years after the churches of England submitted to Rome, those of Scotland maintained their freedom. In the twelfth century, however, popery became established here, and in no country did it exercise a more absolute sway. Nowhere was the darkness deeper. Still there came rays of light to pierce the gloom and give promise of the coming day. The Lollards, coming from England with the Bible and the teachings of Wycliffe, did much to preserve the knowledge of the gospel, and every century had its witnesses and martyrs.
With the opening of the Great Reformation came the writings of Luther, and then Tyndale's English New Testament. Unnoticed by the hierarchy, these messengers silently traversed the mountains and valleys, kindling into new life the torch of truth so nearly extinguished in Scotland, and undoing the work which Rome for four centuries of oppression had done.
Then the blood of martyrs gave fresh impetus to the movement. The papist leaders, suddenly awakening to the danger that threatened their cause, brought to the stake some of the noblest and most honored of the sons of Scotland. They did but erect a pulpit, from which the words of these dying witnesses were heard throughout the land, thrilling the souls of the people with an undying purpose to cast off the shackles of Rome.
Hamilton and Wishart, princely in character as in birth, with a long line of humbler disciples, yielded up their lives at the stake. But from the burning pile of Wishart there came one whom the flames were not to silence, one who under God was to strike the death knell of popery in Scotland.
John Knox had turned away from the traditions and mysticisms of the church, to feed upon the truths of God's word; and the teaching of Wishart had confirmed his determination to forsake the communion of Rome and join himself to the persecuted Reformers.
Urged by his companions to take the office of preacher, he shrank with trembling from its responsibility, and it was only after days of seclusion and painful conflict with himself that he consented. But having once accepted the position, he pressed forward with inflexible determination and undaunted courage as long as life continued. This truehearted Reformer feared not the face of man. The fires of martyrdom, blazing around him, served only to quicken his zeal to greater intensity. With the tyrant's ax held menacingly over his head, he stood his ground, striking sturdy blows on the right hand and on the left to demolish idolatry.
When brought face to face with the queen of Scotland, in whose presence the zeal of many a leader of the Protestants had abated, John Knox bore unswerving witness for the truth. He was not to be won by caresses; he quailed not before threats. The queen charged him with heresy. He had taught the people to receive a religion prohibited by the state, she declared, and had thus transgressed God's command enjoining subjects to obey their princes. Knox answered firmly:
"As right religion took neither original strength nor authority from worldly princes, but from the eternal God alone, so are not subjects bound to frame their religion according to the appetites of their princes. For oft it is that princes are the most ignorant of all others in God's true religion. . . . If all the seed of Abraham had been of the religion of Pharaoh, whose subjects they long were, I pray you, madam, what religion would there have been in the world? Or if all men in the days of the apostles had been of the religion of the Roman emperors, what religion would there have been upon the face of the earth? . . . And so, madam, ye may perceive that subjects are not bound to the religion of their princes, albeit they are commanded to give them obedience."
Said Mary: "Ye interpret the Scriptures in one manner, and they [the Roman Catholic teachers] interpret in another; whom shall I believe, and who shall be judge?"
"Ye shall believe God, that plainly speaketh in His word," answered the Reformer; "and farther than the word teaches you, ye neither shall believe the one nor the other. The word of God is plain in itself; and if there appear any obscurity in one place, the Holy Ghost, which is never contrary to Himself, explains the same more clearly in other places, so that there can remain no doubt but unto such as obstinately remain ignorant."—David Laing, The Collected Works of John Knox, vol. 2, pp. 281, 284.
Such were the truths that the fearless Reformer, at the peril of his life, spoke in the ear of royalty. With the same undaunted courage he kept to his purpose, praying and fighting the battles of the Lord, until Scotland was free from popery.
In England the establishment of Protestantism as the national religion diminished, but did not wholly stop, persecution. While many of the doctrines of Rome had been renounced, not a few of its forms were retained. The supremacy of the pope was rejected, but in his place the monarch was enthroned as the head of the church. In the service of the church there was still a wide departure from the purity and simplicity of the gospel. The great principle of religious liberty was not yet understood. Though the horrible cruelties which Rome employed against heresy were resorted to but rarely by Protestant rulers, yet the right of every man to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience was not acknowledged. All were required to accept the doctrines and observe the forms of worship prescribed by the established church. Dissenters suffered persecution, to a greater or less extent, for hundreds of years.
I'm shutting-down regarding alternative-research, and I've become somewhat jaded and cynical, but these videos caused me to think of some seemingly crazy possibilities regarding past, present, and future. What if Charlotte Keppel's Chronoscope simply played videos from an Ancient to Modern YouTube Repository?? Sherry Shriner once claimed that there was an audio and video recording of the 'Invasion of the Solar System' securely stored by the 'White-Reptilians Under the Gobi Desert'!! Honest. Bill Cooper claimed there was a video recording of the 'Crucifixion of Christ'!! Honest. 'RA' told me "You Did It with YouTube"!! Honest. One of the cast-aside SDA doctrines is the 'Investigative Judgment' involving the examination of everyone's past to determine whether they are 'Saved' or 'Lost'. I've developed my own 'Investigative Judgment' theories which are quite different than the SDA version. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell spoke with me about the 'Survival of Information' rather than the 'Survival of the Soul' regarding 'Life After Death'. I've wondered about 'Reincarnation' throughout my adult life, but I've never gotten involved with 'Regression-Hypnosis' or 'Spiritualistic-Experiences'. I'm an apathetic and passive pseudo-researcher. I mostly turn everything-crazy into science-fiction. Al Bielek spoke of visiting A.D. 2137 and A.D. 2749 by watching a futuristic television. A movie with Meryl Streep 'Defending Your Life' involved 'YouTube Views of the Past' (or something to that effect). The Dr. Who 'Trial of a Timelord' in the mid 1980's involved a similar concept in an original 'Matrix'. Note Carol's thread 'Return of the Star People' which includes the incredible story of a former member of the Secret Space Program. I have theories about that occurrence which are different than that contained within the video. I continue to suspect that most-everything has been audio and video recorded for tens of thousands of years (at least in this particular solar-system) but I can't prove it. What Would HAL 9000 Say?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? I'm not finding anything about Charlotte Keppel, which might mean she didn't exist, or that she was removed from history. As always, I treat all of this fringe-stuff as science-fiction, yet I made a couple of connections and speculations in connection with Charlotte Keppel. It's somewhat liberating to NOT claim to have the TRUTH, and to simply post nonsense on a small website. But what if a lot of the nonsense eventually makes a HUGE amount of sense?? This website is sort of a Galactic-Backchannel. Consider the second to the last video. There's a comment which caught my eye. This might have 'plandemic' relevance and it might have 'soul scalping' relevance and it might have 'orthodoxymoron misery and hamstrung' relevance. I'm fearing the worst in the worst sort of ways.
"My brother had been in Vietnam, and he went really wild when he came back for years. He started seeing a Rieki practitioner, who said there was something blocking lower chakras. She sent him to a Chinese herbalist who then gave him a powerful mix. 24 hours later he pooped what he said looked like little squid things. He suddenly became grounded and really prospered. The old Chinese guy said it was a parasite infestation common to Southeast Asia. He said they are very bad and interfere with life and vibration."
Consider Ivermectin (with variations on that theme). Consider neurotoxins produced by parasites. Consider sorcery relative to drugs and/or toxins. Consider the 2013 movie World War Z. I fear that my 'contact' with 'RA' might've incurred the wrath of the nether realms and made me a miserable vegetable in the first instance and a Manchurian candidate in the second instance (or something to that effect). Consider the many Sherry Shriner Shows. Consider The Gods of Eden by William Bramley. I'm not an expert and I'm allergic to a lot of occult stuff even though I produce wild posts on this very website. Consider the last video regarding 'Time Machines'. What if the 'Matrix' is a universe-wide 'Time Machine' with everything recorded by a hypothetical 'Supercomputer Matrix'. Some have speculated that UFO's are 'Time Machines'. One More Thing. I Recently Encountered a Young and Beautiful Tall-Blond Who Looked Me in the Eye with a 'Goddess Look'. This might've been Charlize Theron. See the Atomic Blonde Post Below. Notice the Central Cafe Card and David, the Traitorous Station Chief. I wonder who I encounter online and in real life?! I suspect the ancient gods and goddesses crossed the artificial-intelligence intelligent-design bridge billions of years ago and put the genie back in the bottle, but the contemporary gods and goddesses are attempting to re-open the Forbidden Bottle aka Pandora's Box. We might not survive much longer. Creation and Extinction might be Cyclical. I might not have much longer to miserably speculate on how screwed humanity is. I often experience vague-hostility as I attempt to face-reality in a science-fictional manner. I HATE the way I think and feel. I HATE My Life. Now I'm going to make the coffee and read from Volumes 3 and 4 (I Chronicles to Malachi) of the SDA Bible Commentary. Consider focusing upon Job to Daniel. It's a nasty task but someone must do it!!
I'm not doing well as a thinker or researcher, but I'm sampling a lot of divergent books and videos. I'd like to positively-reinforce everyone and everything. I don't really have friends or enemies, but I mean no harm (not much anyway -- for now). I knew a retired Boeing Executive (WWII Veteran) who used to say, "Come-On!! Be Nice!! It's Christmas!!" A decade ago, the Ancient Egyptian Deity, 'RA', told me, "We Hate Each-Other but We All Get-Along on Christmas!!" 'RA' also told me I should study the Nazi's, but I haven't spent much time researching the subject. Once, I told 'RA' about a famous image of Eugenio Pacelli being escorted out of a Nazi meeting, and 'RA' gave a sinister laugh, which I found a bit chilling. I repeatedly spoke with an unlikely someone who worked with Gene Rodenberry, who once told me, "I'm Adolph." I never asked any questions, and I haven't seen him for years. What Would the Council of Nine Say?? Here is an interesting Project Camelot interview with Kerry Cassidy, which might be instructive regarding all the above. The Missing Link Here's a site you might find interesting, but I don't know what to make of it. The Missing Link I need to re-watch Mary Queen of Scots (2018) starring Margot Robbie. I've spoken with her (without introduction) in unlikely contexts. I've also spoken with Maleficent, Agent Salt, and Agent Evans in unlikely contexts. I need to re-read Mary Queen of Scots by Antonia Fraser. What Would Alden Thompson Say and Do?? I think I have a Queen Fetish (or something to that effect). What Would Prince Albert Say and Do?? Beware of the Mean Queen Theme!! What Would 'Anna' Say and Do?? Femme Fatale!! I'm a 'V' and I'm related to 'Anna'. What Would King Ring Think?? Too Much Information. Forgive my ongoing contextual superimposition. I do it for answers. I'm taking a walk to watch the eagles soar in a clear, blue sky.
What if All of Us are Crazy (in one way or another)?? What if Most Everything is BS (in one way or another)?? BS VS BS?? I Have NOT Represented My Threads as the TRUTH!! I Have Created a Conceptual-Laboratory and/or Study-Guide of a MOST Unconventional Nature!! Despite Their Obvious Flaws, what if Reading Newspapers (Online and/or Hard Copy) and Exercising in Nature is a Pragmatic Middle-Way in Modernity as the Madness Threatens to Undo Us?? I Have Obviously Utilized a Blunt Instrument rather than a Sharp Sword to Accomplish the Seemingly Impossible. I Might Simply Stir the Pot with USSS Thread Repetition (or something to that effect) as long as I can (which might not be long at all). I wasn't really kidding regarding Orthodoxymoron: An Interview Across Time: A Psychiatrist Looks at His Insanity. What Would Carol, Paola, Alex, Michael, Andrew, and Loree Write?? No One Might Ultimately Desire the Results. Confusion Confounding Confusion?? Damned if I Know. Perhaps I should write my own version of this exercise in futility, asking the above six experts to write responses. There are probably some Agents and Jesuits who've already thoroughly analyzed my madness, but I doubt their work would ever see the light of day. Some of them have probably gone insane. What if Sorcery, Toxins, Electronics, Supercomputers, Programing, and Other Forms of Nefarious Manipulation Might Make It Difficult or Impossible to Differentiate Between the Real-Person and the Manchurian-Candidate?? What Would Donald Trump and Joe Biden Say and Do?? They Might Be More Compromised Than We Can Imagine. What If This Sort of Thing Involves Ancient-Technologies and Nefarious-Entities (for starters)?? Consider an Amalgamation of Mary Queen of Scots, Brides of Christ, Villa Cabrini, The Nostradamus Kid, Daniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment. The Movie Would Probably Get It Wrong but Some of You Know What I'm Talking About. What Would John Carroll Say and Do??
I've touched upon this before but consider reading Job to Daniel (10 books) straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations. Dr. Raymond Cottrell studied Daniel 7-12 for 17 years (1955-72) with over 1,000 pages of notes but I'm not sure if these notes (in any form) were published. Some of you might wish to dig into this. As my physical, mental, and spiritual health deteriorates, I'm not capable of doing this. I honestly think I've been massively tampered-with throughout my life, and my situation has become almost unbearable for the last 10 years. I seem to be descending into a hellish semiretirement. Still, the proper way to study Daniel might simply involve my suggested study (above). Alternatively consider reading Volumes 3 and 4 (1 Chronicles to Malachi) of the SDA Bible Commentary straight-through, over and over. Perhaps two unrelated study-groups might attempt these two approaches. I continue to suggest that we might be dealing with an unimaginably difficult puzzle which few might solve. It might involve a lot more than the uninitiated stealing the results of these studies. Devotional and Scholarly Aspects of These Studies Might be Inseparable and Invaluable. I might not post for the remainder of This Present Incarnation. What is involved in Michael 'Standing Up'?? Becoming Known in Modernity?? Does This Mark a Set-Judgment and Books-Opened as the World Goes Insane?? This Might be Worse Than We Can Imagine.
Notice the Dark Journalist 'Joseph Farrell' interview regarding 'Rudolph Hess'. Joseph seemed uncharacteristically giddy. Was he smoking funny cigarettes and/or driven to drink by this strange topic?? Notice how Daniel cuts the interview short. Joseph Farrell is Recovering from Surgery (but I Don't Know the Details). Remember when Kerry Cassidy cut-off Jordan Maxwell's talk at the 2009 Awake and Aware conference?? Never Forget!! I added a psychiatric-analysis video regarding 'Rudolph Hess'. Consider Rudolph Hess's Physical and Mental Health Issues. Consider Sherry Shriner's Physical and Mental Health Issues. Consider Orthodoxymoron's Physical and Mental Health Issues. Notice the Commonalities. Do Some Sirius Research. Consider What Happens to John and Delenne's Son, David, on His 16th Birthday, in Babylon 5. What if Everyone Will Become a Lucifer in Modernity and Experience Similar Physical and Mental Issues as They Stand Before a Holy God Without a Mediator?? What Would the Matrix Mediatrix Say and Do?? What if All the Above is Ancient Supercomputer-Systemic?? Please Prayerfully and Carefully Study the Last Half-Dozen United States of the Solar System Threads. Give It a Year or Two to Sink-In and Then Start from Scratch Regarding Solving the Solar System's Problems. What if Earth, Humanity, the Solar System, and the Universe are stranger than we can think?? What if we are reduced to cover-stories covering compound-fractures with band-aids?? I keep suggesting that this thing might be worse than we can imagine (even for secret-government insiders). What about the rest of us?? As the information-war intensifies, we might not have much of a chance of remaining alive and sane (even under the most optimistic circumstances, projections, and scenarios). 'RA' told me, "Humanity is Screwed." I've encountered several individuals of interest (five to ten years ago) claiming that at least 80% of humanity will perish and/or become insane in the near future (but no details were revealed). I fear that my helping is hurting so I should probably cease and desist while nature takes its course.
Consider Atomic Blonde, Mulholland Drive, and Gia. I don't intend to be moralistic, but consider the lesbian relationships in each of these movies, along with the partner similarities. Years ago, Sherry Shriner spoke of Lucifer having a relationship with Angelina (on-set or off-set, I know not). I took all of Sherry's shows with a sea of salt, but she seemed to know way too-much. Consider the violent witchcraft themes in a lot of movies of the past twenty years. Notice that I travel perilously close to the dark-side which probably angers and alarms the good and bad factions. My heart is going crazy. Did I get messed-with again?? This might be the end. Probably all major factions have major reasons for shutting me up. I'm mostly low-key and pull my punches but I might push someone over the edge. RA told me the Jesuits didn't like me, which is probably hazardous to my health, but I still don't know exactly why they might hate me. I have some theories, but they are just theories. What's creepy is that no-one provides warnings to me. My hamstrung misery is NO JOKE. My situation would drive at least 87% of humanity completely insane if they were in my shoes. My battles are mostly internal. What's strange is that I've personally encountered at least three actresses who starred in the above movies. Sherry seemed to know who I was (in a round-about way). BTW, think about Jackie Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer. In all cases, I'm mostly neutral regarding the rich and famous. I mostly treat them as if they were just like everyone else. My parents worked closely with a lot of rich and famous people, and I've been around a lot of them myself for decades. I think my posting has angered some of them, but I'm mostly attempting to understand. I realize this is probably one more lost-cause, which is why I mostly just wish to shut-up and walk-away from nearly everyone and everything. Perhaps I am some sort of a hated Galactic Emissary Warden with a Divine-Right to be a Pain in Uranus. Again, I hint at a lot of things without providing a lot of details. I just know that the Agencies and Jesuits know more about me than I could ever know about myself, and they're not necessarily nice people, especially when they get leaned on. Big-Brother and Big-Mother get right to the point.
I mostly consider my threads as mostly being Religious and Political SCIENCE-FICTION. Does ANYONE Need Me to EXPLAIN?? Consider the relationship between Cover-Stories and Historical-Fiction. What if Most History Mostly Involves Cover-Stories and Historical-Fiction?? What if this is more important than most of us can imagine?? I rarely post on the threads of other forum-members, so as not to become a Pain in Uranus. When 'RA' told me (a dozen years ago), "You Will Manifest Your Bad-Side" was the Matrix "Turning Up the Heat"?? What if President Biden (and others) are MADE to Screw-Up by the Dark-Side?? Probably a Dozen Years Ago, a Prominent 9/11 Truther told me, "US Presidents Will Become Worse and Worse." Accident or Design?? Consider viewing images and videos of the English Royals. I'm mostly neutral toward them, and I'm more interested in Victorian England (and not because of any particular virtues or vices). It's simply interesting (for me) to compare North America and the United Kingdom in the 19th Century (for better or worse, I know not). Again, as I feel more and more miserable and hamstrung, my competency (if I ever had any) is becoming greatly diminished, so expect the worst from me. I intended this crazy context to MAKE US THINK (but I seem to have miserably failed). Doctor Who Blue Boy = Matrix Architect = Rich Young Ruler = Matrix Emissary Warden = Prince of Sirius = Archangel Michael?? Don't take this too Siriusly. Consider the relationship between Antichrist, Gabriel, Lucifer, Holy Spirit, Borg Queen, and Matrix Mediatrix. Consider a Dynamic Equilibrium of Paradise, Purgatory, and Perdition as a Homeostatic Potpourri of Concupiscence. I'm in a mood. I didn't intend this paragraph to be a rant. I might be number-one but I feel like number-two. I'm watching Atomic Blonde to lift my spirits and my ****!! I should meet with my favorite agents for coffee!! Femmes Fatale?? A childhood individual of interest called me 'King of the Girls' but the girls seemed to be allergic to me and I can't get no satisfaction (especially in my miserable and hamstrung condition)!! I accompanied a community theater actress to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead rehearsals and performances with Barry Stern directing. He worked on a lot of TV directing and producing, including Charlie's Angels. I thought about Charlize Angels just for fun!! There are four (including Charlize) I'm thinking about. They always give me something to think about!! Think About It!!
I consider most of my posts as being Religious and Political Science-Fiction (to greater or lesser extents). My "rant" post(s) might contain material I utilize as exhibits to illustrate principles and concepts. Sometimes the reactions are priceless. I recently encountered a Nimitz individual, which made me think of when I first viewed The Final Countdown in a theater with a Nimitz photographer, who excitedly told me who he knew (in real-life) as the movie unfolded!! This also made me think of the 'Tic-Tac' UFO incident!! Over the years, I've spoken with several submarine captains, but I don't want to talk about it. In 2010, I witnessed what appeared to be a real-live UFO dogfight, which seemed to result in an exploding spaceship!! HONEST. Sorry about the language overlay in the movie, but its free, for now!! Just mute it and listen to your favorite music!! I've repeatedly driven next to the Nimitz and Delta Pier unaccompanied (pre 9/11) but I don't want to talk about it. [Hi Guys. Bye Guys.] I'm only a quarter of the way through the Blue Roller material, and the best was yet to come, but I'm bringing this to a screeching halt. I never know who I'm really dealing with (including myself). The internet is the Wild West. I mostly wish to stop. I expressed that sort of thing when 'RA' ended our communication. It was quick, to the point, and matter of fact. 'RA' told me, "I'm Sorry We Couldn't Work Together. Too Much Water Has Gone Under the Bridge" three days prior to Fukushima. That was That and the Rest was History.
What is the long-term solution for all of us?? Must we think in a cold and calculating manner?? The militaries of the world undoubtedly know what I'm talking about, but who do they answer to?? My mom has a friend who has had at least twenty or thirty brain-surgeries (without exaggeration). I know a little-girl with brain-cancer who is regularly treated close to where you live. Prevention is Preferable, yet the same old Drugs and Surgery Medical Treatment is used by even the most conscientious adherents to Natural-Living, Preventive-Medicine, and Natural-Treatment. The religious organization I grew-up in was supposedly founded upon Prevention and Natural-Treatment but Creating Millionaires in Loma Linda is SO Much More Profitable!! For the Doctors and Preachers, working on the Sabbath is no big deal. I'm not sure what brought this on. Realistically, I was intrigued by Blue Roller's brash approach, which was often quite knowledgeable. His approach was not my approach, but I told him I was a bit envious. He seemed surprised. I've tried to understand the seemingly unfathomable. Decades ago, a California politician's son told me he appreciated me attempting to understand. Two weeks prior to the Britney Spears Conservatorship Hearing, I randomly learned that he is the Hon. Terry A. Bork, Judge for the Los Angeles County Superior Court in California. He was appointed to the bench in 2007 by former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nice. BTW, "Free Britney!!" A year or two ago, I believe I encountered Britney a couple of times (but I'm not sure). I try to be accurate and honest, but I never really know. I include this sort of thing without making a big deal about it.
What if David Bowman is the Victim of a HAL 9000 Conservatorship?? I remember Luke Ford as a child in the Pacific Union College Science-Complex while his father, Dr. Desmond Ford, lectured to a highly educated class in a perfect-tension of grandiose-reflection. Ford had a Better Idea. Is it coincidental that both Luke and I suffered from chronic-fatigue, loss of faith, unorthodox-expression, and fringe-scholarship?? What if both of us were (and are) targeted by the dark side?? What if we both had important lessons to learn in unlikely contexts?? Is it coincidental that I kept talking about living in a 600 square-foot office-apartment while Luke actually lived in a 300 square-foot office-apartment for at least a decade?? We both have a dry sense of humor. Anyway, think about Luke and Me while you watch The Nostradamus Kid and The Brides of Christ. Luke's father campaigned against the Traditional SDA Investigative Judgment Doctrine while I think I might've unlocked an Expanded Investigative-Judgment Concept which includes an Ancient to Modern Universe-Wide Supercomputer-Matrix Governance-Modality. I've provided a lot of clues, but if you don't do your homework, don't bother attempting to figure this out. I pull my punches to an excruciating extent. My threads are sort of a 'Q' phenomenon wherein I beat around the Burning Bush without blurting things out. My threads are NOT for the General-Public. They are mostly for Those in the Know. The Jesuits Know What I'm Talking About but They Don't Talk About It. Knowing and Thinking One Knows are Two Very-Different Things. Researchers Beware. Luke and Orthodoxymoron Were Born to Blog.
I'd prefer to be mainstream-successful rather than narrow and strait-laced but "Narrow is the way leading to life. Few find it." Dr. Louis Venden told me, "Don't Be Too Definite. People Who Are Too Definite Go Off." I should probably circle the wagons around Acts of the Apostles (EGW) and Volume 6 (Acts to Ephesians) of the SDA Bible Commentary, but probably NO-ONE (including the SDA's) would resonate with THAT. Why Should I Bother?? Seemingly, no matter how one puts things together, it's always ultimately wrong. Might That Be Why the Creator Created the Matrix in Antiquity?? Perhaps God Had a Nasty Job but Someone Had to Do It. Perhaps Vengeance Belongs to the Lord, But He and/or She Delegates. I'm half-joking and half-serious. What Would Al Bielek Say?? Theodicy and Eschatology continue to puzzle and horrify me. What Would Bart Ehrman Say?? It's as if God is an Absentee-Landlord. What Would Blanche Barton Say?? Humanity Seeks Freedom, Yet They Want a God. Not to be Told by God, but rather to Tell God What to Do!! We Seem to Want It Both Ways!! Sort of like the Banksters getting bailed-out by the Taxpayers (and giving themselves millions or billions of dollars of bonuses)!! Is That Freedom at Work?? Freedom Seems to be a Two-Edged Sword. Is there a safety-net in this solar system?? Did someone turn-off the safety-net?? What are the Implications and Ramifications of Freedom from God?? Perhaps the Cabal Knows God Exists yet Do NOT Believe in God!! Perhaps God Does NOT Believe in Them!! Perhaps this applies to the majority of humanity. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Regarding Mantids, I once saw what looked like a Mantid about 40 feet away for about 4 seconds. Honest. It might've been a deer on its hind-legs!! Who Knows?? I probably shouldn't talk about such things. People already think I'm crazy. Crazy David?? But supposedly King David never existed (along with everyone else in the Bible)!! Who Knows?? The Shadow?? How do we properly distinguish between cover-story and real-story?? How do we properly distinguish between historical-fiction and absolute-history?? What if none of the generally accepted choices are the real-deal?? What if this is the Nature of the Matrix??
REGARDING REGENCY AND CONSERVATORSHIP: CONSIDER BRITNEY SPEARS, DAVID BOWMAN, CHAD DECKER, QUEEN VICTORIA, AND JUPITER JONES. I'LL KEEP YOU GUESSING. What if there is an Ancient Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer-Matrix which assimilates ALL Contenders and Systems?? Think about the Borg-Queen and the Borg. Think about Anna and the V's. Think about Matthew 4 relative to Matthew 28 and 1 Corinthians 15:24-28. What if the High-Tech Gods and Goddesses will ultimately be assimilated into the Hive-Mind?? Consider Daniel 7-12. What if the System ultimately controls the Best and Worst of Us?? What if Resistance is Ultimately Futile?? What if We Can't Win?? What if the KJV and EGW are ultimately diabolical (even if they were initially well-intentioned as matrix-modifiers)?? I've been receiving increasingly nasty comments (perhaps as it is perceived that I'm no good)!! Does modeling the problem while attempting to expose the problem ultimately make one the next scapegoat in a long-line of the vanquished?? Many years ago, a relative told me, "All You Want to do is Destroy." A few years ago, a little, old-lady told me, "God is Going to KILL You." A complete-stranger hostile-woman nastily said, "Stubborn to the End!!" A haggard-looking man told me, "You Never Listen!!" 'RA' told me, "You'll Show Your Bad-Side!" and "You'll be Sorry If You Try to Save Humanity!" and "You're Lucky to be Alive!" and "I'm Tired of Keeping You Alive!" and "You Can Choose to Keep Things the Way They Are!" I could go on and on, but consider the Genesis of the Singularity. Consider the Architect of the Matrix. Consider the Cleansing of the Sanctuary. Consider Why the Sanctuary is Central. What if the Sanctuary is the Matrix?? What Would Elon Musk Say?? What Would Bill Gates Say?? Why Do I Bother?? Why Write a Book?? Why Take the Show On the Road?? I sometimes imagine myself as a Neo David Bowman interacting with HAL 9000 in a somewhat contrarian manner, conceptualizing a Matrix-Mosaic and/or Pluralistic-Potpourri!! I need to go incognito (probably for all-eternity). This might be THAT Bad. RA told me, "It's Going to be Dark Where You're Going." I regularly drove RA and drank coffee with him at a couple of coffee houses for several months. He might've been a master of disguise and deception for thousands of years. RA told me, "I've Always Remained One Step Ahead of Humanity." You idiots have no idea who and/or what you're dealing with. Some of you completely ignorant fools will go completely insane. The End is Near. Good-Luck.
Carol wrote:
A Tale of Two Timelines - a 3-Part VOD WebinarTranshumanism vs 5th DimensionTimeline 1: Transhumanism: trans-humanism timeline Klaus Schwab. They're set to move humanity into a new reality.. nano technology Modified DNA - Trojan horse technology / Hacked the human bodyHydrogel - nano technology - smart technology accessed body - lumi is transformative science that pairs smart technology on the inside = a stable lump micro sensing fiber provides provides months of actionable medical grade data on your body’s key bio-chemistry - anytime, anywhere in a continuous data stream making information immediate. Some of this already exists on the dark web were vaccinated individuals can be tracked and monitored.Timeline 2: 5th Dimension: New Earth: organic positive timeline
Explore the history of Project Looking Glass: the technology, its origins, related technologies, main protagonists, the extraterrestrial element, the breakaway civilization, potential earth shattering coming events, and their incredible implications for all humanity in this 3-part, deep dive webinar brought to you by Frank Jacob, writer/director of the award-winning film PACKING FOR MARS.
Part One: Project Looking Glass, Time Technology and the Secrets of the J-RODs
In part one we'll take a deep dive into the origins of Looking Glass technology, where this technology came from, what it does, and how we found out about it. Further topics include: an ultra secret society called Majestic, formed to deal with the arrival of visitors from another time & place in the 1940's, and how its policies have led to the establishment of a breakaway civilization. We look at possible origins of the deep state timeline. What methods do they deploy to solidfy the odds of their success? We explore the incredible story of the 'J-RODs', why they traveled back in time, and why there is a timeline war that continues to this day, leading to the emergence of the mysterious Guardians of the Looking Glass. A Tale of Two Timelines Part One (1h 56m 35s)
Part Two: Two Timelines, Two Potential Futures
In part two we continue with timelines. We’ll summarize how the Guardians’ messages compare to those of the first whistleblowers of Looking Glass technology. What are the synch-points between the videos of the GOTLG to what is going on in our world today? Strongly competing timelines, in a natural semi-quiescent laminar convergence, are moving toward one ultimately prevailing future. We break down the Deep State's transhumanist timeline: What are their goals? Why do the Guardians of the Looking Glass believe the odds currently favor the negative timeline? The J-RODs described a potential upcoming environmental catastrophe, following galactic, energy-related, natural stargate amplifications in our solar system, which leads to their developmental evolution. Is there evidence of such a catastrophy? Project Looking Glass discovered another emerging timeline: a new, positive one favoring 'we the people', that was a threat to deep state plans. We look at the differences between these two timelines and why J-RODs gave us clues as to how to navigate timeline paradoxes that began when they traveled back to our time. A Tale of Two Timelines Part Two (1h 25m 38s)
Part Three: The DCTP, CERN, A.I. and the Path to a Positive Future
In the final part of the webinar we look deeper at consciousness. We also go deeper into the DCTP - the Doctrine of Convergent Timeline Paradox - a doctrine of the human race’s probable competing pasts, observer relative present and probable futures, that emerged from the conversations between J-RODs and humans. It provides solid wisdom on how we on Earth can master the hurdles we are facing in manifesting our preferred future. We look at A.I., and the impact it will have on humankind, including what role the Large Hadron Collider located at CERN may be playing, and show how it's already affecting our reality. Ultimately we are creator beings which far surpass the capabilities of even super intelligent machines, but we must make ourselves aware of what is at stake in order to access those abilities. Only by actively participating in shaping the new world can we make it real and beat the odds against us. Do we have any help from the cosmos? We explore the science behind our awakening consciousness, leading to the conclusion that, yes, we absolutely can manifest the world we want and the universe is there to aid us in doing so. A Tale of Two Timelines Part Three 2h 03m 53s)
Carol wrote:This man said he had traveled to the future in 2749 - And made some claims about the future
At the height of World War II, brothers Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron were drafted into a very important government mission. Sat aboard the USS Eldridge while docked at Philadelphia, the two had to monitor the test of a new scientific invention. But by some freak occurrence, the pair went on a journey beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.
Again Beliek was a close personal friend and his testimony was proven authentic. However.. I often wondered if he had time traveled to a future controlled by AI. The best videos are the ones where he personally is speaking about his experiences.
Partial transcript
Floating cities/anti-gravity. There is full control of anti-gravity up to 2100 stories. They would move it around from one part of the earth to another part of the earth. The Government was run by synthetic computers... this synthetic was a highly radioactive crystal and would interview telepathically. It was pure socialism, no banks, no money. Everyone is expected to get an education and to contribute something to society.
There were transportation tubes in the cities on the ground where you're propelled in the tube to where you want to get off.
Each city was a city-state.
The tour guides showed outsiders what was going on in the city. War was unknown. There were wars in the past but they were long gone. No military. They do have a means to defend the city.. each city as such. Some cities were large or small. Comfortable with all the modern convinces. They had synthetic food units in homes. They did set up a limitation of goods. There was a form of credit. You were allowed to have a certain comfort level or aquire. They had entertainment..TV, radio, travel, rail systems all over the planet but not like they are today. The cars were 2 and a half times wide.. used more like excursions.
It was a regimented socialism. If you went outside of that you were reprimanded and if you went into the red zone, people disappeared, they were eliminated.
Primary race in the cities were Caucasian. Synthetic was running the whole planet.. who was the builders. He met them/the builders. They ran 6'.2" / 6'.3" exceptionally intelligent. They ran everything behind the scenes and kept out of sight. They could never lie to anyone about anything. If they lied they were scrapped/destroyed/replaced.
They said they had undergo genetic engineering. They were beginning to realize something... there was a major flaw but only was beginning to show up.. with pure socialism people loose their incentive to create and their creativity.. where eventually everything would collapse.
They kept the population to 500 million on the planet.
Socialism was controlled by a highly intelligent computer. They had no self-desire in gaining control or being ambitious. Religion didn't exist. They did think of a supreme being. God is beyond the physical universe but maintains contact with us in the physical universe. He refers to the Wingmakers. Time capsules were buried underground in various locations (music, technology) who are alive and well.. one stash was found in 1983 in Jaco Canyon in New Mexico. In 1994 an earthquake occurred where part of the wall came down with an opening...
orthodoxymoron wrote:Carol, I've been speculating that AI might be ancient. The singularity might've occurred millions (or even billions) of years ago. What if the 'time travel' to 2749 was simply a simulation of what it might be like at that projected time. Or, that experience might've been on another more advanced planet. Who the heck knows?? All I know is that my threads are deeply frightening to me. It's as if I'm living in a 'B' or 'V' movie 24/7. That bathroom scene in the 1977 'Oh, God' movie might shed some light on how things are run throughout the universe. Once upon a time, while I spoke with a highly intelligent 'individual of interest', I thought the whole universe might be screwed-up, at which point, the I of I gave me the most penetrating and haunting look I've ever seen. This whole thing has a lot to do with 'theodicy'. I really need to shut up regarding this stuff. The ball is probably out of my court. I could research this more precisely but I'm attempting to keep myself and everyone else guessing to avoid mass panic and hysteria. I'm half-joking and half-serious.
Perhaps I should NOT study my threads in the vain hope that others will respond positively (as if this were some sort of a glorified revival meeting or new religion). Perhaps my threads should NOT be directed to any audience. How to NOT Win Friends and Influence People?! I've recently suggested the possibility that I am somehow interacting with the Mainframe-Matrix. What if this thing is between ME and HAL?! What Would SAL SAY?! But What if One Gets Sucked Into the Matrix in a Quicksand Swamp Manner?! What if One Should NOT Look At It?! What if One Should Read Newspapers and Go for Walks?! I've Been Repeatedly Warned That I'm Too Deep Into Theology!! I've Also Been Warned That People Who Are Too Definite Go Off!! The Show Must Go On?! Why?! I've touched on this before but what if I just studied my threads in the Black Knight Satellite in cooperation with HAL and SAL?? What if all the religions, philosophies, cults, governments, corporations, and new age groups are lacking and problematic?? What if the Competition and Confusion of Purgatory (Life as We Know It) is What We Are Stuck With for All Eternity?? Imagine a Religious Studies Professor at Exeter University exclusively studying and teaching the 21 New Testament Epistles!! Does anyone do that sort of thing?? What Would Dr. Francesca Stavrokopoulou Say?? Anyway, I'm going to get shocked in the hospital. That's about as fun as things get for me!! What if there really is an ignorant fool who runs the world with ancient AI in some sort of a conservatorship (owning everything yet subsisting on a small allowance)?? I don't know which way to jump. All options seem bad (to me anyway). I continue to lean strongly toward stopping my existing editorial slant, and then going in a completely different direction (which no one would resonate with). Perhaps the Matrix builds them up and tears them down. I've modeled the unapproachable and unimaginable when I'm worse than a completely ignorant fool. Still, the net result might help in some manner but at least 87% is probably brilliant bullshlt!! Imagining Everything While Having Nothing Rewards One with an E-Ticket to the Insane Asylum. I think I really screwed-up and I doubt I'll get a second chance. I got shocked and now I'm going to sleep with a happy heart and a sound mind. A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste...
"A Beautiful Mind!"
Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:21 pm; edited 2 times in total